Essence of Christmas - Love!, The

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hristmas is spoken of as “the season of joy” and “a The less frenzied you are about creating the “perfect”

time of cheer.” But as Christmas comes around, do Christmas, the more time you’ll find to enjoy it. The less
C you sometimes experience things far from joy and stressed and pressured you are, the more happiness and joy
cheer? Do you find yourself bogged down and your days will fill the time you and your loved ones spend together.
filled with busyness? Are you weary after a long year and
Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn’t centered on
the numerous problems and difficulties that came your
decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is at its
way? Does Christmas seem like one more pressure, one
core. Love is the essence of Christmas. Christmas should
more demand on your time?
mean taking quality time with your family and friends.
All kinds of questions and concerns run through It’s about cherishing and celebrating the love you share.
your head as you weave together the Christmas season’s Sadly, love can get lost amidst the Christmas hustle and
events. Will your loved ones appreciate all that you put bustle. Sometimes it’s covered up by the decorations and
into making Christmas special for them? Will you be gifts, the endless shopping, and the Christmas dinner
able to fulfill their expectations? Will your plans come and parties.
to pass as you hope? Will this be a happy Christmas?
Christmas is a time of festivities, but there’s much more
Stop for a minute. You may not think you have time to to it than that. Christmas is My birthday. It’s a time to
stop, but you should anyway. I want to help you experience celebrate the greatest gift ever given to humanity. Can you
calm and peace this Yuletide. Instead of hoping to survive take a moment for Me now, in honor of My birthday? Can
the Christmas season, I’d like you to actually enjoy it! It you spare a minute to let Me tell you how much I love you?
will mean an exchange, though. You’ll have to give up Can you stop to thank Me for My love, and to reflect on how
something in your busy life so that you can make space for you can spread more love throughout the world?
something better.
It was love for you that brought Me to Earth 2,000 years
You may look at each Christmas as needing to be ago. It was love that gave Me the impetus to walk your
bigger and better than the last, and you anxiously fill up world and be one of you, to live and to die for you. Love
every moment making preparations toward that goal. But was, and still is, the core of My existence. Everything I have
sometimes less is more. Have you stopped to think about done has been out of love for you personally, and love for
whether all the running around is necessary? Is it really humankind as a whole. You mean that much to Me!
making your Christmas season and that of your loved
This Christmas season, take time for love. If you do,
ones happier? Or are you cutting out the truly important
you’ll be giving Me a wonderful gift, and you’ll make it
things in life in order to select the perfect gifts, arrange the
possible for Me to give you special gifts this year as well.
decorations impeccably, and gather the most sumptuous
ingredients for a dinner celebration? Celebrate love as the main feature of your holiday
celebrations. The festive decorations, the scrumptious food,
© 2006 The Family International. Art by Daniel Sky
Contact: Web: E-mail: [email protected]
—A message from Jesus
and help me to share that love with others too.
life. Please touch my life with the love You have to offer,
know You, to receive Your love, and Your gift of eternal
to celebrate this Christmas together with You. I want to
by coming to Earth, by living and dying for me. I want
Jesus, I thank You for the love You have shown me
something like this:
takes is inviting Him into your heart and life. You can say
the heart and soul of Christmas, you can now. All it
If you haven’t yet experienced Jesus’ beautiful love,
essence of Christmas—love!
have for what’s really important, what really matters, the
less you clutter your Christmas season, the more time you’ll
with fewer gifts and less than perfect Christmas events. The
Love means making time for others, even if you end up
that you’ll have shared and nurtured will live on forever.
The Essence of Christmas— among the memories of many Christmases; but the love
the many gifts, most of those will fade into oblivion, lost
hristmas is spoken of as “the season of joy” and “a The less frenzied you are about creating the “perfect”
time of cheer.” But as Christmas comes around, do Christmas, the more time you’ll find to enjoy it. The less
C you sometimes experience things far from joy and stressed and pressured you are, the more happiness and joy
cheer? Do you find yourself bogged down and your days will fill the time you and your loved ones spend together.
filled with busyness? Are you weary after a long year and
Christmas is best enjoyed when it isn’t centered on
the numerous problems and difficulties that came your
decorations, gifts, or festivities, but when love is at its
way? Does Christmas seem like one more pressure, one
core. Love is the essence of Christmas. Christmas should
more demand on your time?
mean taking quality time with your family and friends.
All kinds of questions and concerns run through It’s about cherishing and celebrating the love you share.
your head as you weave together the Christmas season’s Sadly, love can get lost amidst the Christmas hustle and
events. Will your loved ones appreciate all that you put bustle. Sometimes it’s covered up by the decorations and
into making Christmas special for them? Will you be gifts, the endless shopping, and the Christmas dinner
able to fulfill their expectations? Will your plans come and parties.
to pass as you hope? Will this be a happy Christmas?
Christmas is a time of festivities, but there’s much more
Stop for a minute. You may not think you have time to to it than that. Christmas is My birthday. It’s a time to
stop, but you should anyway. I want to help you experience celebrate the greatest gift ever given to humanity. Can you
calm and peace this Yuletide. Instead of hoping to survive take a moment for Me now, in honor of My birthday? Can
the Christmas season, I’d like you to actually enjoy it! It you spare a minute to let Me tell you how much I love you?
will mean an exchange, though. You’ll have to give up Can you stop to thank Me for My love, and to reflect on how
something in your busy life so that you can make space for you can spread more love throughout the world?
something better.
It was love for you that brought Me to Earth 2,000 years
You may look at each Christmas as needing to be ago. It was love that gave Me the impetus to walk your
bigger and better than the last, and you anxiously fill up world and be one of you, to live and to die for you. Love
every moment making preparations toward that goal. But was, and still is, the core of My existence. Everything I have
sometimes less is more. Have you stopped to think about done has been out of love for you personally, and love for
whether all the running around is necessary? Is it really humankind as a whole. You mean that much to Me!
making your Christmas season and that of your loved
This Christmas season, take time for love. If you do,
ones happier? Or are you cutting out the truly important
you’ll be giving Me a wonderful gift, and you’ll make it
things in life in order to select the perfect gifts, arrange the
possible for Me to give you special gifts this year as well.
decorations impeccably, and gather the most sumptuous
ingredients for a dinner celebration? Celebrate love as the main feature of your holiday
celebrations. The festive decorations, the scrumptious food,
© 2006 The Family International. Art by Daniel Sky
Contact: Web: E-mail: [email protected]
—A message from Jesus
and help me to share that love with others too.
life. Please touch my life with the love You have to offer,
know You, to receive Your love, and Your gift of eternal
to celebrate this Christmas together with You. I want to
by coming to Earth, by living and dying for me. I want
Jesus, I thank You for the love You have shown me
something like this:
takes is inviting Him into your heart and life. You can say
the heart and soul of Christmas, you can now. All it
If you haven’t yet experienced Jesus’ beautiful love,
essence of Christmas—love!
have for what’s really important, what really matters, the
less you clutter your Christmas season, the more time you’ll
with fewer gifts and less than perfect Christmas events. The
Love means making time for others, even if you end up
that you’ll have shared and nurtured will live on forever.
The Essence of Christmas— among the memories of many Christmases; but the love
the many gifts, most of those will fade into oblivion, lost

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