HRMDP M&E System

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Part 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Background and Rationale............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Objectives and Significance............................................................................................................................................... 6
PART II: HRMD M&E SUBSYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 HRMD M&E Subsystems..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 HRMD M&E Components.................................................................................................................................................... 9
PART III: ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRED BY THE SYSTEM.............................................................................................. 12
3.1 Policy................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Human Resource.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Infrastructure/Logistical Support....................................................................................................................................... 13
PART IV: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Indicators and the Means of Verification for each of domain of analysis...........................................................................15
4.2 Personnel Domain............................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.3 HR SYSTEMS................................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.4 HEALTH AND WELLNESS................................................................................................................................................. 75
4.5 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM................................................................................................................................. 88
4.6 Risk Identification, Evaluation and Management........................................................................................................... 106
4.7 Scheduling the Dimensions of M&E................................................................................................................................. 114
PART V: INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS............................................................................................................................... 117
AND ENGAGEMENT PROCESSES............................................................................................................................................... 117
5.1 Actors and Institutions................................................................................................................................................... 117
PART VI: SYSTEM REVIEW, ENHANCEMENT, AND SUSTAINABILITY MECHANISM......................................................................120
6.1 Learning/periodic re-evaluation mechanisms.................................................................................................................. 120
6.2 Adaptive Management Strategies.................................................................................................................................. 120
6.3 Sustainability Mechanisms and Requirements................................................................................................................ 120
evidence-based and results-oriented; (3)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY consultative and participatory; (4) gender-sensitive
and responsive; (5) culture responsive and
respective for cultural diversity; and (6) constructive
and progressive.

1. The HRMD M&E system is a platform of M&E 3. The overarching objective of this HRMD M&E system
processes and procedures which build on the is to put in place a mechanism that will ensure the
existing gains in HRMD that have been produced continuous monitoring and evaluation of
through deliberate effort from PGAS and through the competencies in order to generate adequate
support of development partners such as the information required in the development of multi-
Philippine-Australia Human Resource Development year HRMD plan, conduct of training and non-
Facility (PAHRDF) and the Provincial Roads training activities, and in the .
Management Facility (PRMF). It is in line with the
current thrust of PGAS to strengthen M&E in the 4. The HRMD M&E System consists of three
province to inform and enrich planning and subsystems, namely, the Knowledge Management
implementation processes and to provide decision- Subsystem, Enabling Environment and System
makers and various stakeholders adequate Review, Enhancement, and Sustainability Mechanism
information for a well-managed service delivery. Subsystem, and the Partnership and Consensus-
Guided by the theme of the integrated M&E Building Subsystem.
framework, which is “Managing Service Delivery
through an M&E-driven Local Development, this 5. The Knowledge Management Subsystem is governed
system aims to monitor and evaluate capacities and by the following question: How does the System
the HRMD plans, policies, and systems that shape operate? This subsystem looks into the domains of
such capacities in order to efficiently and effectively analysis; data requirements and sources and data
adapt to the changing operating environments of gathering procedures and techniques; assumptions,
PGAS. limitations, and risks; measurement processes and
techniques; ways and means for interpretation and
2. The HRMD M&E system is designed based from the
validation; and communication, procedures, tools,
guiding principles set in the integrated PGAS M&E and techniques.
framework, which are the following: (1) flexible; (2)

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6. The Enabling Environment and System Review, 8. The HRMD M&E system consists of two components,
Enhancement, and Sustainability subsystem is namely, the Capacity Development Component and
governed by the following two (2) questions: (1) the Knowledge Management/Communication
What are the enabling environments required by the Component. The Capacity Development component
System; and (2) How does the System innovate itself focuses on the human resource requirements of the
in a continuous, iterative manner? Under the first institution of the HRMD M&E system. It aims to
governing question, it will delve into the human assess the existing capacities and develop required
resource requirements, policy requirements, and competencies to ensure the sustainability of the
infrastructure/logistical support requirements. For HRMD M&E system. Capacities should be developed
the second governing question, the subsystem will and retained for plan monitoring. Since the system
delve into the learning/periodic re-evaluation is highly dependent to the Information Technology
mechanisms, resource requirements and sources of system, there will be a continuing in-house training
the innovation, the adaptive management strategy related to IT that will be implemented under this
to be employed for its sustainability, and the component.
sustainability mechanism that has to be in-place to
ensure the continuity of the gains. 9. Knowledge Management component focuses on
creating/gathering new/existing data and knowledge
7. The Partnership and Consensus-Building subsystem and ensures that such data and knowledge are
is governed by the followed question: “Who will be appropriately disseminated to ensure wide
engaged by the system and what are the ownership of the efforts related to HRMD M&E. This
engagement processes? This subsystem spells out component ensures that a communication plan is
the procedures and policies in identifying the actors installed in all phases related to the institution of
and institutions that will be engaged by the system HRMD M&E System and Tools. Further, this
and the level, type, and nature of their component ensures that logistical requirements are
engagements. This subsystem spells out the fully satisfied and in-place.
engagement processes that will be implemented to
ensure that there is wide representation in M&E 10. This HRMD M&E System covers 7 main
activities and ownership of M&E findings. domains, namely, Organization, Personnel, HR
Systems, Health and Wellness, and Capacity
Development. Under Organization are three sub-

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domains, which are Organizational Structure, the high level of satisfaction and security among
Organizational Performance, and Organizational PGAS officials and staff. Second is the enhanced
Competencies. Under Personnel are three sub- efficiency in service delivery. Enhanced institutional
domains, namely, Technical/Professional, capacity to design and implement transparent and
Managerial/Supervisory, and Non-technical. Under merit-based recruitment, selection, and promotion
HR systems are six (6) domains, namely, processes, comprehensive incentive-based
Recruitment, Promotion, Retention, Recognition and mechanisms, and accessible and responsive
Awards, Personnel Relations, and Retirement. Under grievance machinery is the expected immediate
Capacity Development are three sub-domains, outcome to be monitored and evaluated. There are
namely, Organizational Competencies, Management also two (2) intermediate outcomes that are being
and Supervision Competencies, and Technical monitored and evaluated, which are the high
Competencies. retention rate of competent officials and staff and
the high delivery rate of annual targets of the
11. The overall impact to be monitored and different departments.
evaluated under Organization is enhanced
stakeholders’ satisfaction through improved service 13. High achievement rate of individual
delivery of PGAS officials and staff. There are two performance targets and increased clients’
types of outcomes that will be monitored and satisfaction are the two expected impacts that are to
evaluated, which are immediate outcome and be monitored and evaluated under Health and
intermediate outcomes. The immediate outcome is Wellness. Improved health and wellness status of
enhanced institutional capacity to adopt consultative employees and culture of participation in Health and
and participatory approaches in HRMD planning, Wellness Program are the two expected intermediate
implementation, and evaluation processes. The outcomes that are to be monitored and evaluated.
intermediate outcome is enhanced institutional
capacity to develop, implement, monitor and 14. The expected impact to be monitored and
evaluate relevant and highly responsive plans, evaluated under Capacity Development is that the
programs, and activities. long-term organizational targets are met. The
expected immediate outcome is Increased
12. There are two levels of impact that are being knowledge and skills among PGAS officials and staff
monitored and evaluated under HR Systems. One is to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate multi-

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year HRMD plan, to conduct in-house training and
succession planning using highly consultative and
participatory approaches, and to continuously
innovate HR systems. Efficient and effective
development, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of HRMD plan, in-house training and
succession planning and efficient and effective HR
systems are the two expected outcomes that are to
be monitored and evaluated.

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The HRMD M&E system will make use of and optimize
Part 1: INTRODUCTION existing government systems such as the Local
Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS),
System on Competency Assessment for Local Governments
1.1 Background and Rationale (SCALOG), and the Community-Based Monitoring Systems
The HRMD M&E system is a platform of M&E processes and (CBMS). It recognizes the presence of competencies in
procedures which build on the existing gains in HRMD that PGAS which can be tapped to produce a system that is
have been produced through deliberate effort from PGAS accessible, flexible, efficient, effective, and sustainable.
and through the support of development partners such as This HRMD M&E system is governed by the following
the Philippine-Australia Human Resource Development questions:
Facility (PAHRDF) and the Provincial Roads Management
Facility (PRMF). It is in line with the current thrust of PGAS 1. What does the System intend to achieve?
to strengthen M&E in the province to inform and enrich
planning and implementation processes and to provide 2. How does the System operate?
decision-makers and various stakeholders adequate
3. What are the enabling environments required by
information for a well-managed service delivery. Guided by
the System?
the theme of the integrated M&E framework, which is
“Managing Service Delivery through an M&E-driven Local 4. Who will be engaged by the System and what are
Development, this system aims to monitor and evaluate the engagement processes?
capacities and the HRMD plans, policies, and systems that
shape such capacities in order to efficiently and effectively 5. How does the System innovate itself in a
adapt to the changing operating environments of PGAS. continuous, iterative manner?

The HRMD M&E system is designed based from the guiding There are HRMD M&E subsystems and components which
principles set in the integrated M&E framework, which are be put in place to shape the HRMD M&E system. These are
the following: (1) flexible; (2) evidence-based and results- the Knowledge Management Subsystem and the System
oriented; (3) consultative and participatory; (4) gender- Review, Enhancement and Sustainability Subsystem. In
sensitive and responsive; (5) culture responsive and each of the subsystem are the cross-cutting components,
respective for cultural diversity; and (6) constructive and namely Capacity Development and Knowledge
progressive. Management/Communication. Apparently, Knowledge
Management/Communication is treated as subsystem and

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as a component at the same time. Also, each of the
subsystem is governed by a question/s.

1.2 Objectives and Significance

The overarching objective of this HRMD M&E system is to
put in place a mechanism that will ensure the continuous
monitoring and evaluation of competencies in order to
generate adequate information required in the
development of multi-year HRMD plan, succession
planning, and in-house training.

Specifically, it aims to do the following:

1.1.1. define and set-up the subsystems and the

components which will facilitate and guide the
implementation of the system;
1.1.2. determine the enabling environments which
are required for the sustainability of the system;
1.1.3. implement the performance management
strategy of the integrated M&E Framework by
adopting the performance measurement
system; and
1.1.4. contribute to the attainment of objective 6 of
the integrated M&E framework, which is to
make use and optimize existing government
systems such as the LGPMS and SCALOG and
tap existing competencies in PGAS.

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2.1 HRMD M&E Subsystems 2.1.2 Enabling Environments and System Review,
Enhancement, and Sustainability Mechanism

As mentioned earlier, there are three HRMD M&E This subsystem is governed by the following two (2)
subsystems that will be put into place, namely, the questions: (1) What are the enabling environments
Knowledge Management Subsystem, Enabling required by the System; and (2) How does the
Environments and System Review, Enhancement, and System innovate itself in a continuous, iterative
Sustainability Subsystem, and the Partnership and manner? Under the first governing question, it will
Consensus-Building Subsystem. Two components will cut delve into the human resource requirements, policy
across in these two subsystems, namely, Capacity requirements, and infrastructure/logistical support
Development and Knowledge requirements. For the second governing question,
Management/Communication. the subsystem will delve into the learning/periodic
2.1.1 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/COMMUNICATION re-evaluation mechanisms, resource requirements
and sources of the innovation, and the adaptive
The Knowledge Management Subsystem is governed management strategy to be employed for its
by the following question: How does the System sustainability.
operate? This subsystem looks into the domains of 2.1.3 PARTNERSHIP AND CONSENSUS -BUILDING
analysis; data requirements and sources and data
gathering procedures and techniques; assumptions, SUBSYSTEM
limitations, and risks; measurement processes and
techniques; ways and means for interpretation and This subsystem is governed by the followed
validation; and communication, procedures, tools, question: “Who will be engaged by the system and
and techniques. what are the engagement process? This subsystem
spells out the procedures and policies in identifying

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the actors and institutions that will be engaged by system. It aims to assess the existing capacities and
the system and the level, type, and nature of their develop required competencies to ensure the
engagements. This subsystem spells out the sustainability of the HRMD M&E system. Capacities
engagement processes that will be implemented to should be developed and retained for plan
ensure that there is wide representation in M&E monitoring. Since the system is highly dependent to
activities and ownership of M&E findings. the Information Technology system, there will be a
continuing in-house training related to IT that will be
implemented under this component.


This component focuses on creating/gathering

2.2 HRMD M&E Components new/existing data and knowledge and ensures that
such data and knowledge are appropriately
disseminated to ensure wide ownership of the efforts
2.2.1 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT related to HRMD M&E. This component ensures that
a communication plan is installed in all phases
This component focuses on the human resource related to the institution of HRMD M&E System and
requirements of the institution of the HRMD M&E Tools. Further, this component ensures that
logistical requirements are fully

satisfied and in-place.

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SUBSYSTEM Partnership and Knowledge Management Enabling Environment/
Consensus- Systems Review &
Building Enhancement

Capacity Development
Knowledge Management/Communication Procedures, Tools, and Techniques

Governing Who will be What are

How does the
Question engaged and the
innovate itself
what are the How does the enabling
engagement envi in a continuous,
System operate?
processes? required iterative
by the manner?

Measur Human Learni Mgmnt
Actors ure of
Elements / engagem
process Interpre
ng Strateg
Institut ent Resour Mecha y
req & es and tation/v ce
ions nisms
sourc tools Polic Resour
es ce
Levels of
n y req/sou
Assumpti Commu
engagem rces
ent Domains ons, nication Infra/L
limitation procedu
11 | P a g e
of analysis ogisti
s, and res
risks cal
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progress in the implementation of M&E activities.
PART III: ENABLING Performance targets and standards shall be set for PMEG
members, and its sub-teams, and evaluation shall be
ENVIRONMENTS conducted in a semestral basis. PMES results shall inform
updating processes of M&E plans.
REQUIRED BY THE The Program on Awards and Incentives for Service
SYSTEM Excellence (PRAISE) shall cover monetary and non-
monetary awards and incentives for good practice in
monitoring and evaluation. A good practice in monitoring
and evaluation shall be duly recognized so that
appreciation and replication of the said good practice is
3.1 Policy
The EO creating PMEG is a policy support that puts in place The Merit Selection Plan shall recognize consistent good
a mechanism that ensures the conduct of M&E activities in practice in monitoring and evaluation as one of the bases
an efficient and sustainable manner. With the creation of or criteria for promotion. This shall entice employees to
PMEG, duties and responsibilities are spelled out, drawing gain competencies, increase awareness of good practices
the lines of accountability. This mechanism will be the in monitoring and evaluation, and implement these good
vehicle in ensuring that local development in the province practices in a sustainable manner.
of Agusan del sur is driven by M&E findings and analyses.

The Appropriation Ordinance shall include adequate 3.2 Human Resource

funding for the conduct of monitoring and activities and The PMEG shall continue to be capacitated in the area of
related activities. It shall include funds for the conduct of monitoring and evaluation and they shall be exposed to
capacity development on monitoring and evaluation new trends and innovative practices in developing multi-
activities to further strengthen institutional capacity on year M&E plans. The M&E Team for Local Development
M&E. Plans (METLDP) shall continue to receive trainings in plan
monitoring and evaluation and shall be heavily engaged in
The Revised Performance Evaluation System (PMES) shall
the review and enhancement of the HRMD Plan. The M&E
be able to accommodate and keep track of the gaps and
Team for Development Programs and Projects (METDPP)
shall be oriented on efficient and effective implementation Systems are group of systems that will be utilized for
monitoring tools and evaluation techniques. They shall monitoring and evaluation of HRMD.
also be oriented on how to assess existing implementation
monitoring tools and evaluation techniques so they can In order to increase the accessibility to the intra-net system
continually innovate such tools and techniques. which facilitates the HRMD M&E system, a circumferential
network has to be fully established. This will require the
The HR Planning and Development Division shall facilitate following: (1) fiber optic network;(2) transceiver; (3) civil
the conduct of in-house trainings on M&E to expand the works; and (4) data switch. The establishment will require
competencies in PGAS for smooth and sustainable PhP 2 million pesos.
implementation of M&E activities as reflected in multi-year
M&E plan. The Management Information System (MIS) A Knowledge Management System has to be in-place to
shall continue to be tapped in assessing and innovating the ensure that learnings and good practices are properly
IT system that facilitates the HRMD M&E system. There stored and communicated. This system will ensure the
shall be a point person in the MIS that will facilitate the continuity of the operations of the HRMD M&E system.
maintenance and innovation of the IT system of the HRMD
M&E system

3.3 Infrastructure/Logistical Support

There has been adequate infrastructure/logistical support
for the establishment of application systems in the
province of Agusan del Sur. In fact, PGAS has developed
six (6) groups of systems. These are the following: (1)
Human Resource Management Application Systems; (2)
Financial Management Application Systems; (3) Physical
Resources Application Systems; (4) Procurement Systems;
(5) Management Information Systems; and (6) Planning,
Design, Analysis, and Engineering Systems. These systems
can be utilized for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Specifically, the Human Resource Management Application
4.1 Indicators and the Means of Verification for each of domain of analysis
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification


 Greater stakeholders’ satisfaction  High ratings from  Feedback forms

through improved service delivery of feedback forms and  SCALOG Reports
PGAS officials and staff other M&E tools


 Developed, implemented, monitored  Presence of relevant  Assessment Report of

and evaluated relevant and highly and responsive HRMD HRMD Plan, programs,
Indicators and
responsive HRMD plans, programs, plan, programs, and and activities
Means of
and activities activities
Immediate for Each
Doman of
 Enhanced institutional capacity to High ratings in  Competency Assessment Analysis
adopt consultative and competency assessment Report
participatory approaches in HRMD reports  SCALOG Report
planning, implementation, and High ratings in SCALOG
evaluation processes report


 The Sanggunian has appropriate  Sustained increases in  Appropriation Ordinance

funds for human resource program. the funds for human  SCALOG Report validated
resource program by DILG

 The Sanggunian has enacted  Policy support for  Ordinances or resolutions

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification
mandated ordinances or resolutions HRMD for HRMD
for HRMD.  SCALOG Report validated

 Aside from the mandated  Policy support for  Ordinances or

Ordinances and Resolutions, the HRMD resolutions for HRMD
Sanggunian has passed other  SCALOG Report
legislation regarding human validated by DILG
resource management and

 The LGU has a human resource  Updated HRMD Plan  SP Ordinance approving
development plan that is up to date the updated HRMD Plan
and fully implemented.  SCALOG Report validated

 There LGU has a clear and fully  Guidelines on Human  Copy of the guidelines
Indicators and
implemented guidelines on human Resource Selection on human resource
Means of
resource selection. selection
 SCALOG Report
for Each
validated by DILG
Doman of
 Performance evaluation is regularly  No. of performance  Performance Evaluation
conducted in the LGU. evaluation conducted Report
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG

 Sanctions for continuing poor  No. of sanctions  Copy of memorandum

performance are clear and enforced. administered to poor specifying the sanctions
(output) performance  SCALOG Report
validated by DILG

 The LGU has conducted a workforce  No. of workforce  Copy of workforce

assessment within the past 3 years. assessment assessment
 SCALOG Report validated
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

 Organizational improvements have  No. of organizational  Copy of SP resolution or

been made as a result of the improvements as a EO adopting the
workforce assessment. result of the workforce organizational
assessment improvements
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG

 The LGU has developed its own  Presence of  Copy of PMES Report
performance evaluation system that performance evaluation  SCALOG Report
is customized according its need, system validated by DILG
e.g., multi-rater approach where
performance feedback comes from
subordinates and/or customers.

 Employees are encouraged to  No. of consultation  Copy of minutes of the

participate in developing activities on developing consultation activities
performance standards. performance standards

 The LGU has a mechanism/s for  Presence of job  Copy of job descriptions
clarifying and communicating work descriptions and and organizational
responsibilities of individual organizational structure structure
employees (such as written job  Presence of operations  Copy of operations
descriptions, regularly meeting to manual manual
clarify the roles and responsibilities,  SCALOG Report
or performance planning sessions).
Indicators and
 The LGU uses different forms of  Presence of Award and  Copy of document Means of
reward and recognition and good Recognition System describing the Award and Verification
performance. Recognition System for Each
 SCALOG Report Domain of
 The LGU identifies the education,  No. of competency gaps  Competency
training and development needs of identified and prioritized Assessment Report
its employees.  SCALOG Report
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

 The LGU provides opportunities for  No. of short-term and  Copy of certifications on
continue learning and development long-term capacity the capacity development
to its employees. development activities activities participated by
participated by PGAS LGU management and
management and staff staff
 SCALOG Report validated

 The LGU involves employees in the:  No. of workshops on the  Copy of the minutes of
Formulation of HR plans/programs formulation of HR the workshops
plans/programs  SCALOG Report validated
participated in by PGAS by DILG
Indicators and
 The LGU involves employees in the:  No. of activities  Copy of the minutes of Means of
Implementation of HR /workshops on the the workshops Verification
plans/programs implementation of HR  SCALOG Report validated for Each
plans/programs by DILG Domain of
participated in by PGAS Analysis

 The LGU involves employees in the:  No. of activities  Copy of the minutes of
 Monitoring of HR plans/programs /workshops on the the monitoring
monitoring of HR activities/workshops
plans/programs  SCALOG Report validated
participated in by PGAS by DILG

 The LGU involves employees in the:  No. of activities  Copy of the minutes of
Evaluation of HR programs – they /workshops on the the evaluation
play a key role in assessing evaluation of HR activities/workshops
plans/programs  SCALOG Report validated
participated in by PGAS by DILG
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

 The LGU involves employees in the:  Amendments in human  Copy of the SP resolution
resource policies, plans, or EO adopting the
 Employee participation or inputs and programs amendments in human
have resulted in changes in human resource policies, plans,
resource policies, plans, and and programs
programs.  Copy of the approved and
amended HR policies,
plans, and programs
 SCALOG Report validated

 Employees can ventilate their  Presence of Grievance  Copy of the document

concerns and sentiments on work Machinery describing the Grievance
and/or organizational issues.  No. of activities that Machinery
provided opportunities  Activity Reports
for employees to  SCALOG Report validated
ventilate their concerns by DILG
and sentiments

 The LGU has introduced innovations  No. of innovations in  Copy of EO or SP

in human resource management human resource resolution
and development management and adopting/approving the
development innovations
 Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated
Indicators and
 There is a computer-based Human  Presence of HR  Copy of reports generated Means of
Resource Information System information system from the HR information Verification
available. system for Each
 SCALOG Report validated Domain of
by DILG Analysis
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

 The LGU reviews/evaluates its  No. of assessment  Assessment Report

human resource management and workshops  Copy of the document
development services to identify enumerating the areas for
areas for improvement. improvement and the
strategies to be employed
 SCALOG Report validated

 The LGU streamlines its human  No. of minutes reduced  Assessment Report
resource management and in processing time  SCALOG Report validated
development services in terms of  No. of requirements by DILG
reduction in: reduced
 Processing/transaction time  No. of signatories
 Number of requirements reduced
 Number of signatories  No. of steps reduced
 Number of steps

 The LGU solicits feedback from its  No. of feedback  Accomplished feedback
clients regarding its human resource activities conducted forms
management and development  Activity Reports
services through informal  SCALOG Report validated
means(e.g., spontaneous feedback by DILG
from clients, interviews or other
methods that are unstructured or
done randomly)
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

 The Human Resource Management

and Development office has its own,
or is part of the LGU’s,
institutionalized program for
sustained service improvement:  Presence of service  SP Ordinance approving
 It has formulated its service vision, vision, values and the HRMD Plan that
values and strategies. strategies contains the service
 It has conducted a service audit to vision, values and
identify problems in service delivery, strategies
including conducting a survey to get
feedback from internal and external
customers.  No. of service  Copy of the EO or SP
 It has formulated service improvement Resolution adopting the
improvement recommendations that recommendations service improvement
would address identified weak recommendations
points in service delivery.  Copy of the approved Indicators and
 It has made the necessary changes service improvement Means of
or interventions to improve service,  No. of interventions recommendations Verification
such as providing customer service  Copy of the for Each
skills training to frontline personnel, documentation pertaining Domain of
and putting in place performance to the interventions to Analysis
standards.  Service commitments or improve service
 Service commitments or standards standards posted in
are posted in conspicuous places in conspicuous places  Copies of the service
the office to let the public know the commitments posted in
types of services they can avail of, conspicuous places
response time and person
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification
Indicators and
Continually encourage employees to  No. of activities  Activity Report for Each
participate in developing performance Domain of
standards Analysis
Assess annually the existing reward and  Assessment conducted  Competency Needs
recognition system Assessment Report
Conduct competency needs assessment  Competency Needs
every three years Assessment conducted
Engage the employees in the design and  No. of activities  Activity Reports
review of the grievance system
Develop a mechanism for review and  Presence of  Activity Reports
enhancement of the HRMD systems mechanism
 No. of activities
Periodically assess and enhance the  No. of assessments  Assessment Reports
Human Resource Information System
Continually administer the feedback tool  No of activities  Activity Design
that reflects the views of the clients in  Activity Report
terms of processing time, number of
signatories, and number of steps


Staffing Needs –  Amount provided  Appropriation Ordinance

2014= 9,582,708.84
2015= 4,648,140.00
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

HR Systems-  Amount provided  Appropriation Ordinance

PGAS= 300,000.00
Other Sources= 3,500,000.00
2011= 90,000.00
2014= 45,000.00
2015= 120,000.00

Enabling Subsystems and Mechanisms-  Amount provided  Appropriation Ordinance

Other Sources=2,850,000.00
2011= 2,705,000.00
2013= 895,000.00 Indicators and
2014=1,065,000.00 Means of
2015= 870,000.00 Verification
for Each
Capacity Development  Amount provided  Appropriation Ordinance Domain of
PGAS=5,067,475.00  Appropriation Ordinance Analysis
Other Sources= 66,563,377.00  Amount provided
2013= 9,393,904.40
2014= 3,315,104.40
Means of Verification Data Collection Strategy
How Who

 Accomplished feedback forms  Retrieve and  PMEG

reflecting the satisfaction consolidate the
levels on the service delivery feedback forms
of PGAS administered by the
different departments 4.1.2 DATA
 SCALOG Reports  Retrieve the SCALOG  PMEG STRATEGY
Reports administered  Concerned
by DILG Department

 Assessment Report of HRMD  Retrieve the  PMEG

Plan, programs, and activities assessment reports  PHRMO

 Appropriation Ordinance  Retrieve a copy of the  PMEG

reflecting the funds allocated Appropriation  PBO
to HRMD programs, projects, Ordinance from SP
and activities

 Competency Assessment  Conduct competency  PHRMO

Report assessment every
three (3) years Data Collection
 SP Ordinance approving the  Retrieve the SP  PMEG
updated HRMD Plan Ordinance from SP  PHRMO

 Copy of the guidelines on  Retrieve a copy of the  PMEG

human resource selection guidelines on human  PHRMO
resource selection

 Copy of certifications on the  Generate from the HR  PMEG

capacity development information system  PHRMO
activities participated by LGU information on the  MIS
management and staff capacity development
activities participated
in by PGAS
management and
 Retrieve hard copies of
the certifications from

 Copy of the minutes of the  Retrieve copies of the  PHRMO

workshops on the minutes of the
formulation, implementation, workshops from
monitoring and evaluation of PHRMO
HR plans, policies, programs

Hierarchy of Objectives Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

 Greater stakeholders’  High ratings  Feedback Develop a metric system that PMEG, Analysis,
satisfaction through from feedback forms will introduce an element of PHRMO Procedures
improved service forms and  SCALOG scale to the ratings; Assess if , Tools and
delivery of PGAS other M&E Reports there is a significant change Techniques
officials and staff tools that has been established in
terms of level of satisfaction


 Developed,  Presence of  Assessment Assess the level of PMEG,

implemented, relevant and Report of responsiveness of HRMD PHRMO
monitored and responsive HRMD Plan, plans, programs, and
evaluated relevant and HRMD plan, programs, and activities through the use of a
highly responsive programs, and activities model-based estimation
HRMD plans, programs, activities framework
and activities

 Enhanced  High ratings in  Competency Develop an overall PMEG,

institutional capacity competency Assessment institutional capacity index PHRMO
to adopt consultative assessment Report that measures the relative
and participatory reports  SCALOG strength of PGAS to adopt
approaches in HRMD  High ratings in Report consultative and participatory
planning, SCALOG report approaches in HRMD
implementation, and planning, implementation,
evaluation processes and evaluation processes;
Take stock of the good


 The Sanggunian has  Sustained  Appropriation Conduct a time-series PMEG,

appropriate funds for increases in Ordinance analysis of the funds PHRMO
human resource the funds for  SCALOG appropriated for the HR
program. human Report program and determine if
resource validated by there has been significant
program DILG changes over time

 The Sanggunian has  Policy  Ordinances or Review the enacted PMEG, Data
enacted mandated support for resolutions for mandated ordinances or PHRMO Collection
ordinances or HRMD HRMD resolutions and determine if Strategy
resolutions for HRMD.  SCALOG such policy support has been
Report substantial
validated by
 Aside from the  Policy support  Ordinances or Review the enacted PMEG,
mandated Ordinances for HRMD resolutions for mandated ordinances or PHRMO
and Resolutions, the HRMD resolutions and determine if
Sanggunian has  SCALOG such policy support has been
passed other Report substantial
legislation regarding validated by
human resource DILG
management and

 The LGU has a human  Updated HRMD  SP Ordinance Assess the HRMD plan if it PMEG,
resource development Plan approving the needs to be updated PHRMO
plan that is up to date updated
and fully implemented. HRMD Plan
validated by

 The LGU has a clear  Guidelines on  Copy of the Review the guidelines on PMEG,
and fully implemented Human guidelines on human resource selection PHRMO
guidelines on human Resource human
resource selection. Selection resource
validated by

 Performance  No. of  Performance Review the instrument used in PMEG,

evaluation is regularly performance Evaluation performance evaluation if it PHRMO
conducted in the LGU. evaluation Report needs to be updated
conducted  SCALOG
Report Analyze the results of the
validated by performance evaluation
 Sanctions for  No. of  Copy of Examine how the sanctions PMEG, Data
continuing poor sanctions memorandum have influenced the change in PHRMO Collection
performance are clear administered specifying the behaviour Strategy
and enforced.(output) to poor sanctions
performance  SCALOG
validated by

 The LGU has  No. of  Copy of Review the instrument used in PMEG,
conducted a workforce workforce workforce workforce assessment PHRMO
assessment within the assessment assessment
past 3 years.  SCALOG Examine the results of the
Report workforce assessment
validated by

 Organizational  No. of  Copy of SP Keep track of the PMEG,

improvements have organizational resolution or organizational improvements PHRMO,
been made as a result improvements EO adopting and determine if such PPDO
of the workforce as a result of the improvements have been
assessment. the workforce organizational made as a result of the
assessment improvement workforce assessment
validated by
 The LGU has  Presence of  Copy of PMES Review the current HR info PHRMO
developed its own performance Report system and identify its area of
performance evaluation  SCALOG improvement
evaluation system that system Report
is customized validated by
according its need, DILG
e.g., multi-rater
approach where
performance feedback
comes from
subordinates and/or

 Employees are  No. of  Copy of Examine the level of PMEG,PHRM

encouraged to consultation minutes of participation of the O
participate in activities on the employees in the
developing developing consultation development of performance
performance performance activities standards
standards. standards

 The LGU has a  Presence of job  Copy of job Assess the level of awareness PMEG, Data
mechanism/s for descriptions descriptions and appreciation of PGAS PHRMO Collection
clarifying and and and personnel on their job Strategy
communicating work organizational organizational descriptions
responsibilities of structure structure
individual employees  Presence of  Copy of
(such as written job Qualifications Qualifications
descriptions, regularly Standards Standards
meeting to clarify the  SCALOG
roles and Report
responsibilities, or
performance planning
 The LGU uses different  Presence of  Copy of Determine the percentage of PMEG,
forms of reward and Award and document personnel who was able to PHRMO
recognition and good Recognition describing the avail of the awards and
performance. System Award and recognitions and assess if the
Recognition system drives performance

 The LGU identifies the  No. of  Competency Assess the competency gaps PMEG,
education, training and competency Assessment in the province and determine PHRMO
development needs of gaps identified Report if such gaps are being
its employees. and prioritized  SCALOG addressed in the current
Report priorities

 The LGU provides  No. of short-  Copy of Assess the short-term and PMEG,
opportunities for term and long- certifications long-term capacity PHRMO
continue learning and term capacity on the capacity development activities if they
development to its development development were able to address the
employees. activities activities competency gaps in the
participated by participated by province
management management
and staff and staff
 SCALOG Report
validated by

 The LGU involves  No. of  Copy of the Assess the level of the PMEG, Data
employees in the: workshops on minutes of the participation of the various PHRMO Collection
Formulation of HR the formulation workshops employees in the formulation Strategy
plans/programs of HR  SCALOG of HR plans/programs
plans/program Report
s participated validated by
 The LGU involves  No. of activities  Copy of the Assess the level of the PMEG,
employees in the: /workshops on minutes of the participation of the various PHRMO
Implementation of HR the workshops employees in the
plans/programs implementatio  SCALOG implementation of HR
n of HR Report plans/programs
plans/program validated by
s participated DILG
in by PGAS

 The LGU involves  No. of activities  Copy of the Assess the level of the PMEG,
employees in the: /workshops on minutes of the participation of the various PHRMO
 Monitoring of HR the monitoring monitoring employees in the monitoring
plans/programs of HR activities/work of HR plans and programs
plans/program shops
s participated  SCALOG
in by PGAS Report
personnel validated by

 The LGU involves  No. of activities  Copy of the Assess the level of the PMEG,
employees in the: /workshops on minutes of the participation of the various PHRMO
Evaluation of HR the evaluation evaluation employees in the evaluation
programs – they play a of HR activities/work of HR plans and programs
key role in assessing plans/program shops
s participated  SCALOG
in by PGAS Report
personnel validated by
 Employee participation  Amendments in  Copy of the SP Assess how the inputs of the PMEG,
or inputs have resulted human resolution or different employees played a PHRMO
in changes in human resource EO adopting role in the changes of human
resource policies, policies, plans, the resource policies, plans and
plans, and programs. and programs amendments in programs
policies, plans,
and programs
 Copy of the
approved and
amended HR
policies, plans,
and programs
 SCALOG Report
validated by

 Employees can  Presence of  Copy of the Assess the level of PMEG,

ventilate their Grievance document responsiveness of the PHRMO
concerns and Machinery describing the Grievance Machinery
sentiments on work  No. of activities Grievance
and/or organizational that provided Machinery Data
issues. opportunities  Activity Reports Collection
for employees  SCALOG Report Strategy
to ventilate validated by
their concerns DILG
 The LGU has  No. of  Copy of EO or Assess the innovations that PMEG,
introduced innovations innovations in SP resolution have taken place and how PHRMO
in human resource human adopting/appro these have contributed to the
management and resource ving the performance of the HRMD
development management innovations
and  Copy of the
development summary
describing the
 SCALOG Report
validated by

 There is a computer-  Presence of HR  Copy of reports Assess the level of efficiency PMEG,
based Human Resource information generated from of the HR information system PHRMO
Information System system the HR in generating report
available. information
 SCALOG Report
validated by

 The LGU  No. of  Assessment Take stock of the areas of PMEG, Data
reviews/evaluates its assessment Report improvement and assess PHRMO Collection
human resource workshops  Copy of the these have reshaped the Strategy
management and document strategies
development services enumerating
to identify areas for the areas for
improvement. improvement
and the
strategies to be
 SCALOG Report
validated by
 The LGU streamlines  No. of minutes  Assessment Validate if there is indeed PMEG
its human resource reduced in Report reduction in processing time PHRMO
management and processing  SCALOG Report
development services time validated by
in terms of reduction  No. of DILG
in: requirements
 Processing/transaction  No. of
time signatories
 Number of reduced
requirements  No. of steps
 Number of signatories reduced
 Number of steps

 The LGU solicits  No. of  Accomplished Validate if the feedback forms PMEG
feedback from its feedback feedback forms have been properly PHRMO
clients regarding its activities  Activity Reports administered
human resource conducted  SCALOG Report
management and validated by
development services DILG
through informal
spontaneous feedback
from clients, interviews
or other methods that
are unstructured or
done randomly)
 The Human Resource
Management and
Development office
has its own, or is part
of the LGU’s,
program for sustained
service improvement:  Presence of  SP Ordinance Assess if there is an effort to PMEG,
 It has formulated its service vision, approving the update the strategies that PHRMO
service vision, values values and HRMD Plan that have been articulated.
and strategies. strategies contains the
 It has conducted a service vision,
service audit to identify values and
problems in service strategies
delivery, including
conducting a survey to
get feedback from
internal and external Assess if the
customers.  No. of service recommendations have been PMEG,
 It has formulated improvement  Copy of the EO acted upon PHRMO
service improvement recommendati or SP
recommendations that ons Resolution
would address adopting the Data
identified weak points service
in service delivery. improvement
 It has made the  No. of recommendatio Strategy
necessary changes or interventions ns
interventions to  Copy of the
improve service, such approved
as providing customer service
service skills training improvement
to frontline personnel, recommendatio
and putting in place ns
performance  Copy of the
standards.  Service documentation
 Service commitments commitments pertaining to
or standards are or standards the
posted in conspicuous posted in interventions
Continually encourage  No. of  Activity Report Review the activity report if PMEG, Strategy
employees to participate in activities various employees were PHRMO
developing performance adequately represented in the
standards development of the
performance standards

Assess annually the existing  Assessment  Assessment Assess if the reward and PMEG,
reward and recognition conducted Report recognition system needs to PHRMO
system be innovated to
accommodate emerging

Conduct competency needs  Competency  Competency Review the tool used in PMEG,
assessment every three Needs Needs competency needs PHRMO
years Assessment Assessment assessment
conducted Report
Engage the employees in the  No. of  Activity Refer to the activity reports PMEG,
design and review of the activities Reports and check if the employees PHRMO
grievance system were heavily engaged in the
design and review of the
grievance system
Develop a mechanism for  Presence of  Activity Refer to the activity report PMEG,
review and enhancement of mechanism Reports and check if a mechanism has PHRMO
the HRMD systems  No. of been installed and utilized for
activities the enhancement of the
HRMD systems
Periodically assess and  No. of  Assessment Review the assessment report PMEG,
enhance the Human assessments Reports and check if the HRIS has PHRMO
Resource Information been enhanced
Continually administer the  No of  Activity Review the activity report and PMEG,
feedback tool that reflects activities Design check if the feedback tool was PHRMO
the views of the clients in  Activity Report properly administered
terms of processing time,
number of signatories, and
number of steps


Staffing Needs –  Amount  Appropriation  Assess if the amount PMEG

PGAS=PhP103,722,860.75 provided Ordinance reflected in the PHRMO
2011=29,502,458.04 Appropriation
2012=36,876,942.99 Ordinance was fully
2013=23,112,610.88 released and spent
2014= 9,582,708.84
2015= 4,648,140.00
HR Systems-  Amount  Appropriation  Assess if the amount PMEG Collection
PGAS= 300,000.00 provided Ordinance reflected in the PHRMO Strategy
Other Sources= Appropriation
3,500,000.00 Ordinance was fully
2011= 90,000.00 released and spent
2014= 45,000.00
2015= 120,000.00
Enabling Subsystems and  Amount  Appropriation  Assess if the amount PMEG
Mechanisms- provided Ordinance reflected in the PHRMO
PGAS=4,040,000.00 Appropriation
Other Sources=2,850,000.00 Ordinance was fully
2011= 2,705,000.00 released and spent
2013= 895,000.00
2015= 870,000.00

Capacity Development  Amount  Appropriation  Assess if the amount PMEG

PGAS=5,067,475.00 provided Ordinance reflected in the PHRMO
Other Sources=  Appropriation Appropriation
66,563,377.00  Amount Ordinance Ordinance was fully
2011=37,913,859.40 provided released and spent
2013= 9,393,904.40
2014= 3,315,104.40

4.2 Personnel Domain

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Improved service delivery through  High satisfaction rating from  Accomplished feedback Hierarchy of
an organizationally fit PGAS the accomplished feedback forms Objectives,
forms of different clients Indicators and
 Reduced number of Means of
vacant/redundant positions Verification
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification


Organizational Targets are met  Achievement Rating of the  Annual Accomplishment

Annual Targets Report


Filled-up positions and  Achievement Rating of the  Annual Accomplishment

departmental targets are met Departmental Targets Report, by Department
 Reduced Number of
vacant/redundant positions


An approved SP ordinance creating  SP Ordinance Creating the  Copy of the SP Ordinance

the positions positions with the list of approved

Approved Plantilla Positions  Number of approved  Copy of the SP Ordinance

plantilla positions with the list of approved

Identified S/Ws per employee  Updated PDF profile

Updated Training and Development  Updated Training and  Copy of the updated training
Plan Development Plan and development plan

Training Activities conducted  Number of training activities  Activity Reports PERSONNEL

conducted Hierarchy of
Performance Evaluation conducted  Performance Evaluation  Activity Report Indicators and
conducted  Copy of the results of the Means of
performance evaluaton Verification
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification


Presentation of the following identified  Budget hearings that cover  Minutes of the budget
positions during budget hearings: discussions on identified hearings on identified
2011-42 positions positions positions
2012-155 positions
2013-90 positions
2014-44 positions
2015-19 positions

Deliberation by the SP for approval  SP session on the identified  Minutes of the SP session on
positions the proposed positions

Submission of Plantilla to DBM for review  Plantilla positions for review  Copy of the plantilla
positions submitted to DBM
for review (it must be duly
received and acknowledged
by DBM)

Dissemination to the different departments  Plantilla positions  Copy of the plantilla

disseminated to the different positions disseminated to
departments the different departments (a
certification must be issued
that the different
departments indeed
received copies of the
plantilla positions)

Conduct Recruitment, Selection and

Placement Process

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

List of identified positions for creation  Identified positions for  Copy of the identified
creation positions for creation

Draft ordinance  Draft Ordinance  Copy of the draft ordinance

Position Description of proposed positions  Position description of  Copy of the position

proposed positions description of the proposed

Identification of the funding requirements of  Funding requirements of the  Copy of the funding
the proposed positions proposed positions requirements of the
proposed positions

Financial Resource  Provision of funds  Appropriation Ordinance Hierarchy of

2011: PhP 29,502,458.04 Objectives,
2012: PhP 36,876,942.99 Indicators and
2013: PhP 23,112,610.88 Means of
2014: PhP 9,582,708.84 Verification
2015: PhP 4,648,140.00

HRMD Office and Officer  Presence of HRMD Office  Copy of the SP Ordinance
and Officer creating the HRMD Office
and the EO designating the
HRMD Officer

Capable officials and employees in  Number of officials and  Copy of the competency
conducting workforce assessment employees conducting assessment result
workforce assessment

Capable officials and employees in  Number of officials and  Copy of the competency
conducting recruitment and selection employees conducting assessment result
recruitment and selection

Capable officials and employees in  Number of officials and  Copy of the competency
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification
conducting Training and employees conducting assessment result
Development training and development  Copy of the training and
development plan

Pool of Trainers  Number of trainers  Copy of list of trainers PERSONNEL

Hierarchy of
Capable officials and employees in  Number of officials and  Copy of the competency Objectives,
conducting performance evaluation employees conducting assessment result Indicators and
performance evaluation  Performance evaluation Means of
results Verification

Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

1. Accomplished Feedback Consolidate the feedback forms PMEG

Forms forwarded by the different PERSONNEL:
departments to PHRMO Data Collection
2. Annual Accomplishment Coordinate with PPDO and PMEG
Report retrieve a copy of the
(Consolidated) Consolidated Annual
Accomplishment Report

3. Annual Accomplishment Coordinate with PPDO and PMEG

Report, by retrieve a copy of the
Department accomplishment report by

4. Copy of the SP Ordinance Retrieve a copy of the Ordinance PMEG

with the from SP
approved positions

5. Copy of the updated Retrieve a copy of the updated PMEG

Training and Training and Development Plan
Development Plan from PHRMO

6. Reports on the training Get copies of the activity reports PMEG

activities from PHRMO

7. Activity Report on the Get a copy of the Activity Report PMEG

Performance from PHRMO
Evaluation conducted
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

8. Copy of the results of the PMEG

Performance Evaluation

9. Minutes of the budget Secure copy of the minutes of the PMEG

hearings on the proposed budget hearings from SP
positions Secretariat

10. Minutes of the SP sessions Secure copy of the minutes of the PMEG
on the proposed positions SP sessions from the SP

11. Copy of the list of plantilla Get the list of plantilla positions PMEG PERSONNEL:
positions submitted to DBM from PHRMO Data Collection
for review Strategy

12. Copy of the draft ordinance Get a copy of the draft ordinance PMEG
from PHRMO and Administrator’s

13. Copy of the position Get a copy of the position PMEG

description of the proposed description from PHRMO

14. Copy of the funding Get a copy of the funding PMEG

requirements of the requirements from PHRMO
proposed positions

15. Copy of the SP Ordinance Get a copy of the Ordinance from PMEG
creating the HRMD Office SP and the EO from the Provincial
and the EO designating Governor’s Office
the HRMD Officer
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

16. Copy of the competency Get a copy of the competency PMEG

assessment result assessment result from PHRMO

17. Copy of the training and Get a copy of the training and PMEG
development development plan from PHRMO

18. Copy of list of trainers Get the list of trainers from PMEG

19. Performance evaluation Get the results of the PMEG

results performance evaluation from

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Improved service  High satisfaction  Accomplished Develop a metric system PMEG Data
delivery through an rating from the feedback forms for the results of the Analysis,
organizationally fit accomplished feedback forms and Procedures,
PGAS feedback forms of examine if there is a Tools and
different clients change in the Techniques
 Reduced number of satisfaction ratings;
vacant/redundant determine if such
positions change has been
significant or not


Organizational Targets  Achievement Rating  Annual Refer to the annual PMEG

are met of the Annual Targets Accomplishment targets and examine if
Report such targets have been
substantially met or
achieved. Examine how
the improvement in
personnel influenced the
achievement of such

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Filled-up positions and  Achievement Rating  Annual Refer to the annual PMEG
departmental targets of the Departmental Accomplishment targets and analyse how
are met Targets Report, by the different
 Reduced Number of Department departments have
vacant/redundant achieved their targets;
positions Examine also the factors
that could have possibly
caused the achievement
of such targets.

An approved SP  SP Ordinance  Copy of the SP PMEG Procedures,
ordinance creating the Creating the Ordinance with the Tools and
positions positions list of approved Techniques

Approved Plantilla  Number of approved  Copy of the SP PMEG

Positions plantilla positions Ordinance with the
list of approved

Identified S/Ws per  Updated PDF profile  Copy of the PDF Check if the PDF profiles PMEG
employee profile have been updated

Updated Training and  Updated Training and  Copy of the updated Review the training and PMEG
Development Plan Development Plan training and development plan and
development plan double check if such
plan has been updated
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Training Activities  Number of training  Activity Reports Examine the PMEG

conducted activities conducted implementation of the
activities if they have
been conducted
efficiently and

Performance Evaluation  Performance  Activity Report Secure a copy of the PMEG

conducted Evaluation conducted  Copy of the results Activity Report on the
of the performance performance evaluation
evaluaton conducted from PHRMO
analyse the
effectiveness of the
performance evaluation


Presentation of the identified  Budget hearings that  Minutes of the Refer to the minutes and PMEG Data
positions during budget cover discussions on budget hearings on look into the major Analysis,
hearings identified positions identified positions issues and concerns Procedures,
raised by SP members Tools and
Deliberation by the SP for  SP session on the  Minutes of the SP Assess if there has been PMEG
approval identified positions session on the substantial deliberation
proposed positions in the SP on the
identified positions
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Submission of Plantilla to  Plantilla positions for  Copy of the plantilla PMEG

DBM for review review positions submitted
to DBM for review (it
must be duly
received and
acknowledged by

Dissemination to the  Plantilla positions  Copy of the plantilla Secure a copy of the PMEG
different departments disseminated to the positions plantilla positions
different disseminated to the received by the different
departments different departments and assess
departments (a if the plantilla positions
certification must be can adequately address
issued that the the organizational
different requirements
departments indeed
received copies of
the plantilla


List of identified positions for  Identified positions  Copy of the PMEG

creation for creation identified positions
for creation

Draft ordinance  Draft Ordinance  Copy of the draft PMEG

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Position Description of  Position description  Copy of the position Assess if the position PMEG, PHRMO,
proposed positions of proposed positions description of the descriptions have been Concerned
proposed positions updated and consistent departments
with the guidelines set
by the CSC

Identification of the funding  Funding  Copy of the funding Assess if the funding PMEG, PHRMO, PERSONNEL:
requirements of the requirements of the requirements of the requirements have been PBO Data
proposed positions proposed positions proposed positions adequate for the Analysis,
proposed positions Procedures,
Tools and
HRMD Office and Officer  Presence of HRMD  Copy of the SP Techniques
Office and Officer Ordinance creating
the HRMD Office
and the EO
designating the
HRMD Officer

Capable officials and  Number of officials  Copy of the Assess the PMEG, PHRMO
employees in conducting and employees competency competencies of officials
workforce assessment conducting workforce assessment result and employees to
assessment conduct workforce

Capable officials and  Number of officials  Copy of the Assess the PMEG, PHRMO
employees in conducting and employees competency competencies of officials
recruitment and selection conducting assessment result and employees to
recruitment and conduct recruitment and
selection selection
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Capable officials and  Number of officials  Copy of the Secure a copy of the PMEG, PHRMO
employees in and employees competency competency assessment
conducting Training and conducting training assessment result results from PHRMO
Development and development  Copy of the training
and development Secure a copy of the
plan training and
development plan from

Pool of Trainers  Number of trainers  Copy of list of Verify if the list of PMEG, PHRMO
trainers trainers has been

Capable officials and  Number of officials  Copy of the Assess the PMEG, PHRMO
employees in conducting and employees competency competencies of the
performance evaluation conducting assessment result officials and employees
performance  Performance in conducting
evaluation evaluation results performance evaluation PERSONNEL:
Positions for funding  Amount provided  Appropriation  Review the PMEG, PHRMO Analysis,
PGAS-103,722,860.75 Ordinance Appropriation Procedures,
2011=29,502,458. Ordinance if the Tools and
04 amount reflected Techniques
2012=36,876,942. in the AO was
99 fully released and
2013=23,112,610. spent
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification


High level of satisfaction and security  High ratings in feedback forms  Accomplished feedback forms
among PGAS officials and staff from internal clients

Enhanced efficiency in service delivery  Reduction in processing time  Assessment Report

of HR documents  Accomplished feedback forms


High retention rate of competent  Substantial number of  Competency Assessment

officials and staff and personnel with high ratings in Result
competency assessment
Hierarchy of Objectives,
Indicators and Means of
High delivery rate of annual targets of  High annual accomplishment  Assessment Report Verification
the different departments rating


Enhanced institutional capacity to  High ratings in the  Competency Assessment

design and implement transparent and competency assessment Report
competency-based recruitment,
selection, and merit-based promotion
processes and incentive mechanisms,
and accessible and responsive grievance


Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification
Notice of vacancies are posted in at  Guidelines on Human  Copy of the guidelines on
least (3) conspicuous public places in Resource Selection human resource selection
the LGU for a period of not less than  SCALOG Report validated
fifteen (15) days by DILG
\  SCALOG Report validated
 Position requirements are by DILG
Recruitment displayed publicly
 Vacancies are posted publicly
The LGU has a transparent process for
human resource selection.
Recruitment HR SYSTEMS:
Hierarchy of Objectives,
The LGU has a clear and fully  Guidelines on Human  Copy of the guidelines on Indicators and Means of
implemented guidelines on human Resource Selection human resource selection Verification
resource selection.  SCALOG Report validated
 Assessment on the  Assessment report on the
The personnel Selection Board is able to current selection process selection process of
assist the local chief executive in of personnel for personnel for employment
ensuring the judicious and objective employment or promotion or promotion
selection of personnel for employment  Identified shortlisted  Summary report of
or promotion. participants qualified applicants
 List of recommendations  Report of Top 5 Selection
on how to better improve Line up
the selection process

The LGU has a transparent process for  No. of position  Position requirements of
promotion (i.e., position requirements requirements identified vacancies are posted in
are identified and communicated; and communicated public places
vacancies are posted publicly; and  No. of vacancies posted  Posting of vacancies in
assessment techniques, such are publicly public places
interviews or tests, are used to ensure
selection decisions are based the
requirements of the job.
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification

Performance standards are displayed  Performance standards  Display of performance

publicly to reinforce employee displayed publicly standards in public places
accountability for achieving them.

Promotion HR SYSTEMS:
 Guidelines on Human  Copy of the guidelines on Hierarchy of Objectives,
The LGU has a clear and fully Resource Selection human resource selection Indicators and Means of
implemented guidelines on human  SCALOG Report validated Verification
resource selection. by DILG
 No. of performance  Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is regularly evaluation conducted Report
conducted in the LGU.  SCALOG Report validated

The LGU has introduced innovations in  No. of innovations in human  Copy of EO or SP resolution
human resource management and resource management and adopting/approving the
development. development innovations
 Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated
 Presence of HR information  Copy of reports generated
There is a computer-based Human system from the HR information
Resource Information System available. system
 SCALOG Report validated
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification

The LGU solicits feedback from its  No. of feedback activities  Accomplished feedback
clients regarding its human resource conducted forms
management and development services  Activity Reports
through informal means  SCALOG Report validated

The LGU identifies the education,  No. of competency gaps  Competency Assessment
training and development needs of its identified and prioritized Report
employees.  SCALOG Report

Retention HR SYSTEMS:
Hierarchy of Objectives,
The LGU provides opportunities for  No. of short-term and long-  Copy of certifications on Indicators and Means of
continue learning and development to term capacity development the capacity development Verification
its employees. activities participated by activities participated by
PGAS management and LGU management and staff
staff  SCALOG Report validated

The LGU has  No. of innovations in human  Copy of EO or SP resolution

introduced innovations in human resource management and adopting/approving the
resource management and development innovations
development.  Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification

The LGU reviews/evaluates its human  No. of assessment workshops  Assessment Report
resource management and development  Copy of the document
services to identify areas for enumerating the areas for
improvement. improvement and the
strategies to be employed
 SCALOG Report validated
 No. of feedback activities  Accomplished feedback
The LGU solicits feedback from its conducted forms
clients regarding its human resource  Activity Reports
management and development services  SCALOG Report validated
through informal means by DILG

Recognition and Awards

Performance standards are displayed  Performance standards  SCALOG Report validated

publicly to reinforce employee displayed in public by DILG
accountability for achieving them.
Recognition and Awards HR SYSTEMS:
 Guidelines on Human  Copy of the guidelines on Hierarchy of Objectives,
The LGU has a clear and fully Resource Selection human resource selection Indicators and Means of
implemented guidelines on human  SCALOG Report validated Verification
resource selection. by DILG
Recognition and Awards  Performance evaluation  Performance Evaluation
conducted twice in a year Report
Performance evaluation is regularly
Recognition and Awards
 Presence of Award and  Copy of document
The LGU uses different forms of reward Recognition System describing the Award and
and recognition and good performance. Recognition System
 SCALOG Report
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification
Recognition and Awards
 No. of innovations in human  Copy of EO or SP resolution
The LGU has introduced innovations in resource management and adopting/approving the
human resource management and development innovations
development  Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated
Recognition and Awards
 Presence of HR information  Copy of reports generated
There is a computer-based Human system from the HR information
Resource Information System available. system
 SCALOG Report validated
Recognition and Awards
 No. of assessment workshops  Assessment Report
The LGU reviews/evaluates its human  Copy of the document
resource management and development enumerating the areas for
services to identify areas for improvement and the
improvement. strategies to be employed
 SCALOG Report validated
Recognition and Awards
 No. of feedback activities  Accomplished feedback
The LGU solicits feedback from its conducted forms
clients regarding its human resource  Activity Reports
management and development services  SCALOG Report validated
through informal means(e.g., by DILG
spontaneous feedback from clients,
interviews or other methods that are
unstructured or done randomly)
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification
Personnel Relations

Employees can ventilate their concerns  Presence of Grievance  Copy of the document
and sentiments on work and/or Machinery describing the Grievance
organizational issues.  No. of activities that Machinery HR SYSTEMS:
provided opportunities for  Activity Reports Hierarchy of Objectives,
employees to ventilate  SCALOG Report validated Indicators and Means of
their concerns and by DILG Verification
Personnel Relations

The LGU has introduced innovations in  No. of innovations in human  Copy of EO or SP resolution
human resource management and resource management and adopting/approving the
development. development innovations
 Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated

The LGU reviews/evaluates its human  No. of assessment workshops  Assessment Report
resource management and development  Copy of the document
services to identify areas for enumerating the areas for
improvement. improvement and the
strategies to be employed
 SCALOG Report validated
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification
Personnel Relations
 No. of feedback activities  Accomplished feedback
The LGU solicits feedback from its conducted forms
clients regarding its human resource  Activity Reports
management and development services  SCALOG Report validated
through informal means(e.g., by DILG
spontaneous feedback from clients,
interviews or other methods that are
unstructured or done randomly)

Retirement HR SYSTEMS:
Hierarchy of Objectives,
The LGU has introduced innovations in  No. of innovations in human  Copy of EO or SP resolution Indicators and Means of
human resource management and resource management and adopting/approving the Verification
development. development innovations
 Copy of the summary
report describing the
 SCALOG Report validated

The LGU reviews/evaluates its human  No. of assessment workshops  Assessment Report
resource management and development  Copy of the document
services to identify areas for enumerating the areas for
improvement. improvement and the
strategies to be employed
 SCALOG Report validated
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification

The LGU streamlines its human resource  No. of minutes reduced in  Assessment Report
management and development services processing time  SCALOG Report validated
in terms of reduction in:  No. of requirements by DILG
Processing/transaction time; Number of reduced
requirements; Number of signatories;  No. of signatories reduced
and Number of steps  No. of steps reduced


The LGU solicits feedback from its  No. of feedback activities  Accomplished feedback
clients regarding its human resource conducted forms
management and development services  Activity Reports
through informal means(e.g.,  SCALOG Report validated
spontaneous feedback from clients, by DILG
interviews or other methods that are
unstructured or done randomly)

Recruitment and Promotion Hierarchy of Objectives,
Indicators and Means of
Institutionalization of Qualification  No. of activities for QS  Activity Reports Verification
Standards Manual Enhancement, enhancement
Advocate/Communicate and Create Buy-
in (refer to ComPlan for advocacy

Amendment of Recruitment, Selection  Conduct of amendment of  Activity Reports

and Placement Code (Reduction of RSP code
Validity Period of Result of Diagnostic
Exam; regular schedule of PSB
Deliberation-twice a month  Establishment of  Amended RSP
Recruitment and
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification
Establishment of Recruitment and Placement Diagnostic  Recruitment and
Placement Diagnostic Center with center Placement Diagnostic
complete facilities Center
 No. of activities which aim
to enhance the merit
Enhancement of and Advocacy for Merit promotion plan  Activity Reports
Promotion Plan (refer to ComPlan for
advocacy)  No. of advocacy activities
for the Merit Promotion
Formulate Career Development/Pathing Plan  Advocacy reports
Plan (outsourced)
 No. of workshops for the
formulation of the Career
Development/Pathing Plan  Activity Reports
Formulate Succession Plan and
Retention Plan (outsourced)  No. of workshops for the
formulation of the  Assessment Report
succession plan and
retention plan


Formulation of PMS linked to Rewards  PMS linked to Rewards  PMS linked to Reward and
and Incentives with harmonization with and Incentives with Incentives with
PGAS and CSC; M&E of PMS harmonization with PGAS harmonization with PGAS
and CSC and CSC

Recognition and Rewards

Formulate a Performance-based Rewards  Performance-based  Copy of the Performance-

and Incentives Plan (outsourced) Rewards and Incentives based Rewards and
Plan Incentives Plan
Hierarchy of Objective Indicators Means of Verification

Human Relations HR SYSTEMS:

Hierarchy of Objectives,
Enhancement of Grievance Machinery  No. of consultations and  Activity Reports Indicators and Means of
workshops Verification

Retirement and Resignation

Formulate a Retirement and Separation  No. of workshops for the  Activity Reports
Plan (outsourced) formulation of the
retirement and separation


PGAS= 300,000.00  Amount provided  Appropriation Ordinance

Other Sources= 3,800,000.00
2014= 345,000.00
2015= 120,000.00

Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

 Accomplished  Retrieve and  PMEG

feedback forms consolidate the HR SYSTEMS:
reflecting the feedback forms Data Collection Strategy
satisfaction levels on administered by the
the service delivery of different departments

 SCALOG Reports  Retrieve the SCALOG  PMEG

Reports administered  Concerned
by DILG Department

 Assessment Report of  Retrieve the  PMEG

HRMD Plan, programs, assessment reports  PHRMO
and activities

 Appropriation  Retrieve a copy of the  PMEG

Ordinance reflecting Appropriation  PBO
the funds allocated to Ordinance from SP
HRMD programs,
projects, and activities

 Competency  Conduct competency  PHRMO

Assessment Report assessment every
three (3) years

 SP Ordinance  Retrieve the SP  PMEG

approving the Ordinance from SP  PHRMO
updated HRMD Plan
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

 Copy of the guidelines  Retrieve a copy of the  PMEG

on human resource guidelines on human  PHRMO
selection resource selection

 Copy of certifications  Generate from the HR  PMEG

on the capacity information system  PHRMO HR SYSTEMS:
development information on the  MIS Data Collection Strategy
activities participated capacity development
by LGU management activities participated
and staff in by PGAS
management and staff
 Retrieve hard copies of
the certifications from

 Copy of the minutes  Retrieve copies of the  PHRMO

of the workshops on minutes of the
the formulation, workshops from PHRMO
monitoring and
evaluation of HR
plans, policies,
programs and

 Copy of the SP  Retrieve copies of the SP  PMEG

resolution or EO resolution or EO  PHRMO
adopting the adopting the
amendments in amendments in human
human resource resource policies,
policies, plans, and plans, and programs
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

 Copy of the approved  Retrieve copies of the  PMEG

and amended HR approved and amended  PHRMO
policies, plans, and HR policies, plans, and
programs programs

 Copy of the document  Retrieve copy of the  PMEG

describing the document describing
Grievance Machinery the Grievance

 Reports on activities  Coordinate with  PMEG

that allowed concerned offices and  Concerned
employees to consolidate the reports departments
ventilate their issues on such activities
and concerns

 Copy of EO or SP  Retrieve copy of EO or  PMEG

resolution SP resolution
adopting/approving adopting/approving the
the innovations in innovations that HR SYSTEMS:
HRMD resulted from Data Collection Strategy
employees’ inputs

 Copy of the summary  Retrieve copy of the  PMEG

report describing the summary report from
innovations in HRMD PHRMO

 Copy of reports  Generate reports from  PMEG

generated from the the HR information  PHRMO
HR information system  MIS
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

 Accomplished  Consolidate the  PMEG

feedback forms feedback forms from  Concerned departments
the different

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Data Analysis,
High level of High satisfaction rating  Accomplished Consolidate the PMEG, PHRMO Procedures,
satisfaction and as reflected in feedback feedback forms results of the Tools and
security among PGAS forms from internal accomplished Techniques
officials and staff clients feedback forms and
determine if indeed
there has been high
satisfaction among
PGAS officials and
staff on the HR

Enhanced efficiency in High level of confidence  Accomplished Consolidate the PMEG, PHRMO,
service delivery and satisfaction as feedback forms results of the PPDO
reflected in feedback accomplished
forms from external feedback forms and
clients determine if indeed
there has been high
satisfaction on the
HR systems among
external clients

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

High retention rate of  Substantial number  Competency Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
competent officials of personnel with Assessment Result competency results
and staff high ratings in and check if there is
competency high retention rate of
assessment competent officials
and staff

High delivery rate of  High annual  Assessment Report Refer to the HR SYSTEMS:
annual targets of the accomplishment assessment report Data Analysis,
different departments rating and check if the Procedures,
annual targets are Tools and
met by the different Techniques


Enhanced institutional  High ratings in the  Competency Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
capacity to design and competency Assessment Report competency report
implement transparent assessment and determine the
and competency- number of personnel
based recruitment, with high capacity as
selection, and merit- against those that
based promotion are in need of
processes and assistance
incentive mechanisms,
and accessible and
responsive grievance

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who


Notices of vacancies  Guidelines on  Copy of the Refer to the SCALOG PMEG, PHRMO
are posted in at least Human Resource guidelines on Report and verify if
(3) conspicuous public Selection human resource indeed there has
places in the LGU for a selection been substantial
period of not less than  SCALOG Report evidence that the
fifteen (15) days. validated by notice of vacancies
DILG are posted in at least
3 conspicuous public
Recruitment  Position  Posting of Gather more PMEG, PHRMO
requirements position evidence that shows
The LGU has a are posted requirements in that the human
transparent process publicly public places resource selection
for human resource  Vacancies are  Documentation has indeed been
selection posted publicly that vacancies transparent
 Criteria for the are posted
shortlisting publicly
process is clear  SCALOG Report
validated by
 Guidelines on  Copy of the Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU has clear and Human Resource guidelines on guidelines and review
fully implemented Selection human resource the processes and
guidelines on human selection criteria to determine HR SYSTEMS:
resource selection.  SCALOG Report that such processes Data Analysis,
validated by and criteria are Procedures,
DILG transparent and clear
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Promotion Tools and
The personnel  Assessment on  Assessment Review the selection PMEG, PHRMO
Selection Board is able the current report on the process and the
to assist the local chief selection selection process recommendations
executive in ensuring process of of personnel for provided by the
the judicious and personnel for employment or personnel selection
objective selection of employment or promotion board and assess if
personnel for promotion  Summary report such
employment or  Identified of qualified recommendations
promotion. shortlisted applicants truly assist the local
participants  Report of Top 5 chief executive in
 List of Selection Line up ensuring the
recommendatio judicious and
ns on how to objective selection of
better improve personnel for
the selection employment or
process promotion.
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
 No. of position  Position Assess the level of PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU has a requirements requirements of transparency in
transparent process identified and vacancies are terms of promotion
for promotion (i.e., communicated posted in public
position requirements  No. of vacancies places
are identified and posted publicly  Posting of
communicated; vacancies in
vacancies are posted public places
publicly; and
techniques, such are
interviews or tests, are
used to ensure
selection decisions are
based the HR SYSTEMS:
requirements of the Data Analysis,
job. Procedures,
Promotion Tools and
 Performance  Display of Assess if the display PMEG, PHRMO Techniques
Performance standards standards performance of performance
are displayed publicly displayed standards in standards has
to reinforce employee publicly public places triggered
accountability for accountability
achieving them.
 Guidelines on  Copy of the Review the guidelines PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU has clear and Human Resource guidelines on if there are some
fully implemented Selection human resource section that need to
guidelines on human selection be updated or
resource selection.  SCALOG Report enhanced or deleted
validated by
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Performance  No. of  Performance Determine if PMEG, PHRMO

evaluation is regularly performance Evaluation performance
conducted in the LGU. evaluation Report evaluation has been
conducted  SCALOG Report conducted twice a
validated by year and assess if it
DILG has been properly

The LGU has  No. of innovations  Copy of EO or SP Keep track of the PMEG, PHRMO
introduced innovations in human resolution innovations that have
in human resource resource adopting/approvi been introduced and
management and management and ng the assessed if the
development. development innovations innovations have
 Copy of the contributed to the
summary report efficiency of HR
describing the systems
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Promotion HR SYSTEMS:
Data Analysis,
There is a computer-  Presence of HR  Copy of reports Assess the capacity PMEG, PHRMO Procedures,
based Human information generated from of the HR information Tools and
Resource Information system the HR system to generate Techniques
System available. information the much needed
system information
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
 No. of feedback  Accomplished Assess the processes PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU solicits activities feedback forms on how the feedback
feedback from its conducted  Activity Reports forms were
clients regarding its  SCALOG Report administered and the
human resource validated by DILG instrument that was
management and used
development services
through informal


The LGU identifies the  No. of  Competency Assess the processes PMEG, PHRMO
education, training competency gaps Assessment on how the
and development identified and Report education, training
needs of its prioritized  SCALOG Report and development
employees. needs were

The LGU provides  No. of short-term  Copy of Determine how the PMEG, PHRMO
opportunities for and long-term certifications on opportunities for
continue learning and capacity the capacity learning and
development to its development development development are
employees. activities activities being made
participated by participated by accessible and assess
PGAS LGU management how these
management and and staff opportunities are
staff  SCALOG Report being offered to the
validated by DILG LGU employees
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

The LGU has  No. of innovations  Copy of EO or SP Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO HR SYSTEMS:
introduced innovations in human resolution innovations and Data Analysis,
in human resource resource adopting/approvi assess if they have Procedures,
management and management and ng the contributed to the Tools and
development. development innovations efficiency of retention Techniques
 Copy of the system
summary report
describing the
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
 No. of assessment  Assessment Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU workshops Report assessment report
reviews/evaluates its  Copy of the and validate if the
human resource document areas of
management and enumerating the improvement have
development services areas for been adequately
to identify areas for improvement and identified
improvement. the strategies to
be employed
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
 No. of feedback  Accomplished Assess the feedback PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU solicits activities feedback forms results and check if
feedback from its conducted  Activity Reports the desired results
clients regarding its  SCALOG Report are being achieved
human resource validated by DILG
management and
development services
through informal

Recognition and HR SYSTEMS:

Awards Data Analysis,
 Posting of  Performance  Assess whether or PMEG, PHRMO Procedures,
Performance standards performance standards not the Tools and
are displayed publicly standards in posted in public performance Techniques
to reinforce employee public places places standards are
accountability for  SCALOG Report posted in
achieving them. validated by conspicuous
DILG places
Recognition and
Awards  Guidelines on  Copy of the  Assess whether or PMEG, PHRMO
Human Resource guidelines on not the guidelines
The LGU has a clear Selection human resource can be accessed
and fully implemented selection by both internal
guidelines on human  SCALOG Report and external
resource selection. validated by clients
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Recognition and
 No. of  Performance  Assess if the PMEG, PHRMO
Performance performance evaluation results of
evaluation is regularly evaluation results performance
conducted conducted in a  SCALOG Report evaluation have
year validated by been used in
DILG designing the
training and
needs of the
Recognition and
 Presence of  Copy of  Assess if the PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU uses different Award and document recognition and
forms of reward and Recognition describing the award system has
recognition and good System Award and been
performance. Recognition comprehensive
System enough to
 SCALOG Report accommodate
performance in
key areas
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Recognition and
 No. of innovations  Copy of EO or SP  Assess if there PMEG, PHRMO Data Analysis,
The LGU has in human resolution have been Procedures,
introduced innovations resource adopting/approvi innovations in Tools and
in human resource management and ng the recognition and Techniques
management and development innovations award system
development  Copy of the and check if the
summary report innovations have
describing the led to the
innovations efficiency of the
 SCALOG Report system
validated by DILG
Recognition and
 Presence of HR  Copy of reports  Check if the PMEG, PHRMO
There is a computer- information generated from system if the
based Human system the HR computer-based
Resource Information information system is able to
System available. system generate the right
 SCALOG Report information for
validated by DILG the recognition
and awards.
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Recognition and
 No. of assessment  Assessment  Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
The LGU workshops Report assessment
reviews/evaluates its  Copy of the reports and check
human resource document if areas for
management and enumerating the improvement
development services areas for have been clearly
to identify areas for improvement and identified.
improvement. the strategies to
be employed
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Recognition and
 No. of feedback  Accomplished Review the activity PMEG, PHRMO Data Analysis,
The LGU solicits activities feedback forms reports and assess if Procedures,
feedback from its conducted  Activity Reports there has been Tools and
clients regarding its  SCALOG Report substantial effort to Techniques
human resource validated by DILG solicit feedback from
management and clients
development services
through informal
spontaneous feedback
from clients,
interviews or other
methods that are
unstructured or done
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Personnel Relations

Employees can  Presence of  Copy of the Refer to the activity PMEG, PHRMO
ventilate their Grievance document reports and assess if
concerns and Machinery describing the the grievance
sentiments on work  No. of activities Grievance machinery has been
and/or organizational that provided Machinery effective in eliciting
issues. opportunities for  Activity Reports concerns and
employees to  SCALOG Report sentiments on works
ventilate their validated by DILG and/or organizational
concerns and issues.

Personnel Relations

The LGU has  No. of innovations  Copy of EO or SP Assess if there have PMEG, PHRMO
introduced innovations in human resolution been innovations in
in human resource resource adopting/approvi strengthening
management and management and ng the personnel relations
development. development innovations thru the presence of
 Copy of the grievance machinery
summary report
describing the Assess the
innovations effectiveness of the
 SCALOG Report grievance machinery
validated by DILG
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Personnel Relations

The LGU  No. of assessment  Assessment PMEG, PHRMO

reviews/evaluates its workshops Report
human resource  Copy of the
management and document
development services enumerating the
to identify areas for areas for
improvement. improvement and
the strategies to
be employed
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Personnel Relations
Data Analysis,
The LGU solicits  No. of feedback  Accomplished Consolidate the PMEG, PHRMO
feedback from its activities feedback forms accomplished
Tools and
clients regarding its conducted  Activity Reports feedback forms and
human resource  SCALOG Report assess if the
management and validated by DILG feedback instrument
development services needs to be
through informal enhanced.
spontaneous feedback
from clients,
interviews or other
methods that are
unstructured or done
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
The LGU has  No. of innovations  Copy of EO or SP Refer to the SCALOG PMEG, PHRMO Data Analysis,
introduced innovations in human resolution report and assess if Procedures,
in human resource resource adopting/approvi the innovations in Tools and
management and management and ng the retirement processes Techniques
development. development innovations have led to greater
 Copy of the satisfaction among
summary report internal clients
describing the
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG

The LGU  No. of assessment  Assessment Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO

reviews/evaluates its workshops Report assessment report
human resource  Copy of the and assess if the
management and document areas for
development services enumerating the improvement have
to identify areas for areas for been adequately
improvement. improvement and identified in terms of
the strategies to retirement processes
be employed
 SCALOG Report
validated by DILG
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

The LGU streamlines  No. of minutes  Assessment Look into the PMEG, PHRMO
its human resource reduced in Report processing time of HR
management and processing time  SCALOG Report documents and
development services  No. of validated by DILG assess if substantial
in terms of reduction requirements reductions in
in: reduced processing/
Processing/transaction  No. of signatories transaction time have
time; Number of reduced been made in terms
requirements; Number  No. of steps of retirement
of signatories; and reduced documents
Number of steps

The LGU solicits  No. of feedback  Accomplished Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
feedback from its activities feedback forms accomplished
clients regarding its conducted  Activity Reports feedback forms and
human resource  SCALOG Report check if various
management and validated by DILG employees have
development services been engaged in the HR SYSTEMS:
through informal evaluation process Data Analysis,
means(e.g., Procedures,
spontaneous feedback Tools and
from clients, Techniques
interviews or other
methods that are
unstructured or done


Recruitment and
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
 No. of activities  Activity Reports Review the QS PMEG, PHRMO
Institutionalization of for QS Manual if it has been
Qualification enhancement adequately enhanced
Standards Manual
e and Create Buy-in
(refer to ComPlan for
advocacy  Activity Reports Review the amended PMEG, PHRMO
 Conduct of  Amended RSP RSP and activity
Amendment of amendment of reports to determine
Recruitment, Selection RSP code if there has been
and Placement Code regular schedule of
(Reduction of Validity PSB deliberation
Period of Result of
Diagnostic Exam;
regular schedule of  Recruitment and PMEG, PHRMO
PSB Deliberation-twice  Establishment of Placement Validate if the
a month Recruitment and Diagnostic Recruitment and
Placement Center Placement Diagnostic
Establishment of Diagnostic Center has been fully
Recruitment and center established with
Placement Diagnostic adequate facilities PMEG, PHRMO
Center with complete  Activity Reports
facilities  No. of activities  Copy of the Refer to the activity HR SYSTEMS:
which aim to enhanced Merit report and validate if Data Analysis,
enhance the Promotion Plan the right processes Procedures,
Enhancement of and merit promotion were undertaken for Tools and
Advocacy for Merit plan the enhancement of PMEG, PHRMO Techniques
Promotion Plan (refer  Advocacy the Merit Promotion
to ComPlan for reports Plan
advocacy)  No. of advocacy
activities for the Refer to the activity
Merit Promotion report PMEG, PHRMO
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who
Plan If there has been
 Activity Reports adequate advocacy
 No. of  Copy of the for the Merit
workshops for Career Promotion Plan
the formulation Development
Formulate Career of the Career Plan/Pathing Plan Secure a copy of the
Development/Pathing Development/Pa approved Career
Plan (outsourced) thing Plan Development
Plan/Pathing Plan and
 Activity Report review if it has been
 No. of  Approved copies comprehensive
workshops for of the enough
Formulate Succession the formulation Succession Plan
Plan and Retention of the and Retention Review the activity
Plan (outsourced) succession plan Plan report and check if
and retention the consultative and PMEG, PHRMO
plan participatory
 Succession Plan approaches were
 Retention Plan undertaken for the
formulation of the
succession plan and
retention plan

Refer to the approved

copies and assess if
these plans have
been comprehensive
enough to meet the
needs and demands
of internal clients
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who


Formulation of PMS PMS linked to Rewards PMS linked to Reward Assess the PMS if it is PMEG, PHRMO
linked to Rewards and and Incentives with and Incentives with linked to Reward and
Incentives with harmonization with harmonization with Incentives
harmonization with PGAS and CSC PGAS and CSC
PGAS and CSC; M&E of

Recognition and
Rewards Copy of the HR SYSTEMS:
Performance-based Performance-based Review the PMEG, PHRMO Data Analysis,
Formulate a Rewards and Incentives Rewards and Incentives Performance-based Procedures,
Performance-based Plan Plan Rewards and Tools and
Rewards and Incentives Plan if it Techniques
Incentives Plan has adapted to the
(outsourced) emerging needs

Human Relations

Enhancement of No. of consultations Activity Reports Assess the enhanced PMEG, PHRMO
Grievance Machinery and workshops for the Grievance Machinery
enhancement of the if it has increased its
Grievance Machinery accessibility and
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
How Who

Retirement and
 No. of  Activity Reports Refer to the Activity PMEG, PHRMO
Formulate a workshops for Report if the
Retirement and the formulation processes undertaken
Separation Plan of the for the formulation of
(outsourced) retirement and the Retirement and
separation plan Separation Plan were
consultative and


PGAS= 300,000.00  Amount provided  Appropriation  Assess if the PMEG, PHRMO HR SYSTEMS:
Other Sources= Ordinance amount reflected Data Analysis,
3,800,000.00 in the AO has Procedures,
2011=90,000.00 been fully Tools and
2012=2,420,000.00 released and Techniques
2013=1,125,000.00 spent
2015= 120,000.00

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

High Achievement Rate of Individual employee  PMES RATING Hierarchy of Objectives,
Individual Performance performance targets met  Accomplishment Report Indicators and Means of
Targets Verification

Increased Clients’ Increase in customer Accomplished Feedback

Satisfaction satisfaction rating Forms


Improved Health and Reduced incidence of leave Performance

Wellness Status of of absence caused by EvaluationResult
Employees sickness or disability

Culture of Participation in No. of employees attending  Activity Reports on Health

Health and Wellness H and W related activities and Wellness
Program Program/projects
 Approved minutes of
Health and Wealth

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

High level of awareness and Increased awareness and Competency Assessment

appreciation to the Health appreciation to the Health Result
and Wellness Program and Wellness Program


Health and Wellness  Completion rate of  Assessment Report

Programs, Projects, and Health and Wellness
Activities Implemented Programs, Projects,
and Activities

Health and Wellness  Health and Wellness  Copy of Health and

Program Guidelines Program Guidelines Wellness Program HEALTH AND WELLNESS:
Guidelines Hierarchy of Objectives,
Indicators and Means of
Health and Wellness Core  Presence of Health  Draft EO creating Verification
Team and Wellness Core Health and Wellness
Team Core Team


Conduct of Health and  No. of Health and  Assessment report

Wellness Assessment Wellness assessment
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Inventory and info  List of policy support  SP Ordinance or EO

dissemination of policy pertaining to health supporting the
support pertaining to health and wellness Health and Wellness
and wellness program program program
 No. of IEC materials  Copies of the IEC
disseminated on the materials
policy support
pertaining to health
and wellness

Consultation and workshops  No. of consultations  Activity reports

on the formulation of Health and workshops
and Wellness Plan and conducted for the
corresponding guidelines formulation of Health
and Wellness Plan
and corresponding

Proposed EO creating the  Draft EO creating the  Copy of the draft EO

Health and Wellness Team Health and Wellness

Popularization/advocacy for  No of activities  Activity Reports for

the institutionalization of conducted for the the
Health and Wellness institutionalization of institutionalization of
Program Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
Program Program


Health and Wellness  Health and Wellness  Copy of the

Assessment Tool Assessment Tool assessment tool
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Existing executive issuances  Executive issuances,  Copy of the

or memo and guidelines memos, and executive issuances,
related to health and guidelines related to memos, and
wellness program health and wellness guidelines
Consultation and workshops  No. of consultations  Activity reports Hierarchy of Objectives,
on the formulation of Health and workshops Indicators and Means of
and Wellness Plan and conducted for the Verification
corresponding guidelines formulation of Health
and Wellness Plan
and corresponding

Proposed EO creating the  Draft EO creating the  Copy of the draft EO

Health and Wellness Team Health and Wellness

Formulation of Employee  No. of Activities for  Activity Reports

Health and Wellness Plan Plan Formulation
Mechanics and Policies  No. of Activities for
the formulation of
Health and Wellness

Employee Health and  No. of Activities  Activity Reports

Wellness Program and related to designing
Workplace Safety Program Health and Wellness
Program and
Workplace Safety

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Popularization/advocacy for  No of activities  Activity Reports for

the institutionalization of conducted for the the HEALTH AND WELLNESS:
Health and Wellness institutionalization of institutionalization of Hierarchy of Objectives,
Program Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Indicators and Means of
Program Program Verification


Health and Wellness  Health and Wellness  Copy of the

Assessment Tool Assessment Tool assessment tool

Existing executive issuances  Executive issuances,  Copy of the

or memo and guidelines memos, and executive issuances,
related to health and guidelines related to memos, and
wellness program health and wellness guidelines

Formulation of Employee  Employee Health  Activity Reports

Health and Wellness Plan and Wellness Plan  Copy of the
Mechanics and Policies Mechanics Employee Health
 Employee Health and Wellness Plan
and Wellness Policies Mechanics
 Copy of the
Employee Health
and Wellness Policies
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Employee Health and  No. of activities  Copy of the activity

Wellness Program and pertaining to the reports
Workplace Safety Program implementation of
Implementation the Employee Health
- Drop everything cum and Wellness
CTO Program Program
- Safety Program  No. of activities
pertaining to the
implementation of
the Workplace Safety

Financial Resource:  Amount provided  Appropriation

2011: PhP 540,000.00 Ordinance
2012: PhP 500,000.00
Hierarchy of Objectives,
2013: PhP 505,000.00
Indicators and Means of
2014: PhP 500,000.00
2015: PhP 505,000.00

Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

1. PMES Rating Secure a copy of the PMES PMEG

Data Collection Strategy
2. Accomplishment Report Secure a copy of the PMEG
of consolidated
PGAS employees accomplishment reports
from the various

3. Accomplished feedback Secure a copy of the PMEG

forms reflecting client’s accomplished feedback
satisfaction forms from PHRMO

4. Performance Evaluation Secure a copy of the PMEG

Report performance evaluation
reports from PHRMO

5. Health and Wellness Secure a copy of the health PMEG

Activity and wellness activity
Reports reports from PHRMO

6. Approved minutes of Secure a copy of the PMEG

Health approved minutes of health
and Wellness Activities and wellness activities from
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

7. Assessment Report on Secure a copy of the PMEG

the assessment report on the
implementation of implementation of health
Health and wellness program,
and Wellness Programs, projects, and activities
Projects, and Activities

8. Copy of Health and Secure a copy of the PMEG

Wellness enhanced health and
Program Guidelines wellness program guidelines

9. Draft EO creating Health Secure a copy of the draft PMEG

and EO creating Health and HEALTH AND WELLNESS:
Wellness Core Team Wellness Core Team from Data Collection Strategy

10. SP Ordinance Secure a copy of the PMEG

supporting Ordinance supporting the
the Health and Health and Wellness
Wellness Program from SP

11. IEC materials on policy Secure a copy of the IEC PMEG

support for Health and materials on policy support
Wellness Program for Health and Wellness
Program from PHRMO

12. Activity Reports on the Secure a copy of the activity PMEG

consultation and workshops reports from PHRMO
for the formulation of Health
and Wellness Program
Means of Verification Data Collection
How Who

13. Draft EO creating the Secure a copy of the draft PMEG

Health and Wellness Team EO from PHRMO

14. Activity Reports for the Secure a copy of the activity PMEG
institutionalization of Health reports from PHRMO
and Wellness Program

15. Copy of the assessment Secure a copy of the PMEG

tool assessment tool from

16. Copy of the executive Secure a copy of the PMEG

issuances, memos, or executive issuances,
guidelines memos, or guidelines from
Administrator’s office


Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

Objective How Who

Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

High Achievement Rate  Individual  PMES RATING Monitor the PMEG, PHRMO
of Individual employee  Accomplishment movement of the
Performance Targets performance Report achievement rate of
targets met individual
performance and
determine whether
there have been
improvements in the
HR systems or not

Increased Clients’  Increase in  Accomplished Assess how the PMEG, PHRMO

Satisfaction customer Feedback Forms feedback forms were HEALTH AND
satisfaction administered and WELLNESS:
rating assess the Data
responses in the Analysis,
said forms to Procures,
determine if there Tools and
are significant Techniques
changes in the said


Improved Health and  Reduced  Performance Keep track of the PMEG, PHRMO
Wellness Status of incidence of Evaluation records of
Employees leave of Result employees in terms
absence caused of attendance to
by sickness or meetings and
disability activities and their
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

Culture of Participation  No. of  Activity Reports PMEG, PHRMO

in Health and Wellness employees on Health and
Program attending H and Wellness
W related Program/projects
activities  Approved minutes
of Health and
Wealth activities


High level of awareness  High level of  Competency Review and assess PMEG, PHRMO
and appreciation to the awareness as Needs the level of
Health and Wellness reflected in the Assessment awareness and
Program competency Result appreciation of the
assessment employees to the
Health and
Wellness Program
based from the
results of the
Competency Needs
Assessment HEALTH AND
Health and Wellness  Completion rate  Assessment Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO Procures,
Programs, Projects, and of Health and Report assessment reports Tools and
Activities Implemented Wellness and assess the level Techniques
Programs, of efficiency and
Projects, and effectiveness of the
Activities implementation of
Implemented Health and Wellness
Programs, Projects,
and Activities
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

Health and Wellness  Health and  Copy of Health Refer to the Health PMEG, PHRMO
Program Guidelines Wellness and Wellness and Wellness
Program Program Program Guidelines
Guidelines Guidelines and assess if the
guidelines need to
be reviewed,
updated or

Health and Wellness  Presence of  Draft EO creating

Core Team Health and Health and
Wellness Core Wellness Core
Team Team


Conduct of Health and  No. of Health  Assessment Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
Wellness Assessment and Wellness report assessment report
assessment and assess if the
conducted assessment process
has been properly
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

Inventory and info  List of policy  SP Ordinance or Refer to the list of PMEG, PHRMO HEALTH AND
dissemination of policy support EO supporting the policy support and WELLNESS:
support pertaining to pertaining to Health and check if it has been Data
health and wellness health and Wellness program comprehensive Analysis,
program wellness  Copies of the IEC Procures,
program materials Tools and
 No. of IEC Techniques
disseminated on
the policy
pertaining to
health and

Consultation and  No. of  Activity reports Refer to the activity PMEG, PHRMO
workshops on the consultations reports and check if
formulation of Health and workshops a significant number
and Wellness Plan and conducted for of employees have
corresponding the formulation been engaged in the
guidelines of Health and consultation process
Wellness Plan and in the
and workshops

Proposed EO creating  Draft EO  Copy of the draft Refer to the EO and PMEG, PHRMO
the Health and creating the EO review if it has
Wellness Team Health and properly identified
Wellness Team the members of the
Health and Wellness
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

Formulation of  No. of Activities  Activity Reports

Employee Health and for Plan
Wellness Plan Formulation
Mechanics and Policies  No. of Activities
for the
formulation of
Health and

Employee Health and  No. of Activities  Activity Reports HEALTH AND

Wellness Program and related to WELLNESS:
Workplace Safety designing Data
Program Health and Analysis,
Wellness Procures,
Program and Tools and
Workplace Techniques
Safety Program

Popularization/advocac  No of activities  Activity Reports Assess if there has PMEG, PHRMO

y for the conducted for for the been substantial
institutionalization of the institutionalizatio logistical support in
Health and Wellness institutionalizati n of Health and the implementation
Program on of Health and Wellness Program of the activities


Health and Wellness  Health and  Copy of the Refer to the PMEG, PHRMO
Assessment Tool Wellness assessment tool assessment tool and
Assessment Tool assess if it needs to
be reviewed and
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who

Existing executive  Executive  Copy of the Review evidences of PMEG, PHRMO

issuances or memo and issuances, executive policy support and
guidelines related to memos, and issuances, assess if these
health and wellness guidelines memos, and policy support have
program related to health guidelines been appropriately
and wellness implemented

Formulation of  Employee  Activity Reports Review the activity PMEG

Employee Health and Health and  Copy of the reports if highly PHRMO
Wellness Plan Wellness Plan Employee Health participatory and
Mechanics and Policies Mechanics and Wellness Plan consultative
 Employee Mechanics approaches were
Health and  Copy of the undertaken for the
Wellness Employee Health formulation of the
Policies and Wellness plans
Review the
approved copies of
the plans if they
have been
enough to meet the
changing needs of
the internal clients
Hierarchy of Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis
Objective How Who
Employee Health and  No. of activities  Copy of the Review the activity PMEG WELLNESS:
Wellness Program and pertaining to activity reports reports if the plan PHRMO Data
Workplace Safety the mechanics and Analysis,
Program implementation policies were Procures,
Implementation of the Employee properly Tools and
- Drop everything Health and implemented Techniques
cum CTO Program Wellness
- Safety Program Program
 No. of activities
pertaining to
of the
Safety Program

Financial Resource:  Amount  Appropriation Assess if the amount PMEG

2011: PhP 540,000.00 provided Ordinance reflected in the PHRMO
2012: PhP 500,000.00 appropriation
2013: PhP 505,000.00 ordinance were
2014: PhP 500,000.00 released and
2015: PhP 505,000.00 disbursed

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Long-term Organizational Targets  High Accomplishment of the  Assessment Report duly PROGRAM:
are met vision, mission, goals, and validated by the the Hierarchy
strategies of the province as different departments of
reflected in the ELA, HRMD and partner institutions Objectives,
Plan, PDIP, and PDPFP such as NEDA, DILG, and Indicators
CSC and Means
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Efficient and effective  Comprehensive multi-year  SP Resolution adopting

development, implementation, development plans with the various development
monitoring and evaluation of allocated budget plans
annual and multi-year  Timely implementation of PPAs  Approved copies of the
development plan, and HRMD in the development plans various development
programs  Achievement of the targeted plans
outcomes of the PPAs as  Assessment reports of
reflected in the M&E the PPAs
component of the various  M&E Reports on the
development plans achievement of the
 Budget allocation to HRMD targeted outcomes of the
programs, projects, and PPAs
activities  Copy of the Appropriation
 Timely implementation of Ordinance indicating the
HRMD programs, projects, and budget allocation to
activities HRMD programs,
projects, and activities
 Assessment Report on
the implementation of
HRMD programs,
projects, and activities

Efficient and effective HR  Reduced processing time of HR-  Performance Review

systems related transactions Report on the processing
 High satisfaction among PGAS time of HR-related
personnel and external clients transactions
on HR systems  Accomplishment Report
 Accomplished feedback

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Increased knowledge and skills  High levels of knowledge and  Competency Assessment
among PGAS officials and staff to skills to develop, implement, Report
develop, implement, monitor and monitor and evaluate annual
evaluate annual and multi-year and multi-year development
development plan, to conduct plans CAPACITY
training and non-training  High levels of knowledge and DEVELOPM
interventions using highly skills to conduct training and ENT
consultative and participatory non-training interventions using PROGRAM:
approaches, and to continuously highly consultative and Hierarchy
innovate HR systems participatory approaches of
OUTPUTS Indicators
and Means
All employees manifest the of
following core competencies: Verification

 Computer Skills  Increased number of accurate  Performance Evaluation

 Communications skills outputs/reports Report
 Customer Service  Reduced number of drafts for a
 Performances Management given report
 Organizational Sensitivity  High levels of awareness of the
 Innovation goals, plans and decisions of
other units
 Initiative
 High rate of meeting
 Teamwork: Collaboration and
customers’ expectations
 No. of actions taken to solve
 Integrity problems or improve situation
 Concern for Enviroment  No. of actions that respond to
 Interpersonal Sensitivity the needs, feelings, and
 Work Standards opinions of others
 No. of activities in which he/she
maintains transparency, high
standards, and accountability
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

The officials and employees of  No. of recruitment and  Activity Report of the
the HRMD are capable of selection activities recruitment and selection
conducting recruitment and implemented which follow the activities
selection. RSP Code
The officials and employees of
the HRMD are capable of  Periodic conduct of workforce  Workforce assessment
conducting workforce assessment report
The officials and employees of
the HRMD are capable of  No. of training and  Activity and assessment
conducting Training and development activities reports on the training CAPACITY
Development. conducted and development DEVELOPM
 Presence of pool of trainers activities conducted ENT
 Approved documentation PROGRAM:
of the training and Hierarchy
development activities of
 Approved Objectives,
Training/Process Design Indicators
 Copy of the approved and Means
Executive Order creating of
the pool of trainers Verification

The officials and employees of  Performance evaluation  Copy of the Performance

the HRMD are capable of conducted twice in a year Evaluation Report
conducting Performance reviewed by the
Evaluation Governor and submitted
to CSC
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

The personnel Selection Board is  Assessment on the current  Assessment report on the
able to assist the local chief selection process of personnel selection process of
executive in ensuring the for employment or promotion personnel for
judicious and objective selection  Identified shortlisted employment or
of personnel for employment or participants promotion
promotion.  List of recommendations on  Summary report of
how to better improve the qualified applicants
selection process  Report of Top 5 Selection
Line up

Department Heads and Division

Chiefs manifest the following

 Strategic Planning and  Conduct of Strategic Planning  Activity Report of the

Management activity Strategic Planning
 Organizational Development  Formulated Strategic Plan Activity
 Staffing Organizations  No. of monitoring and  Copy of the Strategic
 Achievement Orientation evaluation activities Plan
 Managing Change  No. of planning activities  Activity Reports of the
 Monitoring and Evaluation facilitated planning activities
 Risk assessment matrix  Copy of the risk
 Problem Analysis and Decision
conducted assessment matrix
 No. of impact evaluation  Copy of the impact CAPACITY
 Delegating and Directing
conducted evaluation study DEVELOPM
 Planning and Coordination ENT
 Coaching and Mentoring PROGRAM:
 Risk Management Hierarchy
 Impact Evaluation of
The officials and employees of  Periodic conduct of workforce  Workforce assessment and Means
the HRMD are capable of assessment report of
conducting workforce Verification
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification
The officials and employees of
the HRMD are capable of  No. of recruitment and  Activity Report of the
conducting recruitment and selection activities recruitment and selection
selection implemented which follow the activities
RSP Code
The officials and employees of
the HRMD are capable of  No. of training and  Activity and assessment
conducting Training and development activities reports on the training
Development. conducted and development
 Presence of pool of trainers activities conducted
 Approved documentation
of the training and
development activities
 Approved
Training/Process Design
 Copy of the approved
Executive Order creating
the pool of trainers

The officials and employees of CAPACITY

the HRMD are capable of  Performance evaluation  Copy of the Performance DEVELOPM
conducting Performance conducted twice in a year Evaluation Report ENT
Evaluation reviewed by the PROGRAM:
Governor and submitted Hierarchy
to CSC of
Employees occupying technical Objectives,
positions manifest technical  High rating under the technical  Performance Evaluation Indicators
competencies unique to their competency of the Performance Report –semi annual and Means
departments. Evaluation Report of


Implementation of CNA-based
training programs/training plan
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification

Implementation of prioritized
interventions from harmonized
CD programs


Financial Resources
2013= 9,393,904.40
2014= 3,315,104.40
2015= 2,289,204.40

Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Assessment Report duly Get the consolidated PMEG

validated by the different assessment report from
departments and partner PPDO and make sure that
institutions such as NEDA, the assessment results have
DILG, and CSC on the been validated by the
achievement of PGAS on its different departments and
vision, goals, and strategies partner institutions such as
as reflected in various NEDA, DILG, and CSC
development plans

SP Resolution adopting the Secure a copy of the PMEG

various development plans Resolution adopting the
various development plans CAPACITY BUILDING
Data Collection Strategy
Approved copies of the Secure a copy of the various PMEG
various development plans development plans from

Assessment reports of the Secure a copy of the PMEG

PPAs assessment reports of the

M&E Reports on the Secure a copy of the M&E PMEG

achievement of the reports on the achievement
targeted outcomes of the o the targeted outcomes of
PPAs the PPAs from PPDO-ERS
Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Copy of the Appropriation Get a copy of the PMEG

Ordinance indicating the Appropriation Ordinance
budget allocation to HRMD from PBO
programs, projects, and

Assessment Report on the Get a copy of the PMEG

implementation of HRMD Assessment Reports on the
programs, projects, and implementation of HRMD
activities programs, projects, and
activities from PPDO-ERS

Performance Review Report Secure a copy of the PMEG

on the processing time of performance review report
HR-related transactions on the processing time of
HR-related transactions
from PHRMO
Accomplishment Report Secure a copy of the PMEG PROGRAM:
consolidated Data Collection Strategy
accomplishment report from

Accomplished feedback Get the accomplished PMEG

forms feedback forms

Competency Assessment Get the full-length PMEG

Report competency assessment
report from PHRMO
Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Performance Evaluation Get a copy of the PMEG

Report performance evaluation
report from PHRMO

Activity Report of the Get a copy of the Activity PMEG

recruitment and selection Report of the recruitment
activities and selection activities from
the concerned departments

Workforce assessment Get a copy of the workforce PMEG

report assessment report from
Activity and assessment Get a copy of the activity PMEG PROGRAM:
reports on the training and and assessment reports on Data Collection Strategy
development activities the training and
conducted development activities from
the concerned departments

Approved documentation of Get a copy of the approved PMEG

the training and documentation of the
development activities training and development

Approved Training/Process Get a copy of the approved PMEG

Design training/process design
from the concerned
Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Copy of the approved Get a copy of the approved PMEG

Executive Order creating EO creating the pool of
the pool of trainers trainers

Copy of the Performance Get a copy of the PMEG

Evaluation Report reviewed performance evaluation
by the Governor and report reviewed by the
submitted to CSC Governor and submitted to
CSC from the PHRMO

Assessment report on the Get a copy of the PMEG

selection process of assessment report on the
personnel for employment selection process of
or promotion personnel for employment
or promotion

Summary report of qualified Get a copy of the summary PMEG

applicants report of qualified
applicants from the
Personnel Selection Board

Report of Top 5 Selection Get the Report of Top 5 PMEG

Line up Selection Line up from the
Personnel Selection Board
Activity Report of the Get a copy of the Activity PMEG
Strategic Planning Activities Reports of the Strategic
Data Collection Strategy
Planning Activities from the
concerned departments

Copy of the Strategic Plan Get a copy of the strategic PMEG

plan from PPDO
Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Activity Reports of the Get a copy of the activity PMEG

planning activities reports of the planning
activities from the
concerned departments

Copy of the risk assessment Get a copy of the PMEG

matrix consolidated risk
assessment matrix from

Copy of the impact Get a copy of the impact PMEG

evaluation study evaluation study from

Workforce assessment Get a copy of the workforce PMEG

report assessment report from

Activity Report of the Get a copy of the activity PMEG

recruitment and selection report of the recruitment
activities and selection activities from

Activity and assessment Get a copy of the activity PMEG

reports on the training and and assessment reports on
development activities the training and
conducted development activities from
Means of Verification Data Collection

How Who

Approved documentation of Secure a copy of the PMEG

the training and approved documentation of
development activities the training and
development activities from

Approved Training/Process Get a copy of the approved PMEG

Design training/process design
from PHRMO and concerned

Copy of the approved Get a copy of the approved PMEG

Executive Order creating Executive Order creating
the pool of trainers the pool of trainers from

Copy of the Performance Get a copy of the approved PMEG

Evaluation Report reviewed Executive Order creating
by the Governor and the pool of trainers from CAPACITY BUILDING
submitted to CSC PHRMO PROGRAM:
Data Collection Strategy
Performance Evaluation Get a copy of the approved PMEG
Report –semi annual Executive Order creating
the pool of trainers from

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Long-term Organizational  High  Assessment Assess the level of PMEG PROGRAM:
Targets are met Accomplishment Report duly accomplishment in PPDO Data
of the vision, validated by the terms of vision, Analysis,
mission, goals, the different mission, goals, and Procedures,
and strategies of departments and strategies Tools and
the province as partner Techniques
reflected in the institutions such

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Efficient and effective  Comprehensive  SP Resolution PMEG

development, multi-year adopting the PHRMO
implementation, development various
monitoring and plans with development
evaluation of annual and allocated budget plans
multi-year development  Timely  Approved copies
plan, and HRMD implementation of the various Examine the
programs of PPAs in the development implementation of PPAs
development plans whether they have
plans  Assessment been efficiently
 Achievement of reports of the implemented
the targeted PPAs
outcomes of the  M&E Reports on Refer to the targeted
PPAs as reflected the achievement outcomes of the PPAs
in the M&E of the targeted and assess whether
component of the outcomes of the these outcomes have
various PPAs been achieved or not
development  Copy of the
plans Appropriation Refer to the
 Budget allocation Ordinance assessment reports
to HRMD indicating the and validate if the
programs, budget allocation HRMD programs,
projects, and to HRMD projects, and activities
activities programs, have been timely
 Timely projects, and implemented
implementation activities
of HRMD  Assessment
programs, Report on the
projects, and implementation
activities of HRMD
projects, and
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Efficient and effective HR  Reduced  Performance Assess the level of PMEG

systems processing time Review Report on efficiency and PHRMO
of HR-related the processing effectiveness of HR
transactions time of HR- systems
 High satisfaction related
among PGAS transactions
personnel and  Accomplishment
external clients Report
on HR systems  Accomplished
feedback forms

Increased knowledge and  High levels of  Competency Assess the level of PMEG BUILDING
skills among PGAS knowledge and Assessment competencies of the PHRMO PROGRAM:
officials and staff to skills to develop, Report PGAS officials and staff Data
develop, implement, implement, Analysis,
monitor and evaluate monitor and Procedures,
annual and multi-year evaluate annual Tools and
development plan, to and multi-year Techniques
conduct training and development
non-training plans
interventions using  High levels of
highly consultative and knowledge and
participatory skills to conduct
approaches, and to training and non-
continuously innovate HR training
systems interventions
using highly
consultative and
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

All employees manifest

the following core
 Increased  Performance Assess the results of PMEG
 Computer Skills number of Evaluation the performance PHRMO
 Communications accurate Report evaluation
skills outputs/reports
 Customer Service  Reduced number
 Performances of drafts for a
Management given report
 Organizational  High levels of
Sensitivity awareness of the
 Innovation goals, plans and
decisions of
 Initiative
other units CAPACITY
 Teamwork:
 High rate of BUILDING
Collaboration and
meeting PROGRAM:
customers’ Data
 Integrity expectations Analysis,
 Concern for  No. of actions Procedures,
Enviroment taken to solve Tools and
 Interpersonal problems or Techniques
Sensitivity improve situation
 Work Standards  No. of actions
that respond to
the needs,
feelings, and
opinions of
 No. of activities
in which he/she
high standards,
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

The officials and  No. of  Activity Report of Assess the quality of PMEG
employees of the HRMD recruitment and the recruitment the recruitment and PHRMO
are capable of selection and selection selection activities
conducting recruitment activities activities
and selection. implemented
which follow the
RSP Code

The officials and

employees of the HRMD  Periodic conduct  Workforce Assess if the workforce PMEG CAPACITY
are capable of of workforce assessment assessment has been PHRMO BUILDING
conducting workforce assessment report properly conducted PROGRAM:
assessment. Data
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

The officials and  No. of training  Activity and Refer to the PMEG
employees of the HRMD and development assessment documentation if it PHRMO
are capable of activities reports on the shows that there has
conducting Training and conducted training and been adequate officials
Development.  Presence of pool development and employees that are
of trainers activities capable of conducting
conducted training and
 Approved development
of the training
 Approved
Tools and
 Copy of the
Executive Order
creating the pool
of trainers

The officials and  Performance  Copy of the Refer to the PMEG

employees of the HRMD evaluation Performance performance PHRMO
are capable of conducted twice Evaluation evaluation report if
conducting Performance in a year Report reviewed there is substantial
Evaluation by the Governor number of officials and
and submitted to employees that are
CSC capable of conducting
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

The personnel Selection  Assessment on  Assessment Review the PMEG CAPACITY

Board is able to assist the current report on the membership of the PHRMO BUILDING
the local chief executive selection process selection process personnel selection PROGRAM:
in ensuring the judicious of personnel for of personnel for board if it has Data
and objective selection employment or employment or substantial number of Analysis,
of personnel for promotion promotion competent members Procedures,
employment or  Identified  Summary report that can assist the local Tools and
promotion. shortlisted of qualified chief executive in Techniques
participants applicants ensuring the judicious
 List of  Report of Top 5 and objective selection
recommendation Selection Line up of personnel
s on how to
better improve
the selection
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Department Heads and Assess if the PMEG

Division Chiefs manifest department heads and PHRMO
the following division heads manifest
competencies: the aforementioned
 Conduct of  Activity Report of competencies
 Strategic Planning Strategic the Strategic
and Management Planning activity Planning Activity
 Organizational  Formulated  Copy of the
Development Strategic Plan Strategic Plan
 Staffing  No. of monitoring  Activity Reports
Organizations and evaluation of the planning
 Achievement activities activities
Orientation  No. of planning  Copy of the risk
 Managing Change activities assessment
 Monitoring and facilitated matrix
Evaluation  Risk assessment  Copy of the
matrix conducted impact
 Problem Analysis and
 No. of impact evaluation study
Decision Making
 Delegating and
 Planning and
 Coaching and
 Risk Management
 Impact Evaluation
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

The officials and  Periodic conduct  Workforce Determine if there is a PMEG CAPACITY
employees of the HRMD of workforce assessment need to provide PHRMO BUILDING
are capable of assessment report assistance to PROGRAM:
conducting workforce employees in terms of Data
assessment. conducting workforce Analysis,
assessment Procedures,
Tools and
The officials and  No. of  Activity Report of Determine if the PMEG Techniques
employees of the HRMD recruitment and the recruitment officials and employees PHRMO
are capable of selection and selection of HRMD are capable of
conducting recruitment activities activities conducting recruitment
and selection implemented
which follow the
RSP Code
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

The officials and  No. of training  Activity and Assess if there is PMEG
employees of the HRMD and development assessment adequate number of PHRMO
are capable of activities reports on the officials and employees
conducting Training and conducted training and that are capable of
Development.  Presence of pool development conducting training and
of trainers activities development activities
 Approved
of the training
 Approved
 Copy of the
Executive Order
creating the pool
of trainers

The officials and  Performance  Copy of the Refer to the PMEG CAPACITY
employees of the HRMD evaluation Performance performance PHRMO BUILDING
are capable of conducted twice Evaluation evaluation report and PROGRAM:
conducting Performance in a year Report reviewed verify if there is a Data
Evaluation by the Governor substantial number of Analysis,
and submitted to officials and employees Procedures,
CSC capable of conducting Tools and
performance Techniques
Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Employees occupying  High rating under  Performance Refer to the PMEG

technical positions the technical Evaluation performance PHRMO
manifest technical competency of Report –semi evaluation report and
competencies unique to the Performance annual determine if there is a
their departments. Evaluation Report significant number of
employees holding
technical positions that
need assistance

The LGU has conducted  No. of workforce  Workforce Review the processes PMEG
a workforce assessment assessments assessment undertaken during the PHRMO
within the past 3 years. reports conduct of workforce
assessment and
validate whether or not
the LGU has conducted
a workforce
assessment within the
past 3 years
Employees are involved  No. of employees  Activity Reports Review the activity PMEG
or encouraged to involved in reports and validate if PHRMO
participate in developing developing substantial number of
performance standards. performance employees were
standards involved in developing
performance standards

Hierarchy of Objective Indicator Means of Verification Data Analysis

How Who

Implementation of CNA-  No. of CNA-based  Activity Reports Review the activity PMEG
based training training programs reports and assess if PHRMO
programs/training plan conducted the CNA-based training
programs were CAPACITY
efficiently and BUILDING
effectively conducted PROGRAM:
Implementation of  No. of prioritized  Activity Reports Review the activity PMEG Analysis,
prioritized interventions interventions reports and assess if PHRMO Procedures,
from harmonized CD from harmonized the prioritized Tools and
programs CD programs interventions from Techniques
conducted harmonized CD
programs were
efficiently and
effectively conducted


Financial Resources  Amount provided  Appropriation Assess if the amount in PMEG

PGAS=5,067,475.00 Ordinance the Appropriation PHRMO
Others=66,563,377.00 Ordinance were fully
2011=37,913,859.4 released and spent
4.6 Risk Identification, Evaluation and Management

HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating

Objective Impact Measure

Impact Lack of Stakeholders’ Low High Conduct

stakeholders’ resort to other information RISK
confidence to means instead of dissemination IDENTIFICAT
governance the existing to various ION,
systems procedures as a stakeholders EVALUATION
Organization result of lack of on the reforms AND
confidence to the MANAGEME
existing systems NT

Intermediate Political Poor design and Medium High Engage

Outcome/s interference in low quality in the political actors
the formulation, implementation of in the planning
implementation, HRMD plans, processes
and evaluation programs, and
of HRMD plans, projects;
programs, and assessment is not
projects encouraged
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Immediate Lack of Low level of Medium High Engage the

Outcome/s executive engagement and LCE in the
sponsorship on ownership to HRMD
consultative and programs, and activities and
participatory projects keep him
approaches implemented posted on
High High
Unforeseen turn- Incompetent/untrai
over of ned employees
employees implementing
HRMD plans,
programs, and

Outputs Lack of policy Non-adoption of HR Low Medium Consult the SP

support for the plans; Programs during Plan
implementation and projects are formulation
of HR plans, ineffective due to and engage
programs, and lack of support the LCE in
projects HRMD
Noncompliance Medium High
to ARTA, CSC, Inefficient HR
PMIS, and systems resulting Conduct
internal policies in delays and high orientation
cost of business activities on
the sanctions
to ARTA and RISK
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Thruput/Process Shift in priorities Activities not High Medium Keep

es and conflict in conducted pressuring the
schedules top
Lack of support Medium High on the
to planned importance of
activities HRMD
Inputs Lack of funding No budget Medium High Conduct
support allocation for HR orientation
plans, programs, activities to SP
Lack of technical and projects on the
skills importance of
Lack of existing activities
that facilitate

Impact Displacement of Weak service Medium Medium Conduct

competent delivery orientation
personnel due to activities to
political the LCE on the
considerations critical role of
Personnel the
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Intermediate Planned Organizational Low High Conduct

Outcome/s programs and targets are not orientation
projects were achieved activities to
not LCE that the
implemented planned
due to change in programs and
leadership projects went

Immediate Vacancy in Annual Medium Medium Pressure the

Outcome/s critical positions departmental top and middle
targets are not management
achieved to fill up the RISK
positions ION,
Outputs Conflicting Training and Medium Medium Come up with AND
schedules and development plan a harmonized MANAGEME
lack of budget not updated; calendar of NT
Redundant activities
positions are not
evaluation is not
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Thruput/Process Lack of SP Proposed positions Low High Lobby to SP for

es support for the not created; the inclusion of
creation of vacancy in critical proposed
proposed positions; no position in the
positions performance agenda during
evaluation that SP sessions
Performance should have
evaluation is not informed planning
periodically processes

Inputs Lack of funding Non- Medium Medium Encourage the

support implementation of various
Lack of technical planned activities; departments
skills low quality of to prioritize HR
activity designs priorities in
their list of


Intermediate Fast turn-over of Untrained/incompe Medium High Offer

Outcome/s personnel due to tent personnel continuous
lack or weak operating the HR learning for
HR Systems incentive systems employees
Inefficient and
ineffective HR
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure
Immediate Non-utilization of Weak Medium Medium Conduct info IDENTIFICAT
Outcome/s existing HR implementation of dissemination ION,
systems to HR systems on the salient EVALUATION
accommodate features of the AND
political ends existing HR MANAGEME
systems NT

Outputs Refusal to HR systems not Low Medium

practice new functional
prescribed forms
HR procedures and
Lack of guidelines not
monitoring being used

Abuse in the
utilization of the
PMIS forms

Abuse of

Violation on the
rule of

Non-utilization of
feedback forms
to innovate the
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Thruput/Process Lack of top and Non-

es middle implementation of
management planned activities
support for the and processes
of planned

Inputs Lack of Non-provision of

executive enabling
sponsorship to environments
planned needed to run the
activities HR systems

Realignment of
budget at the RISK
expense of IDENTIFICAT
Impact Low AND
accomplishment in MANAGEME
terms of individual NT
Health and
Wellness Intermediate Unforeseen Low level of High Low
Outcome/s additional participation in
tasks/designatio Health and
ns Wellness Activities
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Immediate Lack of middle Employees are not High Low

Outcome/s management aware of the HR
support for the programs and
participation of projects
employees to
health and Employees have
wellness not appreciated the
activities benefits of the
Health and
Wellness Programs,
Projects, and

Outputs Program No guidelines in Medium High Disseminate

guidelines were the implementation the guidelines
not used as of health and to various
reference for the wellness programs departments
implementation and projects
of health and
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Thruput/ Lack of policy Health and Medium Medium Conduct info

Processes support to Wellness Program dissemination
health and and Projects are to the SP for RISK
wellness not implemented the importance IDENTIFICAT
program of Health and ION,
Lack of program AND
participation for MANAGEME
the conduct of Conduct NT
assessment orientation
activities to all
Lack of funding employees on
support for the the benefits
popularization of they can get
Health and from the
Wellness health and
Program wellness

Inputs Lack of funding Low budget Medium High Orient LFC on

support provision for Health the importance
and Wellness of Health and
facilities and Wellness
programs, projects, Program to the
and activities performance of

HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

CAPACITY Intermediate Shift in priorities Poor design, High High

DEVELOPMENT Outcome/s as a result of implementation,
change of and monitoring and
leadership evaluation of multi-
year development;
inefficient and
ineffective HR RISK
Immediate Unforeseen Consultative and High High Succession EVALUATION
Outcome/s dramatic turn- participatory planning must AND
over of approaches are not be fully MANAGEME
employees implemented in the enforced NT
Unanticipated implementation,
reorganization and monitoring and
evaluation of multi-
year development
plans as a result of
low capacity

Outputs New Poor performance

designations as a result of
that are not in mismatch between
line with the competency and
acquired tasks
HRMD Domain Hierarchy of Risk Potential Adverse Likelihood Impact Mitigating
Objective Impact Measure

Thruput/ Delays in Planned activities High High Make sure that

Processes planned not implemented the planned
activities activities are
Expected outputs implemented
Lack of are not achieved through strict
participation in monitoring

Inputs Lack of funding Limited funds High High Provide

activities for the allocated to empirical
implementation capacity evidence to SP
of capacity development that the HR
development activities activities have
activities resulted in
Budget efficiency of
realignment at HR systems
the expense of
4.7 Scheduling the Dimensions of M&E

Dimensio 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

n of M&E
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Input √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Output √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Outcome √ √ √ √ √

Outcome √ √ √

Impact √ √ √ √ √

Impact √ √
Dimensio 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
n of M&E
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Context √ √ √ √ √
appropriate units (i.e., Cabinet, OP); and (7) Disseminate
PART V: INSTITUTIONAL information to the media and general public the status of
project implementation in the respective areas of coverage.
ARRANGEMENTS The Provincial Project Monitoring Committee (PPMC) is the
AND ENGAGEMENT one who provides a list and schedule of projects to be
monitored by NGOs involved in project monitoring. It also
PROCESSES collects and processes reports of implementers and NGO
monitors on the status and gender-responsiveness of
project implementation for the information of the
development council and the next higher level project
monitoring committee. It also pinpoints problems and
verifies information to be submitted for analysis and action
5.1 Actors and Institutions of the development council. Further, it provides feedback
The Provincial Development Council (PDC) is the highest to project implementers on the remedial actions of the
policymaking body of all monitoring and evaluation development council and follow up their implementation.
activities in the province of Agusan del Sur. It has the The committee also provides recommendations for making
following functions: (1) Supervise and coordinate activities the project gender-responsive. It prepares and
of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC); (2) Assess disseminates periodic project monitoring report on the
problems encountered in project implementation and status of project implementation. It is also tasked to
provide remedial action possible at their level or refer elevate to higher level bodies the problems/issues that are
problems/issues to appropriate units or next higher not resolved at their level.
development council; (3) Evaluate the implementation of
projects with regards its efficiency and gender- The PPMC Secretariat prepares the monitoring program to
responsiveness, and derive lessons for future planning and be undertaken by the PPMC during any given fiscal year,
project implementation; (4) Provide policy direction in which will include among others, the list of projects and
planning and budget allocation based on the overall status schedule of implementation based on submission of
of project implementation; (5) Report on the status of implementing agencies. The Secretariat also provides
project implementation to appropriate bodies (President, provincial chief executives with information on the projects
Cabinet, Congress, etc) for information or action; (6) to be monitored by the local PMCs. Further, it also
Inform PPMCs of action taken on problems referred to
facilitates inter-agency, inter-governmental and field The HRMD Core Team is primarily responsible in conducting
headquarters coordination whenever necessary. output, outcome, and impact monitoring and evaluation of
HRMD plan, policies, procedures, and activities. They are
The Provincial Monitoring and Evaluation Group (PMEG) will responsible in generating the much-needed data for
provide strategic directions to the HRMD Core Team on how analysis and in formulating recommendations for planning,
to run the HRMD M&E system. PMEG will have oversight policy-making, and program and project implementation.
functions to the HRMD Core Team tasked to administer and They are tasked to formulate M&E reports and present to
manage the HRMD M&E system. PMEG is composed of the decision-makers and other stakeholders for immediate
following: Provincial Planning and Development Office action, strategic planning, and budget allocation. The
(PPDO) as the Chair; Provincial Human Resource HRMD Core Team is composed of the following: (1) PHRMO
Management Office (PHRMO) as a member; Provincial Department Head; (2) HR Planning and Development
Administrator’s Office as a member; Management Division Head; (3) HR Administration, Welfare, and Benefits
Information System as a member; Provincial Public Division Head; and (4) Employee Performance Management
Information Office as a member; Department of Interior Division Head; (5) HRMO II; (6) Designated HRM Assistant;
and Local Government as a member; and 2 members of the (7) HRM Assistant; (8)
civil society are also members.

The M&E of the multi-year HRMD plan is under the

jurisdiction of the M&E for Local Development Plan
(METLDP). The METLDP is tasked to review, examine, and
enhance the M&E report on HRMD Plan prepared by the The HR Planning and Development Division Head will serve
HRMD Core Team. The METLDP is composed of the as the Secretariat of the HRMD M&E System. They are
following: tasked to coordinate with various departments the conduct
of M&E activities related to HRMD and to develop and store
1. Edna Tongson – PPDO - Team Leader
documentations on the said activities. The members of the
2. Representative – DILG – Member HR Planning and Development Division are the following:
(1) Lorna Ancay, Division Head; (2) Christopher Rey
3. Adelaida Padilla – PADMO-DPMD – Member Bardilas, HRMO II; Christina Basan, HRM Assistant; Revi
Mica Dela Calzada, HRM Assistant Designate; Almira
4. Cesar Luciano – PBO – Member
Salinas, Computer Operator II/Designate HRM Assistant;
5. Lorna Acay/Almira Salinas – PHRMO – Member
Mary Jean Magarao, Clerk; Millisent Omen, Administrative
Aide; and Edelyn Conanan, Administrative Support Staff.
Systems review will be conducted in an annual basis.
REVIEW, 6.2 Adaptive Management Strategies
Adaptive management is a decision process that promotes
ENHANCEMENT, AND flexible decision-making that can be adjusted in the face of
uncertainties as outcomes from management actions and
SUSTAINABILITY other events become better understood. Adaptive
management requires stated management objectives to
MECHANISM guide decisions about what actions to take, and explicit
assumptions about expected outcomes to compare against
actual outcomes.

The implementation of a structured, collaborative decision-

making process is the adaptive management strategy to be
6.1 Learning/periodic re-evaluation employed. Activities in a structured collaborative approach
mechanisms to decision-making include the following:

 Engaging the relevant stakeholders in the decision

The PPMC shall report on a quarterly basis to the PDC making process
 Identifying the problem to be addressed
members the findings and analyses of the monitoring and
 Specifying objectives and tradeoffs that capture the
evaluation activities through strong coordination with
values of stakeholders
PMEG. The PPMC Report shall include feedback from the  Identifying the range of decision alternatives from
respondents and other partners on the M&E tools that have which actions are to be selected
been used in data generation. The PPMC and PMEG shall  Projecting the consequences of alternative actions
examine the feedback and shall provide means to address  Identifying key uncertainties
the feedback. The PPMC and PMEG shall then develop a  Measuring the risk tolerance for potential
full assessment report of the M&E tools which will then be consequences of decisions
presented to the PDC. The final evaluation of the M&E  Accounting for future impacts of present decisions
tools will be decided upon by the PDC.  Accounting for legal guidelines and constraints
6.3 Sustainability Mechanisms and


Improved service delivery Long-Term Organizational

High level of satisfaction and security
Greater stakeholders’ through organizationally fit High Achievement Rate of
HRMD among PGAS officials and staff Individual Performance
IMPACTS satisfaction through PGAS Enhanced efficiency in service delivery are Met
improved service delivery of Targets
Increased Clients’
PGAS officials and staff

Improved Health and Efficient and effective

Developed, implemented, High retention rate of competent development,
Organizational Targets are met Wellness Status of
monitored and evaluated officials and staff and high delivery implementation, monitoring
Intermediate Employees
relevant and highly rate of annual targets of the Culture of Participation in and evaluation of HRMD
Outcomes plan, in-house training and
responsive HRMD plans, different departments Health and Wellness
programs, and activities Program succession planning
Efficient and effective HR

High level of awareness Increased knowledge and skills

Filled-up positions and Enhanced institutional capacity to
among PGAS officials and staff
Enhanced institutional departmental targets are met design and implement transparent and appreciation to the
Immediate to develop, implement, monitor
capacity to adopt and competency-based recruitment, Health and Wellness and evaluate annual and multi-
Outcomes consultative and selection, and merit-based promotion Program year development plan, to
processes and incentive mechanisms,
participatory approaches in conduct training and non-
and accessible and responsive
HRMD planning, training interventions using
grievance machinery
implementation, and highly consultative and
Health and Wellness participatory approaches, and
Programs, Projects, and to continuously innovate HR
 An approved SP ordinance Activities Implemented
Structure systems
creating the positions Health and Wellness
 Approved Plantilla Program Guidelines
Positions Organizational Core
Recruitment Formulated
 Identified S/Ws per /Behavioral Competency
Health and Wellness
employee Notice of vacancies Core Team Created
 Updated Training and are posted in at All employees manifest
Development Plan least (3) the following core
 Training Activities conspicuous public competencies:
conducted places in the LGU
for a period of not  Computer Skills
less than fifteen  Communications
(15) days. skills
Outputs  Customer Service
The LGU has a  Performances
transparent process Management
for human resource  Organizational
selection. Sensitivity
 Innovation
The LGU has a clear  Inatiative
and fully  Teamwork:
implemented Collaboration and
 Integrity
 Concern for
 Interpersonal
The officials and
The personnel
The Sanggunian has appropriate employees of the HRMD
Selection Board is are capable of
funds for human resource able to assist the local
program. conducting recruitment
chief executive in and selection.
The Sanggunian has enacted ensuring the judicious
mandated ordinances or and objective The officials and
resolutions for HRMD. selection of personnel employees of the HRMD
are capable of
for employment or
Aside from the mandated conducting workforce
promotion. assessment.
Ordinances and Resolutions, the
Sanggunian has passed other The LGU has a
legislation regarding human transparent process
resource management and The officials and
for promotion employees of the HRMD
are capable of
Performance conducting Training and
standards are Development.
displayed publicly to
reinforce employee The officials and
accountability for employees of the HRMD
achieving them. are capable of
The LGU has a clear Performance Evaluation
Competency and fully implemented
guidelines on human The personnel Selection
The LGU has a human resource resource selection.
development plan that is up to Board is able to assist
date and fully implemented. the local chief
Performance executive in ensuring
evaluation is regularly the judicious and
Performance evaluation is conducted in the LGU. objective selection of
regularly conducted in the LGU
personnel for
The LGU has employment or
Sanctions for continuing poor introduced promotion.
performance are clear and innovations in human
enforced. resource Department Heads and
management and Division Chiefs manifest
Organizational improvements development.
have been made as a result of the following
the workforce assessment. competencies:
There is a computer-
based Human  Strategic Planning
The LGU has a mechanism/s for Resource Information
clarifying and communicating and Management
System available.  Organizational
work responsibilities of
individual employees (such as Development
The LGU solicits
written job descriptions,  Staffing
feedback from its
regularly meeting to clarify the Organizations
clients regarding its
roles and responsibilities, or  Achievement
human resource
performance planning sessions). Orientation
management and
development services  Managing Change
Employees participate during through informal  Monitoring and
workshops on developing means Evaluation
performance standards  Problem Analysis
and Decision
 Delegating and
The LGU uses different forms of Retention
reward and recognition and good
performance. The LGU identifies
 Problem Analysis
the education,
and Decision
The LGU provides opportunities training and
for continue learning and development
needs of its  Delegating and
development to its employees. Directing
 Planning and
The LGU involves employees in Coordination
The LGU provides
the: (1) Formulation of HR  Coaching and
opportunities for
plans/programs – they provide continue learning Mentoring
substantive inputs to the and development  Risk Management
development /design of to its employees.  Impact Evaluation
plans/program; (2)
Implementation of HR The LGU has
plans/programs – they play an introduced
innovations in
active role in executing plans
human resource
/programs; (3) Monitoring of HR management and Technical Competency
plans/programs – they play a key development.
role in monitoring the The officials and
implementation of The LGU employees of the HRMD
plans/programs; (4) Evaluation of reviews/evaluates are capable of conducting
HR programs; (5) its human workforce assessment.
Employees can ventilate their management and The officials and
concerns and sentiments on work development employees of the HRMD
and/or organizational issues. services to identify are capable of conducting
areas for recruitment and selection.
The LGU has introduced improvement.
innovations in human resource The officials and
Outputs management and development. The LGU solicits employees of the HRMD
feedback from its are capable of conducting
The LGU reviews/evaluates its clients regarding Training and Development.
its human
human resource management
resource The officials and
and development services to management and employees of the HRMD
identify areas for improvement. development are capable of conducting
services through Performance Evaluation
The LGU streamlines its human informal means
resource management and
The personnel Selection
development services in terms of
Board is able to assist the
reduction in: (1)
local chief executive in
Processing/transaction time; (2)
ensuring the judicious and
Number of requirements; (3)
objective selection of
Number of signatories; (4)
personnel for employment
Number of steps
or promotion.
Recognition and
The LGU solicits feedback from Awards Employees occupying
its clients regarding its human technical positions
resource management and Performance manifest technical
development services through standards are competencies unique to
displayed publicly to their departments.
reinforce employee
accountability for
achieving them.

The LGU has a clear

and fully implemented
guidelines on human
resource selection.

Recognition and

The LGU uses different

forms of reward and
recognition and good

The LGU has

introduced innovations
in human resource
management and

There is a computer-
based Human Resource
Information System

reviews/evaluates its
human resource
management and
Outputs development services
to identify areas for

The LGU solicits

feedback from its
clients regarding its
human resource
management and
development services
through informal


Employees can
ventilate their
concerns and
sentiments on
work and/or

The LGU has

innovations in
human resource
management and
Personnel Relations

The LGU reviews/evaluates

its human resource
management and
development services to
identify areas for

The LGU solicits feedback

from its clients regarding its
human resource
management and
development services
through informal means(e.g.,
spontaneous feedback from
clients, interviews or other
methods that are
unstructured or done


The LGU has introduced

innovations in human
resource management
and development.

reviews/evaluates its
Outputs human resource
management and
development services to
identify areas for

The LGU streamlines its

human resource
management and
development services

The LGU solicits feedback

from its clients regarding
its human resource
management and
development services
Conduct of Health and
Continually encourage Wellness Assessment
employees to participate  Presentation of the identified
in developing performance positions during budget hearings Inventory and info
standards  Deliberation by the SP for approval dissemination of policy support
 Submission of Plantilla to DBM for pertaining to health and
Assess annually the wellness program
existing reward and review
recognition system  Dissemination to the different
Consultation and workshops on
departments the formulation of Health and
Conduct competency Wellness Plan and
needs assessment every corresponding guidelines
three years
Proposed EO creating the
Engage the employees in Health and Wellness Team
the design and review of
the grievance system Popularization/advocacy for
the institutionalization of
Develop a mechanism for Health and Wellness Program
review and enhancement
of the HRMD systems

Periodically assess and

enhance the Human
Resource Information

Take stock of existing M&E

tools and develop an
annual M&E calendar that
shows the various M&E
activities for the year

Continually administer the

feedback tool that reflects
the views of the clients in
terms of processing time,
number of signatories, and
number of steps
The LGU has duly The LGU has conducted a
 List of identified positions workforce assessment
appointed human
for creation within the past 3 years.
 Draft ordinance
management and  Position Description of Employees or involved or
development office or proposed positions encouraged to participate
officer.  Identification of the in developing
funding requirements of performance standards.
the proposed positions
There is a standing  Financial Resource
Inputs committee in the 50,000.00 budget
Legislative Council  HRMD Office and Officer
attending to human  Capable officials and
resource employees in conducting
management and workforce assessment
development.  Capable officials and
employees in conducting
recruitment and selection
There is a  Capable officials and
employees in conducting
Training and
resolution defining Development
the composition of  Pool of Trainers
the personnel  Capable officials and
selection board. employees in conducting
performance evaluation

The LGU has a clear

and fully
guidelines on human
resource selection.

The LGU has

conducted a
assessment within
the past 3 years.

Employees are
encouraged to

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