Assignments Final Year MHRM 2018 2019

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1. Assignments constitute the continuous evaluation which carries a weightage of 20 per cent in
each course. There will be two assignments for each course. The Candidates should answer
compulsorily both the assignments per course and the average of two will be counted for the
purpose of final result. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in the assignments if he/she
secures not less than 10 marks in each course.
2. The main purpose of assignment is to test the student’s comprehension of the course material sent
to him and also in helping him in getting through the courses. The information given in the
printed course material should be sufficient for answering the assignments. The answers should
be complete in all respects. Incomplete answers bring poor marks. The assignments (I &II)
separately are to be submitted to School of Distance Education, Andhra University before the due
date. It is desirable that the student should retain a copy of all assignment responses which he/she
3. Answering Assignments: While Answering Assignments:
(i) A student should read the assignment carefully and follow the specific instructions, if any.
(ii) He/She has to study thoroughly the units on which assignments are based.
(iii) He/She should note down relevant points of answers; rearrange those points in a logical order and
draw a rough outline of answer. In respect of essay questions, introduction as well as conclusion
is to be given. The answer should be logical, cohesive and it should have clear connections
between sentences and paragraphs. The answer should cover the main points of the question.
While solving case questions, proper format should be used.
(iv) Each Assignment is to be answered one side and submitted separately in booklet form using A-4
size white paper and maintain clear cut margins and sufficient space in between each answer. On
the top of the first page of each assignment the required information is furnished invariable in the
format given below.
(v) The responses should be in candidate’s own handwriting preferably using blue colour point pen.
(vi) Print or Typed answers will not be accepted. Answers copied either from course material sent by
the University or from the response sheets of other students or Xerox copy of other’s assignment
will get zero marks. After receiving the assignment from the candidate, the office of the School of
Distance Education will arrange to send acknowledgement thereon.
(vii) If pass marks are not obtained in any assignment, it should be resubmitted. Since the assignment
questions papers are being changes every year, backlog candidates shall have to answer the
current year assignment question papers and submit the assignments. Assignments submitted on
the basis of previous years question papers will not be considered once the pass marks are
obtained, the assignments cannot be resubmitted for improvement of marks/class.
(viii) Please note that there is no revaluation provision for assignments, hence, candidates should
take necessary precautions while answering the assignments.
Assignment first page froforma
1. ID No/Regd.No :
2. Name of the Student :
3. Academic Year :
4. Study Centre :
5. Subject Code & Title :
6. Assignment No : I/II
7. Date of Submission :
8. Address :
9. Mobile No :
10. Signature of the Student :

Answer all the Questions

Each Answer shall not exceed FOUR pages
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Assignment I PAPER – 201 STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL HRM (5x4=20 marks)

1. Define Strategy. Explain various types of strategies and their significance to HRM.
2. Explain the strategically oriented performance management systems
3. Explain the differences between individual best practices and systems practices.
4. Describe the basic model of International Human Resource management followed in an MNC.
5. Explain the methods of Human Resource Evaluation.

Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)

1. Discuss the trends in the utilization of Human Resources.

2. Explain the process of formulating strategies at corporate and functional level.
3. Explain the strategically oriented compensation systems.
4. Discuss the process of Expatriate and Repatriation management.
5. Discuss Issues and Challenges of IHRM.

Assignment I PAPER – 202 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (5x4=20 marks)

1. Explain significance of environmental scanning in the global business environment.

2. Explain the impact of technology on business activity.
3. Write about salient features and provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
4. Explain how start-up policy contributes to the entrepreneurship development of India.
5. What is Globalization? Its advantages to Indian business.

Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)

1. Write a detailed note on Micro and Macro Environmental Analysis.

2. Write the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Explain legal provisions.
3. Discuss the role of monetary policy on the operations of business organizations
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Disinvestment?
5. State reasons for companies becoming global.

Answer all the Questions

Each Answer shall not exceed FOUR pages
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

Assignment I PAPER -203 LABOUR LEGISLATION AND CL – II (5x4=20 Marks)

1. Define the concept of social justice. Explain the principles of natural justice.
2. Write short notes on Payment of Bonus Act 1965 (with latest amendments)
3. Explain the important provisions of the A.P. National and Festival holidays Act, 1972
4. Discuss the provisions laid down in the Payment of Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
5. Discuss the salient features of the Child Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1986

Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)

1. Discuss the conventions and recommendations of ILO. Write its impact on Indian labour
2. Briefly explain the fixation methods of Minimum wages under Minimum Wages Act 1948.
3. What do you mean by Judicial Activism? What is its role in implementing labour legislations?
4. Explain the provisions under Employee compensation Act 2010.
5. Explain the case : Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams Vs Haragopal (1987(1)CLR 385 (SC)


Assignment I (4x5=20 marks )

1. Explain the Social and Economic consequences of Industrial Revolution.
2. What is Capitalism? Discuss the determinants of location of an Industry.
3. Define Demand. What are the determinants of demand? Give a detailed note.
4. Discuss the contribution of Total Quality Management in improving productivity.
5. What is Cost Management? List out different types of Costs.

Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)

1. What is Labour Market? Discuss the structure and composition of labour market in India.
2. What is an Optimum Firm? Discuss the factors determining the size of a Firm and Industry.
3. What is managerial Economics? Discuss its scope and significance.
4. What is Technology transfer? Discuss the different kinds of Technology transfer.
5. Write a short notes on (i)Quality circle (ii) 5 S concept

Answer all the Questions

Each Answer shall not exceed FOUR pages
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Assignment I (5x4=20 marks)
1. What is meant by research problem? Explain the steps involved in research process.
2. Distinguish between Correlation and Regression.
3. What is Network Communication? explain
4. Discuss the data collection methods in the business research.
5. Write short notes on (i)E-mail writing skills (ii)Conduct of meetings
Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)
1. Define Research. Explain the characteristics of Research.
2. What are the Scaling Techniques? Enumerate the advantages of Index Numbers.
3. Explain the need and significance of chi-square test.
4. Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communications. Explain
5. What are the contents of Report Writing?
Assignment (5x4=20 marks)
1. What are the characteristics and problems of Unorgansed Labour In India.
2. What comes in primary sector? Explain briefly.
3. What are the schemes available for empowering unorganised women workers in India?
4. Explain the problems and consequences of child labour
5. Discuss the role of community leaders and trade unions in protecting unorganized labour.
Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)
1. Explain the status and problems of domestic workers in India.
2. Discuss the role of unorganized labour in the national economy.
3. Discuss the main legal provisions relating to women in unorganized sector.
4. Discuss the problems and consequences of child labour.
5. What are the legal provisions for construction workers?
Assignment I PAPER – 207 IT AND HRIS (5x4=20 marks)
1. Briefly explain input and output devices and storage devices.
2. What do you mean by Hardware and Software? Explain.
3. What is ERP? State the advantages and disadvantages of ERP.
4. Explain the uses of computers in Human Resource functions
5. What are the major advantages of MS-Power Point?
Assignment II (5x4=20 marks)
1. Explain the functions and significance of computers in present day life.
2. Explain about functions of MIS
3. What are the components of 4.0 Industrial Revolution?
4. What is HRIS? Explain models of HRIS.
5. Explain How do you apply MS Word and MS Excel in Human Resource function

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