Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes
Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes
Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes
Volume 38 | Issue 2
Recommended Citation
Matthew W. Swinehart, Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes, 38 Mich. J. Int'l L. 287 (2017).
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Even as the legal community, politicians, and the public at large con-
tinue to scrutinize the legitimacy of international dispute resolution,1 one
of the most influential features to have emerged in modern international
law—the use of expert witnesses—has gone largely overlooked. Apart
from the broader debates about whether and to what extent states should
subject policy choices to international law or how treaty partners should
design mechanisms to resolve disputes over those choices,2 stands the sig-
nificant role that expert witnesses play in those disputes. Where the dis-
puting parties appoint experts, the adjudicator often must referee a “battle
of the experts” and choose between two competing views and outcomes.
Where the adjudicator has appointed an expert, the struggle is to ensure
that the ultimate decision making authority is not delegated to the expert.
Many recent high-profile international legal disputes—including a dispute
288 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
between China and the Philippines over their territorial seas and a tobacco
company’s challenge to Uruguay’s plain packaging rules for cigarettes—
have centered on technical evidence presented by experts.
This is a relatively new feature of international disputes, and we are
still in the early days of dealing with its consequences. For the first two
centuries of modern international dispute resolution, tribunals and courts
sought out expert advice only on rare occasions, usually as a last resort.
But reliance on experts has increased dramatically in the last forty years.
Human activity itself has become more complex—more scientific, more
specialized, more reliant on experts—and so too have disputes that arise
out of that activity. At the same time, international agreements have con-
tinued evolving to tackle progressively more complex and technical issues,
often through express reliance on science, economics, and other special-
ized fields.
Today, as a result, parties to international disputes routinely put for-
ward expert evidence to support their arguments, and courts and tribunals
often appoint their own experts to bridge the gap between law and other
fields. Economists and accountants opine on the amount of damages owed
to aggrieved investors; scientists evaluate the basis of environmental and
health regulations; historians and anthropologists testify on the social, po-
litical, and historical contexts of armed conflict and violence; and engi-
neers explain the development of intellectual property and technologies.
Many international tribunals and courts have failed to confront this
reality. Most do not ask whether the expert evidence before them even
meets a minimum threshold of reliability. And when they do ask, the as-
sessment routinely lacks rigor and transparency. This neglect can lead to
reliance on unreliable expert evidence, unfair rejection of evidence that is
reliable, or opaque and confused attempts to resolve conflicting expert
views. Readers of the resulting decisions are often left wondering about
the role, if any, that experts played in resolving the disputes.
The legitimacy of international legal systems—systems predicated on
the consent of sovereign nations and entrusted to pass judgment on the
public policy choices of those nations—depends on decision making that
at least appears analytically sound. International courts and tribunals
“must ensure that they are in a position to appreciate the disputed policy
choices made by the states appearing before them” through rigorous deci-
sion making, defensible analytical frameworks, and thorough appreciation
of the facts of each dispute that comes before them.3 This means that the
“instruments and processes of international law must provide means for
scientific evidence,” and other expert evidence, “to be sifted, understood,
and translated into law.”4 While decision makers do not “have to under-
sion to jurisdiction is voluntary and many of the interests at stake are important, sensitive
and complex.”).
5. Richard A. Posner, The Law and Economics of the Economic Expert Witness, 13 J.
ECON. PERSP. 91, 96 (1999).
290 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
261, 270; see also WHITE, supra note 9, at 51-52.
12. See, e.g., Treaty of Peace with Italy art. 83(3), Feb. 10, 1947, 61 Stat. 1245 (empow-
ering the Italian Commissions to “adopt [ ] rules conforming to justice and equity”); Rules of
Procedure of the Franco-Italian Commission art. 14, translated in WHITE, supra note 9, at 53
(“The Commission may decide . . . to arrange for the carrying out of any expert enquiry with
the co-operation of all necessary technicians, interpreters or translators.”).
13. See, e.g., Rules of Procedure of the United States-Japanese Property Commission
THEIR PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION app. F, at 144 (1962) (“The [United States-Japa-
nese Property] Commission may appoint an expert and request him to submit an opinion in
14. Convention on the Settlement of Matters Arising out of the War and the Occupa-
tion, Oct. 23, 1954, [1955] 6 U.S.T. & O.I.A. 4411, T.I.A.S. No. 3425 (“The Commission shall
have the power . . . to request expert opinion.”); Rules of Procedure of the Arbitral Commis-
sion on Property, Rights, and Interest in Germany, Rule 22(a), in 1 DECISIONS OF THE ARBI-
[hereinafter Rules of Procedure of the German Arbitral Commission] (“The Commission
shall have power, upon application of a party or of its own motion . . . to request expert
15. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 52–54. Although all the 1947 peace treaties “included
identical provisions for the settlement of disputes . . . only those in the peace treaty with Italy
were put into effect.” Id.
16. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 55 (noting that “none of the published decisions” of
the United States-Japanese Property Commission “mention that the Commission ever made
use of the power”). This may have been because “in no case did it prove necessary to con-
sider detailed evidence of damages.” Lionel M. Summers & Arnold Fraleigh, The United
States-Japan Property Commission, 56 AM. J. INT’L L. 407, 411 (1962).
17. WHITE, supra note 9, at 57 (citing Government of the Kingdom of Greece and the
firm Apostolidis v. Federal Republic of Germany, 3 DECISIONS OF THE ARBITRAL COMMIS-
18. Government of the Kingdom of Greece and the firm Apostolidis v. Federal Republic
TERESTS IN GERMANY 329, 364 (1960).
292 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
19. WHITE, supra note 9, at 53. A prominent example from the Commission is the
FRANCO-ITALIENNE 36; 22 I.L.R. 312 (1955). During the first decade of existence, neither the
European Commission of Human Rights nor the European Court of Human Rights exer-
cised its authority to rely on expert testimony. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 62, 66.
20. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 36, 74, 138. In one case, Lighthouses Arbitration (Fr. v.
Greece), the Permanent Court of Arbitration ordered expert testimony, but the parties set-
tled the claims before experts were appointed. 12 R.I.A.A. 155; 23 I.L.R. 659 (1956).
21. Factory at Chorzów (Ger. v. Pol.) (Indemnity), 1928 P.C.I.J. (ser. A) No. 17, at
136-51); see also WHITE, supra note 9, at 40.
22. See Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Merits, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4 (Apr. 9) (relying on
tribunal-appointed experts to determine liability); Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment,
1949 I.C.J. Rep. 244 (Dec. 15) (relying on tribunal-appointed experts to determine the
amount of compensation owed).
23. Adjudicators under Roman law relied on experts in land disputes, see ARTHUR
and French courts since the middle ages, with codification of expert procedures in a 1667
French ordinance, see WHITE, supra note 9, at 16.
TIONAUX 574, 579 (2d ed. 1957) (Eastern Boundary (S. Afr. v. Orange Free State) (1870));
Manica Plateau Arbitration (Gr. Brit. v. Port.), 28 R.I.A.A. 283, 308 (1897)); Cordillera of
the Andes Boundary Case (Arg. v. Chile), 9 R.I.A.A. 29, 39–40 (Perm. Ct. Arb. 1902); L’Oeil
de la Mer (Austria v. Hung.) (1902), 8 REV. DE DROIT INT’L ET DE LÉGISLATION COMP. 162
(2d ser. 1906); 3 MARTENS NOUVEAU RECUEIL GÉNÉRALE DE TRAITÉS (ser. 71) 465; Costa
Rica-Panama Boundary (Costa Rica v. Pan.), 11 R.I.A.A. 518, 539-40 (1914); Honduras Bor-
ders (Guat. v. Hond.), 2 R.I.A.A. 1307, 1353 (Int’l Central American Trib., 1933); Gran
Chaco Dispute (Bol. v. Para.), 3 R.I.A.A. 1817,1822-25 (1938).
expert testimony—that of land surveyors and astronomers—may have played a significant
role in the outcome, as the proceedings were twice postponed while their surveys and reports
were completed. Id. at 23–24. The award was rendered only ten days after receipt of their
final map. Id. at 24. The map was annexed to the award. Id. at 30.
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 293
26. See, e.g., Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. (U.S. v. Ger.), 8 R.I.A.A. 104, 121 (1932)
(analyzing over one thousand pages of evidence submitted by document authentication ex-
perts); I.R. Clark (U.S. v. Mex.), 4 R.I.A.A. 415, 415 (1928) (noting that the Mexico-U.S.
Commission would give “careful consideration” to the “expert testimony” of a physician);
Marguerite de Joly de Sabla (U.S. v. Pan.), 6 R.I.A.A. 358, 362, 367 (1933) (relying in part on
the testimony of a licensed surveyor); Fur Seal Arbitration (U.S. v. Gr. Brit. 1892), MOORE,
supra note 25, at 755, 813–14 (examining the testimony of fisheries experts).
27. See Monika Ambrus et al., The Role of Experts in International and European
Decision-Making Processes: Setting the Scene, in THE ROLE OF “EXPERTS” IN INTERNA-
IRRELEVANT ACTORS? 1, 5–6 (M. Ambrus et al. eds., 2014) (“Experts are called upon to
provide input into ever more complex decision-making processes. They are involved in pol-
icy making, law-making, and implementation and enforcement efforts.”).
28. See Anna Riddell, Scientific Evidence in the International Court of Justice:
Problems and Possibilities, in 20 FINNISH .B. INT’L L. 229, 230 (2009) (“Major technological
and scientific developments in recent decades have ensured that scientific knowledge has
developed an important role in the administration of law.”); Dushyant Dave, Contemporary
Practice in the Conduct of Proceedings: Techniques for Eliciting Expert Testimony – How
Party-Appointed Experts Can Be Made Most Useful, in INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 2006:
BACK TO BASICS? 813, 818 (Albert Jan van den Berg ed., 2006) (“[I]nternational tribunals
have become much more dependent on expert testimony, and the accelerating process of
scientific and technological advance enhances this tendency.”).
29. See, e.g., Consolidated Version of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Jus-
tice of the Coal and Steel Community, art. 25, Apr. 18, 1951 (“The Court may at any time
entrust any individual, body, authority, committee or other organisation it chooses with the
task of holding an inquiry or giving an expert opinion; to this end it may compile a list of
individuals or bodies approved as experts.”); Maarten Bos, The Franco-Italian Conciliation
Commission, 22 NORDIC J. OF INT’L L. 133, 154 (1952)
Article 14, paragraph 3, [of the Rules of Procedure of the Franco-Italian Concilia-
tion Commission] confers upon the Commission the right to have examined by
experts nominated by itself the reports of the experts nominated by the parties.
294 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
Under paragraph 4 of this Article the Commission may visit the places concerned
in a dispute and may hear its own experts there. The Agents or their substitutes
are, by paragraph 5, entitled to be present.
30. See Joost Pauwelyn, The Use of Experts in WTO Dispute Settlement, 51 INT’L
COMP. L.Q. 325, 325 (2002) (“[A]n increasing number of ‘outsiders’ or amici curiae, such as
NGOs, but also industry and academics, have pressed their (expert) opinion on WTO panels
PARTNERSHIP art. 9.23(3),
(last visited Feb. 5, 2017) (“After consultation with the disputing parties, the tribunal may
accept and consider written amicus curiae submissions regarding a matter of fact or law
within the scope of the dispute that may assist the tribunal in evaluating the submissions and
arguments of the disputing parties from a person or entity that is not a disputing party but
has a significant interest in the arbitral proceedings.”); NAFTA Free Trade Comm’n, State-
ment of the Free Trade Commission on Non-Disputing Party Participation, (Oct. 7, 2004) (recommending that NAFTA
investor-state tribunals adopt certain procedures regarding non-disputing party submissions).
A number of investment arbitration decisions have relied on amicus curiae submissions
presenting scientific and other technical evidence. See, e.g., Philip Morris Brands Sarl v. Uru-
guay, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/7, Award ¶¶ 394, 396 (2015) (relying on a World Health
Organization submission); Methanex Corp. v. United States, Decision of the Tribunal on
Petitions from Third Persons to Intervene as “Amici Curiae” ¶ 53 (Jan. 15, 2001) (determin-
ing that a tribunal has the authority to accept amicus written submissions under Article 15(1)
of the UNICTRAL Arbitration Rules).
31. See Kate Miles, Climate Change: Trading, Investing and the Interaction of Law,
BALANCING COMPETING INTERESTS 155, 155 (B. Mercurio & Kuei-Jung Ni eds., 2014) (“The
ever-increasing complexity of the issues with which international law is required to grapple
has recently seen, among other effects, a notable visibility of science and technology in inter-
national law.”).
32. See Lukasz Gruszczynski, Science and the Settlement of Trade Disputes in the
LAW: BALANCING COMPETING INTERESTS 11, 24 (B. Mercurio & Kuei-Jung Ni eds., 2014)
(“GATT 1947 was predominantly concerned with tariff barriers and quotas. Its success in
reducing these types of obstacle has shifted the attention of countries to market access
problems caused by internal measures (i.e.[,] non-tariff barriers). In consequence, potential
disputes under WTO law have become not only more complex (than tariff barriers and quo-
tas), but also more politically contentious.”); Robert Howse, Democracy, Science, and Free
Trade: Risk Regulation on Trial at the World Trade Organization, 98 MICH. L. REV. 2329,
2329 (2000) (“Traditionally, free trade rules were about constraining border measures such as
tariffs and quantitative restrictions on imports. Increasingly, however, such rules include re-
quirements and constraints addressed directly to domestic regulation.”).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 295
33. See Wouter G. Werner, The Politics of Expertise: Applying Paradoxes of Scientific
Expertise to International Law, in THE ROLE OF “EXPERTS” IN INTERNATIONAL AND EURO-
TORS? 44, 55 (M. Ambrus et al. eds., 2014) (“Legal experts themselves . . . are also
increasingly dependent on experts form other disciplinary fields. The fragmentation of inter-
national law has created functional subfields where legal norms can often only be applied on
the basis of scientific expert knowledge.”); FOSTER, supra note 3, at 114 (“A significant devel-
opment in the taking of scientific evidence by international courts and tribunals is the system
that has developed in the WTO. The WTO system for taking expert evidence was devised as
a response to the needs of the dispute resolution process in cases involving complex scientific
34. See, e.g., Mark F. Rosenberg & Michael A. Cheah, Arbitrating Environmental Dis-
putes, 16 ICSID REV. 39, 42 (2001) (“[T]here is a body of treaties that deal specifically with
environmental concerns and may provide for arbitration in the event of disagreement be-
tween the signatories.”). Several disputes arising under the 1982 United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea Treaty, for example, have relied heavily on expert evidence. See, e.g.,
Phil. v. China, Award, PCA Case Repository 2013-19 (2016) (discussing the terms and neces-
sary skillset of a potential appointed expert); Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arb. (Bangl.
v. India), Award, PCA Case Repository 2010-16 (2014) (appointment of an expert hydrogra-
pher); Guy. v. Surin., Award, PCA Case Repository 2004-04 (2007) (detailing the technical
responsibilities of the appointed expert).
SHIP art. 28.1.5, (last
visited Feb. 5, 2017) (“Role of Experts: At the request of a disputing Party, or on its own
initiative, a panel may seek information and technical advice from any person or body that it
deems appropriate, provided that the disputing Parties agree and subject to any terms and
conditions agreed by the disputing Parties. The disputing Parties shall have an opportunity to
comment on any information or advice obtained under this Article.”); Agreement Between
Canada and the Republic of Peru for the Promotion and Protection of Investments art. 42;
Can.-Peru, entry into force June 20, 2007, 2007 Can. T.S. No 10 (2006); Treaty Between the
United States and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay Concerning the Encouragement and
Reciprocal Protection of Investment art. 32, U.S.-Uru., (Nov. 4, 2005), S. Treaty Doc. No.
109-9; United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement art. 15.23, U.S.-Sing., May 6, 2003,
P.L. 108-78.
36. See, e.g., Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures,
33 I.L.M. 15 (1994), art. 11.2 [hereinafter SPS Agreement] (“In a dispute under this Agree-
ment involving scientific or technical issues, a panel should seek advice from experts chosen
by the panel.”).
37. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at xiii, xiv, xvii.
296 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
exercise requiring special knowledge,” making “the involvement of valuation experts in arbi-
tral proceedings practically inevitable” and giving those experts a “singularly important
role . . . in the matter of assessing compensation”); Dana Freyer, Assessing Expert Evidence,
in Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration 429, 440 (2008) (“[T]he expert
with technical expertise . . . may effectively act as the final authority on matters of great
importance to the case.”); Miles, supra note 31, at 155-56 (“It is the sum of these incidences
[that have led to the increasing complexity of international disputes] . . . that has wider impli-
cations . . . for . . . the proposition that science and technology are influencing the develop-
ment of international law in fundamental ways, that they play an increasingly pivotal role in
trade and investment regulation and dispute settlement an d, more specifically, that they will
also be central to the treatment of climate-related issues within international economic
law.”); Dave, supra note 28, at 817 (“[A]rbitrators and even lawyers have had to become
proficient in weighing competing expert evidence.”).
45. See Miles, supra note 31, at 160 (“In the context of international litigation, it is the
use of scientific expert evidence to support the legal arguments presented that can be particu-
larly influential on decision-makers and, indeed, determine the outcome of a dispute.”); id.
(“Inevitably, . . . in health and or environment-related cases, there is a heavy reliance on the
input of experts as witnesses or as advocates themselves.”); id. at 161 (“[S]cience-based evi-
dence, its presentation[,] and the authority of the individual experts will be central to a
court’s decision.”); Catherine E. Foster, New Clothes for the Emperor? Consultation of Ex-
perts by the International Court of Justice, 5 J. INT’L DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 139, 140 (2014)
(“[E]xperts wield potentially significant influence in the determination of the scope of sover-
eign States’ future freedoms.”); MICHELLE T. GRANDO, EVIDENCE, PROOF, AND FACT-FIND-
ING IN WTO DISPUTE SETTLEMENT 340 (2009) (“[WTO] panels . . . usually accord
[expert] . . . opinions great weight.”); id. (arguing that the panel in EC — Hormones “relied
entirely on the opinion of the experts to support its finding” that naturally occurring hor-
mones are comparable to hormones administered for therapeutic or zootechnical purposes
and therefore subject to the disciplines of Article 5.5 of the SPS Agreement); id. at 341 (con-
cluding that the Japan-Apples panel “relied entirely upon the opinion of the experts in ad-
dressing” whether a class of apples could act as a disease-transmission vector); see also
United States—Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC-Hormones Dispute, Appel-
late Body Report, WT/DS320/AB/R (2008), ¶ 480 (“Experts appointed by a panel can signifi-
cantly influence the decision-making process.”).
46. See GRANDO, supra note 45, at 340 (“In most [WTO] cases where experts were
consulted, particularly those brought under the SPS Agreement, the experts’ opinions had a
clear impact on the findings of the panels.”).
47. See Miles, supra note 31, at 77-78
The insights offered by a scientific expert will help determine the application of a
legal concept such as ‘necessity’ or ‘reasonableness’ in the case at hand – and in the
course of this process the scientific expert’s advice will also come to shape the
development of the conventions and usages on which the established meaning of
298 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
made on the witness stand may carry significant weight with a court or
tribunal.48 Expert reports, exhibits, and testimony contribute significantly
to the tens of thousands of pages that routinely pile up in international
disputes.49 This trend shows no signs of stopping.50
The use of experts in international law has been especially prevalent
in trade and investment disputes. In the more than fifty years of the multi-
lateral trading system under the 1947 General Agreement on Trade and
Tariffs (GATT), only one panel requested an expert opinion51 out of ap-
proximately 300 disputes,52 and in that instance did not rely on it.53 Early
cases in the WTO also tended to avoid reliance on expert evidence.54 Yet,
today reliance on expert evidence has become a standard practice in the
WTO,55 which since 1994 has routinely relied on such evidence.56 And
WTO observers have called for more frequent use of experts in particular
areas, including economics.57
After its initial reticence, the WTO has consistently relied on scientific
experts, in part because a number of WTO provisions expressly require
consistency with scientific norms.58 Panels have in particular relied heav-
ily on scientific expertise in claims submitted under the SPS Agreement59
and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, and when analyzing a
number of exceptions to WTO obligations, such as those in the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and the General Agreement on Trade in
Services.60 No international legal text goes further in expressly relying on
technical evidence than the SPS Agreement, which relies in significant
part on science to distinguish between product health measures that are
consistent with the Agreement and those that are not.61 The Agreement
55. See Jessica Lawrence, The Structural Logic of Expert Participation in WTO Deci-
176 (M. Ambrus et al. eds., 2014) (“Reliance on scientific expertise has become a standard
practice at the WTO.”); FOSTER, supra note 3, at 133 (citing Japan – Measures Affecting the
Importation of Apples and United States – Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp
Products as two examples of reliance by WTO panels on expert evidence); Pauwelyn, supra
note 48, at 235 (explaining that, in the first six years of the WTO’s existence, “six panels
appointed scientific experts,” “[t]wo panels requested expert advice from other international
organisations,” and “one panel appointed a linguistic expert” and that “very often parties to
a WTO dispute also nominate experts on their delegation, be they lawyers, economists, scien-
tists or linguists” and NGOs, industry, and academics “have pressed their (expert) opinion on
WTO panels”).
56. See Pauwelyn, supra note 30, at 325 (noting 12 cases between 1994 and 2002).
57. See, e.g., GRANDO, supra note 45, at 342 (“The significant role which experts have
played in scientific disputes suggests that more consideration should be given to the idea of
appointing economic experts when panels are asked to make complex economic determina-
tions that fall outside their area of expertise.”); Andre Sapir & Joel Trachtman, Subsidization,
Price Suppression, and Expertise: Causation and Precision in Upland Cotton, 7 WORLD
TRADE REV. 183, 205–07 (2008) (arguing that panels should use economic experts in cases
requiring complex economic determinations).
58. See Lawrence, supra note 55, at 176 (“[C]onformity with scientific norms is an
explicit criterion of compliance with a number of WTO obligations.”); Gruszczynski, supra
note 32, at 23 (“[S]cience is an important element in all health and environment-related trade
disputes, irrespective of which agreement they are brought under.”); see also Lawrence,
supra note 55, at 174 (“[e]xperts are not something that can be ‘added to’ or ‘subtracted
from’ the WTO in order to tweak input or output legitimacy. Instead their [inputs] . . . are
the fabric from which the organization is cut.”); GRANDO, supra note 45, at 338 (2009) (“In
[WTO] cases where technical matters are at issue, experts may plan an important role in
ensuring an accurate decision.”).
59. See Gruszczynski, supra note 32, at 22 (“[S]cience has become a central benchmark
for the assessment of SPS measures.”).
60. See Pauwelyn, supra note 48, at 235.
61. See Vern R. Walker, Keeping the WTO from Becoming the World Trans-Science
Organization: Scientific Uncertainty, Science Policy, and Factfinding in the Growth Hormones
Dispute, 31 CORNELL INT’L L.J. 251, 253 (1998) (“The central strategy of the SPS Agreement
is to use science to distinguish between those sanitary measures consistent with the Agree-
ment and those in violation of the Agreement.”); see also Panel Report, EC — Approval and
300 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
helps to address the possibility that a WTO member might use health con-
cerns as a pretense to impose restrictions on imported goods in order to
protect its own industry from foreign competition.62 Article 5, for exam-
ple, requires governments to ensure that certain health and safety require-
ments are “based on an assessment, as appropriate to the circumstances,
of the risks to human, animal or plant life or health, taking into account
risk assessment techniques developed by the relevant international
The increasing number of investor-state arbitrations under bilateral
investment treaties and free trade agreements in the last twenty years has
contributed significantly to the overall trend in expert evidence. This sig-
nificant reliance is nowhere more apparent than in valuation determina-
tions in investment arbitrations.64 But experts routinely play prominent
roles in evaluating the scientific basis of health and environmental regula-
tion in investment disputes, too. Challenged regulations have included fuel
additive bans,65 plain packaging requirements for cigarettes,66 public an-
nouncements to discourage drinking contaminated waters,67 and restric-
tions on pesticides.68
Marketing of Biotech Products, Report of the Panel, Annex , Replies by the Scientific Experts,
WT/DS291/R/Add.6 (January 2008) at 170 (providing an example of the technical evidence
that the SPS Agreement relies on when defining risk assessment).
62. See Vern R. Walker, Transforming Science into Law: Transparency and Default
Reasoning in International Trade Disputes, in RESCUING SCIENCE FROM POLITICS: REGULA-
Steinzor eds., 2006).
63. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, art. 5.1-
5.2, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 493.
TERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW 181 (2009) (“It is increasingly accepted that employing ex-
perts usually helps the tribunal better understand the complexities involved in calculating
compensation and damages, even though this increases the costs of resolving the dispute and
may slow the process.”); José E. Alvarez, Are International Judges Afraid of Science?: A
Comment on Mbengue, 34 LOY. L.A. INT’L & COMP. L. REV. 81, 86 (2011) (“Many, perhaps
most, [investor-state cases under ICSID] involving sophisticated investors in complex, on-
going enterprises require heavy expert-laden assessments of fair market or going concern
value.”); Joshua B. Simmons, Valuation in Investor-State Arbitration: Toward a More Exact
Science, 30 BERKELEY J. INT’L L. 196, 198 (2012) (“The question of fair market value poses
notable challenges for arbitrators because it relates more closely to finance than law. These
challenges loom large because arbitrators frequently must determine fair market value in
investor-state arbitration.”).
65. See, e.g., Methanex Corp. v. United States, Final Award of the Tribunal on Jurisdic-
tion and Merits, ¶ 101 (NAFTA Ch. 11 Arb. Trib. 2005),
66. See, e.g., Philip Morris Brands Sàrl v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, ICSID Case
No. ARB/10/7, Award (2016).
67. See, e.g., Azurix Corp. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/12, Award
68. See, e.g., Chemtura Corp. v. Canada, Award (NAFTA Ch. 11 Arb. Trib. 2010),
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 301
69. Whaling in the Antarctic (Austl. v. Japan: N.Z. intervening), Judgment, 2014 I.C.J.
Rep. 226, ¶ 48 (Mar. 31).
70. Id. ¶ 49.
71. Id. ¶¶ 88, 127.
72. Id. ¶¶ 181, 193, 195-196.
73. Id. ¶ 144.
74. Id. ¶ 212.
75. See Daniel Peat, The Use of Court-Appointed Experts by the International Court of
Justice, 84 BRIT. .B. INT’L L. 271, 287-88 (2014) (“[A]lthough the Court [in Whaling in the
Antarctic] aimed to avoid review of the scientific merits . . . by assessing the reasonableness of
sample sizes, sampling method, and other aspects of the programme, it did just that.”); Marco
Roscini, Evidentiary Issues in International Disputes Related to State Responsibility for Cyber
Operations, 50 TEX. INT’L L.J. 233, 263-64 (2015) (“In the Whaling in the Antarctic case . . .
the experts called by both Australia and Japan gave evidence as expert witnesses and were
cross-examined, and the Court relied heavily on their statements to conclude that the special
permits granted by Japan for the killing, taking, and treatment of whales had not been
granted ‘for purposes of scientific research.’ ”).
76. Whaling in the Antarctic (Austl. v. Japan: N.Z. intervening), Judgment, 2014 I.C.J.
Rep. 226, ¶ 227 (Mar. 31).
77. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 121; Joost Pauwelyn, The Use, Non-Use and Abuse of
Economics in WTO and Investment Litigation, in 43 WTO LITIG., INV. ARB., & COM. ARB.,
GLOBAL TRADE L. SERIES 172 (Jorge A. Huerta-Goldman, Antoine Romanetti, et al. eds.,
2013) (noting the ICJ’s “continued reluctance to engage with expert evidence”); see also The
Gabèı́kovo-Nagymaros Project (Hung. v. Slovk.), Merits, 1997 I.C.J. Rep. 7, ¶ 54 (Merits)
(Sept. 25) (concluding that the Court need not determine which of the parties’ competing
scientific views were more reliable).
302 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
Corfu Channel case, the Court has relied on expert evidence in only two
cases: the Gulf of Maine boundary dispute case in 198478 and the Whaling
in the Antarctic case in 2014.79 Dissenting and separate opinions have long
lamented the Court’s reluctance to rely on expert evidence,80 and the issue
of expert evidence—“how to deal with . . . technical and scientific is-
sues”—has been characterized as “one of the biggest problems” facing the
Court today.81
78. Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Can. v. U.S.),,
Merits, 1984 I.C.J. Rep. 246, 253, 333, 337 (Oct. 12).
79. Whaling in the Antarctic (Austl. v. Japan), 2014 I.C.J. Rep. 148 (Mar. 31), ¶ 20–21.
In the Gulf of Maine dispute, the Special Agreement between the parties to submit the dis-
pute to the Court specifically required the Court to appoint a technical expert to delineate a
precise boundary line, based on the legal principles and rules as set out by the Court. Delimi-
tation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Can. v. U.S.), Appointment of
Expert Order, 1984 I.C.J. Rep. 165, 165–66 (Mar. 30); see Gulf of Maine, Merits, 1984 I.C.J.
Rep. 246, ¶ 8, 18 (Oct. 12).
80. See Oscar Chinn (U.K. v. Belg.), Merits, 1934 P.C.I.J. (ser. A/B) No. 63, 107–09
(Dec. 12) (individual opinion by Anzilotti, J.); Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thai.),
Judgment, 1962 I.C.J. Rep. 6, ¶ 55 (June 15) (dissenting opinion by Koo, J.); Military and
Paramilitary Activities in and Against (Nicar. v. U.S.), Judgment, 1986 I.C.J. Rep. 6, ¶¶
132–134 (June 27) (dissenting opinion by Schwebel, J.); Kasikili/ Sedudu Island (Bots. v.
Namib.), Judgment, 1999 I.C.J. Rep. 1045, 1118–19, 1131 (Dec. 13) (separate opinion by Oda,
J.); Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions Between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v.
Bahr.), Judgment, 2001 I.C.J. Rep. 40, ¶¶ 39–41 (Mar. 16) (dissenting opinion by Bernárdez,
J.); Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. v. Uru.), Judgment, 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 14, 108 (Apr.
20) (joint dissenting opinion by Al-Khasawneh, J. and Simma, J.).
81. Riddell, supra note 28, at 230. Riddell cites evidence that the Court, without the
knowledge of the parties or the public, does “frequently have recourse to expert advice” in
the form of temporary staff members of the Court’s Registry.” Id. at 240.
Many of the decisions that constitute the output of a court system cannot be shown
to be either ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ whether in terms of consequences or of other criteria,
so it is natural to ask whether there are grounds for confidence in the design of the
institution and in the competence and integrity of the judges who operate it.
83. See, e.g., Singh, supra note 42, at 600 (“The reliance upon and widespread usage of
expert witnesses [in international criminal cases] has progressed in the absence of clear rules
and regulations with regard to the what and how of expert witnesses.”).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 303
84. Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 171 (“Ten years later [after the WTO’s report in EC -
Bananas], the sophistication and quality of analysis in both damage and retaliation calcula-
tions have advanced tremendously.”).
85. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 79 (describing “traditional approaches” in interna-
tional courts and tribunals as including those “that allow the parties to present countervailing
scientific evidence, through expert reports, affidavits, advocacy and the appearance and ex-
amination of the parties’ own expert witnesses”).
tor observed that the hearing of the experts by the arbitrator could have taken place without
the presence of the other party.”); see also Costa Rica Packet Arbitration (Gr. Brit. v. Neth.),
184 C.T.S. 240 (1897).
TION, art. 6(6) (Int’l Bar Ass’n [IBA], May 29, 2010) (providing that a tribunal-appointed
expert “may be questioned . . . on issues raised in his or her Expert Report, the Parties’
submissions or Witness Statement or the Expert Reports made by the Party-Appointed Ex-
perts.”); id. at art. 8(3)(b) (“With respect to oral testimony at an Evidentiary Hearing . . .
following direct testimony, any other Party may question such witness.”); id. at art. 8(3)(d)
(providing that a tribunal-appointed expert “may be questioned by the Parties or by any
Party-Appointed Expert on issues raised in the Tribunal-Appointed Expert Report, in the
Parties’ submissions or in the Expert Reports made by the Party-Appointed Experts”); IN-
TERNATIONAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES, art. 25.4 (Int’l Centre for Dispute Reso-
25.4 (Int’l Chamber of Commerce [ICC], Jan. 1, 2012); see also ALAN REDFERN & MARTIN
2004) (“If each party presents conflicting evidence of technical opinion, the expert witnesses
must be prepared to appear in person before the arbitral tribunal for examination. Other-
wise, the arbitral tribunal will have no means of evaluating the weight that should be given to
the opinions presented by one side or the other.”); ARBITRATION RULES, art. 21.4 (London
Court of Int’l Arbitration [LCIA], 2014).
304 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
of expert witnesses by the parties and the court88 and the same provision
remains in force under the 1946 ICJ rules.89 The rules governing other
twentieth century tribunals and commissions generally permitted parties
to examine expert witnesses and comment on their reports.90 It has long
been true, then, that “the communication of the expert’s report . . . to the
parties and the grant of adequate opportunity . . . to comment upon it and
to question the expert” are “fundamental procedural safeguards.”91
As a way to improve upon this longstanding core mechanism for han-
dling expert evidence, commentators have suggested that decision makers
should more frequently appoint their own experts, rather than rely on
party-appointed experts.92 But the authority of a tribunal to appoint its
own expert, alone or in addition to any experts that the parties might of-
fer, is nothing new.93 Similarly, experts have long been required to dis-
close their background, qualifications, and experience, according to a
decision maker’s order or other rule.94
88. Statute for the Permanent Court of International Justice art. 51, Dec. 16, 1920, 6
L.N.T.S. 407 (1921) [hereinafter P.C.I.J. Statute]; see also WHITE, supra note 9, at 39.
89. Statute of the International Court of Justice art. 51, June 26, 1945, 59 Stat. 1062
[hereinafter I.C.J. Statute].
90. See, e.g., Rules of Procedure of the German Arbitral Commission, Rule 45(a), in 1
STATES CLAIMS TRIBUNAL 201 n.957 (1998) (citing Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal cases and ob-
serving that “[t]he proceedings may involve several phases: the expert’s investigation; sub-
mission of a draft report; comments by the parties on the draft report; submission of the
expert’s final report; comments by the parties on the final report; and a hearing on the ex-
pert’s final report”); Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Merits, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 7 (Apr. 9)
(noting that each party cross-examined the expert witnesses of the other party).
91. WHITE, supra note 9, at 81 (making this statement in 1965).
92. FOSTER, supra note 3, at 79-80
We should endorse a move towards processes for consultation of experts that draw
on a blend of investigative and adversarial procedures. . . . A helpful starting point
may be to hold an ‘organisational conference’ at the outset of proceedings in order
to clarify expectations and requests regarding the procedures to be followed in
relation to evidence and proof.
93. See, e.g., Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, Final Tribunal Rules of Procedure, art. 27, in 2
Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 405, 430 (May 3, 1983); G.A. Res. 31/98, Arbitration Rules of the
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL], art. 27 (Dec. 15,
1976); I.C.J. Statute art. 50, June 26, 1945, 59 Stat. 1062; P.C.I.J. Statute art. 50, Dec. 16, 1920,
6 L.N.T.S. 407 (1921); Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes art.
90, Oct. 18, 1907, 36 Stat. 2199; see also BROWER & BRUESCHKE, supra note 90, at 199-200,
202 (noting that the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, under the UNCITRAL Rules, has the author-
ity to appoint experts, in addition to the experts that the parties may appoint, although the
Tribunal “has appointed experts in only eight of the 960 large claims”).
94. See, e.g., Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Final Award No. 314-24-1, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl.
Trib. Rep. 112, 196–97 (1987) (“In determining the weight to be given to the Expert’s Report,
the Tribunal must first consider his qualifications. . . . The Tribunal . . . reviewed the Expert’s
background and experience before appointing him.”); see also Robert Wisner et al., Effective
Use of Economic Experts in International Arbitration: Counsel’s Role and Perspective, in EU
Blanke & Phillip Landolt eds., 2011).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 305
95. See Mark Kantor, A Code of Conduct for Party-Appointed Experts in International
Arbitration – Can One Be Found?, in 26 ARB. INT’L 323, 323 (Park ed., 2010); see also
Chartered Inst. of Arb. [CIArb], Protocol for the Use of Party Appointed Expert Witnesses in
International Arbitration art. 4(4)(b) (2007) [hereinafter CIArb Protocol] (requiring experts
to disclose “any past or present relationship with any of the Parties, the Arbitral Tribunal,
counsel or other representatives of the Parties, other witnesses and any other person or entity
involved in the Arbitration”).
96. MARBOE, supra note 64, at 183 (suggesting that investment tribunals should com-
pare expert reports on damages calculations and “identify those aspects of the valuation
where there is agreement and where there is disagreement” or to “request the experts to
develop and submit such lists of agreements and disagreements”).
97. IBA RULES art. 8(3)(f). The CIArb Protocol also provides for discussions among
party-appointed experts to “identif[y] and list[ ] the issues upon which they are to provide an
opinion,” as well as “any tests or analyses which need to be conducted”; “exchange draft
outline opinions for the purposes of these meetings”; and prepare a joint statement identify-
ing areas of agreement and areas of disagreement. CIArb Protocol art. 6(1)(a), (b).
98. IBA RULES art. 8(3)(f); see also Freyer, supra note 44, at 439 (“This practice has
been used extensively in Asia and Australia and is attracting increasing support among Euro-
pean and American arbitrators.”).
99. See id.; FOSTER, supra note 3, at 123.
100. See Klaus Michael Sachs, Experts: Neutrals or Advocates, INT’L COUNCIL FOR
COM. ARB. (May 25, 2010),
ICCA_RIO_2010/ICCA_RIO_2010_Klaus_Michael_Sachs.html (proposing a variation of ex-
pert-witness conferencing); see also Alison Ross, A Sachs- New Approach to Expert Evi-
dence?, GLOBAL ARB. REV. (May 27, 2010),
101. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 79 (“Much can be learnt [through the adversarial
process], as avenues of proof are explored and tested by counsel working with their experts.
306 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
Although “[i]t is all too easy to agree that international judges do not
handle facts as well as they could,”106 and many international disputes are
resolved in ways that transparently and comprehensively address the relia-
bility of expert evidence, experience continues to demonstrate that, with-
out a comprehensive analytical framework, decision makers often struggle
with the complexities of expert evidence. This Part explores the three pri-
mary difficulties facing decision makers in international disputes when
confronted with expert evidence.
The process of cross-examination is most valuable in testing the strength of propositions re-
lied upon by the parties.”).
102. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 100-01.
103. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 182
107. See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 174-75 (“The experts’ function is to
assist in ascertaining and assessing facts which involve technical matters outside the general
knowledge of judges or lawyers.”); Nicolas Ulmer, Assessing Damages—Are Arbitrators
Good at It? Should They Be Assisted by Experts? Should They Be Entitled to Decide ex
aequo et bono? Some War Stories, 6 J. WORLD INV. & TRADE 11, 11 (2005) [hereinafter
Assessing Damages] (reasoning that arbitrators “are not generally very good at assessing
damages” because they are “mainly lawyers and law professors,” not “accountants,” “invest-
ment bankers,” or “quantity surveyors”).
108. See Martin Hunter, Expert Conferencing and New Methods, 4 TRANSNAT’L DISP.
MGMT. 1, 1 (2007).
109. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 13 (“The proper administration of international justice
requires that there should be no delegation of the judicial function to anyone outside the
tribunal, unless this is clearly the intention of the parties, to cover some special situation.”);
MARBOE, supra note 64, at 4 (cautioning that, in investment disputes, “the decision about the
amount of compensation or damages must not be delegated to the experts”); RIPINSKY &
WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 179 (“It is frequently emphasized that tribunals should treat
expert opinions, including those produced by the tribunal-appointed experts, as items of evi-
dence and avoid delegating their decision-making powers to experts.”); Caroline E. Foster,
The Consultation of Independent Experts by International Courts and Tribunals in Health and
Environment Cases, 20 FINNISH Y.B. INT’L L. 391, 395 (2009) (recognizing the “need for
international courts and tribunals to be alert to the possibility of inadvertent delegation to
110. See Gruszczynski, supra note 32, at 25
citing the 1949 ICJ decision in Corfu Channel as one that “rel[ied] upon the experts’ analysis
of the facts to a pronounced degree”); Geoffrey Beresford Hartwell, Assessing Damages, 6 J.
WORLD INV. & TRADE 7, 8-9 (2005) (“[I]n legal theory—delegatus non posse delegare—the
tribunal may not delegate its decision-making to the expert. In practice, however, that is
difficult to avoid. . . . [the expert] may . . . have decision-making power which is not always
apparent. It may be that the tribunal will depend on him very substantially.”); Serge Lazareff,
Assessing Damages, 6 J. WORLD INV. & TRADE 17, 18 (2005) (“If we turn to the civil-law
approach, I must say that I am strongly opposed to the systematic appointment of an expert
by the Tribunal because I think it results in delegated justice. It is very difficult for a tribunal
not to follow the expert it has itself appointed.”); Ulmer, supra note 107, at 12 (noting that
arbitrators are very unlikely “to go head-to-head” with certain experts but instead would
“very grateful” to leave all the technical issues to them); Alvarez, supra note 64, at 97 (“We
ought to be equally concerned with whether judges are, in some cases, overly deferential and
only too ready to accept some forms of expert-driven ‘fact.’ ”); Quelques Remarques sur la
Preuve devant la Cour Permanent et la Court Internationale de Justice, 7 ANNUAIRE SUISSE
TRIBUNALS (1975), at 327 n.144 (“Although the Court, like a national court, is never bound
by the conclusions of the experts, these conclusions, as in municipal law, usually exert a
relatively large influence upon the decisions taken.”); see also Appellate Body Report, US —
Continued Suspension, ¶ 436, WTO Doc. WT/DS320/AB/R (adopted Oct. 16, 2008) (“[T]he
manner in which [experts’] opinions are solicited and evaluated can have a significant bearing
on a panel’s consideration of the evidence and its review of a domestic measure, especially in
cases . . . involving highly complex scientific issues.”).
112. Miles, supra note 31, at 160.
113. See id. (asserting that the complexity of modern international litigation “coupled
with a reluctance to engage in in-depth questioning of . . . scientific evidence” may mean that
“courts can be overly deferential to scientific expertise or that the weight given to individual
written reports could be misplaced”); cf. Alvarez, supra note 64, at 97 (criticizing decisions
that “rely on a form of ‘scientific’ expertise without exploring whether this is truly war-
ranted . . . silently constrain the regulatory autonomy of governments).
114. Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 252, 253 (Apr. 9) (dis-
senting opinion by Eèer, J.). The Court compared the damages estimates of tribunal-ap-
pointed experts to the claimed damages of the United Kingdom, determining that the latter
were reasonable in light of the expert evidence. See Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment,
1949 I.C.J. Rep. 244, 249 (Dec. 15).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 309
certain that the opinion of the expert does not bind the Commission,”
there was no reason not to adopt the expert’s conclusion, “unless his argu-
mentation is in contradiction with the facts of record, with the legal provi-
sions or the rules of logic.”115 The written decision does not indicate what,
if any, substantive analysis the Commission undertook in evaluating the
expert’s opinion.116
Poorly reasoned evaluations of expert evidence can result not only in
the wholesale adoption of an expert’s opinion but also in subtler errors.
When decision makers must make numerical estimates, for example, the
initial values put forward by the parties and their experts may “anchor” a
decision maker’s final calculation—establishing a false equivalence be-
tween the competing values of the parties—even if the initial values are
extreme and wholly unreasonable.117
When it comes to calculating damages, the anchoring effect has led to
a common, although perhaps overly broad, perception that international
courts and tribunals do not make fully reasoned judgments when awarding
damages but instead “split the baby” and award damages at the midpoint
of the two sides’ valuations.118 An oft-cited example is Santa Elena v.
Costa Rica, where the tribunal expressly chose to value an expropriated
asset as exactly half of the sum of the two competing amounts submitted
by the parties and their experts, without articulating any analysis of the
evidence supporting those amounts.119 The phenomenon may stem from
a reluctance to engage with the evidence in a meaningful way, because of
115. Heretier de Sar Mgr. le Duc de Guise, Dec. No. 162 (Nov. 20, 1953), 13
U.N.R.I.A.A. 162, 168 (1963), translated in SANDIFER, EVIDENCE BEFORE INTERNATIONAL
TRIBUNALS (1975), supra note 10, at 327.
116. See id.
117. See Chris Guthrie et al., Inside the Judicial Mind, 86 CORNELL L. REV. 777, 793-94
(2001) (“[T]he influence on judges of misleading anchors, such as litigants’ requests for dam-
age awards, can produce biased damage awards.”).
118. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 182 (“In some cases, the tribunals set the amount of
compensation exactly halfway between the claimant’s and the respondent’s valuations, thus
appearing to ‘split the baby.’ ” (internal citations omitted)); RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra
note 43, at 191 (“[O]n a number of occasions, tribunals appear to have simply ‘split the baby,’
taking the mean between alternative valuations produced by the parties, or were otherwise
opaque about how they arrived at the amount of compensation.”); Joost Pauwelyn, supra
note 77, at 171-72 (“[I]n the not too distant past, WTO arbitrators as well as investor-State
tribunals, rather than using sound economic models and data to calculate damages or permit-
ted trade retaliation, were more or less ‘splitting the difference,’ that is adding up what the
two opposing parties claimed and then awarding half of that amount.”).
119. Compañı́a del Desarrollo de Santa Elena, S.A. v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID
Case No. ARB/96/1, Award, ¶¶ 93-95 (Feb. 17, 2000). A number of other decisions, many of
them before the last ten years, appear to have made awards essentially at the midpoint of the
parties’ estimates, see, e.g., Middle East Cement Shipping and Handling Co. S.A. v. Arab
Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/6, Award, ¶¶ 150-151 (Apr. 12, 2002) (valuing a
ship); Saghi v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Award, 29 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 20, 55, ¶ 104
(1993) (noting expressly that the award fell between claimants’ and respondent’s estimates).
310 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
120. RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 122 (noting that reluctance to engage
with the details of valuation may lead to “splitting the baby” or some other means of simpli-
fying the valuation process when decision-makers “get lost in the intricacies of valuation
techniques”); Simmons, supra note 64, at 209 (“Because of their backgrounds, arbitrators
may be reluctant to immerse themselves in the detailed formulas and spreadsheets submitted
by the parties.”).
121. See Christopher R. Drahozal, Behavioral Analysis of Private Judging, 67 L. & CON-
TEMP. PROBS. 105, 118 (2004) (surveying available empirical studies on the anchoring effect—
also known as “extremeness aversion”—and concluding that “[a]rbitrators (at least in com-
mercial cases) do not seem to be subject to extremeness aversion”); Richard . Naimark &
Stephanie E. Keer, Arbitrators Do Not “Split the Baby” – Empirical Evidence from Interna-
tional Business Arbitration, 18 J. INT’L ARB. 573 (2001); see also RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS,
supra note 43, at 191 (noting that, “in more recent arbitral awards, arbitrators have enhanced
the quality of analysis” of expert evidence on valuations).
122. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 182 (reasoning that the “split the baby” problem
may “encourage the parties to overestimate or underestimate their claims”); Reed, supra
note 49, at 5 (citing the “anchoring” effect in cautioning that “[c]ounsel must think carefully
about the numbers used in estimating damages in initial requests for arbitration”).
123. CME Czech Republic B.V. v. Czech Republic, Final Award, ¶ 596 (UNCITRAL
Arb. Proc. 2003),
124. See Miles, supra note 31, at 161 (“[P]erhaps[ ] the risk [in international dispute
resolution for a] is that the [expert] evidence is not given sufficient consideration at all.”).
125. See Lawrence, supra note 55, at 188 (“Because of their lack of training and exper-
tise in particular disciplines, WTO dispute settlement bodies often fail to adequately assess
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 311
“egocentric bias” may mean that decision makers rely on their “own
preconceptions and give undue weight to or even seek out evidence to
support those preconceptions, rather than fully consider the parties’
Decisions throughout the years have illustrated the difficulties that
may result from the poorly reasoned rejection of expert evidence and cur-
sory substitution of a legal decision maker’s lay opinion. Early in its exis-
tence, the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, in Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran,
appointed a valuation expert, who prepared a detailed report at a cost of
over one million dollars, and permitted the parties to comment in writing
on the report and examine the witness at a hearing.127 Although the Tribu-
nal claimed to rely on the expert’s discounted cash flow (DCF) methodol-
ogy, it essentially ignored the expert’s application of that methodology to
key facts of the dispute.128 Instead, the Tribunal made its own qualitative
and generic assessment, resulting in significant changes to the amount of
damages awarded.129 Judge Holtzmann, in a concurring opinion, argued
that this represented a departure from an otherwise robust assessment of
the expert evidence on valuation.130 For one, the Tribunal rejected the
expert’s use of compound interest,131 despite the “modern economic real-
ity” confirmed by the expert, that investors were required to pay on the
loans that had financed the expropriated project.132
The 1989 decision in the Salmon and Herring v. Canada case, which
arose under the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement, has been
criticized for the tribunal’s apparent “willingness to substitute [its] own
judgment for the numerical determinations of governmental experts based
on [its] own reading of scientific texts.”133 The United States had chal-
and incorporate scientific contributions.”); Ulmer, supra note 107, at 14 (recounting from an
experience as counsel in a commercial arbitration that “it is, in general, much easier to pick
holes, to create doubts, in the damages presentation to actually put forward an iron-clad
126. See Reed, supra note 49, at 7.
127. See Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Final Award, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 112,
120, ¶ 11 (1987).
128. Id. at 117, ¶¶ 337-343 (1987); see generally RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43,
at 176 n.270 (observing that the extensive expert evidence in Starrett Housing went “largely
ignored” by the tribunal).
129. Starrett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. at 117, ¶¶ 337-343.
130. Starrett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. at 241–54 (1987) (Holtzmann, J., con-
curring opinion).
131. See Starrett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. ¶ 370.
132. Starrett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. at 249-54 (Holtzmann, J., concurring
133. See, e.g., David A. Wirth, The Role of Science in the Uruguay Round and NAFTA
Trade Disciplines, 27 CORNELL INT’L L.J. 817, 845 (1994). Although the “experts” in this
case were not testifying witnesses—they were specialists within the Canadian regulatory
agencies responsible for the challenged regulation—the panel’s consideration of their pur-
ported expertise is instructive of the potential for decision makers to dismiss expert evidence
without adequately assessing the reliability of that evidence.
312 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
134. In the Matter of Canada’s Landing Requirement for Pacific Coast Salmon and Her-
ring, U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement Binational Panel Review, Panel No. CDA-89-1807-
01 (Oct. 16, 1989).
135. Id. ¶¶ 7.08, 7.21, 7.29.
136. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 206–07.
[I]n the practice of international courts and tribunals, the income approach has
long been regarded with skepticism. The necessary forecasts as well as the dis-
counting process appeared to be hardly understandable for lawyers who are not
specially trained in economic disciplines. . . . This reluctance to apply an income-
oriented valuation approach in international proceedings has been predominant
for decades despite the fact that the income approach is the most widely used
approach in economic reality and, thus, routinely applied by valuation experts in
many different contexts.
MARK KANTOR, VALUATION FOR ARBITRATION 53 (2008) (“The contrast between the pref-
erence among international investment tribunals for Asset-Based methods and the prefer-
ence among valuation organizations and professions for Income-Based methods is striking.”).
137. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 215.
138. Venezuela Holdings B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No.
ARB/07/27, Award, ¶¶ 360–368 (2015). See generally RICHARD A. BREALEY ET AL., PRINCI-
PLES OF CORPORATE FINANCE 16 (8th ed. 2006) (“To calculate present value, we discount
expected payoffs by the rate of return offered by equivalent investment alternatives in the
capital market. This rate of return is the discount rate, hurdle rate, or opportunity cost of
capital.”). Future cash flows are worth less than cash flows today. See id. (“The first basic
principle of finance is that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow, because the
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 313
After determining that any valuation must account for the risk that Vene-
zuela would confiscate the investment, the tribunal concluded that it was
“unable to adopt the approach used by the Claimants’ expert, which does
not take this risk into account.”139 Venezuela’s experts had taken the con-
fiscation risk into account, calculating a range of discount rates more than
twice the rate offered by the claimants’ expert and greatly reducing the
overall valuation.140 Adopting a discount rate within that range, the tribu-
nal noted only that other tribunals “in circumstances comparable to the
present case” had adopted similar discount rates, including a commercial
arbitration tribunal evaluating contract claims related to the same pro-
ject.141 The tribunal did not evaluate the underpinnings of Venezuela’s
expert evidence whatsoever, nor did it explain why it considered the deci-
sions of other tribunals—all but one considering claims against countries
other than Venezuela—were “in circumstances comparable” to this partic-
ular time period, industry, and economy.142
A larger debate—about whether to ever rely on expert evidence—has
been playing out prominently in the ICJ in recent years. Those opposed to
reliance on expert evidence have been in the majority in most recent cases
but dissenting voices have grown louder and more numerous over the
years.143 A trio of cases illustrates the criticisms the Court has received
dollar today can be invested to start earning interest immediately. Financial managers refer
to this as the time value of money.”).
139. Venezuela Holdings B.V., ICSID Case No. ARB/07/27, Award, ¶ 365.
140. See id. ¶ 366.
141. See id. ¶¶ 367–368.
142. See id.
143. See, e.g., Oscar Chinn (U.K. v. Belgium), Judgment, PCIJ Rep. Series A/B No. 63,
107-09 (individual opinion of Judge Anzilotti); Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thai-
land) (Merits), 1962 I.C.J. Rep. 6, ¶ 55 (dissenting opinion of Judge Wellington Koo); Mili-
tary and Paramilitary Activities in and Against (Nicaragua v. U.S.) (Merits), 1986 I.C.J. Rep.
6, ¶¶ 132–134 (dissenting opinion of Judge Schwebel); Kasikili/Seduku Island (Botswana v.
Namibia) (Merits), 1999 I.C.J. Rep. 1045, 1118–19 (separate opinion of Judge Oda); Mari-
time Delimitation and Territorial Questions (Qatar v. Bahrain) (Merits), 2001 I.C.J. REP. 40,
275 (dissenting opinion of Judge Torres Bernárdez); Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Ar-
gentina v. Uruguay) (Merits), 2010 I.C.J. REP. 14, 108. In the first of these cases, the P.C.I.J.
in the Oscar Chinn case declined—against significant dissent—to appoint an expert to assist
in determining whether Belgium had established a de facto monopoly in the Belgian Congo,
in violation of its international obligations to the United Kingdom. See Oscar Chinn (U.K. v.
Belgium), Judgment, P.C.I.J., ser. A/B, No. 63, at 88 (1934) (reasoning that the details of the
economic conditions related to the claims could not change the legal conclusion that Belgium
had not violated its international obligations); id. at 108 (individual opinion of Judge
Anzilotti) (“[T]his necessitates the appraisement of a number of technical considerations
which only experts in fluvial navigation and in the economic conditions of the Congo could
adequately present to the Court.”); see also SANDIFER, EVIDENCE BEFORE INTERNATIONAL
TRIBUNALS, supra note 10, at 334–35 (1975) (criticizing the Oscar Chinn majority’s refusal to
appoint an expert); Thomas M. Franck, Fact-Finding in the I.C.J., in FACT-FINDING BEFORE
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS 21, 21 (1992) (faulting the Court for resolving “key factual is-
sues” in Temple of Preah Vihear, the Nicaragua Case, and the Advisory Opinion in Western
Sahara “without leaving The Hague to take testimony, appointing masters, or otherwise fa-
miliarizing itself with the sights, sounds and smells of the place in which the facts were
314 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
for refusing to consider expert evidence. The first case, Maritime Delimi-
tation and Territorial Questions Between Qatar and Bahrain, centered on
whether the landmass Fasht Al Azm and Sitrah Island were joined, an
issue that affected the extent of each country’s maritime areas.144 Qatar
argued that a navigable channel had always separated the two until
Bahrain filled it in 1982, and the parties submitted competing expert re-
ports on the existence of a permanently navigable channel before that
time.145 The Court viewed the expert evidence as too difficult to evaluate
and based its decision on other issues without reaching a conclusion on the
pre-1982 existence of a channel.146 Others have noted that the Court-de-
termined “maritime” boundary inadvertently crosses over dry land, a situ-
ation that would have likely not occurred had the Court relied on expert
In its 1997 Gabèı́kovo-Nagymaros Project decision, the ICJ essentially
refused to consider the parties’ expert evidence148 and this decision has
been cited as an example of the ICJ’s inability or unwillingness to deal
with technical evidence.149 At issue in Gabèı́kovo-Nagymaros was the
agreement by Hungary and Slovakia in a 1977 treaty to jointly build a
system of hydroelectric-generating locks on the Danube River.150 The dis-
pute arose after Hungary, facing public criticism of the financial benefits
and environmental impact of the project, halted construction of the pro-
ject, citing a “state of ecological necessity.”151
At the ICJ, both parties submitted expert reports on the ecological
effects of the locks, with Hungary arguing that they would cause eutrophi-
cation in the reservoir, a build-up of silt within the dredged channel, and
negative effects on the plants and animals that would be separated from
the main river channel.152 In the Court’s view, however, it was “not neces-
sary . . . to determine which of those points of view is scientifically better
founded” because the environmental risks were at most long-term and un-
certain, abandonment of the project was not the only mitigating measure
Hungary could have taken, and Hungary had helped create the situation
when it concluded the 1977 treaty.153
A similar pattern was repeated in 2010, in the Pulp Mills on the River
Uruguay case. The case readily lent itself to technical evidence, as it cen-
144. Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions Between Qatar and Bahrain
(Qatar v. Bahrain), Judgment, 2001 I.C.J. Rep. 40, ¶¶ 217–218 (2001).
145. See id. ¶ 189.
146. See id. ¶¶ 190, 218.
147. See, e.g., Riddell, supra note 28, at 243.
148. See Gabèı́kovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment, 1997 I.C.J.
Rep. 7, 42 (1997).
COURT OF JUSTICE 348 (2009).
150. Gabèı́kovo-Nagymaros, Judgment, 1997 I.C.J. Rep. at 23.
151. Id. at 35.
152. Id.
153. Id. at 42, 55, 57.
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 315
154. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. V. Uru.), Judgment, 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 14, ¶¶
1, 22 (Apr. 20).
155. Id. ¶ 165; see also Bruno Simma, The International Court of Justice and Scientific
Expertise, 106 AM. SOC’Y INT’L L. 230, 230 (2012) (noting that both parties in the Pulp Mills
case produced “large amounts of scientific expert evidence, both in their written pleadings
and in the oral hearings”).
156. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 14, ¶¶ 166, 168 (“[T]he Court
does not find it necessary in order to adjudicate the present case to enter into a general
discussion on the relative merits, reliability and authority of the documents and studies pre-
pared by the experts and consultants of the Parties.”); see also id. ¶ 236 (“[I]n assessing the
probative value of the evidence placed before it, the Court will principally weigh and evalu-
ate the data, rather than the conflicting interpretations given to it by the Parties or their
experts and consultants.”); FOSTER, supra note 3, at 93 (noting that the ICJ, in Pulp Mills,
“did not find it necessary to enter into a general discussion on their merits, reliability[,] and
157. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. v. Uru.), 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 108, ¶ 4 (Apr. 20)
(Al-Khasawneh, J. and Simma, J., joint dissenting opinion).
158. Id. ¶ 3.
159. Foster, supra note 45, at 161 (“We can expect judgments to be written . . . in terms
reflecting how the [ICJ] has made use of expert opinion. Transparency in the reasoning of
judgments will help them to stand up to scrutiny, including where expert opinion has fed into
the more legal and interpretive tasks required of the Court.”); Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at
189 (“[I]t is equally important that the judge when weighing the evidence sufficiently explains
his or her thought process and engages with the details of each study.”).
316 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
160. Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 253 (Dec. 15) (Eèer, J., dissent-
ing opinion).
161. See Bonneuil & Levidow, supra note 49, at 97 (criticizing WTO decisions under the
SPS Agreement for failing to engage with scientific evidence and framing that evidence” in a
way that allows WTO judges to avoid any explicit engagement with scientific knowledge,” so
that they can use that evidence as an legitimizing “imprimatur” for “its own judgements on
substantive scientific issues”); see also Lazareff, supra note 111, at 17 (“Assessing damages is
the parent pauvre of arbitration, the neglected aspect. It is almost in the context of arbitra-
tion, the midnight clause of a contract, and it is very distressing to read in so many awards
that ‘the Tribunal, having at its disposal all the elements of the case, orders A to pay B US $140
million.’ ”); Simma, supra note 155, at 230 (noting that the parties in the Pulp Mills case, see
supra note 156, “produced large amounts of scientific expert evidence” and explaining that as
an ICJ judge in the case the author, when “confronted with the mass of such highly complex
technical material” did “not feel[ ] capable of drawing the necessary legal conclusions”).
162. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 133 (“[E]ven in the WTO, the full impact of expert
evidence is not always apparent on the face of the report. For example in United States –
Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, the Appellate Body’s final dispo-
sal of the case was undoubtedly informed by the experts’ advice that sea turtles faced differ-
ent problems in different locations, but in reaching this decision the Appellate Body did not
directly rely on the panel’s consultation of scientific experts.”); cf. Walker, supra note 62, at
300–02 (“The [EC —]Hormones Panel took the worst approach [in evaluating whether a
measure was “based on” a risk assessment in accordance with the SPS Agreement]: (1) pre-
tend not to pass judgment on the merits of past scientific reports while implicitly agreeing
with their conclusions, and (2) formally preclude rebuttal explanation in the WTO proceed-
ing by members who disagree with those scientific reports, saying that WTO panels do not
themselves conduct risk assessments.” (citation omitted)); id. at 310
(footnote omitted).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 317
163. See Jürgen Kurtz, Science as a Common Proxy for Rational Regulation Across
International Trade and Investment Law, in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN INTERNATIONAL
Ni eds., 2014) (noting that the Methanex tribunal’s “careful and extensive assessment of the
environmental justifications for the MTBE ban” based on “significant attention to extensive
witness testimony” “receives no attention whatsoever in the Tribunal’s legal analysis of fair
and equitable treatment” but “is instead quarantined in the factual findings of the award,”
even though “this review . . . provides clear and compelling evidence, as the Tribunal itself
determines, of a clearly rational and science-based approach to risk regulation”).
164. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 4 (reasoning, in the context of damages calculations
in investment disputes, that “[i]n order to assess the figures submitted by experts, a basic
understanding of the methods and a willingness to consider them is of vital importance” to
avoid delegating “the decision about the amount of compensation or damages” to the ex-
perts); RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 180 (noting in the valuation context that
“arbitrators may need to make diligent efforts to understand economic and valuation issues
on their own” to be able “to make use of experts’ reports and at the same time exercise their
decision-making power”); Foster, supra note 45, at 144 (“An international court must be
ready to determine objective compliance with legal tests in order to enforce the balance of
interests they represent. In order to achieve this, the Court [ICJ] will need to engage in the
science, rather than to be viewed as shying away from doing so.”); id. (“The Court [ICJ] will
need to ensure it has the capacity to achieve the sufficiently reliable insights into the science
necessary for a sound resolution of both disputes, taking into account also the interest s of
the wide international community.”).
165. Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. v. Uru.), 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 108, ¶ 3 (Apr. 20)
(Al-Khasawneh, J. and Simma, J., joint dissenting opinion).
166. See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 190–91
[L]awyers need to have an idea about the basic workings of valuation techniques in
order to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of expert opinions, be able to
discern the ‘drivers’ of valuation, understand why different valuation techniques
may yield widely divergent results and, indeed, why even the same valuation
318 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
ensure that expert evidence is reliable and that decision makers reliably
understand and apply that evidence in crafting legal decisions. As Lucy
Reed has reasoned in the context of investor-state arbitration, decision-
makers “can do a better job” in fact-finding “by following basic practices
to control and mitigate complexities.”167
When it comes to mitigating the complexities of expert evidence, the
focus should be on the reliability of that evidence: the reliability of the
methodology and the reliability of that methodology’s application to the
facts of the case. The core of this Article’s proposal, then, is that interna-
tional adjudicators should adopt an analytical framework for determining
whether an expert’s testimony is reliable, apply that framework to each
expert, clearly set out in the written decision the framework and how it
was applied, and weigh the evidence in accordance with its assessed
method applied by different experts can lead to very different results. This knowl-
edge is necessary for an informed and considered decision.
See also Walker, supra note 62, at 169 (“[T]he SPS Agreement’s approach of using scientific
research as a neutral arbiter over the legitimacy of sanitary and phytosanitary measures de-
pends upon the WTO’s being able to distinguish legitimate or sound science from an inade-
quate risk assessment.”).
167. Lucy Reed, Confronting Complexities in Fact-Finding and the Nature of Investor-
233, 233 (2013).
169. Id. at 13.
170. Id. at 39.
171. Reed, supra note 49, at 14 (“One thing we see in heuristics studies is the value of
checklists. Checklists help even experienced professionals—for example, pilots and sur-
geons—to slow down and take account of all relevant factors.”).
172. GAWANDE, supra note 168, at 79, 99, 101.
173. Id. at 79, 99, 101.
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 319
174. Shufeldt (U.S. v. Guat.), 2 R.I.A.A. 1079, 1083 (1930) (“[I]t is clear that interna-
tional courts are by no means as strict as municipal courts and can not [sic] be bound by
municipal rules in the receipt and admission of evidence. The evidential value of any evi-
dence produced is for the international tribunal to decide under all the circumstances of the
175. See Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 185 (suggesting that adjudicators adhere to,
“openly state,” and “enforce” a set of “best practices” based on European competition law in
evaluating quantitative economic data).
176. See, e.g., Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 21 (Dec. 15)
(stating that the Court “cannot fail to give great weight to the opinion of the [e]xperts who
examined [the evidence] in a manner giving every guarantee of correct and impartial infor-
mation.”); U.S. DEP’T OF STATE, supra note 86, at 428–29 (noting that while “[i]n an arbitra-
tion between States it is of far greater interest than in purely juridical proceedings to draw
forth all evidence, whether direct or indirect, which may serve to give full light,” the arbitra-
tor would take into account the circumstances of the expert testimony when weighing the
evidence); see also Michael Straus, The Practice of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in Receiving
Evidence from Parties and from Experts, 3 J. INT’L ARB. 57, 58 (1986) (“[A]ll testimony is
ultimately subject to the arbitrators’ judgment as to its probative value based on such factors
TIONAL ARBITRATION 943 (2012) (“In most cases, the [arbitral] tribunal will simply allow the
parties to present the experts of their choice and allow submissions as to relative expertise to
go to questions of weight.”).
(2015) (“[A]rbitrators in interstate arbitrations enjoy broad discretion to make evidentiary
decisions on subjects such as admissibility, weight, and credibility of evidence, usually with-
out reference to municipal evidentiary rules.”); FOSTER, supra note 3, at 178 (noting that
international law recognizes no “rules requiring that weight will only be placed on scientific
evidence that has been subject to peer review and publication”); DURWARD V. SANDIFER,
EVIDENCE BEFORE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS 2 (1939) (“[I]nternational tribunals are . . .
intolerant of any restrictive rules of evidence which might tend to confine the scope of a
AND PRACTICE 192 (1959) (“In international law there are no general rules requiring the
exclusion of categories of evidence.”); see also WHITE, supra note 9, at 7 (quoting Sandifer’s
assertion with approval).
320 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
pert evidence, and the decision, a court or tribunal may leave itself open to
criticisms, including those outlined in Part III.
182. See Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. v. Uru.), 2010 I.C.J. Rep. 121, ¶ 11
(Apr. 20) (Keith, J., concurring opinion) (“[R]esponsibility of making decisions on the mat-
ters of scientific dispute arises only if the matters require decision in the course of the Court
determining whether or not Argentina had made out its claim.”); Factory at Chorzów (Ger. v.
Pol.), Judgment, 1928 P.C.I.J. (ser. A) No. 17, 49, 51 (Sept. 13) (noting that the Court was not
“satisfied with the data for assessment supplied by the Parties” with respect to compensation
owed to the German government and providing for the appointment of experts “to obtain
further enlightenment in the matter”); Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Final Award, 16 Iran-
U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 112, ¶ 264 (1987) (noting that, although it is not always necessary to
appoint valuation experts where “there is sufficiently clear evidence on which to base a deci-
sion on compensation,” tribunals may look to expert evidence “to obtain any technical infor-
mation that might guide it in the search for the truth” (partially quoting Corfu Channel (U.K.
v. Alb.), Merits, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 20 (Dec. 15))); see also Dave, supra note 28, at 814 (“It is
important to bear in mind that if direct evidence is available and is acceptable, it is hardly
necessary to consider expert opinion.”); Freyer, supra note 44, at 443 (“The ICC reminds us
that expert evidence is not a requirement of an arbitration, and should only be introduced to
the extent necessary to inform the tribunal on a key issue in dispute.”).
183. See supra notes 87 & 93 and accompanying text.
322 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
tion184 or on the date of the award?185 What evidence exists that eating
meat from farm animals that were treated with hormones for growth-pro-
motion increases the risk of cancer in humans?186 What is the maritime
boundary between the continental and fisheries zones of two countries?187
Has construction of man-made islands negatively affected surrounding
coral reef systems?188 Knowing the question to be answered in precise
and clear terms provides an essential basis for determining what evidence
would be helpful in answering it.189 This is second nature when evaluating
tribunal-appointed experts190 but no less important when evaluating
party-appointed experts.
In formulating potential questions for an expert, decision makers
should always acknowledge the extent to which a legal rule has informed
the question scope, lest they open themselves up to criticisms that they are
unduly allowing expert evidence to influence those rules191 or requiring
184. See, e.g., Ebrahimi v. Iran, Award, 30 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 170, 182–83 (1994);
Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. ¶ 4.
185. See, e.g., Siemens A.G. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/08,
Award, ¶¶ 352–353 (Feb. 6, 2007); Ger. V. Pol., 1928 P.C.I.J. (ser. A) No. 17, at 47, 51–54
(Sept. 13).
186. See US — Continued Suspension, supra note 111, ¶ 200 (examining whether scien-
tific evidence “focus[ed] on” and “address[ed] . . . the carcinogenic or genotoxic potential of
the residues of those hormones found in meat derived from cattle to which the hormones had
been administered for growth promotion purposes – as required by paragraph 4 of Annex A
of the SPS Agreement”).
187. E.g., Delimitation of the Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area, Judgment, 1984
I.C.J. Rep. 263 (“What is the course of the single maritime boundary that divides the conti-
nental shelf and fisheries zones of Canada and the United States of America?”).
188. See Philippines v. China, Award, PCA Case No. 2013-19 (2016), ¶ 84 (2015).
189. See Jacur, supra note 181, at 451 (“The adjudicator should properly identify the
extent of the scientific matter at stake and then accordingly carefully pose the questions to
the [tribunal-appointed] experts.”); Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 186
The first step [in evaluating quantitative economic data] is precisely formulating
the relevant question, that is, a question whose answer will be relevant in deciding
the applicable legal criterion (e.g., what was the effect of US cotton subsidies pro-
vided in year(s) X on world prices of cotton so we can figure out whether these
subsidies caused ‘serious prejudice’ in the sense of SCM [the WTO Agreement on
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures] Article 6.3(c)).
190. See, e.g., Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 142–69 (Dec.
15) (posing a series of questions to the tribunal-appointed experts); see also Lukasz
Gruszczynski, The Role of Experts in Environmental and Health-Related Trade Disputes in
the WTO: Deconstructing Decision-Making Processes, in THE ROLE OF “EXPERTS” IN INTER-
OR IRRELEVANT ACTORS 216, 221–22 (M. Ambrus et al. eds., 2014) (explaining that the pro-
cess of consulting experts in WTO disputes under the SPS Agreement “starts with the deter-
mination of the necessary fields of expertise and is followed by the identification of potential
candidates” and the “draft[ing] [of] questions relating to the specific scientific or technical
aspects of a dispute”).
191. See Howse, supra note 32, at 2345–46 (faulting the WTO Panel in Australia —
Salmon for “never plac[ing] the issues [for expert evaluation] in the context of the legal
meaning of the SPS Agreement provisions on risk assessment and scientific evidence” and
for “fail[ing] to articulate how it intended to use or weigh the scientific evidence in deciding
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 323
the question of adequacy”); see also Appellate Body Report, Australia — Salmon, ¶ 6, WTO
Doc. WT/DS18/AB/R, (adopted Oct. 20, 1998).
192. See Howse, supra note 32, at 2347 (“The scientists called upon in Salmon were
placed in a virtually impossible position: they were asked to make a purely technical/scientific
judgment about the adequacy of risk assessment as a regulatory tool.”).
193. See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 179 (“Tribunals can improve compa-
rability of expert reports by providing guidance on the essential parameters of the task to be
performed, for example on: exact object of valuation; relevant valuation date or dates; and
whether the impact of certain events subsequent to the valuation date should be accounted
194. See, e.g., Honduras Borders (Guat. v. Hond.), 2 R.I.A.A. 1307, 1353 (1933) (noting
that the Court had commissioned a report from party-appointed experts in light of the inade-
quacy of existing topographical data); MOORE, supra note 25, at 297–98
No geographical map was annexed to the treaty . . . and in our opinion none which
can be adopted as a sure and complete proof of the intentions of the negotiators of
the treaty. . . . [D]uring the arbitration proceedings no map was produced which
was recognized as being entirely accurate by both parties. . . . [The parties] dis-
cussed much about the importance and accuracy of their maps, but . . . these dis-
cussions did not lead to any decided conclusion as to the value to be given to one
of these maps more than to the other as regards the various features of the
195. Harza v. Iran, Interlocutory Award, 2 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 68, 71 (1983)
[T]he Tribunal cannot decide the liability issues raised by the various alleged de-
fects of site selection, engineers’ drawings, and actual construction of major dams
and related irrigation networks without a proper technical description of the al-
leged defects and of the causes from which they arose. This will require opinions
to be sought at least from two experts.
196. In the Lighthouses Arbitration, for example, the Permanent Court of Arbitration
determined that expert testimony was necessary because “the documents so far lodged by the
parties” were not “sufficient to determine” or “capable of furnishing an exact assessment” of
324 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
have also often been deemed useful on questions related to the business
and commercial practices in a particular industry.197
By contrast, in a series of cases involving the delimitation of maritime
boundaries, the ICJ determined that a legal rule—which generally enables
a country to claim a continental shelf up to as far as 200 miles from its
coast—meant that it need not weigh expert evidence on the specific geo-
logical characteristics offshore of each disputing country.198 The ICJ in-
stead reasoned that its function is “to make use of geology only so far as
required for the application of international law.”199
Does the expert (or would an expert) have specialized knowledge be-
yond that of the decision-maker? Evidence offered as “expert” will in gen-
eral aid in the decision-making process only if the witness has specialized
knowledge, skill, or training that complements and goes beyond the com-
petence and training of the adjudicator in answering the specific question
presented.200 Two of the first modern cases to use experts extensively in
their decision-making processes illustrate the importance of this question.
First, in the Manica Plateau Arbitration, a boundary dispute, the arbitrator
explained that he had sought out an expert “specially qualified in ques-
the total costs and expenditures of the concession at issue. See Affaire relative à la conces-
sion des phares de l’Empire ottoman, (Fr. v. Greece) 12 R.I.A.A. 155, 228 (Perm. Ct. Arb.
1956) (unofficial translation by author).
197. Harza v. Iran, 2 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. at 71 (“[I]t appears from the pleadings and the
substantiating evidence submitted by both Parties that the reasons for the disagreement be-
tween the Parties need to be clarified to the Tribunal by an expert familiar with the business
practices and administration of important consulting engineering contracts.”).
198. See, e.g., Continental Shelf (Libya v. Malta), Judgment, 1985 I.C.J. REP. 13, 36
(June 3); Continental Shelf (Tunis. v. Libya), Judgment, 1982 I.C.J. REP. 18, 41, 53, 58 (Feb.
199. See Tunis. v. Libya, 1982 I.C.J. at 54; see also Tullio Scovazzi, Between Law and
Science: Some Considerations Inspired by the Whaling in the Antarctic Judgment, 14 QUES-
TIONS INT’L L.: ZOOM-IN 13, 21 (2015) (noting that, in these maritime boundary cases, “where
it is possible to simply excessively complex questions for the sake of legal clarity, one cannot
but agree with the approach taken by the I.C.J. in disregarding scientific discussions and
experts’ elaborations – be they appointed by the parties or by the Court”).
200. See, e.g., Prosecutor v. Peris̆ić, Case No. IT-04-81-T, Decision on Defense Motion
to Exclude Expert Reports of Robert Donia, ¶ 6 (Int’l Crim. Trib. For the Former Yugoslavia
Oct. 27, 2008) (noting that the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia defines an expert as “a person whom by virtue of some specialised knowl-
edge, skill or training can assist the trier of fact to understand or determine an issue in dis-
pute”); I.V.E.M. Claim, 22 Int’l L. Rep. 875 (1955) (noting that, according to the Franco-
Italian Conciliation Commission, international adjudication often leads to “inquiries and as-
sessments which presuppose technical knowledge denied to [their own members]”);
NAL 198 (1998) (“In many international arbitrations, including the Tribunal, the arbitrators
are not specialists in the underlying subject matter. Given the broad spectrum of its cases
and the complexity of issues presented for adjudication, it therefore not surprising that the
use of informed analysis of experts has been invaluable to the Tribunal’s understanding and
resolution of . . . issues.” (citations omitted)); Scovazzi, supra note 199, at 16 (“Nor can the
members of a court, who are experts in law, be supposed to have a universal knowledge, in
order to reach by themselves conclusions that require scientific and technical expertise. Here
scientific and technical experts have a role to play.”).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 325
2. Does the witness have the requisite experience and training in the
chosen methodology?
If expert evidence will aid the decision-making process, a decision-
maker should next determine whether the expert has the necessary cre-
dentials and experience in the relevant field to act as a reliable author-
ity.205 Evaluating the appropriate range of expertise can help to neutralize
strategies designed to obfuscate genuine issues, and provide decision-mak-
201. Manica Plateau Arbitration (Gr. Brit. v. Port.), 28 R.I.A.A. 283, 308 (1897). The
focus of this article is on non-legal experts, although courts and tribunals also often consider
testimony on municipal and international law. But See Andrew Newcombe, The Strange
Case of Expert Legal Opinions in Investment Treaty Arbitrations, KLUWER ARBITRATION
BLOG (Mar. 18, 2010),
202. See 28 R.I.A.A. 283, 308 (1897); see also I.V.E.M. Claim, Final Decision, V
plaining that experts were appointed because the issue of valuation was of a financial, eco-
nomic, and technical nature).
203. Corfu Channel (U.K. v. Alb.), Judgment, 1949 I.C.J. Rep. 4, 13, 14, 21 (Dec. 15).
204. See Scovazzi, supra note 199, at 16
[T]here is no doubt that naval officers [such as those appointed in the Corfu Chan-
nel case] are better suited than anyone else to clarify whether the operation of
laying of mines in a given straight by a third subject can be seen and heard by the
look-out posts on the coast. Judges sitting in courts are not likely to engage them-
selves in activities of investigation on moonless nights, such as the test of visibility
carried out by the committee of experts in the Strait of Corfu.
WARMING 272 (2010) (“[W]e need to pay attention to who the experts actually are – by
asking questions about their credentials, their past and current research, the venues in which
they are subjecting their claims to scrutiny, and the sources of financial support they are
326 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
206. Prosecutor v. Peris̆ić, Case No. IT-04-81-T, Decision on Defense Motion to Ex-
clude Expert Reports of Robert Donia, ¶ 8 (Int’l Crim. Trib. For the Former Yugoslavia Oct.
27, 2008) (“[S]tatements or reports of an expert witness will only be treated as expert evi-
dence, insofar as they are based on the expert’s specialised knowledge, skills or training.
Statements that fall outside the area of expertise will be treated as personal opinions of the
witness and will be weighted accordingly.”); see also ORESKES & CONWAY, MERCHANTS OF
DOUBT, supra note 205, at 271 (“An all-purpose expert is an oxymoron.”).
207. See WHITE, supra note 9, at 148 (noting that, “[i]n the field of valuation of prop-
erty, the qualified expert is likely to be a specialist in a particular type of valuation
208. See JAMES C. BONBRIGHT, 1 THE VALUATION OF PROPERTY 7 (1937) (considering
the task of asset valuation).
209. See Proton Energy Group SA v. Orlen Lietuva, (2013) EWHC (Comm) 2872, QB
210. See BONBRIGHT, supra note 208, at 7.
211. The WTO Appellate Body has come to the opposite conclusion in at least one
case. See US — Continued Suspension, supra note 111, ¶ 199 (discounting an expert’s testi-
mony in part because the underlying scientific studies were not “carried out by him under his
212. See Phil. v. China, Case No. 2013-19, Award, ¶ 821 (Perm. Ct. Arb. 2016) (noting
that a tribunal-appointed expert asked to opine on the potential effects of China’s construc-
tion of man-made islands on surrounding coral reefs was a “coral reef ecologist with over ten
years’ research experience in Southeast Asia [and] the Pacific Islands . . . and ecological
work . . . focused on coral reef restoration and ecological functioning and the impact of
environmental and anthropogenic factors on coral reef benthic communities”).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 327
rience in the construction of large dams, although she need not have par-
ticipated in the construction of the dam at issue in the dispute.213
Any assessment of an expert’s reliability must also include a thorough
examination of any previous participation as an expert in other legal dis-
putes.214 The fact that the expert’s previous participation in other disputes
was consistent with the evidence that she provides in the dispute at hand
and that other legal decision makers relied on an expert’s use of the same
or similar methodology can be an indicator of reliability, although no sub-
stitute for a decision maker’s own reliability analysis.
Confidentiality associated with some forms of international dispute
settlement, including commercial arbitration, may make it difficult to as-
sess reliability on the basis of an expert’s prior participation in interna-
tional disputes. But agreements and procedural rules that increasingly
emphasize the benefits of disclosing decisions, briefs, and witness reports
and statements may enable decision makers to more easily track and con-
sider the history of experts.215 And a decision maker can also of course
look to an expert’s participation in domestic court proceedings or domes-
tic regulatory rulemaking.
When the parties do not agree on the sort of expertise required, a
decision maker may decide to appoint (in the case of tribunal-appointed
experts) or weigh (in the case of party-appointed experts) a wider range of
experts who reflect those disparate views.216 But a decision maker should
remain aware that the parties’ views may reflect strategic choices intended
213. See Harza v. Iran, Interlocutory Award, 2 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 68, 71 (1983)
(determining, in a case concerning the site-selection for and construction of major dams and
related irrigation networks “will require opinions to be sought at least from two experts, one
experienced in the field of geology and rock mechanics and the other in hydraulics, both of
whom are also experienced in the building of major dams” (emphasis added)).
214. See, e.g., Prosecutor v. Peris̆ić, Case No. IT-04-81-T, Decision on Defense Motion
to Exclude Expert Reports of Robert Donia, ¶ 12 (Int’l Crim. Trib. For the Former Yugosla-
via Oct. 27, 2008).
215. For example, mechanisms such as the United Nations Convention on Transparency
in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration, through application of the UNCITRAL Rules on
Transparency to a potentially large set of investment arbitrations, may increase the database
of expert reports and international decisions relying on expert evidence. See G.A. Res. 69/
116 (Dec. 10, 2014) (applying the UNICTRAL Rules on Transparency to investor-state dis-
putes where both the respondent and the claimant’s state are parties to the Convention, and
the treaty was concluded before April 1, 2014); G.A. Res. 68/109 (Dec. 16, 2013) (providing
that “expert reports and witness statements, exclusive of the exhibits thereto, shall be made
available to the public, upon request by any person to the arbitral tribunal”).
216. See Panel Report, EC — Asbestos, ¶ 5.2 WTO Doc. WT/DS135/R and Add. 1
(adopted 5 April 2001) (describing, in a dispute over whether a French measure banning the
marketing of asbestos products were inconsistent with WTO rules, the Canadian preference
for experts specializing the comparative toxicity of asbestos and non-asbestos fibers, and the
EC preference for cancer epidemiologists, including specialists in asbestos-caused cancers);
US — Continued Suspension, supra note 111, ¶ 7.91 (describing the EC’s view that the panel
should have appointed an expert in animal science, including veterinary practices on adminis-
tration of growth hormones).
328 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
to influence the outcome of a dispute,217 and may not encompass the full
range of expertise necessary to evaluate the questions presented.
217. See Gruszczynski, supra note 190, at 228 (“[A] preference for a specific type of
expertise may reflect deliberate and strategic choices of the parties aimed at influencing the
ultimate outcome of a dispute.”).
218. See Orellana, supra note 180, at 65 (“Questions of scientific truth are the function
of peer review, which serves as a symbol of professional accountability and ensures the dem-
ocratic control of science.”).
219. See Orellana, supra note 180, 57 (“[A]lthough the political nature of the Intergov-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change has been evident since its creation, the institutional
mechanisms designed for discussion between scientists and policy makers, coupled with ex-
tended peer review, have significantly contributed to the panel’s credibility.”).
220. See ORESKES & CONWAY, MERCHANTS OF DOUBT, supra note 205, at 269 (noting
that peer review determines what scientists consider to be scientific knowledge).
221. See FOSTER, supra note 3, at 10.
222. See Wirth, supra note 133, at 842
[T]he scientific peer review process operating in a regulatory context can reduce
disagreement, identify gaps and holes, and articulate the need for further investiga-
tion. . . . [P]eer review is responsive to a characterization of science as an ongoing
search for knowledge against a constantly shifting and evolving background that by
its very nature is always operating at new frontiers.
223. See Orellana, supra note 180, at 65 (“[T]ribunals facing the difficult task of recog-
nizing the scientific character of evidence will find that peer review provides a benchmark of
legitimacy that justifies qualified deference.”); Jacur, supra note 181, at 452 (“Peer review is,
in my view, a reliable instrument to ensure the credibility of experts.”); MARBOE, supra note
64, at 183 (explaining that, in investment arbitrations, “an arbitral tribunal needs basic
knowledge about the most important valuation principles and methods which are known and
applied in international valuation practice”); cf. Céline Lévesque, Science in the Hands of
International Investment Tribunals: A Case for “Scientific Due Process”, in 20 FINNISH Y.B.
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 329
INT’L L. 259, 288 (2011) (“[A] tribunal might consider whether . . . regulatory science was
peer reviewed.”).
224. See e.g., Philip Morris Brands Sàrl v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, ICSID Case
No. ARB/10/7, Award, ¶ 392 (2016) (noting, as detailed by Uruguay’s experts, that evidence
of consumers’ misconceptions of health effects of “light” and “low-tar” cigarettes available at
the time Uruguay adopted the challenged measures included “[n]umerous scientific stud-
ies . . . published . . . in leading international journals” and “cited by the U.S. Surgeon Gen-
eral and the U.S. National Cancer Institute” (citations omitted)); Whaling in the Antarctic
(Austl. v. Japan: N.Z. intervening), Judgment, 2014 I.C.J. Rep. 226 (Mar. 31) (separate opin-
ion of Bhandari, J.) (recognizing peer review as an indicator of “reliable science”); Methanex
Corp. v. United States, Final Award of the Tribunal on Jurisdiction and Merits, ¶ 101
(NAFTA Ch. 11 Arb. Trib. 2005),
ita0529.pdf (noting that an environmental impact report had been subject to “public hear-
ings, testimony, and peer review,” “emerging as a serious scientific work from such an open
and informed debate”).
makers have struggled to develop more rigorous tools for assessing the reliability of the sci-
entific information that informs health policies. The solution, most have agreed, is for deci-
sion makers to rely more heavily on the scientific community for oversight and assistance.”).
226. Foster, supra note 45, at 151 (reasoning that the “risk assessment” provision in the
SPS Agreement requires a WTO dispute settlement panel to “assess whether the science
relied on by a Member is legitimate science according to the standards of the relevant scien-
tific community and also scrutinize the reasoning in a risk assessment with reference to the
underlying science”).
227. See generally John P.A. Ioannidis, Why Most Published Research Findings Are
False, 2 PLOS MED. 696, 700–01 (2005); William A. Wilson, Scientific Regress, FIRST THINGS
(2016), (observing that “[a]t its
best, science is a human enterprise with a superhuman aim” but noting “example after exam-
ple of how the human element of this enterprise harms and damages its progress, through
incompetence, fraud, selfishness, prejudice, or the simple combination of an honest oversight
or slip with plain bad luck”).
228. See Ioannidis, supra note 227, at 700-01.
229. See MCGARITY & WAGNER, supra note 227, at 47 (setting out these “informal
norms of good scientific practice”); see also Markus Wagner, Law Talk v. Science Talk: The
Languages of Law and Science in WTO Proceedings, 35 FORDHAM INT’L L.J. 151, 157 (2011)
(“[S]cientific inquiry is disinterested in the policy outcome that follows any revelation,
through publication or otherwise, of the results of the scientific inquiry.”).
330 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
230. See Ioannidis, supra note 227, at 700–01 (“[M]ost research questions are addressed
by many teams, and it is misleading to emphasize the statistically significant findings of any
single team. What matters is the totality of the evidence.”); Christie Aschwanden, Science
Isn’t Broken: It’s Just a Hell of a Lot Harder than We Give It Credit For, FIVETHIRTYEIGHT
(Aug. 19, 2015), (“The important les-
son here is that a single analysis is not sufficient to find a definitive answer.”).
231. Ioannidis, supra note 227, at 697–98.
232. See id.; see also Aschwanden, supra note 230 (describing the “decisions scientists
make as they conduct a study” that can unduly influence research outcomes).
233. See MCGARITY & WAGNER, supra note 225, at 10–11 (2008); see also Bonneuil &
Levidow, supra note 49, at 77 (“[N]either regulatory science nor research science can claim to
stand free from historical, political and cultural situations.”); Ioannidis, supra note 227, at 698
(“Conflicts of interest and prejudice may increase bias. Conflicts of interest are very com-
mon in biomedical research, and typically they are inadequately and sparsely reported. . . .
The hotter a scientific field . . . the less likely the research finding are to be true.”).
234. See MCGARITY & WAGNER, supra note 225, at 8–9, 38–39 (describing this phe-
nomenon in the context of scientific research); Werner, supra note 33, at 48
The distrust in expert input can partly be explained by the fact that scientific ex-
perts sometimes ally with specific commercial firms, interest[ ] groups and political
parties. One of the most disturbing examples are the so-called ‘merchants of
doubt,’ a group of scientific experts with strong links to industry and conservative
politicians who proved willing to cast doubt on results of scientific research in the
areas of smoking tobacco, acid rain, the depletion of the ozone layer and global
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 331
(citation omitted).
240. See id. at 95–96 (detailing the “funding effect” in biomedical research, which ac-
cording to a “comprehensive review article summarizing 1,140 biomedical research studies”
means that “ ‘industry-sponsored studies were significantly more likely to reach conclusions
that were favorable to the sponsor than were non[-]industry studies.’ ” (citation omitted)).
241. See id. at 76–77:
Most scientists would agree that when a sponsor contractually controls research or
otherwise acts as a significant collaborator, the norms of science require that any
332 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
published version of the study disclose at least the fact of sponsorship . . . . The
most insidious technique for obscuring provenance is the practice commonly em-
ployed in the pharmaceutical industry of hiring ghost-writing companies that in
turn hire bright young science writers to turn data and analyses from company-
sponsored clinical trials into articles suitable for publication in medical journals
under the signatures of prominent researchers.
242. See id. at 240
The [U.S.] courts should allow the parties to conduct discovery and present evi-
dence on the extent to which some or all of the research underlying an expert’s
testimony was in fact commissioned by an entity with a direct or indirect interest in
the litigation and on the degree to which that entity exercised control over the
outcome of the research.
243. See id. at 239 (“[C]ourts and agencies should at the very least ensure that the prov-
enance of all research that they rely on to support regulatory and judicial determinations is,
as far as is possible, divulged and considered in the decision-making process.”); Biases and
errors may stem from sources other than advocate funding. Specialists in a particular field
may have biases due to their commitments to certain theories or to certain scientific organi-
zations. Legal decision makers should take into account whether any potential biases from
these other sources have undermined the reliability of the expert’s conclusions. Ioannidis,
supra note 227, at 698 (“Prejudice may not necessarily have financial roots. Scientists in a
given field may be prejudiced purely because of their belief in a scientific theory or commit-
ment to their own findings.”); Theofanis Christoforou, Settlement of Science-Based Trade
Disputes in the WTO: A Critical Review of the Developing Case Law in the Face of Scientific
Uncertainty, 8 N.Y.U. ENVTL. L.J. 622, 630 (2000) (“[S]cientists coming from [specific] orga-
nizations may be unfairly biased in favor of maintaining their organization’s standards and
recommendations”); see also Gruszczynski, supra note 32, at 227 (“[P]revious affiliation
should be regarded as an important element when assessing the existence of potential con-
flicts of interest.”).
244. See Matthew W. Swinehart, Remedying Daubert’s Inadequacy in Evaluating the
Admissibility of Scientific Models Used in Environmental-Tort Litigation, 86 TEX. L. REV.
1281, 1307 (2008) (cautioning against similar misuse of peer review as a factor in analyzing
expert reliability).
245. FOSTER, supra note 3, at 9 (“Standards emanating from the private sector may also
have an effect within international law.”).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 333
246. See Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 186 (“[T]he pros and cons [of empirical economic
methodologies] should be made explicit, including potential statistical and identification
problems” and “[a]lternative methodologies should be discussed.”); RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS,
supra note 43, at 192 (“There is no single valuation method that fits all cases and scenarios.
This gives tribunals flexibility but poses the problem of selecting a method that is appropriate
and justified in a particular case.”)
247. See, e.g., Panel Report, US — COOL, ¶ 7.513 , WTO Doc WT/DS384, 386/R (Nov.
18, 2011) (noting, in evaluating competing economic studies, that it is not the task of a WTO
panel, “to establish a unified econometric report or to conduct our own econometric assess-
ment; instead we will assess the robustness of each study”); CMS Gas Transmission Company
v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award, ¶¶ 411–417 (May 12, 2005) (ex-
plaining why the tribunal chose to value the business at issue using the DCF method rather
than other approaches such as the multiples, comparables, option-value, and asset-value
methods); Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Final Award, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. ¶¶ 282,
336 (1987) (noting approvingly that an expert employed “generally accepted accounting prin-
ciples” and “generally recognized valuation practices”).
248. See Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 26 (“[T]he scope, relevance, assumptions and lim-
its of each study should be examined and, on that basis, each should be given appropriate
weight (or, as the case may be, no weight at all).”); cf. CHRISTOPH H. SCHREUER ET AL., THE
ICSID CONVENTION: A COMMENTARY 1012 (2d ed. 2009) (“The speculative character of
damages theories in the calculation of lost profits is a matter of degree.”).
249. See, e.g., EC—Asbestos supra note 216, ¶ 5.147 (determining that it was generally
accepted among scientists that there was “a direct and linear relationship between the rela-
tive risk of lung cancer and cumulative exposure to asbestos”); CMS Gas Transmission Com-
pany, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award, ¶ 416 (adopting the DCF valuation method in part
because it is “universally accepted”); Harza v. Iran, 2 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. at 76, ¶ 99
(1986) (declining to rely on an expert opinion that the claimant could have improved its
geological assessment in preparing for the construction of a dam because “the evidence indi-
cates, no clear technical or professional standards exist” as to the necessary elements of such
an assessment in that context). The idea that tribunals should consider the “most common
and accepted methods” in making damages assessments comes from the legal standard of
“fair market value.” See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 211 (“If one really wishes
to estimate the market value of an investment, then one should use most common and ac-
334 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
cepted methods to reach that value, and the DCF method is an appropriate method.”); Sim-
mons, supra note 64, at 234 (“Because tribunals are seeking to determine market value, their
decisions should be informed by the real-world practices of willing buyers and willing sell-
ers.”); id. at 235 (arguing that tribunals should “abandon the practice of dismissing the DCF
method simply because an entity being valued is not a ‘going concern’ ” in part because
“[f]inancial analysts employ the method even for enterprise that arbitral tribunals would not
deem ‘going concerns’ ”). But even absent the legal standard the general acceptance of par-
ticular valuation methodologies has also informed broader considerations of the reliability of
valuation evidence. See, e.g., Manuel A. Abdala, Key Damage Compensation Issues in Oil
and Gas International Arbitration Cases, 24 AM. U. INT’L L. REV. 539, 548–49 (2009) (noting
that DCF is “the most common methodology used in valuation analyses” in part because “it
is widely supported by the professional literature” and “most investors rely on a DCF analy-
sis to determine whether or not to undertake a particular project” (citations omitted)); Star-
rett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. at 241 (Holtzmann, J., concurring opinion)
(reasoning that “experience in the financial community throughout the world attests to the
suitability of the DCF Method in valuing all kinds of businesses regardless of their purposes
or the length of time they are expected to operate”).
250. See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 192 (noting that, although “[t]here is
no comprehensive and authoritative manual of universal application that tribunals could use
to guide them through valuation. . . . there are a number of well-respected academic manuals
as well as national and international guidelines on valuation that can be referred to.” (cita-
tion omitted)).
251. Cf. CMS Gas Transmission Company, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award, ¶ 416
(adopting the DCF valuation method in part because it has been adopted by “numerous
tribunals”); see also RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 192 (“[T]he growing body of
arbitral practice need[s] to be reviewed and analysed in order to understand the content and
applicability of different valuation methods for the purposes of damages awards in invest-
ment arbitrations.”).
252. See supra notes 138–39 regarding the discount rate discussion in Venezuela Hold-
ings, and accompanying text.
253. See Miles, supra note 33, at 157 (“[S]cience is not always able to provide exact,
conclusive answers, particularly where there is uncertainty, imperfect knowledge or conflict-
ing scientific opinion.”).
254. See id. (noting that “scientific knowledge” is “an organic process of evolving un-
derstandings and continuous interactive exchanges of hypothesis and refutation”); Douglas
Crawford-Brown et al., Environmental Risk, Precaution, and Scientific Rationality in the Con-
text of WTO/NAFTA Trade Rules, 24 RISK ANALYSIS 461, 462 (2004) (“An important aspect
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 335
While scientific method and peer review lead towards consensus as science’s oper-
ational criteria, consensus, instead, becomes more elusive the farther out from core
knowledge and the farther into the frontier areas of research and experimentation
one travels. Such frontier areas are characterized by persistent uncertainty and
diverging interpretations, where emerging consensus or minority views may de-
pend on socio-cultural factors and on informal negotiations among scientists.
(citations omitted).
257. See Pauwelyn, supra note 48, at 252–54 (reasoning, in the context of WTO disputes
over health policy, that there is “no need to find that at least a majority of the scientific
community is in favour of a proposed health measure,” even though “the minority opinion
must nonetheless come from ‘qualified and respected sources’ ”); Caroline E. Foster, The
“Real Dispute” in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case: A Scientific Dispute?, 16 INT’L J. MARINE
& COASTAL L. 571, 589 (2001) (“Developments in multilateral international trade law also
recognise that the key features of what may constitute genuine ‘science’ do not necessarily
include a requirement that a scientist belong to a ‘mainstream’ scientific community, depend-
ing on the circumstances. There is an increased emphasis on scientific principles and
258. See, e.g., US — Continued Suspension, supra note 111, ¶ 591; see also Lukasz
Gruszczynski, Science and the Settlement of Trade Disputes in the World Trade Organization,
& Kuei-Jung Ni eds., 2014) (“The SPS case law is consistent in holding that risk assessment
may be based not only on mainstream science, but also on the opinions of scientists taking a
divergent view.”).
336 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
276. See International Law Commission, Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for
Internationally Wrongful Acts art. 36(2), 2001. Investment treaties generally provide little
guidance on the issue. See Simmons, supra note 64, at 230 n.203.
277. If these tribunals had asked, they may have determined that their assumptions
about the limits of DCF outside of the “going concern” context were misplaced. See Sim-
mons, supra note 64, at 235 (“Financial analysts employ the method even for enterprises that
arbitral tribunals would not deem ‘going concerns.’ ”).
278. See CME Czech Republic B.V. v. Czech Republic, Final Award, ¶ 604 (UNCI-
TRAL Arb. Proc. 2003),
TAINTY IN THE WTO 131 (2004) (“[T]he appropriate handling of uncertainties is part of the
scientific process of risk assessment.”); Wirth, supra note 133, at 837 (“Because science is
incomplete, the scientific data set underlying any regulation is necessarily incomplete. That,
however, does not diminish the scientific nature of the inquiry.”).
280. See, e.g., Himpurna Cal. Energy Ltd. v. PT (Persero) Persusahaan Listruik Negara
(Indon.), Final Award, ¶ 376 (May 4, 1999), 25 Y.B. COMM. ARB. 13 (2000) (“There is no
reason to apologise for the fact that [the DCF] approach involves approximations; they are
inherent and inevitable. Nor can it be criticized as unrealistic or unbusinesslike; it is precisely
how business executives must, and do, proceed when they evaluate a going concern. The fact
that they use ranges and estimates does not imply abandonment of the discipline of economic
analysis; nor, when adopted by arbitrators, does this method imply abandonment of the disci-
pline of assessing the evidence before them.”); MARJORIE M. WHITEMAN, 3 DAMAGES IN
INTERNATIONAL LAW 1694, 1699 (1943) (quoting Delagoa Bay and East African Railway
Company, Award of 30 May 1900, regarding reliance on calculations of future income while
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 339
acknowledging that “such a computation made in advance on the basis of purely theoretical
data cannot hope to be absolutely accurate but only comparatively likely”).
281. Alvarez, supra note 64, at 87–88 (citing investment disputes and international
criminal cases in which “the tribunals were asked to make determinations involving
probabilities and not verifiable certainties” and noting that “[d]eciding on the basis of uncer-
tainty is what international and domestic courts do every day”).
Virtually all elements of risk assessment are clouded with uncertainty, basically of
two kinds. First, the various scientific disciplines involved in assessing risk are not
sufficiently developed either to explain the mechanisms by which particular causes
produce particular effects or to provide good quantitative estimates of cause-and-
effect relationships. Second, the data needed to analyze particular risks are usually
not available.
See also Crawford-Brown, supra note 254, at 468 (“[U]ncertainty is an intrinsic and essential
characteristic of science that must be passed on to the policy and legal arenas. Failure to do
so, by insisting on a single estimate of risk . . . does not fully and truthfully describe the state
of science at any moment.”).
283. See Miles, supra note 33, at 157.
284. See, e.g., Compania de Aguas del Aconquija, S.A. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID
Case No. ARB/97/3, Award, ¶ 8.3.4 (Aug. 20, 2007) (requiring future losses to be proved with
“some level of certainty”); Autopista Concesionada de Venezuela, C.A. v. Bolivarian Repub-
lic Of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/00/5, Award, ¶ 351 (Sept. 23, 2003), (requiring future
losses to prove “sufficient (degree of) certainty”); see also International Law Commission,
supra note 276 (setting out a requirement that anticipated income streams to be proved with
“sufficient certainty” to become a legally protected interest).
285. RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 211.
286. See id.
340 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 387 (describing compound interest as “com[ing] to
be treated as the default solution”).
293. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 205 (reasoning that the most reliable valuation
method “depends . . . on the question of whether a tribunal finds that the main parameters of
the method are appropriate and acceptable”).
294. See Simmons, supra note 64, at 223–24.
295. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 195.
296. See Kardassopoulous v. Republic of Georgia, ICSID Case Nos. ARB/05/18, ARB/
07/15, Award, ¶ 598 (2010) (“It is not common in investment treaty arbitrations that a Tribu-
nal has available to it three arm’s-length, contemporaneous transactions (or potential trans-
actions) to assist in valuing an investment, much less three that converge in a narrow range of
value.”); see also Phelps Dodge v. Iran, 10 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep. 121, ¶¶ 29–30 (1986)
(rejecting valuation by multiples because the consultant’s study relied on U.S. enterprises
that were not sufficiently comparable to a start-up business in Iran).
297. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 201–02 (noting that “the Iran-US Claims Tribunal
frequently employed special experts in order to provide information about prices actually
paid in the real property market” but that “the comparable sales approach has not been
applied with respect to entire investment projects or undertakings in internationals invest-
ment disputes”).
298. See Walker, supra note 61, at 165.
299. See id. at 165–66 (noting that with respect to transparency “law and science share
the same ideal”).
342 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
300. See Foster, supra note 3, at xiv (“The science must be put forward in a form that is
readily digestible by a court or tribunal composed of individuals whose qualifications and
experience lie in the field of law rather than science.”).
301. Cf. Lorna Schrefler, Reflections on the Different Roles of Expertise in Regulatory
Ambrus et al. eds., 2014) (“Another example could be when data or assumptions in an eco-
nomic analysis are carefully selected to present a certain picture of reality, often exploiting
the information asymmetries between agents (in this case, the experts within the [regulatory
or administrative] agency) and principals.”).
302. IBA RULES 5.3(d)-(e); see also Wisner et al., supra note 94, at 243–44.
303. Mark Kantor, A Code of Conduct for Party-Appointed Experts in International
Arbitration – Can One Be Found?, 26 ARB. INT’L 323, 375 (2010).
304. Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 187 (“Assumptions [underlying economic empirical
methodologies] must be disclosed and discussed. . . .”).
305. See Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Final Award, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Trib. Rep.
112, ¶ 39 (1987) (“[T]he Expert referred many of his assumptions and decisions with regard
to his valuation to the Tribunal . . . [in order to] ma[k]e it easier for the Tribunal to under-
stand and possibly to adjust the final result according to the Tribunal’s own judgement.”); id.
¶ 269 (“[W]here [the expert] drew inferences or made subjective judgments, he pointed them
out and explained his reasons.”); see also Corfu Channel, (U.K. v. Alb.), Order, 1948 I.C.J.
Rep. 124, 126–27 (Dec. 17) (instructing a panel of three experts to “give the reasons for these
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 343
report in the Manica Plateau Arbitration. The report first laid out—in
plain language—the technical terms at the core of the parties’ dispute, and
how they were understood in geographical science.306 The expert then set
out to apply these “geographical principles” to the facts of the dispute and
the arguments of the parties, noting where the principles pointed one way
or the other.307 Only then did the expert turn to answering the specific
questions put to him by the arbitrator, laying out each incremental conclu-
sion by reference to the previously defined principles and analysis.308 By
setting out the relevant principles, assumptions, and facts, and connecting
them to his conclusions, the expert permitted the arbitrator to assess each
distinct line of analysis and modify as necessary.309
Outside the dispute context, experts commonly account for uncer-
tainty in their conclusions through statistical methods such as sensitivity
analyses, which describe how sensitive an expert’s conclusions are to
changes in underlying data, methodology, or assumptions. In disputes,
they also can assist decision makers in evaluating a range of inputs and
outcomes.310 This is especially true where small changes in assumptions
and other inputs can significantly alter an expert’s conclusions.311 A relia-
ble expert witness will disclose those assumptions and inputs, explain how
they drive the analysis, and identify material differences between that
analysis and the analyses of the other party’s experts. In Guarachi
America, Inc. & Rurelec PLC v. Bolivia, for example, the claimants’ valu-
ation expert provided an assessment that “95% of the difference” between
the parties’ valuations was due to three issues: discount rate, revenue pro-
findings in order to make their true significance apparent to the Court. . . . [and] mention any
doubts or differences of opinion amongst them”).
306. Manica Plateau Arbitration (Gr. Brit. v. Portugal), 28 R.I.A.A. 283, 302 (1897).
307. Id. at 302–03.
308. Id. at 303–07.
309. Id. at 308-09. The arbitrator reasoned that, although the expert’s conclusions were
“technically accurate,” the result was so “irregular” and full of “numerous inflections,” that it
could “easily give rise . . . to doubts and differences of opinion which should be carefully
avoided.” Id. at 308. As a result, the arbitrator asked the expert to modify one segment of
the proposed demarcation to “substitute[e] some nearly straight and better-defined lines for
the natural inflections . . . so that the extent of ground which each party gets by the substitu-
tion of straight lines for the rigorous demarcation of the edge remains almost equivalent.”
310. See Starrett Housing, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Rep. ¶¶ 39–40 (1987) (noting that tribunal-
appointed valuation expert “provided a sensitivity analysis for four essential areas to show
what effect their alteration would have on the valuation”); Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 187
(suggesting that adjudicators require “thorough robustness analysis” of economic data used
in international disputes).
311. See Land Reclamation by Singapore in and Around the Straits of Johor (Malay. v.
Sing.), Verbatim Records, 37–38 (Sept. 25, 2003 a.m.),
documents/cases/case_no_12/PV. (eliciting expert testimony that the
sediment transport rates at the core of the land reclamation dispute could change signifi-
cantly in response to only slight changes in velocity).
344 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
312. Guarachi America, Inc. v. Plurinational State of Bolivia, Award, PCA Case No.
2011-17, ¶ 454 (Jan. 31, 2013).
313. See, e.g., id. ¶¶ 505–510 (noting differences in the experts’ assumptions regarding
future capacity of the investment, including assumptions related to demand and competition
in the market).
314. See Wisner et al., supra note 94, at 247–48 (citing an example of expert testimony
that permitted the decision maker to accept or reject each key assumption used in the ex-
pert’s valuation).
315. See RIPINSKY & WILLIAMS, supra note 43, at 194 (“[E]very valuation requires care-
ful analysis specific to the circumstances of the case.”).
316. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 219 (emphasizing that the underlying “forecast of
future cash flows” in a DCF analysis must be “checked for plausibility in order to determine
its reasonableness and lack of contradiction”); Pauwelyn, supra note 77, at 187 (“Assump-
tions must . . . be consistent with the particular product, industry or market under examina-
tion.”); cf. Orellana, supra note 180, at 54 (noting that international adjudicators can evaluate
the reliability of scientific conclusions without deciding questions of “scientific validities” by
“resort[ing] to established techniques in fact-finding” and examining underlying evidence).
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 345
or the tribunal or court.317 If they are not, testimony that relies on such
data is not entitled to much, if any, weight.318
The tribunal’s analysis in Guarachi America, Inc. & Rurelec PLC v.
Bolivia provides a particularly useful illustration of this basic approach.319
The tribunal in that dispute expressly divided its analysis of the parties’
expert damages evidence into three primary areas of disagreement, identi-
fied the assumptions and inputs driving that disagreement, and compared
each assumption and input against the available documentary evidence.320
The result was a thoroughly reasoned valuation that sought to adopt the
most reliable assumptions and inputs from both parties’ experts and other
evidence in the record.321 The tribunal also looked to the primary sources
on which the experts relied to ensure that the methodology had been ap-
plied within its generally accepted boundaries. For instance, when Bo-
livia’s expert sought to apply a methodology that would have increased the
country risk associated with the investment, thereby increasing the dis-
count rate and lowering the valuation, the tribunal went back to the pri-
mary sources on which the expert had relied and discovered that those
sources would apply the methodology only in short-term scenarios (e.g.,
five to 10 years), not in the longer-term time period (28 years) at issue in
Guarachi America.322
When using the DCF method the assumptions and inputs critical to
the reliability of the valuation methodology can include past performance,
internal business plans and contract rights, and the regulatory framework
317. See Starrett Housing Corp. v. Iran, Award, 16 Iran-U.S. Cl. Rep. 112, ¶ 268 (1987)
(reasoning that it gave “substantial weight” to an expert report in part because of the “thor-
oughness of the process by which the Expert sought to verify all information presented to
him by the Parties”).
318. See, e.g., Arbitration Under Article 181 of the Treaty of Neuilly (“Certain Forests
in Rhodopia”), Decision on the Principal Question (Mar. 29, 1933), 28 AM. J. INT’L L. 760,
805 (1934). In Certain Forests in Rhodopia, Greece alleged that Bulgaria had dispossessed
Greek nationals of their rights in forest land during World War I. Id. at 760. The arbitrator
declined Bulgaria’s request for an expert assessment of the value of timber, reasoning that
the only evidence on which an expert could have relied – an in-person survey of the timber –
would have resulted in “speculative” testimony, in part because an expert could not have
taken into account any logging activities that had occurred in the 15 years since the alleged
dispossession. See id. at 805
The Arbitrator does not believe that it would be practical at the present time to
proceed with such a survey, considering the length of time that has elapsed since
the date of the seizure of the forests by Bulgaria, and considering the fact that
considerable cutting may have been done in that interval for the benefit of other
319. See Guarachi America, Inc. v. Plurinational State of Bolivia, Award, PCA Case
No. 2011-17 (Jan. 31, 2013).
320. See id. ¶¶ 452–617.
321. See, e.g., id. ¶¶ 505–510.
322. See id. ¶¶ 571–581 (noting that the sources cited by Bolivia’s expert made clear
that the expert’s “multiplier” approach, which would have increased the country risk associ-
ated with the investment at issue based on broad macroeconomic risks in emerging markets
such as Bolivia, was appropriate only in short-term valuations).
346 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 38:287
Learned Hand wrote in 1901 that “[n]o one will deny that the law
should in some way effectively use expert knowledge wherever it will aid
in settling disputes,” noting that “[t]he only question is as to how it can do
323. See MARBOE, supra note 64, at 219-28; see also CME Czech Republic B.V. v.
Czech Republic, Final Award, ¶¶ 554-566, (UNCITRAL Arb. Proc. 2003), http:// (examining the factors influ-
encing an expert’s valuation and making adjustments where “certain deductions” were
324. See CMS Gas Transmission Company v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No.
ARB/01/8, Award, ¶¶ 435-463 (May 12, 2005).
325. See id. ¶ 444.
326. See Venezuela Holdings B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case
No. ARB/07/27, Award, ¶ 327 (2015).
327. See MCGARITY & WAGNER, supra note 225, at 154–56; see also BROWER &
BRUESCHKE, supra note 90, at 201 (noting that arbitral tribunals “must determine what
weight, if any, based upon the totality of the evidence, to give to the expert’s conclusions”).
328. See CMS Gas Transmission Company, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Award, ¶ 434.
Winter 2017] Reliability of Expert Evidence in International Disputes 347
so best.”329 More than a century later, that question still remains, and
international law continues to evolve to more effectively use expert evi-
dence. The question also grows more complex by the day, as human activ-
ity, the disputes that arise from that activity, and the international
agreements that set out rules for addressing those disputes, also grow in
scope and their own complexity.
This Article attempts to complement existing efforts to better analyze
expert evidence, with a focus on the reliability of an expert’s methodology
and its application to a particular set of facts. A more robust, comprehen-
sive, and transparent framework built on best practices developed within
international law may assist in reaching more analytically sound decisions
and enhance legitimacy.
329. Learned Hand, Historical and Practical Considerations Regarding Expert Testi-
mony, 15 HARVARD L. REV. 40, 40 (1901).