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International Journal of Academic Research and Development

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4197
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 439-442

History of Christian missionaries: A study in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh

Dr. M Indira Santhi
K.V.R Govt. College for women (A) Kurnool Andhra Pradesh, India

The major Christian missions in India. Drawing their strength and impetus from the religious awakening all over the world during
19th century, these denominations found economically backward, socially downtrodden and religiously deprived community in
India for their work. Not losing a single opportunity, they concentrated on their goals. They were encouraged even astonished by
the stunning and surprising results that their work accomplished in these areas. At present Christians constitute four percent of total
population of Andhra Pradesh. We compared with results of many of the others areas in India this figure is more striking. Social
awakening is connected with mobilization and modernization of the society in all means. In the era of modernization liberty,
fraternity and equality are given the importance. This awakening emerges in gradual and steady process in all the human societies.
The social consciousness awakening and political identity in India gradually emerged as a continuation of the politico-social
movements that took place in India owing to the impact of western political thoughts and growth of English education. As a
prelude to the social awakening, the spread of political consciousness worked as a contributory factor. The introduction of western
education, judicial system and administrative measures and reorganization paved the way for the rise of a new middle class
initially this group consolidated itself into political associations in case based society like India. As time went on, the caste-Hindus
who formed a pre-dominant social group in the state along with the de-pressed section worked against the brahminocracy. It
resulted in the rise and growth of non-Brahmin movement. Though the two movements forged a head on parallel line, which
ignited the people towards pro-new trends, which ignited the people towards pro-gressive thinking.

Keywords: christ of nazareth, christianity, roman catholic, missionaries, downtrodden communities, social evils

Introduction 1498. However there are ample and undisputed evidences that
Social services are a range of public services provided by there were Christians in India on the West Coast of India,
government, private, and non-profit organizations. These namely Kerala and in parts of Tamilnadu more particularly
public services aim to create more effective organizations, Mylapore-Madras during the first century [2].
build stronger communities, and promote equality and Christians believe that Christianity is the gift of the Heavenly
opportunity. Social services include the benefits and facilities Father, the God of the universe, Creator of everything that
such as education, food subsidies, health care, job training and exists, the Master of the History of the universe and the
subsidized housing, adoption, community management, policy destiny of mankind. Christianity is the revelation of God’s
research, and lobbying [1]. Social service refers to activities to unparalleled love for man in spite of man’s great revolt and
improve the quality of life of the disadvantaged section of the unrighteousness. It is not to be listed just as one of the
society. It aims at elevating the living condition of the poor, religions of the world, however ancient, philosophical or
disabled, elderly, children, women, and depressed section of comprehensive and complicated they may be. Christianity is
the society. Service to mankind is service to God. There are the way of life - a new way based on the Truth [3].
many people, who believe that “service to man is service to
god”. They do not let a single day pass without doing some act Historical Background of Christianity
of charity, however small it may be. The sense of social Christianity is one of the ancient religions of the world. It is
service comes out of kindness of the heart and depends largely the religion originated from Jerusalem and derived from Jesus
upon character. Many wealthy people live selfless lives. They Christ of Nazareth, based on the Holy Bible as sacred
spend anything for the good of their neighbours. scripture and professed by Eastern Roman Catholic and
The history of Christianity in India is as old as the history of Protestant Bodies. The travel of Christianity from Rome to
Christianity itself. India being the land of Religions, India was made possible due to historic trade relations
Christianity being an alien religion, a religion born in middle between the Roman empire and India in the first century A.D.
Europe, travelled to this oriental land and established its Strabo, who lived during the time of Augustus, makes
influence on the religious, social and cultural thinking of the reference to trade between the Roman Empire and India [4].
people of India. Within the First Century after the life, death Pliny the Elder (24/24-79 A.D) also mentions voyages from
and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity spread itself into the Roman empire to India and the Pepper trade between these
the greater part of the civilized world. The very concept of two countries during the beginning century of Jesus Christ,
colonialism started with the voyage of Vasco Da Gama in Christianity was brought to India by St. Thomas, one of the

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. St. Thomas came to South America Godavari Delta Mission, Wesleyan Methodist
India through Persia in 52 A.D. and reached Kranganur in Missionary society, Features of Scotland Mission and,
Malabar (Kerala State) and started preaching the Gospel of Hermannsburg Evangelical Lutheran Mission had come
Jesus Christ and converted four Brahmin families namely forward to serve Dalits in India. As per the Subsidiary
Kali, Kailankaru, Sankarapuri and Pakalomattam. These were Alliance agreement between East India Company and Nizam
the first Christian families in India during the first century. government, the missionary activities spread in to the Nizam’s
Within the First Century after the life, death and resurrection dominion also. As a part of the above American Telugu
of Jesus Christ, Christianity spread itself into the greater part Baptist Missionary and Roman Catholic Missionary stations
of the civilized world [5]. were established in Kurnool in 1873 and 1886 respectively.
The very concept of colonialism started with the voyage of The history of Christianity, Christian faith and Christian
Vasco Da Gama in 1498. However there are ample and Church is a glorious saga of historical adventures,
undisputed evidences that there were Christians on the West persecutions and challenges in India. The genesis, growth and
Coast of India, namely Kerala and in parts of Tamil Nadu activities of Church of South India in the southern part of
more particularly Mylapore-Madras during the first century [6]. India and its Rayalaseema Diocese in the most backward and
The Indian Caste system is unique in nature and when we drought prone districts of Rayalaseema region of Andhra
compare it with other societies in the world, is still continues Pradesh is an another venerable milestone in the Indian
to exist in the modern Indian society. The origins of the caste Church history.
system can be traced to the 90thSloka of 10th Mandala of
Purusha Sukta of Rig-Veda [7]. The seed of caste has grown up The Problem of Study
with its deep root dividing human society of India resulting in Kurnool district is one of the backward districts of
the creation of unequal socio-economic, politico-cultural Rayalaseema region in Andhra Pradesh, with a scheduled
system. It widened the gap between upper castes and lower caste population of 17.81%. In spite of the constitutional
castes as well as perpetuated exploitative social relations. As guarantee and safe guards to the Dalit Christians, they never
per the Hindu religious practices, the entry of Dalits into had an opportunity to enjoy the privileges like social equality,
temple is banned. But they do worship village gods and access to economic standardization and participation in the
goddess such as pochamma, Maisamma and Mahkalamma political and public life. The oppressive methods imposed on
etc., to attained spiritual satisfaction [8]. Christian Groups, once again establishes the upper caste
The practice of untouchability is continuing even in the dominance and political empowerment of caste Hindus in
democratic society of India even after 69 years of rural areas of Kurnool district. This clearly speaks, mere
independence. Therefore, untouchable communities were constitutional guarantees does not serve any purpose, unless
attracted towards other religions like Christianity and Islam and until the state and civil society feels it as a very important
where they could get equivalent socio-economic, politico- aspect to uplift of the Dalit. Hence, an attempt is made to
cultural opportunities. study the role of Christian Missionary services in Kurnool and
The role of Christian missionaries in religious conversion and the growth and development of Christianity in Rayalaseema
socio-cultural change as well as the development of region of Andhra Pradesh.
educational, health and self-improvement schemes in modern Objectives of Study
India has been acknowledged by many historical studies.  To trace the origin and growth of Christianity in India.
Recent studies on the growth of Christianity in modern India  To study the growth, development and leadership of
focused on the interconnection between conversion Christianity in Andhra in general and Rayalaseema region
movements, social reform and social change. Christian in particular.
missionaries were considering being the great institutions  To examine the contributions of Christian missionary
builders, since they pioneered works relating to social reform, services to the development Andhra Pradesh society and
language/literature/philosophy, socio-economic development culture as well as Kurnool district.
of weaker sections. Hence, Christianity has been described as  To examine the socio-economic contribution of Christian
the “religion of the poor”. In fact, education social uplift had Missionaries in upliftment of downtrodden communities
become synonymous with Christianity in India [9]. through Education, Health and Employment in Kurnool
As per the Charter Act of 1813, the Christian Missionaries of district.
European continent were permitted to preach their religious
gospel to the people of Indian society. While Christianity Method of Study
missionaries were preaching their religious gospel to Indians, To fulfill the objectives, both primary and secondary sources
they provided education, health and economic benefits and Are used for the present study. The study covers different
socio-cultural upliftment. In this process, Missionaries parameters and paradigms of Christian missionary services in
constructed schools, Hospitals, dispensaries, Teacher training Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. The literature brought out
centers, houses for orphans, hostels for women and children by the missionaries, the manuals, annual reports, magazines,
with free boarding and lodging facilities, which the Dalits souvenirs etc., brought out by the Christian associations are
communities could not enjoy in Hindu religion [10]. consulted. The secondary sources include published and
To provide such facilities, American Telugu Baptist Mission, unpublished material on Christian missionaries are consulted.
Roman Catholic Mission, London Missionary Society, The books like the development of Christianity, History of the
Canadian Baptist Telugu Mission, American Evangelical world Christian movements, History of Christian missionaries
Lutheran Mission, Arcot Mission of the Reformed Church of etc., are consulted.

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

Significance of the Study good beginning for the modern education in India, laid firm
The Christian missionaries extended services to the poor and foundation in the field of medicine, introduced latest methods
sick people of four districts including Kurnool district in in the agricultural sector, created ultra-modern trends in
Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh. The Christian society and achieved remarkable progress in the arena of
missionaries introduced female education in Rayalaseema science. Christianity acted as a stimulus, an inner urge,
region. In fact, the London Missionary Society was the creating in them a new dynamic force setting them on with a
pioneer in the field of female education in Rayalaseema firm footage, leading to total transformation of personality and
region. mindset.
The missionaries were of the opinion that educating a male It led to self-awareness and made the people conscious of their
person means educating an individual but educating a female own collective identity. This kind of missionary service
means educating the whole family. Another important aspect provided objective-based vision that went beyond one’s
of the encouragement of female education was that the village, clan or tribe and offered the world a divine
missionaries thought that the educational activity among the opportunity to understand the service as the Christian message
females was an easy access to reach the homes of caste of love, equality and pardon and peace and justice.
Hindus which was otherwise closed to them.
The London Missionary Society was the pioneer in the fields Findings: The Christianity is one of the great religions of the
of promoting the welfare of the untouchables. Before the world, with was established by Jesus Christ in Palestine in
coming of Missionaries the untouchables namely Mala and Asia continent. This is the most popular religion among the
Madigas had to live in worst miserable conditions and were Islam, Hindu and Sikh etc. It gave equality in Socio-economic
not entitled for education and they were segregated and treated and religious context to the people. Jesus Christ says all are
as virtual slaves by the upper castes. The missionaries besides equal and same in the Universe. He trained 12 apostles to
their evangelistic work, concentrated on education and social spread Christianity to world.
work. They established many schools orphanages and The Bible is the holy book for Christians, like the Quran to
hospitals for the sake of weaker sections of the society. Muslims or Mohammadans, Adigranth to Sikhs, Pitakas to
A new epoch was envisaged among the untouchables who Buddhism and Bhagavad-Gita to Hindus. The Bible clearly
became independent in thought and thus could break the says that about religious, socio-economic and cultural
chains of “bondage” to which they were subjected hitherto and activities for all in equal sense. This Christianity spread from
led for socio-economic emancipation. The Dalit who were Palestine to India and given message about the Christianity to
brought by the London Missionary Society Missionaries in attracted the Dalit.
later years emerged as eminent educationalists, administrators, Later Portuguese, the Dutch, the English and the French
Judges, Lawyers, Officers, Doctors, and Principals. companies established their colonies in India particularly in
The beginning of the activities of Church of South India - Andhra. They were maintaining close relations with the Dalit
Rayalaseema Diocese could be attributed to the London in both Telugu states also.
Missionary Society with its two Dioceses known as Cuddapah With their relentless efforts the Missionaries have seen
Diocese and Anantapur-Kurnool Dioceses administered by Christianity attain regard and respect in India, worked hard to
two different Bishops under one administrative body known weed out social inequalities rampant in the past, developed
as ‘Telugu Combined Committee’. moral values among people, made them understand the value
Prior to the arrival of Christian Missionaries to India the of economy, and set an example to others by leading simple
Social evils such as Sati, Untouchability, Child Marriages, lives by themselves.
Devadasi System, Dowry, Plight of Widows, Burning the As such their way of living by example is ideal and worth of
Lepers alive were prominent across the length and breadth of emulation not only for Christians but to humanity at large. The
India drastically affecting the lives of Women, Children and services of The Christian Missionaries spread throughout the
other suppressed categories causing inequality in socio- district of Kurnool.
economic and religious conditions. The human character of The education system in Andhra before the British was based
the Christian Missionaries attending to the needy and on indigenous methods and was confined in most cases only
depressed laid a strong foundation for them at the right hour of to higher castes. Traditional education had a religious
Indian History. orientation and lacked rationalism and scientific attitude and
The Missionaries started evangelized in different parts of failed to question social evils and practices.
Kurnool District particularly, Atmakur, Dornala, Kurnool, The effects produced by the work of the Christian
Nandyal, Adoni, Polakal, Nagalapuram, Guduru, Molakalu, C. missionaries were of far-reaching consequences. Some
Belagal etc. The Parishes established at Pattikonda, appreciated, some tried to reform their own religion in the
Devanakonda, Karivena, Kodumuru, Peddakaduburu, light of what they had learnt in the Bible classes and
Nannuru, Lodipalle, Banaganupalli, Yemmiganuru and missionary institution, and others passionately clung to their
Nandikotkur. ancestral faith.
The services rendered by Christian Missionaries in Kurnool The idea of social service is certainly derived in part at least,
district are priceless. The Churches, educational institutions, from the principles of Christianity and their application in
colonies, villages that we see even today stand testimony to practice by its followers. The option for the poor is also a
the quality of service rendered by them. rallying call to focus the spiritual, cultural, and physical
Words often lose their power of explanation in relation to the energies towards saving society from social injustice to bring
success achieved by the Missionaries. It is they, who made a up social equality.

International Journal of Academic Research and Development

Another important fact of missionary work in this area was midst of opposition from the critics of non- Christians in
that wives of the Christian Missionaries used to accompany India. Though colonial powers gave a wrong picture about
their husbands with equal zeal and interest. They shared the Christian faith due to their dominant nature, we should
joy and sorrows of their husbands in their Christian service to acknowledge their service to Indian church and society.
humanity for many years. A radical change is also needed in the five-star life style of
Bachelors and spinsters also came all the way as young leaders who must live closer to the poor and project the image
missionaries to preach and also for other services. Gospel of the suffering and servant church. Further, it is necessary
preaching among women folk also taken up by the established that the authority inherent in these exalted positions be used
Christian Missions and for that purpose women missionaries for the purpose of renewing the church for mission,
were also sent to Rayalaseema. evangelism, service and human social development.
The Protestant Christian Community in Rayalaseema region In order to provide the spiritual foundations for the unity of
was overwhelmingly drawn from the depressed classes which the Church of South India, all the members from the Bishop to
revealed that the mentality of the people was largely one of the ordinary lay person in the local congregation must try to
the subservience. For centuries, their social and economic seek and find Power in powerlessness; Exaltation in humility;
environment had been such that they had developed a strong Spiritual bliss in material poverty; Fullness of divine presence
“begging” mentality; and even after over one hundred years of in self-emptying; New life in authentic suffering and sacrifice.
Christian influence there was little self-reliance, self-help or This kind of attitudinal and behavioral change among all those
initiative. who are at the helm of affairs would enable the Church of
Whatever ambition they had, they were dependent upon the South India - Rayalaseema Diocese to regain the past glory
help of others for fulfillment. There was general inferiority and commitment.
complexion. There was a strong community sense, a family It is not too late to rededicate itself to fulfill the tasks ahead
and group cohesion. Individuals were not free to do what they and achieve the goals of Spiritual, Ethical, Evangelical and
would like to do, especially if it involves any departure from Social Development in South India in general and
their normal practice. These communities were desperately Rayalaseema Districts/region in particular.
The Rayalaseema Diocese immediately after its formation References
realised the need for building up of leadership in the Church 1. Azariah VA. India and the Christian Movement. Christian
and identifying missionary zeal among the youth so as to Literature Society, Madras, 1936.
make use of them for missionary work. During pre- 2. Kuria Kose MK. History of Christianity in India. Source
independence period the whole village education was Materials, The Christian Literature Society, Madras,
managed by the London Missionary Society Schools and later 1982.
by Church of South India, Rayalaseema Diocese. With the Stephen Neil. A History of Christian Missions. Madras:
change in government policy on education all these schools CLS and ISPCK, 1972, 3.
were taken over by the State Government and only 4. James Elisha Taneti, History of the Telugu Christians: A
management was left with the Church. Bibliography, Scarecrow Press, 2011.
Realising the economic backwardness of the Dalit who were 5. Solomon Doraiswamy. Christianity in India - A Unique
converted to Christianity and whose children were enrolled in and Universal Mission, Madras, 1986, 168.
Mission Schools, for their advantage, the missionaries started 6. Kuria Kose MK. History of Christianity in India. Source
Boarding Homes, Hostels attached to the schools. With this Materials, The Christian Literature Society, Madras,
the children could pursue their education without any hurdle 1982.
and break. 7. Aisrvadam E. The depressed classes and Christianity,
Another impact of missionary activity in Rayalaseema was the national council of churches (India), 1935.
introduction of female education. In fact, the London 8. Ibid.
Missionary Society was the pioneer in the field of female 9. Thomas MM. Christian Participation in Nation Building.
education in Rayalaseema. The Christian Literature Society, Madras-3, 1967.
The distress of women in Indian Society profoundly moved 10. Ryburn WM. The Theory and method of Christian
the hearts of missionary ladies and as such they for the first Education. The Senate of Seramoore College, the
time started the efforts to wipe away the tears of ladies. They Christian Literature Society, Part Town, Madras, 1960.
directed all their efforts to counteract the misconceptions
about women and combating their ignorance.
The Christian missionaries all over India have been rendering
unselfish service for the welfare of the poor, destitute,
innocent people of the country, braving all odds including
threats to their lives, with a never disappearing smile of on
their faces, hoping to see the downtrodden and suppressed
humanity grin and laugh with fellow sisters and brothers of
the country.
To sum up, the Christianity in India has rich heritage from the
first century AD onwards and there are several indigenous
movements which helped Indian Church to survive in the


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