Gallup-12-Questions With Answers
Gallup-12-Questions With Answers
Gallup-12-Questions With Answers
Below are information and instruction from my professor conducting this survey as a
partial requirement of the course “Administrative Behavior in Education”.
Kindly answer the questions herein provided and I will personally collect the paper on
or before 30th October 2019.
Ramsel D. Eclarin
Ed.D-DEM Student
1. Print the survey form, or email the soft copy of the file to your target
2. Target respondents: Minimum of 20 teachers teaching in Thailand (they
can be from your school, schoolmates at St Roberts, or teachers you know in
your immediate community).
Declare below the names and email addresses or mobile numbers of your
respondents. This will be keptconfidential by the professor.
Before deploying the survey, remember to ask the potential respondents if they
have been included in a previous survey on teacher motivation using Gallup’s 12
questions. If they have already participated, skip the respondents and look for
other teachers.
The Gallup Q12 Index
Gallup's employee engagement work is based on more than 30 years of in-depth behavioral economic
research involving more than 17 million employees. Through rigorous research, Gallup has identified
12 core elements -- the Q12 -- that link powerfully to key business outcomes. These 12 statements
emerged as those that best predict employee and workgroup performance.
3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
I can say sometimes. Though, it is in your hands and your decision to be your best at
everything you do, but still there were some culture of the school that prevents you in
doing your best. Just like in my past teaching career, I had been teaching in a Catholic
school. There are some points that my planned activities for the students were
changed due to the observed culture of the school. The administration also, are not
that active in joining competitions outside the school campus, that’s why some
students that has potential skills were not exposed and developed though off-campus
4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good
Yes, it is also a great motivation for us teachers to be appreciated even in our little
things we do.
5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a
Yes. Colleagues are the ones who can rely on every situation you deal with everyday.
8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?
Yes. During my stay the school’s mission help me to be the best version of myself, my
responsibility as an educator and to teach the youth not just with great mind, but with
a great heart.
9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
Honestly, there are some. I know commitment comes with responsibility, in my
observance, yes. Some say there are committed but not that responsible enough in
doing their job. They come to school late, submit report beyond the deadline and
some were just doing their job for Salary.
Yes. I do have.
11.In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
12.In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow?
Yes I do have. Apparently, the school actively participate the yearly Induction
Seminar among Private School Teachers conducted in the Region.
Teacher’s Name: (Optional) ____________________________
Email address: ______________________________________
School/Employer: ___________________________________