Top 500 Spanish Verbs

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The document provides a list of over 500 common Spanish verbs arranged alphabetically with their English translations.

Some common Spanish verbs included are: hablar (to speak), comer (to eat), poder (to be able), saber (to know), and querer (to want).

The verbs cover a wide range of themes including communication, daily activities, states of being, mental processes, and more.

1 - 50 51 – 100

ser to be (norm) terminar to end, finish

haber to have (aux. verb) permitir to permit, allow
estar to be (location, aparecer to appear
tener to have conseguir to get, acquire, obtain
hacer to make, do comenzar to commence, start,
poder to be able to, can servir to serve
decir to say, tell sacar to take out
ir to go necesitar to need
ver to see mantener to maintain, keep
dar to give resultar to result, turn out
saber to know (a fact) leer to read
querer to want, love caer to fall
llegar to arrive cambiar to change
pasar to pass, spend, happen presentar to introduce, present
deber to owe; must, should crear to create
poner to put abrir to open
parecer to seem, appear, look considerar to consider
quedar to remain, stay oír to hear
creer to believe, think acabar de to just finish verb
hablar to speak, talk convertir to convert, become
llevar to carry, take ganar to win, earn
dejar to let, leave formar to form
seguir to follow, keep on traer to bring, carry
encontra to find, meet partir to divide, leave
llamar to call, name morir to die
venir to come aceptar to accept
pensar to think realizar to realize, carry out,
salir to leave, go out suponer to suppose, assume
volver to return, come back comprender to understand
tomar to take, drink lograr to manage, achieve
conocer to know (someone or explicar to explain
vivir to live preguntar to ask a (question)

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

sentir to feel, regret tocar to touch, play (an
tratar to try reconocer to recognize
mirar to look, watch estudiar to study
contar to count, tell, narrate alcanzar to reach, catch up with
empezar to start, begin nacer to be born
esperar to wait, hope (for), dirigir to direct, manage
buscar to search, look for correr to run
existir to exist utilizar to use
entrar to enter pagar to pay
trabajar to work ayudar to help
escribir to write gustar to like, be pleasing to
(3rd p.)
perder to lose, miss jugar to play (sport, game)
producir to produce, cause escuchar to listen to
ocurrir to occur, happen cumplir to fulfill
entender to understand ofrecer to offer, present
pedir to ask for, request descubrir to discover
recibir to receive levantar to raise, lift
recordar to remember, remind intentar to intend, attempt, try

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

101 – 150 151 – 200
usar to use asegurar to assure, secure, insure
decidir to decide crecer to grow, increase
repetir to repeat surgir to appear, spring forth
olvidar to forget matar to kill
valer to be worth, cost entregar to deliver
comer to eat colocar to place, position
mostrar to show establecer to establish
ocupar to occupy, use guardar to keep, save
mover to move iniciar to initiate
continuar to continue bajar to come down, lower
suceder to happen, take place notar to notice
fijar to fix, set meter to put (into)
referir to refer actuar to act
acercar to approach, come near pretender to try, pretend, expect
dedicar to dedicate, devote acordar to agree (to/with)
aprender to learn cortar to cut
comprar to buy corresponder to correspond with
subir to go up romper to break
evitar to avoid, prevent adquirir to acquire, get
interesar to be interesting (3rd p.) lanzar to throw, launch
cerrar to close aprovechar to take adv. of, make
use of
echar to cast, throw apoyar to support, lean on
responder to respond, answer negar to deny, refuse
sufrir to suffer, undergo avanzar to advance, progress
importar to matter, be important resolver to resolve, settle, work
(3rd p.) out
obtener to obtain costar to cost
observar to observe exigir to demand
indicar to indicate aumentar to increase, augment
imaginar to imagine recoger to pick up, gather
soler to be accustomed to abandonar to leave, abandonar
detener to detain, stop imponer to impose, enforce
desarrolla to develop obligar to obligate, force
señalar to signal, point out aplicar to apply
elegir to elect, choose pertenecer to belong
preparar to prepare disponer to dispose, have means
proponer to propose expresar to express

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

demostrar to demonstrate, show provocar to cause, provoke
significar to signify, mean defender to defend, protect
reunir to reunite, gather, collect quitar to remove, take away
faltar to be lacking (need sthg; conservar to conserve, preserve
3rd p.)
acompaña to accompany depender to depend on
desear to wish, desire marcar to mark, note
enseñar to teach compartir to share
construir to construct, build consistir to consist of
vender to sell constituir to constitue
represent to represent cubrir to cover
desaparec to disappear, vanish funcionar to function, work
mandar to send, order caber to fit
andar to walk atender to attend to
preferir to prefer insistir to insist on

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

201 – 250 251 – 300
sentar to sit down manejar to drive, handle
merecer to deserve, merit, be unir to unite, join together
worthy of
incluir to include caminar to walk
cruzar to cross coincidir to coincide, agree
tender to tend to llenar to fill
anunciar to announce, advertise dominar to dominate, master
despertar to wake up medir to measure
comentar to comment on atraversar to cross
publicar to publish destacar to stand out, emphasize
cargar to load up, carry, charge pronunciar to pronounce
participar to participate distinguir to distinguish
impedir to prevent, hinder introducir to introduce, bring in
salvar to save, rescue comunicar to communicate
escapar to escape invitar to invite
tirar to pull, shoot, throw instalar to install
contestar to answer, reply tardar to delay, take long
preocupar to worry mejorar to improve, get better
prestar to lend emplear to employ
pesar to weigh convenir to be convenient, be
exponer to expose, expound recuperar to recover, recuperate
viajar to travel definir to define
separar to separate superar to surpass, overcome
regresar to return, go back (place) afirmar to affirm, assert
contempla to contemplate interpretar to interpret
recorrer to cover (distance) admitir to admit
retirar to retire, take away identificar to identify
permanec to stay, remain afectar to affect
asistir to attend (concert/game) reducir to reduce
organizar to organize montar to ride, mount, assemble
contener to contain parar to stop (moving)
visitar to visit devolver to return, give back
informar to inform ejercer to exercise, practice
enviar to send poseer to possess
cuidar to take care of proteger to protect
intervenir to intervene causar to cause, bring about

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

extender to extend spread determinar to determine
comproba to verify, prove cobrar to charge (money)
dormir to sleep dividir to divide
discutir to argue, discuss inventar to invent
enfrentar to face, confront limitar to limit
conducir to drive, lead luchar to wrestle, fight
firmar to sign acudir to frequent, attend
respetar to respect analizar to analyze
sostener to support, hold up encargar(se) to entrust ( take charge of)
advertir to warn destinar to appoint, assign
transform to transform, change comparar to compare
bastar to be sufficient celebrar to celebrate
mencionar to mention, cite sonar to sound, rig
plantear to propose, lay out manifestar to express, show
probar to test, prove, try controlar to control

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

301 – 350 351 – 400
saltar to jump, leap, hop atraer to attract
citar to cite, quote acumular to accumulate
requerir to require practicar to practice
incorporar to incorporate, include gozar to enjoy
perseguir to pursue, persecute, justificar to justify
procurar to seek, procure soportar to endure, to
casar(se) to marry (get married) resistir to resist
someter to submit vestir to wear, dress
fundar to found, base sorprender to surprise
elevar to elevate, raise proceder to proceed
cantar to sing condener to convict, condemn
asumir to assume, take on consumir to consume
aclarar to clarify, clear up sugerir to suggest,
arrastrar to drag, pull conceder to concede, grant
declarar to declare, testify componer to compose, be part of
nombrar to name, appoint arrelglar to arrange, organize,
confundir to confuse animar to cheer up
describir to describe apuntar to point, aim
calcular to calculate, figure out liberar to free, liberate
conformar to conform añadir to add
pintar to paint girar to revolve, rotate
repartir to distribute, share volar to fly, steal
hallar to find (sthg lost) facilitar to facilitate
ordenar to put in order, organize solicitar to solicit, request
convencer to convince temer to fear
rodear to surround atacar to attack
reflejar to reflect pegar to hit, stick (on), glue
rechazar to reject juzgar to judge
contribuir to contribute interrumpir to interrupt
vencer to overcome, conquer fabricar to manufacture
alejar to move away confiar to trust, confide
transmitir to transmit, broadcast operar to operate
marchar to walk, work (function), basar to base upon
destruir to destroy, ruin estimar to estimate, hold in

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

opinar to think (have an opinion) confirmar to confirm
cometer to commit integrar to integrate, fit in
trasladar to move, transfer aprobar to pass (test), approve
concluir to conclude, finish grabar to engrave, record
oponer to oppose equivocar to be wrong
figurar to figure in, appear, llorar to cry
concentra to concentrate proyector to project
ignorar to be unaware beber to drink
dudar to (have) doubt apreciar to appreciate
descansar to rest, relax experimentar to experience,
adpotar to adopt amar to love
arrancar to start (machine), uproot robar to rob, steal
disfrutar to enjoy reír to laugh
molestar to bother, disturb, upset mezclar to mix
atrever to dare distribuir to distribute, deliver
ceder to yield, give way apartar to move away,

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

401 – 450 451 – 500
reclamar to claim, demand completar to complete
quemar to burn combatir to combat, fight against
obedecer to obey aportar to provide
satisfacer to satisfy derivar to derive, come (from)
concebir to conceive prohibir to prohibit, forbid
reaccionar to react proporcionar to supply
acusar to accuse saludar to greet, say hello
gastar to spend (money), waste relacionar to relate
regalar to gift investigar to investigate
quejar to complain ubicar to find, locate, place,
penetrar to penetrate modificar to modify
rendir(se) to render (give in) lavar to wash
registrar to register, record invadir to invade, overcome
limpiar to clean desplazar to replace, displace, shift
atribuir to attribute adelantar to move forward
ocultar to hide examinar to examine, inspect
enterarse to find out sustituir to substitute
ajustar to adjust implicar to implicate, imply
aspirar to aspire, breathe in ingresar to join, deposit, admit
recurrir to resort to, appeal to respirar to breathe
huir to flee, run away esconder to hide, conceal
percibir to perceive alterar to alter, modify
transcurrir to take place, occur emitir to emit, give off
recomend to recommend inclinar to bow, tilt, incline
corregir to correct, rectify desprender to detach, release, remove
consultar to consult circular to circulate, go around,
padecer to suffer pelear to fight, struggle
elaborar to develop, produce aconsejar to advise, counsel
soñar to dream arrojar to throw, fling
gritar to yell, shout criticar to criticize
traducir to translate hundir to sink, submerge
sumar to add up, sum encerrar to shut in
alimentar to feed, nourish denominar to call, name
eliminar to eliminate, exclude impulsar to push, promote
renunciar to give up, renounce empujar to push, shove

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

acostumb to be accustomed to dictar to dictate, announce
revisar to check, revise, inspect chocar to crash into, collide with
carecer to be without, lack borrar to erase
prometer to promise aguantar to endure, put up with
descender to descend coger to hold, take, catch
reproducir to reproduce golpear to hit, strike
constar to consist of, comprise ascender to ascend, be promoted
asociar to associate with complicar to complicate, make
desconoce to not know, not recognize engañar to trick, deceive
fallar to fail, miss agotar to wear out, run out,
perdonar to forgive, excuse precisar to specify, do exactly
agradecer to thank for suspender to suspend, hang
admirar to admire ampliar to enlarge, amplify,
revelar to reveal, disclose cultivar to cultivate, produce
agregar to aggregate, add, gather explotar to explode, exploit

Source: Routledge’s A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

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