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The article discusses how contractors can more accurately estimate labor hours for masonry jobs by breaking tasks down into measurable components and tracking actual productivity on jobs.

The article discusses how contractors like Dan Schiffer break down masonry jobs into discrete tasks and assign productivity numbers to each task in man-days to more accurately estimate labor hours.

The article discusses many factors that can affect masonry productivity including unit type and weight, job conditions, crew experience, and weather.

Estimating production

Maintain production history files on every masonry task

By Carolyn Schierhorn

no idea how many lineal feet of stall in a day if he did nothing

xperienced contractors rarely
have trouble estimating ma- sawcuts a mason can make. else.
terial quantities needed for a “In our company, we break For example, let’s say a proj-
job, but estimating labor hours down everything that needs to be ect requires 60,000 brick; 5,000
can be a lot trickier. A multitude estimated into discrete, measur- block; 1,000 cubic feet of grout;
of factors affect productivity, from able tasks,” Schiffer explains. “So and 120 anchor bolts. And the av-
unit size, shape, and weight to if we look at plans for a block erage daily production counts per
weather conditions. What’s more, wall requiring #5 rebar at 2 feet, mason are: 600 brick; 180 block;
all masonry tasks must be accu- 8 inches on center, grouted cells, 200 cubic feet of grout; and 400
rately measured, including the in- control joints, anchor bolts at the anchor bolts. These figures yield
stallation of flashing, anchorbolts, top, and sawcuts, as well as the 60,000÷600=100 man-days for
movement joints, and insulation. units themselves, we have a pro- bricklaying; 5,000÷180=27.7 man-
“So many people use guess- ductivity number for each task— days for blocklaying; 1,000÷200=5
work for productivity,” observes so many lineal feet, cubic feet, or man-days for grout placement;
Dan Schiffer of Holt, Mich.-based units per day.” and 120÷400=0.3 man-days for
Schiffer Mason Contractors Inc., Schifferconvertsproductionfig- anchor bolt installation.
who has developed masonry esti- ures into “man-day” units, which Schiffer sums up the total man-
mating software and teaches equal the number of units or ma- days a project requires. Then,
classes on estimating. For exam- sonry accessories, or amount of based on how soon he has to fin-
ple, a contractor may know that material, a mason will lay on a ish the job, he calculates the num-
a mason can lay 200 standard project—divided by the average ber of masons and laborers need-
lightweight block a day but have number or amount he could in- ed to complete the job on time.
From this figure, he determines

Figure 1. Concrete masonry production curve Figure 2. Face brick production curve

Source: Ref. 1, page 188 Source: Ref. 1, page 190

based upon history records for
Table 1. Special block production factors similar situations. If he wins the
job, one of his first priorities is to
Production do a time study. He’ll go out to the
Basic Production special
Special block Size Weight production factor block site with a stopwatch and time a
mason doing a particular task.
Scored 4x8x16 26 163 .95 155 But if the mason lays 30 blocks
6x8x16 32 150 .95 143 in an hour, for example, Schiffer
8x8x16 39 131 .95 125 won’t multiply that number by 8
10x8x16 47 105 .95 100
12x8x16 54 90 .95 86 hours to get a daily production
rate. During that hour, the ma-
Slump 4x4x16 13 191 .92 176
8x4x16 20 176 .92 162
son took no breaks and was on
his best behavior. Multiplying 30
Split face 4x4x16 16 184 .89 164 by 6.5 hours yields a more accu-
4x8x16 33 148 .89 132
8x4x16 23 170 .89 152 rate estimate, Schiffer says.
8x8x16 46 107 .89 96
10x8x16 55 88 .89 79 Reference charts can guide
Sound block 4x8x16 18 180 .80 144 When your own records are in-
6x8x16 22 172 .80 138 complete, you can refer to tables
8x8x16 27 161 .80 129 and graphs in masonry estimat-
ing books, which are based on the
Source: Ref. 1, page 192
authors’ field experience and re-
search. These are no substitute
his labor costs. Pacetti Brothers and Trademen’s for experience but can serve as
Likewise, Larry Wendt, presi- Software in Tinley Park, Ill., pro- guides until you establish com-
dent of Benchmark Estimating vides his foremen with produc- plete production history files.
Software in Lombard, Ill., tells tion charts that include a sketch Because unit weight has a sig-
contractors at his estimating of each masonry component on nificant impact on productivity,
seminars to determine separately the job. At the end of each day (or Rynold V. Kolkoski, author of
the labor required for the instal- week), the foremen count all the Masonry Estimating, has created
lation of various masonry acces- installed components, turning in graphs relating unit weight to
sories and for tasks such as ma- the completed production charts production rate (Ref. 1). Figure 1
sonry cleaning. But, he notes, few weekly. shows a sample concrete block
masonry contractors estimate Schiffer’s foremen are given production curve. Note that in-
production this way. forms that show the estimated creasing the unit weight from 37
For example, to cover the cost average man-days for each task. to 52 pounds decreases produc-
of installing flashing when done “At the end of each day, when tion from 137 to 92 units. Figure
by the masons, some contractors the foreman does his counts, he 2 shows a sample face brick pro-
just increase the price of the ma- knows how many man-days duction curve. The average ma-
sonry units to be set on the flash- ahead or behind he is.” Then, if son can lay 560 5.3-pound brick
ing. Others charge a flat rate, necessary, the foreman can en- in a day but only 291 12.5-pound
such as $1 per lineal foot, for all courage his crew to work harder. units, according Kolkoski’s graph.
flashing. These methods, accord- If the crew falls way behind, These production curves are
ing to Wendt, don’t distinguish Schiffer might replace it with one based on standard units. Any de-
between different types of flash- better-suited to the particular parture from the norm adds a
ing such as copper vs. plastic, project.
and don’t take changing job con- “Many masonry contractors Table 2. Jointing
ditions into consideration. don’t know where they stand on method loss factors
“You’re comparing apples to or- a job,” Schiffer says. “We know
anges this way,” says Schiffer. daily on every job whether we’ve Jointing method Lost time (%)
“By converting every task into made or lost money.”
Flush cut (add) 2 to 5
man-days instead, you compare The masonry estimating soft- Concave 0
apples to apples.” ware packages d e v e l o p e db yS c h i f- Weathered 0 to 1
fer, Pacetti, and Wendt allow pro- Struck 0 to 2
Know where you stand on a job duction figures for every type of Raked 2 to 5
V-tooled 2 to 5
To estimate future production task to be updated easily. Stripped 5 to 8
accurately, maintain meticulous However, to estimate a job that Convex 8 to 12
production history records, up- includes tasks or materials with
dating your counts weekly. which he has no experience, Schif- Source: Ref. 2, page VII-6
William Pacetti, president of fer must make an educated guess
stop-work delays; coffee break block, 180 per day; 10-inch block,
Table 3. Cutting factors delays; weather conditions; mate- 190 per day; and 12-inch block,
rial finishes; and raking and 200 per day.
Average cuts
in wall (%) Lost time (%)
pointing. Pope estimates the per- Estimating production can be
centage range of time typically daunting because there are thou-
10 to 115 13 to 15 lost; subtracting this range from sands of masonry unit types and
15 to 110 16 t o1 0 100% yields the production factor accessories and myriad outside
1 0t o 115 1 0t o1 5 for the particular task, special factors that can have an impact.
1 5t o 120 1 2t o1 8
2 0t o 125 1 7t o2 3 unit, or condition (Ref. 2). But reducing each task to man-
3 0t o 140 3 0t o3 5 Table 2 shows lost time due to day units makes estimating easy,
4 0t o 150 3 5t o4 0 type of jointing method. Concave Schiffer contends. Just make
5 0t o 160 4 0t o4 5 joints entail 0% lost time, which sure to count accurately every
6 0t o 170 4 5t o5 0
7 0t o 180 5 0t o5 5 means a 100% production factor component of a masonry job at
8 0t o 190 5 5t o6 0 for that task. Convex joints, in least weekly and update your
9 0t o1 0 0 6 0t o6 5 contrast, result in 8% to 12% lost production history files.
time, or a production factor of References
Source: Ref. 2, page VII-5 92% to 88%. 1. Rynold V. Kolkoski, Masonry Estimating,
The impact of the percentage 1988, Craftsman Book Co., 6058 Corte del
degree of difficulty to the task, of sawcut units on lost time is Cedro, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
which can be converted into a shown in Table 3. Note that if 0% 2. Jerry Pope, Masonry Estimating for a
to 5% of the units in a wall are Profit, 1993, Mason Contractors Associa-
production factor. Table 1 shows tion of America, 1550 Spring Rd., Oak
production factors for special cuts, lost time will range from 3% Brook, IL 60521.
block, including scored, slump, to 5%. If 40% to 50% of the units
split-face, and sound-dampening are cuts, lost time will amount to
units. Less than 1, the produc- 35% to 40%.
tion factor is multiplied by the Pope breaks the production
basic production estimate for the rates down into man-day produc-
same-weight standard unit to tion averages for special wall re-
yield the production rate for spe- inforcing, grout, loose-fill insula-
cial block. tion, different types of concrete
Similarly, Jerry Pope, author block, glazed brick, face brick,
of Masonry Estimating for a Prof- and stonework, and clay and con-
it, presents production efficiency crete pavers. His average esti-
loss factors for a variety of condi- mates for concrete block cell fills
tions that impair productivity, (grout), for instance, are: for 4-
such as laying brick over the wall; inch block, 55 cell fills per day; 6-
the number of cuts in the wall; inch block, 160 per day; 8-inch

What influences production?

A th i se s t i m a t i n gs e m i n a r s ,L a r r y Wendt, president of Benchmark Esti-
mating Software in Lombard, Ill., emphasizes that many factors affect ma-
son productivity, including:
■ Crew availability: Some crews may be faster than others
■ Experience of foreman
■ Expected crew size: Too many masons may get in each other’s way
■ Masonry unit type: With brick, look closely at initial rate of absorption,
texture (affects cleaning), and voids; with block, look at unit weight, the
presence of hand-holds, and special shapes
■ Type of mortar
■ Weather conditions: Temperature, humidity, wind speed
■ Current economic conditions: During good times, when there is plenty of
work, production r a t e sg od o w n ;r a t e s g ou pw h e n there are a lot of out-of-
work masons
■ Job type: Whether industrial, commercial, institutional, residential, or
publicly funded
■ Overtime work: Production rates go down with overtime
■ Scheduling issues: Material availability, whether project is fast-track PUBLICATION #M950133
■ Location: Crowded site conditions, site accessibility Copyright © 1995, The Aberdeen Group
All rights reserved

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