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Strategic Events

Activation Bonus Wizard result but doubles, the player receives a combat
die roll modifier equal to the highest of his two
dice. If the roll is doubles, however, the player
receives a combat die penalty of 6, and the
gnomish technology marker is removed from the
game. The gnome modifier is in addition to all
The player who draws one of these counters These counters represent powerful wizards other applicable die roll modifiers.
gets the indicated bonus to his Activation roll who have chosen sides in the war. A wizard Thus, a roll of 5 and 2 would give an attack
on the Turn the counter is drawn. The bonus is counter must be given to the side listed on the roll modifier of +5 to an attacker who used the
subtracted from the player’s d10 roll for Acti- counter (Highlord or Whitestone), regardless gnomes. The same roll for a player who was
vation during Step 3 of the same Turn. of which player drew the counter. using the gnomes with a defending army would
Wizards have no movement allowance. result in a -5 modifier to the attack against his
Dragonlances During a player’s movement step, he may pick army. An attacker who rolled doubles when try-
up his wizards and place them with any of his ing to use gnomish technology would receive a
armies or ships. Wizards must always be -6 to his attack roll, while a defender who rolled
stacked with an army or ship. doubles would add +6 to the attack roll against
,A wizard with an attacking army adds +3 him.
to the combat die roll; a wizard with a defend-
Each of these counters is given to the WS ing army lowers the die roll by -3. Flying Citadels
player when drawn. The first counter indicates A wizard with a ship adds +3 to the Com-
that the forces of good have learned the secret bat Rating of the ship.
of creating Dragonlances; subsequent
counters represent further production of Golden General
Dragonlances. The WS player places the
counter in a hex with one of his armies. That Each of these counters is given to the HL
army is designated to carry the lances for the player when drawn. The first counter indicates
duration of the game. If the army is removed the discovery of the secret of creating the massive
from the map for any reason, the Dragonlance citadels, while subsequent counters represent
counter is permanently eliminated. This event means that Laurana has been further production of citadels.
An army carrying Dragonlances has its appointed a commander in the WS armies. The citadel counter is placed on any fortress or
Combat Strength doubled for all purposes. In The Golden General counter is set aside, but fortified city controlled by the HL player. It can
addition, if that army is part of a stack being the Laurana counter (in Knights of Solamnia move four hexes every Turn, and ignores all ter-
attacked by dragons, the attacker receives no colors) is placed with one of the WS armies. rain. Up to three HL armies of any types can ride
die roll modifiers for the presence of his Laurana is treated as any other leader. upon it. The citadel cannot be attacked by WS
dragons. ground armies. If it is attacked by air armies,
An army can only carry one Dragonlance Good Dragons Arrive treat it as a fortified city.
counter and only that army’s strength is dou- If the citadel joins an attack against WS
bled. ground armies, those armies receive no terrain
bonuses. All defending fortress and fortified city
Dragon Orb Discovered benefits are also lost.
HL ground armies can board the citadel
This counter signifies that the good dragons whenever they are in the same hex, provided the
have joined the war against the HL player. The armies have not yet moved that Turn. Ground
WS player can immediately take all seven armies can also be dropped off at any time. An
good dragon counters and place them with army that has been carried even one hex on the
Each of these counters is used by the player any of his armies on the map. citadel cannot move under its own power during
who draws it from the cup. The Dragon Orb the same Turn.
must be immediately placed in a hex with a Gnomish Technology
leader. The Orb can be used anytime the Lord Soth’s Legion
leader is attacking or being attacked by an
enemy force that includes dragons.
To use the Orb, the player must roll 1d6
and compare the result to the leader’s Tactical
Rating. If the roll is higher than the leader’s The player who draws this counter receives
rating, both the leader and the Orb counters the dubious benefit of gnomish war machine When this event is drawn, the HL player can
are permanently removed from the game. If technology. The counter is immediately immediately place Lord Soth and his two armies
the roll is equal to or less than the leader’s Tac- placed with any army of the player who drew on the map in the Dargaard Keep hex. These
tical Rating, all dragons opposing that leader the counter. armies function as normal HL armies, except
in the battle are eliminated. The Orb is also The gnomish technology counter may be that they are not subject to conquest.
permanently eliminated. used whenever the army it is stacked with is If Dargaard Keep is taken by WS forces before
involved in combat. (Use of gnomish technol- this counter is drawn, Lord Soth and his armies
ogy is always optional!) appear in the Dark Temple hex when the
If the player decides to use the gnomes, he counter is drawn.
rolls two dice before combat takes place. On any
Official Simulation Game
Dragons of Glory
by Douglas Niles and Tracy Raye Hickman


Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Wherein the game is described and its use to the referee is explained.

The War Journal o f Lord Gunthar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Wherein the gloried ruler of the Solamnic Knights discusses the course of the War of the
Lance, both in general terms and in specific battles.

The War of the Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The Fall of Silvanesti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

The Solamnic Plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The Kender Strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

The Siege of Kalaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

The Orders of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Wherein Lord Gunthar details the command structure and organization in the armies of the
war, as well as their detailing for small-scale warfare.

CREDITS Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random

House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Dis-
tributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distrib-
Editor: Mike Breault uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
Interior Art: Jeff Butler
IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR Inc.
Diana Magnuson
Cartography: David Sutherland III This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United
Steven D. Sullivan States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the
material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
Picard Didier Inc. express written permission of TSR Inc.
Typography: Linda Bakk ©
1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
Carolyn Vanderbilt
Keylining: Colleen O’Malley

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ISBN 0-88038-094-2
“Once the dragons Returned, War Was Inevitable.”
Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan
Warlord of Solamnia

“Dragons of Glory” is the eleventh install- The BATTLESYSTEM™ rules can be used to Strategic Events
ment in the DRAGONLANCE ® series. govern medium-scale skirmishes between
Most of the Strategic Events in the game
Unlike its predecessors, however, this supple- groups of evil monsters and the PCs (aided by
represent events that may occur during the
ment focuses on the overall War of the Lance villagers or army groups that rally around the
role-playing adventures. For example, the
rather than the adventures of the characters. PCs). discovery of the Dragonlances on Ergoth takes
In doing so, it gives the referee a fine simula- These are only a few of the ways in which
place in DL7. One of the three Dragon Orbs is
tion of the war to play as a game as well as the you can use the “Dragons of Glory” war game
discovered in each of DL6, DL8, and DL10.
ability to control the war in his own campaign. to add more flavor to your DRAGONLANCE
You may want to introduce the three Dragon
campaign. Other ways to use this game in Orbs counters and the first Dragonlance
Integrating the Quest and the War your campaign may occur to you as you play. counter into the game during Battle Turn 20
The War of the Lance may be won in two to mimic the effects these devices have in the
Correlating Game Time to Campaign Time
different ways: (1) The military victory of the adventures.
Whitestone forces, or (2) the completion of The time scale for the game is one Battle
the role-playing quest. The forces of the Turn equals two months, with the exception Notes on Campaigns and Scenarios
Queen of Darkness succeed if neither of these of the winter Battle Turn, which encompasses
Two campaign games and four scenarios are
conditions are met. the months of November, December, January,
included in this book. Each has its own
Thus DRAGONLANCE game functions on and February. The months and years are
strengths. All of the battle descriptions and
two levels: the role-playing quest and the stra- printed on the Turn track of the game. To use
scenarios are written in the order in which they
tegic war. The other modules in this series the game in your role-playing campaign, you
occurred during the War of the Lance. This
encompass the epic quest of the heroes. This need to correlate Battle Turns to time elapsed
makes it easier to understand the historical
supplement re-creates the overall war. during role play.
setting for each scenario. The scenarios teach
This is not to say that the characters don’t The following table relates specific Battle
the basics of the game and we recommend
affect the war and vice versa. When a questing Turns in the game to the timing of events that
that you play the scenarios before tackling the
PC walks into the same area as an entire Drag- occur in the modules. These are only guide-
campaign games.
onarmy, there most certainly will be some lines; the actual timing of module events in
The first campaign game allows you to play
effect! Indeed, the positions of PCs in the your campaign may be somewhat different.
out the course of the war from start to finish.
world in relation to the armies is one of the This schedule assumes that the the Dragon We suggest that you save this one until after
benefits of this supplement. Highlords’ invasion of Abanasinia takes place
you have learned the rules by playing the
As a game referee, you may want to use this on Turn 19 and the invasion of Solamnia takes
shorter scenarios.
game in a slightly different manner than as a place prior to Turn 20.
The second campaign game is the Historical
straight simulation. While “Dragons of Campaign, which begins on Turn 20 with the
Glory” is a complete and self-contained simu- Battle Module conditions that exist at the start of the adven-
lation game, it can also be a valuable role- Turn Event
ture modules. This is a much shorter game
playing aid. 1 March 348 AC * / Start of the war
than the first campaign although equally
One way to integrate this game into your 20 Winter 351 AC / DL1 ,DL2, DL3
complex. The Historical Campaign is also the
DRAGONLANCE campaign is to play the DL4, DL6, DL7, DL8, DL9
most useful to the DRAGONLANCE game
game, either solo or with a friend, and record DL10
referee. However, we still recommend playing
the locations of the evil armies. Do this month 21 March 352 AC / DL9, DL12, DL13
through some of the smaller scenarios before
by month as the game progresses. When the 22 May 352 AC / DL14
attempting this one.
game is over you will have a complete record * AC denotes Alt-Cataclius (After the Cataclysm) The first scenario simulates the fall of
of the movements of all the evil armies over Silvanesti. It emphasizes offensive tactics for
the face of Krynn during the War of the Lance. You may wish to play the first 19 turns of the Dragon Highlord player and defensive
Use this information in your campaign to the war game and then begin your campaign tactics for the Whitestone player. We recom-
enhance your players’ feeling of being part of adventure at that point. We suggest that the mend this one as the second scenario you play.
a titanic struggle raging across the continent Historical Campaign be played if you plan to The second scenario is larger scale than the
of Ansalon. When your players’ characters are relate the events in the game to your cam- first and introduces limited Activation rules.
in an area at the same time as an evil army in paign adventures. We recommend you play this scenario after
the war game, allow this to affect the encoun- playing the first and third scenarios. When
ters the PCs have. Perhaps they meet a you are done with this one, you should be
greater-than-usual number of the monster ready to tackle either of the campaign games.
type in the evil army. Or they might meet ref- If you are just learning the rules, or are alto-
ugees from battles, remnants of defeated gether new to simulation games, the third sce-
good armies. Maybe villagers ask the PCs to nario is the easiest to learn, play, and teach. It
defend them against a small portion of a is the best place to start learning the basic rules
Dragonarmy that is headed their way. of combat and getting a feel for the game in a

short time. Play this one first.
The fourth scenario is a no-holds-barred
battle. Short and furious conflict is the rule.
This one allows you to play with all the rules.
It doesn’t take as long as a campaign game but
has all the action. Try this scenario when you
don’t have time for a campaign game but still
Want to play all-out.

Battle Turn to Campaign Year Chart

Turn Campaign Time
348 AC
1 March/April
2 May/June
3 July/August
4 September/October
5 November/December/January/
6 March/April
7 May/June
8 July/August
9 September/October
10 November/December/January/
350 AC
11 March/April
12 May/June
13 July/August
14 September/October
15 November/December/January/
351 AC
16 March/April
17 May/June
18 July/August
19 September/October
20 November/December/January/
352 AC
21 March/April
22 May/June
23 July/August
24 September/October
25 November/December/January/
26 March/April
27 May/June
28 July/August
29 September/October
30 November/December/January/

The War of the Lance Solamnic Order of Knights that caused them Emperor of Darkness, struck through the
to move thus. The Knighthood offered the Throtyl Gap with the aid of the traitorous
Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan is currently the only organized human resistance to their Lemish and the hobgoblins of Throtyl. The
highest ranking of the Knights of Solamnia domination of the continent. It was much to plains people, who blamed the Knighthood
and leader of the armies commanded by the our good fortune, however, that they waited for the Cataclysm (and all the rest of their
Whitestone Council. These armies include to invade Solamnia, for the Knighthood was troubles), had cast the brothers of good from
the Knights of Solamnia, members of the not prepared to go to war, torn as it was by their lands and were thus left defenseless.
Whitestone Council proper, and those Allied political and internal turmoil. The highly trained Dragonarmies sundered
Councilors who are not on the Whitestone The human nation of Khur allied with the the Solamnic Plain, leaving a land stained
Council but lend their support to it. Dragon Highlords during the early months of with the blood of innocents behind them.
Lord Gunthar was born at his ancestral 349 AC, seeing great advantage in this move. Those valiants who did resist were thrown
home of Castle Wistan on Sancrist Isle in early The kender lands of Balifor and Goodlund back and the remnants joined with the forces
spring of 293 AC. His major early campaigns fell quietly under Dragon Highlord occupa- concentrated between the anchors of Thel-
were on the Solamnic Plains around Vingaard tion (a situation which they would later gaard and Solanthus. The dragons of Takhisis,
Keep where he aided Lord Brightblade in the regret). Queen of Darkness, ruled the skies, and the
defense against both a hobgoblin incursion With the coming of spring in 349, the rapid advance of her armies cut off many of
and a simultaneous uprising of the peasants. dragon hordes warred against Silvanesti. our allies from support and aid. Our retreat
The episodes taught him not only battle Silvanesti was the most ancient of the existing from Solamnia was a rout, pure and simple, as
prowess but the importance of politics governments, having survived the Cataclysm we struggled to establish a line of defense.
(young, rebellious knights had incited the intact, and it had been isolationistic in its A token force rallied at the High Clerist
uprising). approach to the world since that time. The Tower to block the access to the prize city of
Despite many early successes both on and campaign was hard fought, with losses run- Palanthus. The Palanthian army stayed idle
off the battlefield, Lord Gunthar is most hon- ning high on both sides. Eventually the sup- through the winter and gave neither support
ored for his victories in the War of the Lance. ply lines of the elves collapsed and the nor comfort to the few Knights who held the
While the war still rages on and its outcome is government was forced to evacuate. The pass. The government of Palanthus had not
yet uncertain, I have compiled here a few of Silvanesti nation faded into the woods of its yet tasted dragon’s fire nor did they see the
the more interesting insights from Lord Gun- homeland. danger in it. Support forces were rushed to the
thar’s war journal.... The Dragonarmies needed to reassess their tower yet they seemed too few. The honor
position. Badly disorganized from the pro- and courage of those Knights held the pass
Astinus of Palanthus longed and damaging war, the dragon forces through the winter. The northern campaign
Spring of 352 AC spent the following year reorganizing and ground to a halt as the snow was stained crim-
rebuilding their might. son all winter.
The War of the Lance had its origins in the The Dragonarmies also had to reconstruct In the south, much of the advance
Great Cataclysm. The empires of the previous their supply lines. In the ages prior to the remained uncontested through the summer as
age were sundered, while dragons, banished Cataclysm, the art of campaign supply was the juggernaut of evil surrounded the dwarves
for over a millennium, returned to the lands largely lost because of the heavy reliance on of Zhakar and occupied the largely aban-
of our ancestors. Once the dragons returned, army clerics and wizards to supply the troops doned lands of Newcoast Schallsea and South-
war was inevitable. in the field. In ancient times, each squad of ern Throtyl. This thrust was commanded by
The dragons entered into unnatural alli- combatants had its own attendant cleric to Verminaard of the Red Dragon Wing. The
ances with evil men. These alliances, spawned provide food during campaigns. Dragonarmy poured across the Abanasinian
in the Khalist Mountains, formed the first With the disappearance of true clerics just Peninsula and continued south as far as the
Dragonarmies of the Dragon Highlords. The prior to the Cataclysm, and the near extinc- dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin before win-
communities in the area, including the swel- tion of wizards during the latter half of the ter and the dwarven defenses halted the
tering port of Sanction, fell before these vile Age of Might, the supply of armies was advance.
hordes. reduced to a barbaric state of ground trans- The threat of this horde forced the
The first test of the Dragonarmies’ might port. Even the Dragonarmy, whose dragons Qualinesti elves to flee their homeland. Both
came as they drove north from the Taman were constantly used to interdict the supply the Qualinesti and the Silvanesti re-emerged
Busuk into Nordmaar in the early summer of lines of Whitestone forces, did not have the as separate nations in Southern Ergoth during
348 AC. With dragons flying over the forward capacity to ferry supplies in sufficient num- the spring of 352 AC. Neither nation was dis-
line positions of the Nordmen and disrupting bers to sustain any force. posed to help the other and, indeed, war
their defense, Nordmaar fell quickly. Its capi- Foraging in the field was somewhat effec- between them seemed inevitable.
tal at North Keep surrendered and Valkinord, tive, but could not sustain a large force for The winter of 352 AC was the salvation of
by that time their main port, was razed. long. Thus did the Dragonarmies have to the western lands. Representatives of most
Flush with success, the Dragonarmies relearn the art of supply and take care to pro- free peoples gathered at the Whitestone on
turned south and east in the fall of 348 AC. tect their supply lines all the way back to their Sancrist during those months and managed to
Why they struck east rather than west into the heartland. It was a skill they soon mastered, forge an uneasy alliance. Many other develop-
Solamnic Plain is something of a mystery. and one that the Whitestone forces have been ments took place during this time. The redis-
Solamnia certainly had more to offer from a slow to learn. covery of the Dragonlance and the return to
strategic standpoint than the eastern realms In the spring of 351 AC, they launched the world of the good dragons finally allowed
and was richer in resources. I can only guess their Solamnic and south flank offensives. the Knights to challenge the dragons of evil in
that it was their latent fear and respect of the Red Wing troops under Ariakus, Dragon the sky.

With renewed vigor we now press back
across the Solamnic Plain. Victory may yet be
ours, though the enemy is cunning and
resourceful. Should some new sorcery on their
part come forward, the balance of the war may
shift yet again against us.

The Campaign Game

This is the complete game, covering the
whole of the War of the Lance. It starts with
the events on Ansalon before the Dragon
Highlords moved toward conquest and allows
both players to influence the full course of the
This is the most complicated version of the
game. We suggest that you play one of the
smaller scenarios before attempting the full


Dragon Highlord (HL) Player
The HL player starts with the following
forces in Neraka:
All Dragon Highlords (leaders)
All HL armies (except draconians)
All HL dragons

Whitestone (WS) Player

The WS player starts with no armies (he
must Activate countries to get armies).

Turn 1; HL player has Initiative


Start with all E1 Strategic Events counters in
the cup (E10 and E20 counters are added dur-
ing Turn 10 and Turn 20, respectively).

Count the number of countries held by
each side at the end of Turn 30. Count only
countries that either begin the game with
armies or are Activated with armies. Areas A nonhuman country is considered occu- Number of Countries Victory Level
without armies, such as Estwilde, do not pied by you when you capture the original 20 or more countries Total Victory
count. A country is considered held by you if: location of the capital even if your opponent 19 countries Victory
has moved its capital. Only if that original 18 countries Partial Victory
The capital of a friendly country was capital location is recaptured by the enemy 17 countries Marginal Victory
never occupied by an enemy force. may it be considered as his for purposes of vic- 16 countries Poor Victory
tory determination. 15 or fewer countries Indecisive Result
OR The player with the most countries held
Friendly forces were the last to occupy the then consults the following table to determine
capital of the country. the extent of his victory:

Although the HL player starts the game in
control of Silvanesti, he may not start with
armies there. He may begin the game with
dragon counters and leaders in Silvanesti.

Whitestone (WS) Player

The WS player starts with all Knight leaders
and armies Activated. He also begins with all
leaders and armies of the following countries
(although some countries do not have armies).
The WS armies may be placed anywhere in
these countries.
Goodlund (Goodlund armies must be placed
here. No other armies can start here.)
High Clerist Tower
Northern Ergoth
Southern Ergoth
The government of Silvanesti has moved to
a location (WS player’s choice) on Southern
Ergoth with only 1/2 the original armies avail-
able and no griffons (1/2 of Silvanesti’s armies
and the griffons are permanently removed
from play). The Silvanesti government and
armies remain in Whitestone player control.

Neutral Countries Defeated

The countries listed here have been previ-
ously defeated by the HL side in combat and
therefore have no armies present in the game.
Turn 20; HL player has Initiative.


Start with all E10 and E20 Strategic Event
counters in the cup.

Victory conditions are the same as those
listed in the Campaign Game.
the historical game Abanasinia (HL player must place exactly
six (6) armies here)
This scenario reconstructs the conditions Blode
that existed at the start of the role-playing Estwilde
modules. This game is most useful to the ref- Kern
eree of a DRAGONLANCE® role-playing Khur
campaign. Lemish
Dragon Highlord (HL) Player Sanction
The Highlord player begins with all armies Throtyl
of the following countries (some countries Vingaard
have no armies). HL armies may start in any of
these countries.

The fall of Silvanesti ually decimated the elves. Heavy losses counters from his forces before deployment. A
quickly taxed the resources of both sides. maximum of four Highlords (leaders) may be
No continuous civilized government lasted After several months of inconclusive yet present.
longer than the Silvanesti kingdom of the deadly combat, the supply lines from
High Elves. Established in the distant past by Silvanost, capital of Silvanesti, suddenly Whitestone (WS) Player
Silvanos, the great father of elven civilization, failed. The reasons for this are still not clear Set up all Silvanesti armies in Silvanesti.
Silvanesti was rooted in the Age of Twilight. and the elves do not speak on the subject to
From that time on, no force has been able to those not of their race. For whatever reason, it START:
bring about the ruin of this nation. It survived is clear that the government in Silvanesti Turn 4; Silvanesti player has Initiative
two previous dragon wars despite its major failed and its citizens fled west by any means
participation in both. It even survived the at their disposal. STRATEGIC EVENT COUNTERS:
Cataclysm intact. The elven armies in the field, however, Start with all E1 Strategic Event counters in
But in the summer of 349 AC, events while out of supply and poorly organized, the cup. Before the game begins, each player,
quickly conspired to bring an end to its glori- were still a force to be wary of. While they starting with the HL player, draws two
ous reign. Large elements of the 1st, 2d, and could no longer protect their homeland from counters. Discard any Activation counters.
3d Blue Flight Dragonarmies and the 3d the invaders, they could buy time for the Events on drawn counters take effect before
through 7th Red Flights surged south over the flight of their people. The forces in the north the game begins.
Khur border into the Silvanesti forests. These were almost exclusively Wildrunner elves and
armies were supported by the newly organized their more flamboyant nature was well suited VICTORY CONDITIONS:
Khuri-tarak Empire forces from Khur under to the task at hand. Despite the loss of supply, The HL player wins a MAJOR VICTORY if
command of the Dragon Highlords. their withdrawal from Silvanesti was a costly he captures the Silvanesti capital before it
Despite the early use of dragons from the one for the Dragon Highlords. moves. If the capital moves, the dragon player
air to soften the entrenched elves and the wins a MARGINAL VICTORY if he occupies
widespread use of magic by the Highlords, the
Scenario 1: Silvanesti the original capital city hex before the end of
offensive quickly became mired in the dense Turn 9.
forests of Silvanesti. The elves, using the ter- This scenario is played entirely on the The Whitestone player wins if he denies the
rain to maximum advantage and practicing a southern half of the east side of the map. HL player his Victory Conditions. The WS
flexible and responsive defense, constantly player wins a MARGINAL VICTORY if he
held the great armies at bay. INITIAL SET UP: prevents the HL player from taking the capital
This was accomplished at great cost. The city location before the end of Turn 9. The WS
Dragon Highlord (HL) Player
policy of feigned retreat and surround, while player wins a MAJOR VICTORY if he does so
Set up all Dragonarmies and Khur forces in
working to their great defensive advantage without having to move his capital.
Khur. The HL player must permanently elimi-
against the over-zealous dragon troops, grad- nate six ground armies and four dragon

The Solamnic Plain clysm, its fleets retained the might and glory START:
of ancient times. This was a prize that could Turn 10; HL player has Initiative
The battle for Solamnia was crucial to the not be ignored.
success of the Dragon Highlords’ campaign in Yet the value of the prize was ignored by the
Ansalon. Solamnia was the cradle of Knight- Palanthians themselves. They stubbornly STRATEGIC EVENT COUNTERS:
hood and justice. Here was the home of heroes clung to the belief that they would be spared Start with all E10 Strategic Event counters
who, in ages past, fought against overwhelm- by the dragon empire because they were a cen- in the cup. In addition, randomly pick six (6)
ing odds to champion justice and right. Its ter of culture. This remarkable and misguided E1 counters and place them in the cup as well.
very mention struck fear into those who would view nearly cost that great city all it held dear.
trample over the innocent and the just.. . . Dragons gave the Dragon Highlords mas-
tery of the skies and made the defense diffi- SPECIAL RULES:
(I have edited this manuscript in the inter- cult, almost hopeless. Yet in the darkest hour, Only the following countries are eligible for
est of brevity The foregoing is included so the the dragons of good again returned to the Activation during this scenario:
reader may sample the eloquence of good world and allied with the forces of the White-
Lord Gunthar when he speaks of his beloved Kaolyn
stone. This was the turn of the tide.. . . Lemish
Knights. Such passages have been removed
from the remaining manuscript. Keep in Palanthus
mind, however, that when it comes to the Vingaard
Knighthood, Gunthar is understandably Use the normal Activation rules for these
slanted in his evaluations.) countries. No other countries may be Acti-
Astinus Scenario 2: The Solamnic Plain vated during this scenario.
Moreover, the Solamnic Plain was more
than just a political and geographical barrier, INITIAL SET UP:
it was the heartland of food production in VICTORY CONDITIONS:
Dragon Highlord (HL) Player: The HL player wins if he controls all of the
western Ansalon. Control of the plain thus
Starts with all armies of the following coun- following countries by the end of Turn 25:
became the major focus of the war effort.
tries. He must place his armies in these coun-
Powerful armies of the Blue and Red Caergoth
Dragon Wings entered the plain in the early Lemish
summer of 351 AC. The Blue Wing forces Estwilde (no forces) Palanthus
crossed the Estwilde to Kalaman and then Nereka Solanthus
turned west, rounding the north end of the Sanction Vingaard
Dargaard Mountains and following the Vin- Throtyl
gaard River across the plain to the southwest The Whitestone player wins if he prevents
In addition, the HL player starts with eight the HL player from meeting his victory condi-
crossings near Vingaard Keep. The Red Wing
draconian armies and all forces from Mithas, tions.
forces, combined with hobgoblins, pressed
minus one ship and one ground army (these
through the Throtyl Gap and moved west
two armies are considered to be permanently
toward Solanthus.
destroyed). Also, the HL player must establish
Despite solemn treaties, the Lemish forces
the location of the Dark Temple somewhere in
joined the rapidly advancing Dragonarmy and
any of the above countries except Throtyl.
laid siege to Solanthus at the north point of
the Garnet Mountains. Fortunately, elements
Whitestone (WS) Player:
of the Solamnic forces in Caergoth were able
Starts with all armies from the following
to engage the enemy in the Thelgaard Gap
countries. He must place his armies in these
and thereby protect the western shores of
On the northern front, the Blue Dragon Caergoth
Wing quickly laid siege to Vingaard Keep, the High Clerist Tower
gateway to the northwest plains. The Vin- Northern Ergoth
gaard troops were unable to hold the citadel Sancrist
and the largely mercenary force retreated west Solanthus Tracy Hickman, Series Concept
to the High Clerist Tower. All of these must be set up as though they Harold Johnson, Director of Design
Both the northern and southern Dragon were just Activated (i.e., each country’s forces
Wings had dangerously extended their supply Margaret Weis Douglas Niles
must set up inside that country).
routes. Their advance was slowed sufficiently Jeff Grubb Linda Bakk
that they were forced into a winter war. In the Larry Elmore Mike Breault
south this became a bitter and desperate Bruce Nesmith Michael Dobson
struggle between two determined forces. Garry Spiegle Carl Smith
In the north, one objective burned in the Laura Hickman Roger Moore
hearts of the Dragon Highlords: Palanthus.
The only major port untouched by the Cata-

The Kender Strike INITIAL SET UP: their bowels dwelt armies of draconians and
dragons. The great craft maneuvered toward
The most humorous defeat of the Dragon- Dragon Highlord (HL) Player: Kalaman and prepared to disgorge their
army occurred at the hands of the kender of Place four hobgoblin armies from Throtyl
troops like hail from the sky.
Hylo. That unpredictable race (whose mem- on the hexes just north of the Hylo border east
Though the good dragons fought with the
bers are best avoided by all sensible folk) of the mountains. The Throtyl leader counter
troops of Kalaman, as the battle raged back
proved to be as tenacious as it was resilient. (Toede) is also present. With them are two
and forth, Kalaman slowly diminished in
Because of damage sustained in battle, my units of draconians.
ship, the Regent’s Crown, required immedi-
ate repairs. We therefore made a brief stop in Whitestone (WS) Player:
All Hylo forces under the Hylo leader set up Scenario 4: The Siege of Kalaman
the kender port of Hylo. It was here that we
were treated to a most entertaining display of anywhere inside Hylo. This is a short scenario for a no-holds-
the ingenuity of that diminutive race. barred battle!
The Dragon Highlords had managed to START:
land an army on Northern Ergoth, under the Turn 1; WS player has Initiative INITIAL SET UP:
command of a brutal hobgoblin—Toade by Dragon Highlord (HL) Player:
name. It was a weak force by Dragonarmy SPECIAL RULES:
No Strategic Event counters or Activations The HL player starts with the following
standards, primarily goblins and hobgoblins, forces:
but nevertheless posed a grave threat to the are used in this scenario. Disregard these steps
kender on the island. in the Battle Turn sequence. No new dracon- Ten (10) draconian armies
This evil force would have conquered were ian armies enter during this scenario. 1/2 of all other HL ground armies
not the kender suddenly united under the Kern
command of one Kronin Thistleknott. Kronin VICTORY CONDITIONS: Red & Blue Dragons (four (4))
was undoubtedly strange for a kender. While The HL player wins if he captures Hylo by Dragon Highlords (any four (4))
personable and mischievous, he also had a Turn 5. The WS player wins if the HL player One (1) HL Wizard
sense of purpose, destiny, and leadership, loses more than 50% of his initial Combat Dark Temple
qualities unusual in a kender. Strength. If neither player fulfills his condi-
tions or if both players fulfill their conditions, The HL player sets up his forces in any of
Kronin managed to unite the different the following areas:
family clans of the kender in Hylo under his then the game is a draw.
guidance. The clans went along since it Dargaard Keep
sounded like something far less boring than Estwilde
their lives had been thus far. (Although sev- Nereka
The Siege of Kalaman
eral kender clans thought it would be great
fun to become subjects of the Highlords and Kalaman was a port of supreme importance Whitestone (WS) Player:
send all their old, boring objects as tribute.) to the Dragon Highlords. It was a port on the The WS player starts with the following
Toede’s force attacked the port the day after northern shores of Ansalon and thus a neces- forces:
we called there, and we witnessed an unusual sary link between the pirate bases of the Mael-
Gunthar (and armies)
battle. The kender forces trooped through the strom and the central government of
city in chaotic fashion. I had the impression Sanction. It also represented an opportunity
they thought they were attending a carnival. to throw back the Whitestone forces and turn
Any four (4) Good Dragons
They drew up into a thin line north of the city the tide of the war. Moreover, the Dark Lady
One (1) WS Wizard
as the evil army came into view. had her own personal score to settle with the
And then the kender began to taunt! My commander of the Kalaman Forces. For it was The WS player sets up his forces anywhere
ears have never been treated to such a variety Laurana who had defeated her at the High in the country of Kalaman.
of insults and verbal abuse. Of course, the Clerist Tower and that same golden general
hobgoblins and goblins went berserk, attack- now watched over Kalaman. START:
ing wildly with no sense of order. The defenses of Kalaman and its environs Turn 20; HL player has Initiative
This was all part of the plan, as the kender were as good as any in Ansalon. The port itself
fell back in the center and drew the monsters was flanked to the north by a wide bay that STRATEGIC EVENT COUNTERS:
into a narrow corridor of death. The kender emptied into the sea. The rushing waters of Start with all E10 and E20 event counters.
attack was speedy and merciless and the sur- the Vingaard River to the west restricted mas-
rounded monsters were massacred. The forces sive troop movements. The city walls held well SPECIAL RULES:
of evil were dealt a stunning defeat at the to the south and were arranged to great advan- No Activations may be attempted during
hands of the kender that day. tage of the defender against ground troops. this scenario. The Dark Temple may be placed
Yet no roof covered Kalaman’s head. The in any HL-controlled area. Draconians may be
Scenario 3: The Kender Strike Dragon Highlords had something new in the built normally.
offing, a threat that would change the tide of
This very short scenario teaches the basics of the war yet again. From the south came mas- VICTORY CONDITIONS:
the game without many of the more compli- sive fortresses built atop rock ripped from the The HL player wins if he captures Kalaman
cated rules. This is a good way to introduce living stone. They floated through the sky by the end of Turn 30. The WS player wins if
people to the game. with no more effort than a breeze. Within he retains Kalaman at the end of Turn 30.

The Orders of War dragon highlords
These organizational charts are included to ARMY COMMANDER
point out the command hierarchy of the arm- Flight General/Fighter(10)
ies involved in the War of the Lance. They can
also be used to generate BATTLESYSTEM™ Brigade Commander Brigade Commander Brigade Commander Dragonwing
game statistics for the forces involved in DL11 Fighter(6) Fighter(8) Fighter(6) (see page 16)
if players wish to play these battles under the
24 Drac/BA(2) 15 Drac/KP(3) 24 Drac/BA(2)
15 Drac/BA(2) 15 Drac/KP(3) 15 Drac/BA(2)
Statistics Format
15 Drac/BA(Z) 9 Drac/KP Arch.(3) 15 Drac/BA Arch(2)
In the charts that follow, statistics are given
for those players who are interested in convert- MERCENARY INFANTRY
ing DL11 forces into their BATTLESYSTEM
rules equivalents.
Flight General/Fighter-(10)
The forces are listed in the following for-
Brigade Commanders Brigade Commanders Brigade Commanders Dragonwing
*A* UNIT TYPE/ @@(#B#)* Fighter(5) Fighter(5) Fighter(5) (see page 16)
Where : &
*A* = The number of BATTLESYSTEM counters Drac/BA(4) Drac/KP(4) Drac/BA(4)
in each DL11 army of this type
counter 24 Drac/BA(2) 15 Drac/KP(3) 15 Drac/BA Arch(3)
@@ = Specific Type (OPTIONAL). In the case 15 Infantry(3) 15 Infantry(3) 24 Infantry(3)
of draconians, “Drac” is the unit type, 24 Infantry(1) 24 Infantry(2) 15 Infantry(1)
and the type of draconian (e.g., Baaz) is
listed after the slash as the Specific Type. MERCENARY CAVALRY
#B# = The level (hit dice) of the members of each
* = Elite units (OPTIONAL). Units listed with an Flight General/Fighter(10)
asterisk are elite units as defined by the
BATTLESYSTEM rules. Brigade Commanders Brigade Commanders Brigade Commanders Dragonwing
Fighter(5) Fighter(5) Fighter(5) (see page 16)
If a DL11 army is depleted, it is equal to 2/3
the number of BATTLESYSTEM counters Drac/BA(4) Drac/KP(4) Drac/BA(4)
listed (each of these BATTLESYSTEM counters
has a morale modifier of -2).
24 Drac/BA(2) 15 Drac/KP(3) 15 Archers(3)
12 H.Cav(4) 16 L.Cav(3) 16 L.Cav(4)
Ogre Infantry 16 L.Cav(2) 24 Infantry( 1) 24 Infantry(2)
(Great Chieftain)
Brigade Commander(7)
(Chieftain) Kender
2 Lt. Brigade Commanders(6) Kendergov/Thief(8)
Kelderhelp(6) Kenderhelp( 5) Kenderhelp(5)
I (Brigade Commander) (Brigade Commander) (Brigade Commander)
24 Ogre(4)
24 Ogre(4)
24 Ogre(4) 12 Ken/Infantry(3) 12 Ken/Infantry(2) 12 Ken/Infantry(2)
12 Ken/Archers(3) 12 Ken/Archers(2) 12 Ken/Archers(2)
12 Infantry (human)(3)
24 Infantry (human)(l)
Kenderhelp(4) Kenderhelp(4) Kenderhelp(4)
24 Infantry (human)(l)
(Brigade Commander) (Brigade Commander) (Bridgade Commander)

24 Ken/Infantry(1) 24 Ken/Infantry(1) 24 Ken/Infantry(1)

12 Ken/Archers(1) 12 Ken/Archers(1) 12 Ken/Archers(l)
Knights of Solamnia hobgoblin
(Solamnic Knight selected by Knights from Brigade Commanders) Subchief(4) Subchief(4) Subchief(4)
(Brigade Commander) (Brigade Commander) (Brigade Commander)
Brigade Commander(10) Brigade Commander(9) Brigade Commander(8)
(Solamnic Rose Knight) (Solamnic Sword Knight) (Solamnic Crown Knight)
15 Hobg. Infantry(3) 15 Hobg. Infantry(3) 15 Hobg. Infantry(3)

12 Infantry(8)* 12 Infantry(8)* 12 Infantry(8)* 20 Hobg. Infantry(1)

18 Infantry(4) 24 Infantry(3) 24 Infantry(2) 15 Hobg. Infantry(1)
18 Infantry(4) 24 Infantry(3) 24 Infantry(2) 15 Hobg. Infantry(1)
6 Archers(4) 10 Archers(3) 24 Infantry(1) 10 Hobg. Archers(2)
10 Archers(2) 10 Hobg. Archers(1)

ARMY COMMANDER Minotaur Infantry
(Solamnic Knight selected by Knights from Brigade Commanders) ARMY COMMANDER
Brigade Commander(10) Brigade Commander(9) Brigade Commander(8)
(Solamnic Rose Knight) (Solamnic Sword Knight) (Solamnic Crown Knight) Brigade Brigade
Commander Commander
12 H. Cavalry(8)* 12 H. Cavalry(8)* 12 H. Cavalry(5)* Fighter(10) Fighter(10)
16 L. Cavalry(4) 16 L. Cavalry(3) 16 L. Cavalry(2)
6 Archers(4) 10 Archers(3) 18 L. Cavalry(1) 12 Mino/Assault(8)*
12 Mino/Infantry(8)*
10 Archers(2) 12 Mino/Assault(8)*
12 Mino/Infantry(b)*

Brigade Brigade Brigade

Common Human Troop Organization Commander Commander Commander
HUMAN INFANTRY Fighter(10) Fighter(10) Fighter(10)

Warlord/Fighter(10) 12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6)
12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6)
Brigade Brigade Brigade 12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6) 12 Mino/Infantry(6)
Commander Commander Commander
Fighter(8) Fighter(8) Fighter(8)
Elven armies
12 Assault(6) 12 Infantry(5) 12 Infantry( 2) ARMY COMMANDER
12 Assault(6) 12 Infantry( 3) 12 Infantry(2) (Speaker)
12 Archers(3) 24 Infantry(1) 12 Infantry(2) Fighter(12)
12 Archers(1) 24 Infantry(1) 12 Archers(3)
12 Archers(1) 12 Archers(2) 12 Archers(2) LORD HOUSE WARRIOR
(Army Commander)

(Brigade Commander) (Bridgade Commander) (Brigade Commander)
Brigade Brigade Fighter(9) Fighter(9) Fighter(9)
Commander Commander
Fighter(8) Fighter(8) 12 Infantry(7)
12 L. Cavalry(7) 12 Archers(7)
12 L. Cavalry(3) 12 Archers(3) 12 Infantry(5)
6 H. Cavalry(5)* 12 L. Cavalry(3) 12 L. Cavalry(2) 24 Archers(1) 24 Infantry( 3)
12 L. Cavalry(3) 24 L. Cavalry(1) 24 L. Cavalry(1) 24 Archers(1) 24 Infantry(1)
12 L. Cavalry(2) 24 Infantry(1)
12 Infantry(2) 12 Archers(1)
12 Archers(2) 12 Archers(1)
dwarven armies
The High King/Fighter(12) In a BATTLESYSTEM game, the only clerics present
are the PCs.
Wizards, on the other hand, took a very active
Hylar THEIWAR DAERGAR part in the war and were present at many battles.
Brigade Brigade Brigade They no longer stayed with a particular army,
Commander Commander Commander however, preferring to operate independently.
Fighter(10) Fighter(6) Fighter(10) Good wizards helped the Whitestone forces. These
magic-users were of the same number and level as
those evil wizards previously described.
12 Dwarf/Infantry(8) 24 Dwarf/Infantry(3) 12 Dwarf/Infantry(7)
12 Dwarf/Infantry(5) 24 Dwarf/Infantry(1) 12 Dwarf/Infantry(4) Kender
6 Dwarf/Archers(5)
The kender have a unique ability known as the
taunt. This is used on a massive scale by kender
(No leader . . . surprises?) (Lost since Cataclysm) armies much to the disadvantage of their
opponents. The kender taunt involves enraging the
Fighter(8) enemy through verbal insults. Kender jeers make an
24 Dwarf/ Infantry(O) enemy a t t a c k w i l d l y w i t h o u t t h o u g h t t o
24 Dwarf/ Infantry(O) consequence at a -2 to hit and a +2 penalty to their
24 Dwarf/Infantry(3) Armor Class.
24 Dwarf/Infantry(1) Kender armies also have more commanders than
24 Dwarf/Infantry(1) human armies. These commanders are needed to
keep the rather chaotic kender in regular formation.

Chart Notes Elves

The elven command structures have always been
Highlord Wizards Hobgoblins rigid and centralized. The Lord House Warrior
Wizard counters in this game represent Normally a hobgoblin army contains siege forces. directs the actions of both the cavalry and the
individuals or small groups of wizards (they act as Since the time of the Cataclysm, however, siege infantry. Thus the above command structure
Heroes in the BATTLESYSTEM™ rules). These technology has been lost to the hobgoblins. represents one commander always in charge of at
wizards are typically in the 5th-12th level ranges least two units.
(1d8 + 4 for random determination). Use the Ogres Elves are superb wood folk and use the woods to
wizards described in the DRAGONLANCE ® Ogres regularly enslave other races, most often their advantage in a fight.
modules as guides for levels and spell abilities. human. These are impressed into service in ogre
armies from time to time. The enslaved person’s Pegasi and Griffon Air Armies
Evil Dragons family is kept in captivity in the ogre kingdoms to Each pegasi or griffon army is capable of
Evil dragons act as Heroes under BATTLESYSTEM secure cooperation. transporting one ground army. This reflects the
rules. While counters list comparable strengths for flying creatures’ ability to move an army over a
Minotaur Fleets
units, the actual composition of each type of dragon two-month period. In the BATTLESYSTEM game
Minotaur fleets are capable of transporting one combat, infantry may be designated as air cavalry
wing is different.
army as described in the rules of DL11. There is no and ride the griffons into battle, or the griffons may
Red Dragon Wing fleet combat system in the BATTLESYSTEM rules attack on their own. Unlike dragons, pegasi and
1 Red Dragon (Ancient/Large) 80 hp and thus there is no naval conversion from DL11 to griffons attack as air combat armies rather than as
2 Red Dragons (Old/Average) 60 hp each the BATTLESYSTEM rules. Use the naval combat Heroes.
Blue Dragon Wing * system described in DL11 to resolve any DL11-to-BATTLESYSTEM Conversions:
1 Blue Dragon (Ancient/Huge) 80 hp engagements between opposing navies.
2 Blue Dragons (Very Old/Average) 63 hp DL11 Army BATTLESYSTEM
The Knights of Solamnia Each Pegasus army = 34 4th-level pegasi
Green Dragon Wing Each griffon army = 24 7th-level griffons
Only the units listed as “Elite” are true Knights.
4 Green Dragons (Very Old/Average) 56 hp
All other units are either mercenaries hired into service,
Black Dragon Wing or Knights-in-training who have not yet earned their Dwarves
2 Black Dragons (Ancient/Huge) 64 hp spurs. The army commander, according to the Before the Cataclysm, dwarven armies were
2 Black Dragons (Ancient/Average) 56 hp Solamnic Code, must be selected in a Knights Council tremendously large and potent forces with a command
White Dragon Wing prior to battle and is only changed if a question of structure that allowed for the best use of the talents of
1 White Dragon (Ancient/Huge) 56 hp honor arises against the leader (see DL8 for details). each Thanedom in battle. Since the Cataclysm, the
2 White Dragons (Ancient/Average) 48 hp dwarven nations have suffered from a great political
2 White Dragons (Very Old/Small) 37 hp Common Human Armies strife, resulting in the withdrawal from armed service of
These troop formations are typical of all human both the Daewar and the Neidar. Also, the loss of true
Flying Citadels countries outside the strict orders of Solamnic clerics just prior to the Cataclysm means that the
Flying citadels represent aerial fortresses that have Knighthood. Thus they apply to countries such as Thanedom of the Dead (which comprised the true
a movement of 12” and can fly up to 5,000 feet Khur, Nordmaar, Vingaard, and Palanthus. clerics) no longer exists. While this weakened the
above the surface of Krynn. They are able to hold dwarves’ fighting abilities, they are still a formidable
Clerics and Good Wizards force.
three ground armies. Use the Floating Tomb
diagrams from DL4, Dragons of Desolation, for Clerics and wizards were integral parts of all One unit that causes unending embarrassment to
guidelines on the layouts of these citadels. Flying human armies up until the time of the Cataclysm. most dwarves is the Agar “fighting force.” The
citadels cannot be attacked by ground troops. Use After that time, true clerics were not to be found. gully dwarves must make a morale check once every
the special Siege Rules from DL8, Dragons of War, For the purposes of this game, there were too few BATTLESYSTEM game turn. If they fail, they are
for BATTLESYSTEM combat against fortresses. clerics to warrant representing them with a counter. treated as a mob for that turn.
Dragons of Glory


A. Getting Started Rule 6

page 2 Rule 3 Moving Flying Creatures
Activation page 5
B. The Game Pieces page 3
page 2 Rule 7
Rule 4 Land and Air Combat
C. Playing a Moving Ships page 5
Battle Turn page 4
page 3 Rule 8
Rule 5 Ship to Ship Combat
Rule 1 Moving Ground Troops page 7
Replacements page 5
page 3 Rule 9
Rule 2 page 7
Strategic Events
page 3 Rule 10
Special Armies
page 8

©1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
This game is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without
(Permission granted to photocopy or print this product for personal use.) the express written permission of TSR Inc.
“dragons of glory” Boardgame Rules
Introduction mapsheets so that they match up along the
center. Note that each map has a grid of hexa-
“Dragons of Glory” is a boardgame allow-
gons, or hexes, printed on it. As in other
ing two or more players to recreate the con-
DRAGONLANCE® products, this hex grid is
flicts that raged across the face of Krynn designed to help players regulate movement
during the War of the Lance. One player con-
across the map. Unlike other DL products, in
trols the forces of the Dragon Highlords and
which you move a group of player characters
attempts to subjugate the nations of Krynn.
or NPCs, you move whole armies in “Dragons
The other player controls the Whitestone of Glory.”
forces and tries to halt the swarming armies of
The counters in the game represent the
his opponent. Many neutral nations are
armies of humans, elves, draconians, dragons,
brought into the war as allies of one side or the
and other creatures that fought in the war. In
other. If more than two people are playing,
addition, some counters represent important
divide into two teams and run the opposing
leaders like Laurana and Verminaard. A few of
armies by team.
the counters are markers used to record infor-
a. getting Started The following diagrams explain what the
“Dragons of Glory” offers several scenarios numbers found on each type of counter mean.
that highlight some of the different cam-
paigns of the War of the Lance. These are pre-
sented in the scenario and background book.
In addition, the campaign game allows play-
ers to re-create the entire course of the war.
Players should first divide themselves into
two teams: the Highlord (HL) and White-
stone (WS) sides. Next, select a scenario from
the scenario book. If this is the first time play-
ing the game, one of the shorter scenarios is
your best bet. Experienced players are able to
play the entire campaign in about 6-8 hours.
The HL player may now place the Dark
Temple marker in a fortress or fortified city.
(The HL player does not have to place the
temple at the start of the game, he may want
to wait until his forces capture a more advan-
tageous hex.) This is the location where his
draconian armies enter the map during the
The scenario rules explain which armies
start the game on the map and where they are
placed. Other armies and markers are placed
on the Turn track. You need a cup or an
opaque container from which Strategic Event
counters are drawn during the course of the
Put the Turn marker on the Turn track,
located on the map. The Turn marker should
start on the first Turn of the scenario, given in
the scenario description. (Not all scenarios
start with Turn 1.)

B. The Game Pieces

To play “Dragons of Glory,” you need the
maps and counters (cardboard playing pieces)
in this module, as well as the rules. You also
need some dice: 10-sided (d10s), 4-sided
(d4s), and 6-sided (d6s) dice.
The map displays the continent of Ansalon,
where most of the significant campaigns of
the War of the Lance occurred. Lay out the two

C. Playing a Battle Turn STEP 8: TURN MARKER Strategic Event for that Turn is. On odd-num-
bered Turns, the Highlord player draws the
“Dragons of Glory” is played in Battle Move the Turn marker one Turn and begin a
counter; on even-numbered Turns, the
Turns. The exact number of Turns in each new Turn.
Whitestone player draws. The player drawing
game is determined by the scenario you have the counter reads it and shows it to his oppo-
chosen. Each Turn is roughly two months of Rule 1: Replacements nent. Sometimes the counter will benefit the
time, although the winter Turns represent person who drew it, other times it will benefit
All replacement activities are performed
four months, because of more limited move- a particular side, regardless of which player
during Step 1 of each Turn.
ment and combat during that season. drew it from the cup.
Armies can be eliminated through combat.
Each Turn should follow these eight steps, Drawn counters are never placed back into
Each player should designate some empty
in order: the cup. Some Strategic Event counters get
table space as a replacement pool, and put his
army counters there when he removes them placed on the map (see explanations of Strate-
STEP 1: REPLACEMENTS gic Events, on the inside of the module cover).
from the map. At the start of every Turn, the
The Highlord player puts a draconian player then looks at the counters in the All others are set aside, out of play, after they
counter in the hex where he has placed the replacement pool to see if he is due any have been drawn.
Dark Temple marker. Then each player deter- replacements. The Strategic Events are listed on the inside
mines how many replacement armies he is For every two armies of the same color com- cover of the module. Look them over if you
allowed to add from armies that have been bination (nationality) in his replacement wish, but do not try to learn the rules for each
previously eliminated, and places each army pool, a player can immediately bring one of Strategic Event until it is drawn. This will
in one of its country’s fortresses or fortified cit- those armies back into play. At the same time, make learning the game much easier.
ies. the other army is removed from the replace-
ment pool and set aside; it is now perma- Rule 3: activation
STEP 2: STRATEGIC EVENTS nently out of the game.
During the Activation Step of each Turn,
In addition, if two depleted armies of the
On odd-numbered Turns, the HL player each player may choose one neutral nation
same nationality are stacked together in a hex
draws a counter from the Strategic Events cup, and attempt to Activate it as an ally by rolling
during the Replacement Step, one of these
and the event listed on the counter occurs. On 1d10. The player who drew the Strategic
armies can be placed in the Replacement
even-numbered Turns, the WS player draws. Event counter that Turn rolls first.
Pool, and the other rebuilt to full strength.
The number a player needs to roll to Acti-
The army placed in the pool is immediately
STEP 3: ACTIVATION vate a neutral depends on the neutral nation
eligible to be used for additional replace-
and on which player (WS or HL) makes the
Starting with the player who just drew the ments.
roll. The Activation Table on the next page
Strategic Event counter, each player can An army that is returned to play must be
shows the Activation Rating for each neutral,
attempt to Activate a neutral nation of his placed in any city or fortress hex of its country.
based on who is making the roll. An Activa-
choice by rolling 1d10. The army cannot be placed in a hex with
tion roll on 1d10 that is equal to or less than
enemy armies.
the nation’s Activation Rating results in the
STEP 4: INITIATIVE Dragons, griffons, pegasi, and ships can
neutral nation entering the war on the side of
never be replaced or rebuilt to full strength. If
Each player rolls 1d4 to see who gets the ini- the player that Activated it. An Activation roll
armies of these types are lost, they are perma-
tiative. The player with the high roll wins. higher than the rating has no effect.
nently out of the game.
Ties go to the player who had initiative on the The Activation roll can be modified by a
previous Turn. The player with initiative Strategic Event or by invasion.
declares which side performs Steps 5 and 6 Rule 2: Strategic Events
first. Many of the events that occur as a result of
PC actions during a DRAGONLANCE® cam-
STEP 5: MOVEMENT paign have an effect on the course of the war.
One player moves all of his ships, and then These events occur randomly in “Dragons of
moves all of his air and ground armies, accord- Glory.”
ing to the movement rules. The scenario rules tell you to place certain
Strategic Event counters in a coffee cup, or
STEP 6: COMBAT other container, before the game begins. At
certain points during the game, you might be
The player who just moved can now make instructed by the scenario rules to add more
any air, ground, and ship attacks that he wants Strategic Event counters to the cup.
to, within the combat rules. Strategic Event counters have either E1‚
E10, or E20 printed on their backs. The num-
STEP 7: SECOND MOVEMENT AND ber indicates the Turn that the counter is
COMBAT placed in the Strategic Event cup. All E10
The player who has not yet moved now per- counters, for example, are added to the cup
forms Steps 5 and 6 in order. on Turn 10 (before a counter is drawn).
During Step 2 of each Turn, one player
draws a counter from the cup to see what the

ACTIVATION TABLE Example: A Highlord red dragon counter Transporting Ground Armies
enters a hex of Fielder, which is currently neu-
Nation Whitestone Highlord Each ship can carry one ground army and
tral. The HL player stops his movement tem-
Blode -2 7 any number of leaders when it moves. The
porarily, and the WS player rolls 1d10 to
Caergoth* 3 -2 ship must pick up the ground army from a
Activate Fielder. He normally needs a 5,
Goodlund 5 -2 port at any point during its move, and can
which is modified to 7 because the HL player
Gunthar* 4 -3 carry it for as long as the player wishes. The
invaded. The WS player rolls an 8, so the HL
Hylo 4 -2 ground army can be aboard the ship (at sea)
player now rolls. He needs a 3, but rolls a 5, so
Kaolyn 4 1 when the ship finishes its movement, and can
7 the WS player gets another roll. This time, the
Kern -2 remain aboard the ship for an unlimited num-
WS player rolls a 6, Activating Fielder. The
Khur 3 2 ber of Turns.
WS player then places all of Fielder’s forces on
Kothas 1 7 The ground army can be dropped off in a
the map before the HL player resumes his
Lemish 1 5 port, and the ship can continue its move if it
Maelstrom 4 4 has not used up its movement allowance.
Mithas 1 7 Alternately, the ground army can be
Nordmar 3 3 Rule 4: Moving Ships dropped off in any coastal hex, but the ship
N. Ergoth* 3 -2 The movement allowance on a ship counter can move no farther that Turn.
Palanthus -1 equals the number of hexes that the ship can A ground army cannot move on its own
Qualinesti 2 -2 move during Step 5 of a Turn on the open sea during a Turn that it is carried by a ship.
Sanction 0 6 (or in coastal hexes). Ships can also move up A ship that is in a river hexside acts as a
Silvanesti 5 -2 major rivers. When moving on a river, how- bridge across the river for friendly armies dur-
Solanthus* 3 -2 ever, the ship counts hexsides moved along, ing any Turn in which it does not move.
Tarsis 5 2 not hexes entered. The diagram below shows If a ship with a ground army aboard is sunk,
Thorbardin 3 3 how to count the movement of a ship. the ground army is removed from the map
Throtyl -2 7 and placed in the replacement pool. If the
Vingaard 5 3 ship is damaged, the ground army suffers no
Zhakar 5 3 effect.
Ground armies aboard a ship during the
* These are the Knights of Solamnia arm-
Combat Step have no effect on either ship-to-
ies. The Activation Rating on these nations
ship or ground combat.
(for the WS player only) is increased by 1 for
each nation that has been conquered by, or is
The Maelstrom
allied with, the HL player. Also, as soon as the
first of these nations is Activated, the WS The Maelstrom is a mysterious region of
player puts the three Tower Knights armies in raging seas and swirling winds. The fate of a
the High Clerist Tower and controls them as ship that sails into it is uncertain.
his armies. A player can move his ship into the Mael-
strom by entering any hex at its edge. As soon
Effects of Activation as the ship enters, the player rolls 1d10 to see
As soon as a nation is Activated, the player what happens, with the following results:
who gained it as an ally places that nation’s
armies on the map, within the borders of the 1 The ship immediately sinks.
country. 2-5 The ship remains in the Maelstrom for
the remainder of the Turn.
Activation by Invasion 6-8 The ship immediately emerges from
the Maelstrom into any sea hex
Neutral nations are also brought into the
adjacent to the Maelstrom selected
war if the forces of either player enter a hex of
by the opposing player.
that nation’s territory. This does not apply to
9-0 The ship immediately emerges from the
ships sailing along the coast of a neutral
A ship cannot enter a hex or hexside con- Maelstrom in any adjacent sea hex
nation, but does apply to creatures flying over
taining an enemy ship. A ship cannot move chosen by the player moving the
neutral nation hexes.
into a hex (or hexside of a hex) containing an ship.
As soon as any army enters a hex of a neutral
nation, all movement ceases and the Activa- enemy army.
An army may move into a hex containing If a ship spends the remainder of a Turn in
tion of the neutral nation is resolved. Starting
an enemy ship. The ship is not destroyed, but the Maelstrom, the player who owns it must
with the player who did not invade the
is moved to the nearest hex (or hexside of a roll on this table at the start of Step 5 of the
nation, the players alternate making Activa-
hex) that does not contain an enemy army. next Turn. It is quite possible for a ship to be
tion rolls until the neutral nation is activated
A player may stack any number of his ships caught in the Maelstrom for many Turns.
for one side or the other. The player who did
in an open sea or coastal hex. Only two ships If a ship is in a hex adjacent to the Mael-
not invade gets a +2 to the Activation Rating
may be stacked in a river hexside. strom, and one or more enemy ships move
for this roll.
next to it, the ship can move into the Mael-
strom instead of allowing the enemy ships to

attack. The die is rolled immediately to deter- RENDER armies cannot stack in a hex with infantry army’s counter must have the same
mine the effect of the Maelstrom. The enemy any other type of army. color combination (nationality), as that of the
ships can then continue their move normally. flying army, and the infantry army must begin
Up to 2 AIR ARMIES may occupy any hex. and end the Movement Step with the air army.
A nonmoving ship can only attempt to escape
into the Maelstrom once per Turn. An unlimited number of LEADER and Thus, the ground army cannot move by itself.
SHIP counters may occupy any hex. The air army can only use half of its Movement
Rule 5: Moving ground Points on a Turn when it carries a ground
All of these totals are cumulative, so two army. Other than this, all normal rules of air
Troops movement apply.
ground, two air, and an unlimited number of
Ground armies can move through land and leaders could occupy a single hex. If it is a
coastal hexes, to a maximum number of hexes coastal hex, an unlimited number of ships Rule 7: Land and Air Combat
equal to the counter’s Movement Points. In could be there as well.
most cases, it costs 1 Movement Point to move Armies can never occupy a hex containing After a player has completed his movement,
an army one hex. In certain instances, the ter- enemy armies. he can attack any enemy land and air armies
rain increases the cost to enter a hex. that he has land or air armies adjacent to.
Armies do not have to move unless the player Effects of Enemy Armies The player who just moved is the
wants to move them. They do not have to use all ATTACKER for all combats; the player who
A ground army must stop moving when it did not move is the DEFENDER. Each hex of
of their Movement Points if they move.
enters a hex adjacent to an enemy army, unless defending armies must be attacked separately,
the moving army is a cavalry army or a leader. although several stacks of attacking armies can
Terrain Effects
Armies are never considered adjacent if they combine to make a single attack against a
The extra costs for moving into or through cer- are separated by a mountain or deep river hex- defender’s hex. Each hex can only be attached
tain types of terrain are listed below. All ground side (even if the enemy army can move across once per Combat Step.
armies, except those entitled to racial exceptions, mountain hexsides.) No ground or air army can ever attack more
must pay these costs. Armies with racial excep- Only armies marked with the cavalry sym- than once per Turn. Armies can only attack a
tions are listed immediately afterward. bol are cavalry armies; armies mounted on hex they could move into (thus, only dwarves,
griffons or pegasi are not cavalry. ogres, and air armies can attack across a moun-
Entering a FOREST hex costs 2 MP
A ground army that begins Step 5 adjacent tain hexside).
Entering a hex across a RIVER costs 2 MP
to an enemy ground army cannot move unless
Ground armies cannot enter: its first move puts it in a hex that is not adja- Combat Procedure
SEA hexes cent to an enemy ground army. (Cavalry is
DESERT hexes exempt from this rule.) Combat is resolved on a hex- by-hex basis,
MARSH hexes following the four steps below.
Moving Wizards
Ground armies cannot cross: 1 . The attacker adds up the ground and air
MOUNTAIN hexsides Wizard counters list no movement allow- Strength Points attacking while the
DEEP RIVER hexsides ance because wizards do not count hexes when defender adds up the ground and air
they move. During each player’s Movement Strength Points defending a hex. All
No ground armies or ships can enter marsh
Step, he may move his wizards to any hexes on armies that are attacking a single hex are
hexes (air armies may fly over).
the map (except a hex with an enemy army). A added together. All defending armies in
No armies of any type may enter desert
player can do this once per Movement Step the hex are added together. If the defend-
hexes (air armies may not fly over).
with each of his wizards. ing armies are in a fortress or fortified city,
Racial Movement Abilities their total strength is tripled or doubled,
Rule 6: Moving Flying respectively. Find the ratio of the attacker’s
Certain ground armies can move more eas- Creatures Strength Points to the defender’s Strength
ily through certain terrain types. Points on the Combat Table (on the inside
ELVES and KENDER can enter FOREST Dragon, griffon, and Pegasus armies can module cover). Fractions are always
hexes for a cost of 1 Movement Point. fly. These creatures pay 1 Movement Point to rounded down in favor of the defender.
DWARVES and OGRES can cross MOUN- enter any hex, and can cross almost all types of For example, 20, 23, or 29 attacking
TAIN hexsides for a cost of 1 additional Move- terrain. They cannot enter a hex containing Strength Points against 10 defending
ment Point, above the cost to enter the hex enemy armies, however. They do not have to Strength Points are all 2-to-1 (2-1) odds.
beyond the mountain hexside. stop when they move next to an enemy army. 2 . Each player calculates all die roll modifiers
A flying army must begin and end its move- that apply to the combat. Die roll modifiers
Stacking More Than One Army in a Hex ment over a land (including coastal) hex, but are caused by leaders, specific creature
it can fly over sea hexes. types, terrain, and fortifications. They are
The following limits apply to the number of It costs one extra Movement Point for an air
armies that may occupy a hex at the same time. listed in detail later and summarized next to
army to fly over a mountain hexside. the Combat Table. All modifiers are added
Up to 2 GROUND ARMIES may occupy together to get a cumulative modifier; for
any hex, except a fortified city. Carrying Ground Armies example, modifiers of -2, -3, -1, +6, and
Up to 3 GROUND ARMIES may occupy a A griffon or Pegasus army can carry one +4 equal a cumulative modifier of +4.
FORTIFIED CITY hex. infantry army through the air per Turn. The

3. The attacker rolls 1d10, adding the cumu- The result gained from a die roll applies to FORTRESS: A force defending in a fortress
lative modifier gained from step 2, and all defending armies in the hex, and to all has its Strength Point total tri-
cross-references the resulting number with attacking armies in every hex that participated pled before the combat ratio is
the appropriate odds column on the Com- in the attack. determined. In addition. a -4 die
bat Table to get the combat result. For If the result calls for only one or two armies roll modifier applies. Armies
example, a modified d10 roll of -3 in a bat- to be affected, the player owning the armies attacking from a fortress gain no
tle with 1: 1 odds yields a result of “E/1.” always chooses which army(s) suffers the benefit.
4. Apply the result indicated by the Combat result. Armies defending in a fortress
Table. The result always affects either the can ignore a combat result that
attacker or the defender, and often affects Die Roil Modifiers requires them to retreat.
both forces.
The following factors can result in additions
to or subtractions from the combat roll. Posi-
Combat Effects FORTIFIED CITY: A force defending in a
tive numbers help the attacker; negative num-
fortified city has its Strength
The Combat Table provides two results, bers help the defender.
Point total doubled before the
separated by a slash, for every attack. The These die modifiers are summarized above
combat ratio is determined. In
result to the left of the slash applies to the the Combat Table. addition, a -2 die roll modifier
attacker’s armies; the result to the right of the applies. Armies attacking from a
slash applies to the defender’s armies. LEADERS: The Tactical Rating of any one
fortified city gain no benefit.
The results, and their explanations, are leader in the attacking stack(s) is
Armies defending in a forti-
listed here: added to the die roll. The Tacti-
fied city can ignore a combat
cal Rating of any one leader in
result that requires them to
1 = One of the affected armies is the defending stack is subtracted
DEPLETED. This means that a full- from the die roll.
strength army must be flipped to its
half strength side, or an army that is
DWARVEN FORTRESS: Armies defending
already at half strength must be DRAGONS: The number of Strength Points
within a dwarven fortress receive
removed from the map and placed in of dragon armies attacking is
a -10 die roll modifier. In addi-
the Replacement Pool. added to the die roil; defending
tion, the attacker cannot gain
2 = The affected armies take two DEPLE- dragon Strength Points are sub-
the FLIGHT or CAVALRY modi-
TIONS. Two full-strength armies can be tracted. Dragon Strength Points
fiers. Armies attacking from a
flipped, two half-strength armies are also counted into the total
dwarven fortress gain no benefit.
placed in the Replacement Pool, one strengths in the attacking or
Armies defending in a dwar-
full-strength army placed in the defending force, so dragons pro-
ven fortress can ignore a combat
Replacement Pool, or one full-strength vide a double benefit.
result that requires them to
army flipped and one half-strength
army placed in the Replacement Pool.
D = All affected armies (all attacking or all WIZARDS: An attacking wizard provides a
defending armies) must be + 3 die roll modifier; a defend-
RIVER: If any attacking ground armies are
DEPLETED. Full-strength armies are ing wizard provides a -3 modi-
separated from the defender’s
flipped, and half-strength armies go to fier.
hex by a shallow river, a -4 die
the Replacement Pool. roll modifier applies to the
R = All affected armies must RETREAT one
hex. Retreating armies cannot enter a CAVALRY If any cavalry armies participate in
hex next to an enemy army, unless a the attack, a +1 modifier
army allied with the retreating armies applies. Cavalry has no effect for
BRIDGE: If any attacking armies must cross a
already occupies the hex. A stack of the defender.
bridge to reach the defender’s
retreating armies may split up and hex, a -4 die roll modifier
retreat to different hexes. Retreating
armies cannot enter a hex if this would FLIGHT If the attacking force includes flying
violate the stacking limit (see Rule 5). creatures (dragons, griffons,
If an army cannot retreat when required pegasi, or flying citadels), the
FORD: If any attacking armies must cross a
to do so, it is eliminated instead. attacker gains a +1 modifier. A
ford to reach the defender’s hex,
E = All affected armies are ELIMINATED, -1 modifier applies if the
a -3 die roll modifier applies.
and placed in the Replacement Pool. defending force includes fliers.

Combat results are cumulative, so a stack

that receives a D1 result gets all of its armies MOUNTAIN PASS: If the defender’s stack
depleted, plus one more depletion, which occupies a mountain pass hex, a
eliminates one of the already-depleted arm- -2 modifier applies.

FAVORABLE TERRAIN: When either an ing on your ship counter, you have damaged Rule 9: Conquest
attacking or defending army the enemy ship.
occupies a hex that is “favorable Every attacking and defending ship in a Armies are permanently removed from the
terrain” for the racial type of the battle is entitled to attack. All combat is con- game if their country is conquered. A country
army, a +1 (attacker) or -1 sidered to be simultaneous, so if one of your is conquered as soon as all fortified cities and
(defender) modifier applies. The ships is damaged or sunk before you roll the fortresses in the country have been captured
following racial types gain this die for your attack, you still get to roll as if it is by enemy armies.
benefit. undamaged. The pirates under Maquesta do not have a
After all ships have rolled for one attack, fortified city or fortress to call their own, and
DWARVES, OGRES: Mountain hexes the defending player has the option of with- cannot be conquered. Likewise, Lord Soth and
ELVES, KENDER: Forest hexes drawing all of his ships one hex (or hexside on his legions are not conquered if Dargaard
a river) in any direction, thus ending the com- Keep is taken by the Whitestone forces. All
Special Combat Rules bat. If the defending player declines this other nations are subject to conquest.
option, the attacking player may withdraw his
If an attack causes a defending force to Effects of Conquest
ships and end the combat. If neither player
retreat, or entirely eliminates the defending
withdraws, another round of combat is As soon as a nation is conquered, all ground
force, attacking armies can make an
fought. The battle continues like this until and air armies, as well as leaders, of that coun-
one player withdraws or loses all of his ships. try are permanently removed from the map.
attacking armies as are eligible to stack in the
defender’s hex can move into the vacated hex. They do not re-enter play during the game.
Ship-to-Ship Combat Effects Ship counters remain on the map, and can be
Also any attacking air or cavalry armies can
then move one extra hex. Damaged ships are flipped to their back used by the former allies of the conquered
If air armies are attacked by enemy armies sides. If a ship has already been damaged, and country.
that do not include any air armies, the is damaged again, it sinks and is permanently Players are encouraged to leave at least one
defending air armies can elect to retreat one or removed from the game (ships do not return army in a fortress or fortified city for each
two hexes before the combat roll is made. The to the Replacement Pool. nation, or else a swift air or amphibious move
attacking forces can advance after combat nor- Any ground armies carried aboard a ship could result in an uncontested conquest. Note
mally, but cannot attack the retreating air that sinks are removed from the map and put that fortresses and cities have no inherent gar-
armies. Air armies that can carry ground arm- in the Replacement Pool. Ground armies rison, so an enemy player can move right into
ies can carry the ground army with them dur- aboard a ship that gets damaged are unaf- one if his opponent has not left an army there.
ing this retreat. fected.
If cavalry armies are attacked by enemy Knights of Solamnia
armies that do not include cavalry or air arm- Leader Effects The Knights of Solamnia are harder to con-
ies, the defending cavalry armies can elect to quer than other nations. The armies of all four
Only three leaders in the game can affect
retreat one hex before combat. The attacking nations of Knights (Caergoth, N. Ergoth,
naval combat. These leaders are MAQUESTA,
force can advance after combat normally, but Solanthus, and Gunthar), plus the High
the pirate leader, and MITHAS and
cannot attack the retreating cavalry army. Clerist Tower Knights, remain unconquered
KOTHAS, the two minotaur leaders. These
are normal leaders for all ground combat pur- until all fortresses and fortified cities begin-
OPTIONAL RULE ning the game under the Knights’ control
poses as well.
Players cannot look at the counters in each When one of these leaders is aboard a ship have been captured by the HL player.
others’ stacks until after a combat is declared. that takes part in combat, the leader’s Tactical
Once an attack has been declared, the attacker Rating is added to the ship’s Combat Rating Moving Demi-human Capitals
must carry it out, even if he discovers that it is before the combat die is rolled. (Optional Rule)
not to his advantage after he sees the enemy If any leader is aboard a ship that sinks, the
forces in the defending hex. owning player rolls 1d6. On a 1-3, the leader The capital of a elven (Qualinesti,
is permanently removed from the game. On a Silvanesti) or kender (Hylo, Goodlund)
nation is the fortified city within that nation.
Rule 8: Ship-to-Ship Combat 4-6, the leader is placed with the nearest
friendly army. Certain of the WS player’s demi-human
When a player has finished moving all of armies have the ability to avoid or postpone
his armies and ships, he can attack enemy Wizard Effects conquest by disbanding their capital and
ships that are in a hex (or river hexside) adja- moving it to another loccation. Elves and ken-
cent to his ships. The ship-to-ship combat Wizards may be moved to any ship during der nations controlled by the WS player are
procedure is different than combat for ground the Movement Step, even if the ship is on the eligible to use this rule.
and air armies. open sea. Wizards automatically reappear A capital can only be disbanded by the WS
with the nearest friendly army or ship if their player during the WS Movement Step. At
Naval Combat Procedure ship is sunk. least one ground army of the country whose
Each wizard on a ship adds +3 to the ship’s capital is being disbanded must be in the capi-
Each player can make one attack for each of Combat Rating. tal hex.
his ships. First, designate an enemy ship as the
If these conditions are fulfilled, the WS
target of the attack. Then roll 1d10. If the
result is equal to or less than the Combat Rat- player can disband the capital. The capital
immediately loses all of its benefits as a forti-

fied city; it is treated as a clear terrain hex. The Restrictions the Dark Temple marker on that hex, where it
WS player rolls 1d6 and adds 4 to the result. remains for the rest of the game.
Each stack of kender armies can make only During the Replacement Step of every
This gives the number of Turns that must pass one taunt attempt per Turn. However, an
before the demi-human capital is re-estab- Turn, the HL player can put a draconian
enemy stack can be taunted several times if counter in the hex with the Dark Temple (if
lished in another fortified city or fortress hex more than one kender stack is adjacent to it.
controlled by the WS player. Place the Demi- the temple is on the map). The draconian
After the first successful taunt, the stack can- counter can move and fight normally during
human Capital Marker from the counter mix not be taunted again, since no ground army
on the Turn track the appropriate number of that Turn, and for the rest of the game.
can attack more than once per Turn. After the player has added all 20 draconian
Turns later. An army that attacks because of a taunt can-
For example, the WS player decides to dis- counters to the game, the Dark Temple no
not attack during the Combat Step. The ken- longer serves any function.
band the capital of Silvanesti on Turn 6; he der stack that taunted may be attacked by
rolls 1d6 and gets a 3. Adding 4 to this gives a Eliminated draconian armies are subject to
other armies during the same Turn. the replacement rules (they appear in the
delay of 7 Turns. Thus, the Silvanesti capital
marker is placed on the Turn 13 (6 + 7) box of Dark Temple hex), but the HL player cannot
Draconians continue to manufacture new draconians after
the Turn track. Silvanesti cannot be con-
quered until Turn 13; however, at that time, Unlike all other creature types in the game, he brings the 20 armies into the game.
the WS player must put the Silvanesti capital draconians are created as the war goes on. At If the hex containing the Dark Temple is
marker on any fortress or fortified city he con- any time before the game begins or during the captured by forces of the WS player, no more
trols. From this point on, the capital may not game, the HL player can designate any forti- draconians can be brought into the game, and
move and Silvanesti is conquered if that for- fied city or fortress that he controls as the site draconian losses can no longer be replaced
tress or fortified city is captured by HL forces. of the Dark Temple. He immediately places during the Replacement Step.

Rule 10: Special Army Types

Kender and draconian armies have special
rules explained in this section. Except as listed
here, all normal game rules apply to kender
and draconian armies.

Kender armies have the unique ability to
goad an opposing force into an ill-conceived
attack through the use of their Taunt ability.

Taunt Procedure
After the opposing player has finished his
movement, but before he begins his attacks,
the player controlling kender forces can
declare one or more taunts. An enemy force
must be adjacent to a kender army to be
The kender player selects an adjacent
enemy stack to be taunted. The opposing
player immediately rolls 1d6 for the taunted
stack. On a 1-3, the taunt has no effect; on a
4-6, the stack must attack the kender stack
before the normal combat step. A stack
attacking because of a taunt has a -2 modifier,
in addition to all other modifiers that apply,
and must attack by itself; no other stacks can
participate in the attack.

Combat Results Table

Results to the left of the slash apply to the attacker; results to the right apply to the defender.
D10 Roll 1-3 1-2 2 - 3 1-1 3 - 2 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1
- 5 E / - E / - E / - E / - E/1 E/1 E/1 E/2 E/2 E/2
- 4 E / - E / - E / - E/1 E/1 E/2 DR/1 DR/1 DR/2 DR/2
- 3 E / - E / - E / - E/1 E/2 E/2 DR/2 D1/2 D1/2 D1/1
- 2 E / - E / - E / - E/1 DR/1 DR/1 D1/1 D / - D/1 D/1
- 1 E / - E / - E / - E/2 DR/2 DR/2 D1/1 D/2 D/2 D/2
0 E / - E / - E / - DR/- D1/1 D1/2 D1/2 D/2 D/2 D/2
1 E / - E/1 E/1 DR/1 D1/1 D1/2 D1/2 D/D D/D D/2R
2 E/l E/2 E/2 D1/1 D/1 D1/2 D/2 D/2R D/2 2/2R
3 E/2 DR/- DR/- D1/1 D/2 D/D D/D 2/D 2/2R 2/DR
4 E/2 D1/- D1/- D1/2 D/D D/2R 2/D 2/2R 1/1R 1/DR
5 E/2 D / - D / - D/l D/D 2/D 2/2R 2/2R 1/DR 1/DR
6 D/1 D/1 D/1 D/D 2/D 2/2R 1/1R 1/1R 1/DR 1/DR
7 2 / - 2/1 1 / - D/D 1/1R 2/DR 1/DR - / D -/DR -/DR
8 1 / - 1/1 - / 1 - / 2 - / 2 -/2R -/DR -/DR -/DR 2/E
9 1/1 1/2 - / 2 1/1R 1/2R -/DR -/DR -/DR 2/E 1/E
10 - / 1 - / 2 1/2R 1/2R -/2R -/DR -/DR 2/E 1/E 1/E
11 - / 2 -/1R 1/2R -/2R -/DR -/DR 2/E 1/E 1/E - / E
12 1/2R 1/2R 1/DR -/DR -/DR 2/E 1/E - / E - / E - / E
13 -/2R -/2R -/DR -/DR 2/E 1/E - / E - / E - / E - / E
14 -/2R -/2R -/DR 2/E 2/E 1/E - / E - / E - / E - / E
15 -/2R -/2R -/DR 2/E 1/E - / E - / E - / E - / E - / E
16 + -/DR -/DR -/DR 1/E 1/E 1/E 1/E 1/E 1/E 1/E

1, 2 = The force suffers one or two depletions
D = Every unit in the force suffers one depletion
R = All units must retreat one hex
E = All units are eliminated

die Roll Modifiers

Attacker’s Modifiers Defender’s Modifiers

General : + general’s Tactical Rating General : - general’s Tactical Rating
Dragons : + number of attacking dragon strength points Dragons: - number of defending dragon strength points
Wizard: + 3 if attackers include wizard Wizard: - 3 if defenders include wizard
Cavalry: + 1 if attackers include cavalry Flight: - 1 if defenders include flying creatures
Flight: + 1 if attackers include flying creatures Mountain Pass: - 2
River: - 4 if any attackers must cross a river Fortified City: - 2; defenders’ strength is DOUBLED
Bridge: - 4 if any attackers must cross a bridge Fortress: - 4; defenders’ strength is TRIPLED
Ford: - 3 if any attackers must cross a ford Dwarven Fortress: - 10; no flight or cavalry bonuses
Dwarves: + 1 in mountains if all attackers are dwarves Dwarves: - 1 in mountains if any defenders are dwarves
Ogres: + 1 in mountains if all attackers are ogres Ogres: - 1 in mountains if any defenders are ogres
Elves: + 1 in forest if all attackers are elves Elves : - 1 in forest if any defenders are elves
Kender: + 1 in forest if all attackers are kender Kender: - 1 in forest if any defenders are kender

Across the world of Krynn, the armies of light

and darkness clash in titanic struggle. Now the
vast forces of the High Solamnic Knights and
the Dragon Highlords are yours to command.
“Dragons of Glory” puts you and your players
in charge of all the armies of Krynn.
In excerpts from his war journals, Lord Gun-
thar Uth Wistan, Commander of the Solamnic
Knights, discusses the general course of the
war and several major battles of the time. Each
battle discussion ends with the set up and vic-
tory conditions that will enable you to control
the course of the War of the Lance.
“Dragons of Glory” is a complete strategic
simulation game requiring no other rules to
play. Yet is also an invaluable tool for the
game master as it can add more excitement to
DRAGONLANCE® campaigns.
“Dragons of Glory” includes a huge two-
piece, full-color map of the continent of Ansa-
lon, nearly 400 counters representing both the
Whitestone and the Dragon Highlord forces, a
16-page scenario book with Gunthar’s mem-
oirs, and an eight-page rules book.

A strategic game supplement to the


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