365 Daily Quotes For Inspired Living
365 Daily Quotes For Inspired Living
365 Daily Quotes For Inspired Living
Inspired Living
Copyright © 2013
Inspire Me Today, LLC All
rights reserved.
How much can one say in only 140 characters? If it's a tweet from @inspiremetoday, it will be
packed with meaning and inspiration.
I love following @inspiremetoday and treasure her tweets. Gail's heart and passion are obviously
inspiring, but they are also a comfort and support in a world that is so full of pressures. Gail gives
us an opportunity to love ourselves and be ourselves authentically.
It always makes me smile when I see her loving tweets, for she is so present and so real. With
many thousands of followers she still makes the time to interact with individuals, touching lives
around the world with her open heart and her inspiring words.
Mariel Hemingway
I am very blessed to meet with some of the most inspirational people in the world through my
website, InspireMeToday.com. My "job" is to gather inspiration and interview amazing people
like Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberté, Seth Godin, Marci Shimoff, Mariel Hemingway, Gary
Vaynerchuk, Debbie Ford, and hundreds more. I leave these interviews inspired and bubbling
over with inspiration that I share with my tribe on Twitter.
is book evolved from multiple requests from my followers for me to compile this inspiration. I
realized it was necessary for me to create this a er several members of our community started
making their own books. I was flattered and humbled.
is information doesn't come from me any more than a painting comes from an artist. Rather, I
record what I see, hear and feel, and somehow these were born. I'd like to extend my sincere
thanks to our Inspirational Luminaries for sharing your wisdom and brilliance with us daily on
InspireMeToday.com. We love and appreciate you!
My hope is that this book will bring you hope on days you need it, strength to persevere, thoughts
to ponder, tips for success, attitude adjusters, wisdom and blessing. More than anything, I hope
it helps you to remember the magnificent, infinite, unlimited being that you truly are.
So enjoy the book! Read one quote a day, read it from front to back, or just randomly pop in
from time to time to see the quote you need in that moment--whatever works for you! It is my
gi to you, with my love and best wishes for living a blessed and empowered life.
#3: In every moment, you are the only one who gets to choose your attitude. Choose wisely.
#4: e greatest personal fulfillment comes when we contribute to improving the welfare of
others. #5: Who and what you are will be determined by you, not by your circumstances.
#6: Follow your passion. Listen to your heart. Trust the process. Be grateful. Life is magic and your
dreams matter.
#7: Life is about right now in this very moment. Not tomorrow, not yesterday but NOW. Live it!
#8: Having a great dream and belief in yourself is great, but nothing happens until you take action.
#9: Your words are simply the thoughts of yours that will become things the soonest.
#12: If we aim high and fall short, we still achieve more than by aiming low and falling short.
#13: May you recognize the passion and the possibility in your day today and have the courage
to follow it.
#14: In every moment, for every reason--choose LOVE.
#15: Set your goals high and do something everyday to move forward.
#16: When was the last time worry ever solved a problem? Breathe and know that you are perfect
in this moment.
#17: Limitations seem real when we lack faith and belief. With faith and belief, anything is
#18: Today, be the person of your dreams. See and act from their
#21: In times of turmoil, it matters not that we forgot we are infinite, unlimited beings. What
matters most, is how quickly we remember.
#22: Most times, regrets are things we didn't do, not those we did.
#23: Take the time today to be good to you, in thoughts, deeds and actions--but especially in your
#24: Remember, perspective can cause two people to look at the same thing and see two totally
different things.
#25: Every good thing you do creates ripples that you may not see. Do them anyway.
#26: For today, think positive thoughts, believe in yourself and others, share hugs and spread
love. at's it--nothing else.
#27: Everything starts from gratitude. Everything. From there, all else lines up for you.
#28: Life is more meaningful when our goal is fulfillment rather than gratification.
#29: Focus on the WHY of life and not the HOW, remembering that where focus goes, energy
flows. #30: Change your thoughts and you'll change your world.
#31: Collaboration and cooperation will beat competition every time. ink abundantly. Speak
authentically. Serve willingly. You have enough. You are enough.
#32: Nothing has the power to radically change a life more than an attitude adjustment.
#34: Success o en comes to those who are too naïve to know that what they're trying to do is
#35: Sometimes the greatest gi you can give another is to ask for help. ere is pleasure in giving.
#37: You can summit the biggest mountain by simply taking the first step.
#38: Either way you're going off the ledge. So why not jump now so God doesn't have to push
you? Your wings are beautiful!
#39: To achieve your dream, see the world as you want it to be, not as it may appear to be.
#40: We make room for love when we first invite understanding into our hearts.
#42: As you close your eyes tonight, may you know how blessed you are and celebrate with
gratitude. #43: Remember, you are an infinite being and deserve a day filled with unlimited
#44: Start with your beliefs, which will lead your thoughts, which will create your actions, which
will produce your results.
#45: Change requires you to shi your identity of who you are.
#46: When we focus on what we can do instead of what we can't, a world of possibility opens
unto us.
#47: Adversity can be turned to opportunity simply by adjusting our perception and our attitude.
#48: Play and don't take yourself or the world so seriously. Create reasons to laugh!
#51: Take time each day to connect to the Divine. Trust that there is a plan even if you only see a
fraction of it.
#52: e fastest way to get to the life you want is to just play make believe that you already have
it today.
#53: Integrity is holding fast to our convictions regardless of the consequences and never
compromising our ideals or values, even if it affects the bottom line.
#54: Ah...for the next moment, allow yourself to be a human BEing rather than a human DOing.
Do nothing, just BE. Ah...
#55: If you have to doubt something, let it be your own perceived limitations. Expand, stretch
and believe!
#56: When you start your day with gratitude everything falls into place with grace and ease.
#57: Go make your life the one you have always wanted, knowing you have the power to make it
#58: e music of success is sweetest when you play in a band of winners. Surround yourself with
#59: With the right attitude anything is possible.
#60: Action is the step many forget when they wonder what happened to their dream.
#61: Your expectations for any given situation will greatly influence the end result.
#62: In this very moment you hold the power to change someone else's life for the better. Go do
#63: Change your beliefs and you’ll change your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you’ll
change your habits. Change your habits and your life opens to unlimited possibility.
#67: Find people who believe in you until you can believe in yourself.
#68: e more clear you are in the vision of what you want in life, the brighter the spotlight will be
to lead you on the right path.
#69: We o en learn too late that we spent too much time worrying about the things that
mattered least.
#70: Chances are, when you fall asleep with a prayer of gratitude on your lips, you'll wake with a
song of joy in your heart.
#71: Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breath more; talk less, say more; hate
less, love more; and all good things shall be yours.
#72: Abundance flows more freely to you when it continues to flow outward from you, as you
pass it on.
#73: Don't let your fear of the hazards keep your ship in the harbor. Cast off your lines and sail
#74: If you can’t change the circumstances, change your attitude. Funny thing is, when you do,
you’ll find that the circumstances o en change.
#75: Size matters, so keep your dreams big and your worries small.
#76: Know that deep inside, you are resilient, brave and so much stronger and more powerful
than your fears.
#77: Beyond words, beyond actions, beyond feelings--know in your core that you are loved.
#78: We can get so much further in life through collaboration rather than competition. One plus
one equals eleven, not two.
#79: Problems do not define who you are unless you allow them to. Remember your
#80: To improve what shows up in the exterior of your world, first, be still and improve the
#81: e shortest path to success--focus on the 'what' and the 'why', not the 'how'. Works every
#82: Your actions, thoughts and words today are but seeds for tomorrow’s garden.
#83: No matter what the past may look like, without our permission, our yesterday does not have
the power to determine our tomorrow.
#84: When we celebrate in advance, things have a way of lining up for us more quickly.
#85: When we look for the good and expect it to show up, we'll always find it.
#86: If we knew how loved, how Divine, how unlimited we really are, we'd see one another
through tears of joy.
#87: At the end of life we're going to ask--Did I live? Did I love? Ask it now. e clock is ticking,
you'd better start living.
#88: “Can't” isn't a word. You have the power to do, be or create anything.
#89: If you wait for everything to be perfect before taking action on your dream, you'll never take
the first step.
#90: When we change our beliefs on the inside, we will transform our results on our outside
#91: It's impossible to be of service to others and feel sorry for yourself. Choose one.
#92: If we allow our definition of what's possible to be based on how big someone else can dream,
our dream will die.
#93: Gratitude must be part magic, for when I fill my heart with gratitude, anything is possible.
#94: For the next moment, allow yourself to be a human BEing rather than a human DOing.
#95: When you focus on faith rather than fear, you tap into a strength to carry you over even the
tallest of mountains.
#96: e power to change the world starts with us first changing our belief and ourselves.
#97: Our dreams have no limitations except those that we place on them.
#98: Each day take the time to reconnect and remember, you are an infinite being with unlimited
#99: Treat all others as if the entire world were watching your actions.
#101: Abundance isn't something that you have, it's who you already are.
#104: A decision is nothing more than a choice to eliminate other options and follow your path
with determination.
#105: We imagine the worst. If you're going to use your imagination, imagine GOOD things
#106: Choose to love with all your heart, even if it sometimes breaks.
#109: When Universal timing and our timing are different, that doesn't mean that things aren't
Trust the process.
#110: What other people think about you isn't about you. It's about them.
#111: May you be blessed with thoughts and opportunities and take action that will create
abundance in your life.
#112: Your thoughts become things. You decide. You rule. at's pretty cool.
#113: Beating yourself up doesn't benefit anyone. Focus on what you choose to create instead.
#114: Being kind to you is really being kind to me, for we are but individual parts of the same
#115: Illusions can appear real but we get to choose whether or not to buy into them.
#116: When we learn to find the blessing in any situation, we've mastered this journey called
"life". #117: What would you do if you knew that your wildest dreams could come true and that
you couldn't fail?
#121: If you don't ask for what you want, the answer is already NO. Why not ask, and maybe the
answer will be YES!?
#123: Realize that you have the power to do, be or create anything in your life. Anything.
#124: Nobody's perfect. We all fall down. What matters most is how quickly we get back up, learn
from our mistakes and move on!
#125: You can't worry yourself out of a bad situation, but you can believe yourself out of it!
#127: Gratitude, kindness and caring are more powerful than any problem you think you have.
#128: Life works better when we go with the flow rather than fight the current.
#129: Love is letting others know how much you appreciate them.
#134: Worry is the #1 thief of our time and has the power to rob you of beauty of today.
#136: With laughter or love, the more you give the more you'll receive.
#137: Sometimes we may forget who we are. But what matters most is how quickly we remember
our magnificence.
#138: When you surround yourself with people who support your dreams, you will achieve
success more quickly.
#139: You will go through pain in your life, but how you choose to respond to it is your choice.
#140: Even the largest of fires starts from a tiny spark. at same potential is within you, so set
your dreams on fire!
#141: Laughter is not only contagious, but is experienced in a deeper way when it is shared.
#142: Life is magical when we are bold and have the courage to move forward into the unknown,
rather than backwards into security.
#143: Kindness is God's reminder that we see through our eyes but connect through our hearts.
#144: Realize that what’s happening around you doesn't define who you are.
#145: Instead of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.
#146: Change your attitude to “I’ll see it when I believe it ”--not the other way around.
#147: Pain may be inevitable but remember, suffering is optional.
#148: You are Divine energy in human form--you are only as limited as your thoughts.
#149: Make your life a garden where you plant seeds of possibility and water them with gratitude.
#150: You are an unlimited being filled with infinite possibility--with the power to be, do or create
anything that you desire in your life.
#151: e best thing about a hug is that when you give one away you still have an endless supply.
#152: Just as in nature where the antidote and the poison grow side by side, you'll never be given
a dream without the ability to make it happen.
#153: Success looks at adversity as a step to something greater, not a wall to stop progress.
#154: Choose consciously and wisely. You are only one choice away from changing your world.
#156: One of the amazing things about this chess game called "life", is that we get to choose if
we want to be the chess master or the pawn.
#157: Even if life is a bumpy road or your dreams are taking a circuitous route, take time to live
in the moment and enjoy the scenery along the way.
#158: Someone in the world is better off today because of something you've done.
#159: Know that there is enough for all of us--enough money, enough opportunity, enough love
for all of us to be happy.
#160: Adversity happens to everyone and it is not an excuse for abandoning our dreams.
#161: We may not choose our circumstances but we do choose our attitude and our response.
#163: We make the greatest difference in the world when we find a cause that's bigger than our
fears and step forward with faith.
#164: Love eradicates fear like light dispels darkness, so shine your love on the world!
#166: You are not the troubles that happen to you. You are magnificence unfolding. Allow it to
#167: Life works best when we focus on where we're going rather than where we've been.
#168: e number one way to improve your life is through the conscious practice of gratitude.
#169: On your deathbed, regrets are usually of things you didn't do, not things you did! So, go do
#172: Let your thoughts and actions come only from a place of love.
#173: If you've hit a wall or the door has closed, keep looking until you find the window, for
there's always a solution.
#174: When the dream is BIG enough, we find the motivation to get through the tough times.
#176: ALL people have adversity. What separates the good from the great is how we choose to
react to it. #177: Blessings happen more frequently when we take the time to notice them.
#178: e quality of your life will be in direct proportion to the level of your gratitude.
#179: Be not afraid to surrender your beliefs on how things “should” be, to the greater will of the
#181: You were born an infinite being with unlimited potential--and you still are that
#182: You can only do one thing at any time--dream, plan or worry. Kinda makes worry a silly
third choice, no?
#183: Sometimes the only change we need is a change in how we see the world.
#184: More forward with confidence, knowing in the core of your being that you have the power
to achieve your dreams.
#185: When the purpose is big enough, we find the courage to move mountains.
#186: Take love with you in all things that you do and leave only ripples of kindness behind you.
#187: Today, please share appreciation, spread the love and happiness and watch what happens.
#188: Just as the birds receive what they need each day, live your life knowing that abundance is
already yours.
#189: Adversity provides the opportunity for the best part of us to shine.
#190: When you accept that you're exactly where you're supposed to be in this moment and that
you have all that you need, miracles happen.
#191: Take responsibility for your actions and inactions, realizing that at all times, you get to
choose how to act or react.
#192: Inspiration is the rocket fuel that makes ordinary days extraordinary.
#193: Love everyone. Life is just too short for anything else.
#194: Live in the present. It's the only thing that truly exists. Never look back unless you are
planning to go that way.
#198: Play BIG, make it fun or don't play at all. Might as well make it worth the effort, no?
#199: ere are few things in life that can't be solved by a bubble bath.
#200: Dream big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day. Follow your passion.
Believe in yourself.
#201: Love is the answer to any of your questions today. Just start there first and watch magic
#202: Just because no one's ever done it before doesn't mean it's impossible. Go for it!
#203: Knowing that what we focus on grows, count your blessings instead of your problems.
#204: Feeling stuck? e best way to get unstuck is to go do something for someone else!
#205: Live purposefully. Give abundantly. Love unconditionally. Hug joyfully. Celebrate gratefully.
#206: Happiness is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.
#207: When your burning desire for success is greater than your deepest fear of failure, you can
create anything in your life!
#208: No one deserves loving kindness today more than you do.
#209: Tomorrow, when you are a beautiful butterfly, it will be hard to remember your days as a
#210: Even enlightened people have problems. e only difference is in their reaction to them.
#212: What you get from life will be in direct proportion to what you give TO life.
#213: You cannot discover new lands unless you take your ship out of the harbor. Sail on brave
#214: Appreciate where you've been, anticipate where you're going, but most importantly,
cherish where you are in this moment.
#215: Laugh more + love more = live a longer, healthier and happier life.
#216: Once you understand that abundance is there for everyone, life gets much easier.
#217: If you're going through a rough time, the Universe just might be preparing you for
something greater.
#218: Your worst day may be someone else's best day. It's all perspective. How we see ourselves
changes how we see the world.
#219: e false beliefs we have in our heads are our only cause of unhappiness. Change our
thought, change our world.
#220: Know that the real gi you give isn't the presents--it's your presence.
#221: Love's the only road to travel.
#222: Serendipity happens to us all every day. e key to the frequency and importance is simple:
Pay attention.
#223: Even if you don't know how to complete a project, just take the first step. ere is power in
#224: Everything happens for a reason, even if you don't understand it in the moment.
#225: Rather than fighting the wind, it's much easier to trim the sails.
#226: May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease and know
that you are loved.
#227: Do something today that makes you grow. Stretch your boundaries and reach outside of
the box.
#228: Every day, dream and be inspired. Read a good story, sing a song, play in Nature and share
#229: e first step to loving someone is understanding who they are. Listen with your heart.
#230: What's possible for you in your life? Ask. Trust. Infinite possibilities are born of faith.
#233: Life is richer when we celebrate our successes rather than focusing on our failures.
#234: For all that you do, and all that you are, no one deserves loving kindness today more than
you do. #235: e only way to bring something into your life is to first believe that it's possible,
for without vision and belief, nothing happens.
#236: No matter the question, love is always the answer. Start there first and watch magic unfold.
#238: Go with the flow and be willing to allow change into your life, for change is the only thing
that's constant.
#239: e more you worry, the less you dream. Choose to dream.
#241: Anything is possible. e most audacious dreams can be realized, by intention, preparation,
action and unwavering belief.
#242: ere is greater value in implementation than in simply having an idea. Make it happen.
#243: A single candle can light the way for the masses. Today, shine brightly.
#244: inking that we have to create abundance is like thinking we have to create sunshine. We
ARE abundance.
#245: e problem is not that there are problems. e problem is expecting otherwise and thinking
that having problems is a problem.
#246: Belief, not worry, is the only way out of a bad situation.
#247: What we choose to do in each moment defines where we're going in our life.
#248: Live to give and give to life. Giving is the reason for living.
#249: Praise is one of the best inexpensive gi s we can shower on others. Catch someone doing
something right.
#250: If I have any regrets at the end of my life, I want them to be for the things I did do, not
those that I didn't.
#251: Limitations are nothing more than artificial boundaries that we create to feel safe.
Remember, you can do anything!
#252: Wake with gratitude, work with joy, live with integrity, play with gusto and insomnia will
never be a problem.
#253: You don't have the ability to change the wind, but you get to choose how to trim your sails.
#255: It is your attitude that will determine your altitude in life. Confidence and optimism will
take you to the top of the mountain.
#256: We have a finite amount of time, so the more we worry, the less time we have to dream.
For me, I think I'd rather dream.
#257: e most important person to love, is YOU. Once you do that, it's easier to love everyone
#258: For the next hour--disconnect. Rather than being available to the world--realize that you
ARE the world.
#259: Happiness is something that happens from a choice within, rather than from circumstance
outside of ourselves.
#260: Nothing eliminates pain and difficulty in our life faster than a greater purpose.
#261: Dream incessantly, Believe completely, Act daily, Risk intuitively, Celebrate continually.
#262: Kindness and love will conquer fear and illusion any day.
#265: For every thought you have today, unseen forces will line up to make it happen for you, so,
think good thoughts.
#267: Do something special to inspire someone else today, and chances are, it will touch your life
#268: For all things, for all reasons, express your gratitude.
#270: When we learn to label challenging situations or problems as fascinating rather then
frustrating, something shi s within that allows the solution to reveal itself.
#271: Everyday, if we find someone who's having a bad day and send them some love, we just
might change the world.
#272: When you're able to look at the world as cooperative rather then competitive, everything
changes and there is enough for everyone.
#273: e worst things that ever happen to us are the stories we tell ourselves. Misery comes only
from believing our thinking.
#274: Believe that you can do it, for when you believe, doors will open unto you.
#275: When you feel sad or stuck, remember your life can change in the flash of a moment, and
perhaps that moment is now.
#276: e gi of oneself is the greatest thing we can give. Be present.
#277: Send a blessing today to the person in your life who you'd least want to bless--and see what
happens. Love is always the answer.
#278: If you are worthy of the breath of life, you are worthy of all else. Let it in.
#279: When we think with no limits, we allow God to show us a bigger, better dream of possibility.
#280: Live simply, love deeply and know your own inner wisdom.
#281: e only thing that makes a good day different from a bad day, Is simply our perception.
#282: Follow your heart--not your fears. Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real.
#283: To achieve success, attitude is more important than assets, aptitude, age or anything else.
#284: Just the fear of failure--not failure itself--has the ability to stop greatness in its tracks.
#285: It's easy to show kindness and love others when you first love yourself.
#286: Live your life with no regrets. Bless the past and let it go.
#287: Sometimes we forget who we are. Remember--you are an infinite being with unlimited
#288: Our strength and resilience are always in direct proportion to our level of adversity.
#289: e fear of the storm is always worse than the storm itself.
#290: If you must follow something rather than lead, let it be your own bliss.
#291: Dream big and make life fun! Do something outrageous each day.
#292: Your life will improve exponentially when you improve the life of another.
#293: Believing that you lack abundance is like a fish believing that it lacks water. You are
#294: As we grow, the obstacles in our path shrink in proportion, so that what once appeared as
a boulder becomes a mere stepping stone.
#295: Follow your passion, listen to your dreams, believe in yourself and all good things will come
your way.
#296: e fastest way to get from fear to abundance is by a shortcut called gratitude.
#297: Rather than asking, "What's the worst that could happen?", instead, ask yourself, "What's
the BEST that could happen?"
#298: Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Simple, easy.
#299: When everything we do comes from a place of love rather than fear, we will have achieved
peace on Earth.
#300: Your taking a deep breath doesn't diminish my air supply any more than your success
prevents mine. We are abundance.
#301: We stumble, we fall, we get back up again. Guess which part is the most important?
#302: Change happens first in our mind, then in our world. Believe it and then you'll see it.
#303: e world needs you to live out your dream, as no one can sing your song or dance your
dance quite like you can.
#304: ink good thoughts. Do good things. Be good to the world and to yourself. Easy.
#305: e fact that we share the same fears should unite us, not divide us.
#306: In the midst of constant change, the one thing that remains the same is the essence of who
we are and the greater sense of knowing found deep within ourselves.
#307: Bless your enemies. Forgive others and yourself. You can't swim with an anchor tied to your
#308: Luck isn't something that happens to you--it's something you create.
#309: It's not about who gets there first, but who's had the most fun on the journey.
#310: On this beautiful day, take time to be grateful, for from that alone, the magic of the
Universe will be revealed to you.
#312: When you can look a coming storm in the face without fear, you have mastered your life.
#313: You touch everyone you interact with in either a positive or negative way. Make it positive.
#314: No matter what it might feel like, know that you are never alone.
#315: Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are spiritual beings having a human
#316: It helps to know that as we go through painful times, we get to choose how to respond to
#317: When our burning desire for success is greater than our deepest fear of failure, we have
the power to create anything in our life!
#318: What's happening outside of you is irrelevant compared to what's happening inside.
#320: Circumstances can’t affect whether or not you are happy, when your happiness is not
dependent upon a reason.
#321: Collaboration is the new black. Competition only exists in our minds. ere's plenty for all of
#322: You are the painter of the masterpiece called life, and your attitude is the brush.
#323: If you can see the life of your dreams it tends to show up even faster. Dream it. See it. Live
#324: When you can be happy right now, in spite of problems, you'll find they disappear much
more quickly.
#325: Seek knowledge while knowing that all the answers to all the questions are already inside
of you.
#326: In retrospect, some of the greatest blessings in my life have come from adversity.
#327: If we could stand in another's shoes, we wouldn't be so quick to judge one another ever
#328: Rather than rowing your own boat, take action by setting your sails and stepping into the
wind. Sail on!
#329: What if all your problems could be solved by one tiny idea? e answer is within--pay
attention and listen.
#330: Life is like a trapeze: you have to let go of one place to get to another. Swing, release,
catch... swing, release, catch.
#332: Be grateful, for from gratitude alone the magic of the Universe will be revealed to you.
#333: e greatest gi you can ever give to others is the gi of just being you.
#335: Meditate and pray on understanding, not outcome, knowing there is blessing in everything.
#336: Rather than seeking gratification, which is fleeting, create lasting fulfillment instead.
#337: Enjoy the journey, knowing that what appears to be the shortest path isn't always the best
#338: e nutritional choices we make today will directly affect the health of our bodies tomorrow.
Choose wisely.
#339: You'll always find what you're looking for, either the good or the bad, in any situation... but
finding the good is more fun.
#342: You are a spiritual being enjoying a human experience--part of something so much greater
that will live forever.
#343: If you're going to take the time to do it, do it right the first time.
#344: Never allow the size of your dreams to be limited by what someone else thinks is possible.
#345: Nature is the Universe's way of making sure we remember the magnificence of who we
really are.
#346: When we focus on faith rather than fear, anything becomes possible.
#347: We have a choice to make time for silence to hear God's whisper, or wait for him to get our
attention with a sledgehammer.
#348: If your dreams don't scare you just a little bit, you're not playing big enough in the world.
#350: Carrying yesterday's problems with you today is like trying to fly while carrying a sack of
rocks. #351: Not making a choice IS making a choice--and it's not always the best one.
#352: Don’t wait until you lose something to realize how much you have to be grateful for in this
#353: Whether we tell ourselves "Life is hard" or "Life is easy", we'll be right.
#354: Miracles can happen from just sending wishes of loving kindness to another.
#356: Rather than telling others how to live their life, lovingly show them by example.
#357: Never let the quality of the music determine the quality of the dance.
#358: Many proudly say they don’t fear death, yet live their lives as if they fear living.
#359: When we realize we only have 86,400 seconds each day--and when they're gone, they're
gone--it makes us more conscious of the value of time.
#360: Sometimes the lesson is in asking the question, not in finding the answer.
#361: Money doesn't change people, but rather, only amplifies that which a person already is.
#362: e older we get, the greater importance we place on time spent with loved ones.
#364: Our light shines the brightest when we are working on something bigger than ourselves.
#365: Adversity is but a gentle hand to shape you into something greater.
Author’s Notes
It is my sincere hope that this book of inspiration helps you to remember how incredible you
really are. Read it when you’re down and need a pick-me-up, or when you’re flying and want to
go just a little bit higher. Either way, these words are given as a gi to you to help you on your
I would like to express my gratitude for some of the important people without whom my work
would not be possible.
Second, to Mariel, one of our brightest lights, thank you for taking the time to write the foreword
for this book. I greatly appreciate your kind words and loving support of the work of
InspireMeToday.com and of me personally. Your inspiration changes lives and I’m grateful for
your friendship.
Last but not least, my sincere thanks to Kristan and Max, for without you InspireMeToday.com
wouldn’t exist. ank you!
To the members of our InspireMeToday.com community and tribe through Twitter and Facebook,
this inspiration is for you. Each day through our online interactions you share a part of your day
with me, and for that I am grateful.
Last but not least, to you who are reading this, thank you. May you always remember that you
are an infinite being with unlimited potential. Go make your life rock!
Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of InspireMeToday.com, bringing the best inspiration to the
world. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberté,
Seth Godin, Tony Hsieh, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield, Jon
Berghoff, Jon Vroman, and hundreds more.
Prior to InspireMeToday.com, and a er years in the commercial real estate business, Gail spent
several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly, as a result of the success of
their co-penned song, “Baby Come Back Home.” Gail accompanied her daughter to bases around
the world, where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the “World's Longest
Letter” of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and
the Persian Gulf in 2006.
Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and
mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana.