WordPress Theme Development HandBook by Tahir Taous PDF
WordPress Theme Development HandBook by Tahir Taous PDF
WordPress Theme Development HandBook by Tahir Taous PDF
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85 Tools for
WordPress Theme
Table of content
1. Best Tools to build powerful WordPress Themes
Tools to build powerful
WordPress Themes
The web is a vast place with some fantastically good resources and
tools available for WordPress Theme Developers. Unfortunately, it’s
very easy to miss some of the best out there.
WordPress developers are always busy and they don't have much time and it
seems unreasonable to expect everyone to be able to keep up with
everything (Tools, Plugins, Starter Themes etc)that becomes available.
Web and WordPress Theme development tools make your work more
productive and therefore faster, plus they give you access to the latest
techniques. Almost all popular web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari
etc) have web development tools built‐in.
For example, Chrome and Firefox developer tools allows you to not only edit
your web pages but also allows you to test your responsive design with in
browser developer tools quickly and very easily.
With Chrome's remote debugging feature, you can test your WordPress
themes and any other websites on real android devices. I have been using
Remote debugging feature for a while to test my responsive WordPress
themes on real android devices and I love it.
You are probably already using the developer tools provided by the big
browsers, like Google Chrome and Firefox. You’ll know about the headache of
HTML5 and be well‐versed on the importance of a responsive website.
There are some great WordPress Theme Development tools that you’ll quite
possibly already be using in some form, or have a similar alternative –
WordPress on XAMPP, WordPress on WAMP, Bitnami WordPress Installer or
Automattic’s free and very popular Underscores (_s) starter theme, to name
just a few.
But what about the WordPress Theme development tools that you probably
aren’t using? Knowing about their features and how they can help you to test
and develop powerful WordPress themes.
Browsers Development Tools,
Extension and other tools
Browser developer are most important part of web design and development.
All modern browsers allows you to create, edit or test your WordPress themes.
Using developer tools to edit web pages was common and normally
developers use developer tools to edit CSS quickly and easily.
But do you know you can even use browser developer tools to test your
WordPress themes on real devices, You can also create and edit almost all
files of WordPress themes with Chrome developer tools using Sources and
Remote Debugging feature.
With remote debugging feature you can run your local WordPress site on your
Android device. You will have to use Port Forwarding feature.
Browsers Developer Tools
So it's time to explore all the amazing features, which these browser
developers tools oers.
4. Opera Dragonfly
5. Microsoft Edge Developer Tools
10 Firefox Addons for Web and
WordPress Developers
1. View Source Chart colorcoded and foldable page source view
5. MeasureIt for Firefox lets you Draw a ruler across any webpage to
check the width, height, or alignment of page elements in pixels.
Chrome Extensions for web
4. MeasureIt for Chrome Draw out a ruler to get the pixel width and
height of any elements on a webpage.
5. WordPress Site Manager stores WordPress sites and also brings more
functionality to the theme editor.
9. Check My Links lis a ink checker that crawls through your webpage
and looks for broken links.
11 Tools: Local
Development Servers
Local WordPress Development Environments
Local development servers are very popular among web developers. With
these tools you can install and set up WordPress site locally on your PC, MAC
or Linux machine very easily.
MAC only
MAMP Free to $59: MAMP Server free version is enough to set up local
WordPress sites. Advance users can buy pro version which oers more
advance features.
How to install WordPrrss
Locally: Tutorials
F T P, Back Up, Migration: 9 Tools
4. Transmit (MAC) for FTP (again, I usually just use SVN) Parallels w/
Windows XP for crossbrowser testing
Code Editors for WordPress
Code Editors are most important part of any developer toolkit. Writing code in
Code Editor is very easy. Code editors oers so many features to make
developers coding workflow better. Code editors saves a lot of time, oers
syntax highlighting, finding and fixing errors is very easy easy with code
For popular Code Editors additional plugins/addons are also available to add
additional features to your code editors. For example, i am a big fan of Emmet
a very popular and powerful plugin for popular code editors.
With Emmet you can write HTML and CSS code very quickly and easily. You
can even create HTML markup for whole HTML page with one simple Emmet
abbreviation. You can learn more about Emmet at Emmet.io
There are many free and premium Code Editor are available. Normally you
don't need to buy a premium code editor. Free code editors oers enough
features and functionality to make your coding workflow much better.
Here is a list of some very popular and free code editors. I personallu use
SublimeText and Brackets. In the past, I have used NotePad++ as well bt now i
prefer SublimeText which oers unlimited free trial.
8. Coda 2 is a popular Code Editor and you can use WP Syntax plugin for
WordPress Development.
9. Atom
10. Vim
12. Coda2
13. NetBeans
CSS Preprocessors,
Code Editor Plugins &
1. Less CSS: Less is a CSS pre‐processor, meaning that it extends the
CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions
and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more
maintainable, themable and extendable.
4. CodeKit ($32) is a very powrful and popular App for MAC users.
CodeKit can compile Less, Sass, Stylus, CoeeScript, Typescript, Jade,
Haml, Slim, Markdown & Javascript. Oer Auto‐Refresh Browsers and
with built‐in Bower you can install 6,000+ components with a single
click including Bootstrap, jQuery, Modernizr, Zurb Foundation, even
6. Emmet: A free plugin for dierent code editors to write code quicly and
easily. Emmet is written in pure JavaScript and works across dierent
platforms: web browser, Node.js, Microsoft WSH and Mozilla Rhino.
7. Fire.App: A CodeKit like tool for windows is fire.app (it also runs on
linux and mac). Love Sass/Compass but hate command line interface?
Fire.app has first class Sass/Compass support just like our
Compass.app. No more vendor CSS prefixes and hand‐crafting sprite
images!. Fire.app works on Mac, Linux, and Windows platform. The
installation process is as easy as clicking and dragging.
10. LiveReload CSS edits and image changes apply live. CoeeScript,
SASS, LESS and others just work. LiveReload monitors changes in the
file system. As soon as you save a file, it is preprocessed as needed,
and the browser is refreshed.
11. Scout App is a cross‐platform app that delivers the power of Sass &
Compass into the hands of web designers. Scout helps make your CSS
workflow a snap by delivering more control, optimization, and
12. Crunch 2 Crunch lets you write Less, Sass, CoeeScript, Markdown*,
and then automatically saves CSS, JavaScript, and HTML after you’ve
made changes. Want to write just plain CSS? XML? Haskell?
MUSHCode? Crunch lets you do that too. “Crunch 2 is an editor that
lets you do what you want. Because Crunch loves you.”
Starter Themes and
1. Underscore Start Theme: One of the best and most popular WordPress
starter theme that help WordPress theme developers to build
awesome WordPress themes with best practices.
CSS Frameworks to build
Responsive Themes
1. Bootstrap CSS Framework by former Twitter designers
10. Semantic UI
11. SUSY
12. INK
Thanks for reading
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