Jumamil Vs Cafe
Jumamil Vs Cafe
Jumamil Vs Cafe
144570 September 21, 2005 and ordered the petitioner to pay attorney’s fees in the amount of ₱1,000
to each of the 57 private respondents.3
vs. The factual antecedents follow.
DAMASCENO AGUIRRE, RAMON PARING, MARIO ARGUELLES, In 1989, petitioner Jumamil4 filed before the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
of Panabo, Davao del Norte a petition for declaratory relief with prayer
for preliminary injunction and writ of restraining order against public
respondents Mayor Jose J. Cafe and the members of the Sangguniang
ARGUELLES, LAO SUI KIEN, SAMUEL CONSOLACION, DR. Bayan of Panabo, Davao del Norte. He questioned the constitutionality of
ARTURO MONTERO, DRA. LILIOSA MONTERO, PEDRO LACIA, Municipal Resolution No. 7, Series of 1989 (Resolution No. 7).
ARSENIO SARMIENTO, ELIZABETH SY, METODIO NAVASCA, Resolution No. 7, enacting Appropriation Ordinance No. 111, provided
HELEN VIRTUDAZO, IRENE LIMBAGA, SYLVIA BUSTAMANTE, for an initial appropriation of ₱765,000 for the construction of stalls
JUANA DACALUS, NELLIE RICAMORA, JUDITH ESPINOSA, PAZ around a proposed terminal fronting the Panabo Public Market5 which
OLAIR, LORITA MENCIAS, RENATO ARIETA, EDITHA ACUZAR, Subsequently, the petition was amended due to the passage of Resolution
LEONARDA VILLACAMPA, ELIAS JARDINICO, BOBINO No. 49, series of 1989 (Resolution No. 49), denominated as Ordinance
NAMUAG, FELIMON NAMUAG, EDGAR CABUNOC, HELEN No. 10, appropriating a further amount of ₱1,515,000 for the construction
of additional stalls in the same public market.6
TACOTCHE RANAIN, AVELINO DELOS REYES and ROGASIANO Prior to the passage of these resolutions, respondent Mayor Cafe had
OROPEZA, Respondent. already entered into contracts with those who advanced and deposited
(with the municipal treasurer) from their personal funds the sum of
DECISION ₱40,000 each. Some of the parties were close friends and/or relatives of
the public respondents.7 The construction of the stalls which petitioner
sought to stop through the preliminary injunction in the RTC was
nevertheless finished, rendering the prayer therefor moot and academic.
The leases of the stalls were then awarded by public raffle which,
In this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of however, was limited to those who had deposited ₱40,000 each.8 Thus,
Court, petitioner Vivencio V. Jumamil seeks to reverse the decision of the the petition was amended anew to include the 57 awardees of the stalls as
Court of Appeals dated July 24, 20001 in CA-G.R. CV No. 35082, the private respondents.9
dispositive portion of which read:
Petitioner alleges that Resolution Nos. 7 and 49 were unconstitutional
With the foregoing, the assailed Decision of Branch 4, Regional Trial because they were:
Court of Panabo Davao dated 26 November 1990 in Sp. Civil Action No.
89-1 is hereby AFFIRMED.2
…passed for the business, occupation, enjoyment and benefit of private
respondents who deposited the amount of ₱40,000.00 for each stall, and
The Regional Trial Court dismissed petitioner’s petition for declaratory with whom also the mayor had a prior contract to award the would be
relief with prayer for preliminary injunction and writ of restraining order, constructed stalls to all private respondents.… As admitted by public
Declaratory Relief
respondents some of the private respondents are close friends and/or The RTC, after receipt of the entry of the SC judgment,17 dismissed the
relatives of some of the public respondents which makes the questioned pending petition on November 26, 1990. It adopted the ruling in CA G.R.
acts discriminatory. The questioned resolutions and ordinances did not SP No. 20424:
provide for any notice of publication that the special privilege and
unwarranted benefits conferred on the private respondents maybe (sic) xxxxxxxxx
availed of by anybody who can deposit the amount of ₱40,000.00.10
We find petitioners’ aforesaid submission utterly devoid of merit. It is, to
Neither was there any prior notice or publication pertaining to contracts say the least, questionable whether or not a special civil action for
entered into by public and private respondents for the construction of declaratory relief can be filed in relation to a contract by persons who are
stalls to be awarded to private respondents that the same can be availed not parties thereto. Under Sec. 1 of Rule 64 of the Rules of Court, any
of by anybody willing to deposit ₱40,000.00.11 person interested under a deed, will, contract, or other written instruments
may bring an action to determine any question of the contract, or validly
In this petition, petitioner prays for the reversal of the decision of the arising under the instrument for a declaratory (sic) of his rights or duties
Court of Appeals (CA) and a declaration of the unconstitutionality, thereunder. Since contracts take effect only between the parties (Art.
illegality and nullity of the questioned resolutions/ordinances and lease 1311) it is quite plain that one who is not a party to a contract can not
contracts entered into by the public and private respondents; for the have the interest in it that the rule requires as a basis for declaratory reliefs
declaration of the illegality of the award of the stalls during the pendency (PLUM vs. Santos, 45 SCRA 147).
of this action and for the re-raffling and award of the stalls in a manner
that is fair and just to all interested applicants;12for the issuance of an Following this ruling, the petitioners were not parties in the agreement for
order to the local government to admit any and all interested persons who the award of the market stalls by the public respondents, in the public
can deposit the amount of ₱40,000 for a stall and to order a re-raffling for market of Panabo, Davao, and since the petitioners were not parties to the
the award of the stalls to the winners of the re-raffle; for the nullification award of the market stalls and whose rights are never affected by merely
of the award of attorney’s fees to private respondents on the ground that stating that they are taxpayers, they have no legal interest in the
it was erroneous and unmeritorious; and for the award of damages in favor controversy and they are not, therefore, entitled to bring an action for
of petitioner in the form of attorney’s fees.13 declaratory relief.18
At the outset, we must point out that the issue of the constitutionality of WHEREFORE, the petition of the petitioners as taxpayers being without
the questioned resolutions was never ruled upon by both the RTC and the merit and not in consonance with law, is hereby ordered DISMISSED.
As to the counterclaim for damages, the same not having been actually
It appears that on May 21, 1990, both parties agreed14 to await the and fully proven, the Court gives no award as to the same. It is not amiss
decision in CA G.R. SP No. 20424,15 which involved similar facts, issues to state here that the petitioners agreed to be bound by the outcome of
and parties. The RTC, consequently, deferred the resolution of the Special Civil Case No. 89-10.
pending petition. The appellate court eventually rendered its decision in
that case finding that the petitioners were not entitled to the declaratory However, for unnecessarily dragging into Court the fifty-seven (57)
relief prayed for as they had no legal interest in the controversy. Upon private respondents who are bonafide businessmen and stall holders in the
elevation to the Supreme Court as UDK Case No. 9948, the petition for public market of Panabo, it is fitting and proper for the petitioners to be
review on certiorari was denied for being insufficient in form and ordered payment of attorney’s fees.
substance. 16
Declaratory Relief
Accordingly, the herein petitioners are ordered to pay ONE THOUSAND (f) Adequate relief is not available through other means or other forms of
(₱1,000.00) PESOS EACH to the 57 private respondents, as attorney’s action or proceeding.
fees, jointly and severally, and for them to pay the costs of this suit.
In Tolentino vs. Board of Accountancy, et al, 90 Phil. 83, 88, the Supreme
SO ORDERED.19 Court ratiocinated the requisites of justiciability of an action for
declaratory relief by saying that the court must be "satisfied that an actual
From this adverse decision, petitioner again appealed to the Court of controversy, or the ripening seeds of one, exists between parties, all of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 35082 which is now before us for review. whom are sui juris and before the court, and that the declaration sought
will be a practical help in ending the controversy."
The appellate court, yet again, affirmed the RTC decision and held that:
The petition must show "an active antagonistic assertion of a legal right
Res judicata does not set in a case dismissed for lack of capacity to sue, on one side and a denial thereof on the other concerning a real, and not a
because there has been no determination on the merits. Neither does the mere theoretical question or issue. The question is whether the facts
law of the case apply. However, the court a quo took judicial notice of the alleged a substantial controversy between parties having adverse legal
fact that petitioners agreed to be bound by the outcome of Special Civil interests, of sufficient immediacy and reality to warrant the issuance of a
Case No. 89-10. Allegans contraria non est audiendus. (He is not to be declaratory relief. In GSISEA and GSISSU vs. Hon. Alvendia etc. and
heard who alleges things contradictory to each other.) It must be here GSIS, 108 Phil. 505, the Supreme Court ruled a declaratory relief
observed that petitioners-appellants were the ones who manifested that it improper or unnecessary when it appears to be a moot case, since it seeks
would be practical to await the decision of the Supreme Court in their to get a judgment on a pretended controversy, when in reality there is
petition for certiorari, for after all the facts, circumstances and issues in none. In Kawasaki Port Service Corporation vs. Amores, 199 SCRA 230,
that case, are exactly the same as in the case that is here appealed. citing Dy Poco vs. Commissioner of Immigration, et al., 16 SCRA 618,
Granting that they may evade such assumption, a careful evaluation of the the rule was stated: "where a declaratory judgment as to a disputed fact
case would lead Us to the same conclusion: that the case for declaratory would be determinative of issues rather than a construction of definite
relief is dismissible. As enumerated by Justice Regalado in his "Remedial stated rights, statuses and other relations, commonly expressed in a
Law Compendium", the requisites of an action for declaratory relief are: written instrument, the case is not one for declaratory judgment."
(a) The subject matter of the controversy must be a deed, will, contract or Indeed, in its true light, the present petition for declaratory relief seems to
other written instrument, statute, executive order or regulation, or be no more than a request for an advisory opinion to which courts in this
ordinance; and other jurisdiction have cast a definite aversion. The ordinances being
assailed are appropriation ordinances. The passage of the ordinances were
pursuant to the public purpose of constructing market stalls. For the
(b) The terms of said documents and the validity thereof are doubtful and
exercise of judicial review, the governmental act being challenged must
require judicial construction;
have had an adverse effect on the person challenging it, and the person
challenging the act, must have "standing" to challenge, i.e., in the
(c) There must have been no breach of the documents in question; categorical and succinct language of Justice Laurel, he must have a
"personal and substantial interest in the case such that he has sustained,
(d) There must be an actual justiciable controversy or the "ripening seeds" or will sustain, direct injury as a result of its enforcement." Standing is a
of one between persons whose interests are adverse; special concern in constitutional law because in some cases suits are
brought not by parties who have been personally injured by the operation
(e) The issue must be ripe for judicial determination; and of a law or by official action taken, but by concerned citizens, taxpayers
or voters who actually sue in the public interest. Hence the question in
Declaratory Relief
standing is whether such parties have "alleged such a personal stake in (4) whether petitioner should be held liable for damages.
the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness
which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court largely Locus Standi and the
depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions.
Constitutionality Issue
A careful analysis of the records of the case at bar would disclose that
petitioners-appellants have suffered no wrong under the terms of the We will first consider the second issue. The petition for declaratory relief
ordinances being assailed – and, naturally need no relief in the form they challenged the constitutionality of the subject resolutions. There is an
now seek to obtain. Judicial exercise cannot be exercised in vacuo. The unbending rule that courts will not assume jurisdiction over a
policy of the courts is to avoid ruling on a constitutional question and to constitutional question unless the following requisites are satisfied: (1)
presume that the acts of the political departments are valid in the absence there must be an actual case calling for the exercise of judicial review; (2)
of a clear and unmistakable showing to the contrary. To doubt is to the question before the Court must be ripe for adjudication; (3) the person
sustain. The issue is not the ordinances themselves, but the award of the challenging the validity of the act must have standing to do so; (4) the
market stalls to the private respondents on the strength of the contracts question of constitutionality must have been raised at the earliest
individually executed by them with Mayor Cafe. To reiterate, a person opportunity, and (5) the issue of constitutionality must be the very lis
who is not a party to a contract cannot file a petition for declaratory relief mota of the case.21
and seek judicial interpretation of such contract (Atlas Consolidated
Mining Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 182 SCRA 166). Not having
Legal standing or locus standi is a party’s personal and substantial
established their locus standi, we see no error committed by the court a
interest in a case such that he has sustained or will sustain direct injury as
quo warranting reversal of the appealed decision.
a result of the governmental act being challenged. It calls for more than
just a generalized grievance. The term "interest" means a material interest,
With the foregoing, the assailed Decision of Branch 4, Regional Trial an interest in issue affected by the decree, as distinguished from mere
Court of Panabo Davao dated 26 November 1990 in Sp. Civil Action No. interest in the question involved, or a mere incidental interest.22 Unless a
89-1 is hereby AFFIRMED. person’s constitutional rights are adversely affected by the statute or
ordinance, he has no legal standing.
The CA held that petitioner had no standing to challenge the two
Thus, both the RTC and the CA dismissed the case on the ground of resolutions/ordinances because he suffered no wrong under their terms. It
petitioner’s lack of legal standing and the parties’ agreement to be bound also concluded that "the issue (was) not the ordinances themselves but the
by the decision in CA G.R. SP. No. 20424. award of the market stalls to the private respondents on the strength of the
contracts individually executed by them with Mayor Cafe."
The issues to be resolved are the following: Consequently, it ruled that petitioner, who was not a party to the lease
contracts, had no standing to file the petition for declaratory relief and
(1) whether the parties were bound by the outcome in CA G.R. SP. No. seek judicial interpretation of the agreements.
We do not agree. Petitioner brought the petition in his capacity as
(2) whether petitioner had the legal standing to bring the petition for taxpayer of the Municipality of Panabo, Davao del Norte23 and not in his
declaratory relief; personal capacity. He was questioning the official acts of the public
respondents in passing the ordinances and entering into the lease contracts
(3) whether Resolution Nos. 7 and 49 were unconstitutional; and with private respondents. A taxpayer need not be a party to the contract
to challenge its validity.24 Atlas Consolidated Mining & Development
Declaratory Relief
Corporation v. Court of Appeals25 cited by the CA does not apply because ―oOo―
it involved contracts between two private parties.
Objections to a taxpayer's suit for lack of sufficient personality, standing
Parties suing as taxpayers must specifically prove sufficient interest in or interest are procedural matters. Considering the importance to the
preventing the illegal expenditure of public of a suit assailing the constitutionality of a tax law, and in keeping
with the Court's duty, specially explicated in the 1987 Constitution, to
money raised by taxation.26 The expenditure of public funds by an officer determine whether or not the other branches of the Government have kept
of the State for the purpose of executing an unconstitutional act themselves within the limits of the Constitution and the laws and that they
constitutes a misapplication of such have not abused the discretion given to them, the Supreme Court may
brush aside technicalities of procedure and take cognizance of the suit.34
funds.27 The resolutions being assailed were appropriations ordinances.
Petitioner alleged that these ordinances were "passed for the business, ―oOo―
occupation, enjoyment and benefit of private respondents"28 (that is,
allegedly for the private benefit of respondents) because even before they There being no doctrinal definition of transcendental importance, the
were passed, respondent Mayor Cafe and private respondents had already following determinants formulated by former Supreme Court Justice
entered into lease contracts for the construction and award of the market Florentino P. Feliciano are instructive: (1) the character of the funds or
stalls.29 Private respondents admitted they deposited ₱40,000 each with other assets involved in the case; (2) the presence of a clear case of
the municipal treasurer, which amounts were made available to the disregard of a constitutional or statutory prohibition by the public
municipality during the construction of the stalls. The deposits, however, respondent agency or instrumentality of the government; and (3) the lack
were needed to ensure the speedy completion of the stalls after the public of any other party with a more direct and specific interest in raising the
market was gutted by a series of fires.30 Thus, the award of the stalls was questions being raised.35
necessarily limited only to those who advanced their personal funds for
their construction.31 But, even if we disregard petitioner’s lack of legal standing, this petition
must still fail. The subject resolutions/ordinances appropriated a total of
Petitioner did not seasonably allege his interest in preventing the illegal ₱2,280,000 for the construction of the public market stalls. Petitioner
expenditure of public funds or the specific injury to him as a result of the alleges that these ordinances were discriminatory because, even prior to
enforcement of the questioned resolutions and contracts. It was only in their enactment, a decision had already been made to award the market
the "Remark to Comment" he filed in this Court did he first assert that "he stalls to the private respondents who deposited ₱40,000 each and who
(was) willing to engage in business and (was) interested to occupy a were either friends or relatives of the public respondents. Petitioner
market stall."32 Such claim was obviously an afterthought. asserts that "there (was) no publication or invitation to the public that this
contract (was) available to all who (were) interested to own a stall and
Be that as it may, we have on several occasions relaxed the application of (were) willing to deposit ₱40,000."36 Respondents, however, counter that
these rules on legal standing: the "public respondents’ act of entering into this agreement was
authorized by the Sangguniang Bayan of Panabo per Resolution No. 180
In not a few cases, the Court has liberalized the locus standi requirement dated October 10, 1988"37 and that "all the people interested were invited
when a petition raises an issue of transcendental significance or to participate in investing their savings."38
paramount importance to the people. Recently, after holding that the IBP
had no locus standi to bring the suit, the Court in IBP v. Zamora We note that the foregoing was a disputed fact which the courts below
nevertheless entertained the Petition therein. It noted that "the IBP has did not resolve because the case was dismissed on the basis of petitioner’s
advanced constitutional issues which deserve the attention of this Court lack of legal standing. Nevertheless, petitioner failed to prove the subject
in view of their seriousness, novelty and weight as precedents."33 ordinances and agreements to be discriminatory. Considering that he was
Declaratory Relief
asking this Court to nullify the acts of the local political department of of the files of related cases in the same court, and of public records on file
Panabo, Davao del Norte, he should have clearly established that such in the same court. In addition, judicial notice will be taken of the record,
ordinances operated unfairly against those who were not notified and who pleadings or judgment of a case in another court between the same parties
were thus not given the opportunity to make their deposits. His or involving one of the same parties, as well as of the record of another
unsubstantiated allegation that the public was not notified did not suffice. case between different parties in the same court.42
Furthermore, there was the time-honored presumption of regularity of
official duty, absent any showing to the contrary.39 And this is not to Damages
mention that:
Finally, on the issue of damages, petitioner asserts that he impleaded the
The policy of the courts is to avoid ruling on constitutional questions and 57 respondents in good faith since the award of the stalls to them was
to presume that the acts of the political departments are valid, absent a made during the pendency of the action.43 Private respondents refute this
clear and unmistakable showing to the contrary. To doubt is to sustain. assertion and argue that petitioner filed this action in bad faith and with
This presumption is based on the doctrine of separation of powers. This the intention of harassing them inasmuch as he had already filed CA G.R.
means that the measure had first been carefully studied by the legislative SP. No. 20424 even before then.44 The RTC, affirmed by the CA, held
and executive departments and found to be in accord with the Constitution that petitioner should pay attorney’s fees "for unnecessarily dragging into
before it was finally enacted and approved.40 Court the 57 private respondents who (were) bonafide businessmen and
stall holders in the public market of Panabo."45
Therefore, since petitioner had no locus standi to
We do not agree that petitioner should be held liable for damages. It is
question the ordinances, there is no need for us to discuss the not sound public policy to put a premium on the right to litigate where
constitutionality of said enactments. such right is exercised in good faith, albeit erroneously.46 The alleged bad
faith of petitioner was never established. The special circumstances in
Were the Parties Bound by the Article 2208 of the Civil Code justifying the award of attorney’s fees are
not present in this case.
Outcome in CA G.R. SP. No. 20424?
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
Adverting to the first issue, we observe that petitioner was the one who No. 35082 is hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that the
wanted the parties to await the decision of the Supreme Court in UDK award of attorney's fees to private respondents is deleted.
Case No. 9948 since the facts and issues in that case were similar to this.
Petitioner, having expressly agreed to be bound by our decision in the Costs against petitioner.
aforementioned case, should be reined in by the dismissal order we
issued, now final and executory. In addition to the fact that nothing SO ORDERED.
prohibits parties from committing to be bound by the results of another
case, courts may take judicial notice of a judgment in another case as long
as the parties give
A court will take judicial notice of its own acts and records in the same
case, of facts established in prior proceedings in the same case, of the
authenticity of its own records of another case between the same parties,
Declaratory Relief