250 - HMI Elevator Manual Model 38 20 PDF
250 - HMI Elevator Manual Model 38 20 PDF
250 - HMI Elevator Manual Model 38 20 PDF
Dealer Name:
Dealer Order #:
Project Name:
Honeyville Order #:
Elevator Serial #:
Elevator Model #: 38-20
Discharge Height:
MODEL: 38-20
When tightening the belt at boot adjustment, always be sure that the belt
tracks and is centered in the elevator housing.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. (“HMI”) does not those contained on the caution labels screw conveyor with other equipment,
install conveyors. It is the responsibility of affixed to the equipment. extent of plant automation, etc. Other
the contractor, installer, owner and user to 6. Do not place hands, feet, or any part of devices should not be used as a substitute
install, maintain and operate the conveyor, your body, in the conveyor. for locking out the power prior to removing
components and, conveyor assemblies in 7. Never walk on conveyor covers, grating guards or covers. We caution that use of the
such a manner as to comply with the or guards. secondary devices may cause employees to
Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and 8. Do not use conveyor for any purpose develop a false sense of security and fail to
Health Act and with all state and local laws other than that for which it was lock out power before removing covers or
and ordinances and the American National intended. guards. This could result in a serious injury
Standards Institute (ANSI) B20.1 Safety 9. Do not poke or prod material into the should the secondary device fail or
Code. conveyor with a bar or stick inserted malfunction.
through the openings.
In order to avoid an unsafe or hazardous 10. Keep area around conveyor drive and There are many kinds of electrical devices
condition, the assemblies or parts must be control station free of debris and for interlocking of conveyors and conveyor
installed and operated in accordance with obstacles. systems such that if one conveyor in a
the following minimum provisions. 11. Eliminate all sources of stored energy system or process is stopped other
(materials or devices that could cause equipment feeding it or following it can also
1. Conveyors shall not be operated conveyor components to move without be automatically stopped.
unless all covers and/or guards for the power applied) before opening the
conveyor and drive unit are in place. If conveyor. Electrical controls, machinery guards,
the conveyor is to be opened for 12. Do not attempt to clear a jammed railings, walkways, arrangement of
inspection cleaning, maintenance or conveyor until power has been installation, training of personnel, etc., are
observation, the electric power to the LOCKED OUT. necessary ingredients for a safe working
motor driving the conveyor must be 13. Do not attempt field modification of place. It is the responsibility of the
LOCKED OUT in such a manner that conveyor or components. contractor, installer, owner and user to
the conveyor cannot be restarted by 14. Conveyors are not normally supplement the materials and services
anyone; however remote from the area, manufactured or designed to handle furnished with these necessary items to
until conveyor cover or guards and materials that are hazardous to make the conveyor installation comply with
drive guards have been properly personnel. These materials which are the law and accepted standards.
replaced. hazardous include those that are
2. If the conveyor must have an open explosive, flammable, toxic or Conveyor inlet and discharge openings are
housing as a condition of its use and otherwise dangerous to personnel. designed to connect to other equipment or
application, the entire conveyor is then Conveyors may be designed to handle machinery so that the flow of material into
to be guarded by a railing or fence in these materials. Conveyors are not and out of the conveyor is completely
accordance with ANSI standard B20.1. manufactured or designed to comply enclosed.
(Request current edition and addenda) with local, state or federal codes for
3. Feed openings for shovel, front loaders unfired pressure vessels. If hazardous One or more warning labels should be
or other manual or mechanical materials are to be conveyed or if the visible on conveyor housings, conveyor
equipment shall be constructed in such conveyor is to be subjected to internal covers and elevator housings. If the labels
a way that the conveyor opening is or external pressure, manufacturer attached to the equipment become illegible,
covered by a grating. If the nature of should be consulted prior to any please order replacement warning labels
the material is such that a grating modifications. from HMI or CEMA.
cannot be used, then the exposed
section of the conveyor is to be CEMA and HMI insist that disconnecting CEMA has produced an audio-visual
guarded by a railing or fence and there and locking out the power to the motor presentation entitled “Safe Operation of
shall be a warning sign posted. driving the unit provides the only real Screw Conveyors, Drag Conveyors, and
4. Do not attempt any maintenance or protection against injury. Secondary safety Bucket Elevators.” CEMA and HMI
repairs of the conveyor until power has devices are available; however, the decision encourage the acquisition and use of this
been LOCKED OUT. as to their need and the type required must source of safety information to supplement
5. Always operate conveyor in be made by the owner-assembler as we your safety program.
accordance with these instructions and have no information regarding plant wiring,
plant environment, the interlocking of the
NOTICE: This document is provided by CEMA as a service to the industry in the interest of promoting safety. It is advisory only and it is not a substitute for a thorough safety program.
Users should consult with qualified engineers and other safety professionals. CEMA makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, and the users of this document
assume full responsibility for the safe design and operation of equipment.
CEMA Safety Label Placement Guidelines
Note: Labels alone do not substitute for a thorough in-plant safety training program centered on
the hazards associated with operating your installed equipment. Contact CEMA (www.cemanet.org)
or Honeyville Metal, Inc. for replacement labels.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
HMI Elevators can either be picked up uncrated or be shipped by HMI truck or commercial truck
transport. If your elevator was picked up by your own truck, you will have made certain that the
load was properly secured to insure that no parts were damaged. If your unit was shipped via,
commercial transport, be sure to examine the shipment carefully for damaged parts. Also make
certain that all the parts that are listed on the delivery receipt are received. If a damaged part or
shortage is noted please contact HMI or the delivering truck driver immediately so that a claim
may be filed.
All HMI Elevators are shipped in a maximum of 10' sections. Belting is punched for the proper
bucket spacing and rolled. Buckets are normally nested in a box. Head and Boot are usually
shipped as individual units.
Now that you have located all the major components, there may also be an additional shipment
of accessories which you ordered. This may include such items as motors, distributors, ladders,
service platforms, elbows, flanges, pipe, valves, pit augers, hoppers, and/or safety cage.
Although every effort is made to see that your order is shipped complete and in all the correct
sizes, mistakes do occur. If you have a shortage or mistake on your order, please accept our
apology and notify us at once and we will do everything possible to correct the situation.
On the smaller models, only a minimal amount of preparation is required. Most of these units
may be bolted onto any reasonably level floor or solid base. However, larger units as well as
taller ones will require a concrete base or foundation.
If the Elevator base is to be mounted to a basement floor or is installed in a pit where excessive
moisture is present, it is recommended that a sump pump or tile is installed to insure a dry,
accessible and safe Elevator boot area.
Base plate drawings are available for any size Elevator at your request. These drawings show
the size and hole spacing of the Elevator boot flange. Usually four (4) hold down or anchor bolts
are adequate for any size unit.
Anchor bolts may either be placed in the cement of the boot foundation or holes may be drilled
into cured concrete and draw tight anchor bolts placed into position.
When a Boot pit is being planned, HMI recommends that adequate space be allowed around the
base (18" to 36" in all directions) for servicing and cleanout.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Assembly bolts and nuts are supplied for connecting the trunking sections.
There are a number of ways to erect the Elevator. The shorter units may be assembled, then
raised to an upright position and then fastened to some type of support.
Inside units are usually stacked, that is, the boot section is set in place and then each section is
stacked onto the preceding one with the head section being installed last. Guy wires or cables
are then attached to the building structure.
If the above method is used, most people set scaffolding around the unit as it is being stacked
and the lifting is done by crane.
The stacking method (above) is most commonly used when erecting an outside unit. A crane
with an adequate reach is set at a proper position to insure a safe working area and then the
head section is attached with each trunking section being fastened to the preceding one as the
head is raised. If so installed make certain that the head is properly braced where the crane is
attached so as to eliminate "Swinging".
Yet another method is to lift the head section by the use of a chain hoist or block and tackle and
then hanging each section onto the one above.
A method which is becoming more and more common with 40' or shorter units is to assemble the
elevator complete on the ground, even going so far as to the installation of the belt, buckets,
ladder, service platform, and valves. This complete unit is then tilted up into position with a
crane. Although this appears to be a simple method, it needs to be done with extreme care to
avoid damage to the Elevator. If the crane is not properly attached at several points on the
Elevator, trunking can be bent by careless or inexperienced crane handling.
HMI cannot accept responsibility for any damage to the Elevator during erection even if the
above methods are used.
Small capacity and shorter units usually require very little bracing. Elevators installed inside a
building or along-side some kind of structure can usually be braced to the structure.
HMI Elevators are self-supporting; however, they do require guy wires to prevent toppling by the
prevailing winds.
Guy wires are normally attached to the taller units for support in 3 or 4 directions and are most
times attached at or near the service platform. The other ends of the cables are attached to a
building or in most cases, to an anchor embedded in the ground. This anchor should be far
enough away from the Elevator so that the guy wires extend upwards approximately 45 degrees.
Turnbuckles should be used between the anchor post and the end of each guy wire to take up
extra slack. It is important that the guy wires be snug but not tight. Too much pressure on the
guy wires may damage your Elevator.
Taller units may require more than one set of guy wires. Additional sets may be attached at 40'-
0" intervals.
Standard guy wire material which HMI normally uses is 3/8" or 5/16" Aircraft galvanized steel
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
As in the actual erection of the Elevator, there are also many techniques for installing the belting
and buckets. On all HMI models, the belting is pre-punched for the proper bucket spacing, and
then rolled for ease of handling and shipping.
The first step prior to installing the belt is to turn the take-up bolts on each side of the boot so that
the maximum amount of travel is available. Correct alignment of the head and boot pulley is
important since this will prevent edge wear and rubbing of the belts and buckets.
If an old belt is being replaced, simply attach one end of the new belt to one end of the old belt
and pull the new belt into position by taking the old belt out of the Elevator.
One method of belting installation in a new Elevator is to place a clamp on the end of the belt and
use a cable or rope to pull the belt into place. Make sure that the entire belt width is gripped
Another method is to install all the buckets onto the belt and simply use a crane to lift the belt
above the head to drop the belt down on each side of the head pulley.
Once the belt is in position, it is necessary to join the two ends of the belt together. Place a belt
tightener or take-up unit on each end of the belt and draw it together.
A standard lap joint is recommended by HMI. Overlap the ends of the belt approximately 3 to 4
feet and stretch the belt snug. Let the belt hang for at least 24 hours after the buckets have been
installed and then stretch the belt again before making the final lap splice. Permitting the belt to
remain under tension tends to distribute the stress uniformly throughout the entire belt.
If the buckets were not installed on the belt before inserting the belt into the Elevator, this is the
next job and should be done prior to making the final lap splice.
There is one inspection door on the first trunking section above the boot. This is the access point
for installing the buckets. It is recommended that every fifth bucket be put on the belt and rotated
until the starting point is reached. Continue this rotation until all the buckets have been installed
onto the belt. If every bucket is installed without staggering, the belt might become too heavy to
VIII. Ladder, Safety Cage, and Cross Braces (see Page 17 for drawings)
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Accessories such as hoppers, valves, and motors on small units are no problem, bolts for
attachment of all accessories, are included with the Elevator shipment.
A common way of installing the accessories, if the Elevator is to be assembled on the ground, is
to also install the accessories prior to raising it with the crane. This includes ladder, service
platform, valves and even motors.
If the stacking method is used in erection, it is advised that the ladder and safety cage be
installed with each trunking section (10'). The remaining accessories such as motors, and misc.
parts should be lifted into place with a crane.
Pipe is usually the last thing to be installed. This is usually raised with the crane or ropes. Angle
flanges are supplied with the pipe along with quick clamps so that a minimum amount of welding
is required.
Now that you have successfully erected your HMI Elevator it is advisable that you inspect and check
the following items before operation.
1. Check all the bucket bolts to assure that they are tight.
2. Check motor drive V belts to assure that they are snug and in line.
3. Check the motor wiring to assure proper rotation of the belt.
4. Check for any obstruction extending inside of the trunking sections.
5. Check to see that the buckets do not rub the inside of the trunking at any point in the length of
travel. Belt alignment can be adjusted by tightening one of the boot take-ups.
6. Check the clearance between the buckets and the discharge adapter cutoff plate in the elevator
head and adjust the cutoff plate accordingly. Clearance should be determined at the lap splice of
the belt where the buckets will have their greatest projection.
7. Tighten the belt to prevent slipping on the head pulley.
8. Check the oil level in all gearboxes.
9. Once the motor is wired with the proper overload switch, the unit is ready for operation.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
1. Check bucket bolts after a few days of operation and tighten nuts as required. On new
installations, bolt heads will seat into the belt after a few days of operation thus permitting nuts to
2. Inspect again after three or four weeks of operation to see if nuts have loosened. Continue this
inspection at the same interval on units operated continuously.
3. Belt should always be sufficiently tightened to prevent slippage on the Elevator Head pulley.
Frequent inspection for belt tension should be made during the first 30 to 90 days of operation.
The largest amount of belt stretch will occur during this period.
4. Belt tension is increased by turning down the boot take-up bolts.
5. When checking the buckets for tightness, examine the lap joint bolts and tighten if required.
6. If the Elevator belt tends to run to one side of the pulley during the initial start up, adjust the boot
take ups one at a time until the belt runs to the center of the boot pulley.
7. Lubricate all bearings after four to six weeks of continuous operation. Do not over lubricate as this
tends to force the grease seals.
8. Lubricate all motors as recommended by the manufacturer.
9. Lubricate all gear reducers according to the manufacturer’s specifications, taking into account the
range of ambient temperatures the gear reducer operates in. Honeyville provides gear reducers
with the following lubricants: Gear Reducers without internal back stop mechanisms are lubricated
with ISO Viscosity Grade 220 Synthetic EP (Extreme Pressure) oil, and Gear Reducers with
internal back stop mechanisms are lubricated with ISO Viscosity Grade 220 Synthetic non-EP
(non-Extreme Pressure) oil.
10. On farm type installations, which are used seasonally, it is advisable to inspect the elevator prior to
heavy use.
11. On installations that require the Elevator boot to be in direct exposure to extreme weather
conditions, it is recommended that the take up bolts be liberally treated with lubricating oil or rust
preventative. This will make the take-up operate more easily when necessary.
12. It is recommended that water, wet dust, and chaff should not be permitted to collect around the
base of the Elevator in the pit. Although HMI constructs the Elevator boot of hot dipped heavy
gauge steel, the above conditions will in time cause the boot and lower sections of the structure to
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Drive End
Detail B
Detail A
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Installation Notes:
On bolt together trunking sections, the Main Bracket
B needs to be mounted on the opposite side of the
trunk section seam
2 of the 3 holes for bolting the Main Bracket onto the
A trunking must be drilled in the field
The holes to mount the Main Bracket and Transfer
Bracket onto the Distributor Platform Angle Support
must be drilled in the field
Distributor Platform
Angle Support
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
1 1
1 1
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Shaft Seal
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Bracket This end plate is
shipped loose.
See #6 below.
Jib Rod Bracket
Jib Boom
Installation Instructions
1) Loosely bolt the Lower Bracket around the elevator
head as shown in the drawings above. Upper Bracket
2) Bolt the Upper Bracket onto the elevator head angle.
Top View
a. If holes have not been pre-drilled on the elevator
head angle, position the Upper Bracket so that the
collars on the Upper & Lower Brackets are in
alignment and mark the holes before drilling. The
holes should be ¾”.
3) Lower the pipe section of the Jib Boom through the
Upper Bracket until the sleeve on the pipe rests against
the Upper Bracket.
4) Adjust the Lower Bracket for height as needed to Side View
secure the end of the Jib Boom pipe and tighten the
bolts. Lower Bracket
5) Insert the Jib Rod as shown in the drawings to prevent
the Jib Boom from turning freely.
6) The end plate on the upper arm is removable, and is
shipped loose, to allow for installation of a freewheeling
hoist trolley if needed.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Hoop Half for Hoop Extender for LDLD1002 LDLD1003
Safety Cage Safety Cage on Side- Service Ladder Service Ladder
by-Side Ladders 5’ Section 10’ Section
38-20 Ladder
Bracket Set (L&R),
¼" x 1½" x 20-3/8"
Material List for 10' Ladder Section w/ Flared Safety Cage Opening
Item Qty Part Number Description
1 1 LDLD1003 Service Ladder 10' Section
4 4 LDSCH001 Hoop Half for Safety Cage
5 1 LDSCH003 Hoop Expander for Flaring S.C. Hoops
6 3 LDSCS009 9" Safety Cage Strap 14 Ga Galv
7 7 LDSCS028 28" Safety Cage Strap 14 Ga Galv
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Offset Ladder EVLB3820
Bracket for 1½" Ladder Bracket
Ladder Brackets Set (L&R)
Installation Tips
Cross Braces should be installed on top of the Trunking Flanges.
Ladder Bracket Sets (L&R) bolt onto the Cross Braces using pre-punched holes.
Offset Ladder Brackets should be installed with the offset to the left, as shown above.
When installing Tie Brackets between two Elevators, the Tie Brackets should be installed under the
Trunking Flanges.
Attaching the Ladder to the Elevator Head is done by bolting a Ladder Bracket Set (L&R) onto the
Head angles using the pre-punched holes, as shown below.
Attaching the Ladder to the Elevator Boot is done by bolting a Ladder Bracket Set (L&R) onto the
Ladder Bracket Clips mounted on the Boot (see page 13), as shown below.
Elevator Head Elevator Boot
Ladder Bracket
Set (L&R)
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Offset Ladder Bracket
for 1½" Ladder Brackets
Service Ladder
10’ Section
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Transfer Platform
Hoop Extender for
Safety Cage on Side LDSCH001
by Side Ladders Hoop Half for
Safety Cage
58½" Safety
Cage Strap
Transfer Platform LDSC1009
9” Safety
Cage Strap
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Pipe Control Installation Guide
Detail A
Group 1 Pipe Control (DSPC1-3820) include the following items:
DSPCA001 Distributor Pipe Controller Group 1 Attach cable here
for Pipe Control
DSPCDP01 Decal Plate for Group 1 Pipe Control
DSPCCA01 Pipe Control Coupling Assembly Group 1
DSPCM3820 Pipe Control Mounting Kit for Model 38-20 Elevator
DSLMBR-5436 34-14 to 54-36 Trunking Mount Brackets
Distributor Index
DSIPA001 Distributor Index Pipe Assembly Pipe Assembly
DSIB100X Distributor Index Bracket ** (Group 1 shown)
DSIP10XXX Index Plate ** See Detail A
** Items are not shown on these drawings.
Pipe Control Bolt Pack includes the Cable must be installed
following items: from the Pipe Controller, up
Hex Bolts & Whiz Nuts through the pipe, and
Wire Rope Clips attached to the Distributor
Index Pipe Assembly as
Other Items Required for Installation: shown in Detail A.
1” Galvanized Pipe
3/32” or 1/8” Cable
Pipe Guide
All Pipe Coupling
joints must be tack
welded in the field.
Coupling Assembly
/ Pipe Coupler
Pipe Control
Mounting Kit
Decal Plate
Pipe Controller
Trunking Mount Brackets
(Requires two, only one shown)
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Cable Control Installation Guide
Detail A
Trunking Mount Brackets
Install the pulley assembly at a height
(Two pairs included with
that allows the cable to run downward
each cable control)
at approximately 45° from the cable
swivel assembly.
Attach cable to
Optional Detail B cable clamp
Cable Guide
Triple Swivel Pulley Assembly
Turnbuckle Kits
(Three included with
each cable control)
1:1 Control: Allow at least 32” for cable travel
between the Turnbuckles and the Cable Controller.
4:1 Control: Allow at least 60” for cable travel
between the Turnbuckles and the Cable Controller.
Cable Controller
(1:1 Control shown)
See Detail B
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Cable Control Installation Guide
Trunking Mount
Cable Wheel
Single Block
Pulley Assembly
Cable Swivel
Turnbuckle Kits
Automatic Lubricator
The perma CLASSIC is Ex-Proof certified, equivalent to USA – NEC 500 and NEC 505 certification.
Operational Principles
By tightening the plastic activating screw, the gas generator falls into the liquid electrolyte. The chemical
reaction builds up pressure which causes the piston to move forward. The lubricant is continuously injected
into the lubrication point. At the end of the lubrication period the discharge indicator cap becomes clearly
visible, indicating the lubricant has been fully discharged due to its transparent casing the movement of the
piston can be seen during the lubrication cycle. The delay between activation & lubrication depends on the
perma type. The perma CLASSIC & FROST contain 4.8oz (120cc) of lubricant which is also equal to 100
shots of grease.
Honeyville Metal, Inc. Bucket Elevator
Model 38-20 Assembly & Service Manual
Automatic Lubricator
We recommend activating the unit prior to installing it. Do not expect
immediate discharge; operating pressure takes from 1 to 12 days to develop,
depending on the PERMA month type.
Take the plastic activator and begin to hand tighten into the opening
bottom of the PERMA.
When the activator becomes hand tight, take a screw driver and insert it
through the top ring of the activator (fig.1). PERMA Classic activators are
recognized by the Black O-ring seal and Futura activators by their Pink O-ring seal.
Continue to tighten until the O-ring breaks off (fig. 2). DO NOT break ring off by
hand. This could jeopardize the activation of the PERMA. To insure the activation
pellet has fallen from the activator into the bladder that starts the chemical
dispensing reaction, simply shake the PERMA to hear the pellet rattle inside.
Enter installation & replacement dates on the label.
Prior to installation, ALWAYS pre-lubricate the bearing / lubrication
point using a hand grease gun filled with the same or compatible grease as
the PERMA to ensure it is accepting grease freely.
Remove the grease fitting.
Remove the black outlet plug from the PERMA canister.
Typically most bearing lubrication ports are 1/8” or 1/4”. The PERMA
thread is 1/4” MNPT. If the grease inlet is 1/8”, you will need a 1/4” F x 1/8” M
adapter (part # B100; fig. 3). If your inlet is 1/4”, you can mount direct. Either way,
screw the PERMA into the fitting or bearing hand tight only.
Bearing requiring greater amounts of grease can be served by mounting
several PERMAS in series using standard PERMA Accessory Parts (fig.4).
Grease filled PERMAS may be mounted in any direction (fig. 5), even
under water.
All Oil filled PERMAS require a check valve at the point of lubrication
(part# A810). Remote Installations & Max. Remote Distance w/ NLGI #2 Grease
@ 77 F
PERMAS may be remote mounted by means of pipe or tubing/hose. This
allows for continuous lubrication of hard to reach spots, such as points located
inside of machinery guards. Always use 1/4” pipe or 3/8” tubing/hose (150 PSI
minimum burst pressure rating).
Make sure pipe or tubing is pre-filled with the same or compatible
lubricant. 1-month (6 feet), 3-month (4 feet), 6-month (2 feet), 12-month (1 foot)
Lower NLGI grades and oil may be remote further distances. Call for
Did your dealer install the bucket elevator (circle one)? Yes No
Upon receipt of completed form, TOPS will send a confirmation that your new “Performance Warranty”
is active.
On behalf of TOPS, authorized bucket elevator manufacturers, and involved dealers, we sincerely
appreciate your choice in partnering with us for your new equipment purchase!
Warranty Period
Two years from date of original purchase from an authorized bucket elevator manufacturer.
Therm-O Plastic Suppliers, Inc. (TOPS)
16052 Swingley Ridge Rd, Suite 122
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Customer Service: (877)-326-4707
Website: www.topsinc.us
Duties of Warrantor
A. Any defective CC Swift elevator bucket covered by this “Performance Warranty” will be replaced by TOPS at no cost to the
consumer. TOPS WILL NOT reimburse or be charged with labor, labor costs, down time costs or equipment rental ect.
B. If a second claim occurs at any time during the two year warranty period, a TOPS Inc. sales engineer will make an
appointment with the consumer to examine the bucket elevator exhibiting problems. TOPS will help diagnose the problem in
the bucket elevator.
C. Elevator buckets and hardware (if needed) will be replaced free of charge as well as standard freight or UPS service.
D. TOPS will ship replacement buckets and hardware (if needed) in a timely manner.