McKinsey - Info Sobre Cobranza
McKinsey - Info Sobre Cobranza
McKinsey - Info Sobre Cobranza
In response to rising delinquencies, shifting consumer preferences, and the current regulatory environment, leading financial
institutions have begun a journey of digital transformation in collections. Borrowing heavily from successful approaches used in other
parts of the business, they are investing in advanced analytics, digital channels, advanced collector capabilities, and next-generation
collections strategies. Recognizing that it takes time to design, build, test, and implement such strategies, these leaders have
inaugurated transformation efforts with 12 months or more set aside for completion. We have observed four effective constituent
With rising delinquencies and resource limitations, institutions need better segmentation and fewer customers referred for personal
attention. Analytics can improve segmentation efforts and enable tailored contact strategies. As institutions perfect their enterprise
data warehouse and advanced-analytics capabilities, they are discovering that more can be done with what they already have in the
meantime. Regulators have lately welcomed analytics applications that allow issuers to improve customer differentiation and tailor
contact and collections strategies. The approach has generated better outcomes for customers. Issuers can maximize the number of
customers that pay on their own initiative (self-cure) with analytics-based targeted digital campaigns for those in early delinquency or
even predelinquency, while using the customers’ preferred digital contact channels. Furthermore, unresponsive accounts that fit the
profile for fraud can be filtered out more rigorously and sent to a separate treatment queue.
Digital-first customers inhabit an app-based world. They expect to address their delinquency in their own time, through easy-to-use
self-serve channels. The growth of online bill payment points the way for issuers. With an integrated collections platform, customers
would have self-serve access to the exact same payment plans and treatment solutions as those that issuers offer over the phone.
Customers should also be able, through the online self-service channel, to schedule automated future payments (“autopay”).
These digital-first customers should also continue to be contacted through an orchestrated omnichannel digital contact strategy,
even if they are delinquent beyond 30 days. With active-response models, business rules can be introduced such that outliers that
have not responded digitally after a reasonable amount of time are passed to agents for skip-tracing and personal assistance.
Examples abound of delinquent customers responding positively to empathetic messages from their issuers. Instead of sending
generic or passive-aggressive notices of collections, issuers can use language that highlights options for solutions and payments.
Many institutions have had success with this approach. Leading issuers are also using more client-specific language in alerts, to
avoid the appearance of spamming or phishing. By training and empowering collectors to have intelligent conversations using “words
that work” according to customer needs—rather than standardized scripts—collections managers create a higher likelihood of finding
a sustainable solution for customers.
The collections operating model should be structured to allocate collectors in proportion to customer needs. Institutions can better
anticipate these needs by improving segmentation, as discussed previously. One step is to divert low-risk and self-cure customers
away from live calling and toward digital-first solutions. For higher-risk customers, collectors can be trained to identify their needs
more closely by assessing their ability and willingness to pay. These parameters help enable more effective negotiations and better
outcomes. Another step is to shift staff to more personalized “ownership” teams, whose members take ownership of a customer
relationship, engaging in repeated conversations with particular high-risk customers to craft personalized and sustainable solutions.
In our experience, collections executives are never short of ideas for improvement but sometimes fail effectively to prioritize their
agenda. As advocated in a book by our colleagues, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat
the Odds (John Wiley & Sons, 2018), a top team will create far greater impact by focusing on five to ten major initiatives than by trying
to implement 50 to 100 minor ones. Operational agility will be critically important; priority initiatives should include both quick wins
to build momentum as well as the longer-term capability goals. The collections initiatives we are proposing require the introduction of
new approaches, such as a digital self-service platform, that will quickly become self-funding.
Many collections heads encounter resistance to modernizing their departments while losses hover around historical averages.
Indeed, many report that collections has been largely neglected as product revenues have expanded. We argue that this state of
affairs must change. From “trough to peak,” losses rose 250 percent in the 24 months after the fourth quarter of 2007. At many
institutions, meanwhile, implementing a major IT project (such as a collections transformation) can take 12 to 18 months. Even with
a sound plan of action (such as that described previously), many institutions will lack implementation capabilities, leaving collections
operations extremely vulnerable. By failing to digitize their collections operations, these institutions risk potentially crippling losses in
a future downturn. But if they start now, they could have a largely transformed shop within 12 months.
With the readily available data, banks can apply advanced analytics to group at-risk customers into categories that systematically
reflect the customers’ subjective experiences and the reasons that they have failed to pay. Nonpayment has a range of causes and
motivations, stretching across fuzzy boundaries from material hardship to behavioral dysfunction. Behavioral segmentation, while not
an exhaustive framework, is a useful method for mapping subgroups within the larger at-risk segment according to their reasons for
not paying.
A recent McKinsey survey of 420 US consumers with credit delinquencies shed light on the various causes of nonpayment. One
prominent cause is difficulty in managing money through a monthly cycle. One-third of those surveyed expressed a preference for a
weekly or semimonthly repayment schedule. Some respondents said that such rhythms would better conform to their pay days; many
said they could better manage smaller, more frequent payments than monthly bills (smaller payments also hurt less). Motivations to
pay also varied among respondents. Many overdue customers said that they wanted to maintain a good credit record and easy future
access to credit. Others gave more values-based answers, such as a fundamental belief in keeping their commitments. By
understanding motivations like these, lending institutions can better encourage payment from their at-risk customers.
Motivations can be particularly important when a customer owes money to several lenders. One-third of survey respondents
prioritized payments rationally—for example, by tackling debts with the highest interest rate first or to secure another benefit, such as
the retention of their most useful credit card. Payments by the remaining two-thirds followed less rational patterns. These
respondents adopted a variety of approaches: they apportioned payments equally or by loyalty to a particular bank; some set up
intrinsic milestones, such as paying off the largest or smallest balances first. By discovering particular motivations, banks can either
reinforce them with tailored payment plans or help customers adjust their rationales (Exhibit 1).
Violating a customer’s need for agency can trigger counterproductive reactions, which psychologists call “reactance.” A customer
might refuse to pay simply to assert control. In one survey, 20 percent of respondents said that they withheld a planned payment at
least once after receiving an upsetting call from a collector. At the same time, 80 percent of respondents were not unduly disturbed
by collections calls, yet clearly many of these would not have made payments without firm prodding.
Behavioral segmentation helps collections managers find the best approaches by customer profile and avoid fatally mismatched
ones. Some historically high-risk customers, for example, need to be treated as late-stage delinquent when they are barely two weeks
past due. Other customers are so low risk that they can be treated as “self-curing” and only given a gentle service call (a classic early-
stage treatment) after several nonresponsive months. Many collectors nonetheless take a simplistic, stereotyped view of their
customers—especially late-stage customers. Such ingoing biases can act as self-fulfilling assessments, as the collector’s
(behaviorally mismatched) approach triggers an expected (uncooperative) response.
As these observations illustrate, collections strategies and actions will influence customers, positively or negatively, in their complex
decisions on whom to pay and when. Customer decisions, like all decisions, are subject to bias and other psychological effects. A
previous McKinsey piece, “The business logic in debiasing,” discussed the effect of biases on business decisions. Many of the same
biases affect customers and some can keep them from paying. Banks that understand this dynamic can develop interventions to
change it. The approach involves offering inducements to help customers resolve their financial troubles and pay down their debts. It
is aligned with a growing field of research into irrational human behaviors that surround financial decisions. In October 2017 Richard
Thaler, a behavioral economist at the University of Chicago, won the Nobel Prize for his contributions, which analyze the effects of
human behavior on financial outcomes. Thaler popularized the term “nudge”—a benign and often small adjustment that counters
irrational impulses.
Traditionally banks motivate high-risk customers with a narrow range of carrots and sticks. In the carrot department, banks offer
financial incentives, such as an extra amount taken off the balance in return for a payment made by a certain date. Sticks begin with
warnings and move on to administrative penalties, such as blocked cards, bad credit reports, and legal actions.
In motivating customers to make payments, however, banks can more effectively offer a wider range of incentives. Many customers
even show enthusiasm when creative inducements are offered. Certain biases can be used constructively, as the basis for nudges.
Loss aversion is one such bias. A psychological effect discussed in the field of decision theory, loss aversion is the widely held
preference for avoiding certain loss over making potential gains. A variant of this effect would come into play if, for example, a bank
presented high-risk customers with a late-fee waiver or a gift card from a favorite shop—that they would lose by not making a
payment. Framing the offer in this way, as a loss for a foregone payment, can be twice as effective as offering it as a reward for
making a payment.
An example from the healthcare field illustrates the potential “to appify the nudge”—to reach certain groups of at-risk customers
through mobile apps. In the survey cited above, consumers were asked whether they had achieved a challenging goal other than
paying outstanding debts. Among those responding positively, weight loss was the most commonly cited achievement. When asked
what incentives they used to promote their diet and exercise regimens, 63 percent said they used small rewards as incentives, while
27 percent said that they tracked their weight.
Health apps have been designed to formalize such incentives, tracking the user’s desired behavior and aligning it with a system of
rewards—whether symbolic, such as badges for reaching milestones, or monetary, such as partial rebates for gym membership. Such
apps could become models for financial institutions. These incentives would be most useful in approaching the “frequent travelers”
of collections shops. These medium-risk customers are frequently behind in payment and often at risk of “falling off the cliff.”
However, with the right prodding, they should be able to make mostly regular, partial payments to at least some of their creditors.
Nudges are low-cost incentives presented creatively. To develop apps as nudges, researchers need to understand the complex
psychology that causes those able to pay to refrain from paying. But they must also test their designs, modify them according to
results, and test again. McKinsey researchers recently testing innovative ideas found that the test group responded most favorably to
the concept of an app offering customers a choice of rewards, each worth perhaps $5, at the beginning of a payment cycle. An e-
voucher for the chosen reward, visible in the app, is activated when payment is received on time; it disappears when the payment is
missed. The sight of the voucher activates loss aversion, thereby doubling efficacy; letting the customer choose the reward (ideally
from a set of three options) promotes autonomy, which further increases the intrinsic motivation. The selection of offers can be
optimized for emotional relevance based on customer shopping profiles, while the value of the reward can be adjusted based on the
loan value at risk. In line with the idea of the nudge, smaller values are often the most cost-effective for triggering intrinsic motivation.
A word of caution: the effects of such apps need to be monitored to avoid unintended consequences. Some banks already offer apps
that monitor customer spending and, when triggered, send reminders to spend less. The results have been disappointing, mainly
because the apps were deployed indiscriminately, without the guidance of behavioral segmentation. Such reminders are not needed
by customers actively struggling to meet their obligations, while they have little effect on irresponsible spenders. Furthermore, they
tend to curtail responsible spending by good customers, which banks want to encourage.
Creating habits
By understanding customer motivations and behavior, banks can identify the causes behind some delinquent accounts. Highly
indebted customers prone to shopping sprees are likely exhibiting poor self-control and an inability to manage their financial affairs.
In such instances, banks can approach the problem by helping customers change their behavior. One proven technique for building
self-control is to form a habit around a desired behavior. With certain customers, strict weekly payment schedules are preferred and
more effectively habit-forming than monthly cycles. This approach is consonant with insights from addiction treatment and therapies
for other behavior-related disorders, where the establishment of routines can be a crucial factor in a patient’s success.
Four moments can be distinguished within a collections episode. At each point, customers make decisions on whether or not to
cooperate with the lender. The lender, meanwhile, can use each point to understand customer behavior and identify opportunities to
increase the likelihood of repayment—through psychological interventions carefully calibrated to the customer’s profile.
1. Opening. When the phone rings, customers must first decide whether to engage with the bank at all. Once they minimally engage by
answering, they then decide whether to collaborate with the bank in problem solving (such as by disclosing financial difficulties) or
take a defensive or evasive stance.
2. Commitment. Once some collaboration has been established, the collector needs to move the customer toward a promise to pay.
3. Negotiation. A major part of the conversation will be a negotiation over the customer’s financial limitations and the payment amount
to which he or she is willing to commit.
4. Follow-through. Finally, the customer needs to keep the promise to pay. This is a complex decision with plenty of opportunities for
To increase the likelihood of success in each of these four collections moments, targeted interventions can be made, based on
behavioral segmentation. In the opening moment, for example, collectors would do well to understand the psychological concept
called “affect.” The term is used to describe the conscious, subjective experience of emotions, apart from physical reactions. By
putting the customer in the right mood—a condition of positive affect—the collector will have enhanced customer receptivity. The
customer will consequently be open to exploring solutions and become more confident in his or her ability to resolve the situation.
The opposite, negative affect, will impede resolution, so it is important to put the customer at ease. A good approach is to use
collectors with profiles similar to the customers’, matching regional dialect, gender, and age. To reach customers that are unwilling to
speak on the phone at all (out of shame or anxiety), the use of social media might be a good choice for engagement. Personalized
advertisements from credit-card companies offering to help customers through difficult times (“call us at 1-800-000-0000 now”)
can put the customer back in control of the time to engage with collections. Of course, if the collector ultimately determines that the
customer is not susceptible to engagement using softer approaches, then administrative measures can be initiated.
To achieve commitment, customers must be engaged. Collectors can use a number of approaches to encourage engagement,
including telling a customer that the solution being offered has been very popular with other clients. This may trigger the so-called
herd effect—a sense of belonging to a group and not wanting to deviate from its norms.
Ensuring that customers keep their promises to pay is arguably the hardest part of the collections episode. In our experience,
perceived hassles act as strong disincentives for payment. Banks should always seek to eliminate excuses for breaking promises to
pay (and to avoid delinquencies to begin with). This is best accomplished by understanding the preferences of the different
behavioral segments and ensuring that the payment methods they most prefer are always available. For example, nearly one-quarter
of respondents in one survey said that making payments was needlessly difficult but that they would be more likely to pay if the lender
offered more convenient payment methods, such as online or mobile channels (Exhibit 2).
While not much seen in the collections industry, a psychological concept known as “implementation intention” could prove helpful.
Developed in the 1990s by cognitive psychologist Peter Gollwitzer, the concept begins with the recognition that people mostly have
good intentions when they commit to a goal, even if they do not keep them.1 The formation of implementation intentions explicitly
links intentions to their fulfillment. Some institutions have gotten good results by initiating explicit discussions with customers about
when, where, and how payments will be made. A typical outcome might be a promise to make a payment at the bank on Friday
morning when the customer goes to work. At one bank, this technique increased the rate of fulfilled promises by eight percentage
points. The formula may seem simple, but the explicit linkage of intentions to actions can help those who have trouble following
Countering bias and fatigue—in collectors
Collectors too experience psychological effects, just as customers do, and these must be taken into account in the collections
episode. The collector is faced with several decisions in each of the four moments we have been discussing. The choices are often
made subconsciously, on the fly, based on exceedingly simple heuristics. Collector decision making is thus exposed to harmful
biases, which can become more pronounced as the day wears on. This effect, brought on by mental fatigue, is called ego depletion. It
has been observed in many professions, from law and medicine to journalism and scientific research. At one company we observed
the success ratio in collections calls fall by half during the course of a day.
Leading banks have been employing conscious countermeasures to support their collectors through these decision points. Some
examples will help illustrate the challenges and how they are being addressed. Given the operating environment created by today’s
highly efficient power dialers connecting call center staff with delinquent customers, collectors have little time to familiarize
themselves with the customers who actually pick up. For this opening moment, collectors need to be able to scan in seconds the one
or two crucial insights about the customer answering a call. We have seen situations where a spouse answers and the collector
politely requests a callback from the cardholder, not knowing that this has happened a dozen times already. If the system instantly
alerts collectors about this crucial fact, they can push beyond the routine evasiveness.
For the commitment phase, an important consideration for the collector is when to give up and move to the next account. Efficiency is
important, as collectors must optimize their pay. We have often seen collectors abandon high-risk, high-value accounts too quickly.
Incentive systems can help, by reflecting the difficulty of collecting from a particularly intractable account. Yet these systems are
often complicated and rather than following them carefully, collectors take heuristic shortcuts inconsistent with the elaborate logic.
Nudges can keep things on track. Banks can label accounts with obvious hints about the amount of effort that collectors will find is
worthwhile to invest in them.
For negotiation, many banks give collectors plenty of flexibility in setting payment parameters and offering financial incentives. Not
surprisingly, some collectors overuse incentives and too often default to the most generous terms. Advanced predictive models can
help support collectors in making more discriminating decisions, determining the offer that maximizes value within a narrow set of
statistically calibrated options. Voice analytics is now fast and sophisticated enough to enable decision-support systems to make
these calculations in real time, based on customer responses.
For the follow-through stage, collectors can make use of insights emerging from advanced analytics, including the most effective
“talk-offs” to keep the conversation on track. Banks can use nudges to encourage collectors to invest the time needed to win over
customers with a particularly low probability of fulfilling commitments. One lever is to establish implementation intentions with these
customers; another is to eliminate perceived barriers.
How can institutions introduce these approaches and techniques into their collections operations? While ultimately a comprehensive
program of innovation and continuous improvement will emerge, the following steps can be taken now:
Make an initial assessment based on four or five behavioral clusters. A pragmatic assessment of behavioral clusters complements
the bank’s risk-based segmentation. The primary objective is to divide the at-risk population into several subsegments with distinct
behaviors, requiring different treatments. Note that behavioral segmentation can be very powerful for low-risk as well as high-risk
groups, enabling the design of different low-cost treatments for each group. Often we use statistical techniques for an initial
segmentation, but the most important insights will come from market research with actual delinquent customers, including
psychometric surveys and structured interviews.
Select and design innovative treatments. The treatments will be based on the rich and growing body of psychological research as well
as real-life experience with nudges and behavioral insights (Exhibit 3). Given how little experience most banks have with these
techniques, most of the innovations are drawn from other industries and the public sector, such as healthcare, insurance claims
management, and even government.
The application of behavioral segmentation and innovative treatments in collections has its roots in psychological research and
advanced statistical-segmentation models. The approach, however, is highly pragmatic and designed to be up and running in three
months’ time. It uses existing infrastructure and creative workarounds, especially with respect to IT implementation. The impact on
collections success rates can be significant. In a typical case, the use of a behavioral approach achieved a twofold benefit at one
bank. Losses were reduced by 20 percent overall, and many fewer cured customers relapsed into a further delinquency. As lasting
results such as these are achieved, collections managers can then go to work to ensure that the most effective innovative treatments
become the new norm.
The seven pillars supporting best-in-class collections operations (
1. Segmentation
In organizations where collector capacity is limited, effective segmentation is of vital importance. While all organizations keep track
of the number of days accounts are delinquent, more effective collections operations prioritize customers by value at risk. This is a
score calculated from the product of outstanding balances and some measure of collections risk (Exhibit 2). Lenders have long
assessed collections risk by using models resembling those used for underwriting consumer credit. Increasingly, however,
collections-specific models are being developed and employed. The models are designed to predict the probability of customers’
defaulting or remaining longer in delinquency (rolling through 30, 60, and 90 days of delinquency). Some models even venture to
predict customer receptivity to contact. Developers are increasingly incorporating machine-learning approaches into the models to
better assimilate customer behavior and improve predictive power. Better enterprise data warehousing has allowed developers to
incorporate into models the nightly recalibration of collections-risk scores and the combined values of a customer’s accounts. The
purpose of all segmentation in collections is to distinguish delinquent customers requiring human contact from those who will
respond to automated messaging or require no contact at all. Lenders naturally want to reserve valuable live-agent capacity for
medium- and high-value accounts at risk. It is in their interest, therefore, to identify as many delinquent customers responsive to
automated prompts as possible.
Behavioral segmentation, discussed in another article, can be the perfect complement to value-atrisk (VAR) segmentation,
identifying the behavioral clues to customer receptivity (or aversion) toward particular contact approaches and treatments. Once the
segmentation is established, collectors can determine the contact and treatment strategies. Well-executed VAR segmentation will
align efforts with the needs of the customer to find the most suitable ways to collect from all types of atrisk accounts. Compared with
more traditional delinquency segmentation, the VAR approach has several advantages. It helps lenders identify larger numbers of
customers who can be routed to automated channels, including interactive voice response (IVR), with no detrimental impact. With
fewer customers routed to live agents, collections shops ensure that longer, more effective conversations can take place where
needed. Another advantage is that the VAR approach permits early redirection of high-balance, high-risk customers away from low-
skill early-stage teams to better-performing collectors. The approach also more quickly routes low-balance customers in the later
stages of delinquency to less frequent contact by less skilled collectors. Yet another advantage of VAR segmentation is that it favors
contact intensity over accounts per collector. Traditionally, collections departments call accounts in early-stage delinquency most
frequently, steadily deprioritizing as the accounts move closer to the charge-off date. This usual approach is based on the assumption
that all customers are less likely to pay the longer they remain in delinquency. Staffing is consequently geared toward managing the
earlystage calling load, with accounts per collector an important measure of efficiency. VAR segmentation reverses this emphasis.
Customers representing high value at risk are assigned to a dedicated high-VAR team, which seeks to maximize the intensity of
contact. Each agent spends the time needed to work out a tailored repayment plan. Medium-VAR customers are assigned to teams
with targets of less contact intensity, while remaining customers are assigned to low VAR agents or automated outreach.
Dialing penetration and saturation targets are achieved and maintained by regularly reviewing the volume of accounts assigned to
the high-, medium-, and low-VAR teams and adjusting thresholds as needed. Even in collections shops with severely constrained
capacity, customers with the highest value at risk remain the top priority, while low-VAR customers can be deprioritized or left alone
to self-cure. An added tool to the VAR model is an accountownership team for the highest-VAR customers. Analogous to the classic
recoveries model, this team comprises collectors who are each assigned a portfolio of accounts. It is an expensive tool, designed to
address the accounts with the greatest value at risk to the bank. Team members treat their own lists as would true account managers.
They are responsible for finding customers, building rapport, and providing permanent solutions. Given the low account-to-collector
ratios, ownership teams can emphasize cures over taking payment. The primary goal is to eliminate accounts from delinquency,
either by bringing them current or assigning them for an early exit. Collectors are encouraged to show initiative, sorting their portfolios
not just by risk and balance but time since last contact, frequency of right-party contact, or even most recent payment activity.
2. Skiptracing
Banks need to design skiptracing practices in compliance with all applicable privacy restrictions, which can vary significantly from
one geographical jurisdiction to another. Where permitted in the United States, for example, three levels of activity are usually
pursued, depending on account importance and the interval since a successful contact. For accounts without any contact details or
without a successful contact over the first 30 days or so, the use of semiautomated batch skiptracing is common. Files containing
customer identifiers are submitted to credit bureaus overnight, and the contents of the returned file (with any additional contact
information) are loaded onto the dialer in time for the next morning’s calling campaigns. Automation creates a routine process that is
also cost effective, with reported successful location rates in excess of 10 percent. Collections shops can look to the wider enterprise
as a source of customer-contact details. Siloed operations at many financial institutions prevent the routine sharing of details
obtained through customer-service channels. A collections team can often locate at-risk customers simply by assembling these
details from across the enterprise. Specialized skiptracing using recovery agencies can also contribute to the effort, as these
agencies often find customers quickly that the bank cannot. Given the cost, however, this solution is usually reserved for customers
representing the highest value at risk. Frequently, banks fail to make successful contact with half of the accounts that are charged
off. A portion of these may be linked to fraudulent activity or belong to customers declaring bankruptcy, but many are charged off
simply because collectors were unable to make contact. Some customers in this group were not actively avoiding contact; rather they
were not contacted due to poor onboarding or faulty skiptracing. It is worth the effort to contact these customers properly, since once
located, they may be as willing to pay (or not) as the group with good contact details.
3. Contact strategy
The means to make contact include email, text messaging, posted letters, and telephone calls. In recent years, successful collectors
have been using a range of newer digital channels as well; younger customers may be especially responsive to mobile apps (including
chat) and social-media sites. When it comes to calling, mobile phones rather than land lines are today’s norm. Collectors recognize
that many customers now screen live voice calls, making brute-force dialing at all hours less effective for making contact. Research
indicates that varying call intensity can help, along with the use of self-serve and voiceless options that create a more engaging
experience. Collectors have found that customers gain a sense of empowerment when they can choose the contact channel, their own
delinquency solutions, and the timing and pace of repayment.
4. Treatment choices
Rising delinquency rates strongly correlate to the rising proportion of customers who are unable to make full past-due payments and
who may ultimately default. For lenders, it is essential to identify these customers early and offer them a range of treatment solutions.
Many issuers reduce interest or extend the term of a delinquent debt to make monthly payments more affordable. More advanced
collections operations will offer customers the opportunity to “name their own price.” This approach allows customers to set truly
affordable terms and helps to extricate them early from delinquency. Some issuers have been able to develop advanced behavioral
models, enabling the early identification of customers with the highest likelihood of rolling straight to charge off. These can be
presented with settlement options, often at levels well below traditional 70 to 80 percent targets.
5. Frontline capabilities
A skilled, well-informed, and motivated workforce is always at the heart of successful collections operations. Frontline collections is a
difficult work environment, much more challenging than ordinary call centers. Collections staff need a financial education as well as
skill in negotiating with distressed customers in a highly regulated calling environment. These parameters define the complexity of
employee selection, training, and motivation and indicate that assembling an exceptional staff is a challenging process. Collections
shops are under constant pressure to lower operating costs, and best practices are hard to come by. Collections service centers are
often moved to low-cost locations where the pool of skilled candidates is usually more limited and competition for their services can
be stiff. In such locations, successful collectors can be hard to find. The desired social skill set, furthermore, is elusive. An ability to
connect on a human level is important, but some outgoing and gregarious candidates will not be the most successful. The ideal
collector is calm, methodical, and self-starting, with a propensity to solve problems and an ability to engage and empathize with
different kinds of people. Successful onboarding involves training in the technical side of operations but also in the art and science of
negotiation. Collections centers with low attrition and solid early-tenure performance will usually provide new collectors with an
extended “nesting” period for integration. Trainee graduating classes are supported by their own dedicated coaches providing side-
by-side instruction and monitoring. Once on the job, many collectors come to think that they have little control over the frequency with
which they are able to speak with the true account holder (make right-party contact). Experience suggests, however, that the most
skillful collectors find a way: collectors achieving the highest right-party-contact rates consistently perform in the top quartile among
peers month after month. Top performers are the most persistent and best able rapidly to locate the right party to begin fruitful
discussions. They also tend to approach customers in a familiar, congenial way, building rapport. Their techniques can be taught and
can lead to rapid and dramatic increases in RPC rates. Empowering collectors to have intelligent, self-guided discussions with
customers will yield performance improvements, more promises to pay, and better customer experiences. In a world focused on
compliance and efficiency, many collections shops have resorted to tight scripting for calls. A boilerplate approach is followed for
virtually all customer interactions, and Collections shops improve effectiveness and customer and employee satisfaction by training
collectors to rapidly assess a customer’s situation and empowering them to use that information to guide customers to better
resolutions. Ability and willingness to pay are the most important parameters, and within that context, collectors can be trained to
recognize four groups of at-risk customers, based on their willingness and ability to pay: able and willing (“Angelic”), able but not very
willing (“Burdensome”), willing but barely able (“Caring”), and little able, whether willing or not (“Dire”). This segmentation focuses
collections strategies and helps prepare collectors to overcome typical objections (Exhibit 3). Finally, collectors should protect
customers’ promises to pay by taking immediate payment when possible. Maximum value to the bank is secured when collectors set
up automated payments and recurring payment plans. At some institutions, however, immediate payments are not accepted for some
accounts. In these cases, collectors can reinforce promises to pay, in a brief dialogue about the payments process—when, how, and
where customers will pay. This tends to instill a strong sense of obligation. 6. Performance management The work of a collector can
be monotonous and mentally draining. Repeatedly speaking with collectors are trained to abandon conversations the moment
customers do not agree to resolve their debt with such an approach. Yet a one-size-fits-all tactic can leave a lot of value on the table.
Collections shops improve effectiveness and customer and employee satisfaction by training collectors to rapidly assess a
customer’s situation and empowering them to use that information to guide customers to better resolutions. Ability and willingness to
pay are the most important parameters, and within that context, collectors can be trained to recognize four groups of at-risk
customers, based on their willingness and ability to pay: able and willing (“Angelic”), able but not very willing (“Burdensome”), willing
but barely able (“Caring”), and little able, whether willing or not (“Dire”). This segmentation focuses collections strategies and helps
prepare collectors to overcome typical objections (Exhibit 3). Finally, collectors should protect customers’ promises to pay by taking
immediate payment when possible. Maximum value to the bank is secured when collectors set up automated payments and recurring
payment plans. At some institutions, however, immediate payments are not accepted for some accounts. In these cases, collectors
can reinforce promises to pay, in a brief dialogue about the payments process—when, how, and where customers will pay. This tends
to instill a strong sense of obligation.
6. Performance management
The work of a collector can be monotonous and mentally draining. Repeatedly speaking with customers in dire financial
circumstances can wear out nerves, while shifting aims to align with frequent policy and strategy changes can tax the skills of even
the most talented new collectors. Collections shops can best ensure the success of their frontline staff by providing effective, ongoing
coaching. This needs to be backed up by performance metrics to reward successful collectors and identify those who are struggling,
so that they may receive focused and timely support. With all good intentions, companies often promote their best collectors to
supervisory roles. They should be aware, however, that those whom they promote might not be well suited for the burdens of
administration. To get the most out of these promotions, companies should refit the role of collections supervisor, relieving it of many
administrative tasks. Activities that are not essential to daily shop operations can be assigned instead to administrative
professionals. Collections supervisors can then be assigned to spend the time they need to share their collections skills, wisdom, and
enthusiasm with their teams. At least half a supervisor’s time should in practice be spent in oneon-one coaching sessions with team
members. Teams should be small enough, furthermore, for supervisors to have meaningful personal interactions with each individual
on a weekly basis. The work of an effective supervisor is greatly aided by daily reporting of team-member performance metrics.
Depending on the prevailing culture, supervisors can make performance details available for all to see (and compare), or share them
with individual collectors each day. In this age of routine digital communications, performance reporting is sometimes relegated to a
passive email push. This method misses a vital opportunity. Effective performance management really begins with pull from the
collectors, eager to know how they have performed (relative to peers) and how to improve to meet challenging monthly goals. The
performance data should be the basis for regular performance dialogues, which are most effective when performed in stand-up
huddles, with colleagues encouraged to suggest performance-enhancing improvements.
7. Organization
For some collections shops, VAR segmentation is a brave new world, requiring wholesale organizational restructuring. Others will
need only to route their customers to dedicated low-, medium-, high-, and ultrahigh-VAR-collections teams. One cautionary note:
experience suggests that in operations with existing high dialing intensities, routing early-stage accounts to medium- or high-VAR
teams (with lower daily penetration rates) can lead to lower performance of such accounts, even if the resultant excessive account
rolls are cured in later delinquency. Instead, a more traditional early-stage collections strategy will be more effective. This consists of
large teams of collectors engaging in high-intensity dialing, followed by VAR segmentation applied to those accounts that enter mid-
stage delinquency. In this approach, medium- and high-value collectors are free to focus on accounts most likely to roll to charge-off,
capturing incremental value from lower default rates.
Within collections approaches, emphasis tends to oscillate between aiming to collect fees and interest from delinquent customers
(as their risk of default rises) and seeking payments to bring accounts current, which reduces the delinquent population and shrinks
collections operations. In times of historically low losses, ever-richer card rewards programs demanded a larger revenue stream from
fees and interest. Now with delinquencies rising, greater liquidation rates enable collections shops to limit risk as well as operations
costs. In a changing economic environment, shifts in collections strategy will become necessary. Success depends on a well-
informed frontline staff, well trained in new approaches and behaviors. Change is always difficult, but the chances of new strategies
succeeding are far greater when collectors understand their purpose and share a sense of ownership in the results.
Where is collections going?
Consumer-lending delinquency began to rise in mid-2015, with collections operations expanding in its wake. Economic conditions
globally were mostly positive during this time, and prevailing wisdom suggests that much of the increase was the result of shifts in
bank-lending policies. Especially consequential was the relaxation of lending criteria, as financial institutions competed for more
customers and more revenue. To avoid a sting from the tail of such expansive policies, collections shops need to adapt operations.
This will involve more than simply scaling up capacity to align with new demand. Collections needs to get ahead of future losses by
employing next-generation techniques, which include VAR segmentation, strategies informed by behavioral economics, and
advanced digital collections tools. Collections-management teams commonly find it difficult to reduce losses. Many initiatives lose
lift before completion; others fail even to get off the ground. The decisive obstacles are many and particular, but three general issues
can be called out. First, experienced managers sometimes persist with solutions that worked through the last cycle, despite getting
poorer results in the present one. At the same time, they seem not to recognize the value of new techniques like machine learning.
Second, an emphasis on trivial measures, such as cosmetic changes to the desktop, can sometimes be prioritized ahead of major
initiatives like hiring staff. Finally, at many institutions, senior management continues to view collections as a cost center rather than
a value generator, and minimize new investment.
This approach will help whether the goal is to hire and train new talent, shift to a value-based strategy, or incorporate behavioral
insights and machine learning into collections operations.
To respond to the changing demands of today’s credit environment, collections shops need to pursue a small number of substantive
initiatives that will ultimately transform operations in digital and value-based directions. There is no passive formula for success.
Within collections, leaders must be committed advocates of the new solutions if employees are to take ownership and succeed. The
role of business leaders is to ensure success by creating the compelling business case for collections to operate as a center of value.
With the needed investment in the seven pillars, collections can generate positive returns ahead of market competitors.
A next-generation collections model
In traditional collections processes, banks segregate customers into a few simple risk categories, based either on delinquency
buckets or on simple analytics, and assign customer-service teams accordingly. Lowrisk customers are usually given to newer
collections agents based on availability; the agents follow standardized scripts without being asked to evaluate customer behavior.
Agents with moderate experience, training, and skills are assigned, again based on availability, to medium-risk customers. These
agents also follow a standardized script but are trained to assess customer behavior based on ability and willingness to pay. High-risk
customers are assigned to the most skilled agents, who own their accounts and use less standardized approaches to develop
assessments of customer behavior. Contact strategies and treatment offerings are fairly varied across the risk categories. By using
advanced analytics and applying machinelearning algorithms, banks can move to a deeper, more nuanced understanding of their at-
risk customers. With this more complex picture, customers can be classified into microsegments and more targeted— and effective—
interventions can be designed for them (Exhibit 1).
Using analytics in the new model
Analytics-based customer segmentation is at the center of the next-generation collections model. The transformed collections model
will allow lenders to move away from decision making based on static classifications, whether these are standard delinquency stages
or simple risk scores. Early identification of self-cure customers will be one benefit. Another will be an approach based on value at
risk, rather than blanket decisions based on standardized criteria. The aspiration is to have every customer as a “segment of one”
with customized treatments. Leaders taking the analytics-based actions that define the new model have already begun to realize
gains in efficiency and effectiveness. One European bank automated 90 percent of communications with clients by developing two
advanced-analytics models using machine-learning algorithms. A binary model identifies self-curers and non-self-curers, and a
multiclass model recommends collections strategies for the nonself-curers, including soft measures, restructuring, or workouts. The
models use around 800 variables, including client demographics and information on overdrafts, client transactions, contracts, and
collaterals. The bank has realized more than 30 percent in savings with no loss in operational performance. Another European bank
set out to develop a topnotch recovery process using advanced analytics. The goals were to minimize the number of clients falling 90
or more days’ past due while maximizing the economic impact of exits, focusing on retail and small-and-medium enterprise
portfolios. As the bank gained a deeper understanding of its nonperforming loans, it was able immediately to address certain
borrowers (such as recurring defaulting clients) with effective initiatives. Other groups of clients were identified, and exit strategies
based on economic value were developed for each group. The results are compelling. The bank reduced its 90-day-or-more portfolio
by more than €100 million, with €50 million in fewer past-due entries and the remainder in exit acceleration. Moreover, a reduction
of 10 percent in past-due volumes was achieved across the board, worth around €300 million less in past-due exposure.
A leading North American bank has rolled out a number of machine-learning models that improve the estimation of customer risk,
identifying customers with a high propensity to self-cure as well as those suitable for early offers. These models have so far enabled
the bank to save $25 million on a $1 billion portfolio. Most banks can achieve results of this magnitude by introducing an analytics-
based solution quickly and then making needed improvements as they go. Value can be gained in almost all of the key areas in the
collections environment.
ƒ Early self-cure identification. Some banks use rudimentary heuristics (rules of thumb) or simple models to identify self-cure
customers, while others have adopted simple self-cure models with limited variables. The new self-cure model based on machine
learning and big data can save collectors a lot of time. By using many variables to better identify self-cure accounts, banks can
increase collector capacity by 5 to 10 percent, allowing agents to be reassigned to more complex collections cases.
ƒ Value-at-risk assessment. While many banks use time in delinquency as the primary measure of default risk, some lenders are
taking a more sophisticated approach, building a risk model to determine value at risk. Many of these are simple trees and logistic
regressions, however, with limited data. Leaders are moving to a future state in which models project conditional probability rather
than assign customers single risk scores. The conditional score is dependent on a range of tailored approaches to customer contact
and engagement: every borrower has several scores depending on the contact strategy and offer. Lenders would then use the strategy
and offer that optimizes recoveries. The approach better calibrates the intensity of contact with each account, thus optimizing
resources. A nextgeneration value-at-risk assessment can further reduce charge-offs by 5 to 15 percent depending on maturity of
current operations, analytics, and availability of data.
ƒ Cure assessment versus pre-charge-off offers. At most banks, agents determine whether a customer will cure or will need an offer
of some sort; some banks have heuristic rules for agents to follow. The new approach is to use models that ascertain a customer’s
ability and willingness to pay and gauge whether the better path is a cure or an offer. Banks can resegment delinquent accounts to
improve their decisions to offer early settlement, an approach that increases the uptake of offers while reducing charge-offs by 10 to
20 percent.
ƒ Optimizing pre-charge-off offers. Banks are currently using rules or simple analytics to create offers for customers, often without
determining the likelihood that they will accept. Models will predict the best offer, optimized for the needs of the bank and the
customer. Banks can change the prompt, adjusting loan characteristics and offerings to those most likely to reduce chargeoffs,
including re-amortizing the term or interest rate, consolidating loans, or settling. Making the right offer early, before accounts enter
late-stage delinquency, can improve acceptance rates.
ƒ Post-charge-off decision. Most banks use simple models or heuristics to determine which agencies to send accounts to, and at
what price. To refine these decisions, models will determine the best agency for each account and tailor prices accordingly. The
model will also determine the optimal pricing segmentation for third-party agencies and identify the accounts to retain in-house
longer (based on products retained with the bank, for example). The strategic use of third parties can help with accounts that cannot
be cured internally.
ƒ Websites can display messages and repayment options as soon as customers log in, increasing awareness and providing
opportunities for early delinquency reduction.
ƒ Messenger and chat. Where legally permissible, collectors can contact customers and negotiate payment options with chat
functionality and free messenger applications (such as WhatsApp).
ƒ Mobile apps. Build collections functionality into the mobile app, reminding customers in early delinquency stages to pay and
offering payment options.
ƒ Virtual agent. Create capacity by developing virtual agent functionality to call customers in early delinquency stages.
ƒ Voice response unit. Enhance current voice response capability, offering basic repayment options when customers call, which
frees collector capacity.
Most banks use heuristics to establish the best times to call. Usually, however, agents are inadequately supported on questions of
which channel to use, when to use it, and what the message should be. Advanced models can project a full channel strategy,
including channel usage, timing, and messaging. Banks will be able to control contact down to the hour and minute, as well as the
sequence of communications—including voice, text, email, letter, and interactive voice message. The approach is developed that
maximizes the rightparty contact rate (RPC) and influences customer behavior to prioritize payment. Such optimal contact
sequencing can increase success in early stages of delinquency.