Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Untuk Publikasi
Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Untuk Publikasi
Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Untuk Publikasi
RISET & Scientific Article
HULU: riset HILIR: Scientific Article
The search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, with an open mind, to establish
novel facts, usually using a scientific method
A systematic process of critical inquiry leading to valid propositions and conclusions that are
communicated to interested others.
Some subjects require us to go beyond our personal knowledge and experience
Research is undertaken to:
explore an idea,
probe an issue,
solve a problem,
make an argument that compels us to turn to
outside help
Elsevier, 2017
Search the literature and keep a record of the references
Before the research Prepare dummy tables for results
Revise Accept
Initial Decision by Editor
Revision Received
Rejection Decide to Review
Revision Checked
Assign Reviewers
Reviews Completed
Paper sent to Publisher
Revise Accept Reject Module_1_How_to_Write_a_Scientific_Paper_
Prepared by T. Kurniawan, 2016
What Should be written
Scientific misconduct
Research misconduct?:
The Department of Health and Human Services defines research misconduct as:
Fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing
research results.
Fabrication: making up results and recording or reporting them
Falsification: manipulation of research materials, equipment, or processes, or
changing or omitting results such that the research is not accurately
represented in the record.
Plagiarism: the appropriation of another’s ideas, processes, results, or words
without giving proper credit.
Authorship, Multiple submission, Ownership, Conflict of interest, etc.
Scientific Journal
a scientific journal is a periodical publication intended to further the progress
of science, usually by reporting new research*
a periodical that serves as a source of scientific information and means of scientific
Peer reviewed
International journal Diversity of the countries and the topics covered (Authors,
means more than one papers, editors, etc.)
country or nation is involved The journal covers many interests in common/general interest
within journal activities … International audience (International circulation)
peer reviewed
(DIKTI, existing)
Editorial board berasal dari berbagai negara serta berdomisisili di
Bahasa yang digunakan bahasa PBB
Terbit secara teratur dan beredar di berbagai negara
Selecting an International Journal
Journal database
Selecting an International Journal
Journal indexing service. Indexation of a journal is considered a reflection of its quality. Indexed
journals are considered to be of higher scientific quality as compared to non-indexed journals.
others others
others others
The process of writing
The process of writing
There is no novelty
Submission of papers which are clearly out of scope
Failure to format the paper according to the Guide for Authors
Inadequate standard of English
Clear indication of scientific misconduct
Citation vs. reference
Written in non-reputable journal
Kegagalan menjadi artikel yang baik
1. Too narrow or to broad. Does your article have problems with focus?
2. Off topic. Is my article appropriate for the journal I have selected?
3. Not scholarly. Does my article have problems with scholarliness?
4. Too defensive. Does my article have problems with defensiveness?
5. Not sufficiently original. Does my article have problems with originality?
6. Poor structure. Does my article have problems with structure?
7. Not significant. Does my article have problems with significance?
8. Theoretically or methodologically flawed. Does my article have theoretical or
methodological problems?
9. Too many misspellings and grammatical errors. Does my article have problems
with spelling and grammar?
10. No argument stated early and clearly
Belcher, 2009
Kegagalan menjadi artikel yang baik
1. It fails the technical screening
- Scientific misconduct
- Is not complete
- The English is not sufficient
- The article does not conform to the GfA
- Reference s are incomplete or very old
2. It does not fall within the aims and scope
3. It's incomplete
The article contains observations but is not a full study.
It discusses findings in relation to some of the work in the field but ignores other important work
4. The procedures and/or analysis of the data is seen to be defective
5. The conclusions cannot be justified on the basis of the rest of the paper
The arguments are illogical, unstructured or invalid.
The data does not support the conclusions.
The conclusions ignore large portions of the literature.
6. It's is simply a small extension of a different paper, often from the same authors
7. It's incomprehensible
8. It's boring
Thrower, 2012