Lab Extract An Executable From A PCAP Lab Extract An Executable From A PCAP Lab Extract An Executable From A PCAP
Part 1: Analyze Pre-Captured Logs and Traffic Captures
Part 2: Extract Downloaded Files from PCAPS
Background / Scenario
Looking at logs is very important but it is also important to understand how network transactions happen at
the packet level.
In this lab, you will analyze the traffic in a previously captured pcap file and extract an executable from the file.
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Lab - Extract an Executable from a PCAP
d. The nimda.download.pcap file contains the packet capture related to the malware download performed
in a previous lab. The pcap contains all the packets sent and received while tcpdump was running.
Select the fourth packet in the capture and expand the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to display as
shown below.
e. Packets one through three are the TCP handshake. The fourth packet shows the request for the malware
file. Confirming what was already known, the request was done over HTTP, sent as a GET request.
f. Because HTTP runs over TCP, it is possible to use Wireshark’s Follow TCP Stream feature to rebuild
the TCP transaction. Select the first TCP packet in the capture, a SYN packet. Right-click it and choose
Follow TCP Stream.
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Lab - Extract an Executable from a PCAP
g. Wireshark displays another window containing the details for the entire selected TCP flow.
What are all those symbols shown in the Follow TCP Stream window? Are they connection noise? Data?
There are a few readable words spread among the symbols. Why are they there?
Challenge Question: Despite the W32.Nimda.Amm.exe name, this executable is not the famous worm.
For security reasons, this is another executable file that was renamed as W32.Nimda.Amm.exe. Using
the word fragments displayed by Wireshark’s Follow TCP Stream window, can you tell what executable
this really is?
h. Click Close in the Follow TCP Stream window to return to the Wireshark nimda.download.pcap file.
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Lab - Extract an Executable from a PCAP
a. In that fourth packet in the nimda.download.pcap file, notice that the HTTP GET request was generated
from to The Info column also shows this is in fact the GET request for
the file.
b. With the GET request packet selected, navigate to File > Export Objects > HTTP, from
Wireshark’s menu.
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Lab - Extract an Executable from a PCAP
c. Wireshark will display all HTTP objects present in the TCP flow that contains the GET request. In this
case, only the W32.Nimda.Amm.exe file is present in the capture. It will take a few seconds before the
file is displayed.
d. In the HTTP object list window, select the W32.Nimda.Amm.exe file and click Save As at the bottom of
the screen.
e. Click the left arrow until you see the Home button. Click Home and then click the analyst folder (not the
analyst tab). Save the file there.
f. Open a new terminal window and ensure the file was saved. Change directory to the /home/analyst
folder and list the files in the folder using the ls -l command.
[analyst@secOps pcaps]$ cd /home/analyst
[analyst@secOps ~]$ ls –l
total 364
drwxr-xr-x 2 analyst analyst 4096 Sep 26 2014 Desktop
drwx------ 3 analyst analyst 4096 May 25 11:16
drwxr-xr-x 8 analyst analyst 4096 Jun 22 11:38 lab.support.files
drwxr-xr-x 2 analyst analyst 4096 Mar 3 15:56 second_drive
-rw-r--r-- 1 analyst analyst 345088 Jun 22 15:12 W32.Nimda.Amm.exe
[analyst@secOps ~]$
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Lab - Extract an Executable from a PCAP
In the malware analysis process, what would be a probable next step for a security analyst?
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