Crim 1 Reyes Reviewer
Crim 1 Reyes Reviewer
Crim 1 Reyes Reviewer
Efficient Intervening cause there is an active force covered by the law, and in cases of excessive
that intervened between the felony committed and penalties. - Whenever a court has knowledge of
the resulting injury, and the active force is a distinct any act which it may deem proper to repress and
act or fact absolutely foreign from the felonious act which is not punishable by law, it shall render the
of the accused proper decision, and shall report to the Chief
Executive, through the Department of Justice, the
2. By any person performing an act which would reasons which induce the court to believe that
be an offense against persons or property, were it said act should be made the subject of legislation.
not for the inherent impossibility of its
accomplishment or an account of the employment In the same way, the court shall submit to the
of inadequate or ineffectual means. Chief Executive, through the Department of
Justice, such statement as may be deemed
IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES proper, without suspending the execution of the
sentence, when a strict enforcement of the
The community must be protected from anti-social
provisions of this Code would result in the
activities, whether actual or potential, of the morbid
imposition of a clearly excessive penalty, taking
type of man called "socially dangerous person."
into consideration the degree of malice and the
The penalty for impossible crime is provided in
injury caused by the offense.
Article 59 of this Code.
The 1st paragraph of this article which
contemplates a trial of a criminal case requires
1. That the act performed would be an offense the following:
against persons or property. o 1. The act committed by the accused
2. That the act was done with evil intent. appears not punishable by any law;
3. That its accomplishment is inherently impossible, o 2. But the court deems it proper to
or that the means employed is either inadequate repress such act;
or ineffectual. o 3. In that case, the court must render
4. That the act performed should not constitute a the proper decision by dismissing the
violation of another provision of the Revised case and acquitting the accused;
Penal Code. o 4. The judge must then make a report
"Inherent impossibility of its accomplishment." to the Chief Executive, through the
o There must be either (1) legal impossibility, Secretary of Justice, stating the reasons
or which induce him to believe that the
o (2) physical impossibility of accomplishing said act should be made the subject of
the intended act. penal legislation
"Employment of inadequate" The 2nd paragraph of Art. 5 requires that
o Example: A, determined to poison B, uses a o 1. The court after trial finds the accused
small quantity of arsenic by mixing it with guilty;
the food given to B, believing that the o 2. The penalty provided by law and
quantity employed by him is sufficient. But which the court imposes for the crime
since in fact it is not sufficient, B is not committed appears to be clearly
killed. The means employed (small quantity excessive, because
of poison) is inadequate to kill a person. the accused acted with lesser
Employment of "ineffectual means." degree of malice, and/ or;
o A tried to kill B by putting in his soup a there is no injury or the injury
substance which he thought was arsenic caused is of lesser gravity.
when in fact it was sugar. B could not have o 3. The court should not suspend the
been killed, because the means employed execution of the sentence.
was ineffectual o 4. The judge should submit a statement
to the Chief Executive, through the
Article 5. Duty of the court in connection with Secretary of Justice, recommending
acts which should be repressed but which are not executive clemency.
HOW TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE CRIME IS Article 7. When light felonies are punishable. -
ONLY ATTEMPTED OR FRUSTRATED OR IT IS Light felonies are punishable only when they have
CONSUMMATED been consummated, with the exception of those
committed against person or property
1. Nature of crime
Arson (Arts. 320-326). — In arson, it is Light felonies are those infractions of law for the
not necessary that the property is totally commission of which the penalty of arresto
destroyed by fire. The crime of arson is menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or
therefore, consummated even if only a both, is provided
portion of the wall or any other part of
the house is burned. The consummation
of the crime of arson does not depend
upon the extent of the damage caused.
(People vs. Hernandez, 54 Phil. 122)
The fact of having set fire to some rags
and jute sacks, soaked in kerosene oil,
and placing them near the wooden
partition of the house, should not be
qualified as consummated arson,
inasmuch as no part of the house began
to burn. It is only frustrated arson
If there was blaze, but no part of the
house is burned, the crime of arson is
frustrated. If any part of the house, no
matter how small, is burned, the crime
of arson is consummated.
2. Elements constituting the felony
Theft cases; Jurisprudence – no crime of
frustrated theft. Theft is consummated
when there is an actual taking with
intent to gain of personal property,
belonging to another, without the
latter's consent
Article 8. Conspiracy and proposal to commit Even if the conspiracy relates to any of the
felony. - Conspiracy and proposal to commit crimes of treason, rebellion and sedition, but
felony are punishable only in the cases in which any of them is actually committed, the
the law specially provides a penalty therefor. conspiracy is not a separate offense;
When conspiracy is only a manner of incurring
A conspiracy exists when two or more persons criminal liability, it is not punishable as a
come to an agreement concerning the separate offense.
commission of a felony and decide to commit it.
There is proposal when the person who has
decided to commit a felony proposes its execution Indications of conspiracy.
to some other person or persons. When the defendants by their acts
aimed at the same object, one
CONSPIRACY performing one part and the other
performing another part so as to
Conspiracy is not a crime except when the law
complete it, with a view to the
specifically provides a penalty therefor.
attainment of the same object, and their
A conspiracy exists when two or more persons
acts, though apparently independent,
come to an agreement concerning the
were in fact concerted and cooperative,
commission of a felony and decide to commit it
indicating closeness of personal
GR: Conspiracy and proposal to commit
association, concerted action and
felony are not punishable.
concurrence of sentiments, the court will
XPN: They are punishable only in the
be justified in concluding that said
cases in which the law specially provides
defendants were engaged in a
a penalty therefor.
RATIO: Conspiracy and proposal to
The acts of the defendants must show a
commit a crime are only preparatory
common design.
acts, and the law regards them as
It is fundamental for conspiracy to exist
innocent or at least permissible except
that there must be unity of purpose and
in rare and exceptional cases.
unity in the execution of the unlawful
The Revised Penal Code specially provides a
objective. Here, appellants did not act
penalty for mere conspiracy in Arts. 115,136,
with a unity of purpose. Even assuming
and 141.
that appellants have joined together in
115 – Cons to commit treason
the killing, such circumstances alone do
136 – Cons to commit coup d’etat,
not satisfy the requirement of a
rebellion, insurrection
conspiracy because the rule is that
141 – Cons to commit sedition
neither joint nor simultaneous action is
Treason, coup d'etat rebellion or sedition should
per se sufficient proof of conspiracy. It
not be actually committed.
must be shown to exist as clearly and
If they commit, say, treason, they will
convincingly as the commission of the
be held liable for treason, and the
offense itself. Obedience to a command
conspiracy which they had before
does not necessarily show concert of
committing treason is only a manner of
design, for at any rate it is the acts of
incurring criminal liability.
the conspirators that show their
Conspiracy as a felony, distinguished from common design.
conspiracy as a manner of incurring criminal Period of time to afford opportunity for
liability meditation and reflection, not required in
When the conspiracy relates to a crime actually Unlike in evident premeditation, where a
committed, it is not a felony but only a manner sufficient period of time must elapse to
of incurring criminal liability, that is, when there afford full opportunity for meditation
is conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all. and reflection and for the perpetrator to
Third. That there be no other practical and less It is a statutory and doctrinal requirement that for the
harmful means of preventing it. justifying circumstance of self-defense, the presence of
unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non
5. Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty
or in the lawful exercise of a right or office. If there is no unlawful aggression, there is nothing to
prevent or repel. The second requisite of defense will
6. Any person who acts in obedience to an order have no basis.
issued by a superior for some lawful purpose.
Paramour surprised in the act of adultery cannot invoke A public officer exceeding his authority may become an
selfdefense if he killed the offended husband who was unlawful aggressor
assaulting him
Nature, character, location, and extent of wound of the
Unlawful aggression is equivalent to assault or at least accused allegedly inflicted by the injured party may belie
threatened assault of an immediate and imminent kind claim of self-defense
There is unlawful aggression when the peril to one's life, The fact that the accused declined to give any statement
limb or right is either actual or imminent. when he surrendered to a policeman is inconsistent with
the plea of self-defense.
There must be actual physical force or actual use of
weapon. When the aggressor flees, unlawful aggression no
longer exists
There must be an actual physical assault upon a person,
or at least a threat to inflict real injury. Retreat to take more advantageous position
There must be an actual physical assault upon a person, No unlawful aggression when there is agreement to fight
or at least a threat to inflict real injury.
No unlawful aggression in concerted fight, as
Unlawful aggression presupposes an actual, sudden, and when the accused and the deceased, after an
unexpected attack, or imminent danger thereof, and not altercation in a bar, agreed to fight, went to a
merely a threatening or intimidating attitude store and purchased two knives; that thereafter,
the accused repeatedly expressed his desire and
Unlawful aggression refers to an attack that has actually wish to the deceased not to fight, and that the
broken out or materialized or at the very least is clearly former begged the latter that there be no fight
imminent; it cannot consist in oral threats or a merely between them, and that the deceased paid no
threatening stance or posture. heed to such request and attacked the accused;
but the accused succeeded in killing the
Reason why slap on the face constitutes unlawful
deceased. It was held that the aggression was
reciprocal and legitimate as between two
Since the face represents a person and his dignity, contending parties.
slapping it is a serious personal attack. It is a physical There is agreement to fight in this case
assault coupled with a willful disregard, nay, a defiance, The challenge to a fight must be accepted
of an individual's personality RATIO: Where the fight is agreed upon, each of
the protagonists is at once assailant and
Mere belief of an impending attack is not sufficient assaulted, and neither can invoke the right of
self-defense, because aggression which is an
A strong retaliation for an injury or threat may amount
incident in the fight is bound to arise from one
to an unlawful aggression
or the other of the combatants
The aggression that was begun by the injured party
Aggression which is ahead of the stipulated time and
already ceased to exist when the accused attacked him.
place is unlawful
In self-defense, the aggression was still existing when
the aggressor was injured or disabled by the person Mutual Agreement
making a defense
One who voluntarily joined a fight cannot claim self-
The rule now is "stand ground when in the right." hand to discharge the blow until he believes that
his victim is within his reach. In this case, it is
So, where the accused is where he has the right not necessary to wait until the blow is about to
to be, the law does not require him to retreat be discharged, because in order that the assault
when his assailant is rapidly advancing upon him may be prevented it is not necessary that it has
with a deadly weapon been actually perpetrated
RATIO: if one flees from an aggressor, he runs
the risk of being attacked in the back by the
II. Second Requisite of Defense of Person or
Unlawful aggression in defense of other rights Right: Reasonable necessity of the means
employed to prevent or repel it
Attempt to rape a woman — defense of right to The necessity to take a course of action and to
chastity use a means of defense
Defense of property rights The person attacked is not duty-bound to
o OLD RULING: Defense of property can expose himself to be wounded or killed, and
be invoked as a justifying circumstance while the danger to his person or life subsists,
only when it is coupled with an attack he has a perfect and indisputable right to repel
on the person of one entrusted with said such danger by wounding his adversary and, if
property necessary, to disable him completely so that he
o NEW: Even without an attack on the may not continue the assault
person The reasonableness of the necessity depends
Defense of home upon the circumstances
o Violent entry to another's house at o Always Ask: Had he not
nighttime, by a person who is armed shot/killed/acted upon B what will
with a bolo, and forcing his way into the happen?
house, shows he was ready and looking o If right or person will be violated: OK
for trouble, and the manner of his entry o If not: No necessary
constitutes an act of aggression. The o Follow up: Is the act reasonable means?
owner of the house need not wait for a o Is it necessary to use *item* to prevent
blow before repelling the aggression, as it?
that blow may prove fata o If yes: Reasonable
III. Third requisite of self-defense - "Lack of
The belief of the accused may be considered in
sufficient provocation on the part of the
determining the existence of unlawful aggression
person defending himself."
MISTAKE OF FACT RATIO- When the person defending himself from the
attack by another gave sufficient provocation to the
Threat to inflict real injury as unlawful aggression latter, the former is also to be blamed for having
given cause for the aggression.
NO. it is required that the act be offensive and
There was provocation, but not sufficient.
positively strong, showing the wrongful intent of
o Exercise of rights
the aggressor to cause an injury
Sufficient provocation not given by the person
Mere threatening attitude is not unlawful aggression defending himself
When intent to attack is manifest, picking up a weapon Provocation by the person defending himself must
is sufficient unlawful aggression be proximate and immediate to the aggression
An aggression that is expected is still real, The appellant went into hiding after the hacking
provided it is imminent. It is well-known that the incident. Suffice it to state that flight after the
person who pursues another with the intent and commission of the crime is highly evidentiary of
purpose of assaulting him does not raise his guilt, and incompatible with self-defense
because of delusions that he is being III. A person over nine years of age and under
interfered with sexually, or that his fifteen, unless he has acted with discernment, in
property is being taken. During the which case, such minor shall be proceeded
period of excitement, such person has against in accordance with the provisions of
no control whatever of his acts. Article 80 of this Code. (*15-18)
o The unlawful act of the accused may be
due to his mental disease or a mental A minor under eighteen (18) but above fifteen
defect, producing an "irresistible (15) must have acted with discernment to incur
impulse," as when the accused has been criminal liability. The minor is presumed to have
deprived or has lost the power of his will acted without discernment since the phrase
which would enable him to prevent "unless he/she acted with discernment"
himself from doing the act. indicates an exception to the general rule that a
Schizophrenia, formerly called dementia praecox minor under 18 but above 15 has acted without
Kleptomania discernment.
o The case of a person suffering from Periods of criminal responsibility Republic Act
kleptomania must be investigated by No. 9344
competent alienist or psychiatrist to o The age of absolute irresponsibility — 9
determine whether the impulse to steal years and below (infancy). (*15)
is irresistible or not. o The age of conditional responsibility —
o On the other hand, if the mental disease between 9 and 15 years. (*15-18)
or mental defect of the accused only o The age of full responsibility — 18 or
diminishes the exercise of his will- over (adolescence) to 70 (maturity
power, and did not deprive him of the o The age of mitigated responsibility —
consciousness of his acts, then over 9 and under 15, offender acting
kleptomania, if it be the result of his with discernment; 15 or over but less
mental disease or mental defect, is only than 18; over 70 years of age.
a mitigating circumstance. Meaning of "discernment."
Committing a crime while in a dream o The terms "intent" and "discernment"
Committing a crime while suffering from convey two distinct thoughts. While both
malignant malaria are products of the mental processes
within a person, "intent" refers to the
Basis of paragraph 1 desired act of the person while
"discernment" relates to the moral
The exempting circumstance of insanity or significance that a person ascribes to
imbecility is based on the complete absence of the said act
intelligence, an element of voluntariness. The allegation of "with intent to kill" in the
information is sufficient allegation of
II. A person under nine years of age (MINORITY)
Age of absolute irresponsibility raised to fifteen The exempting circumstance in paragraph 3 of
years of age. Art. 12 is based also on the complete absence of
Construed as 15 or less intelligence.
The exempting circumstance of minority is
based also on the complete absence of
IV. ACCIDENT himself; it must be a force which acts upon him from the
outside and by a third person
Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due
care, causes an injury by mere accident without fault or The duress, force, fear or intimidation must be present,
intention of causing it imminent and impending and of such a nature as to
induce a well-grounded apprehension of death or serious
ELEMENTS: bodily harm if the act is not done.
1. A person is performing a lawful act; A threat of future injury is not enough. The compulsion
2. With due care; must be of such a character as to leave no opportunity
3. He causes an injury to another by mere to the accused for escape or self-defense in equal
accident; combat.
4. Without fault or intention of causing it
Passion or obfuscation cannot be irresistible force
What is an accident?
- The irresistible force can never consist in an
An accident is something that happens outside impulse or passion, or obfuscation. It must consist of an
the sway of our will, and although it comes extraneous force coming from a third person
about through some act of our will, lies beyond
the bounds of humanly foreseeable BASIS:
The exempting circumstance in paragraph 5 of Art. 12 is
Accident presupposes lack of intention to commit the based on the complete absence of freedom, an element
wrong done. of voluntariness. A person who acts under the
compulsion of an irresistible force, like one who acts
Case of negligence, not accident under the impulse of uncontrollable fear of equal or
greater injury, is exempt from criminal liability because
Accident and negligence, intrinsically contradictory
he does not act with freedom.
The exempting circumstance in paragraph 4 of Art. 12 is
based on lack of negligence and intent. Under this
circumstance, a person does not commit either an Any person who acts under the impulse of an
intentional felony or a culpable felony. uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury
Any person who acts under the compulsion of an 1. That the threat which causes the fear is of an
irresistible force. evil greater than or at least equal to, that which
he is required to commit;
2. That it promises an evil of such gravity and
1. That the compulsion is by means of physical imminence that the ordinary man would have
force. succumbed to it
2. That the physical force must be irresistible.
3. That the physical force must come from a third
person. For the exempting circumstance of uncontrollable fear to
be invoked successfully, the following requisites must
Before a force can be considered to be an irresistible
one, it must produce such an effect upon the individual
that, in spite of all resistance, it reduces him to a mere existence of an uncontrollable fear
instrument and, as such, incapable of committing a the fear must be real and imminent;
crime. It must be such that, in spite of the resistance of the fear of an injury is greater than or at least
the person on whom it operates, it compels his members equal to that committed.
to act and his mind to obey. Such a force can never
consist in anything which springs primarily from the man
Basis of paragraph 6.
1. Self-defense/defense of relative/defense of Example: Under threat that their farm will be burned,
stranger – unlawful aggression must be present Pedro and Juan took turns guarding it at night. Pedro
for Art 13 to be applicable. Other 2 elements not fired in the air when a person in the shadows refused to
necessary. If 2 requisites are present – reveal his identity. Juan was awakened and shot the
considered a privileged mitigating circumstance.
unidentified person. Turned out to be a neighbor looking
Example: Juan makes fun of Pedro. Pedro gets pissed
for is pet. Juan may have acted under the influence of
off, gets a knife and tries to stab Juan. Juan grabs his
fear but such fear was not entirely uncontrollable.
own knife and kills Pedro. Incomplete self-defense
Considered mitigating
because although there was unlawful aggression and
reasonable means to repel was taken, there was
sufficient provocation on the part of Juan. But since 2
elements are present, it considered as privileged Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Revised Penal Code
mitigating. providing that offender under eighteen years of age is
b. State of Necessity (par 4) avoidance of greater evil entitled to a mitigating circumstance of minority is
or injury; if any of the last 2 requisites is absent, there’s deemed repealed by the provision of Republic Act 9344
declaring a child above fifteen (15) years but below
only an ordinary Mitigating Circumstance.
eighteen years (18) or age shall be exempt from criminal
Example: While driving his car, Juan sees Pedro
liability unless he/she has acted with discernment. (Sec.
carelessly crossing the street. Juan swerves to avoid
6, Rep. Act No. 9344)
him, thus hitting a motorbike with 2 passengers, killing
them instantly. Not all requisites to justify act were In other words, whereas before, an offender fifteen (15)
present because harm done to avoid injury is greater. or over but under eighteen (18) years of age is entitled
only to the benefits provided under Article 68 of the
Considered as mitigating.
Revised Penal Code, under Republic Act No. 9344 or the
c. Performance of Duty (par 5)
"Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006," such
Example: Juan is supposed to arrest Pedro. He thus offender may be exempt from criminal liability should
goes to Pedro’s hideout. Juan sees a man asleep. he/she acted without discernment.
Thinking it was Pedro, Juan shot him. Juan may have
On the other hand, if such offender acted with
acted in the performance of his duty but the crime was
discernment, such child in conflict with the law shall
not a necessary consequence thereof. Considered as
undergo diversion programs provided under Chapter 2 of
mitigating. Republic Act No. 9344.
Exempting circumstance
a. Minority over 9 and under 15 – if minor acted with That the offender is over 70 years of age is only a
discernment, considered mitigating generic mitigating circumstance.
Example: 13 year old stole goods at nighttime. Acted III. That the offender had no intention to commit
with discernment as shown by the manner in which the so grave a wrong as that committed. (PRAETER
act was committed. INTENTIONEM)
b. Causing injury by mere accident – if 2nd requisite
RULE: This circumstance can be taken into account only
(due care) and 1st part of 4th requisite (without fault –
when the facts proven show that there is a notable and
thus negligence only) are ABSENT, considered as evident disproportion between the means employed to
mitigating because the penalty is lower than that execute the criminal act and its consequences.
provided for intentional felony.
Example: Police officer tries to stop a fight between Juan Intention, being an internal state, must be judged by
external acts
and Pedro by firing his gun in the air. Bullet ricocheted
and killed Petra. Officer willfully discharged his gun but Art. 13, par. 3, is not applicable when the offender
was unmindful of the fact that area was populated. employed brute force
c. Uncontrollable fear – only one requisite
present, considered mitigating
It is the intention of the offender at the moment when Provocation must originate from the offended party
he is committing the crime which is considered.
Difference between sufficient provocation as requisite of
Lack of intention to commit so grave a wrong mitigating incomplete self-defense and as a mitigating
in robbery with homicide. circumstance
In crimes against persons who do not die as a Provocation must be immediate to the commission of the
result of the assault, the absence of the intent to crime
kill reduces the felony to mere physical injuries,
Threat immediately preceded the act
but it does not constitute a mitigating
circumstance under Art. 13, par. 3 - The threat should not be offensive and positively
Mitigating when the victim dies. strong, because, if it is, the threat to inflict real
injury is an unlawful aggression which may give
Not applicable to felonies by negligence
rise to self-defense
Applicable only to offenses resulting in physical injuries
V. That the act was committed in the immediate
or material harm.
vindication of a grave offense to the one
IV. That sufficient provocation or threat on the committing the felony (delito), his spouse,
part of the offended party immediately preceded ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural or
the act. adopted brothers or sisters, or relatives by
affinity within the same degrees
The word "sufficient" means adequate to excite a person A lapse of time is allowed between the grave offense
to commit the wrong and must accordingly be and the vindication
proportionate to its gravity.
Interval of time negating vindication
As to whether or not a provocation is sufficient depends
upon the act constituting the provocation, the social Vindication of a grave offense incompatible with passion
standing of the person provoked, the place and the time or obfuscation.
when the provocation is made.
VI. That of having acted upon an impulse so - Passion or obfuscation cannot co-exist with
powerful as naturally to have produced passion or treachery, for while in the mitigating
obfuscation circumstance of passion or obfuscation the
offender loses his reason and self-control, in the
This paragraph requires that — aggravating circumstance of treachery, the
mode of attack must be consciously adopted.
1. The accused acted upon an impulse. One who loses his reason and self-control
cannot deliberately employ a particular means,
2. The impulse must be so powerful that it naturally
method or form of attack in the execution of a
produced passion or obfuscation in him.
Rule for the application of this paragraph
Vindication or obfuscation cannot be considered when
Passion or obfuscation may constitute a mitigating the person attacked is not the one who gave cause
circumstance only when the same arose from lawful therefor
- Vindication and obfuscation cannot be
Requisites of the mitigating circumstance of passion or considered, not only because the elopement of
obfuscation: Lucila Dagatan with Eleuterio Yara and her
abandonment by the latter took place long
1. That there be an act, both unlawful and sufficient to before the commission of the crime, but also
produce such a condition of mind; and because the deceased was not the one who
eloped with and abandoned her.
2. That said act which produced the obfuscation was not
far removed from the commission of the crime by a Passion and obfuscation cannot co-exist with evident
considerable length of time, during which the premeditation
perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity
- The aggravating circumstance of evident
Provocation and obfuscation arising from one and the premeditation cannot co-exist with the
same cause should be treated as only one mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation. The
circumstance. essence of premeditation is that the execution of
the criminal act must be preceded by calm VII. That the offender had voluntarily
thought and reflection upon the resolution to surrendered himself to a person in authority or
carry out the criminal intent during the space of his agents, or that he had voluntarily confessed
time sufficent to arrive at a composed judgment. his guilt before the court prior to the presentation
of the evidence for the prosecution.
Requisites of voluntary surrender:
Mitigating Exempting
a. That the offender had not been actually arrested.
No physical force needed Requires physical force b. That the offender surrendered himself to a person in
authority or to the latter's agent.
Produced by an impulse which Comes from injured Not mitigating when defendant was in fact arrested
may be caused by provocation party
The law does not require that the surrender be prior to
the order of arrest
Offense, which engenders
perturbation of mind, need not Must immediately When the warrant of arrest had not been served or not
be immediate. It is only precede the returned unserved because the accused cannot be
required that the influence commission of the located, the surrender is mitigating
thereof lasts until the crime is crime
committed When is surrender voluntary?
PLEA OF GUILT VIII. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or
otherwise suffering from some physical defect
In order that the plea of guilty may be mitigating, the which thus restricts his means of action, defense,
three requisites must be present: or communication with his fellow beings
1. That the offender spontaneously confessed his guilt; IX. Such illness of the offender as would diminish
the exercise of the will-power of the offender
2. That the confession of guilt was made in open court,
without however depriving him of consciousness
that is, before the competent court that is to try the
of his acts.
case; and
3. That the confession of guilt was made prior to the
presentation of evidence for the prosecution 1. That the illness of the offender must diminish the
exercise of his will-power.
Plea of guilty on appeal, not mitigating
2. That such illness should not deprive the offender of
Plea of not guilty at the preliminary investigation is no
consciousness of his acts.
plea at all.
When the offender completely lost the exercise of will-
- If an accused is charged with an offense
power, it may be an exempting circumstance.
cognizable by the court of first instance, and
pleads not guilty before the municipal court at Deceased mind, not amounting to insanity, may give
its preliminary investigation, and after the place to mitigation
elevation of the case to the court of first
instance—the court of competent jurisdiction— X. And, finally, any other circumstance of a similar
he pleads guilty upon arraignment before this nature and analogous to those abovementioned.
latter court, the plea of not guilty upon
arraignment at the preliminary investigation in Examples of ―any other circumstance‖:
the municipal court is no plea at all. Hence, the
a) defendant who is 60 years old with failing eyesight
accused could claim his plea of guilty in the
is similar to a case of one over 70 years old
court of first instance as mitigating circumstance
pursuant to Article 13(7) of the Revised Penal b) outraged feeling of owner of animal taken for
Code ransom is analogous to vindication of grave offense
The confession of guilt must be made in open court. c) impulse of jealous feeling, similar to PASSION AND
Plea of guilty after the fiscal had presented evidence is
not mitigating because the third requisite is lacking d) voluntary restitution of property, similar to
voluntary surrender
Withdrawal of plea of not guilty and pleading guilty
before presentation of evidence by prosecution is still e) extreme poverty, similar to incomplete justification
mitigating based on state of necessity
7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of There is an unlawful entry when an entrance of a
a conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic crime a wall, roof, floor, door, or window be
or other calamity or misfortune. broken.
8. That the crime be committed with the aid of 20. That the crime be committed with the aid of
armed men or persons who insure or afford persons under fifteen years of age or by means of
impunity. motor vehicles, motorized watercraft, airships, or
other similar means. (As amended by RA 5438).
9. That the accused is a recidivist.
21. That the wrong done in the commission of the
A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for crime be deliberately augmented by causing other
one crime, shall have been previously convicted wrong not necessary for its commissions.
by final judgment of another crime embraced in
the same title of this Code.
a) Generic – generally applicable to all crimes Example: breaking a window to get inside the house and
rob it
b) Specific – apply only to specific crimes (ignominy
– for chastity crimes; treachery – for persons crimes) 2) aggravating circumstance inherent in the crime to
such degree that it must of necessity accompany the
c) Qualifying – those that change the nature of the commission thereof
crime (evident premeditation – becomes murder)
Example: evident premeditation inherent in theft,
d) Inherent – necessarily accompanies the robbery, estafa, adultery and concubinage
commission of the crime (evident premeditation in theft,
estafa) Aggravating circumstances are not presumed.
Must be proved as fully as the crime itself in
order to increase the penalty.
AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING I. That advantage be taken by the offender of his
Peace officers taking advantage of their public positions. III. That the act be committed (1) with insult or
in disregard of the respect due the offended party
Essential – Public officer used the influence, on account of his (a) rank, (b) age, or (c) sex, or
prestige or ascendancy which his office gives (2) that it be committed in the dwelling of the
him as the means by which he realized his offended party, if the latter has not given
purpose. provocation.
The offender acted w/ PASSION AND (1) Given by the owner of the dwelling,
(2) Sufficient, and
there exists a relation between the offender and
the victim (but in cases of divorce decrees (3) Immediate to the commission of the crime.
where there is a direct bearing on their child, it
is applicable) If all these conditions are present, the offended party is
deemed to have given provocation, and the fact that the
the condition of being a woman is indispensable
crime is committed in the dwelling of the offended party
in the commission of the crime (Ex. Parricide,
is not an aggravating circumstance.
rape, abduction)
On the other hand, if any of those conditions is not
Requisite of disregard to rank, age, or sex present, the offended party is deemed not to have given
provocation, and the fact that the crime is committed in
1. Crimes must be against the victim’s person or the dwelling of the offended party is an aggravating
his honor circumstance.
2. There is deliberate intent to offend or insult the Elements of the aggravating circumstance of dwelling
respect due to the victim’s rank, age, or sex
1. Crime occurred in the dwelling of the victim
2. No provocation on the part of the victim
- Dwelling must be a building or structure,
exclusively used for rest and comfort. A IV. That the act be committed with (1) abuse of
"combination house and store" or a market stall confidence or (2) obvious ungratefulness
where the victim slept is not a dwelling
- Dwelling is considered an aggravating Requisites of
Requisite of Obvious
circumstance primarily because of the sanctity of Abuse of
privacy the law accords to human abode. Confidence
According to one commentator, one's dwelling
place is a "sanctuary worthy of respect" and that a) Offended a) ungratefulness must be
one who slanders another in the latter's house is party has trusted obvious, that is, there must be
more guilty than he who offends him elsewhere. the offender something which the offender
What aggravates the commission of the crime in one's b) Offender should owe the victim a debt of
dwelling gratitude for
abused such trust
Abuse of confidence
Presidential Palace
- This circumstance exists only when the offended
party has trusted the offender who later abuses Public authority may be Public authority is not be
such trust by committing the crime. The abuse the offended party the offended party
of confidence must be a means of facilitating the
commission of the crime, the culprit taking
advantage of the offended party's belief that the
former would not abuse said confidence. Place dedicated to religious worship
Ungratefulness must be obvious, i.e., manifest Offender must have intention to commit a crime when
and clear he entered the place
Nighttime may facilitate the commission of the crime, VII. That the crime be committed on the occasion
when because of the darkness of the night the crime can of a conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake,
be perpetrated unmolested, or interference can be epidemic or other calamity or misfortune
avoided, or there would be greater certainty in attaining
the ends of the offender Requisites:
Nighttime facilitated the commission of the crime to such 1. Committed when there is a calamity or
an extent that the defendant was able to consummate it misfortune, Conflagration, Shipwreck, Epidemic
with all its dastardly details without anyone of the
2. Offender took advantage of the state of
persons living in the same premises becoming aware of
confusion or chaotic condition from such
what was going on.
Not aggravating when crime began at daytime
Basis: Commission of the crime adds to the suffering by
The commission of the crime must begin and be taking advantage of the misfortune.
accomplished in the nighttime.
based on time
The offense must be actually committed in the darkness
offender must take advantage of the calamity or
of the night.
When the place of the crime is illuminated by light,
nighttime is not aggravating Distinction between Paragraphs 7 and 12 of
Article 14
What is uninhabited place?
- An uninhabited place is one where there are no Committed during a Committed with the use
houses at all, a place at a considerable distance calamity or misfortune of wasteful means
from town, or where the houses are scattered at
a great distance from each other. Crime is committed
- This aggravating circumstance should not be Crime is committed
BY using fire, inundation,
considered when the place where the crime was DURING any of the
explosion or other
committed could be seen and the voice of the calamities
wasteful means
deceased could be heard from a nearby house
- Facilitated the commission of the crime
- Especially sought for by the offender to insure 1. when both the attacking party and the party
the commission of the crime or for the purpose attacked were equally armed
of impunity
- Taken advantage of for the purposes of impunity 2. not present when the accused as well as those
who cooperated with him in the commission of
- There must be four or more armed men
the crime acted under the same plan and for the X. That the offender has been previously punished
same purpose. for an offense to which the law attaches an equal
or greater penalty or for two or more crimes to
3. Casual presence, or when the offender did not which it attaches a lighter penalty
avail himself of any of their aid nor did not
knowingly count upon their assistance in the Reiteracion or Habituality – it is essential that the
commission of the crime offender be previously punished; that is, he has served
Present even if one of the Requires more than 3 Necessary that offender Enough that final
offenders merely relied armed malefactors who all shall have served out his judgment has been
on their aid. Actual aid is acted together in the sentence for the first rendered in the first
not necessary commission of an offense sentence offense
When used as a means to kill another person, the crime Fraud –involves insidious words or machinations used to
is murder. induce victim to act in a manner which would enable the
offender to carry out his design.
XIII. That the act be committed with evident
premeditation As distinguished from craft which involves acts done in
order not to arouse the suspicion of the victim, fraud
Essence of premeditation: the execution of the criminal involves a direct inducement through entrapping or
act must be preceded by cool thought and reflection beguiling language or machinations
upon the resolution to carry out the criminal intent
during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a calm Disguise – resorting to any device to conceal identity.
judgment Purpose of concealing identity is a must.
Where there is conspiracy, treachery is considered Applicable only if such acts were done by the offender to
against all the offenders effect entrance.
Treachery absorbs abuse of strength, aid of armed men, Breaking is lawful in the following instances:
by a band and means to weaken the defense
1. An officer in order to make an arrest may break
Applicable only to crimes against the person. open a door or window of any building in which
the person to be arrested is or is reasonably
XVII. That the means be employed or believed to be;
circumstances brought about which add ignominy
to the natural effects of the acts 2. an officer if refused admittance may break open
any door or window to execute the search
IGNOMINY – is a circumstance pertaining to the moral warrant or liberate himself,
order, which adds disgrace and obloquy to the material
injury caused by the crime XX. That the crime be committed (1) with the aid
of persons under 15 years of age, or (2) by means
Applicable to crimes against chastity (rape included), of motor vehicles, airships or other similar means.
less serious physical injuries, light or grave coercion and
murder XXI. That the wrong done in the commission of
the crime be deliberately augmented by causing
Requisites other wrong not necessary for its commission
1. Crime must be against chastity, less serious Cruelty: when the culprit enjoys and delights in making
physical injuries, light or grave coercion, and his victim suffer slowly and gradually, causing him
murder unnecessary physical pain in the consummation of the
criminal act. Cruelty cannot be presumed nor merely
2. The circumstance made the crime more
inferred from the body of the deceased. Has to be
humiliating and shameful for the victim
XVIII. That the crime be committed after an
Mere plurality of words do not show cruelty
unlawful entry
No cruelty when the other wrong was done after the
Unlawful entry – when an entrance is effected by a way
victim was dead
not intended for the purpose. Meant to effect entrance
and NOT exit Requisites:
Why aggravating? One who acts, not respecting the 1. that the injury caused be deliberately increased
walls erected by men to guard their property and by causing other wrong
provide for their personal safety, shows greater
perversity, a greater audacity and hence the law 2. that the other wrong be unnecessary for the
punishes him with more severity execution of the purpose of the offender
mitigating when the offender has committed a CIRCUMSTANCE CIRCUMSTANCE
Article 16. Who are criminally liable. - The 2. Those who directly force or induce others to
following are criminally liable for grave and less commit it;
grave felonies:
3. Those who cooperate in the commission of the
1. Principals. offense by another act without which it would not
have been accomplished.
2. Accomplices.
Principals by Direct Participation
3. Accessories.
1. participated in the criminal resolution
The following are criminally liable for light
2. carried out their plan and personally took part in
1. Principals
its execution by acts which directly tended to
2. Accomplices. the same end
Corporations may be the injured party 6. Unity of purpose and intention in the
commission of the crime may be shown in the
General Rule: Corpses and animals have no following cases:
rights that may be injured.
1. Spontaneous agreement at the moment
Exception: defamation of the dead is punishable
of the commission of the crime
when it blackens the memory of one who is
2. Active Cooperation by all the offenders
in the perpetration of the crime
3. Contributing by positive acts to the
realization of a common criminal intent
4. Presence during the commission of the
crime by a band and lending moral
support thereto.
5. While conspiracy may be implied from
the circumstances attending the
commission of the crime, it is
nevertheless a rule that conspiracy must
Second requisite
Induce others Same
- The cooperation must be indispensable, that is,
without which the commission of the crime
Punishable at once when would not have been accomplished. If the
proposes to commit rebellion or cooperation is not indispensable, the offender is
Liable only when the treason. The person to whom only an accomplice.
crime is executed one proposed should not
commit the crime, otherwise "Cooperate xxx by another act"
the latter becomes an inductor
The act of the principal by indispensable cooperation
should be different from the act of the principal by direct
Covers any crime Covers only treason and rebelli participation. The law says "by another act," which
means that it should not be the act of one who could be
classified as principal by direct participation
Effects of Acquittal of Principal by direct If the cooperation of one of the accused consists in
participation on liability of principal by performing an act necessary in the execution of the
inducement crime committed, he is a principal by direct participation.
Title Three
Chapter One
Death. 1. Divisible.
2. Indivisible.
Afflictive penalties:
Indivisible penalties are those which have no fixed
Reclusion perpetua,
Reclusion temporal,
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification, 1. Death.
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
2. Reclusion perpetua.
Prision mayor. 3. Perpetual absolute or special disqualification.
4. Public censure.
Correctional penalties:
Fine, and
Bond to keep the peace. Article 26. When afflictive, correctional, or light
penalty. - A fine, whether imposed as a single of as an
Accessory Penalties alternative penalty, shall be considered an afflictive
penalty, if it exceeds 6,000 pesos; a correctional
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification,
penalty, if it does not exceed 6,000 pesos but is not
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
less than 200 pesos; and a light penalty if it less than
Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be
200 pesos.
voted for, the profession or calling.
Civil interdiction,
Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and proceeds
of the offense,
Payment of costs.
Reclusion Reclusion Prison The RPC prescribes certain penalties — among them, reclusion
Perpetua Temporal Mayor perpetua. Reclusion perpetua is an indivisible penalty,"
Section Two. - Effects of the penalties according to The person suspended from holding public office shall
their respective nature not hold another having similar functions during the
period of his suspension.
Article 30. Effects of the penalties of perpetual or
temporary absolute disqualification. - The penalties of Article 34. Civil interdiction. - Civil interdiction shall
perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification for deprive the offender during the time of his sentence of
public office shall produce the following effects: the rights of parental authority, or guardianship, either
as to the person or property of any ward, of marital
1. The deprivation of the public offices and authority, of the right to manage his property and of
employments which the offender >may have held even the right to dispose of such property by any act or any
if conferred by popular election. conveyance inter vivos.
2. The deprivation of the right to vote in any election Article 35. Effects of bond to keep the peace. - It shall
for any popular office or to be elected to such office. be the duty of any person sentenced to give bond to
keep the peace, to present two sufficient sureties who
3. The disqualification for the offices or public
shall undertake that such person will not commit the
employments and for the exercise of any of the rights
offense sought to be prevented, and that in case such
offense be committed they will pay the amount
determined by the court in the judgment, or otherwise
In case of temporary disqualification, such
to deposit such amount in the office of the clerk of the
disqualification as is comprised in paragraphs 2 and 3
court to guarantee said undertaking.
of this article shall last during the term of the sentence.
The court shall determine, according to its discretion,
4. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or other
the period of duration of the bond.
pension for any office formerly held.
Should the person sentenced fail to give the bond as
Article 31. Effect of the penalties of perpetual or
required he shall be detained for a period which shall in
temporary special disqualification. - The penalties of
no case exceed six months, is he shall have been
perpetual or temporal special disqualification for public
prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and shall
office, profession or calling shall produce the following
not exceed thirty days, if for a light felony.
Article 36. Pardon; its effect. - A pardon shall not work
1. The deprivation of the office, employment,
the restoration of the right to hold public office, or the
profession or calling affected;
right of suffrage, unless such rights be expressly
2. The disqualification for holding similar offices or restored by the terms of the pardon.
employments either perpetually or during the term of
A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the
the sentence according to the extent of such
payment of the civil indemnity imposed upon him by
the sentence.
Article 32. Effect of the penalties of perpetual or
Article 37. Cost; What are included. - Costs shall
temporary special disqualification for the exercise of
include fees and indemnities in the course of the
the right of suffrage. - The perpetual or temporary
judicial proceedings, whether they be fixed or
special disqualification for the exercise of the right of
unalterable amounts previously determined by law or
suffrage shall deprive the offender perpetually or
regulations in force, or amounts not subject to
during the term of the sentence, according to the
nature of said penalty, of the right to vote in any
popular election for any public office or to be elected to
Article 38. Pecuniary liabilities; Order of payment. - In
such office. Moreover, the offender shall not be
case the property of the offender should not be
permitted to hold any public office during the period of
sufficient for the payment of all his pecuniary liabilities,
his disqualification.
the same shall be met in the following order:
Article 33. Effects of the penalties of suspension from
1. The reparation of the damage caused.
any public office, profession or calling, or the right of
suffrage. - The suspension from public office, 2. Indemnification of consequential damages.
profession or calling, and the exercise of the right of
suffrage shall disqualify the offender from holding such 3. The fine.
office or exercising such profession or calling or right of
suffrage during the term of the sentence. 4. The cost of the proceedings.
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict Even if the penalty imposed is not higher than PC, if
may have suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not the accused is a habitual delinquent who deserves an
relieve him, from the fine in case his financial additional penalty of 12 yrs and 1 day of RT, there is
circumstances should improve. (As amended by RA no subsidiary imprisonment.
5465, April 21, 1969).
No subsidiary penalty in the following cases
There is no subsidiary penalty for non-payment of
When the penalty imposed is higher than prision
reparation, indemnification and costs in par 1, 2 and 4
of Art 38. It is only for fines.
For failure to pay the reparation of the damage
Art 39 applies only when the convict has no property caused, indemnification of the consequential
with which to meet the fine in par 3 of art 38. Thus, a damages, and the costs of the proceedings
convict who has property enough to meet the fine When the penalty imposed is fine and a penalty not to
and not exempted from execution cannot choose to he executed by confinement in a penal institution and
serve the subsidiary penalty instead of the payment which has no fixed duration.
of the fine.
Article 40. Death; Its accessory penalties. - The death Section One. - Rules for the application of penalties to
penalty, when it is not executed by reason of the persons criminally liable and for the graduation of
commutation or pardon shall carry with it that of the same.
perpetual absolute disqualification and that of civil
interdiction during thirty years following the date Article 46. Penalty to be imposed upon principals in
sentence, unless such accessory penalties have been general. - The penalty prescribed by law for the
expressly remitted in the pardon. commission of a felony shall be imposed upon the
principals in the commission of such felony.
Article 41. Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal;
Their accessory penalties. - The penalties of reclusion Whenever the law prescribes a penalty for a felony is
perpetua and reclusion temporal shall carry with them general terms, it shall be understood as applicable to
that of civil interdiction for life or during the period of the consummated felony.
the sentence as the case may be, and that of perpetual
Article 47. In what cases the death penalty shall not be
absolute disqualification which the offender shall suffer
imposed. - The death penalty shall be imposed in all
even though pardoned as to the principal penalty,
cases in which it must be imposed under existing laws,
unless the same shall have been expressly remitted in
except in the following cases:
the pardon.
1. When the guilty person be more than seventy years
Article 42. Prision mayor; Its accessory penalties. - The
of age.
penalty of prision mayor, shall carry with it that of
temporary absolute disqualification and that of
2. When upon appeal or revision of the case by the
perpetual special disqualification from the right of
Supreme court, all the members thereof are not
suffrage which the offender shall suffer although
unanimous in their voting as to the propriety of the
pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same
imposition of the death penalty. For the imposition of
shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
said penalty or for the confirmation of a judgment of
the inferior court imposing the death sentence, the
Article 43. Prision correccional; Its accessory
Supreme Court shall render its decision per curiam,
penalties. - The penalty of prision correccional shall
which shall be signed by all justices of said court,
carry with it that of suspension from public office, from
unless some member or members thereof shall have
the right to follow a profession or calling, and that of
been disqualified from taking part in the consideration
perpetual special disqualification from the right of
of the case, in which even the unanimous vote and
suffrage, if the duration of said imprisonment shall
signature of only the remaining justices shall be
exceed eighteen months. The offender shall suffer the
disqualification provided in the article although
pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same
shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
Article 48. Penalty for complex crimes. - When a single Art. 48 does not apply when the law provides one single
act constitutes two or more grave or less grave penalty for special complex crimes.
felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for
committing the other, the penalty for the most serious Thus, in robbery with homicide (Art. 294, par. 1), robbery with
crime shall be imposed, the same to be applied in its rape (Art. 294, par. 2), or kidnapping with serious physical
maximum period. injuries (Art. 267, par. 3), or kidnapping with murder or
homicide (Art. 267, last par.), or rape with homicide (Art. 335),
Art. 48 requires the commission of at least two crimes. But the
two or more grave or less grave felonies must be the result of Ivler v Modesto
a single act, or an offense must be a necessary means for
The doctrine that reckless imprudence under Article
committing the other
365 is a single quasi-offense by itself and not merely
A complex crime is only one crime. a means to commit other crimes such that conviction
or acquittal of such quasi-offense bars subsequent
Two kinds of complex crimes prosecution for the same quasi offense, regardless of
its various resulting acts, undergirded the Court’s
When a single act constitutes two or more grave or unbroken chain of jurisprudence on double jeopardy
less grave felonies. as applied to Article 365 starting with People v. Diaz,
When an offense is a necessary means for committing decided in 1954.
the other. SC ruled that prosecutions under Article 365 should
proceed from a single charge regardless of the
The first is otherwise known as compound crime. The second number or severity of the consequences. In imposing
is the complex crime proper penalties, the judge will do no more than apply the
penalties under Article 365 for each consequence
"When a single act constitutes two or more grave or
alleged and proven. In short, there shall be no
less grave felonies."
splitting of charges under Article 365, and only one
information shall be filed in the same first level court
1. That only a single act is performed by the offender. A continued crime is not a complex crime
3. That both or all the offenses must be punished under the 2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be
same statute. lower than that corresponding to the one which the
accused intended to commit, the penalty for the former
When two or more crimes are committed but (1) not by a
shall be imposed in its maximum period.
single act, or (2) one is not a necessary means for committing
the other, there is no complex crime 3. The rule established by the next preceding
paragraph shall not be applicable if the acts committed
There is no complex crime of rebellion with murder, arson,
by the guilty person shall also constitute an attempt or
robbery, or other common crimes.
frustration of another crime, if the law prescribes a
higher penalty for either of the latter offenses, in which
ART 49 ART 48
Article 50. Penalty to be imposed upon principals of a Article 59. Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to
frustrated crime. - The penalty next lower in degree commit the crime because the means employed or the
than that prescribed by law for the consummated aims sought are impossible. - When the person
felony shall be imposed upon the principal in a intending to commit an offense has already performed
frustrated felony. the acts for the execution of the same but nevertheless
the crime was not produced by reason of the fact that
Article 51. Penalty to be imposed upon principals of the act intended was by its nature one of impossible
attempted crimes. - A penalty lower by two degrees accomplishment or because the means employed by
than that prescribed by law for the consummated such person are essentially inadequate to produce the
felony shall be imposed upon the principals in an result desired by him, the court, having in mind the
attempt to commit a felony. social danger and the degree of criminality shown by
the offender, shall impose upon him the penalty
Article 52. Penalty to be imposed upon accomplices in
of arresto mayor or a fine from 200 to 500 pesos.
consummated crime. - The penalty next lower in
degree than that prescribed by law for the Article 60. Exception to the rules established in Articles
consummated shall be imposed upon the accomplices 50 to 57. - The provisions contained in Articles 50 to
in the commission of a consummated felony. 57, inclusive, of this Code shall not be applicable to
cases in which the law expressly prescribes the penalty
Article 53. Penalty to be imposed upon accessories to
provided for a frustrated or attempted felony, or to be
the commission of a consummated felony. - The
imposed upon accomplices or accessories.
penalty lower by two degrees than that prescribed by
law for the consummated felony shall be imposed upon Article 61. Rules for graduating penalties. - For the
the accessories to the commission of a consummated purpose of graduating the penalties which, according
felony. to the provisions of Articles 50 to 57, inclusive, of this
Code, are to be imposed upon persons guilty as
Article 54. Penalty to imposed upon accomplices in a
principals of any frustrated or attempted felony, or as
frustrated crime. - The penalty next lower in degree
accomplices or accessories, the following rules shall be
than prescribed by law for the frustrated felony shall
be imposed upon the accomplices in the commission of
a frustrated felony. 1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single
and indivisible, the penalty next lower in degrees shall
Article 55. Penalty to be imposed upon accessories of a
be that immediately following that indivisible penalty
frustrated crime. - The penalty lower by two degrees
in the respective graduated scale prescribed in Article
than that prescribed by law for the frustrated felony
71 of this Code.
shall be imposed upon the accessories to the
commission of a frustrated felony. 2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
composed of two indivisible penalties, or of one or
Article 56. Penalty to be imposed upon accomplices in
more divisible penalties to be impose to their full
an attempted crime. - The penalty next lower in degree
extent, the penalty next lower in degree shall be that
than that prescribed by law for an attempt to commit a
immediately following the lesser of the penalties
felony shall be imposed upon the accomplices in an
prescribed in the respective graduated scale.
attempt to commit the felony.
3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
Article 57. Penalty to be imposed upon accessories of
composed of one or two indivisible penalties and the
an attempted crime. - The penalty lower by two
maximum period of another divisible penalty, the
degrees than that prescribed by law for the attempted
penalty next lower in degree shall be composed of the
felony shall be imposed upon the accessories to the
medium and minimum periods of the proper divisible
attempt to commit a felony.
penalty and the maximum periods of the proper
divisible penalty and the maximum period of that
Article 58. Additional penalty to be imposed upon
immediately following in said respective graduated
certain accessories. - Those accessories falling within
the terms of paragraphs 3 of Article 19 of this Code
who should act with abuse of their public functions,
4. when the penalty prescribed for the crime is
shall suffer the additional penalty of absolute perpetual
composed of several periods, corresponding to
disqualification if the principal offender shall be guilty
different divisible penalties, the penalty next lower in
of a grave felony, and that of absolute temporary
degree shall be composed of the period immediately
disqualification if he shall be guilty of a less grave
following the minimum prescribed and of the two next
following, which shall be taken from the penalty
3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which arise 1. When in the commission of the deed there is present
from the moral attributes of the offender, or from his only one aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty
private relations with the offended party, or from any shall be applied.
other personal cause, shall only serve to aggravate or
mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices and 2. When there are neither mitigating nor aggravating
accessories as to whom such circumstances are circumstances and there is no aggravating
attendant. circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be applied.
4. The circumstances which consist in the material 3. When the commission of the act is attended by some
execution of the act, or in the means employed to mitigating circumstances and there is no aggravating
accomplish it, shall serve to aggravate or mitigate the circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be applied.
liability of those persons only who had knowledge of
4. When both mitigating and aggravating
them at the time of the execution of the act or their
circumstances attended the commission of the act, the
cooperation therein.
court shall reasonably allow them to offset one another
5. Habitual delinquency shall have the following in consideration of their number and importance, for
effects: the purpose of applying the penalty in accordance with
the preceding rules, according to the result of such
(a) Upon a third conviction the culprit shall be compensation.
sentenced to the penalty provided by law for the last
crime of which he be found guilty and to the additional Article 64. Rules for the application of penalties which
penalty of prision correccional in its medium and contain three periods. - In cases in which the penalties
maximum periods; prescribed by law contain three periods, whether it be
a single divisible penalty or composed of three different
(b) Upon a fourth conviction, the culprit shall be penalties, each one of which forms a period in
sentenced to the penalty provided for the last crime of accordance with the provisions of Articles 76 and 77,
which he be found guilty and to the additional penalty the court shall observe for the application of the
of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods; penalty the following rules, according to whether there
and are or are not mitigating or aggravating circumstances:
(c) Upon a fifth or additional conviction, the culprit 1. When there are neither aggravating nor mitigating
shall be sentenced to the penalty provided for the last circumstances, they shall impose the penalty
crime of which he be found guilty and to the additional prescribed by law in its medium period.
penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to
reclusion temporal in its minimum period. 2. When only a mitigating circumstances is present in
the commission of the act, they shall impose the
Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the total penalty in its minimum period.
of the two penalties to be imposed upon the offender,
in conformity herewith, shall in no case exceed 30 3. When an aggravating circumstance is present in the
years. commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty in
its maximum period.
For the purpose of this article, a person shall be
deemed to be habitual delinquent, is within a period of 4. When both mitigating and aggravating
ten years from the date of his release or last conviction circumstances are present, the court shall reasonably
of the crimes of serious or less serious physical injuries, offset those of one class against the other according to
robo, hurto, estafa or falsification, he is found guilty of their relative weight.
any of said crimes a third time or oftener.
5. When there are two or more mitigating
Article 63. Rules for the application of indivisible circumstances and no aggravating circumstances are
penalties. - In all cases in which the law prescribes a present, the court shall impose the penalty next lower
single indivisible penalty, it shall be applied by the to that prescribed by law, in the period that it may
courts regardless of any mitigating or aggravating deem applicable, according to the number and nature
circumstances that may have attended the commission of such circumstances.
of the deed.
6. Whatever may be the number and nature of the
In all cases in which the law prescribes a penalty aggravating circumstances, the courts shall not impose
composed of two indivisible penalties, the following a greater penalty than that prescribed by law, in its
rules shall be observed in the application thereof: maximum period.
7. Within the limits of each period, the court shall period which may be deemed proper, in view of the
determine the extent of the penalty according to the number and nature of the conditions of exemption
number and nature of the aggravating and mitigating present or lacking.
circumstances and the greater and lesser extent of the
evil produced by the crime.
Article 70. Successive service of sentence. - When the Maximum duration of the convict’s sentence: 3 times the
culprit has to serve two or more penalties, he shall most severe penalty
serve them simultaneously if the nature of the
penalties will so permit otherwise, the following rules Max period shall not exceed 40 years
shall be observed:
Subsidiary imprisonment – this shall be excluded in
In the imposition of the penalties, the order of their computing for the maximum duration
respective severity shall be followed so that they may
The three-fold rule
be executed successively or as nearly as may be
possible, should a pardon have been granted as to the
- According to the three-fold rule, the maximum
penalty or penalties first imposed, or should they have
duration of the convicts sentence shall not be more
been served out.
than three times the length of time corresponding to
the most severe of the penalties imposed upon him
For the purpose of applying the provisions of the next
- Max period shall not exceed 40 years
preceding paragraph the respective severity of the
penalties shall be determined in accordance with the
Where the defendant was sentenced to three distinct
following scale:
terms of imprisonment for the separate offenses of
frustrated homicide, trespass, and less serious physical
1. Death,
injuries, the three penalties should be served successively
2. Reclusion perpetua, in the order of their severity.
3. Reclusion temporal, The phrase "the most severe of the penalties" includes
equal penalties.
4. Prision mayor,
The three-fold rule applies only when the convict has to
5. Prision correccional, serve at least four sentences.
6. Arresto mayor,
7. Arresto menor,
8. Destierro,
Article 71. Graduated scales. - In the case in which the Articles 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of this Code, it must be
law prescribed a penalty lower or higher by one or understood that the accessory penalties are also
more degrees than another given penalty, the rules imposed upon the convict.
prescribed in Article 61 shall be observed in graduating
such penalty. Article 74. Penalty higher than reclusion perpetua in
certain cases. - In cases in which the law prescribes a
The lower or higher penalty shall be taken from the penalty higher than another given penalty, without
graduated scale in which is comprised the given specially designating the name of the former, if such
penalty. higher penalty should be that of death, the same
penalty and the accessory penalties of Article 40, shall
The courts, in applying such lower or higher penalty, be considered as the next higher penalty.
shall observe the following graduated scales:
Article 75. Increasing or reducing the penalty of fine by
SCALE NO. 1 one or more degrees. - Whenever it may be necessary
to increase or reduce the penalty of fine by one or more
1. Death,
degrees, it shall be increased or reduced, respectively,
for each degree, by one-fourth of the maximum
2. Reclusion perpetua,
amount prescribed by law, without however, changing
3. Reclusion temporal, the minimum.
4. Prision mayor, The same rules shall be observed with regard of fines
that do not consist of a fixed amount, but are made
5. Prision correccional, proportional.
commitment to any private institution not under the pay one-third of said expenses; the province to which
control and supervision of the religious sect or the municipality belongs shall pay one-third; and the
denomination to which they belong. remaining one-third shall be borne by the National
Government: Provided, however, That whenever the
The Director of Public Welfare or his duly authorized Secretary of Finance certifies that a municipality is not
representatives or agents, the superintendent of public able to pay its share in the expenses above mentioned,
schools or his representatives, or the person to whose such share which is not paid by said municipality shall
custody or care the minor has been committed, shall be borne by the National Government. Chartered cities
submit to the court every four months and as often as shall pay two-thirds of said expenses; and in case a
required in special cases, a written report on the good chartered city cannot pay said expenses, the internal
or bad conduct of said minor and the moral and revenue allotments which may be due to said city shall
intellectual progress made by him. be withheld and applied in settlement of said
indebtedness in accordance with section five hundred
The suspension of the proceedings against a minor may
and eighty-eight of the Administrative Code.
be extended or shortened by the court on the
recommendation of the Director of Public Welfare or Section Two. - Execution of principal penalties.
his authorized representative or agents, or the
superintendent of public schools or his representatives, Article 81. When and how the death penalty is to be
according as to whether the conduct of such minor has executed. - The death sentence shall be executed with
been good or not and whether he has complied with reference to any other and shall consist in putting the
the conditions imposed upon him, or not. The person under sentence to death by electrocution. The
provisions of the first paragraph of this article shall death sentence shall be executed under the authority
not, however, be affected by those contained herein. of the Director of Prisons, endeavoring so far as
possible to mitigate the sufferings of the person under
If the minor has been committed to the custody or care sentence during electrocution as well as during the
of any of the institutions mentioned in the first proceedings prior to the execution.
paragraph of this article, with the approval of the
Director of Public Welfare and subject to such If the person under sentence so desires, he shall be
conditions as this official in accordance with law may anaesthetized at the moment of the electrocution.
deem proper to impose, such minor may be allowed to
stay elsewhere under the care of a responsible person. Article 82. Notification and execution of the sentence
and assistance to the culprit. - The court shall
If the minor has behaved properly and has complied designate a working day for the execution but not the
with the conditions imposed upon him during his hour thereof; and such designation shall not be
confinement, in accordance with the provisions of this communicated to the offender before sunrise of said
article, he shall be returned to the court in order that day, and the execution shall not take place until after
the same may order his final release. the expiration of at least eight hours following the
notification, but before sunset. During the interval
In case the minor fails to behave properly or to comply between the notification and the execution, the culprit
with the regulations of the institution to which he has shall, in so far as possible, be furnished such assistance
been committed or with the conditions imposed upon as he may request in order to be attended in his last
him when he was committed to the care of a moments by priests or ministers of the religion he
responsible person, or in case he should be found professes and to consult lawyers, as well as in order to
incorrigible or his continued stay in such institution make a will and confer with members of his family or
should be inadvisable, he shall be returned to the court persons in charge of the management of his business,
in order that the same may render the judgment of the administration of his property, or of the care of
corresponding to the crime committed by him. his descendants.
The expenses for the maintenance of a minor Article 83. Suspension of the execution of the death
delinquent confined in the institution to which he has sentence. - The death sentence shall not be inflicted
been committed, shall be borne totally or partially by upon a woman within the three years next following
his parents or relatives or those persons liable to the date of the sentence or while she is pregnant, nor
support him, if they are able to do so, in the discretion upon any person over seventy years of age. In this last
of the court; Provided, That in case his parents or case, the death sentence shall be commuted to the
relatives or those persons liable to support him have penalty of reclusion perpetua with the accessory
not been ordered to pay said expenses or are found penalties provided in Article 40.
indigent and cannot pay said expenses, the
municipality in which the offense was committed shall
The court must determine two penalties Therefore, the indeterminate sentence will be: MAXIMUM —
prisidn mayor minimum, in its proper period after considering
When the crime is punished by a special law the mitigating circumstance. MINIMUM — prisidn correccional,
in any of its periods or anywhere within the range of prision
If the offense is punished by a special law, the court
correccional without reference to any of its periods.
shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate penalty, the
maximum term of which shall not exceed the maximum fixed Indeterminate Sentence Law not applicable to the
by said law and the minimum term shall not be less than the following
minimum prescribed by the same.
Persons convicted of offenses punished with death
When the crime is punished by the Code penalty or life imprisonment.
Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to
If the offense is punished by the Revised Penal Code,
commit treason
the court shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate
penalty, the maximum term of which shall be that which, in Those convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion,
view of the attending circumstances, could be properly sedition or espionage.
imposed under the rules of the Revised Penal Code, and the Those convicted of piracy.
minimum term of which shall be within the range of the Those who are habitual delinquents.
penalty next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the . Those who shall have escaped from confinement or
offense. evaded sentence.
Those who violated the terms of conditional pardon
The purpose of the Indeterminate Sentence Law is "to uplift granted to them by the Chief Executive.
and redeem valuable human material, and prevent Those whose maximum term of imprisonment does
unnecessary and excessive deprivation of personal liberty and not exceed one year.
economic usefulness." Those who, upon the approval of the law (December
5, 1933), had been sentenced by final judgment.
Examples of application of Indeterminate Sentence Law
(Sec. 2, Act No. 4103)
Under Special law: Those sentenced to the penalty of destierro or
A is convicted of illegal possession of firearm punishable by
imprisonment from one year and one day to five years. ISL: Imprisonment 1 year exceed
The court can impose an indeterminate sentence from 2 years The Indeterminate Sentence Law is applicable to recidivist
and 1 day, as the minimum term, to 4 years, as the maximum
Considering the criminal as an individual, some of the factors
term; 2 years and 1 day to 3 years; or 3 years and 1 day to 5
that should be considered are: (1) his age, especially with
reference to extreme youth or old age; (2) his general health
The maximum term of each of the different examples does not and physical conditions; (3) his mentality, heredity and
exceed the maximum of 5 years prescribed by the law, and the personal habits; (4) his previous conduct, environment and
minimum term is not less than the minimum of 1 year and 1 mode of life (and criminal record, if any); (5) his previous
day prescribed by the said law. education, both intellectual and moral; (6) his proclivities and
aptitudes for usefulness or injury to society; (7) his demeanor
Under the Revised Penal Code during trial and his attitude with regard to the crime
committed; (8) the manner and circumstances in which the
A is convicted of falsification of official document committed by crime was committed; (9) the gravity of the offense.
a public officer penalized by prision mayor. There is one
mitigating circumstance of plea of guilty. To determine the
penalty next lower, disregard first the mitigating circumstance
of plea of guilty. Hence, prision mayor in its full extent, the
penalty prescribed by the Code for the offense, should be the
basis, and not prision mayor minimum, because it is not the
penalty "prescribed by the Code for the offense."
"Probation" is a disposition under which a defendant, after - Penalty not exceed 6 years of imprisonment
conviction and sentence, is released subject to conditions - XPN: first time offenders of RA 9165 and Revised
imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation Election Code
Who are the offenders disqualified from being placed on
Probation may be granted even if the sentence imposed a fine probation?
only, but with subsidiary imprisonment.
those sentenced to serve a maximum term of
Upon application by defendant for probation, the court may imprisonment of more than six years;
suspend the execution of the sentence. those who were previously convicted by final
judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of
Time for filing application for probation; purpose and effect
not less than one month and one day and I or a fine
of not more than two hundred pesos;
What the law requires is that the application for
probation must be filed within the period for perfecting an those convicted of subversion or any crime against
appeal. The need to file it within such period was intended to the national security or public order;
encourage offenders, who are willing to be reformed and those who have been once on probation under the
rehabilitated, to avail of probation at the first opportunity. Such provisions of the Decree; and
provision was never intended to suspend the period for the those who are already serving sentence at the time
perfection of an appeal, and the filing of the application for the substantive provisions of the Decree became
probation operates as a waiver of the right to appeal. applicable pursuant to Section 33 thereof.
Where application for probation filed What are the conditions of probation?
An application for probation shall be filed with the trial present himself to the probation officer designated to
court. undertake his supervision at such place as may be specified in
the order within 72 hours from receipt of the order;
Convict who filed an application for probation cannot appeal
report to the probation officer at least once a month
The filing of the application for probation is a waiver at such time and place as specified by said officer
of the right to appeal.
For how long may a convict be placed on probation?
Criteria for placing an offender on probation
If the convict is sentenced to a term of imprisonment
The court shall consider (1) all information relative to of not more than one year, the period of probation shall not
the — (a) character, (b) antecedents, (c) environment, (d) exceed two years.
mental, and (e) physical condition of the offender, and (2)
available institutional and community resources In all other cases, if he is sentenced to more than one
year, said period shall not exceed six years.
When probation shall be denied.
When the sentence imposes a fine only and the
Probation shall be denied if the court finds that: offender is made to serve subsidiary imprisonment, the period
of probation shall be twice the total number of days of
(a) the offender is in need of correctional treatment subsidiary imprisonment.
that can be provided most effectively by his commitment to an
institution; or (b) there is an undue risk that during the period
of probation, the offender will commit another crime; or (c)
probation will depreciate the seriousness of the offense
EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY the term "final judgment" employed in the Revised
Penal Code means judgment beyond recall. As long as a
Chapter One judgment has not become executory, it cannot be truthfully
TOTAL EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY said that defendant is definitely guilty of the felony charged
against him.
Article 89. How criminal liability is totally
extinguished. - Criminal liability is totally extinguished: By amnesty
1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal It is an act of the sovereign power granting oblivion
penalties and as to pecuniary penalties, liability or a general pardon for a past offense, and is rarely, if ever,
therefor is extinguished only when the death of the exercised in favor of a single individual, and is usually exerted
offender occurs before final judgment. in behalf of certain classes of persons, who are subject to trial
but have not yet been convicted.
2. By service of the sentence;
Amnesty may be granted after conviction.
3. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the
penalty and all its effects; Amnesty completely extinguishes the penalty and all its effects.
Article 90. Prescription of crime. - Crimes punishable by should commit another crime before the expiration of
death, reclusion perpetua or reclusion temporal shall the period of prescription.
prescribe in twenty years.
Article 94. Partial Extinction of criminal liability. - Conditional pardon – contract between the sovereign power
Criminal liability is extinguished partially: of the executive and the convict
1. By conditional pardon; Convict shall not violate any of the penal laws of the
2. By commutation of the sentence; and
Violation of conditions:
3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may
earn while he is serving his sentence. Offender is re-arrested and re-incarcerated
Article 95. Obligation incurred by person granted Prosecution under Art. 159
conditional pardon. - Any person who has been granted
conditional pardon shall incur the obligation of Commutation – change in the decision of the court by the
complying strictly with the conditions imposed therein chief regarding the
otherwise, his non-compliance with any of the
conditions specified shall result in the revocation of the (1) degree of the penalty;
pardon and the provisions of Article 159 shall be
applied to him. (2) by decreasing the length of the imprisonment or fine
manner and under the requirements which, by law, bar Chapter Three
Article 106. Reparation; How made. - The court shall Article 112. Extinction of civil liability. - Civil liability
determine the amount of damage, taking into established in Articles 100, 101, 102, and 103 of this
consideration the price of the thing, whenever possible, Code shall be extinguished in the same manner as
and its special sentimental value to the injured party, obligations, in accordance with the provisions of the
and reparation shall be made accordingly. Civil Law.
Article 107. Indemnification; What is included. - Article 113. Obligation to satisfy civil liability. - Except
Indemnification for consequential damages shall in case of extinction of his civil liability as provided in
include not only those caused the injured party, but the next preceding article the offender shall continue
also those suffered by his family or by a third person by to be obliged to satisfy the civil liability resulting from
reason of the crime. the crime committed by him, notwithstanding the fact
that he has served his sentence consisting of
Article 108. Obligation to make restoration, reparation deprivation of liberty or other rights, or has not been
for damages, or indemnification for consequential required to serve the same by reason of amnesty,
damages and actions to demand the same; Upon whom pardon, commutation of sentence or any other reason.
it devolves. - The obligation to make restoration or
reparation for damages and indemnification for
consequential damages devolves upon the heirs of the
person liable.