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TO: AUGUST 31, 2022






TO: AUGUST 31, 2022

July, 2017 BETWEEN:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Council")
with respect to and on behalf of the
Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
(hereinafter referred to as the "College" or "Colleges")



(hereinafter referred to as the "Union")

Article Page

1. RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Exclusive Bargaining Agent ..........................................................................1
1.2 Staffing Considerations ................................................................................1
1.3 Binding on Parties .......................................................................................1
1.4 Excluded Persons ........................................................................................1
1.5 No Strikes and No Lockouts..........................................................................1
1.6 Non-Recurring Projects ................................................................................1

2. RELATIONSHIP............................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Interference................................................................................................2
2.2 Union Activities ...........................................................................................2
2.3 Ontario Human Rights .................................................................................2
2.4 Masculine/Feminine .....................................................................................2
2.5 Employment Equity .....................................................................................2

3. MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ 3

3.1 Union Acknowledgements ............................................................................3

4. UNION/MANAGEMENT INTERESTS ................................................................................ 4

4.1 Seniority List ...............................................................................................4
4.2 List of Part-Time Employees .........................................................................4
4.3 New Employees ..........................................................................................4
4.3.1 List of New Employees .................................................................................4
4.3.2 Employee Orientation ..................................................................................4
4.4 Harassment ................................................................................................5
4.4.1 Sexual Harassment ......................................................................................5
4.4.2 Bullying/Psychological Harassment................................................................5
4.5 Work of Personal Nature ..............................................................................6
4.6 Union College/Campus Committees...............................................................6
4.6.1 Membership ................................................................................................6
4.6.2 Functions....................................................................................................7
4.6.3 Excluded Matters.........................................................................................7
4.7 Employee/Employer Relations Committee ......................................................7
4.8 Joint Classification Committee ......................................................................7
4.9 Joint Insurance Committee...........................................................................7
4.10 Grievance Scheduling Committee ..................................................................8

5. UNION MATTERS ............................................................................................................ 9

5.1 Leave of Absence - General ..........................................................................9
5.1.1 Leaves of Absence Reimbursed by the Union .................................................9
5.1.2 Leave of Absence - Union Representatives ....................................................9
5.1.3 Union Negotiating Committee .......................................................................9
5.1.4 Leaves of Absence - Conditions ....................................................................9
5.2 Time Off ................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Full-Time Assignment ................................................................................ 10
5.4 Union Deductions ...................................................................................... 10


Article Page

5.4.1 Authorization ............................................................................................ 10

5.4.2 Application................................................................................................ 10
5.4.3 Remittance of Dues ................................................................................... 10
5.5 Notices ..................................................................................................... 11
5.5.1 Accessibility (Notice Boards) ....................................................................... 11
5.6 Collective Agreement ................................................................................. 11
5.6.1 Copy of Agreement ................................................................................... 11
5.6.2 Printing of Agreement................................................................................ 11
5.6.3 French/English Language Versions of Agreement ......................................... 11
5.7 Local Union Notification ............................................................................. 11

6. WORK SCHEDULES ....................................................................................................... 12

6.1 Hours of Work .......................................................................................... 12
6.1.1 Normal Work Week ................................................................................... 12
6.1.2 Retention of Existing Hours of Work............................................................ 12 Less than Forty (40) Hours per Week .......................................................... 12 Forty (40) Hours per Week......................................................................... 12
6.1.3 Understanding .......................................................................................... 13
6.1.4 Flexible Hours of Work............................................................................... 13
6.1.5 Compressed Work Week ............................................................................ 13
6.1.6 Averaging Hours Worked ........................................................................... 15 Union Discussions ..................................................................................... 15 Retention of Standard Hours ...................................................................... 15
6.2 Shift Schedules ......................................................................................... 15
6.2.1 Split Shifts ................................................................................................ 15
6.2.2 Shift Rotation ............................................................................................ 16
6.2.3 Notice of Shift Change ............................................................................... 16
6.3 Call Back .................................................................................................. 16
6.3.1 Return to the Workplace ............................................................................ 16
6.3.2 Resolving Issues From an Off-site Location.................................................. 16
6.4 On-Call ..................................................................................................... 16
6.5 Work at Home .......................................................................................... 17
6.6 Overtime .................................................................................................. 17
6.6.1 Overtime Rate........................................................................................... 17
6.6.2 Seventh Day - Double Time........................................................................ 17
6.6.3 Overtime Pay - No Pyramiding .................................................................... 18
6.6.4 Payment/Lieu Time ................................................................................... 18
6.6.5 Overtime Rights ........................................................................................ 18
6.7 Meal Allowance ......................................................................................... 18
6.8 Rest Periods ............................................................................................. 18

7. WAGES ......................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Wage Rates .............................................................................................. 19
7.2 Position Description Form........................................................................... 19
7.2.1 Classification Information ........................................................................... 19
7.2.2 Reclassification ......................................................................................... 19
7.3 Progression............................................................................................... 19
7.3.1 Movement Through the Wage Rate Steps .................................................... 19


Article Page

7.4 Pay Period ................................................................................................ 19

7.5 Shift Premium ........................................................................................... 19
7.6 Lead Hand Premium for Temporary Assignments ......................................... 20
7.7 Special Allowance ...................................................................................... 20

8. BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................... 21
8.1 Insurance ................................................................................................. 21
8.1.1 Life Insurance ........................................................................................... 21 Basic Life Insurance Plan ........................................................................... 21 Supplemental Life Insurance Plan ............................................................... 21
8.1.2 Spousal and Dependent Insurance .............................................................. 21
8.1.3 Critical Illness ........................................................................................... 21
8.1.4 Extended Health........................................................................................ 21
8.1.5 Dental ...................................................................................................... 22
8.1.6 Vision Care ............................................................................................... 22
8.1.7 Hearing Care ............................................................................................ 22
8.1.8 Survivor Benefits for Active Employees ........................................................ 22 Conditions ................................................................................................ 23
8.1.9 Short Term Disability ................................................................................. 23 Accumulation - Full Pay.............................................................................. 23 Duration of Coverage - Partial Pay .............................................................. 23 College Paid (STD) .................................................................................... 24 Use of STD Credits for Family Leave ........................................................... 24
8.1.10 Long Term Disability .................................................................................. 24 Return from Long Term Disability ............................................................... 24
8.1.11 Retirement Benefits ................................................................................... 25
8.1.12 Survivor Benefits for Retirees ..................................................................... 25 Conditions ................................................................................................ 25
8.1.13 Catastrophic Drug Coverage ....................................................................... 26
8.2 Kilometrage Allowance ............................................................................... 26
8.2.1 Special Conditions ..................................................................................... 26
8.3 Liability .................................................................................................... 26
8.4 Ontario Health Insurance Plan .................................................................... 26
8.5 Pamphlets/Booklets ................................................................................... 27

9. EDUCATION .................................................................................................................. 28
9.1 Reimbursement for Tuition ......................................................................... 28
9.2 Maintenance of Salary ............................................................................... 28
9.3 Developmental Leave ................................................................................ 28
9.3.1 Purpose and Length of Leave ..................................................................... 28
9.3.2 Criteria ..................................................................................................... 28
9.3.3 Application................................................................................................ 28
9.3.4 Response to Application ............................................................................. 28
9.3.5 Method of Payment ................................................................................... 28
9.3.6 Assignment on Return ............................................................................... 29
9.4 Tuition Fees .............................................................................................. 29
9.5 Professional Development Days .................................................................. 29


Article Page

10. HOLIDAYS .................................................................................................................. 30

10.1 Entitlement ............................................................................................... 30
10.2 Holiday December 25 - January 1 ............................................................... 30
10.3 Restriction ................................................................................................ 30
10.4 Substitution .............................................................................................. 30
10.5 Working on Holidays.................................................................................. 30
10.6 Employees on Other than Monday to Friday Schedule................................... 30
10.7 Holiday During Vacation ............................................................................. 31

11. VACATION .................................................................................................................. 32

11.1 Entitlement ............................................................................................... 32
11.2 Calculation of Continuous Service ............................................................... 32
11.3 Vacation Pay ............................................................................................. 33
11.4 Pro-Rating ................................................................................................ 33
11.5 Scheduling Vacation .................................................................................. 33
11.6 Carry-Over................................................................................................ 33

12. LEAVES ....................................................................................................................... 34

12.1 Personal Leave Without Pay ....................................................................... 34
12.2 Personal Leave With Pay ............................................................................ 34
12.2.1 Religious Leave ......................................................................................... 34
12.2.2 Family Leave............................................................................................. 34
12.2.3 Family Leave Eligibility ............................................................................... 34
12.2.4 Family Leave Unpaid ................................................................................. 34
12.2.5 Short Term Disability Application ................................................................ 34
12.3 Bereavement Leave ................................................................................... 35
12.4 Jury/Witness Duty ..................................................................................... 35
12.5 Citizenship Leave ...................................................................................... 35
12.6 Pregnancy and Parental Leave .................................................................... 35
12.6.1 Pregnancy Leave ....................................................................................... 35
12.6.2 Parental Leave .......................................................................................... 35
12.6.3 Extension of Parental Leave for Adoption .................................................... 36
12.6.4 Seniority Accumulation .............................................................................. 36
12.6.5 Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan................................................. 36 Eligibility for Benefit................................................................................... 36 Payment ................................................................................................... 36 Compliance with Employment Insurance Act ................................................ 37 Transfer ................................................................................................... 37
12.7 Prepaid Leave Plan .................................................................................... 37
12.7.1 Purpose .................................................................................................... 37
12.7.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................... 37 Application................................................................................................ 37 Approval ................................................................................................... 38 Deferral .................................................................................................... 38 Leave ....................................................................................................... 38 Written Agreement .................................................................................... 38
12.7.3 Terms and Conditions ................................................................................ 38 Wages ...................................................................................................... 38


Article Page Interest Rate ............................................................................................ 38 Deferral Period (Benefits Structuring) .......................................................... 39 Employee Benefit Coverage & Premiums ..................................................... 39 Leave Period (Benefits Structuring) ............................................................. 39 Payout ..................................................................................................... 39 Assignment on Return ............................................................................... 39 Applicability of Benefits .............................................................................. 39 Withdrawal Rights ..................................................................................... 40 Leave Postponement ................................................................................. 40 Interest Accumulation ................................................................................ 40 On Leaving Employment ............................................................................ 40 Death Clause ............................................................................................ 40 Serious Illness........................................................................................... 40
12.7.4 Income Tax .............................................................................................. 41

13. HEALTH AND SAFETY.................................................................................................. 42

13.1 Health and Safety Act ................................................................................ 42
13.2 Provision of Clothing .................................................................................. 42
13.2.1 Safety Devices .......................................................................................... 42 Footwear .................................................................................................. 42 Eye Protection........................................................................................... 42
13.3 Prior Arrangements ................................................................................... 42
13.4 Video Display Terminals ............................................................................. 43
13.4.1 Pregnancy (Transfer) ................................................................................. 43
13.4.2 Eye Examinations ...................................................................................... 43
13.4.3 Work Breaks ............................................................................................. 44
13.4.4 Work Stations ........................................................................................... 44
13.4.5 VDT Testing.............................................................................................. 44
13.5 Hepatitis "B" Vaccine ................................................................................. 44
13.6 Environmental Conditions........................................................................... 44

14. JOB SECURITY ............................................................................................................ 45

14.1 Probationary Period ................................................................................... 45
14.2 Accumulating Seniority and Service ............................................................. 45
14.2.1 Leaves of Absence..................................................................................... 45
14.2.2 Pregnancy, Parental, Developmental Leaves and Less than 12 Month Positions
................................................................................................................ 45
14.2.3 Probationary Employees............................................................................. 45
14.2.4 Layoff ...................................................................................................... 45
14.2.5 Workplace Safety and Insurance................................................................. 45
14.2.6 Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability and Workplace Safety and
.Insurance ................................................................................................. 46
14.3 Transfer Into Union ................................................................................... 46
14.4 Bilingual Policy .......................................................................................... 46
14.5 Rehiring ................................................................................................... 46
14.6 Employment Stability ................................................................................. 46
14.6.1 Employment Stability Committee ................................................................ 46
14.6.2 Strategies ................................................................................................. 47


Article Page

14.6.3 Employment Stability Fund ......................................................................... 47 Administration of the Employment Stability Fund ......................................... 48 Employment Stability Fund Arbitrator .......................................................... 48

15. LAYOFF/RECALL PROCESS ......................................................................................... 49

15.1 General .................................................................................................... 49
15.2 Notice to Local Union................................................................................. 49
15.3 Committee ................................................................................................ 49
15.3.1 Meetings .................................................................................................. 49
15.3.2 Confidentiality ........................................................................................... 49
15.3.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................... 49
15.3.4 Confidentiality of Recommendations ........................................................... 50
15.3.5 Notice to Employees .................................................................................. 50 Written Notice of Layoff ............................................................................. 50 Notice Period ............................................................................................ 50
15.3.6 Continued Discussions ............................................................................... 50
15.4 Layoff Procedure ....................................................................................... 50
15.4.1 Probationary Employees............................................................................. 50
15.4.2 Post Probationary Employees ..................................................................... 50
15.4.3 Bumping Procedure ................................................................................... 51
15.4.4 Layoff or Reassignment ............................................................................. 51 Notice ...................................................................................................... 51 Position Outside Forty (40) Kilometres ........................................................ 51
15.4.5 Displacement ............................................................................................ 52 Second Displacement ................................................................................ 52 Third Displacement ................................................................................... 52 Final Displacement .................................................................................... 52
15.4.6 Familiarization Period................................................................................. 52
15.4.7 Rate of Pay ............................................................................................... 52
15.5 Waiver of Rights/Severance ....................................................................... 52
15.5.1 General .................................................................................................... 52
15.5.2 Severance Pay - Contracting Out ................................................................ 53
15.5.3 Severance Pay - No Pyramiding .................................................................. 53
15.6 Recall ....................................................................................................... 53
15.6.1 Recall by Seniority ..................................................................................... 53
15.6.2 Recall Outside Forty (40) Kilometres ........................................................... 53
15.6.3 Recall List ................................................................................................. 53
15.7 Retraining................................................................................................. 54
15.7.1 Tuition Fee ............................................................................................... 54
15.7.2 Duration of Retraining ............................................................................... 54
15.7.3 Re-employment Assistance......................................................................... 54
15.7.4 Consideration for Employment in Non-bargaining Unit Work ......................... 54
15.8 Contracting Out - Union Notification ............................................................ 54
15.9 Reimbursement of Relocation Costs ............................................................ 54
15.10 Seniority Lost ............................................................................................ 55

16. EMPLOYEE EVALUATION ............................................................................................ 56

16.1 Performance Appraisal ............................................................................... 56


Article Page

16.2 Disciplinary Notice ..................................................................................... 56

16.3 Access to Personnel File ............................................................................. 56
16.4 Removal of Notices from File ...................................................................... 56

17. JOB POSTINGS/PROMOTIONS ................................................................................... 57

17.1 Notices ..................................................................................................... 57
17.1.1 Consideration - Bargaining Unit Employees .................................................. 57 Notification - Applicant............................................................................... 57 Notification - Local Union President ............................................................. 57
17.1.2 Job Reversal ............................................................................................. 57
17.1.3 Resultant Vacancies................................................................................... 58
17.1.4 Consideration - Non-Bargaining Unit Employees ........................................... 58
17.2 Promotion/Re-evaluation............................................................................ 58
17.2.1 From A Permanent Position ........................................................................ 58
17.2.2 From A Temporary Position ........................................................................ 58
17.3 Temporary Assignments ............................................................................ 58
17.3.1 Temporary Postings................................................................................... 58
17.3.2 Higher Wage Rates.................................................................................... 59
17.3.3 Lower Wage Rates .................................................................................... 59
17.3.4 Excluded Positions ..................................................................................... 59
17.3.5 Emergency Work Assignment ..................................................................... 59
17.4 Transfers .................................................................................................. 60

18. COMPLAINTS/GRIEVANCES ....................................................................................... 61

18.1 Definitions ................................................................................................ 61
18.1.1 Committee Secretary ................................................................................. 61
18.1.2 Day .......................................................................................................... 61
18.1.3 Union ....................................................................................................... 61
18.1.4 Grievance ................................................................................................. 61
18.2 General Conditions .................................................................................... 61
18.2.1 Time ........................................................................................................ 61
18.2.2 No Reply .................................................................................................. 61
18.2.3 Extensions ................................................................................................ 61
18.2.4 Recognition of Union Representation .......................................................... 61
18.2.5 Maintenance of Wages for Time Off ............................................................ 62
18.2.6 Rights ...................................................................................................... 62
18.2.7 Cost Sharing ............................................................................................. 62
18.3 Types of Grievance .................................................................................... 62
18.3.1 Grievance Procedure - Working Conditions and Terms of Employment ........... 62 Grievances ................................................................................................ 62 Step 1 ...................................................................................................... 62 Step 2 ...................................................................................................... 63
18.3.2 Grievances - Unsuccessful Competition ....................................................... 63
18.3.3 Group Grievance ....................................................................................... 63
18.3.4 Multi-College Issues................................................................................... 63
18.3.5 Union Grievance ........................................................................................ 64
18.3.6 College Grievance...................................................................................... 64
18.3.7 Grievances re: Dismissal, Suspension, Layoff or Reassignment ...................... 64


Article Page General .................................................................................................... 64 Grievance ................................................................................................. 64 Layoff Grievance ....................................................................................... 65 Mediation/Arbitration ................................................................................. 65
18.4 Mediation/Arbitration Procedure ................................................................. 65
18.4.1 Referral to Mediation/Arbitration ................................................................. 65
18.4.2 Mediators/Arbitrators ................................................................................. 65
18.4.3 Mediator/Arbitrator .................................................................................... 66
18.4.4 Powers ..................................................................................................... 66
18.4.5 Limitations ................................................................................................ 66
18.4.6 Mediator/Arbitrator’s Power ........................................................................ 66
18.4.7 Arbitration Board ....................................................................................... 66
18.4.8 Persons Excluded ...................................................................................... 66
18.4.9 Scheduling of Mediation/Arbitration ............................................................ 66
18.5 Classification Grievances ............................................................................ 67
18.5.1 Grievance to College Official ....................................................................... 67 Retroactive Payment.................................................................................. 67
18.5.2 Grievance Process ..................................................................................... 67 Step 1- Meeting and Information Provided................................................... 67 College Official's Decision ........................................................................... 67 Referral to Arbitration After Step 1.............................................................. 67 Step 2 ...................................................................................................... 67 Referral to Arbitration After Step 2.............................................................. 68
18.5.3 Expedited Arbitration ................................................................................. 68 Arbitrators ................................................................................................ 68 Time ........................................................................................................ 68 Arbitration Data Sheet ............................................................................... 68 Information to Arbitrators .......................................................................... 69 Site .......................................................................................................... 69 Hearing .................................................................................................... 69
18.5.4 Classification Arbitration Board ................................................................... 69 Arbitration Board Selection ......................................................................... 69
18.5.5 Powers of Arbitrators in Classification Grievances ......................................... 70 Restrictions ............................................................................................... 70

19. DURATION.................................................................................................................. 71

Red Circle Rates ............................................................................................................. 72
Stand By ........................................................................................................................ 73
Letter of Intent – Article 5.2 ............................................................................................ 74
Less Than 12 Months Positions ........................................................................................ 75
Childcare ....................................................................................................................... 76
VDT & EERC................................................................................................................... 77
Long Term Disability ....................................................................................................... 78
Layoff/Recall Process – Bumping...................................................................................... 79
Job Postings – Other Colleges .......................................................................................... 81
Direct Operating Grants From The Ministry of Community and Social Services...................... 82


Article Page

Joint Transitional Committee ........................................................................................... 83

Automobile Insurance ..................................................................................................... 85
Conflict Between Booklet and Original Signed Version ........................................................ 86
Grievance Scheduling ...................................................................................................... 87
Article 15.5.1 – Severance Pay ......................................................................................... 88
Accrual of Service and Seniority ....................................................................................... 89
Clarification Regarding the Use of the Word “Persons” ....................................................... 90
New Initiatives ............................................................................................................... 91
Workplace Wellness ........................................................................................................ 92
Return to Work............................................................................................................... 93
Lead Hand Definition ...................................................................................................... 94
Implementation of the New Job Evaluation System............................................................ 95
Union Time Off ............................................................................................................... 98
Initiatives/Opportunities .................................................................................................. 99
Mobilizer Leave............................................................................................................. 100
Pregnancy and Parental Leave ....................................................................................... 101
Notification of Contracting Out ....................................................................................... 102

A - Joint Insurance Committee Support Staff................................................................... 103
B - Inclusion Procedures................................................................................................ 106
C - Averaging of Hours .................................................................................................. 108
D - Temporary Employees ............................................................................................. 109
E - Hourly Wage Rate ................................................................................................. 1110
F - Joint Classification Committee ................................................................................... 117
G - Summer Student Workers ........................................................................................ 119
H - CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee .................................................. 120
I - Contracting Out ...................................................................................................... 122
J - Employee/Employer Relations Committee Terms of Reference .................................... 123

Index .......................................................................................................................... 125

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


1.1 Exclusive Bargaining Agent

The Union is recognized as the exclusive bargaining agent for all Support Staff employees of the
Colleges, save and except:

- foremen and supervisors;

- persons above the rank of foreman or supervisor;
- employees performing duties that require the use of confidential information relating to
employee relations and the formulation of the College budget or the Campus budget, as the
case may be;
- persons regularly employed for twenty-four (24) hours per week or less;
- students employed on a cooperative educational training program, with a school, college or
- graduates of the College employed for up to twelve (12) months following completion of their
courses and associated with certification, registration or other licencing requirements;
- persons hired for a project of a non-recurring kind.

1.2 Staffing Considerations

Recognizing that the College reserves the right as provided in Article 3, to determine the number
and composition of full-time, part-time, and otherwise excluded positions, and to determine the
work assignments that are appropriate in each case, the College will give preference to full-time
over part-time assignments, and to convert part-time to full-time assignments where feasible,
subject to such operational requirements as may be appropriate.

1.3 Binding on Parties

This Agreement is binding on the parties hereto and the employees as defined in Article 1.1.

1.4 Excluded Persons

Persons who are found to be bargaining unit employees as a result of specific decisions of the
Ontario Labour Relations Board or by agreement of the Council/College and the Union, and whose
former status was administrative or excluded staff, shall be governed by this Agreement and
Appendix B.

1.5 No Strikes and No Lockouts

The Union agrees there shall be no strike and the Council agrees there shall be no lockout;
"Strike" and "Lockout" being defined in the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008.

1.6 Non-Recurring Projects

An individual may not be maintained in a project of a non-recurring kind for a period of more than
twelve (12) continuous months unless there is an extension agreed upon in writing between the
Local Union and the College.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


2.1 Interference

The Colleges and the Union agree that there will be no intimidation, discrimination, interference,
restraint or coercion exercised or practised by either of them or their representatives or members
because of an employee's membership or non-membership in the Union or because of his/her
activity or lack of activity in the Union.

2.2 Union Activities

The Union agrees there will be no union activities on the premises of the Colleges, except as
specifically referred to in this Agreement or approved in writing by the College.

2.3 Ontario Human Rights

The parties agree that in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code there
shall be no discrimination against any employee by the Union or the College because of race,
ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability.

Accommodation, if it is requested by the employee and it is determined to be required, is the duty

of the College, the Union and the employee.

2.4 Masculine/Feminine

Whenever the masculine is used in this Agreement, it shall be also considered as if the feminine
has been used.

2.5 Employment Equity

The College and the Union recognize a shared commitment to achieving employment equity in the
College by ensuring that the Local Union is consulted with respect to the appropriate mechanisms
created by the College to establish and implement employment equity systems, policies and

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


3.1 Union Acknowledgements

The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Colleges to:

- maintain order, discipline and efficiency;

- hire, discharge, transfer, classify, assign, appoint, promote, demote, layoff, recall and suspend
or otherwise discipline employees subject to the right to lodge a grievance as provided for in
this Agreement;
- generally to manage the College and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the
right to plan, direct and control operations, facilities, programs, courses, systems and
procedures, direct its personnel, determine complement, organization, methods and the
number, location and positions required from time to time, the number and location of
campuses and facilities, services to be performed, the scheduling of assignments and work,
the extension, limitation, curtailment or cessation of operations and all other rights and
responsibilities not specifically modified elsewhere in this Agreement.

The Colleges agree that these functions will be exercised in a manner consistent with the
provisions of this Agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


4.1 Seniority List

The College shall prepare and send a copy of the seniority list showing the employee's seniority,
position title, payband, grand-parented payband(s) (if applicable), department, and home campus
once every four (4) months to the Local Union President and the Union Head Office. A copy of
the seniority list shall be posted at each Campus of each College and a copy of such seniority list
shall be made available for inspection by an employee on request.

4.2 List of Part-Time Employees

Once every four (4) months, the Local Union shall be provided with an electronic list of persons
regularly employed for twenty-four (24) hours per week or less, who have been employed
continuously for two (2) months or more and persons hired for projects of a non-recurring kind.
The College shall supply the list showing the name, start date, anticipated termination date if
known, job performed, department, payband, estimated average hours per week, and regular
work location, of each such employee.

Within ten (10) days of receipt of the said list, the Local Union may request that it be discussed at
a meeting of the Committee constituted under Article 4.6.2. At such a meeting the College shall
provide explanations for assigning work on the basis of part-time and full-time assignments, and
the nature of any projects of a non-recurring kind for which people were hired in the preceding
four (4) months. The College shall consider any representations which the Local Union may make
with respect to the assigning of work on a full-time or part-time basis; concerning the feasibility of
converting part-time to full-time assignments; and concerning the staffing of positions resulting
from projects of a non-recurring kind.

4.3 New Employees

4.3.1 List of New Employees

Once every month, the College shall give to the Local Union President a list of all new
employees. This list will include for each new employee his/her name, position title, payband,
department, and home campus, where ordinarily assigned.

4.3.2 Employee Orientation

Where a College has a formal orientation meeting with a group of new employees, the Local
Union will be given an opportunity to address the group during the meeting for the purpose of
assisting the College in orienting the new employees to the College.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

4.4 Harassment

4.4.1 Sexual Harassment

The Colleges and the Union are aware of the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code
that provide that persons have the right to be free from a sexual solicitation or advance in the
workplace where the person making the solicitation or advance knows or ought to know that it
is unwelcome. Both parties subscribe to this principle, and to that end, acknowledge the
following objectives:

- a complaint of this nature shall be promptly investigated and, where warranted,

appropriate action taken;
- every effort shall be made and maintained by all parties to treat the complaint in a
sensitive and confidential fashion, consistent with providing reasonable information to the
complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made as to the nature of the
allegation, the progress of the complaint, and its resolution or disposition;
- the complaint shall be made to as impartial a person as possible, being the President or
his/her designate and who is not the person against whom the complaint is made.

It is agreed that the complainant may choose a Union representative to assist him/her in
presenting the complaint.

At any point in the procedure the complaint may be referred to the Human Rights

4.4.2 Bullying/Psychological Harassment

The College shall make reasonable provisions to ensure that employees have the right to be
free from bullying/psychological harassment as defined within this article. The College and
the Local Union shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible to ensure the workplace is free
from bullying/psychological harassment.

Bullying/psychological harassment refers to any vexatious behaviour that is known, or ought

reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome and that:

- takes the form of repeated conduct which could reasonably be regarded as intending to
intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate, and/or
- affects an employee's dignity, or psychological or physical integrity, and/or
- results in a harmful work environment.

Examples of bullying/psychological harassment include, but are not limited to, the following:

- berating/belittling an individual;
- repeated unwarranted criticism;
- undermining or deliberately impeding a person's work;
- spreading malicious rumours or gossip that is not true;
- physical gestures intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate an individual.

Reasonable action by a College, a manager and/or a supervisor in the course of managing the
workplace is not bullying/psychological harassment. Examples of this include, but are not
limited to, the following:

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

- the transfer, demotion, discipline, counsel or dismissal of an employee in a reasonable

- a decision, based on reasonable grounds and facts, not to promote or grant another
benefit in connection with an employee's employment or performance.

The parties recognize that bullying/psychological harassment is unacceptable in the workplace,

and to that end acknowledge the following objectives:

- a complaint of this nature shall be promptly investigated and, where warranted,

appropriate action taken;
- every effort shall be made and maintained by all parties to treat the complaint in a
sensitive and confidential fashion, consistent with providing reasonable information to the
complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made as to the nature of the
allegation, the progress of the complaint, and its resolution or disposition;
- the complaint shall be made to as impartial a person as possible, being the President or
his/her designate and who is not the person against whom the complaint is made;
- frivolous allegations of bullying/psychological harassment that are unfounded, will be
treated as a disciplinary offence, that could lead to dismissal;
- allegations found to be true, will be treated as a disciplinary offence that could lead to

It is agreed that the complainant may choose a Union representative to assist him/her in
presenting the complaint.

4.5 Work of Personal Nature

Employees shall not be required to do work of a personal nature which is not connected with the
operation of the College.

4.6 Union College/Campus Committees

The Union may appoint a Committee at each College composed of up to three (3) members from
among employees who have completed the probationary period. At least two (2) of the members
of the Committee shall be appointed on a regular basis. The third member may be appointed on
an ad hoc basis where his/her knowledge or experience is relevant to discussion at meetings
under this Article. Where a College has another Campus more than thirty (30) km away from the
College's main Campus, with at least twenty (20) employees covered by this Agreement employed
thereat, the Union may appoint a Union Campus Committee of up to two (2) members from
employees on that Campus who have completed their probationary period.

4.6.1 Membership

The President of the Local Union shall head the Union College/Campus Committee where
he/she is located and he/she shall designate the employee to head the Committee at any
other Campus location referred to above. It shall be the responsibility of the Union to supply
the College with the names of the members (and head of the Union College and/or Union
Campus Committee(s)).

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

4.6.2 Functions

An equal number of College or Campus officials will meet with the Union College/Campus
Committee at a mutually agreed time and place provided that either party request a meeting.
Such a meeting shall be held within seven (7) days of receipt of a request unless otherwise
agreed upon. Notice of a request for a meeting shall be accompanied by an agenda of
matters proposed to be discussed. It is agreed that matters subject to local discussion

- the local application of the Agreement including work schedules;

- clarification of procedures or conditions causing misunderstanding or grievances including
meeting facilities;
- other matters which are mutually agreed upon;
- employment equity programs;
- employment stability

It is agreed that where a meeting as contemplated in this sub-article takes place by mutual
consent, during regular working hours, members of the Committee appointed by the Local
Union shall not suffer any loss of pay during regular working hours when required to leave
their duties temporarily for the purpose of attending such a meeting. The Union
acknowledges, however, that the employees have their regular duties to perform and will not
absent themselves without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor and
reporting to their immediate supervisor upon returning to their regular duties. In keeping with
this understanding, permission to attend such a meeting shall not be unreasonably withheld
consistent with College operating requirements.

4.6.3 Excluded Matters

It is agreed that meetings under this Section shall not concern or entertain matters that are
properly the subject of meetings as provided in Articles 18 and 19.

4.7 Employee/Employer Relations Committee

The parties have agreed to the establishment of an Employee/Employer Relations Committee

which is currently operating under terms of reference, which may be altered by the parties, from
time to time, by mutual agreement.

4.8 Joint Classification Committee

The parties have agreed to the establishment of a Joint Classification Committee which is
currently operating under the terms of reference found in Appendix F, which may be altered by
the parties, from time to time, by mutual agreement.

4.9 Joint Insurance Committee

The parties have agreed to the establishment of a Joint Insurance Committee which is currently
operating under the terms of reference found in Appendix A, which may be altered by the parties,
from time to time, by mutual agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

4.10 Grievance Scheduling Committee

The parties have agreed to the establishment of a Grievance Scheduling Committee, which is
currently operating under terms of reference, which may be altered by the parties, from time to
time, by mutual agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


5.1 Leave of Absence - General

5.1.1 Leaves of Absence Reimbursed by the Union

Leaves of absence with pay may be granted to employees to permit their attendance at
conventions, schools and seminars conducted by the Union and to employee(s) who are
elected to the Executive Board of the Union, the Divisional Executive or as a mobilizer. The
Union shall reimburse the College for all pay during such leaves and the College will
endeavour to bill quarterly.

5.1.2 Leave of Absence - Union Representatives

Leave of absence with pay may be granted to:

- employee representatives who attend meetings with College representatives on provincial

- employee representatives who are members of the Employee/Employer Relations
Committee, the Joint Insurance Committee (Support Staff), Grievance Scheduling
Committee, the CAAT Pension Plan and the Joint Classification Committee for the days of
necessary attendance at meetings of such committees;

The Union shall reimburse the College for fifty per cent (50%) of all pay during leaves of
absence under Article 5.1.2. The College will endeavour to bill quarterly.

5.1.3 Union Negotiating Committee

Leave of absence shall be granted to not more than seven (7) employee representatives
selected to negotiate the renewal of the Collective Agreement for necessary time off including
travel time, direct negotiating time, and necessary preparation time. The Union shall
reimburse the College for all pay during such leave except for the days scheduled by the
parties for direct negotiations and up to a maximum of ten (10) days if required, for meetings
of the Union Negotiating Committee to prepare for and to complete bargaining.

5.1.4 Leaves of Absence - Conditions

Leaves of absence described in Articles 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 shall not be unreasonably withheld,
recognizing the need of efficiency of operations of the College. Where possible, the employee
will provide at least two (2) weeks' notice to the Senior Human Resources Officer of the
absence requested under Articles 5.1.1 and 5.1.2.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

5.2 Time Off

In addition to time off granted under Articles 5.1 and 18.2.5, the College recognizes that
additional time off during regular working hours may be necessary for the purpose of assisting
employees and the Local Union in the administration of the Collective Agreement and the business
directly pertinent thereto. In such a case, the Local Union may advise the College of up to three
(3) employees who may be appointed or designated hereunder, it being understood that any time
off granted shall not hinder or interfere with the regular performance of the employee's duties
and responsibilities.

Unless otherwise agreed, time off for Local Union business hereunder shall not exceed:

- a maximum of twelve (12) hours per week, where the Support Staff complement at a College
is less than two hundred (200) employees, or
- a maximum of fifteen (15) hours per week, where the Support Staff complement at a College
is two hundred (200) employees or more, but less than three hundred and fifty (350)
employees, or
- a maximum of eighteen (18) hours per week, where the Support Staff complement at a
College is three hundred and fifty (350) or more.
- the Local Union shall reimburse the College for twenty-five per cent (25%) of all pay for any
leaves of absence granted hereunder on a regular basis as billed by the College.

5.3 Full-Time Assignment

Upon application in writing by the Union to the College Employer Council with notice to the
affected Colleges, a leave of absence shall be granted to two (2) employees from the Support
Staff Bargaining Unit of the CAAT System elected to full-time positions with the Union. Such
leave(s) of absence shall be for a period of one (1) term of office (two (2) years from the date of
election) unless extended for a specific period on agreement of the parties. Such leave(s) of
absence shall be without pay and benefits, but the employee shall, notwithstanding Article 14.2,
accumulate full seniority during such leave(s) of absence.

5.4 Union Deductions

5.4.1 Authorization

There shall be deducted from the regular pay of every employee in the bargaining unit an
amount equal to the regular monthly dues as authorized under the by-laws of the Union.

5.4.2 Application

Article 5.4.1 shall have no application to an employee who is successful in satisfying the
requirements of Section 13(2) of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 as to his/her
religious convictions or belief.

5.4.3 Remittance of Dues

Any amounts so deducted shall, subject to Article 5.4.2, be remitted to the Union Head Office.
The cheque shall be accompanied by a list of the employees from whom the deductions have
been made (a copy of the list shall be sent to the Local Union President) and forwarded by the
15th day of the month following the month in which such deductions have been made. The

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

list of employees referred to herein shall be in alphabetical order by surname and shall include
the employee's social insurance number.

The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless from any liability arising out
of the operation of this Article.

5.5 Notices

5.5.1 Accessibility (Notice Boards)

Each College shall supply adequate notice boards in appropriate locations designated by the
College and accessible to employees for the posting of Union Notices which have received the
prior approval of the College. Their use shall be restricted to Union Notices pertaining to
matters relating to employees covered by this Agreement unless otherwise agreed.

5.6 Collective Agreement

5.6.1 Copy of Agreement

Upon his/her date of hire, a copy of this Agreement shall be provided by the College to each
new employee, and at the same time, the College shall notify the new employee of the name
of his/her Steward or Local Union Officer.

5.6.2 Printing of Agreement

The cost of printing the Collective Agreement booklets will be shared equally by the Council
and the Union subject to mutual agreement as to format and production arrangements.

5.6.3 French/English Language Versions of Agreement

The parties agree that a French language and an English language version of this Agreement
shall be prepared. With respect to any dispute arising at a French language College, the
French language version of this Agreement shall prevail. With respect to any dispute arising
at an English language College, the English language version of this Agreement shall prevail.
With respect to any dispute arising at a bilingual College, the version of the Agreement that
will prevail shall be as designated by the grievor.

5.7 Local Union Notification

The Local Union agrees to notify the College of the name(s) of the current Steward(s) and Local
Union Officers within a reasonable time of the appointment date.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


6.1 Hours of Work

6.1.1 Normal Work Week

The normal work week for employees will be:

- thirty-five (35) hours per week or seven (7) hours per day,
- thirty-six and one-quarter (36.25) hours per week or seven and one-quarter (7.25) hours
per day,
- thirty-seven and one-half (37.50) hours per week or seven and one-half (7.50) hours per
- forty (40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day,
as designated by the College, and scheduled on five (5) consecutive days except with
respect to employees engaged in continuous operations or on special shifts.

6.1.2 Retention of Existing Hours of Work Less than Forty (40) Hours per Week

An employee hired prior to September 1, 1997, who as of that date is scheduled to work a
normal work week of less than forty (40) hours per week, shall not be scheduled to work a
normal work week of forty (40) hours per week while he/she remains in his/her current
position, unless agreed to by the employee. Forty (40) Hours per Week

An employee hired prior to September 1, 1997 and, who on February 28, 2007 was in one
of the following job families and assigned a normal work week of forty (40) hours per
week, shall not have his/her normal work week reduced from forty (40) hours per week as
long as he/she remains in that position:
- Operating Engineer
- Caretaker
- Food Service Worker
- Clerk Supply
- General Maintenance Worker
- Skilled Trades Worker
- Driver
- Bus Driver
- Security Guard.

It is understood that this provision will not apply if the employee is the successful
applicant for a position with fewer hours.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

6.1.3 Understanding

It is understood that the provisions of this section are intended only to provide a basis for
calculating time worked and shall not constitute a guarantee of hours of work per day, or days
of work per week or for any period whatsoever. It is understood and agreed that where the
normal weekly or daily hours as referred to in Article 6.1.1 above are to be changed, the
College shall discuss such changes with the Union College/Campus Committee and hear any
representations by it prior to implementation providing such representations are made

6.1.4 Flexible Hours of Work

Where a College and the Local Union agree and where affected employees approve, the
College may implement more flexible hours of work and scheduling arrangements than those
provided in Article 6, such as compressed work weeks and job sharing arrangements, except
that Article 6.2.1 cannot be varied. Any such variation of any section of Article 6 will be
specified in the local agreement. Each agreement shall contain the position title, payband,
campus location, shift, names of the employees affected and the agreed-to notice period to
terminate the agreement.

Such agreements shall not provide a monetary advantage or disadvantage to the College or to
affected employees relative to employees working regular hours. Either party may terminate
the local agreement and return to regular schedules or hours of work with eight (8) weeks'
notice or as otherwise agreed to between the parties.

Such local agreements shall be signed by the College, the Local Union President, and the
employee(s) affected and apply for the specific terms agreed upon, but in any event, shall not
continue beyond the term of this Agreement.

6.1.5 Compressed Work Week

The following terms and conditions shall apply when the College decides to implement a
compressed work week:

(i) The implementation of a compressed work week shall be considered a major change in
shift schedules pursuant to Article 6.2.3. For illustrative purposes only, the normal
work week could be 10, 9.5, 9 or 8.75 hours per day scheduled on four (4) consecutive

(ii) Overtime will be paid for authorized work performed:

a. Consisting of a work period of at least one-quarter (.25) hour in a day over the
normal daily hours designated by the College; or
b. Consisting of a cumulative work period of at least one-half (.50) hour over the
normal work week as may be designated by the College

(iii) Shift Premiums

a. For employees assigned a compressed work week no shift premium shall be
payable if the majority of the regular hours worked are before 5:00 p.m.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

(iv) Vacation
a. For those employees assigned to a compressed work week, their vacation
entitlement would be calculated as follows (for illustrative purposes only):

15 days vacation would convert to 12

17 days vacation would convert to 14
18 days vacation would convert to 14
20 days vacation would convert to 16
21 days vacation would convert to 17
22 days vacation would convert to 18
23 days vacation would convert to 18
24 days vacation would convert to 19
25 days vacation would convert to 20
26 days vacation would convert to 21
27 days vacation would convert to 22
28 days vacation would convert to 22
29 days vacation would convert to 23
30 days vacation would convert to 24

(v) Short-Term Disability

a. For the purpose of, employees on a compressed work week will receive
eight (8) days at full pay and may accumulate one hundred and four (104) days.
b. Employees moving to and from a compressed work week will have their sick bank
converted as follows:
i. Employees moving to a compressed work week will be credited with 0.8 of
their existing sick bank. For example, an employee with a bank of ten (10)
sick days, will be credited with eight (8) sick days.
ii. Employees moving from a compressed work week will be credited with 1.25
of their existing sick bank.
For example, an employee with a bank of ten (10) sick days will be
credited with 12.5 sick days.
c. For the purpose of, employees on a compressed work week will receive
partial pay for one hundred and four (104) days.

(vi) - Employees on a compressed work week will have four (4) working days.

(vii) Training Assignments

a. When an employee on a compressed work week attends a training program, the
College may change the employee’s scheduled hours of work to the greater of:
i. 7.0, 7.25, 7.50 or 8.0 hours per day, as applicable, or
ii. The actual number of hours spent receiving training for each day that the
employee participates in the training program.
b. Where the change prescribed in (a) results in fewer or more hours than the
employee was previously scheduled to work on the day(s) in question, the “extra”
or “deficit” hours shall be reduced to zero within sixty (60) working days of the
completion of the training program, without any loss of pay by the employee or
payments by the College, as follows:
i. The employee shall be required to work a corresponding number of
hours to make up for any deficit hours; or

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

ii. The employee shall be scheduled off duty for a corresponding number
of hours to offset any extra hours
iii. Where there is mutual agreement, an employee may receive pay at his
or her basic hourly rate for extra hours in lieu of being scheduled off
c. Where an employee’s extra hours have not been reduced to zero within sixty (60)
working days in accordance with Paragraph (b), any such hours remaining to the
employee’s credit shall be paid at the employee’s basic hourly rate.

viii) As a matter of clarity, there will be no split shifts.

ix) The College will consult with the Local Union and the affected employees prior to

x) Article 6.1.4 shall apply to the compressed work week arrangements set out above.

xi) All other provisions of the Collective Agreement apply to employees on a compressed
work week.

6.1.6 Averaging Hours Worked Union Discussions

Notwithstanding Articles 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6 and 6.7, where a College asserts that one
(1) or more employees are or will be engaged on special shifts, and seeks to apply the
provisions set out in Appendix C (Averaging of Hours of Work), it shall discuss the matter
with the Union College/Campus Committee and hear any representations by it prior to
implementation provided such representations are made promptly. Following such
discussion, implementation may be effected. Once each year, the Local Union may ask
the College to review the arrangement to ensure the conditions outlined in point one (1) of
Appendix C continue to apply and if requested, the College shall provide the Local Union
with the data used by the College in its review. If those conditions are not applicable,
then the Appendix C arrangement will no longer apply. In all other cases, overtime
payment will be in accordance with Articles 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6 and 6.7. Retention of Standard Hours

No employee employed as of September 1, 1997, other than a Support Services Officer,

Programmer, Programmer/Analyst, Systems Analyst or Technical Support Specialist shall
have Appendix C (Averaging of Hours of Work) applied while he/she remains in his/her
current position, unless agreed to by the employee.

6.2 Shift Schedules

6.2.1 Split Shifts

There shall be no split shifts during the term of this Agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

6.2.2 Shift Rotation

Where employees are required to rotate amongst shifts, the College shall endeavour to
schedule shifts so that there will be a minimum of fifteen (15) hours, or less if the Local Union
and the College agree and the affected employee approves, between the end of the
employee's regularly scheduled shift and the commencement of his/her new shift. Where
there is one (1) or two (2) days off between the change of shift, the College shall endeavour
to provide for thirty-nine (39) hours and sixty (60) hours, respectively, between the end of the
employee's regularly scheduled shift and the commencement of his/her new shift.

6.2.3 Notice of Shift Change

The College will give at least three (3) weeks' notice with respect to changes in scheduled
shifts except in circumstances beyond its control. The College further agrees that where
major changes in shift schedules (including new shift schedules) are to be implemented, it will
first discuss such changes with the Union College/Campus Committee and hear any
representations by it provided such representations are made promptly and will attempt, in
any such case, to give at least four (4) weeks' notice.

6.3 Call Back

Where an employee has completed his/her regularly scheduled hours of work and is subsequently
called back to duty before the commencement of his/her next regularly scheduled shift, the
following provisions shall apply.

6.3.1 Return to the Workplace

When an employee is recalled and is required to return to the workplace, he/she shall receive
payment for all hours worked at the applicable overtime rate with a minimum guarantee of
four (4) hours overtime at time and one-half his/her regular rate of pay except to the extent
that such period of four (4) hours overlaps or extends into his/her regular hours of work. It is
understood that this provision has no application in cases of change in an employee's regular
hours of work or scheduled overtime including overtime commencing immediately following
the completion of an employee's regular schedule of work.

6.3.2 Resolving Issues From an Off-site Location

When an employee is recalled and is not required to physically return to the workplace, the
applicable overtime rate shall be paid with a minimum guarantee of two (2) hours. The initial
call and any subsequent calls during the same two (2) hour period, will be treated as a single
recall to work for the purposes of this paragraph.

6.4 On-Call

On-Call refers to time periods during which an employee must be available and able to respond,
within a reasonable time, to resolve a problem either by returning to the workplace or off-site (if
applicable). On-call applies to time periods that are not regular working hours, overtime, stand-
by or call back.

An employee assigned to be on-call is not required to stay at home, but he/she must make sure
that he/she can be contacted and is able to start work within a reasonable time. It is understood

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

that a return to the workplace may not be necessary in all situations. There shall be no
pyramiding of premiums. Where the employee is recalled, the provisions of Article 6.3 shall apply.

Where an employee is assigned to be on-call, he/she shall receive one dollar ($1.00) per hour for
all hours that he/she is required to be on-call. No employee shall be required to be on-call or be
assigned on-call duty unless authorized in writing by his/her immediate Supervisor.

An employee assigned to be on-call shall not be paid for the on-call period, or part of the on-call
period, if he/she was not available or was unable to work due to illness or other circumstances
beyond his/her control.

Where the College requires employees to be on-call, qualified employees in the work group shall
be selected first on a volunteer basis, in order of seniority, on a rotational basis. Where there are
insufficient volunteers, assignment shall be made by reverse order of seniority. However, no
employee shall be required to be on-call for more than one hundred and twenty-eight (128) hours
per month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee shall be prevented from voluntarily
exceeding this maximum.

6.5 Work at Home

Where the College requires and assigns the performance of work by an employee at home, it shall
be subject to all the provisions of this Article save and except Article 6.7.

6.6 Overtime

6.6.1 Overtime Rate

An employee shall be paid at the overtime rate of time and one-half the employee's hourly
rate for authorized work performed:

- consisting of a work period of at least one-quarter hour in a day over the normal daily
hours designated by the College of seven (7), seven and one-quarter (7.25), seven and
one-half (7.50) or eight (8) for the employees concerned; or
- consisting of a cumulative work period of at least one-half hour over the normal work
week of thirty-five (35), thirty-six and one-quarter (36.25), thirty-seven and one-half
(37.50) or forty (40) hours per week as may be designated by the College for the
employees concerned; or
- on an employee's sixth day of work in the week concerned.

6.6.2 Seventh Day - Double Time

Employees referred to in Article 6.1.1 shall be entitled to payment at the overtime rate of
double the employee's hourly rate for all authorized work performed on the employee's
seventh day of work in the week concerned.

Employees engaged in continuous operations or on special shifts excluded from Article 6.1.1
shall nevertheless be entitled to payment at the overtime rate of double the employee's hourly
rate for all authorized work performed on what amounts to any second day of rest in their
schedule provided they have completed their regularly scheduled days of work and performed
work on what amounts to any first day of rest in their schedule. Employees who have
completed their regularly scheduled days of work but have not performed work on what

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

amounts to any first day of rest in their schedule shall receive time and one-half their hourly
rate for authorized work performed on what amounts to any second day of rest in their

6.6.3 Overtime Pay - No Pyramiding

There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime payment nor shall the same hours
worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime
premium is payable.

6.6.4 Payment/Lieu Time

Where an employee has worked and accumulated authorized overtime under Article 6 (except
overtime hours performed on a holiday defined in Article 10) such employee shall have the
option of electing payment at the applicable overtime rate or time off equivalent to the
applicable overtime rate. Where the employee elects time off at the applicable overtime rate,
such time off must be taken within sixty (60) calendar days of the occurrence of the overtime
(unless extended by agreement of the College and the employee) at a time determined by the
College and satisfactory to the employee. Where time off in lieu is not taken on the foregoing
basis, payment shall be made in accordance with the applicable overtime rate.

6.6.5 Overtime Rights

The parties to this Agreement recognize that College operations may require the performance
of overtime work and that employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. The
College will advise employees of required overtime as far in advance as practicable and, in any
event, will give notice of scheduled overtime required prior to the conclusion of the preceding
work day except in circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The Colleges agree to
attempt to distribute available overtime work as equitably as practicable amongst qualified
employees in the work groups in which overtime work is required. Whether or not advance
notice of required overtime has been given, the College shall take into consideration the
legitimate requests of employees to be excused where the performance of overtime by such
employees would cause undue hardship or serious inconvenience. Employees who have been
excused on this basis shall be deemed to have worked such overtime for the purposes of
considering equitable distribution. Where an employee claims improper distribution of
overtime under these provisions and such claim is either agreed to or determined to be valid,
the College's obligation shall be limited to offering such employee the next opportunities to
perform scheduled overtime work in his/her work group that he/she is qualified and willing to
perform until such time as the inequity has been addressed.

6.7 Meal Allowance

Where an employee is required to work more than three (3) continuous hours on completion of
his/her regular shift and has not been given notice of such overtime on the prior day or before,
he/she shall be entitled to a meal allowance not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00).

6.8 Rest Periods

Rest periods and any refreshment facilities required shall be as established from time to time by
the College following discussion with the Union College/Campus Committee.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


7.1 Wage Rates

The ranges of wage rates are as set out in Appendix E hereto on the effective dates as therein

7.2 Position Description Form

Each employee will be provided with a copy of his/her current Position Description Form (PDF)
upon the date of hire and/or at the employee's request.

7.2.1 Classification Information

Within ten (10) days of receipt of a written request by an employee, the College will provide
to the employee, the point rating by factor for his/her position.

7.2.2 Reclassification

When the College reclassifies a bargaining unit position to another payband, the College will
notify the Local Union and provide the position title, name of incumbent, the former payband,
the new payband and the effective date of the reclassification.

Upon request by the Local Union, the College shall provide the Position Description Form
(PDF) for the reclassified position.

7.3 Progression

7.3.1 Movement Through the Wage Rate Steps

Employees shall progress in accordance with the increments in the paybands as set out in
Appendix E based on actual service in the payband.

7.4 Pay Period

The College shall pay employees every two (2) weeks. The College shall endeavour to include
payment for overtime worked in the first pay period following the pay period in which the
overtime was worked.

7.5 Shift Premium

The College shall pay a shift premium of seventy-five (75) cents per hour for all regular hours
worked between 5 p.m. and midnight and one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all regular hours worked
between midnight and 6 a.m. Where more than fifty per cent (50%) of the hours worked on any
regular shift fall within a period attracting the higher premium, the higher premium shall be paid
for all regular hours worked.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

7.6 Lead Hand Premium for Temporary Assignments

Where the College temporarily assigns an employee to Lead Hand responsibilities, in accordance
with the Letter of Understanding entitled "Lead Hand Definition", the employee shall be entitled to
a premium in the amount of seventy-five (75) cents per hour over his/her current hourly wage for
all hours worked during such assignment.

The premium shall be payable for all hours worked but shall not form part of the employee's
straight time hourly rate for the purposes of overtime or other premium pay.

7.7 Special Allowance

Starting September 1, 2012, on September 1 of each year or in the pay immediately following
September 1 of each year, full-time bargaining unit members on active payroll with at least six (6)
months continuous service but less than ten (10) years continuous service shall receive a payment
of four hundred and twenty-five dollars ($425) and full-time bargaining unit members on active
payroll with at least ten (10) years continuous service shall receive a payment of eight hundred
and twenty-five dollars ($825).

The determination of continuous service shall be governed by Articles 11.2 and 14.2.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


8.1 Insurance

8.1.1 Life Insurance Basic Life Insurance Plan

During the term of this Agreement, the Colleges shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of
the monthly premiums of the current basic life insurance plan to provide for term
insurance coverage of $25,000.00 on the life of the employee and including a rider
providing for the same coverage for accidental death or dismemberment. Supplemental Life Insurance Plan

(i) The Colleges will provide supplementary life insurance on a voluntary basis in units of
$10,000.00 each to a maximum of five (5) units. The Colleges shall pay sixty per cent
(60%) of the monthly premiums and the balance of the premiums will be paid by
subscribing employees through payroll deduction.

(ii) Effective November 1, 2014 or such reasonable time thereafter as may be required and
subject to eligibility requirements, the Colleges shall continue the Supplemental Life
Insurance Plan to provide for the availability of further Supplementary Life Insurance
in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $50,000 for employees who elect the maximum
option of $50,000 in (i) above, provided the employee pays one hundred percent
(100%) of the monthly premium through payroll deduction.

8.1.2 Spousal and Dependent Insurance

Effective during the term of this Agreement, the Colleges shall arrange for Dependent and
Spousal Insurance coverage for purchase by employees of $15,000.00 for spouse and
$3,000.00 for each child, the premiums to be entirely paid by the employee by payroll
deduction, subject to enrolment requirements, if any.

The Colleges will also arrange to have provided spousal supplementary life insurance on a
voluntary basis in units of $10,000.00 each to a maximum of six (6) units, subject to
enrolment requirements, if any. The employee shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the
monthly premiums through payroll deduction.

8.1.3 Critical Illness

Effective November 1, 2011 or such reasonable time thereafter as may be required, a Critical
Illness Insurance will be made available to employees with the full premiums to be paid by the

8.1.4 Extended Health

The Colleges agree during the term of this Agreement, to contribute one hundred per cent
(100%) of the present premiums towards the current Extended Health Benefit Plan subject to
the eligibility requirements provided under such Plan.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

8.1.5 Dental

The Colleges agree, during the term of this Agreement, to pay one hundred per cent (100%)
of the billed premiums of an insured dental plan for coverage of eligible full-time employees
on the active payroll who have completed their probationary period. The Plan provides
coverage for Basic Services, Endodontics and Periodontics, Restorative Dental and Surgical
Procedures and Prosthodontic Services including dentures (Types A, B, C) and the ODA
schedule for the immediately preceding year, subject to the eligibility requirements and terms
and conditions of the Plan. The maximum for Types A, B, C shall be $2,500.00 per person per
plan year.

In addition, the Plan will provide coverage on a non-cosmetic basis for crowns and bridges to
be reimbursed at fifty per cent (50%) co-insurance, subject to the eligibility requirements and
terms and conditions of the Plan. The maximum for the crowns and bridges coverage (Type
E) shall be $2,500 per person per plan year.

The Colleges will pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the billed premium for an insured
dental plan with Orthodontics Procedures with $2,500.00 lifetime maximum per person
covered regardless of age and fifty per cent (50%) co-insurance, subject to the eligibility
requirements and terms and conditions of the Plan.

Employees may opt out if, in their judgment, they have full coverage through a spouse's Plan.
Details of the Plan are published in the revised Group Benefit Plan booklet.

8.1.6 Vision Care

During the term of the Agreement, the Colleges agree to pay seventy-five per cent (75%) of
the premiums for a Vision Care Plan providing coverage to a maximum of four hundred dollars
($400.00) each two (2) years for persons eighteen (18) years of age and over and four
hundred dollars ($400.00) each one (1) year for persons under eighteen (18) years of age for
glasses, frames, and contact lenses, subject to eligibility requirements and enrolment
requirements, and the balance of the premium shall be deducted by payroll deduction.

8.1.7 Hearing Care

The Colleges agree to pay seventy-five per cent (75%) of the premiums for the Hearing Aid
Plan providing coverage to a maximum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) each three (3)
years, per person, subject to eligibility requirements and enrolment requirements and the
balance of the premiums shall be deducted by payroll deduction.

8.1.8 Survivor Benefits for Active Employees

The Colleges agree to continue coverage of Extended Health (including Vision and Hearing
Care) and Dental Plan for the dependent survivor of a deceased employee for six (6) months
at no cost to the survivor.

Thereafter, effective November 16, 2000, at the option of the dependent survivor, and subject
to Article, the College shall continue such benefits until the date that the deceased
employee would have reached age sixty-five (65).

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

At the date that the deceased employee would have reached age sixty-five (65), the
dependent survivor may elect to continue those benefits set out in Article 8.1.11, in which the
survivor is currently enrolled. Conditions

In order to maintain coverage pursuant to Article 8.1.8, the eligible dependent survivor

i) enroll in the benefit plans as specified by the insurer;

ii) keep the College informed of any change of address or other information as the
College or the insurer may require; and

iii) pay, in advance, the full cost of the benefits that the survivor has enrolled in as
a) current members of the plan will have the option to continue to pay the
College quarterly or switch to automatic monthly bank withdrawals;
b) new enrollees shall pay the College through automatic monthly bank

8.1.9 Short Term Disability Accumulation - Full Pay

During the term of this Agreement, the Colleges will continue the Short Term Disability
Income Plan presently in effect, to provide the first ten (10) days at full pay in any one (1)
plan year (which begins on September 1 of each year), the details of which are published
in the Group Benefit Program booklet, as amended from time to time by the Joint
Insurance Committee (JIC).

Employees in their first year of employment will be eligible for benefits under this Plan
from their first day of service with the College and will have their ten (10) days entitlement
pro-rated in proportion to the amount of the year that they work. In addition, unused
days payable at one hundred per cent (100%) in any plan year can be carried forward to
provide additional days at one hundred per cent (100%) in future years. Effective
September 1, 2000, unused days can only be carried forward to a maximum accumulation
of one hundred and thirty (130) days (which includes the initial plan year entitlement plus
any "banked" unused days) and may only be used for the purpose of this Article.

Upon retirement, layoff or termination of employment, unused days standing in the name
of the employee shall be cancelled and shall be of no effect. Duration of Coverage - Partial Pay

For the duration of coverage the Plan shall provide benefits of seventy-five per cent (75%)
of regular earnings for total coverage under the Short Term Disability Income Plan of one
hundred and thirty (130) days. An adjustment will be made in a future pay period, when
the College's reporting procedures result in an employee receiving full pay for a portion of
the period that the employee was entitled to receive seventy-five per cent (75%) of
regular earnings.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 College Paid (STD)

The total cost of the Short Term Disability Income Plan will be paid in full by the Colleges.
The Colleges will also establish the normal provisions and limitations as to benefit eligibility
and coverage. Use of STD Credits for Family Leave

If a full-time employee is absent from work for the purpose of caring for a member(s) of
their immediate family, the employee may apply for leave under Article 12.2. Days
withdrawn from the employee’s sick leave credits for this purpose will not be counted
towards the elimination period for LTD.
8.1.10 Long Term Disability

The Long Term Disability Income Plan shall provide benefits of sixty-six and two-thirds per
cent (66 b%) of regular earnings. Details of the Plan are published in the revised Group
Benefit Program folder.

The Colleges shall contribute seventy-five per cent (75%) of the present premiums towards
coverage of eligible employees subject to the payment of the balance of premiums by the
employees through payroll deduction and subject to the eligibility requirements provided
under such Plan.

The College shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the premiums payable for Life
Insurance, OHIP, Extended Health, Dental Plan, Vision Care and Hearing Care, on behalf of
persons receiving Long Term Disability payments, provided that such persons were
subscribing to such benefits on the date the Long Term Disability payments commenced, if the
person so desires. Return from Long Term Disability

Where a person who is eligible to receive LTD benefits is medically capable of returning to
his/her former position within twenty-four (24) months of being eligible to receive
benefits, the person shall be assigned, within a reasonable period of time, to:

1. his/her former position, if such position continues to exist, or

2. a comparable position in the same payband to his/her former position, provided he/she
is capable of performing the job and such a position exists.

When the employee works less than the normal hours of work assigned to the position to
which he/she has returned, his/her salary, Short Term Disability payments (if entitled) and
vacation pay shall be prorated accordingly.

A person shall not be required to return to work within twenty-four (24) months of being
eligible to receive LTD benefits, unless he/she is medically capable of performing the
duties of his/her former position.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

8.1.11 Retirement Benefits

The Colleges agree to provide eligible retired employees the option of enrolling in the CAAT
Retiree Benefit Plan, which includes Life Insurance, Extended Health Care and Dental Care
under the following conditions:

1. The retired employee shall pay, in advance, the full cost of the benefits that the retiree
has enrolled in as follows:

a) current members of the plan will have the option to continue to pay the College
quarterly or switch to automatic monthly bank withdrawals;
b) new enrollees shall pay the College through automatic monthly bank withdrawals

2. Eligibility for such coverage shall be dependent upon:

(i) the employee qualifying for and commencing to receive a lifetime monthly pension
from the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Pension Plan or the Teachers'
Pension Plan immediately upon his/her retirement;
(ii) the retired employee electing such coverage within thirty-one (31) days of his/her
retirement date;
(iii) the retired employee maintaining eligibility for benefits under OHIP or another
Canadian medicare plan equivalent to OHIP from another province or territory;
(iv) for Extended Health Care - the employee commenced retirement on or after
October 1, 1989.
(v) for Life Insurance and Dental Care - the employee commenced retirement on or
after November 16, 2000.

3. Insurable benefits payable under OHIP or the Ontario Drug Benefit Plan shall not be
payable under the Extended Health Care Plans or Dental Care Plan.

Details of the Plan are published in the CAAT Retiree Benefit Plan booklet.

8.1.12 Survivor Benefits for Retirees

At the option of the dependent survivor of a retired employee and subject to Article,
he/she can continue coverage in the CAAT Retiree Benefit Plan, excluding Life Insurance,
provided that such benefits were in force at the date of death. Conditions

In order to maintain coverage pursuant to Article 8.1.12, the eligible dependent survivor of
a retired employee shall:

i) enroll in the benefit plans as specified by the insurer;

ii) keep the College informed of any change of address or other information as the
College or the insurer may require; and

iii) pay the College quarterly in advance the full cost of the benefits that the survivor has
enrolled in.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

8.1.13 Catastrophic Drug Coverage

Effective March 1, 2018, mandatory employee-paid Catastrophic Drug Coverage (CDC) is

available to eligible full-time employees. Eligible prescription drugs will be reimbursed at the
plan coinsurance until an out-of-pocket maximum of $2,500 per person has been reached.
Once the annual $2,500 out-of-pocket maximum has been reached, reimbursement of eligible
prescription drug expenses will be increased to 100%.

8.2 Kilometrage Allowance

Effective August 14, 2006, an employee authorized to use his/her car on approved College
business including travelling to assigned duties away from his/her normal work location shall be
paid kilometrage allowance as follows:

Kilometres Driven Southern Ontario Northern Ontario

(cents per km) (cents per km)
0 - 4,000 km 40.0 41.0

4,001 - 10,700 km 35.0 36.0

10,701 - 24,000 km 29.0 30.0

More than 24,000 km 24.0 25.0

8.2.1 Special Conditions

The boundary between Northern and Southern Ontario for the purpose of kilometre
reimbursement is as follows:
- the District of Muskoka is now considered part of Northern Ontario. Along Highway 400
the District commences north of Port Severn. Along Highway 11 it commences north of
Severn Bridge. Between the two communities, the boundary is the Severn River. East of
Severn Bridge, the District of Muskoka is located north of Regional Highway 52;
- Highway 60 at Oxtongue Lake easterly to Killaloe Station;
- Highway 62 to Pembroke;

For the purpose of this Article all kilometres outside of Ontario will be at the rates for Southern
Ontario. Should the kilometrage rates payable to Bargaining Unit employees covered under
the Collective Agreement between Management Board of Cabinet and OPSEU relating to
Ontario Public Servants be amended in any way during the term of this Agreement, such
amendments shall apply to Article 8.2 above, if applicable, on the same effective date.

8.3 Liability

Effective during the term of the Agreement, each College shall provide for liability coverage of
employee's liability while performing duties or tasks required and authorized by the College or
customarily performed as part of the employee's duties.

8.4 Ontario Health Insurance Plan

The parties recognize that the method of funding OHIP has been changed from an individually
paid premium to a system funded by an employer paid payroll tax.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

If the government, at any time in the future, reverts to an individually paid premium for health
insurance, the parties agree that the Colleges will resume paying 100% of the billed premium for

8.5 Pamphlets/Booklets

The Colleges shall make available to employees, on a reasonable basis, explanatory pamphlets
and/or booklets, in such form as the Colleges may determine, relating to the following:

- Life Insurance (including Supplemental Life);

- Ontario Health Insurance Plan;
- Short Term Disability;
- Long Term Disability;
- Extended Health Benefits;
- Dental Plan;
- Pension Plan;
- Liability Insurance;
- Vision Care Plan;
- Hearing Care Plan.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


9.1 Reimbursement for Tuition

Employees who successfully complete educational courses with the prior approval of the College,
either at the College or another educational setting, will be reimbursed by the College for all or
part of the tuition fees paid by the employee.

9.2 Maintenance of Salary

An employee absent from work during regular working hours for the purposes of attending
courses directly or indirectly related to his/her work and in which the College has directed or
approved his/her participation shall not suffer any loss of pay with respect to his/her regular
straight time hourly earnings during the period of any such absences.

9.3 Developmental Leave

9.3.1 Purpose and Length of Leave

The College recognizes that it is in the interests of employees and the College that employees
be given the opportunity by the College to pursue developmental activities to further academic
or technical skills where such activities will enhance the ability of the employee upon return to
employment with the College. A leave application should normally be for between one (1) to
twelve (12) months.

9.3.2 Criteria

Employees who have completed six (6) years of service with the College may apply. The
College may consider: the benefit to the College and to the employee of the leave; whether a
suitable substitute for the employee is available; length of the leave; and the frequency and
duration of prior developmental leaves granted to the employee. Approval of the time off for
developmental purposes shall not be unreasonably denied.

9.3.3 Application

Applications for developmental leave will be submitted in writing to the College at least six (6)
months prior to the proposed commencement date, containing a detailed statement of the
nature of the proposed leave and its perceived benefit to the College and to the employee.

9.3.4 Response to Application

All applicants will be notified in writing as to the disposition of their application for
developmental leave. An applicant who is denied leave shall be notified in writing of the
reasons for the denial.

9.3.5 Method of Payment

It is clearly understood that the College may grant developmental leave with pay, without pay,
or in some combination thereof, at its sole discretion.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

The employee, upon termination of the developmental leave, will return to the College for a
period of at least one (1) year, failing which the employee shall repay to the College salaries
or fringe benefits received, if any, by the employee while on developmental leave.

9.3.6 Assignment on Return

On return from leave, a participant will, subject to the application of the layoff and
displacement provisions of this Agreement during the period of leave, be assigned to the
position he/she held prior to the leave. If the layoff and displacement provisions of the
Agreement have application during the leave, they shall apply to the employee in the same
manner during the leave, except that notice to the employee may be given to an Officer of the
Local Union and any election the employee may make under such provisions may be made on
his/her behalf by an Officer of the Local Union.

9.4 Tuition Fees

An employee in the bargaining unit may take, for a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) per course plus
the cost of required course materials, on the employee's own time:

(a) approved programs or courses, with regulated tuition fees; or,

(b) other courses or programs as are mutually agreed,

which the College currently offers. The employee must meet the College entrance and admission
requirements and is subject to academic policies.

9.5 Professional Development Days

Each employee will be entitled to take up to three (3) paid professional development days per
year. Such leave shall be used to enhance the employee=s transferable job skills and can include
such activities as attending seminars, participating in College staff development activities, job
shadowing, and other legitimate training and education activities.

The employee will submit a written application to his/her Supervisor outlining the purpose of the
professional development and the expected skill enhancement contemplated from the activity.
Such requests will not be unreasonably denied.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


10.1 Entitlement

An employee who has completed thirty (30) calendar days of continuous service will receive
his/her regular rate of pay for his/her normal scheduled hours (up to a maximum of eight (8)) for
the holidays set out following. It is understood, however, that employees who, as of the date of
observance of any of the holidays have not yet completed thirty (30) calendar days of continuous
service but subsequently successfully complete thirty (30) calendar days of continuous service
shall nevertheless be entitled to holiday pay in accordance with the provisions herein: Family
Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day.

10.2 Holiday December 25 - January 1

In addition, eligible employees shall be granted the holiday period December 25 to January 1
inclusive without loss of straight time hourly earnings for regular hours scheduled during such

10.3 Restriction

In order to qualify for payment of the holiday concerned, the employee must work the full
scheduled hours of work on the work day immediately before the holiday and the full scheduled
hours of work on the work day immediately following the holidays or holiday period unless absent
for all or part of such days for reasons satisfactory to the College.

10.4 Substitution

When a holiday or holidays as defined in Article 10.1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday the College
shall designate the preceding Friday and/or Monday following as a substitute day off with pay
except with respect to employees on other than a regular Monday to Friday schedule.

10.5 Working on Holidays

Authorized work performed on a holiday or during the holiday period as defined in Article 10.1
and Article 10.2 (or on the day designated as such under Article 10.4) shall be paid at time and
one-half for all hours worked. In addition, the employee shall be entitled to holiday pay in
accordance with Article 10.1 and Article 10.2 and subject to Article 10.3.

10.6 Employees on Other than Monday to Friday Schedule

An employee whose regular schedule is other than Monday to Friday shall be entitled to a lieu day
off where a holiday as defined in Article 10.1 falls on his/her regular day off. Where such holiday
falls on a regularly scheduled working day and the employee is required to work, such that the
employee works more than fifty per cent (50%) of his/her normal daily hours on that day, he/she
shall be paid in accordance with Article 10.5, or, if he/she so elects, he/she shall receive time and
one-half for all hours worked and in addition, a lieu day off with pay. Where the employee is
entitled to a lieu day or elects for a lieu day, such day shall be designated by the College at a time
satisfactory to the employee and acceptable to the College.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

10.7 Holiday During Vacation

When a holiday falls within an employee's vacation period, his/her vacation shall be extended by
one (1) day either at the beginning or end of this vacation unless the employee requests a lieu
day off which is on a date satisfactory to the College.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


11.1 Entitlement

Effective June 30, 1991, employees on the active payroll of the College who have completed the
years of continuous service specified, as of June 30th, shall be granted vacation with pay as

1 - 6 years: 15 working days

7 years: 17 working days
8 years: 18 working days
9 years: 20 working days
10 years: 20 working days
11 years: 21 working days
12 years: 22 working days
13 years: 23 working days
14 years: 24 working days
15 years: 25 working days
16 years: 26 working days
17 years: 26 working days
18 years: 26 working days
19 years: 27 working days
20 years: 27 working days
21 years: 28 working days
22 years: 28 working days
23 years: 29 working days
24 years: 29 working days
25 or more: 30 working days

11.2 Calculation of Continuous Service

In determining the period of continuous service of employees on the active payroll for the purpose
of vacation entitlement and Article 7.7 Special Allowance:

- only an employee=s service in the bargaining unit shall apply, however an employee's previous
uninterrupted service with the College immediately prior to and consecutive with its
establishment as a College of Applied Arts and Technology shall be included;
- an employee who, for any reason, has less than twelve (12) full months of active employment
during the one (1) year period immediately prior to June 30, in any year, shall receive a lesser
vacation with pay on a pro rata basis under the schedule of vacation set out in this Article,
subject to any accumulation of service under Article 14.2.

Active employment means actual attendance at the work place and the performance of work, but
includes absence from work for vacations and holidays, or illness for up to six (6) months, or
during pregnancy or parental leave or developmental leave.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

11.3 Vacation Pay

Vacation pay shall be computed on the basis of the employee's regular wages based on his/her
normal hours of work. The pay which an employee would normally receive during his/her vacation
period shall be paid prior to such vacation providing the employee makes a written request to the
Human Resources Office (or such other office as may be designated by the College concerned) at
least fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of such vacation.

11.4 Pro-Rating

An employee whose employment is terminated subsequent to June 30, in any year, shall receive a
lesser vacation pay pro-rated in accordance with the schedule of vacations set out in this Article.
Any shortfall will be deducted from an employee's last pay.

11.5 Scheduling Vacation

Vacation shall be as scheduled by the College. Employees shall be entitled to at least three (3)
consecutive weeks of vacation, unless otherwise agreed. Employees shall indicate their
preference, if any, as to vacation dates no later than March 1 of the current vacation year for the
next vacation year (July 1 to June 30). The College shall confirm or deny, in writing, such
vacation requests by March 15.

The College may, however, schedule vacations at any time and will consider requests by
employees, including requests for vacation in the months of May through August, consistent with
the College staffing requirements.

Employee requests for vacation will not be unreasonably denied.

Where in scheduling vacations in accordance with the foregoing, conflicts arise amongst
employees as to their choice of vacation times, consideration shall be given to the respective
length of service of such employees and staffing requirements in the final determination of
vacation schedules, providing they have indicated a vacation preference prior to March 1 in the
current vacation year. Vacation requests received after March 1 will be confirmed or denied, in
writing, within two (2) weeks of receipt of same.

If an employee is given in-patient treatment in a hospital during one (1) or more full days of the
employee's vacation, those days may, at the request of the employee, be rescheduled during the
vacation year, at a time convenient to the College.

11.6 Carry-Over

Recognizing the needs of the College and the desires of employees, an employee may carry over
up to three (3) weeks of vacation to the immediately subsequent vacation year consistent with
efficient staffing requirements and subject to agreement on scheduling of the carry-over week(s)
in the following vacation year at a time satisfactory to the College.

If an employee requests that vacation days be rescheduled as a result of in-patient treatment in a

hospital and the College is unable to reschedule in that vacation year, then upon written request
to the College, the employee may carry over these days in excess of the maximum.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


12.1 Personal Leave Without Pay

Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the College for legitimate personal reasons.

12.2 Personal Leave With Pay

Both parties to this Agreement recognize the over-riding professional responsibility to the
students. Leaves of absence as provided in this Article will therefore be scheduled where possible
to ensure a minimum of disruption to the educational programs and services of the College.
Reasonable notice shall be given to the supervisor concerned. It is understood that leaves under
Article 12, Leaves of Absence, or under Article 8.1.9, Short-Term Disability Plan (STD), that are for
the purpose of dealing with the death, illness, injury, or medical emergency of a person referred
to in 12.3 or are for personal illness, injury, or medical emergency should be credited towards the
emergency leave provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
12.2.1 Religious Leave
Leaves of absence for religious leave may be granted at the discretion of the College, in
accordance with existing human rights standards regarding accommodations, without loss of
regular salary. Where leave of absence for religious reasons is denied, reasons shall be given
in writing to the applicant where requested.
12.2.2 Family Leave
In each year, the College shall grant to each employee up to five days of leave to care for
members of the employee’s immediate family when they are ill.
12.2.3 Family Leave Eligibility
For the purpose of 12.2.2, an employee’s immediate family shall mean the employee’s spouse
(or common-law spouse residing with the employee), children (including children of legal or
common-law spouse), and parents (including step-parents or foster parents).
12.2.4 Family Leave Unpaid
Except as provided in 12.2.5 leave pursuant to 12.2.2 shall be without pay.
12.2.5 Short Term Disability Application
The employee may apply for benefits under the Short-Term Disability Plan as described in
Article 8 with respect to the day or days of leave taken under 12.2.2. All the terms of Article
8.1.9, Short-Term Disability Plan, shall apply to the period of leave as if such period was an
illness of the employee.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

12.3 Bereavement Leave

On the death of an employee's parent, spouse (or common law spouse), child, stepchild, brother,
sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
grandparent, spouse's grandparent, grandchild or guardian, an employee shall be granted leave of
absence of three (3) or more days without loss of pay in order to attend at or make arrangements
for the funeral, the duration of the leave to be at the discretion of the College.

On the death of an employee’s aunt or uncle, an employee, upon request, shall be granted a
leave of absence of one (1) day without loss of pay in order to attend the funeral.

12.4 Jury/Witness Duty

An employee who is called for jury duty or who is subpoenaed as a Crown witness or witness in
another proceeding which requires his/her attendance as a matter of civic or public duty, will
receive for each day of absence from work therefor, the difference between pay lost (computed at
the employee's hourly rate for the number of normal hours the employee would otherwise have
worked exclusive of overtime and other forms of premium pay) and the amount of jury fee or
witness fee received, provided the employee furnishes the College with a Certificate of Service
signed by the Clerk of the Court, showing the amount of fee received.

12.5 Citizenship Leave

An employee shall be granted leave of absence without loss of regular earnings for any necessary
time spent during regular working hours for the purpose of attendances to acquire his/her
Canadian Citizenship papers. Such leave(s) of absence shall not, in total, exceed the equivalent of
two (2) shifts and the College may require evidence of any necessary attendances during the
regular working hours.

12.6 Pregnancy and Parental Leave

12.6.1 Pregnancy Leave

A pregnant employee who has been employed for at least thirteen (13) weeks before the
expected date of delivery shall be entitled to seventeen (17) weeks pregnancy leave of
absence without pay, for the purpose of childbirth, or such other longer or shorter period of
pregnancy leave as is required to be granted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
The leave of absence shall be in accordance with the pregnancy leave provisions of the
Employment Standards Act , 2000.

12.6.2 Parental Leave

An employee on pregnancy leave may take a further thirty-five (35) weeks parental leave of
absence without pay, or such other longer or shorter period of parental leave as is required to
be granted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, provided the employee applies in
writing two (2) weeks prior to the expiry of her pregnancy leave. Such leave shall be in
accordance with the parental leave provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

A leave of absence of up to thirty-seven (37) weeks or such other longer or shorter period of
parental leave as is required to be granted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, is
available to any new parent who has been employed for at least thirteen (13) weeks. Such

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

leave shall be pursuant to the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Parent
includes a person with whom a child is placed for adoption and a person who is in a
relationship of some permanence with a child.

12.6.3 Extension of Parental Leave for Adoption

The College, in considering any request for an extension in adoption leave in excess of that
provided under Article 12.6.2, shall give consideration to any medical or other relevant
conditions required by the local adoption agency. This request for a leave without pay should
be made, in writing, a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the expiry of the leave in Article

12.6.4 Seniority Accumulation

Employees on pregnancy or parental leave shall continue to accumulate seniority for the
duration of their leaves.

12.6.5 Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan Eligibility for Benefit

An employee entitled to pregnancy and/or parental leave under Article 12.6, who provides
the College with proof that the employee has applied for and is eligible to receive
Employment Insurance (EI) benefits pursuant to Sections 22 or 23, Employment Insurance
Act S.C. 1996, c.23, as amended from time to time, shall be paid a top-up, an allowance in
accordance with the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan. Payment

Payments made according to the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan will consist of
the following:

(i) for the waiting period of the first leave taken under Article 12.6.1 and/or 12.6.2, as
applicable, during which the employee is serving the Employment Insurance
waiting period, a payment equivalent to ninety-three percent (93%) of the actual
rate of pay for his/her position which the employee was receiving on the last day
worked prior to the commencement of the leave;


(ii) for up to a maximum of 51 additional weeks while the employee is on pregnancy

and/or parental leave, and provided the employee is eligible to receive
Employment Insurance (EI) benefits pursuant to Sections 22 or 23, Employment
Insurance Act, S.C. 1996, c.23, as amended from time to time, or was eligible to
receive such EI benefits but has received the maximum number of weeks payable,
payments equivalent to the difference between the sum of the weekly EI benefits
the employee is eligible to receive and any other earnings received by the
employee, and ninety-three percent (93%) of the actual rate of pay for his/her
position which the employee was receiving on the last day worked prior to the
commencement of the leave. The weekly top-up payment will be calculated using
the weekly EI benefit that would be payable to the employee (i.e. 55%) without

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

regard to any election by the employee to receive a lower EI benefit spread over a
longer period of time as may be permitted under the Employment Insurance Act. Compliance with Employment Insurance Act

Notwithstanding Article and, the terms of this plan will be construed so
that it complies with Regulation 37(2) of the E.I. Act.

In no event will the top-up payment exceed the difference between 93% of the
employee’s actual weekly rate of pay that the employee was receiving on the last day
worked prior to the commencement of the leave and the sum of the employee’s EI benefit
calculated without regard to an election by the employee to receive a lower EI benefit
spread over a longer period of time as may be permitted under the Employment Insurance
Act and any other earnings received by the employee.

The employees have no vested right to payments under the plan except to payments
during a period of unemployment specified in the plan. (Reference: 37(2)(h) E.I.

Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred

remuneration or severance pay benefits are not reduced or increased by payments
received under the plan. (Reference: 37(2)(i) E.I. Regulations). Transfer

Where an employee has been transferred to a different position pursuant to Article 13.4.1,
the SUB Plan payments will be based on the actual rate of pay for the position she worked
in prior to the transfer.

12.7 Prepaid Leave Plan

12.7.1 Purpose

The Prepaid Leave Plan has been developed to afford employees in the bargaining unit the
opportunity of taking a leave of absence of between six (6) months and one (1) year and to
finance the leave through deferral of wages in an appropriate amount which will be
accumulated and together with interest, be paid out at the commencement of the leave.

12.7.2 Eligibility

Any employee in the bargaining unit having three (3) years seniority with the College is
eligible to participate in the Plan in accordance with the conditions set out in this Article. Application

An employee who qualifies as above must make written application to the President of the
College or designate at least three (3) months in advance of the proposed commencement
date of participation in the Plan, requesting permission to participate in the Plan setting
out the deferral program as requested.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Approval

Approval of individual requests to participate in the Plan, the duration of the leave, the
deferral period, and the percentage of wages deferred shall rest solely with the College. Deferral

The deferral period over which wages are deferred shall be to a maximum of five (5)
years. Leave

The length of the leave shall not exceed one (1) year. Written Agreement

The College and the employee shall enter into a written agreement setting out the terms
of the Plan agreed to in compliance with the conditions herein.

12.7.3 Terms and Conditions

The payment of wages and benefits, and other terms and conditions, shall be as follows: Wages

During the deferral period, preceding the leave, the employee will be paid a reduced
percentage, in accordance with the written agreement between the College and the
employee, of his/her wages as set out in Appendix E. The remaining percentage of
his/her wages will be deferred and this accumulated amount plus any interest earned shall
be retained for the participant by the College to finance the period of leave.

The percentage deferred shall not exceed an amount determined by dividing the length of
the period of leave by the sum of the length of the deferral period and the length of the
period of leave and multiplying by 100 (e.g., if length of deferral period = 4 years and
length of leave = 1 year, then maximum deferred salary = 20 per cent), but under no
circumstances shall the amount deferred exceed the maximum specified in the Canada
Revenue Agency directives. Interest Rate

The calculation of interest under terms of this Plan shall be monthly (not in advance). The
interest paid shall be calculated by averaging the interest rates in effect on the last day of
each month for a true savings account, a one (1) year term deposit, a three (3) year term
deposit, and a five (5) year term deposit. The rates for each of the accounts identified will
be those set out in writing by the bank branch with which the College deals. If at the last
day of any given month the appropriate bank is not marketing one or more of the above
listed products, the remaining products will be averaged.

Interest, calculated as above, shall be applied on a monthly basis, the first credit to be the
month following the initial deposit. A yearly statement of the amount standing to the
participant's credit will be sent to the participant by the College.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Deferral Period (Benefits Structuring)

During the deferral period, any benefits related to the rate of wages shall be structured
according to the wages the participant would have received during the deferral period had
he/she not been in the Plan. Employee Benefit Coverage & Premiums

A participant's coverage for Life Insurance, OHIP, LTD, Extended Health, Dental, Vision,
and Hearing Care Plans coverage, in effect immediately prior to the leave, will be
maintained by the College during his/her leave of absence, if eligibility conditions permit;
however, the premium costs of all such Plans shall be paid by the participant during leave. Leave Period (Benefits Structuring)

During the leave period, any benefits related to the rate of wages shall be structured
according to the rate of wages the participant would have received immediately prior to
the leave had he/she not been in the Plan. Payout

At the commencement of the period of leave, the College shall pay to the participant the
moneys standing to his/her credit less any premiums or contributions deducted for the
year, except as may otherwise be mutually agreed, it being understood that interest is not
earned for the period of leave. Assignment on Return

On return from leave, a participant will, subject to the application of the layoff and
displacement provisions of this Agreement during the period of leave, be assigned to the
position he/she held prior to the leave. If the layoff and displacement provisions of the
Agreement have application during the leave, they shall apply to the employee in the same
manner during the leave, except that notice to the employee may be given to an Officer of
the Local Union and any election the employee may make under such provisions may be
made on his/her behalf by an Officer of the Local Union. Applicability of Benefits

Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits shall not be available during the leave, nor
shall vacation be taken during the leave, nor shall vacation credits accumulate during the
leave. However, seniority shall accumulate for the entire period of leave, and service for
the purpose of otherwise determining the level of vacation entitlement shall include the
period of leave. Notwithstanding Article 11.6 a participant may, in the year or years prior
to the leave, defer sufficient vacation credit so that, in the vacation year of his/her return
to work, he/she will have up to his/her normal vacation entitlement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Withdrawal Rights

A participant may, with the approval of the College, withdraw from the Plan in unusual or
extenuating circumstances (e.g., financial hardship or serious illness). Requests for
withdrawal must be submitted in writing, detailing the reason(s) for withdrawal before
three (3) months prior to commencement of the leave. The College shall maintain the
request and its approval as a part of College records.

When a request for withdrawal is approved, the College shall pay to the employee a lump
sum amount equal to moneys deferred plus interest accrued to the date of withdrawal
from the Plan. Payment shall be made as soon as possible, but must be made within
thirty (30) days of approval of withdrawal from the Plan. Leave Postponement

The College may, for good and sufficient reason, up to three (3) months prior to
commencement of the leave, postpone the period of the leave for not longer than one (1)
year. In this instance, a participant may choose to remain in the Plan, or receive payment
as in Article above.

The participant may, for good and sufficient reason, request in writing that the leave
period be postponed. The College may, at its discretion, grant a postponement, but under
no circumstances shall the postponement exceed one (1) year. Interest Accumulation

Should Article result in a leave of absence being taken later than the intended
period, any moneys accumulated until the intended commencement date will continue to
accumulate interest until the leave is granted. On Leaving Employment

Any participant who resigns, is laid off or otherwise terminated prior to commencement of
the leave shall cease to be a participant in the Plan, and shall receive payment as in Article above. Death Clause

Should a participant die while enrolled in the Plan, any moneys accumulated, plus interest
accrued at the date of death, will be paid to his/her estate. Every agreement entered into
under Article shall state that moneys paid to the estate of an employee under this
section are a "right or thing" within the meaning of the Income Tax Act and shall be
taxable as income in the year of the employee's death in accordance with the Income Tax
Act. Serious Illness

Should a participant be unable to take the leave when scheduled because of serious injury
or illness occurring before commencement of the leave, he/she may cancel the leave and
receive payment as in Article or, with the consent of the College, defer the leave
to a time mutually agreeable, not to exceed one (1) year.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

12.7.4 Income Tax

During each taxation year, the participating employee's income tax liability shall be in
accordance with the Income Tax Act and directives from Canada Revenue Agency. Similarly,
the withholding tax deducted at source by the College shall be in accordance with the Income
Tax Act and directives from Canada Revenue Agency.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


13.1 Health and Safety Act

The parties acknowledge the application of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

13.2 Provision of Clothing

The current practices relating to the supply and maintenance of clothing or uniforms for
employees shall continue during the term of this Agreement subject to any changes which shall be
the subject of prior discussion between the College and the Union College/Campus Committee.

13.2.1 Safety Devices

The College will reimburse an employee for the cost of certain types of protective devices, as
follows: Footwear

Where an employee is required by the College or by legislation, in order to perform his/her

duties, to acquire and wear protective footwear, the employee shall provide the College
with proof of purchase by March 1 each year and the College shall reimburse such
employee, on the first pay day in April in each year, up to a maximum of one hundred and
fifty dollar ($150.00).

In situations other than the foregoing, the College may, in its discretion, (which discretion
shall not be unreasonably exercised) reimburse such expense where it is recommended by
the health and safety committee constituted under the Occupational Health and Safety
Act. Eye Protection

Where an employee is required by the College or by legislation, in order to perform his/her

duties, to acquire and wear prescription eye protection, the employee shall provide the
College with proof of purchase by March 1 each year and the College shall reimburse to
such employee, on the first pay day of April in each year, up to a maximum of twenty
dollars ($20.00); in situations other than the foregoing, the College, may in its discretion,
(which discretion shall not be unreasonably exercised) reimburse such expense where it is
recommended by the health and safety committee constituted under the Occupational
Health and Safety Act.

13.3 Prior Arrangements

Where, as a result of local practice, at an individual College, employees have, in the opinion of the
Local Union, received benefits superior to those provided in Article 13.2.1, such practice shall
continue, for the duration of this Agreement, in lieu of the provisions of Article 13.2.1 at the
election of the Local Union. The Local Union shall give notice of such election to the College,
within sixty (60) days of ratification. In the event of default of such notice, the provisions of
Article 13.2.1 shall apply.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

13.4 Video Display Terminals

The parties agree to the following terms respecting the use of video display terminals (VDT's) by

13.4.1 Pregnancy (Transfer)

- an employee who is assigned to operate a VDT as part of her duties, who believes that
she may be pregnant, shall, at her request, be assigned duties that do not include the
operation of a VDT for up to twenty (20) working days or until the status of her pregnancy
is confirmed, whichever is sooner; her hourly rate of pay shall be maintained for such
- an employee who is assigned to operate a VDT as part of her duties and who is pregnant
(as certified by a medical practitioner) shall, at her request be assigned duties that do not
include the operation of a VDT for the duration of her pregnancy. In such a case, the
College may transfer the employee to another position for the duration of the pregnancy,
and the employee shall be paid the rate of pay of the position to which she is transferred.
The College will endeavour to minimize loss to the employee by attempting to locate a
vacancy for which the employee is qualified. Such a vacancy should have a wage rate
reasonably close to that of the employee's own position. Where more than one (1)
vacancy exists for which the employee is fully qualified to perform the work without
training, the College, if it transfers the employee, will assign the employee to the vacancy
in the position having the maximum rate closest to, but not exceeding, the maximum rate
of the employee's own payband.
- where a pregnant employee working within a one-metre radius of a VDT requests to have
her work station moved outside the one-metre radius, the College will endeavour to
accommodate that request.

13.4.2 Eye Examinations

Employees classified as Microcomputer Operators or Data Entry Operators who regularly use a
VDT and such other employees as are agreed upon by the Union College/Campus Committee,
(constituted under Article 4.6) shall, at the commencement of employment in such
classification and annually thereafter, be given the opportunity to take an eye examination by
an optometrist who is qualified to give the following tests:

- Unaided Visual Acuity (letter chart test);

- Refractive Findings;
- Corrected Visual Acuity;
- Amplitude Accommodation;
- Suppression;
- Distance Muscle Balance (Maddox Rod);
- One Metre Muscle Balance (Maddox Rod);
- Near Muscle Balance (Maddox Wing);
- Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy.

The College shall pay the difference, if any, between the fees paid to the optometrist and the
amount paid by OHIP. The employee shall sign a form authorizing release of the optometrist's
report to the College, and a copy of the report shall be supplied to the College and to the

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

13.4.3 Work Breaks

Employees who regularly use a VDT shall not be required to perform more than one (1) hour's
continuous work at a VDT to the exclusion of other duties at any one time, and the College
shall ensure that a break from the machine (which shall include the performance of other
work), of ten (10) minutes duration, is made available under such circumstances.

13.4.4 Work Stations

Where a computer is being used, the College shall equip work stations with terminal tables at
an appropriate height, an adjustable chair and, where requested, a foot rest and/or a
document holder.

13.4.5 VDT Testing

Where an employee has reasonable cause to believe a health and safety problem exists with
his/her VDT, the employee may request that tests be conducted. Should the College not be
able to resolve the employee's concern, the College will request that the Ministry of Labour,
Occupational Health and Safety Branch, conduct appropriate tests.

13.5 Hepatitis "B" Vaccine

Where an employee's job places the employee at risk of being infected with Hepatitis "B", and the
employee agrees to be vaccinated, the College shall pay for the employee's vaccination if the
procedure is not covered by OHIP.

13.6 Environmental Conditions

The College will continue to make reasonable provision for the environmental conditions of air,
light, space and temperature of employees' work areas in the College. A complaint of an
employee concerning the environmental conditions mentioned above shall be discussed at a
meeting between the College and the Union College/Campus Committee.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


14.1 Probationary Period

An employee will be on probation until he/she has completed six (6) months of employment with
the College in any twelve (12) month period. At the discretion of the College, the probationary
period may be reduced for an individual employee to such period of time as the College may
determine. On successful completion of the probationary period, he/she shall then be credited
with seniority equal to the probationary period served, and seniority thus acquired shall be applied
in the manner set out in this Article.

14.2 Accumulating Seniority and Service

14.2.1 Leaves of Absence

Seniority and service shall accumulate for all purposes under the Collective Agreement for a
period of up to, but not to exceed, six (6) calendar months during the term of this Agreement
during any leave (s) of absence granted, with or without pay, pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement.

14.2.2 Pregnancy, Parental, Developmental Leaves and Less than 12 Month


Notwithstanding the foregoing, seniority and service shall accumulate:

- during the length of a pregnancy and/or parental leave;

- during the length of developmental leave;
- and for any period of layoff pursuant to the Less Than 12 Month Positions Letter of

14.2.3 Probationary Employees

This Article shall not apply in the case of probationary employees who shall be required to
complete six (6) months of active employment to attain seniority unless waived by the

14.2.4 Layoff

It is understood that seniority but not service accumulates during periods of layoff under
Article 15.

14.2.5 Workplace Safety and Insurance

Service shall accumulate for up to twelve (12) months of absence while in receipt of
Workplace Safety and Insurance benefits.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

14.2.6 Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability and Workplace Safety and

Seniority will continue to accumulate while an employee remains on Short Term Disability,
Long Term Disability or in receipt of Workplace Safety and Insurance benefits.

14.3 Transfer Into Union

A person employed by the College, who is transferred into the bargaining unit, will be accorded
full seniority, upon completion of the probationary period, based on length of service. Part-time
support staff employees transferred into the bargaining unit, after November 14, 1991, shall have
their seniority prorated, upon completion of their probationary period, based on a proration of
hours of the part time position to the hours of the full-time position using 1820 hours per year as
constituting the hours of the full-time position.

It is understood, however, that for the purposes of the application of Article 15.4, administrative
staff and employees in the academic staff bargaining unit, who are transferred into the bargaining
unit shall be entitled to exercise only that portion of their seniority, if any, accumulated as an
employee in the bargaining unit or what formerly was the bargaining unit.

14.4 Bilingual Policy

Notwithstanding any official policy on bilingualism established at the College, no present employee
shall be laid off from the College as a direct result of his/her inability to communicate in the
French language. Recognizing that the College has the responsibility to determine the language
requirements of any position, the College will, however, not unreasonably deny promotional
opportunities to employees because of language requirements. Pursuant to Articles 4.6, 4.6.1 and
4.6.2 the Local Union may request a meeting and management will explain the reasons for the
language designation.

14.5 Rehiring

Where employment in the bargaining unit ceases or is terminated and the employee is re-
employed at the same College within six (6) years, the employee's service and seniority from the
original date of hire shall be counted as unbroken, except that the period of non-employment in
the bargaining unit shall not count. This provision shall have no effect on the probationary period
to be served on re-employment. The parties agree that such re-establishment of service and
seniority shall only occur after the rehiring, if any, has taken place.

14.6 Employment Stability

14.6.1 Employment Stability Committee

The parties will establish an Employment Stability Committee (ESC) of up to three (3) persons
appointed by the Local Union and up to three (3) persons appointed by the College to
undertake the responsibilities contained within Articles 14.6 and 15.3.

The parties agree that meetings should take place on a regular basis.

Members shall not suffer any loss of pay during regular working hours when required to leave
their duties temporarily for the purpose of attendance at meetings. The Union acknowledges,

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

however, that the employees have their regular duties to perform and will not absent
themselves without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor, and reporting
to their immediate supervisor upon returning to their regular duties. In keeping with this
understanding, permission to attend meetings shall not be unreasonably withheld consistent
with College operating requirements.

14.6.2 Strategies

The ESC will seek to achieve employment stability strategies as follows:

- current and multi-year strategies should be developed within the resources available.
Such strategies could include, but not necessarily be limited to, planning, retraining,
identifying ways of determining employees= skills, training and experience previously
achieved, early retirement, voluntary exit programs, alternative assignment, secondment,
employee career counselling, job sharing, job trading, job shadowing, and professional
- discussions between the parties which explore these possible strategies would assist in the
development of appropriate enhancements to Employment Stability;
- data which is relevant to employment stability shall be made available to both parties.

14.6.3 Employment Stability Fund

The College shall make available to the ESC for the purposes set out in Article 14.6, an annual
contribution, covering the period of September 1 to August 31, to the Employment Stability
Fund (ESF) on September 1 of each year, an amount equal to $50.00 per full-time member of
the bargaining unit at the College (as of August 1 in each year). Where the amount of the
ESF is equal to or exceeds an amount equal to $500.00 per full-time member of the
bargaining unit at the College (as of August 1 in each year), the obligation of the College to
contribute shall be suspended until the fund is again below that amount. In such a case, the
next annual contribution required by the College shall be $50.00 per full-time member of the
bargaining unit at the College (as of August 1 in each year), or the amount required to restore
the ESF to $500.00 per full-time member, whichever is less.

The ESF shall be maintained in a separate joint trust account at a bank or other financial
institution at which the College maintains one or more of its accounts and through the
authority of the ESC, the chief financial officer shall disburse funds as directed. The joint
account shall be named "(College name) - Support Staff Employment Stability Fund". The
books and records of this fund shall be open for inspection by any member of the ESC at any
time during regular business hours.

Any requisition for a cheque and/or withdrawal from an account in which the ESF is
maintained shall be countersigned by one member of the ESC appointed by the College and by
one member appointed by the Local Union.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Administration of the Employment Stability Fund

The ESC shall administer and make decisions with respect to the ESF, by using the ESF, or
such portion as the ESC considers appropriate, to facilitate employment stability strategies,
both long-term and short-term, and for training or retraining. Surplus funds, if any, that
are not immediately required for this purpose, may be invested at the instructions of the
ESC in any account or certificate of deposit maintained and/or issued by a bank or
financial institution. Employment Stability Fund Arbitrator

Where there is no majority decision under Article, any member of the ESC may
refer the matter to the Employment Stability Fund Arbitrator (ESFA).

There shall be an ESFA established at each College to be appointed by agreement of the

President of the College and the President of the Local Union. The appointment, which
may be renewable by mutual agreement, shall be for one (1) year, commencing on
September 1 and expiring on August 31. In the event that the President of the College
and the President of the Local Union are unable to agree upon the appointment of an
ESFA, either the College or the Local Union may request the Minister of Labour to appoint
an ESFA and the ESFA shall, upon appointment by the Minister of Labour, have the same
powers as if the appointment had been made by the College and the Local Union.

The ESFA may make any decision that the ESC is empowered to make under Article

The ESFA shall determine appropriate procedure and shall issue a decision within ten (10)
calendar days of the referral of the matter to the ESFA. The ESFA shall hear the
representations of the parties and shall adopt the most expeditious and informal procedure

The decision of the ESFA shall be final and binding on the parties and any employee
affected by the decision. The ESFA shall have no power to alter, modify or amend any
part of the Agreement nor to make any decision inconsistent therewith.

The College and the Union shall each pay one-half (2) of the fees and expenses of the

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


15.1 General

An employee who has completed the probationary period shall not be laid off or subject to the
layoff process, for any reason, unless and until the procedures contained in Article 15 have been
applied in sequence.

15.2 Notice to Local Union

When the College contemplates any action that may result in an employee who has completed the
probationary period being subject to the layoff process, the College shall give fourteen (14)
calendar days written notification to the Local Union President prior to written notice being
provided to the employees affected. At the same time, the College shall provide the Local Union
with all data used by the College in formulating its tentative determination to undertake the action

15.3 Committee

15.3.1 Meetings

In addition to committee meetings under Article 14.6.1, the Employment Stability Committee
(ESC) shall meet within five (5) calendar days of the giving of such notice, unless the parties
mutually agree to extend these time limits.

15.3.2 Confidentiality

The Local Union, the College and the ESC shall maintain confidentiality with respect to any
information received and the deliberations of the ESC until mutually agreed between the
College and the Local Union. Nothing herein shall prevent the parties from obtaining advice,
on a confidential basis, as required.

15.3.3 Recommendations

It shall be the duty of the ESC to consider the matter and to make recommendations to the
President of the College with respect to any or all of the alternatives listed below which might
be resorted to in order to prevent or minimize the dislocation of employees:

1. Potential creation of vacancies that might be filled by affected employees;

2. Conversion of part-time positions and/or displacement of non-bargaining unit employees;
3. The utilization of other means, such as normal retirements, voluntary leaves or transfers in
order to prevent or minimize the effects of the action contemplated;
4. The improvement of employment potential for employees affected by the provision of
training or retraining programs and job counselling;
5. Investigation of potential alternative job opportunities that might exist for employees
affected both within and outside the College, such as comparable employment
6. The temporary assignment of redundant and displaced employees to positions held by
other employees who are on various leaves of absences.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

It will be the duty of the ESC to make recommendations to the President of the College within
fourteen (14) calendar days of notice provided under Article 15.2. Where the ESC is unable to
agree on any recommendations, the members appointed by the Union and the members
appointed by the College may make separate recommendations. Where separate
recommendations are to be delivered they will be exchanged between the appointees prior to

15.3.4 Confidentiality of Recommendations

Where recommendations, either joint or separate, are delivered to the President of the
College, they shall be maintained as confidential until the fourteen (14) calendar day period
mentioned in Article 15.2 has expired, or such other period as may be agreed by the Local
Union and the College.

15.3.5 Notice to Employees Written Notice of Layoff

If, after consideration by the President of the recommendations, the College determines
that layoffs are still necessary, employees may receive written notice of layoff after the
fourteen (14) calendar day period mentioned in Article 15.2, or such other period as may
be agreed by the Local Union and the College. Notice Period

No employee shall be laid off without receiving ninety (90) calendar days written
notification from the College except in circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the

15.3.6 Continued Discussions

Where the ESC wishes to make further recommendations, the ESC may continue to meet
following notice being provided to employees pursuant to Article, and may make
further recommendations to the President to attempt to minimize the dislocation of

15.4 Layoff Procedure

When a College decides that circumstances require a reduction in personnel in any position the
following provisions shall apply:

15.4.1 Probationary Employees

Probationary employees performing the work in question shall be released. The College shall
notify the Union of probationary employees released in these circumstances.

15.4.2 Post Probationary Employees

Where the qualifications of employees in the affected position who have completed their
probationary period are relatively equal as to that position, their layoff shall be on the basis of

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

15.4.3 Bumping Procedure

The employee so identified shall be assigned by the College to the first position determined in
accordance with the following sequence:

- to a vacant position in the same payband provided he/she can satisfactorily perform the
core duties and responsibilities of the job. If there is no such position then;
- to the position held by the most junior employee within his/her same payband provided
he/she can satisfactorily perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job and he/she
has greater seniority. If there is no such position then;
- to a vacant position in the payband with a maximum rate one lower than the employee's
own payband provided he/she can satisfactorily perform the core duties and
responsibilities of the job. If there is no such position then;
- to the position held by the most junior employee in the payband with a maximum rate one
lower than the employee's own payband provided he/she can satisfactorily perform the
core duties and responsibilities of the job and he/she has greater seniority;
- the provisions of the last two sections shall be repeated until all paybands have been
reviewed in descending order of maximum rate and either a vacant position or a position
held by a more junior employee is identified and the employee affected can satisfactorily
perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job. If no such position is identified the
employee shall be laid off.

(To illustrate how this sequence operates on or after March 1, 2007, see the Layoff/Recall
Process – Bumping Letter of Understanding appended to the Collective Agreement).

15.4.4 Layoff or Reassignment Notice

The employee shall be provided written notice of layoff or reassignment. Should the
employee receive notice of reassignment, the employee may elect in writing, to be laid off
in lieu of such reassignment, provided such election is made within five (5) working days
of notice being provided to the employee. In such case the date the employee received
the notice of reassignment shall be deemed to be the date of notice of layoff. The College
shall provide a further letter to the employee confirming layoff. Position Outside Forty (40) Kilometres

Where the position identified in accordance with the above sequence is in excess of forty
(40) kilometres from the location at which the employee is normally assigned, the
employee shall have a further right of election. The College, by again following the
sequence in Article 15.4.3, shall identify the first position, if any, within forty (40)
kilometres of the location at which the employee is normally assigned and the notice
provided in accordance with shall identify both positions if a second position is
identified. The employee shall elect in accordance with to take either the job
identified which is in excess of forty (40) kilometres or to take the job identified which is
within forty (40) kilometres or to be laid off.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

15.4.5 Displacement Second Displacement

The College shall follow the above procedure for an employee displaced by the affected
employee above. Third Displacement

The College shall follow the above procedure for an employee displaced under "Second
Displacement". Final Displacement

An employee displaced as a result of the "Third Displacement" shall be laid off by the

15.4.6 Familiarization Period

It is understood that the College is not required to train an employee for a position into which
he/she may be assigned pursuant to Article 15.4.3, but the College shall provide a reasonable
period of familiarization where necessary.

15.4.7 Rate of Pay

An employee who has been assigned to a position pursuant to the above procedure shall
continue to receive his/her current rate of pay for a period of ninety (90) calendar days.
Thereafter, an employee who has been assigned to a position pursuant to the above
procedure shall receive the rate within the payband for the new position, which is closest to,
but does not exceed, his/her current rate and for the purpose of further progression, if any,
within the payband shall be deemed to have service within such position equivalent to his/her
service in his/her prior position. The ESC may consider using the ESF to offset the cost for the
ninety (90) day differential between the two wage rates.

15.5 Waiver of Rights/Severance

15.5.1 General

Where an employee (other than one who is affected by contracting out and who elects to
receive severance pay pursuant to Article 15.5.2) is laid off and has:

- less than five (5) years service and within twenty-one (21) calendar days of receipt of
notice of layoff elects to waive all rights of recall under the Agreement, he/she shall
receive severance pay equal to one (1) week pay at his/her current salary for each
completed year of service.
- more than five (5) years service he/she will have their severance pay treated pursuant to
the provisions of the Employment Standards Act., 2000.

Acceptance of severance shall not terminate the right to retraining under Article 15.7.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

15.5.2 Severance Pay - Contracting Out

In the event that an employee who is being laid off as a result of contracting out exercises
his/her option to waive the recall procedure, as herein set out, he/she shall be entitled to
severance pay based on one (1) week's pay at his/her current salary for each year of service.

15.5.3 Severance Pay - No Pyramiding

In deciding the amount of severance pay required to be paid by the College, any pay in lieu of
notice or severance pay required to be paid under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 shall
be deemed to be a credit toward the severance pay entitlement under Article 15.5. The
intention of this provision is to avoid pyramiding of pay in lieu of notice and severance pay
under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and the severance pay requirements hereunder.

15.6 Recall

For the purposes of this Article, a vacancy is any position within a payband in which the College
requires staffing and includes vacancies posted under Article 17.1 for which a final selection and
confirmation of employment has not been made by the College.

15.6.1 Recall by Seniority

Persons laid off hereunder who retain recall rights under Article 15 shall be recalled on the
basis of seniority providing he/she can satisfactorily perform the core duties and
responsibilities of the job without training, and provided such vacancy occurs:

- within twelve (12) months of his/her layoff if the individual has less than twenty-four (24)
months continuous employment at the time of layoff; or
- within eighteen (18) months of his/her layoff if the individual has twenty-four (24) or more
months continuous employment at the time of layoff.

Recall rights are limited to positions equal to or less than the person=s former payband.

Persons with recall rights will also be entitled to apply for vacancies posted pursuant to
Articles 17.1 and 17.1.1.

15.6.2 Recall Outside Forty (40) Kilometres

If the opportunity is outside forty (40) kilometres of the location at which the person was
assigned, the person will be allowed refusals without forfeiting his/her recall under this Article
until or if, an opportunity, if any, within forty (40) kilometres is offered or until the recall rights
have expired, whichever comes first.

15.6.3 Recall List

The College will provide current recall list to the ESC on its request.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

15.7 Retraining

15.7.1 Tuition Fee

Where a person who was in the bargaining unit has been laid off by the College, pursuant to
the provisions of Article 15, the College agrees to provide for a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00)
per course plus the cost of required course materials, both of which will be paid from the
Employment Stability Fund:

(a) approved programs or courses, with regulated tuition fees; or,

(b) other courses or programs as are mutually agreed,

which the College currently offers. The individual must meet the College entrance and
admission requirements and is subject to academic policies.

15.7.2 Duration of Retraining

This retraining opportunity shall continue for up to three (3) years from the date of layoff or
until such person is recalled, whichever occurs first. Where a person has not completed a
course or program in which he/she is enrolled at the time of recall, the College shall consider
ways of enabling the individual to complete the course or program.

15.7.3 Re-employment Assistance

The College agrees to assist persons laid off from the Bargaining Unit towards achieving re-
employment by providing career counselling, job search assistance, and retraining
opportunities through the application of existing College services.

15.7.4 Consideration for Employment in Non-bargaining Unit Work

In addition to the recall rights contained in Article 15.6.1, a person on layoff with in excess of
five (5) years' seniority who is participating in retraining pursuant to Article 15.7, of a full time
nature, may make a written request to the College's Human Resource Department for
consideration for employment in non-bargaining unit work during his/her non-study period.
The College shall make an effort to assist him/her in locating suitable non-bargaining unit
work within the College.

15.8 Contracting Out - Union Notification

If the College decides to contract out work or services which are being performed by employees
at the commencement date of this Agreement which would cause the layoff or involuntary
displacement of any employees covered by this Agreement, the College will notify the Local Union
and OPSEU Head Office four (4) weeks in advance of the written notice being provided to the
employees affected. The processes in Article 15.3 shall be followed.

15.9 Reimbursement of Relocation Costs

An employee reassigned by the College under the provisions of Articles 15 and 17.4 to a work
location more than eighty (80) kilometres distant from the employee's previous work location shall
be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in transporting the employee's household furniture
and effects to a residence near such new work location up to a maximum amount of $1,000.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Packing and insurance charges shall not qualify as an expense for reimbursement purposes. To
qualify for reimbursement, such relocation of residence and expense incurred as a result must
take place within one year of the reassignment.

15.10 Seniority Lost

Seniority shall be lost and employment deemed to be terminated if:

- the employee voluntarily quits;
- the employee is discharged for cause, unless such discharge is reversed through the grievance
- the person is laid off for a period in excess of twelve (12) months if the person has less than
twenty-four (24) months' continuous employment at the time of layoff, or is laid off for a
period in excess of eighteen (18) months if the person has twenty-four (24) or more months'
continuous employment at the time of layoff;
- the employee overstays a leave of absence unless a reason satisfactory to the College is
- the employee utilizes a leave of absence for other than the reason for which such leave of
absence was granted;
- the person having been laid off, fails to notify the College of his/her intention to return to
work within seven (7) days following mailing of a registered notice of recall to his/her last
recorded address with the College; or having provided such notification, if the person fails to
return to work within ten (10) days from the date of mailing of such registered notice of
- the employee is absent without prior authorization or approval for five (5) consecutive working
days unless reasons satisfactory to the College are subsequently accepted; or
- the person is laid off and elects to waive all rights of recall and accepts severance pay.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


16.1 Performance Appraisal

The copy of an employee's performance appraisal which is to be filed on the employee's record
shall be given to the employee in advance. The employee shall initial such appraisal as having
been read within seven (7) days of receipt of a copy of such appraisal. If the employee wishes,
he/she may add his/her views to such appraisal within such seven (7) day period. A notice shall
be printed on the performance appraisal stating "The employee's rights concerning performance
appraisals are found under Article 16.1 of the Collective Agreement."

In preparation for the performance appraisal process, the Supervisor shall review the employee's
PDF to determine if it is current.

16.2 Disciplinary Notice

Each employee shall receive a copy of any formal disciplinary notice that is to be placed in his/her
personnel file. With the consent of the employee concerned, notification shall be given to the
Local Union that a disciplinary notice is being served on the employee.

16.3 Access to Personnel File

Each employee shall be entitled to reasonable access to his/her personnel file in order to examine
his/her performance appraisals and disciplinary notices.

16.4 Removal of Notices from File

Each employee may, once each calendar year, request the removal of a disciplinary notice that
has been in his/her official personnel file for more than one (1) year. The removal of such notice
shall be at the discretion of the College. Such discretion shall not be exercised unreasonably.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


17.1 Notices

Notice shall be posted of a vacancy in a position within a payband covered by the Agreement for a
period of five (5) days at each Campus and, at the same time, shall be sent to other locations of
the College. No outside advertising for the position shall be conducted and no employee shall be
hired from outside the College until the position has been posted for the said five (5) days. Such
notice shall contain position title, payband, hourly rate range, current Campus location, current
hours of work, current shift(s), and an outline of the basic qualifications. Such notice shall be
posted in appropriate locations accessible to employees. For the purposes of this Section,
reference to days shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays. Copies of all posted
vacancies shall be sent to the Local Union President at the time of distribution for posting.

17.1.1 Consideration - Bargaining Unit Employees

When a vacancy occurs and employees within the bargaining unit at the College apply, the
College shall determine the successful candidate based on the qualifications, experience and
seniority of the applicants in relation to the requirements of the vacant position. Where the
qualifications and experience are relatively equal, seniority shall govern, provided the applicant
has the necessary qualifications and experience to fulfil the requirements of the position.

The College need not consider probationary employees. Notification - Applicant

All applications will be acknowledged and all applicants who are interviewed will be notified
of the outcome of their application and the name of the successful internal applicant, if
any. The College will not interview applicants from outside the bargaining unit until it has
complied with Articles 17.1 and 17.1.1 above. The College will not consider applicants
from outside the bargaining unit until it has assessed internal applicants and notified them
of the results. Notification - Local Union President

The College shall notify the Local Union President in writing when a posting has been

17.1.2 Job Reversal

Where an employee has been selected for a posted vacancy in accordance with the provision
herein and it is subsequently determined by the College, after discussion with the employee,
within sixty (60) calendar days from his/her assignment to the position that he/she cannot
satisfactorily perform the requirements of the job in question, the College will return the
employee to his/her former rate and position without loss of seniority. Any further
displacement of employees as a direct result of his/her return shall be accomplished by
transferring such employees to their former position and wage rate without loss of seniority
unless otherwise agreed upon and such transfer shall not be the subject of any grievance.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

17.1.3 Resultant Vacancies

The first and second resultant vacancies, if any, arising out of the filling of a particular posted
vacancy in Article 17.1.1 shall be posted and the same provisions shall apply. Any further
resultant vacancies which arise need not be posted. Where such vacancies need not be
posted, the College shall, however, give proper consideration to qualified bargaining unit
employees prior to filling such position(s).

17.1.4 Consideration - Non-Bargaining Unit Employees

Employees who are not included in the bargaining unit may apply for posted vacancies but will
be considered only after the application of Articles 17.1.1 and In addition to any
other factor that the College considers relevant, consideration will be given to service with the

17.2 Promotion/Re-evaluation

17.2.1 From A Permanent Position

An employee who is promoted or re-evaluated to a higher payband shall be paid the rate for
the new payband which provides an increase of not less than the next wage rate step increase
which would have been available to the employee in his/her former payband. Where the
employee was receiving the maximum rate, the increase shall not be less than the difference
between the maximum rate and the preceding rate step in the former payband. The new
wage rate shall not exceed the maximum rate of the new payband.

17.2.2 From A Temporary Position

When an employee is assigned temporarily to a position, and then receives a promotion or re-
evaluation to the same position or to a position which is sufficiently similar in nature, the
employee's wage rate in the temporary position will be used to calculate the new wage.
Otherwise the employee's last wage rate in his/her permanent position shall be utilized. The
new wage rate shall not exceed the maximum rate of the new payband.

17.3 Temporary Assignments

17.3.1 Temporary Postings

Where the College has at least four (4) weeks' notice of a temporary vacancy in the
bargaining unit which is expected to be of more than four (4) months' duration, the College
shall post the temporary vacancy so that bargaining unit employees can indicate their desire
to be selected for such vacancy.

Recognizing that the College reserves the right to select a person in the bargaining unit or hire
a temporary employee at its discretion, where a bargaining unit employee is selected as a
temporary replacement the employee will have the right to return to his/her regular position
or its equivalent on the expiration of the temporary assignment. The first resultant temporary
vacancy shall also be posted in accordance with this clause if it meets the criteria. It is
understood that none of the clauses of Article 17.1 apply to temporary vacancies.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

17.3.2 Higher Wage Rates

When the duties and responsibilities of a position within a higher rate payband (or having a
higher maximum salary) are assigned temporarily by the College to an employee, for a period
in excess of one (1) working day, the following conditions shall apply:

- the affected employee shall be paid the next higher rate in that payband which provides
an increase of not less than the incremental amount available to the employee in the
payband occupied immediately prior to the assignment providing the resultant rate does
not exceed the maximum rate of the new payband;
- where such employee was receiving the maximum rate, the increase shall not be less than
the incremental differential between the maximum rate and the preceding rate in that
payband providing that such new rate does not exceed the maximum rate for the payband
to which he/she is temporarily assigned.

17.3.3 Lower Wage Rates

When the College temporarily assigns an employee to the duties and responsibilities of a
position in a payband with a lower rate range or maximum salary where there is no work
reasonably available for him/her in the position from which he/she was assigned, he/she shall
be paid the lower applicable wage rate to which he/she was assigned after the expiration of
ten (10) consecutive working days in such lower payband.

When the College temporarily assigns an employee to the duties and responsibilities of a
position in a payband with a lower rate range or maximum salary where there is work
reasonably available for him/her in that position from which he/she was assigned, he/she shall
continue to be paid at the rate applicable to the position from which he/she was assigned.

17.3.4 Excluded Positions

When a College temporarily assigns an employee to the duties and responsibilities of a

position excluded from the provisions of this Collective Agreement, the employee's obligations
to contribute to the regular monthly Union dues under Article 5.4 and his/her seniority shall
continue during the period of such temporary assignment up to a maximum period of twelve
(12) calendar months unless extended by agreement of the Local Union and the College.

17.3.5 Emergency Work Assignment

The parties to this Agreement recognize that if the College has been unsuccessful in obtaining
Appendix D employees, College operations may require the assignment of work that
necessitates full-time bargaining unit employees to perform work at another campus, which is
not the employee's regularly assigned workplace due to emergency circumstances beyond the
College's reasonable control. When the College has given notice of such an emergency work
assignment, the College shall take into consideration the legitimate requests of employees to
be excused where the performance of such an assignment would cause undue hardship or
serious inconvenience. If the emergency work assignment is in excess of forty (40) kilometres
from the employee's regularly assigned work location, the employee shall have the right to
refuse such assignment.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

17.4 Transfers

When a College determines that an employee is to be transferred between campuses, it will give
the employee at least three (3) weeks' notice of the transfer. This Article will not apply where
transfers are made pursuant to the layoff procedures. In such circumstances the applicable layoff
process will apply.

If the employee is transferred to a work location more than eighty (80) kilometres distant from
the employee's previous work location then Article 15.9 shall apply.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


18.1 Definitions

18.1.1 Committee Secretary

"Committee Secretary" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Council;

18.1.2 Day

For the purpose of this Article, reference to "days" shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and
statutory holidays, and the holiday period referred to in Article 10.2.

18.1.3 Union

"Union" means the Ontario Public Service Employees Union;

18.1.4 Grievance

"Grievance" means a complaint in writing arising from the interpretation, application,

administration or alleged contravention of this Agreement.

18.2 General Conditions

18.2.1 Time

If the grievor fails to act within the time limits set out at any Complaint or Grievance Step, the
grievance will be considered abandoned.

18.2.2 No Reply

If an official fails to reply to a grievance within the time limits set out at any Complaint or
Grievance Step, the grievor may submit his/her grievance to the next Step of the grievance

18.2.3 Extensions

At any Complaint or Grievance Step of the grievance procedure, the time limits imposed upon
either party may be extended by mutual agreement.

18.2.4 Recognition of Union Representation

At a meeting at any Complaint or Grievance Step of the grievance procedure, subject to Article
18.3.1 the employee may be represented by a Union Steward if the employee desires such
assistance; at Step 2 a Union Staff Representative may be present at the request of either the
College or the Union. It is recognized that at some Colleges and/or Campuses there may be
occasions when no Stewards have been elected or selected. In such a case, Colleges are
prepared to recognize the attendance of a Local Union Officer in place of the Steward at
meetings referred to in this Agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

18.2.5 Maintenance of Wages for Time Off

It is understood and agreed that the grievor and his/her Steward or Local Union Officer shall
not suffer any loss of pay when (during regular working hours) their presence is requested by
the grievor and they must leave their duties temporarily to attend meetings under this Article.
The Union acknowledges, however, that employees have their regular duties to perform and
they will not absent themselves without first obtaining permission from their immediate
Supervisor and reporting to their immediate Supervisor upon return to their regular duties. In
keeping with this understanding, permission to attend such meetings shall not be
unreasonably withheld consistent with College operating requirements.

18.2.6 Rights

An employee shall not be required to appear before a committee, board or other investigating
body to answer concerning his/her conduct or performance without first being given
reasonable opportunity to be accompanied by an employee representative if, as a result of
his/her appearance, he/she may be subject to some written reprimand, assessment or
penalty. However, this provision shall not be applicable when an employee is required to
appear before his/her immediate Supervisor or, in his/her absence, the person acting in
his/her stead or the Human Resources representative of the College to answer concerning
his/her conduct or performance.

18.2.7 Cost Sharing

The College and the Union shall each pay one-half (1/2) the remuneration and expenses of
the chairperson and shall each pay the remuneration and expenses of their nominee should an
Arbitration Board be utilized.

18.3 Types of Grievance

18.3.1 Grievance Procedure - Working Conditions and Terms of Employment Grievances

A complaint shall be taken up as a grievance in the following manner and sequence

provided it is presented within fifteen (15) days after the circumstances giving rise to the
complaint have occurred, or have come or ought reasonably to have come to the attention
of the employee. Step 1

An employee shall present a signed grievance in writing to the Department Head of the
Department in which he/she is employed stating the nature of the grievance, the remedy
sought and shall be sufficiently specific to identify the alleged violation(s) of the Collective

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

The Department Head shall give his/her decision, in writing, to the grievor within ten (10)
days of the presentation. It is agreed, however, that where an employee's immediate
Supervisor and his/her Department Head are one and the same person, Step 1 shall be
dealt with at the next level of supervision. Step 2

Where the grievor is not satisfied with the decision at Step 1, he/she shall present his/her
grievance in writing within ten (10) days of the date he/she received the decision to the
President of the College.

The President or his/her designee shall convene a meeting concerning the grievance,
within fourteen (14) days of the presentation, at which the grievor shall have an
opportunity to be present, and shall give the grievor his/her decision, in writing, within ten
(10) days following the meeting.

18.3.2 Grievances - Unsuccessful Competition

In cases of a grievance regarding an unsuccessful competition, the procedures described

under Articles and shall apply, except that the Department Head referred to
in the foregoing shall be the Department Head of the position for which the applicant was
unsuccessful and where subsequently necessary, the President or his/her designee.

18.3.3 Group Grievance

Where a number of employees in any College have identical grievances and each employee
would be entitled to grieve separately, they shall present a group grievance in writing signed
by each employee to the Director of Human Resources, or as designated by the College,
within fifteen (15) days following the occurrence or origination of the common circumstances
giving rise to the grievance commencing at Step 2 of the grievance procedure. The grievance
shall then be treated throughout the balance of the grievance procedure as a single grievance.

18.3.4 Multi-College Issues

Where the grievance pertains to a number of Colleges, separate grievances shall be sent to
the Directors of Human Resources or designated persons of each College affected with copies
to the Chief Executive Officer of the Council.

Failing settlement following the Step 2 meeting, such grievance may be referred to
mediation/arbitration providing such referral is within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the
Step 2 reply.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

18.3.5 Union Grievance

The Union shall have the right to file a grievance based on a difference arising directly out of
the Agreement concerning the interpretation, application, administration or alleged
contravention of this Agreement. However, such grievance shall not include any matter upon
which an employee is personally entitled to grieve and the regular grievance procedure for a
grievance peculiar to an individual employee shall not be bypassed except where the Union
establishes that the employee has not grieved an unreasonable standard that is patently in
violation of this Agreement and that adversely affects the rights of persons in the bargaining

A Union grievance shall be presented in writing, signed by the Local Union President or his/her
designee to the Director of Human Resources or as designated by the College concerned,
within thirty (30) days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint have occurred, or
have come to or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the Union. The grievance
shall then be processed in accordance with Step 2 of the grievance procedure.

18.3.6 College Grievance

The College shall have the right to file a grievance based on a difference arising directly out of
the Agreement concerning the interpretation, application, administration or alleged
contravention of this Agreement. Such grievance shall be presented in writing, signed by the
President or his/her designee to the Local Union President of the College concerned with a
copy to the Union President within thirty (30) days following the occurrence or origination of
the circumstances giving rise to the grievance.

The grievance shall then be processed in accordance with Step 2 of the grievance procedure
with the appropriate changes. Failing settlement following Step 2 meeting, such grievance
may be referred to mediation/arbitration providing such referral is within fourteen (14) days of
the receipt of the Step 2 reply.

18.3.7 Grievances re: Dismissal, Suspension, Layoff or Reassignment General

Articles and apply to an employee covered by this Agreement who has
completed his/her probationary period, it being understood that the dismissal, suspension
or release of an employee during the probationary period shall not be the subject of
grievance. Grievance

An employee who claims he/she has been dismissed or suspended without just cause or
improperly laid off or reassigned shall, within fifteen (15) days of the date he/she is
advised in writing of his/her dismissal, suspension, layoff or reassignment present his/her
grievance in writing to the President, commencing at Step 2 and the President, or his/her
designee shall convene a meeting and give the grievor and the Union Steward his/her
decision in accordance with the provisions of Step 2 of Article A Union Staff
Representative may be present at such meeting at the request of either the College or the
Local Union.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Layoff Grievance

An employee claiming improper application of Article 15.4.3, shall state in the grievance
the position(s) and name of incumbent, if any, to which the employee claims

The College will provide the current PDFs of the positions, named in the grievance, to
the employee within three (3) days after the filing of the grievance.

If the grievance is not resolved, then the written referral to mediation/arbitration shall
specify, from the position(s) originally designated, no more than four (4) positions
which shall thereafter be the subject matter of the grievance and the arbitration. Mediation/Arbitration

If the grievor is not satisfied with the decision of the President, the grievor shall, within ten
(10) days of receipt of the President's decision by notice in writing to the Director of
Human Resources or College's designee, refer the matter to mediation/arbitration, for the
purpose of resolving the grievance in an expeditious and informal manner, as provided in
this Agreement.

18.4 Mediation/Arbitration Procedure

18.4.1 Referral to Mediation/Arbitration

In the event any difference arising from the interpretation, application, administration or
alleged contravention of this Agreement has not been satisfactorily settled under the foregoing
grievance procedure, the matter shall then, by notice in writing given to the other party within
ten (10) days of the date of receipt by the grievor of the decision of the College's Official at
Step 2, be referred to mediation/arbitration as provided.

18.4.2 Mediators/Arbitrators

Any matter so referred to mediation/arbitration, including any questions as to whether a

matter is arbitrable, shall be heard by a Mediator/Arbitrator, which shall be selected from the
following list:

M. Bendel R. MacDowell
L. Davie G. Misra
M. Flaherty K. O’Neil
E. Gedalof P. Picher
W. Kaplan S. Raymond
B. Keller M. Tims

- The Mediator/Arbitrator shall be assigned either by agreement or, failing agreement,

by lot. The parties may from time to time by mutual agreement add further names to
such list;

- If an Arbitration Board is selected, following the selection of a Chairperson, the College

and the Union shall each appoint its nominee within ten (10) days thereafter and
forthwith notify the other party and the Chairperson.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

18.4.3 Mediator/Arbitrator

The Mediator/Arbitrator shall endeavour to assist the parties to settle the grievance by
mediation. If the parties are unable to settle the grievance by mediation, the
Mediator/Arbitrator shall determine the grievance by arbitration.

18.4.4 Powers

The Mediator/Arbitrator shall have those powers set out in the Colleges Collective Bargaining
Act, 2008, except that Section 14(16) of the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008 shall not

18.4.5 Limitations

The Mediator/Arbitrator shall not be authorized to alter, modify or amend any part of the
terms of this Agreement nor to make any decision inconsistent therewith nor to deal with any
matter that is not a proper matter for grievance under this Agreement.

18.4.6 Mediator/Arbitrator’s Power

The Mediator/Arbitrator may dispose of a grievance without further notice to any person who
is notified of the hearing and fails to appear. The finding of the Mediator/Arbitrator as to the
facts and as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged contravention of the
provisions of this Agreement, shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned including
the employee(s) and the College.

18.4.7 Arbitration Board

Where both parties agree, a Board of Arbitration, which shall have the same powers and
limitations as a Mediator/Arbitrator, may be substituted for an Arbitrator. The nominees shall
be selected pursuant to Article 18.4. The finding of the majority of the Board as to the facts,
and as to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged contravention of the
provisions of this Agreement, shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned including
the employee(s) and the College.

18.4.8 Persons Excluded

No person shall be appointed as a Mediator/Arbitrator or as a member of an Arbitration Board

who is, or was within six (6) months prior to his/her appointment an employee or is or has
within six (6) months prior to his/her appointment, acted as solicitor, counsel, advisor, agent
or representative of either of the parties or the College concerned. Any Mediator/Arbitrator
who declines to act on five (5) consecutive occasions shall be removed from the list and a
replacement selected by mutual agreement of the parties.

18.4.9 Scheduling of Mediation/Arbitration

Where one party refers a grievance to mediation/arbitration in accordance with this Article,
that party will endeavour to arrange for the matter to be scheduled at joint grievance
scheduling within one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

18.5 Classification Grievances

18.5.1 Grievance to College Official

An employee who claims his/her assigned job is improperly evaluated may present a grievance
in writing to the College official designated responsible for classification grievances.

The written grievance must specify the payband claimed by the employee to be appropriate. Retroactive Payment

It is understood that there shall be no retroactive payment prior to the date of

presentation of the written grievance as specified above.

18.5.2 Grievance Process Step 1- Meeting and Information Provided

The College Official shall arrange a meeting within fourteen (14) days after receiving the
grievance to permit the employee and a Local Union Representative the opportunity of
making representations in support of the grievance.

The College Official shall ensure that the current Position Description Form (PDF), as per
Article 7.2, is provided at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. At the meeting, the
employee must first indicate in writing whether he/she is in agreement with the PDF and if
not what specific disagreements he/she has with it. A discussion to resolve any
differences shall then take place. At this meeting, following discussion on the PDF, both
parties will exchange, in writing, the point rating by factor for the position in dispute. College Official's Decision

Within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the point rating by factor from the Union,
the College Official shall give his/her decision in writing. It is understood that the
grievance cannot proceed further until the point rating by factor and the specific
disagreements on the PDF, if any, have been received by the College Official, in writing
from the Union. Referral to Arbitration After Step 1

Where the grievance has not been resolved at Step 1 but there is agreement concerning
the PDF, the matter may be referred directly to Arbitration by notice in writing given to the
College within fourteen (14) days of the date the grievor should have received the
College's decision under Step 1. The matter will be referred to a sole arbitrator as
provided in Article 18.5.3. Step 2

Where the grievance has not been resolved and where the grievor is not in agreement
with the PDF, then he/she shall refer the grievance in writing to the President of the
College within fourteen (14) days of the date he/she received or should have received the

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

The President or his/her designee shall convene a meeting concerning the grievance within
fourteen (14) days of the presentation, at which the grievor shall have an opportunity to
be present. The President or his/her designee shall give his/her decision in writing, within
fourteen (14) days following the meeting. Referral to Arbitration After Step 2

Where the grievance has not been resolved at Step 2 the matter may be referred to
Arbitration by notice in writing given to the College within fourteen (14) days of the date
the grievor should have received the College's decision under Step 2. The matter will be
referred to a sole arbitrator as provided in Article 18.5.3. On mutual written agreement
signed by the Local Union and the College, the matter shall be referred to an Arbitration
Board as provided under Article

18.5.3 Expedited Arbitration

Where the grievance has not been resolved, it shall proceed as herein provided: Arbitrators

Any matter so referred to arbitration, including any questions as to whether a matter is

arbitrable pursuant to this process, shall be heard by one of the following specially trained

M. Flaherty K. O’Neil
N. Jesin M. Tims
R. McLaren

The Arbitrators shall be assigned either by agreement or failing agreement, by lot. The
parties may from time to time by mutual agreement add further names to such list.

All Arbitrators so added shall undergo a training session on the job evaluation system, to
be jointly developed and presented by the parties, and all current Arbitrators shall undergo
reorientation to the job evaluation system every two (2) years. Time

A sole Arbitrator appointed under this expedited process shall commence to hear the
matter referred within twenty-one (21) days of his/her appointment wherever possible,
and shall issue a brief written notice of his/her decision within fourteen (14) days of the
hearing. Copies of the decision shall be sent to the Local Union, the College, OPSEU
Grievance Department and the Council. Arbitration Data Sheet

The Arbitration Data Sheet must be completed and signed by both parties in advance of
the hearing.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022 Information to Arbitrators

The following shall be received by the Arbitrator no less than fourteen (14) days prior to
the hearing:

- the PDF supplied by the College;

- a completed Arbitration Data Sheet;
- a brief written submission by the Union describing the grievance and referencing
appropriate section(s) of the PDF;
- a brief written submission by the College.

The parties shall deliver their written submissions to the other party at the same time that
they are forwarded to the Arbitrator.

No written submission or materials can be considered at the hearing that have not been
provided by the parties in conformity with the process set out in this clause. Site

The hearing will take place at a site mutually acceptable to the parties. Failing agreement,
the Arbitrator shall select the site. Hearing

The parties agree that the process shall be informal and that legalistic processes normally
used in conventional arbitration shall not be used. Up to three (3) Management
representatives and three (3) Union representatives may attend the hearing. The parties
will inform each other no less than five (5) days in advance who will attend. One (1)
person from each side will be designated as spokesperson. The Arbitrator may ask
questions of any of the Union or Management representatives present. The spokesperson
for each party may give a summary statement normally not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes
at the conclusion of the question period. While it is generally not the intent of the parties
to use an outside legal counsel at an expedited arbitration hearing, the parties agree that
where they intend to use such counsel at the hearing, they shall notify the other party at
least ten (10) days before the date of the hearing. In addition a translator may be present
if necessary. The side that requests the translator shall be responsible for the cost
involved. By mutual written agreement five (5) days in advance each party may introduce
an observer/observers to the meeting.

18.5.4 Classification Arbitration Board

The Arbitrator appointed under Article may decide that a particular grievance should
be referred to an Arbitration Board on receipt of the documents referred to in Article
or in Article or at the hearing. Either party may recommend such referral in its
written submission to the Arbitrator. Arbitration Board Selection

The chairperson of the Arbitration Board shall be selected from the list included in Article and the nominees selected pursuant to the provisions of Article 18.4.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

18.5.5 Powers of Arbitrators in Classification Grievances

A sole Arbitrator or Arbitration Board hearing a classification grievance shall have the powers
set out in Articles 18.4.4 to 18.4.7 inclusive. Restrictions

The sole Arbitrator or Arbitration Board is restricted to determining whether the grievor's
PDF accurately reflects his/her assigned job content (where disagreement exists) and to
determining whether the grievor's job is properly evaluated pursuant to the CAAT Support
Staff Job Evaluation Manual.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until the 31st day of August, 2022, and shall
continue automatically thereafter for the annual periods of one (1) year each unless either party
notifies the other in writing of its desire to amend or modify the Agreement.

Notice to bargain shall be in accordance with the Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008, and
following receipt of notice to bargain the parties shall meet within thirty (30) days following such
notice or such other time as may be agreed to.

EXECUTED at TORONTO, ONTARIO, February 8, 2019

For the College Employer Council with respect to and on behalf of Colleges of Applied Arts and

Peter McKeracher Don Sinclair

EXECUTED at TORONTO, ONTARIO, February 8, 2019

For the Ontario Public Service Employees Union

Richard Belleau Pat Honsberger

Naz Binck Warren (Smokey) Thomas

Janice Hagan

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

December 20, 1977

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Red Circle Rates

Certain employees within the bargaining unit as of March 1, 2018 enjoyed "red circle" rates paid due
to special circumstances including transfers to positions within the bargaining unit. To the extent
those special circumstances continue during the term of the Collective Agreement, the employees in
question shall continue to enjoy such "red circle" rates and the cents per hour differential over their
respective rates and the then current applicable wage rate for the payband shall apply, subject to the
reduction (or elimination) of such red circle rates by the lesser of 10 cents per hour or the elimination
of such "red circle" rate, effective from March 1, 2018, September 1, 2019, March 1, 2020, September
1, 2020, March 1, 2021, September 1, 2021, and March 1, 2022.

The conditions set out herein shall also apply to bargaining unit employees at Algonquin College
currently receiving a bilingual allowance.

Yours truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

December 18, 2003

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Stand By

This will confirm, as discussed during negotiations, that a College and its Local Union may enter into a
local agreement regarding stand-by.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 22, 2005

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Letter of Intent – Article 5.2

The Support Staff Collective Agreement now provides an 18-hour formula, under Article 5.2, for time
off for Local Union business at Colleges with Support Staff complements of 350 or more. This will
confirm our understanding that Mohawk College and Northern College will be considered to be
Colleges to which this formula will apply for the duration of this Agreement.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

August 27, 1981

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Less Than 12 Months Positions

It is recognized that the Colleges have positions within the bargaining unit from time to time that,
because of the nature of the service rendered, require staffing for less than twelve (12) months a
year. In such a case, where less than full time employment is identified prior to the time of hiring
such employees, the College may effect a layoff of such employees for a period of up to but not
exceeding three (3) months in any employment year without regard to the provisions of the Collective
Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, seniority and service shall accumulate for all purposes
under the Collective Agreement during such period of layoff. This provision shall have no application
where the employee in lieu of layoff hereunder has been granted a leave of absence in which case
Article 14.2 shall have application.

Prior to posting such a position, the College shall notify the Local Union of the circumstances and,
where the Local Union requires discussion and explanation as to the basis for such a position being
reduced to less than a twelve (12) month basis, it may request a meeting with the College, at which
time a full explanation of the circumstances surrounding the designation of the position shall be

The Colleges shall provide Less than 12 Month employees with the option of continuing their insured
benefit coverage during the period of annual lay-off provided the employee pays 100% of the

Yours truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

October 1, 1989

Mr. J. Clancy
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
1901 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 2Z5

Dear Sir:

The parties agree that it is important to encourage opportunities for childcare for members of the
Ontario college community.

Individual Colleges are encouraged to discuss with their Local Union related issues at the local level.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Staff Affairs Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

June 23, 1983

Mr. Sean O'Flynn

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
1901 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario

Dear Sir:

This will record certain understandings reached during negotiations for a renewal of the Support Staff
Collective Agreement, with respect to the new Article 13.4.

Where the Union College/Campus Committee is unable to reach agreement concerning additional
employees to be affected by Articles 13.4.2 and 13.4.3, it is understood that either the College or the
Local Union can refer the matter to the Employee/Employer Relations Committee for further

It is also understood that the Colleges will provide the Local Unions, on request, reasonable
information respecting the locations of VDT equipment in use by employees in the bargaining unit in
the Colleges, and the classifications of employees engaged in its use. Such requests shall be made
within sixty (60) days after ratification of the Agreement and the Colleges will respond without undue

Yours truly,
A.M. Pesce
Student/Staff Affairs Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

October 1, 1989

Mr. J. Clancy
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
1901 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4S 2Z5

Dear Sir:
Long Term Disability

This is to confirm the understanding reached at negotiations that the Council agrees to amend the
Long Term Disability Plan such that the definition of "total disability" for the first two year period
during which benefits may be payable shall mean the inability of the disabled employee to perform
the duties of his/her position. After the first two years that benefits may be payable, "total disability"
shall mean the inability to perform the duties of any position for which the employee is suited by
training or experience.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Staff Affairs Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

October 2, 2008

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Layoff/Recall Process – Bumping

For clarity, the parties agree that the following illustrative examples demonstrates the general
sequence of assignment which occurs pursuant to Article 15.4.3, after March 1, 2007.

Illustrative Example 1:

Assuming that an employee in payband C is to be laid off and no vacant position exists in payband C,
the employee is first considered to replace the most junior employee in his/her payband. If the
employee cannot satisfactorily perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job, then he/she is
considered to replace the next most junior person in his/her payband, and so on. Once all positions
in the employee's payband that are held by more junior employees are considered, and it is
determined that the employee cannot satisfactorily perform the core duties and responsibilities of the
job, vacancies in payband B are considered. Assuming no suitable vacancies in payband B exist, the
position held by the most junior employee in payband B is considered. If the employee cannot
satisfactorily perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job, the position held by the next
most junior employee in payband B is considered, and so on until all positions held by more junior
employees in payband B are considered. If none are suitable, vacant positions in payband A are
considered, etc. The employee will be assigned to the first position identified pursuant to this
sequence for which he/she can satisfactorily perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job.

Illustrative Example 2:

Employee #1 is in a position evaluated at payband D and is grand-parented at payband E (wage) and

payband F (Article 15). For bumping purposes, Employee #1's rights start at payband F. Following
the sequence above, if a vacant position in payband F does not exist, then consideration is given to a
position in payband F held by a more junior employee. If Employee #1 can satisfactorily perform the
core duties and responsibilities of the position in payband F held by the junior employee (Employee
#2), then Employee #1 is assigned to both that position and the appropriate wage rate in payband F.
Employee #1 is no longer grand-parented for any purpose. Employee #2 is grand-parented at
payband G (wage and Article 15). Therefore, for bumping purposes, Employee #2's rights start at
payband G and the steps outlined above are followed. If Employee #1 cannot satisfactorily perform
the core duties and responsibilities of any position in payband F, then vacancies in payband E are
considered. Assuming no suitable vacancies in payband E exist, the position in payband E held by the
most junior employee is considered. If Employee #1 cannot satisfactorily perform the core duties and
responsibilities of the job, the position in payband E held by the next most junior employee is
considered, and so on until all positions in payband E held by more junior employees are considered.
If none are suitable, vacant positions in payband D are considered, etc. Employee #1 will be

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

assigned to the first position identified pursuant to this sequence for which he/she can satisfactorily
perform the core duties and responsibilities of the job and the corresponding wage rate for that
position. Employee #1 is no longer grand-parented for any purpose.

Yours truly,
D. Sinclair
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

October 21, 1992

Mr. F. Upshaw
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Job Postings – Other Colleges

This is to confirm the understanding reached at bargaining that in the event of a vacant position in
the bargaining unit which a College advertises outside the College in a newspaper or other trade
journal, the College will fax such positions to the Human Resources Director of all Colleges and
OPSEU. The Human Resource Directors shall provide a copy to their Local Union President. At the
time an employee is laid off and provided the individual chooses to retain recall rights, the College will
assist the individual to prepare a portfolio in order to facilitate placement in appropriate vacancies.
Such portfolios may include such things as a performance appraisal, resume, skills assessment,
current PDF and circumstances which triggered the layoff. The College will send the portfolio to any
College requested by the individual. The College agrees to consider portfolios in its possession for
appropriate vacancies at its College which are advertised outside the College in a newspaper or other
trade journal, for the duration of their recall rights.

Should the College with a vacancy hire an employee through the above process, then the employee
shall retain all past service for purposes of benefit entitlement and vacation. It is understood such
retention of service shall not be credited towards the probationary period or seniority. The College
may start the employee at a step higher than the start rate on the appropriate payband.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Human Resources Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

November 14, 1991

Mr. F. Upshaw
Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Direct Operating Grants From The Ministry of Community and Social Services

The parties agree that prior to a College making the determination as to how it intends to allocate
any Direct Operating Grant received from the Ministry of Community and Social Services for childcare
centres, the College and the Local Union shall discuss such allocation at a meeting of the Union
College/Campus Committee (Article 4.6).

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Staff Affairs Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

November 16, 2000

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Joint Transitional Committee

The parties agree to establish a Joint Transitional Committee to explore the potential impact of a
directive from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, which would displace five (5) or
more Support Staff employees due to:

a) the creation of a new College;

b) a College merger;

c) a program relocation from one College to another;

d) other restructuring initiatives affecting multiple Colleges.

The parties recognize the principles and process established in Article 14.6 and further recognize that
the specifics of some matters will only become apparent when the particular programs and services to
be offered at the College have been identified.

The affected College(s) will strive to achieve the transfer of program(s) so that the transfer does not
cause the layoff of employees as a direct result of the transfer.

The structure of the Joint Transitional Committee will be three (3) representatives chosen by OPSEU
and three (3) representatives chosen by the Council. Each party will ensure at least one (1)
representative is from an affected College(s). Their mandate will be to:

a) review the principles and guidelines as specified within the Letter of Understanding - Transfer
of Programs and Services from St. Lawrence and Algonquin Colleges to La Cité collégiale (as
set out in the 1997 - 2000 Collective Agreement);

b) recommend the sequence for job postings and selection of affected employees;

c) recommend in a timely fashion the appropriate processes or mechanisms to address the

Ministry's directive.

The Joint Transitional Committee will be replaced by a Task Group comprising of:

- one (1) person appointed by each affected College

- one (1) person appointed by the OPSEU Local at each affected College

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

- one (1) person appointed by the re-mandated College (where applicable)

- one (1) person appointed by OPSEU for the Local Union at the re-mandated College (where
- one (1) person appointed by the Council
- one (1) person appointed on a provincial basis by OPSEU

Based on the recommendations from the Joint Transitional Committee and keeping in mind the
requirements of the Agreement, the function of the Task Group will be to make recommendations:

a) to facilitate the movement of the bargaining unit members;

b) regarding strategies to achieve this objective;
c) to assist bargaining unit members who choose to transfer in adjusting;
d) to assist bargaining unit members who have not transferred with retraining or other strategies to
deal with dislocations.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
Council of Regents

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

November 14, 1991

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Automobile Insurance

This will confirm the parties' agreement that for those employees for whom the ownership/lease and
use of an automobile is a condition of employment, the College will pay, to a maximum of one
hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per year, the difference between private automobile insurance
and commercial automobile insurance, if required by the employee's insurer. The employee will
provide to the College proof of the differential from his/her insurer.

Yours truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 23, 1997

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Conflict Between Booklet and Original Signed Version

It is understood that in the case of conflict between this booklet and the original signed Collective
Agreement, the original signed document will prevail.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Human Resources Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

December 18, 2003

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Grievance Scheduling

The parties agree that neither of the local parties can refuse a tentative arbitration date set by the
Joint Grievance Scheduling Committee for any grievance more than two (2) times for the same case.

Subsequent requests for adjournments will be dealt with by the confirmed arbitrator as appropriate to
the circumstances.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed and amended: September 1, 2018

September 23, 1997

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Article 15.5.1 – Severance Pay

For ease of reference in applying Article 15.5.1, the parties have agreed to summarize the current
severance pay obligations under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 as of September 1, 1997, for
employees with more than five (5) years of employment, recognizing that reference should always be
made to the Act, and the Act is subject to amendments from time to time.

Employees with more than five (5) years of employment are entitled to receive severance pay equal
to the employee's regular wages for a regular non-overtime work week times (x) the number of years
of employment to a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks. A partial year of employment is prorated by

Employees with more than five (5) years of employment who are laid off may elect to receive their
severance entitlement pursuant to the Act. If such an election is made the employee is deemed to
have waived his/her recall rights under the Collective Agreement.

If the employee chooses to retain recall rights, the employee's severance entitlement is paid out
when the employee's recall rights have expired or at any time the employee chooses to waive recall

If an employee who has chosen to retain recall rights is subsequently recalled, the severance
payment is retained by the College.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Human Resources Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

November 16, 2000

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Accrual of Service and Seniority

The parties agree that to the extent that Articles, 14.2, and 11.2 may contain limitations on
the accrual of service, seniority or vacation, during periods of LTD or illness or while in receipt of
WSIB benefits and these limitations are found to violate the Ontario Human Rights Code, the
employer agrees to hold the Union harmless from any penalties or damages that may be assessed
against the Union as a result of such finding.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
Council of Regents

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 23, 1997

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Clarification Regarding the Use of the Word “Persons”

It is agreed between the parties that the reason individuals are referred to as Apersons@ after being
laid off, is to clarify that the rights that remain for such individuals are those that are specified in the
agreement, and to avoid confusion as to the rights that Aemployees@ enjoy such as vacation, benefits
and holiday entitlement.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Human Resources Committee

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

November 16, 2000

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
New Initiatives

The parties agree to establish a joint committee to explore the creation of a new type of position,
within the bargaining unit, of a specific duration to allow the College to:

a) initiate and develop new College ventures or pilot projects; and

b) assign staff to projects of a known duration.

The Committee shall report back to their principals on the understanding that the principals will then
attempt to agree on a process for implementing any of the joint recommendations of the Committee.

Each party shall appoint four (4) members to the Committee. The College shall be reimbursed for
time spent by representatives on the Committee in accordance with Article 5.1.2.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
Council of Regents

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 22, 2005

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Workplace Wellness

In light of EERC's review of the results of the "Workplace Wellness" survey and the proposed next
steps recommended in its report dated April 21, 2005, the parties agree that EERC will have further
discussions about workplace wellness as it pertains to the college system.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

December 18, 2003

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Return to Work

Every College shall have a Return-to-Work (RTW) policy within six (6) months from December 18,
2003 to support injured and ill employees in returning to work. Each policy shall contain the

- a statement of commitment that describes how the program will operate, which may include a
permanent or ad hoc Return-to-Work Committee, consisting of representatives from the College
and the Local Union
- strategies that support the statement of commitment and form a framework within which
individual return-to-work cases are managed
- a description of roles and responsibilities for the various stakeholders involved in the RTW process
- a RTW process that outlines the steps to be followed in managing individual return-to-work cases,
including a mediation component, if appropriate
- a communications and training component
- a process for regular reviews of the program

It is agreed that where a meeting as contemplated in this letter takes place by mutual consent,
during regular working hours, representatives of the Local Union shall not suffer any loss of pay
during regular working hours when required to leave their duties temporarily for the purpose of
attending such a meeting. Time off to attend meetings shall not be unreasonably denied.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 22, 2005

Ms. Leah Casselman

President, Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Lead Hand Definition

Effective March 1, 2007, the Lead Hand Definition is as follows:

Ongoing Lead Duties

With the introduction of the evaluation system on March 1, 2007, employees who have been assigned
"lead" or "coordinator" duties will have such duties reflected in their PDF and evaluated as such.

Temporary Lead Hand

Where the College determines that it is required, a Lead Hand may be temporarily designated within
a work group giving due consideration to the ability, qualifications required for the position and
seniority, in making the appointment. As contemplated by the use of the word "temporary", such an
assignment shall only be short-term and for a very specific period of time.

The temporary Lead Hand does not function as a supervisor. Typical duties can include:

1. passing supervisor's instructions to members of the work group, explaining new projects and

2. allocating work assignments according to established methods and procedures, and establishing
priorities as required.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 22, 2005

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:

Implementation of the New Job Evaluation System

Time lines

The new job evaluation system will be in effect on March 1, 2007. During this time the following will
- Human Resources staff and the Local Union will be trained by the Classification Review
Committee (CRC) on the new system including directions on how to write a position
description form (PDF)
- using the "train the trainer" model, Human Resources will train supervisors and employees on
how to write a PDF
- all PDFs must be rewritten and evaluated using the new system
- CRC will issue the new payband structure and the Collective Agreement, which will be
modified, where appropriate, to reflect the changes for the system

Implementation Guidelines

a) Determination of Payband

Using the new job evaluation system, the College will evaluate a position and determine the
appropriate payband under the new structure. Using the incumbent's current hourly rate, the level
assigned to the position will be the first level encountered that contains an hourly rate that is
equal to or greater than the individual's current hourly rate.

Any position that is evaluated at a payband that does not contain an hourly rate equivalent to or
higher than the incumbent's current hourly rate will retain the evaluated payband but the
employee will be assigned the "grand-parented" or higher payband (definition follows).

b) Definition of "Grand-parenting"

The definition of "grand-parenting" for the purpose of determining an employee's payband and/or
hourly wage for the implementation of the new system is:

- the position will retain the payband that was assigned through the evaluation process

- the incumbent's hourly wage rate will be grand-parented to the first payband that contains a
hourly wage rate equivalent to or higher than the incumbent's current hourly wage rate

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

- for salary administration, pension and group insurance purposes, the incumbent will be
treated at the grand-parented higher hourly wage rate. For example, for LTD purposes the
grand-parented wage will be insured and if the employee does go off on LTD his/her monthly
benefit will be based on the grand-parented payband.

- for the purpose of Article 15, the incumbent's rights will be treated at his/her grand-parented
payband and not the payband of the position. For example, bumping rights will begin at the
payband of the employee and not the payband of the position. In some cases, the payband
that an employee is grand-parented at for salary administration purposes and Article 15 may
be different. This will only happen in some unique circumstances when an employee is
progressing through the wage grid. To determine an employee's "grand-parented" payband,
use the maximum wage rate (4 year rate) of the employee's current payband to find the first
payband that contains a hourly wage rate equivalent to or higher than the maximum wage
rate of the incumbent's current payband.

- should an employee who is at a grand-parented payband, be reassigned through Articles 15 or

17.2, to another position (either to a higher or lower payband) then the employee will no
longer be grand-parented and will be paid the wage rate appropriate for the position assigned.
For example, if the employee is successful for a job competition to a position that has a wage
rate either higher or lower, the employee will receive the wage rate for the position and will
no longer be grand-parented. Note - this would not apply to temporary assignments
contemplated under Article 17.3.

- when the position becomes vacant - both it and the employee who is newly assigned to it will
be paid at the appropriate payband rate the position has been evaluated at.

c) Determination of Payband for Existing Red Circle, Swan or Grand-parented Employees

Outlined below are the steps to be followed when determining the payband and wage rates for
individuals who are currently red-circled, swan rated (individuals in special computer
classifications due to a 1987 arbitration decision) or grand-parented.

1. The "red-circle amount" is the difference between the hourly wage in Appendix E of the
current Collective Agreement for the employee's payband and the hourly rate the College is
paying the incumbent in the position.

2. Determine the appropriate level and hourly rate following the instructions outlined in a) above.

3. If the new rate is lower than the sum of the "red-circle amount" and the previous payband
hourly wage, then that current hourly rate does not change (i.e. no increase to the employee's
hourly wage) but the red-circle amount is reduced by the difference between the new hourly
rate and the previous hourly rate. (see Example 1 below)

4. If the new rate is higher than the sum of the "red-circle amount" and the previous payband
hourly wage, then that becomes the wage and the individual is no longer red-circled. (see
Example 2 below)

Existing System:
Incumbent's currently hourly rate is $18.19
The payband hourly rate is $15.69

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Therefore, the "red-circle amount" is $ 2.50

New System (after position evaluated):

Example 1
Payband hourly rate for the NEW system is $15.75
Incumbent's hourly rate remains at $18.19
"Red-circle amount" is $2.44 (only the red-circle amount is reduced)
Example 2
Payband hourly rate for the NEW system is $18.20
Incumbent's hourly rate increases to $18.20
"Red-circle amount" is $0 (no longer red-circled)

5. The "red-circling" provisions in the Collective Agreement will continue to apply to these
individuals. There is no pyramiding of the "red-circling" and "grand-parenting" provisions.

d) Progression

If the level of the hourly wage rate assigned above (using (a) or (c)) is less than six (6) or the "4
year" rate, then the incumbent will be able to progress through the levels in accordance with
Article 7.3.

Determination of the "progression" or "anniversary" date:

- if prior to the implementation date, the incumbent is progressing through the wage grid then
the "progression" or "anniversary" date will remain unchanged; however,
- if the incumbent is at the maximum hourly wage rate, then the "progression" or "anniversary"
date will be the effective date of the new system.

e) Moratorium of Classification Grievances

Effective September 22, 2005, the CRC will issue a moratorium on both reclassification requests
and classification grievances being filed. This will remain in effect until March 1, 2007.

Any reclassification requests or classification grievances in process before this date can continue
and classification arbitrations will be scheduled as needed.

f) Article Forty (40) Hours per Week

With the introduction of the new job evaluation system, job families will no longer be associated
with Support Staff positions. If, prior to the implementation of the new system, an employee
(hired before September 1, 1997) was assigned forty (40) hours per week, that employee will not
have his/her hours reduced unless the employee agrees or he/she is the successful applicant for a
position with fewer hours. The intent is not to disadvantage employees who were previously
covered by this Article prior to the introduction of the new job evaluation system.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

September 22, 2005

Ms. Leah Casselman

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Madam:
Union Time Off

The parties agree to refer the issue of the release of employees for the purpose of assisting the Union
in advising and educating members with respect to collective bargaining to the Employee/Employer
Relations Committee (EERC) for discussion and recommendations to the parties.

Yours truly,
I. McArdle
Executive Director
College Compensation and Appointments Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed and amended: September 1, 2018

October 2, 2008

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:

The terms of this Letter of Understanding apply to "Initiatives/Opportunities" bargaining unit

positions. An "Initiative/Opportunities" position is a position within the Support Staff bargaining unit,
in which the established termination date is known at the time the position is created and forms part
of the employment contract with the individual who is selected for the position. An
"Initiatives/Opportunities" position will not be used to replace existing full-time Support Staff
bargaining unit positions. All provisions of the Collective Agreement, except for Article 15, shall apply.

The College shall inform the Local Union of its intent to create an "Initiative/Opportunities" position,
its rationale and the termination date. The College will hear any representations by the Local Union
prior to implementing such a position, provided such representations are made promptly.

The "Initiative/Opportunities" position may not exceed twenty-four (24) consecutive months unless
extended with written agreement of the Local Union.

All "Initiative/Opportunities" positions shall be posted pursuant to Article 17.1 and 17.1.1.

Should an existing full-time bargaining unit member be selected to fill such a position, the resultant
vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article 17.3.1 Temporary Postings. An existing full-time
bargaining unit member who is selected or assigned to fill such a position shall be paid in accordance
with the appropriate wage rate for the position and shall continue to receive all the terms of the
Collective Agreement to which he/she is entitled. The employee will have the right to return to
his/her regular position or its equivalent at the conclusion of the "Initiative/Opportunities" position.

This Letter of Understanding will expire on August 31, 2022, but should the parties not have reached
a new Collective Agreement by that date, the letter shall continue to operate until the earlier of a
Memorandum of Settlement being entered into or there is a right to strike or lock-out.

Yours truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Renewed: September 1, 2018

October 4, 2011

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:
Mobilizer Leave

The Union may at its discretion require up to four (4) employees from the college system be granted
a leave of absence with pay, commencing ninety (90) days before the expiration of the collective
agreement until ratification, for the purpose of assisting the Union in advising and educating the
members with respect to the collective bargaining process and the issues in bargaining. The Union
shall reimburse the College for all pay during such leaves.

The Union will advise the Directors of Human Resources of the affected colleges, with copies to
Council, of the name of such employees, as soon as practical, and in any event at least twenty-one
(21) days prior to the commencement date of the leaves. No more than one employee shall be
released from a particular college.

Such employees will be given access to colleges with the prior approval of the particular college’s
Human Resources Director which approval will not be unreasonably denied.

Yours, truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

September 1, 2018

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:

Pregnancy and Parental Leave

In addition to the changes agreed upon in Article 12.6, in the event the Employment Standards Act,
2000 is amended to provide an extension to parental leave, the parties will attempt to agree on
changes to Article 12.6 to permit the top up to be spread over the extended leave period at a reduced
rate, provided that this does not result in the College paying, in total, a greater amount of top up
than it would pay if the leave was not extended and is in compliance with legislative requirements. If
the parties are unable to agree on the language, the issue can be referred to binding arbitration
before a mutually agreeable arbitrator who will have no jurisdiction to make a decision inconsistent
with the preceding sentence.

Yours, truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

September 1, 2018

Mr. Warren Thomas

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
100 Lesmill Road
North York, Ontario
M3B 3P8

Dear Sir:

Notification of Contracting Out

Except in the case of an emergency or in the case of work or services already contracted out, if the
College decides to contract out work or services which are being performed by employees at the
commencement date of this Agreement, the College will notify the Local Union. At the Local Union’s
request, the parties shall meet within 5 working days to discuss the contracting out prior to the
College entering into an agreement with the contractor. In the event the College proceeds with the
contracting out, it will comply with Article 15.8 if that Article is applicable.

Yours, truly,
D. Sinclair
Chief Executive Officer
College Employer Council

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Joint Insurance Committee Support Staff

1. Name of Committee

The Committee shall be referred to as the Joint Insurance Committee (Support Staff).

2. Purpose of the Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate communications between the Council and OPSEU
on the subject of group insurance applicable to the Support Staff Bargaining Unit, including
Basic Life, Supplementary Life Insurance, Extended Health Insurance, Long Term Disability
Insurance, the Dental Plan and such other negotiated benefits that may, from time to time, be
included in the Group Insurance Plan.

Nothing herein shall prevent this Committee from meeting jointly with any comparable
Committee, if established, concerning the Academic Staff Bargaining Unit should it be mutually
agreed between this Committee and such other Committee.

It is understood that the group insurance benefits to be provided to employees and the cost
sharing arrangements shall be as set out in the applicable Collective Agreement and the matters
for consideration by this Committee shall be only as set out in these terms of reference.

3. Composition of the Committee

The Committee shall be composed of an equal number of representatives from the Council and
OPSEU with not more than eight (8) representatives in total.

At meetings of the Committee each party may be accompanied by up to two (2) resource
persons to provide actuarial or other technical advice. Additionally, when necessary,
representatives of the insurance carrier shall attend meetings to provide information but shall
not act as resource persons for either party.

4. Duties of Committee

The duties of the Committee shall consist of the following:

(i) development of the specifications for the public tendering of any negotiated benefits
which may be included in the Group Insurance Plan (to cover the bargaining unit only);

(ii) consideration and examination of all tenders submitted in response to the specifications
for tender and preparation of a report thereon;

(iii) recommendation to the Council on the selection of the insurance carrier or carriers to
underwrite the Group Insurance Plans;

(iv) consideration and recommendation to the Council on the renewal of existing contracts of
insurance upon expiry;

(v) review of the financial reports on the Group Insurance Plan; and

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

(vi) review of contentious claims and recommendations thereon, when such claim problems
have not been resolved through the existing administrative procedures.

(vii) recommend to the Council when an ad hoc adjustment should be implemented to

increase the monthly benefit level of existing LTD claimants. It is understood that:

(a) the cost of the adjustment must be financed from funds held in the LTD Deposit
Accounts which are in excess of 25% of annualized premium and the cost must be
shared in accordance with the premium sharing arrangement in effect on the date of
the ad hoc adjustment; and

(b) in determining the viability of such an adjustment, the Committee must exercise
prudent financial planning to ensure the cost of the ad hoc adjustment combined
with reasonably predictable costs of future experience trends will not jeopardize the
financial stability of the Plan or result in additional premiums to be payable in the
current or immediately following Plan Year.

5. Specifications for Public Tender

When specifications for public tender are required to obtain the services of an insurance carrier,
the duties of the Committee shall be to:

(a) develop and recommend specifications for tender;

(b) consider and examine all tenders submitted in response to the specifications;

(c) make a recommendation to the Council with respect to the selection of a carrier.

The specifications for tender will describe the benefits to be provided, the cost sharing
arrangements, the past financial and experience history, the appropriate employee data, the
format for the retention illustrations for each coverage, the financial reporting requirements, and
other parameters as appropriate.

The tendering process will be conducted in accordance with College Employer Council’s
Procurement Policy. Tenders shall be entertained from any insurance carrier and such carrier
may act solely on its own behalf or may arrange reinsurance as may be necessary.

The basis for recommendation of an insurance carrier will include the ability of the carrier to
underwrite the Plan, compliance of carrier's quotation with the specifications for tender, the
carrier's service capabilities and the expected long term net cost of the benefits to be provided.

6. Policy Renewals

Following receipt of an existing insurance carrier's proposal for renewal of an insurance contract,
the Committee shall:

(a) examine and analyze the proposal, assessing the completeness, fairness and validity of
the proposal;

(b) assess the funding methods employed in the insurance policy;

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

(c) assess and monitor the deposit accounts;

(d) suggest and discuss alternative proposals and funding methods with the carrier; and

(e) make recommendations to the Council with respect to acceptance of the carrier's renewal
proposals, funding methods and deposit account administration.

The basis for recommendations for renewal will take into account the level of service provided
by the carrier and the expected long term net cost of benefits.

7. Experience Review

The Committee will also meet as required to review the financial experience under the Plans.
The specifications for tender will describe the information to be included in the financial
statements to be prepared by the insurance carrier(s). These statements will include paid
premiums, paid claims, changes in reserve requirements for open and for unreported claims,
incurred claims, the retention elements of commissions, taxes, administrative expenses,
contingency reserve charges and interest credits on claims and other reserves. The Committee
shall request the insurance carrier(s) to provide such additional information as may be

8. Recommendations

If the Committee fails to agree on any recommendation to the Council that is contemplated by
these Terms of Reference, the members of the said Committee nominated by the Council and
OPSEU may each make a recommendation in writing to the Council, supported by reasons for
their respective recommendations.

It is understood that the Council at all times retains the right to select whatever carrier(s) (to
underwrite the Group Insurance Plans) it may consider in the best interest of the employees and
Colleges and, in so doing, is under no obligation to select a carrier(s) that may be recommended
by the Committee.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Inclusion Procedures

The parties recognize that the question of whether or not a particular person is or is not a member of
the bargaining unit has not traditionally been dealt with at the bargaining table, and has normally
been resolved by direct discussion between the Council/College and the Union or by the Ontario
Labour Relations Board based on the existing duties and responsibilities of the person in question.

The following conditions are applicable to persons who are employed by a College of Applied Arts and
Technology (hereinafter called "the College") in positions designated as Administrative Staff or
otherwise excluded from the Support Staff Bargaining Unit and who are found to be bargaining unit
employees as a result of specific decisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Board or by agreement of
the Council/College and the Union:

1. Terminology

(i) All references herein to Articles, Sections and Appendices shall refer to Articles, Sections
and Appendices of the Collective Agreement for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
Support Staff Employees.

(ii) "Employee" or "Employees" shall refer to persons who are employed by a College in
positions designated as Administrative Staff or otherwise excluded from the Support Staff
Bargaining Unit and who are found to be Bargaining Unit employees as a result of specific
decisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Board or by agreement of the Council/College
and the Union.

2. Application

This Appendix shall apply to any persons included in the Support Staff Bargaining Unit by
decisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Board or agreement between the Council/College and
the Union, from January 1, 1980, and thereafter.

3. Determination of Payband

Using the Support Staff job evaluation system, the College shall determine the appropriate
payband for the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position.

It is understood that the employee may challenge the propriety of such assignment under
Article 18.5 and is limited to a claim that the assignment should have been to another payband.

4. Determination and Treatment of Wages

(a) If the employee's hourly rate calculated in accordance with Article 6.1 at the date of
inclusion is less than or within the range as set out in Appendix E for the appropriate
payband, placement will be at the step which is appropriate in accordance with the length
of service in the position with the College; it will not be less than the hourly rate
applicable at the date of inclusion.

(b) If the employee's hourly rate calculated in accordance with Article 6.1 at date of inclusion
is above the range as set out in Appendix E for the appropriate payband, placement will

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

be at maximum with no reduction in hourly rate, but that rate calculated is red circled
and is subject to reduction according to future red circle agreements.

(c) It is understood that reference to "date of inclusion" in this Appendix means the date of
the Ontario Labour Relations Board decision unless extended by agreement of the parties
or date of any agreement by the Council/College and the Union.

5. Seniority

Employees will be accorded full seniority based on length of service with a College calculated in
accordance with Articles 14.1 and 14.2.

6. Vacation

(a) Employees will retain vacation entitlement earned as Administrative Staff or an otherwise
excluded employee for the vacation year in which the date of inclusion occurs and one
(1) additional vacation year and vacation pay shall be in accordance with Articles 11.2,
11.3 and 11.4.

(b) Effective June 30th of the vacation year thereafter and of each subsequent vacation year,
there will be a reduction in vacation entitlement of one (1) day until such vacation
entitlement coincides with entitlement under the effective Collective Agreement for CAAT
Support Staff and vacation pay shall be in accordance with Articles 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4.

(c) For the purpose of calculating an employee's vacation entitlement under Article 11, it is
agreed that the employee will receive credit for one hundred per cent (100%) of his/her
continuous service in the College.

7. Basic Life Insurance, Extended Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Supplemental

Life Insurance, Dependent Life Insurance, Short Term Disability Plan, Long Term
Disability Insurance, Vision and Hearing Care Plans.

These Support Staff Plans are effective the first day of the third calendar month following date
of inclusion.

8. All other terms and conditions of employment

Except as specifically referred to herein, employees shall not be entitled to any terms or
conditions contained in the Collective Agreement for CAAT Support Staff employees prior to the
date of inclusion.

9. Union Dues

Union dues deductions will commence from the date of inclusion.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Averaging of Hours

1. The number of hours of work per week prescribed shall be computed as a weekly average over
six (6) months where the duties of an employee require that he/she work more than the
number of hours per week normally prescribed at regularly recurring times of the year, or that
the number of hours per week be normally irregular.

2. The averaging period for the employee will conform to the six (6) month period which reflects
the work cycle of that employee, and will be reported to the Union.

3. Periods of employment of less than six (6) months in an averaging period, e.g., due to
appointment, transfer, separation, etc., will be pro-rated.

4. For the six (6) month averaging period, the hours of work required are nine hundred and ten
(910) hours, which corresponds to a thirty-five (35) hour week, nine hundred and forty-two and
one-half (9422) hours which corresponds to a thirty-six and one-quarter (363) hour week, nine
hundred and seventy-five (975) hours corresponding to a thirty-seven and one-half (372) hour
week or one thousand and forty (1,040) which corresponds to a forty (40) hours week.

5. A record will be maintained for each employee affected showing a running total of hours
worked. When an employee's accumulation of hours worked at the end of each three (3)
month period is viewed by the College as excessive, he/she may be required to take time off, on
an hour-for-hour basis, in order to bring his/her hours accumulation into line with the hours
requirement for the averaging period. In such a case, he/she will be given reasonable notice
where circumstances permit, of any such time off.

At the end of the averaging period, any excess hours standing to the employee's credit over and
above the stipulated hours requirement will be considered as overtime and multiplied by one
and one-half (12) to show the employee's "overtime credit" for pay or compensating leave

6. The employee shall be paid for his/her overtime credits. Such payments shall be made at the
hourly rate he/she was receiving on the last day of the averaging period.

7. Notwithstanding Paragraph 6, compensatory time off may, however, be substituted for payment
of overtime credits where there is insufficient work for an employee to the extent that his/her
presence is not required for a period of time. In such a case, the College has the authority to
direct that the employee take time off rather than receive pay for his/her overtime credits, and
such time off shall be taken during the first six (6) months of the next averaging period at a
time mutually agreeable between the employee and the College.

8. Any hours worked on a holiday or other day that is not a regular working day for the employee
will be treated as overtime and converted to "overtime credits" by multiplying by one and one-
half (12) and recorded for each employee. The employee shall be paid for all such overtime
credits at least quarterly and at the rate he/she was receiving when the overtime was worked.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Temporary Employees

1. The terms of this Appendix apply to persons employed on a casual or temporary basis to replace
bargaining unit employees absent due to vacation, sick leave or leaves of absence.

2. The rate to be paid to such an employee shall be the appropriate wage rate applicable to the
position of the replaced employee, subject to progression steps applicable to the replacing
employee, where appropriate.

3. The replacing employee shall be subject to the deduction and remittance of Union dues, as
provided in Article 5.4 of the Agreement.

4. The Union shall be notified at the commencement of employment, and upon the expiry of the
term of employment.

5. In addition to the hourly rate of pay, the employee shall receive an additional eight per cent
(8%) in lieu of all fringe benefits, including vacation.

6. The employee shall be entitled to the provisions of Articles 6.6, 7.5 and 10 of the Agreement.

7. The employee may be released by the College before the termination date of any term of
employment, for replacement need changes or operational requirements.

8. Employees covered by this Appendix are entitled to utilize the grievance procedure to enforce
the rights contained in this Appendix.

9. If an employee is appointed to a regular bargaining unit position after September 23, 1997,
he/she shall be credited with full seniority, after completion of the probationary period, based
on full credit for Appendix D service calculated at a day=s seniority for each day worked (261
days of work equals one (1) year). When an Appendix D employee is appointed to a regular
bargaining unit position and has previous service as a part-time Support Staff employee,
seniority shall also be credited in accordance with Article 14.3.

10. For the purposes of job competitions, in addition to any other factor that the College considers
relevant, consideration will be given to service with the College.

11. No other provision of the Collective Agreement shall apply to Appendix D employees unless
otherwise stated in this Appendix.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

MARCH 1, 2018 *


1.5% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 18.96 19.57 20.12 20.74 21.35 21.97
B 20.09 20.72 21.33 21.97 22.62 23.32
C 21.37 22.05 22.73 23.39 24.10 24.83
D 22.91 23.55 24.28 24.99 25.78 26.53
E 24.63 25.38 26.14 26.90 27.74 28.55
F 26.57 27.35 28.20 29.07 29.93 30.81
G 28.71 29.61 30.46 31.38 32.36 33.28
H 31.06 32.03 32.99 33.98 34.97 36.06
I 33.67 34.66 35.71 36.77 37.88 39.02
J 36.42 37.48 38.62 39.77 40.99 42.22
K 39.43 40.61 41.81 43.09 44.38 45.72
L 42.69 43.96 45.28 46.62 48.03 49.47

* Agreed to as part of Extension Agreement dated July 27, 2017

which extended the 2014-2018 Support Staff Collective Agreement

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.0% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 19.15 19.77 20.32 20.95 21.56 22.19
B 20.29 20.93 21.54 22.19 22.85 23.55
C 21.58 22.27 22.96 23.62 24.34 25.08
D 23.14 23.79 24.52 25.24 26.04 26.80
E 24.88 25.63 26.40 27.17 28.02 28.84
F 26.84 27.62 28.48 29.36 30.23 31.12
G 29.00 29.91 30.76 31.69 32.68 33.61
H 31.37 32.35 33.32 34.32 35.32 36.42
I 34.01 35.01 36.07 37.14 38.26 39.41
J 36.78 37.85 39.01 40.17 41.40 42.64
K 39.82 41.02 42.23 43.52 44.82 46.18
L 43.12 44.40 45.73 47.09 48.51 49.96

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.0% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 19.34 19.97 20.52 21.16 21.78 22.41
B 20.49 21.14 21.76 22.41 23.08 23.79
C 21.80 22.49 23.19 23.86 24.58 25.33
D 23.37 24.03 24.77 25.49 26.30 27.07
E 25.13 25.89 26.66 27.44 28.30 29.13
F 27.11 27.90 28.76 29.65 30.53 31.43
G 29.29 30.21 31.07 32.01 33.01 33.95
H 31.68 32.67 33.65 34.66 35.67 36.78
I 34.35 35.36 36.43 37.51 38.64 39.80
J 37.15 38.23 39.40 40.57 41.81 43.07
K 40.22 41.43 42.65 43.96 45.27 46.64
L 43.55 44.84 46.19 47.56 49.00 50.46

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.0% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 19.53 20.17 20.73 21.37 22.00 22.63
B 20.69 21.35 21.98 22.63 23.31 24.03
C 22.02 22.71 23.42 24.10 24.83 25.58
D 23.60 24.27 25.02 25.74 26.56 27.34
E 25.38 26.15 26.93 27.71 28.58 29.42
F 27.38 28.18 29.05 29.95 30.84 31.74
G 29.58 30.51 31.38 32.33 33.34 34.29
H 32.00 33.00 33.99 35.01 36.03 37.15
I 34.69 35.71 36.79 37.89 39.03 40.20
J 37.52 38.61 39.79 40.98 42.23 43.50
K 40.62 41.84 43.08 44.40 45.72 47.11
L 43.99 45.29 46.65 48.04 49.49 50.96

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.0% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 19.73 20.37 20.94 21.58 22.22 22.86
B 20.90 21.56 22.20 22.86 23.54 24.27
C 22.24 22.94 23.65 24.34 25.08 25.84
D 23.84 24.51 25.27 26.00 26.83 27.61
E 25.63 26.41 27.20 27.99 28.87 29.71
F 27.65 28.46 29.34 30.25 31.15 32.06
G 29.88 30.82 31.69 32.65 33.67 34.63
H 32.32 33.33 34.33 35.36 36.39 37.52
I 35.04 36.07 37.16 38.27 39.42 40.60
J 37.90 39.00 40.19 41.39 42.65 43.94
K 41.03 42.26 43.51 44.84 46.18 47.58
L 44.43 45.74 47.12 48.52 49.98 51.47

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.0% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 19.93 20.57 21.15 21.80 22.44 23.09
B 21.11 21.78 22.42 23.09 23.78 24.51
C 22.46 23.17 23.89 24.58 25.33 26.10
D 24.08 24.76 25.52 26.26 27.10 27.89
E 25.89 26.67 27.47 28.27 29.16 30.01
F 27.93 28.74 29.63 30.55 31.46 32.38
G 30.18 31.13 32.01 32.98 34.01 34.98
H 32.64 33.66 34.67 35.71 36.75 37.90
I 35.39 36.43 37.53 38.65 39.81 41.01
J 38.28 39.39 40.59 41.80 43.08 44.38
K 41.44 42.68 43.95 45.29 46.64 48.06
L 44.87 46.20 47.59 49.01 50.48 51.98

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022



1.25% General Wage Increase

Payband Start 6 month 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years

A 20.18 20.83 21.41 22.07 22.72 23.38
B 21.37 22.05 22.70 23.38 24.08 24.82
C 22.74 23.46 24.19 24.89 25.65 26.43
D 24.38 25.07 25.84 26.59 27.44 28.24
E 26.21 27.00 27.81 28.62 29.52 30.39
F 28.28 29.10 30.00 30.93 31.85 32.78
G 30.56 31.52 32.41 33.39 34.44 35.42
H 33.05 34.08 35.10 36.16 37.21 38.37
I 35.83 36.89 38.00 39.13 40.31 41.52
J 38.76 39.88 41.10 42.32 43.62 44.93
K 41.96 43.21 44.50 45.86 47.22 48.66
L 45.43 46.78 48.18 49.62 51.11 52.63

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Joint Classification Committee

1. Name of Committee

The Committee shall be referred to as the Joint Classification Committee (JCC).

2. Purpose of the Committee

The purpose of the JCC is to discuss and where mutually agreed upon, resolve issues pertaining

a) system-wide matters relating to the CAAT Support Staff Job Evaluation System;

b) guidelines and procedures for training including matters contained in Article
Arbitrators of the Support Staff Collective Agreement;

c) revisions to the job evaluation manual and the guide on how to write PDFs.

3. Composition of Committee

a) The JCC will be composed of an equal number of representatives from the Union and
Management with not more than eight (8) representatives in total.

b) Each party will be responsible for the appointment of its members and may appoint one (1)
additional resource person.

c) Each party shall designate a Co-Chair who will be responsible for the coordination of the

d) Notwithstanding 3 a), either party may invite one (1) or more persons to provide expertise
and advice on specific items, or as an observer or trainee, provided prior agreement of the
other party is secured.

4. Meetings

a) The frequency of the meetings shall be established by the JCC. The JCC shall endeavour to
meet on a monthly basis.

b) Management will be responsible for the recording of the Minutes that will represent the
major subject matters discussed. The approved Minutes shall be signed by the Co-Chairs.

5. Duties of the Committee

a) The JCC will primarily concern itself with matters that have system-wide application and
other items as mutually agreed upon.

b) The JCC will not address items that are the subject of a formal grievance.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

c) The JCC will be responsible for updating the job evaluation manual and the guide on how to
write PDFs and the distribution of such updates.

d) The JCC will review the need for a payband to be added or deleted from the job evaluation
system. A joint recommendation must be developed and submitted to the respective
Bargaining Teams outlining the suggested change and supporting rationale.

e) The JCC will develop guidelines and procedures for joint training pertaining to the job
evaluation system and shall provide orientation to the Expedited Arbitrators in accordance
with Article in the Support Staff Collective Agreement.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Summer Student Workers

1. The terms of this Appendix apply to students employed temporarily for more than twenty-four
(24) hours per week during the period of mid-April to the last Friday before Labour Day.

2. No bargaining unit employee shall be laid off or have his/her normal hours or weeks of work
reduced as a direct result of the hiring of these students.

3. The College shall notify the Local Union of both the start and planned termination dates of

4. The students shall be subject to the deduction and remittance of Union dues, as provided in
Article 5.4 of the Agreement.

5. The students may be released by the College before the termination date.

6. The students shall be paid an hourly wage rate not less than the general minimum wage set out
in the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

7. The students shall be entitled to the provisions of Articles 6.6 and 7.5 of the Agreement.

8. Students will be granted holidays/holiday pay in accordance with Article 10 except that the
holidays shall be limited to Good Friday (if it occurs after the start date), Victoria Day, Canada
Day and Civic Holiday. Articles 10.2 and 10.7 shall not apply.

9. Students covered by this Appendix are entitled to utilize the grievance procedure to enforce the
rights contained in this Appendix.

10. In addition to the hourly rate of pay, the student shall receive an additional four per cent (4%)
in lieu of vacation.

11. No other provisions of the Collective Agreement shall apply to the students unless otherwise
stated in this Appendix.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee

1. Name of Committee

The Committee shall be referred to as the CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee.

2. Purpose of the Committee

The Committee acts as an advisory body and assists the College Employer Council (Council) in
ensuring the appropriate benefit design and cost effectiveness of the group insurance benefit
plans available for all eligible retirees.

3. Composition of the Committee

The Committee will comprise:

- one (1) retiree appointed by OPSEU CAAT Academic
- one (1) retiree appointed by OPSEU CAAT Support
- one (1) retiree appointed by the Ontario Colleges Administrative Staff Association (OCASA)
- three (3) management representatives appointed by the Council
- one (1) resource person appointed by OPSEU
- one (1) resource person appointed by OCASA
- one (1) resource person appointed by the Council

Additionally, when necessary, representatives of insurance carriers shall attend meetings to

provide information but shall not act as resource persons for any of the parties.

4. Meetings

The Committee will meet at least once a year to review the financial experience of the retiree
plans. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Committee to address specific issues.

5. Duties of the Committee

The Committee will be responsible for developing recommendations based on consensus

(agreement and/or abstinence constitutes consensus) for the CAAT retirees' group insurance
plans. The duties of the Committee are to:

a) facilitate communication between OPSEU, OCASA, the Colleges, the Council, and retirees;

b) understand the retiree benefit plans;

c) consider the impact of proposed new benefit improvements or the deletion or modification of
existing benefits and recommend to the Council any change to the retiree group insurance
benefit plans;

d) monitor the administration of the retiree plans;

e) assist in the design of the communication materials;

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

f) review contentious claims and make recommendations when such claim problems have not
been resolved through the existing administrative procedure;;

g) review proposed premium rate renewals and make recommendations to the Council.

6. Administration

a) Services of a consultant are to be paid from deposit funds;

b) Agreed upon committee expenses are to be paid from deposit funds.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Contracting Out

It is agreed that no bargaining unit member who has completed the probationary period will be
released from the College's employ as a direct result of the College contracting out his/her work.

However, contracting out to an employer who will employ the employee with comparable terms and
conditions of employment is not a breach of this Appendix.

An employee given notice of layoff or reassignment as a result of his/her work being contracted out
may elect to take an unpaid leave of absence of up to one (1) year, in order to accept a job offered
by the contractor. The leave will begin on the date that the employee commences employment with
the contractor. If the employee wishes to return to the College, he/she must provide at least one
hundred and twenty (120) calendar days written notice of his/her intention to return at the end of the

The College will then apply Article 15.4.3, as appropriate. If no position can be identified pursuant to
Article 15.4.3, no new notice of layoff under need be provided to the employee.

The College will not provide wages or benefits to the employee during the leave.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Employee/Employer Relations Committee Terms of Reference

1. Purpose

The parties agree to establish an Employee/Employer Relations Committee (EERC) in order to:

(a) Jointly make recommendations to the bargaining teams (College Employer Council and
OPSEU) concerning subjects of system-wide importance.

(b) Facilitate communications between Management and the Union at the provincial level in an
unconstrained, yet official manner during the life of the Agreement.

(c) Preclude and resolve common problems during the life of the Agreement.

(d) Permit both parties, to enter negotiations with much of the groundwork completed.

2. Membership

(a) The Committee will be composed of equal representation not to exceed a total of ten (10)
members (five (5) appointed by each party).

(b) Each party will be responsible for the appointment of its members and, where possible,
consideration will be given to regional representation to assure the existence of a provincial
cross section. The Union may appoint a Union Staff person as one (1) of its Committee
members. The Council may appoint a College President as one (1) of its Committee

(c) Each party shall designate a Co-Chairperson and they will be responsible for the co-
ordination of the Committee meetings.

(d) Notwithstanding 2(a), either party may invite one (1) or more persons to provide expertise
and advice on specific items, or as an observer or trainee, provided prior agreement of the
other party is secured.

(e) Union members of the Committee may be released from duty without loss of pay for the
purpose of attending meetings. Such leave of absence shall not be unreasonably withheld,
recognizing the need of efficiency of operations of the College. The Union shall reimburse
the College for fifty per cent (50%) of all pay during the leaves of absence granted
hereunder. Union members who are not on duty will attend meetings on their own time.
Travelling expenses and other expenses incurred by the Union members of the Committee
will be borne by the Union.

3. Meetings

(a) The frequency of meetings shall be as established by the Committee. The Committee shall
endeavour to meet on a monthly basis.

(b) The Committee will primarily concern itself with matters that have system-wide application
and other items as mutually agreed upon.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

(c) The Committee will consider matters of a Local College concern. It is understood that either
party will inform the other party if an item is to be referred to the EERC. The Committee will
attempt to resolve a particular concern within a time frame of three (3) meetings unless the
Committee agrees further progress can be achieved.

Local College representatives may be requested by either party to attend an EERC meeting
to provide clarification.

(d) The Committee will not address items that are the subject of a formal grievance.

(e) Management will be responsible for the recording of the Minutes that will represent the
major subject matters discussed. The Minutes shall be signed by the Co-Chairpersons of the

The draft Minutes will be distributed to all members within a reasonable time following each
meeting. The Union will contact the Management's Chairperson with any proposed
amendments, additions or deletions to the Minutes so as to expedite the process of
obtaining approval signatures.

Each party may distribute copies of the approved Minutes to their respective principals as
they see fit. The approved Minutes will be posted on both OPSEU's and the Council's

(f) It is recognized that the Committee is a recommending body and not an alternative to the
collective bargaining process. When a consensus is reached concerning a recommendation
the Committee shall forward that recommendation to the appropriate body (i.e. Negotiating
Team/Council/College/OPSEU). Both parties have the option of sending items on which
there is no consensus to the party they deem appropriate. (This may be in the form of a
written brief to the Negotiating Team/Council/College/OPSEU. Submission should be made
through the appropriate Co-Chairperson of the Committee).

4. General

The Terms of Reference shall be given effect by the signature of the officials of both parties
including the President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union or his/her designate, and
shall continue, subject to review by request of either party.

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022


Access to Personnel File, 56

Accessibility (Notice Boards), 11
Accommodation, 2
Accrual of Service and Seniority, 89
Accumulating Seniority and Service, 45
Accumulation - Full Pay (STD), 23
Active Employment, 32
Administration of the Employment Stability Fund, 48
Adoption, 36
Appendix A - Joint Insurance Committee Support Staff, 103
Appendix B - Inclusion Procedures, 106
Appendix C - Averaging of Hours, 108
Appendix D - Temporary Employees, 109
Appendix E - Hourly Wage Rate, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
Appendix F - Joint Classification Committee, 117
Appendix G - Summer Student Workers, 119
Appendix H - CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee, 120
Appendix I - Contracting Out, 122
Appendix J - Employee/Employer Relations Committee Terms of Reference, 123
Applicability of Benefits - Prepaid Leave, 39
Application - Union Dues, 10
Application for Developmental Leave, 28
Application for Prepaid Leave, 37
Approval of Application for Prepaid Leave, 38
Arbitration Board, 65, 66
Arbitration Board Selection - Classification, 69
Arbitration Data Sheet, 68
Arbitration Date, 87
Arbitrator Training/Reorientation, 68
Arbitrators - Classification Grievances, 68
Arbitrators/Mediators, 65
Assignment on Return of Prepaid Leave, 39
Authorization - Union Dues, 10
Automobile Insurance, 85
Averaging Hours Worked, 15
Averaging of Hours, 15, 108
Bargaining Agent, 1
Basic Life Insurance Plan, 21
Benefit Continuation (Less Than 12 Month Positions), 75
Benefits, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 78
Benefits - Retirement, 25
Bereavement Leave, 35
Bilingual Policy, 46
Binding on Parties, 1
Breaks (Rest Period), 44
Bullying/Psychological Harassment, 5
Bumping, 51, 79, 96
Bumping Procedure, 51
CAAT Pension Plan Committee, 9

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Calculation of Continuous Service, 32

Call Back, 16
Carry-Over - Vacation, 33
Catastrophic Drug Coverage, 26
Childcare, 76, 82
Citizenship Leave, 35
Clarification Regarding the Use of the Word “Persons”, 90
Classification Arbitration Board, 69
Classification Arbitrators' Powers, 70
Classification Arbitrators Restrictions, 70
Classification Grievance Process, 67
Classification Grievances, 67
Classification Hearing, 69
Classification Information, 19
Clothing, 42
Collective Agreement, 11
College Grievance, 64
College Official's Decision - Classification Grievance, 67
College Paid (STD), 24
Committee - CAAT Pension Plan, 9
Committee - CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory, 120
Committee - Employee/Employer Relations, 7, 9, 77, 98
Committee - Employment Stability, 46, 49
Committee - Grievance Scheduling, 8, 9
Committee - Joint Classification, 7, 9, 117
Committee - Joint Insurance, 7, 9, 23, 103
Committee - Joint Transitional, 83
Committee - Return to Work, 93
Committee - Union College/Campus, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 42, 43, 44, 77, 82
Committee - Union Negotiating, 9
Committee Secretary (Definition), 61
Complaints/Grievances, 61
Compressed Work Week, 13, 14
Confidentiality, 49
Confidentiality of Recommendations, 50
Conflict Between Booklet and Original Signed Version, 86
Consideration - Bargaining Unit Employees, 57
Consideration - Non-Bargaining Unit Employees, 58
Consideration for Employment in Non-bargaining Unit Work, 54
Continued Discussions - ESC, 50
Continuous Service, 20, 32
Contracting Out, 54, 122
Contracting Out - Union Notification, 54
Copy of Agreement, 11
Core Duties, 51, 53, 79
Cost Sharing, 62
Creation of a New College, 83
Criteria - Developmental Leave, 28
Critical Illness Insurance, 21
Day (Definition), 61
Death Clause - Prepaid Leave, 40

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Deferral Period, 38, 39

Definitions, 61
Dental, 22, 24
Developmental Leave, 28, 45
Direct Operating Grants, 82
Disciplinary Notice, 56
Dismissal, 6
Displacement, 49, 52, 54, 57
Dues, 10, 59, 107
Dues - Appendix D, 109
Dues - Appendix G, 119
Duration of Collective Agreement, 71
Duration of Coverage - Partial Pay, 23
Duration of Retraining, 54
Education, 28
Eligibility for Prepaid Leave, 37
Eligibility for Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan (SUB), 36
Emergency Work Assignment, 59
Employee Benefit Coverage & Premiums - Prepaid Leave, 39
Employee Evaluation, 56
Employee Orientation, 4
Employee/Employer Relations Committee, 7, 9, 77, 98
Employee/Employer Relations Committee Terms of Reference, 123
Employees on Other than Monday to Friday Schedule, 30
Employment Equity, 2, 7
Employment Insurance Act, 36, 37
Employment Stability, 7, 46, 47
Employment Stability Committee, 46, 49
Employment Stability Fund, 47, 54
Employment Stability Fund Arbitrator, 48
Employment Standards Act, 35, 36, 52, 53, 88, 119
Entitlement - Holidays, 30
Entitlement - Vacation, 32
Environmental Conditions, 44
Excluded Matters - UCC, 7
Excluded Persons, 1
Excluded Positions, 1, 59
Expedited Arbitration, 68
Extended Health, 21, 24
Extension of Parental Leave for Adoption, 36
Extensions - Grievance Process, 61
Eye Examinations, 43
Eye Protection, 42
Familiarization Period, 52
Family Leave, 34
Family Leave Eligibility, 34
Family Leave Short Term Disability Application, 34
Family Leave Unpaid, 34
Final Displacement, 52
Flexible Hours of Work, 13
Footwear, 42

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Forty (40) Hours per Week, 12

French/English Language Versions of Agreement, 11
Full-Time Assignment, 10
Functions - UCC, 7
General Conditions - Complaints/Grievances, 61
Grievance, 3, 64
Grievance - Unsuccessful Competition, 63
Grievance (Definition), 61
Grievance Procedure - Working Conditions and Terms of Employment, 62
Grievance Process - Classification, 67
Grievance re
Dismissal, Suspension, Layoff or Reassignment, 64
Grievance Scheduling (Letter of Understanding), 87
Grievance Scheduling Committee, 8, 9, 87
Grievance to College Official - Classification, 67
Grievances, 61
Group Grievance, 63
Harassment, 5
Health and Safety, 42, 44
Hearing Care, 22, 24
Hepatitis "B" Vaccine, 44
Higher Wage Rates, 59
Holiday December 25 - January 1, 30
Holiday During Vacation, 31
Holidays, 30, 61
Holidays - Restriction, 30
Holidays - Substitution, 30
Holidays/Holiday pay - Appendix G, 119
Hourly Wage Rate, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
Hours of Work, 12, 13
Human Rights, 2, 5, 89
Implementation of the New Job Evaluation System, 95
Inclusion Procedures, 106
Income Tax - Prepaid Leave, 41
Information to Arbitrators, 69
Initiatives/Opportunities (Letter of Understanding), 99
Insurance, 21, 46
Insurance - Spousal and Dependent, 21
Interest Accumulation - Prepaid Leave, 40
Interest Rate - Prepaid Leave, 38
Interference, 2
Job Postings – Other Colleges, 81
Job Postings/Promotions, 57
Job Reversal, 57
Job Security, 45
Joint Classification Committee, 7, 9, 117
Joint Insurance Committee, 7, 9, 23, 103
Joint Transitional Committee, 83
Joint Transitional Task Group, 83
Jury/Witness Duty, 35
Kilometrage Allowance, 26

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Kilometrage Boundaries, 26
Layoff, 45
Layoff Grievance, 65
Layoff or Reassignment, 51
Layoff Procedure, 50
Layoff/Recall Process, 49, 79
Layoff/Recall Process – Bumping, 51
Lead Hand Definition, 94
Lead Hand Premium for Temporary Assignments, 20
Leave - Adoption, 36
Leave - Bereavement, 35
Leave - Citizenship, 35
Leave - Personal With Pay, 34
Leave - Personal Without Pay, 34
Leave - Pregnancy and Parental, 35
Leave of Absence, 9
Leave Period, 39
Leaves, 34
Leaves of Absence - Conditions, 9
Leaves of Absence Reimbursed by the Union, 9
Length of Prepaid Leave, 38
Less than 12 Month Positions, 45, 75
Less than Forty (40) Hours per Week, 12
Letter of Intent – Article 5.2, 74
Liability Coverage, 26
Life Insurance, 21, 24
Limitations of Mediator/Arbitrator, 66
List of New Employees, 4
List of Part-Time Employees, 4
Local Agreement, 13, 73
Local Union Notification, 11
Long Term Disability, 24, 46, 78
Lower Wage Rates, 59
Maintenance of Salary, 28
Management Functions, 3
Masculine/Feminine, 2
Meal Allowance, 18
Mediation/Arbitration, 65
Mediation/Arbitration Procedure, 65
Mediator/Arbitrator's Power, 66
Mediators/Arbitrators, 65
Membership, 2, 6
Method of Payment during Developmental Leave, 28
Mobilizer Leave, 9, 100
Movement Through the Wage Rate Steps, 19
Multi-College Issues, 63
New Employees, 4
New Initiatives (Letter of Understanding), 91
No Reply - Grievance Process, 61
Nominee, 65
Non-Recurring Projects, 1

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Normal Work Week, 12

Notice of Layoff, 50, 51, 52
Notice of Layoff or Reassignment, 51
Notice of Shift Change, 16
Notice Period for Layoffs, 50
Notice to Employees, 50
Notice to Local Union, 49
Notices, 11, 56, 57
Notification - Applicant, 57
Notification - Local Union President, 57
Notification of Contracting Out, 102
Occupational Health and Safety Act., 42
OHIP, 24, 26, 43, 44
On-Call, 16
Overtime, 15, 16, 17, 18
Overtime - Compressed Work Week, 13
Overtime Pay - No Pyramiding, 18
Overtime Rate, 17, 18
Overtime Rights, 18
Own Occupation (LTD Definition), 78
Pamphlets/Booklets, 27
Parental Leave, 35, 36, 45
Pay Period, 19
Payment - SUB Benefit, 36
Payment/Lieu Time, 18
Payout - Prepaid Leave, 39
Performance Appraisal, 56
Personal Leave With Pay, 34
Personal Leave Without Pay, 34
Persons - definition (Letter of Understanding), 90
Persons Excluded as Mediator/Arbitrator, 66
Position Description Form, 19
Position Description Form (PDF), 67
Position Outside Forty (40) Kilometres, 51
Post Probationary Employees, 50
Pregnancy, 36, 45
Pregnancy (Transfer), 37, 43
Pregnancy and Parental Leave, 35, 101
Prepaid Leave Plan, 37
Prepaid Leave Postponement, 40
Printing of Agreement, 11
Prior Arrangements - Safety Devices, 42
Probationary Employees, 45, 50, 57
Probationary Period, 6, 45, 46, 49, 50
Professional Development Days, 29
Program Relocation, 83
Progression, 19, 52, 97
Projects Non-Recurring, 1
Promotion/Re-evaluation, 58
Pro-Rating Vacation, 33
Provision of Clothing, 42

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Purpose and Length of Developmental Leave, 28

Purpose of Prepaid Leave, 37
Rate of Pay, 52
Reassignment, 51
Recall, 3, 16, 49, 53, 54, 88
Recall by Seniority, 53
Recall List, 53
Recall Outside Forty (40) Kilometres, 53
Reclassification, 19
Recognition, 1
Recognition of Union Representation - Grievance Process, 61
Recommendations - Layoff Process, 49
Red Circle Rates, 72
Re-employment Assistance, 54
Referral to Arbitration - Classification, 67, 68
Referral to Mediation/Arbitration, 65
Rehiring, 46
Reimbursement for Tuition, 28
Reimbursement of Relocation Costs, 54
Relationship, 2
Religious Leave, 34
Relocation Costs, 54
Remittance of Union Dues, 10
Removal of Notices from File, 56
Resolving Issues From an Off-site Location, 16
Response to Application for Developmental Leave, 28
Rest Periods, 18
Resultant Vacancies, 58
Retention of Existing Hours of Work, 12
Retention of Standard Hours, 15
Retirees - Survivor Benefits, 25
Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee, 120
Retirement Benefits, 25
Retraining, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54
Retroactive Payment, 67
Return from Developmental Leave, 29
Return from Long Term Disability, 24
Return to the Workplace, 16
Return to Work, 93
Return-to-Work Committee, 93
Rights, 62
Safety Devices, 42
Scheduling of Mediation/Arbitration, 66
Scheduling Vacation, 33
Second Displacement, 52
Seniority, 4, 36, 45, 46, 50, 51, 53, 57, 59, 89, 107
Seniority - Appendix D, 109
Seniority Accumulation - Pregnancy or Parental Leave, 36
Seniority and Service, 45, 46, 75
Seniority List, 4
Seniority Lost, 55

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Serious Illness - Prepaid Leave, 40

Service, 45
Service and Seniority, Accrual of (Letter of Understanding), 89
Seventh Day - Double Time, 17
Severance Pay, 53
Severance Pay - Article 15.5.1, 88
Severance Pay - Contracting Out, 53
Severance Pay - No Pyramiding, 53
Sexual Harassment, 5
Shift Premium, 19
Shift Premiums - Compressed Work Week, 13
Shift Rotation, 16
Shift Schedules, 15
Short Term Disability, 23, 24, 46
Short Term Disability Application for Family Leave, 34
Short Term Disability Entitlement, 23
Short-Term Disability - Compressed Work Week, 14
Site - Classification Arbitrations, 69
Special Allowance, 20
Split Shifts, 15
Spousal and Dependent Insurance, 21
Staffing Considerations, 1
Stand By, 73
Step 1 - Classification Grievance, 67
Step 1 - Grievance, 62
Step 2 - Classification Grievance, 67
Step 2 - Grievance, 63
Strategies - Employment Stability, 47
Strikes and No Lockouts, 1
Summer Students, 119
Supplemental Life Insurance Plan, 21
Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan, 36
Survivor Benefits - Active Employees, 22
Survivor Benefits - Retirees, 25
Temporary Assignments, 58
Temporary Employees, 109
Temporary Postings, 58
Terms and Conditions - Prepaid Leave, 38
Third Displacement, 52
Time Limits, 49, 61
Time Limits - Classification Grievances, 67
Time Limits - Grievances, 62
Time Off, 10
Time Off - Maintenance of Wages, 62
Time Off - Union Negotiating Committee, 9
Total Disability (Definition), 78
Training Assignments - Compressed Work Week, 14
Transfer, 3, 6, 46, 57
Transfer Into Union, 46
Transfer of Program(s), 83
Transfer of Programs and Services, 83

Support Staff Collective Agreement 2018-2022

Transfers, 60
Tuition, 28, 29, 54
Types of Grievance, 62
Understanding (Article 6.1.3), 13
Union (Definition), 61
Union Acknowledgements, 3
Union Activities, 2
Union College/Campus Committee, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 42, 43, 44, 77, 82
Union Deductions, 10
Union Discussions - Averaging Hours of Work, 15
Union Grievance, 64
Union Matters, 9
Union Negotiating Committee, 9
Union Time Off, 98
Union/Management Interests, 4
Use of STD Credits for Family Leave, 24
Vacation, 31, 32, 107
Vacation - Compressed Work Week, 14
Vacation Pay, 24, 33
Vacation Pay, Appendix G, 119
Vacation Requests, 33
Vacation Scheduling, 33
VDT & EERC, 77
VDT Testing, 44
Video Display Terminals, 43
Vision Care, 22, 24
Wage Rate - Appendix G, 119
Wages, 19
Wages - Prepaid Leave, 38
Waiver of Rights/Severance, 52
Withdrawal Rights - Prepaid Leave, 40
Work at Home, 17
Work Breaks, 44
Work of Personal Nature, 6
Work Schedules, 7, 12
Work Stations, 44
Working on Holidays, 30
Workplace Safety and Insurance Benefits, 45
Workplace Wellness, 92
Written Agreement, 99
Written Agreement - Prepaid Leave, 38
Written Notice of Layoff, 50, 51
WSIB Benefits, 89


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