Niti Aayog MCQ
Niti Aayog MCQ
Niti Aayog MCQ
7.Atal Innovation Mission – flagship Programme 15.Government of India has constituted a committee
of think tank NITI Aayog, has recently signed a headed by which of the following persons for addressing
statement of intent with which of the following of NPAs in Indian Power sector?
organization to promote culture of innovation and a: Y H Malegam b: Uday Kotak
entrepreneurship across 100 Atal Tinkering Labs c: Amitabh Kant d: Deepak Mohanty
in the country? 16.Which of the following districts has topped the first
a: Infosys b: TCS c: Tech Mahindra d: SAP list of Aspirational Districts Programme released by
NITI Aayog in March 2018?
8.NITI Aayog has recently signed a statement of a: Ramanadhapuram b: Rajnandgaon
intent with which of the following Organizations c: Vizianagaram d: Mewat
for supporting transformation of healthcare,
education and nutrition in Aspirational Districts of 17.Which of the following is a portal which is
the country maintained by NITI Aayog which enables creation of a
a: Centre for health and social justice b: repository of information about VOs/NGOs ?
CHETNA A.My Government Portal b DARPAN
c: Smile foundation d: Piramal Foundation C. Digi Locker d. India Gov Portal