Website Development Project

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Report on

Website Traffic Generation and Analysis Using Various Digital Marketing Principles:


Group 8

PGP17201 Saurabh Rai

PGP18022 Dharmendra Kumar Boro

PGP18023 Dhruva Vrajesh

PGP18041 Manpreet Singh Saluja

PGP18047 Nally Suman Raj

PGP18070 S Ahmed Meeran

PGP18119 Gaurav Kumar

PGP18120 Harsh Anand

PGP18185 Biju K S

Under the guidance of

Prof. Prantosh Banerjee

Digital Marketing

Indian Institute of Management Kashipur



S. no. Content Page no.

1 Abstract 2

2 Introduction 3

3 5C Analysis 3

4 Problem, Alternative and Evaluation framework 4

5 Insights from Google Analytics 5

6 Evaluation of Alternatives: RACE framework 9

7 Action plan to avoid negatives 9

8 Recommendations 10
Digital Marketing Project 2

Abstract is a website created for origami enthusiast. The company posts the videos

of origami with short-term goal of brand awareness and long-term goal of revenue generation.

The significant focal point of the venture is on traffic working by Social Media Marketing

(SMM). Creating a site which has origami recordings for its crowd emerges from the center

abilities of the gathering individuals. The gathering contains assorted members with various

abilities enough to manufacture a site. The gathering is portrayed with individuals experienced in

video generation and Instagram influencer showcasing which was only enough to fabricate a site

on origami.

The report will walk you through the voyage of our 7-day site venture with key spotlight on

client procurement and client maintenance utilizing apparatuses like Google Analytics and

different business knowledge programming for Social Media Marketing.

Keywords: Digital marketing, Social Media Marketing, Influencer marketing, Website creation,

Google analytics, Customer acquisition, Customer retention

Digital Marketing Project 3

Website Traffic Generation and Analysis Using Digital Marketing Principles: Group8Origami is a website created for origami enthusiasts with an aim to

understand the process of website & content creation and apply various strategies of Digital

Marketing to build the website traffic and analyze it accordingly.

The major focus of the project is on traffic building by Social Media Marketing (SMM).

The idea of creating a website which hosts origami videos for its audience arises from the core

competencies of the group members. The group contains diverse participants with different skills

enough to build a website. The group is characterized with people experienced in video

production and Instagram influencer marketing which was just enough to build a website on


The report will walk you through the journey of our 7-day website project with key focus

on customer acquisition and customer retention using tools like Google Analytics and other

business intelligence software for Social Media Marketing.

5C Analysis


The company Group8Origami though created as a project for academics, is created with

long-term goals. The founding members of Group8Origami created this website to best use their

key skills of video production and Instagram influencer marketing for customer acquisition and

customer retention.

The website provides origami videos for free for its audience. The short-term goal of the

company is to create brand awareness in its initial days of formation and long-term goals include

providing its customers with tutorial videos in the language of their choice and monetize the

Digital Marketing Project 4


The primary customers include origami enthusiasts. The website was developed with an

aim to create a hobby of origami to its viewers. Target customers include internet users who are

interested in learning a new hobby or who are open for learning new skills online.


The website is one of kind, with long-term goal of selling origami tutorials in language of

customer choice. As this business model is first of its kind, it has a first mover advantage.

Though there are websites and platforms like YouTube for free online tutorials, our website is

unique in terms of its product delivery in the language of its customer choice.


Google Analytics was used to track the website traffic and analyze the same. Social

media like WhatsApp and Instagram were used for website promotion.


Though the website has long-term goals of revenue generation, the context of the project

now is restrained to customer acquisition through Social Media Marketing and track the traffic to

practice difference digital marketing strategies for customer retention.

Problem, Alternatives and Evaluation Framework

Problem Statement

The current task is to analyze the website traffic using Google Analytics to strategize

plans for customer acquisition and customer retention.


The alternative to increase customer acquisition is by opting for paid promotions.

Considering the fact that the company is lacking funding, it is not advisable to go for paid

promotion at this time of business.

Digital Marketing Project 5


Race framework is used to evaluate the available alternatives. RACE is the acronym

formed of the four stages that define this model (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage). In the Reach

stage, the priority aim is to promote the brand; in the Act stage, the aim is to generate quality

interactions with the target; this is followed by the Convert stage, where these leads need to be

converted into buyers in order to conclude the sale, and finally the last stage, Engage, where

customer loyalty is generated and a long-term relationship is built. This model establishes a set

of general objectives from which new smaller targets will emerge which are simpler to attain,

measure, and control.

Insights from Google Analytics

There traffic data for analysis is taken from Google Analytics from 20th November 2019

to 27th November 2019. There was a total of 687 sessions as mentioned in the Table no. 1.

Table no. 1

Date Users Sessions

20th November 2019 16 17

21st November 2019 25 27

22nd November 2019 6 6

23rd November 2019 12 12

24th November 2019 433 433

25th November 2019 171 182

26th November 2019 4 6

27th November 2019 3 4

Total 647 687

Digital Marketing Project 6

Detailed insights of Number of sessions per user, Pageviews, Pages / Session, Average

session duration, Bounce rate and the geographic source of traffic narrowed down to cities of

India is given in the figure no. 2

Digital Marketing Project 7

Figure no. 2

Overview of traffic from Google analytics

Digital Marketing Project 8

Traffic generation

Traffic was generated through word-of-mouth publicity through WhatsApp and on 24th

and 25th of November influencer marketing (Instagram influencer) was used to promote the

website, which explains the distribution of traffic in the given dates.

Average session duration

The average session duration turns out to be 20 secs. Which implies that the audience are

watching the videos completely.

Bounce rate

The bounce rate is high 72.49%. Which can be attributed to the lack of focus on targeting

the potential customers.

Figure no. 2 gives the source of operating system used to view the website. Android

operating system is the most used among the operating systems which indicates a gap between

website and android app.

Figure no. 2

Traffic source by different operating systems

Digital Marketing Project 9

Evaluation of Alternatives

RACE framework

Table no. 2

Influencer Marketing Paid Promotions

Reach Reach is moderate Reach would be high

Act The response was great The response would be immense

Convert Very less conversion Uncertain about conversion

Engage Very less engagement Uncertain about the engagement

Table no. 2 attempts to evaluate alternatives using RACE framework. Keeping in view

the short-term goals of the company, it is best to stick with Influencer marketing for now given

the lack of funding.

Action Plan to Avoid Negatives

Customer Acquisition

The current method of promoting website is working well with respect to the cost

incurring to the company. It is advisable to continue with current strategy for customer


Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is very less and is reflected in the bounce rate. It is recommended

to use social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram to engage the audience.
Digital Marketing Project 10


The main aim of the project is to understand the process of website & content creation and apply

various strategies of Digital Marketing to build the website traffic and analyze it accordingly. It

is recommended that Group8Origami, dedicate more time on customer engagement to address

the bounce rate.

The short-term goal of traffic generation was attained and hence, it is advisable to work on the

long-term objectives as mentioned above.

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