Common Phytoplankton Key
Common Phytoplankton Key
Common Phytoplankton Key
Alexandrium spp. AL Gymnodinium spp. GY Gonyaulax spinifera GS Protoperidinium spp. PT Scripsiella spp. SC Cocinodiscus spp. CO Odontella spp. OD Larval Clam LC
Dinophysis norvegica DN Dinophysis acuminata DA Dinophysis tripos DT Asterionellopsis spp. AS Chaetoceros spp. CH Chaetoceros socialis CS Biddulphia spp. BD Rotifer spp. RO
Prorocentrum lima PL Prorocentrum micans PM Ceratium fusus CF Ceratium lineatum CL Ceratium longipes CP Dictyocha spp. DO Fragilaria spp. FR Pollen Grain PG
Pseudonitzschia PS Thalassionema spp. TA Thalassiosira spp. TL Nitzschia spp. NZ Skeletonema spp. SK Ditylum spp. DM Leptocylindrus spp. LP Crab Zoea CZ
Species Name CODE Rhizosolenia spp. RH Gyrosigma spp. GY Navicula spp. NV Melosira spp. ML Guinardia spp. GN Eucampia spp. EU Tintinnid spp. TN
(Guide to using key)
illustration of organism
Size Range ( in µm) 25-57 µm 110 - 175 µm 32-49 µm 10-50 µm 60 - 160 µm 10-33 µm Generally Large
Cupp, E.E. 1943. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America, University of California Berkeley
McConnaughey, B.H. 1970. Introduction to Marine Biology. C.V. Mosby St. Louis
Smith, D.L., 1997. A Guide to Marine and Coastal Plankton and Marine Invertebrate Larvae; Kendall/Hunt Dubuque.
Tomas, C.R. 1997. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton. Academic Press/Harcourt Brace San Diego. 20 50 75 100 200 400
van den Hoek, C., Mann D.G. & Jahns, H.M. 1993. Algae; an introduction to phycology. Cambridge University Press.
Relative Scale (in µm)