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Compulsory Subjects

1. English Essay 100

2. English (Precis and Composition) 100
3. General Science & Ability 100
4. Current Affairs 100
5. Pakistan Affairs 100
Islamic Studies OR Comparative Study of Major
6. 100
Religions (For Non Muslims)
Total Marks: 600

1=Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of
topics will be given. Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research based
knowledge on a selected topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical
treatment of the style of English Essay writing will be examined.

2=The examination in this subject will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks to Test
the candidate’s abilities to handle Precis Writing, Reading Comprehension, Sentence
Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.

I. Precis Writing (20 marks)

A careful selected passage with an orientation of generic understanding and enough
flexibility for compression shall be given for précising and suggesting an appropriate title.
Out of the total 20 marks allocated to this question, 15 shall go to précising the text and 5
to suggesting the title.

II. Reading Comprehension (20 marks)

A carefully selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline-
specific shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 4 marks.

III. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 marks)

Correct usage of Tense, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Phrasal Verbs,
Synonyms and Antonyms etc.

IV. Sentence Correction (10 marks)

The sentences shall be given each having a clear structural flaw in terms of grammar or
punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to rewrite them with really needed correction
only, without making unnecessary alterations. No two or more sentence should have
exactly the same problem, and 2-3 sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation

V. Grouping of Words (10 marks)

A random list of twenty words of moderate standard (neither very easy nor utterly
unfamiliar) shall be given, to be grouped by the candidates in pairs of those having similar
or opposite meaning, as may be clearly directed in the question.
VI. Pairs of Words (10 marks)
Ten pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with different meanings, generally
confused in communication, for bringing out the difference in meaning of any five of them
by first explaining them in parenthesis and then using them in sentences.

VII. Translation (10 marks)

Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition, significant terms and
figurative/idiomatic expressions shall be given, to be accurately translated into English.

Suggested Readings

Title Author
Raymond Murphy (Cambridge
1 English Grammar in Use
University Press).
2 Practical English Usage M.Swan (Oxford University Press).
H. Ramsey Flower & Jane Aaron
3 The Little, Brown Handbook (The Little, Brown & Co; Harper
R. Quirk & S. Greenbaum (ELBS;
4 A University English Grammar
5 Write Better, Speak Better Readers Digest Association.
6 Modern English in Action Henry Christ (D.C. Heath & Co.)


Current Affairs (COMPULSORY) (Marks- -100)

Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of history, politics and
International Affairs, as deemed necessary to interpret current affairs.

I. Pakistan's Domestic Affairs (20 marks)

 Political
 Economic
 Social

II. Pakistan's External Affairs (40 marks)

 Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia)

 Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia,
 Pakistan’s relations with the United States
 Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations (UN, SAARC,

III. Global Issues (40 marks)

 International Security
 International Political Economy
 Human Rights
 Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
 Population: world population trends, world population policies
 Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
 Global Energy Politics
 Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
 Nuclear Politics in South Asia
 International Trade (Doha Development Round and Bali Package)
 Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
 Millennium Development Goals, Current Status,
 Globalization
 Middle East Crisis
 Kashmir Issue
 Palestine Issue

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Suggested Readings

Title Author
1 Pakistan Foreign Policy 1947-2005: A Concise History, 2011 Abdul Sattar
2 Issue in Pakistan’s Economy, 2010 Akbar S. Zaidi
3 Pakistan: A Hard Country, 2012 Anatol Lieven
Baxter, Malik, Kennedy &
4 Government & Politics in South Asia, 6th ed., 2009
David Balaam & Bradford
5 Introduction to International Political Economy, 2010
Volker Rittberger,
6 International Organization (Second Edition) 2012 Bernhard Zangl and
Andress Kruck
7 The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times (2011) Mohamed Elbaradei
8 International Relations, 2012 Joshua Goldstein
9 World Politics: Trends & Transformation, 2011 Kegley & Blanton
10 Pakistan Beyond the Crisis, 2011 Maleeha Lodhi
11 Globalization in Question, 2009 Paul Hirst
International Political Economy: Interests & Institutions in the Global
12 Thomas Oatley
Economy, 2010
Andersen, Seibert, and
13 Politics and Change in the Middle East, 10th Ed., Pearson, 2012
Ahmed, V., Rashid
14 The Management of Pakistan's economy 1947 to 1982


Pakistan Affairs (Compulsory)


I. Ideology of Pakistan ----- definition and elucidation, historical aspects: Muslim rule in
the Sub-continent, its downfall and efforts for Renaissance. Movements for reforms --
Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed, Aligarh, Deoband,
Nadwah, and other educational institutions ------- Sindh Madrassah and Islamia College
Peshawae. Ideology of Pakistan in the light of Speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal
and Quaid i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

II. Land and people of Pakistan ------- Geography, Society, Natural resources,
Agriculture, Industry and education with reference to characteristics, trends and

III. Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus

IV. Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security; International Concerns

V. Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC,ECO,SCO) and the Role of Pakistan

VI. Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan

VII. Economic Challenges in Pakistan

VIII. Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors

IX. Pakistan’s Role in the Region

X. Palestine Issue

XI. Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of Pakistan

XII. Political Evolution Since 1971

XIII. Pakistan and US War on Terror

XIV. Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11

XV. Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan

XVI. Ethnic Issues and National Integration

XVII. Hydro Politics ; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context

XVIII. Pakistan’s National Interest

XIX. Challenges to Sovereignty

XX. Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects

XXI. Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors excluding India

XXII. Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947

XXIII. Kashmir Issue

XXIV. The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to Pakistan,
in the Post 2014 era.

XXV. Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements

XXVI. Economic Conditions of Pakistan, the Most Recent Economic Survey, the Previous
and Current Budgets, and the Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy.

XXVII. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional
Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts.

XXVIII. The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal with Them,
Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation

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Suggested Readings

Title Author
Federalism and Ethnic Conflict Regulation in India and Adeney, Katharine. , New York:
Pakistan Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Labor, Democratization and Development in India and Candland, Christopher, New York:
Pakistan Routledge, 2007
Perception, Politics and Security in South Asia: The Chari, P.R. at al, New York:
Compound Crisis in 1990 Routledge, 2003
Cohen Stephen P. et al. Washington:
4 The Future of Pakistan.
Brookings Institute Press, 2011
Hussian, Zahid. New York: I.B.Tauris,
5 Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with Militant Islam
Jalal, Aisha and Bose, Sugata. New
6 Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy
York: Routledge, 1998
Jalal, Aisha, Cambridge: Cambridge
7 Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia
University Press, 1995
Lyon, Peter. California: ABC-CLIO,
8 Conflict Between India and Pakistan: an Encyclopedia
Mass, Leslie Noyes. Plymouth:
9 Back to Pakistan: A Fifty Year Journey.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011
Judging the State: Courts and Constitutional Politics in Newberg, Paula R. Cambridge:
Pakistan Cambridge University Press, 1995
Qureshi, Atiff. London: Epic Press,
11 Pakistan: Manifest Destiny.
Riedel, Bruce. Deadly Embrace:
12 Pakistan, America, and the Future of Global Jihad Washington: Brookings Institute
Press, 2011
Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending Schofield, Victoria. New York:
War I.B.Tauria, 2003
Islamic Law and the Law of Armed Conflict: The Armed Shah, Niaz A. New York: Routledge,
Conflict in Pakistan 2011
Shaikh, Farzana. New York: Colombia
15 Making Sense of Pakistan.
University Press, 2009
Wynbrandt, James. New York:
16 A Brief History of Pakistan.
Infobase Publishing, 2009
Powering Pakistan: Meetings Pakistan Energy Needs in Robert M. Hathaway and Michael
21st Century Gugelman
Pakistan’s Energy Sector: From Crisis to Crisis -
18 Zaid Alahdad
Breaking the Chain

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