Using XML in Excel 2003
Using XML in Excel 2003
Using XML in Excel 2003
Everyone is saying that XML is the most important new feature in Office 2003. But,
unless you happen to be in a company with tons of XML schemas floating around, you
probably haven't been able to figure out how to duplicate that cool demo you saw
Microsoft do during the Office 2003 launch. For those of you who subscribe to Woody's
newsletter, you now realize that Woody is going to serialize the explanation of XML,
making us wait 4 weeks (or more) to get the whole story. So, before Woody can ever get
to the point, I am going to walk through a long tip explaining how to make full use of
XML in Office 2003.
Microsoft says that you can now store data as XML and easily re-purpose the data.
Open the same data file and it looks one way in Excel, open the data file and it looks
another way in Word. It is very powerful. We also have the fact that since Office 2003
considers XML to be a native file format, anyone with any programming language
can write native XML files. If you have QBasic or Rexx or anything, you can now
create XML Excel (ExcelML?) files on the fly.
We are now faced with a class system in Office 2003. Full XML support is not
available in these editions: (Codes in italics stand for where you can buy each:
R=Retail, P=Preinstalled with new Computer, V=Volume-Licensing, A=Academic
Licensing, S=School Resellers).
If you are unlucky enough to have one of the "lesser" versions of Office 2003, your
cheapest upgrade path might be to buy the retail box version of Excel. Unless you
work in a corporate environment, The only way to get InfoPath (the new tool that lets
you create forms and XML Schemas) is to buy the retail box version.
XML stands for Extensible markup language. If you've ever looked at the "View
Source" view of a webpage in Notepad, you are familiar with the structure of XML.
While HTML allows for certain tags, like TABLE, BODY, TR, TD, XML allows for any
tags. You can make up any sort of a tag to describe your data. Here is a screenshot of
some XML data that I typed into notepad:
Every bit of data has to start and end with an identical tag:
Tag names are case sensitive. <Customer> and </customer> are NOT valid tags
because the capitalization in the end tag is not the same as the capitalization in
the begin tag.
The XML file must begin and end with a root tag. There can only be one root
tag in a file. In the example above, the root tag is <TodaysOrders>.
You can have an empty tag - put the slash at the end of the tag instead of the
beginning: <TagName/>
If you nest tags, you must close the inner tag before closing the outer tag.
While HTML will allow this structure, <b>click <i>Cancel</b></i> this is not valid
in XML. <Item><a>data</a></Item> will work, but <Item><a>data</Item></a> will not.
Alphabet Soup: Three File Types
Here are the three files we will encounter when working with XML.
By far, the biggest hurdle is how to create the Schema file. You can open an XML file
in Excel but you can not do any transforms without a schema. Luckily, Excel will
create a default schema for you, but it is NOT obvious how to use the schema. Let's
walk through the steps.
1. Open a blank Notepad. Copy this data from below and paste it into Notepad.
Save the file as test.xml.
2. <TodaysOrders>
3. <SalesOrder>
4. <Customer>ABC Co</Customer>
5. <Address>123 Main</Address>
6. <City>Salem</City>
7. <State>OH</State>
8. <Zip>44460</Zip>
9. <ItemSKU>12345</ItemSKU>
10. <Quantity>100</Quantity>
11. <UnitPrice>10.50</UnitPrice>
12. </SalesOrder>
13. <SalesOrder>
16. <City>Akron</City>
17. <State>OH</State>
18. <Zip>44313</Zip>
19. <ItemSKU>23456</ItemSKU>
20. <Quantity>10</Quantity>
21. <UnitPrice>20.50</UnitPrice>
22. </SalesOrder>
23. </TodaysOrders>
24. In Excel, use File - Open. If the "Files of type:" box is set to All Microsoft Excel
files, you will see test.xml. Click Open.
25. You are first presented with the Open XML dialog box. Later, we will want to
use the powerful XML Source task pane, but we can not do that until we have
a valid schema. For right now, choose to open as an XML list.
26. Next - we get the information box that the XML does not have a schema. This
is a fantastic message - because Microsoft is now going to create a schema for
you on the fly.
27. Here is our data in Excel. It is pretty cool. They turn on the awesome new
Excel 2003 List feature (usual shortcut: Ctrl+L). With the List feature turned
on, we have autofilters on every column and an Access-like asterisk row for
adding new data.
28. Now - here is the undocumented trick. A tip of the hat to Microsoft's Excel
XML guru Chad Rothschiller for showing us this cool trick. Start the Visual
Basic Editor with Alt+F11. In the Visual Basic Editor, hit Ctrl+G to open the
immediate pane. In the immediate pane, type:
Remember the message in #4? Microsoft offered to build a schema on the fly
for us. This little bit of code above will print the schema. Click enter and the
schema will print in the immediate pane.
Open a blank notepad, copy the data from the immediate window and paste
into the blank notepad. You can now see the complete schema for our simple
You can now save the notepad file as TodaysOrders.xsd
32. You now get a blank worksheet, but the XML Source pane on the right lists all
of the available fields.
33. Choose the Options dropdown and select Preview data to see a sample of each
element in the task pane.
34. Add a nicely formatted title to your blank spreadsheet. Drag the Sales Order
element and drop it in cell B6.
35. If you don't see the list toolbar, choose View - Toolbars - List to show the
36. From the toolbar, select Refresh XML Data
37. The sample XML data that we typed above is added to the spreadsheet.
38. Save the workbook as a regular Excel file, perhaps called OrderReport.xls
If you can get your system to start writing out daily orders each day to Test.XML,
then you are all set. Open OrderReport.xls, refresh the XML data, and you will have
a nicely formatted report of your XML orders each day. This is pretty powerful - I set
up the formatting once, open the file each day, click Refresh and I have a nicely
formatted report with the data from the XML set.
Using Excel to Create XML Data
Can we use Excel to create new XML data? Now that we have a schema defined, yes
we can! To our existing spreadsheet, we can have our telephone order-takers add
new data to the Excel file throughout the day. At the end of the day, use File -
SaveAs. Choose to save is as type: XML Data.
Now that we've created a schema and data, let's open the data in Microsoft Word
2003. After opening TestAsData.xml in Word 2003, we get the default data view in
You can format this document:
Hit Ctrl+Shift+X to toggle the fields off:
The above example using Drag and Drop does not actually create a Transform. If you
create Transform files, you can easily transform the XML data into different views in
Word. This is where the real power comes in. Before I show you how to create your
own transform, let's walk through how Microsoft set up the demo in the Office 2003
To try this on your copy of Word 2003, download XML Sample Package. The zip file
3. Click the XML Schema Tab and select Add Schema...
4. Navigate to where you unzipped the sample files. Select Memo.xsd and click
5. In the Schema Settings dialog, give the schema a friendly name in the Alias
box. Maybe something like "Memo". Click OK.
At this point, Word is now aware of the memo schema. Next we have to make
Word 2003 aware of the Transforms. Note that Microsoft calls these
6. You still should be on the Templates and Add-ins dialog. Click Schema
7. In the Schema Library dialog, select Memo in the top listbox. This will enable
the button in the lower part of the dialog for "Add Solution...".
8. Click Add Solution button.
9. Navigate to the folder with your .xsl files. Choose Contemporary.xsl and click
10. In the Solution Settings dialog, give the transform file a friendly name, such as
"Contemporary". Click OK.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 to add Elegant.xsl and Professional.xsl. Click OK to
close the schema libary. Click OK to close Templates and Add-Ins.
At the Microsoft demo, all of these 11 steps were done behind the scenes. The
public walked in and we watched as they showed us these steps.
12. We are going to open SampleMemo.xml in Word. Here is the notepad view of
this file. It is plain XML data without any formatting.
13. From Word, open SampleMemo.xml. Behind the scenes, Microsoft scans the
XML file to find that this is data using the Memo schema. It looks in the
schema library to see if there is a match on the "memo" schema. When there is,
it finds all of the XSL solutions that we've added. Since we have three, Word
selects one to display, then offers us the others in the XML Document task
pane. This is very amazing.
Here is the XML data views Pane:
Here is the default view of the data (this is using the Elegant xsl).
Click on Data Only and you get just the data without formatting.
Click on Contemporary, and a few seconds later, you have a totally different
formatted view of the data:
14. You can show/hide the purple XML tags with Ctrl+Shift+X.
I can see the power. But so far, we've only used downloaded XSL files for someone
else's data. We really need a way to create an XSL file for our own data. Again, if you
work for a company who is XML-Rich, someone probably already has these
transforms set up. However, if you are the first person in your company to try the
XML stuff, then you have to go through the relatively painful task of setting up your
own transform files.
Here is how we are going to do this. First, I am going to create a fancy document in
Word that shows how I want to display the XML data. I will put in easy-to-find
placeholders where I want the XML fields to go. I will save this document as Word
XML. Then, using Notepad, I am going to edit the document, paste in some XSL
code, and save the file. This should create a custom XSL transform file.
3. I will open two notepad windows. One has Sales Order.xml and the other has
an existing elegant.xsl tranform code. (to be continued).