Warenkundehandbuch ENGL PDF
Warenkundehandbuch ENGL PDF
Warenkundehandbuch ENGL PDF
T H E C O M PA N Y 1
You can only give good advice to convey the most important
others, if you are well informed ground rules for successful cus-
yourself. This adage sounds as tomer relationship management
simple as it is truthful. to sales pro- fessionals as well
as entry-level employees.
has been publishing a Product The FABER-CASTELL Prod-
Knowledge Manual for a num- uct Knowledge Manual is avail-
ber of years, in order to impart able in printed format, bound
the required product knowledge in a folder, as well as in a Power-
to interested sales staff. Point presentation format and
as PDF files on CD-ROM.
In this new revised edition, the The FABER-CASTELL Prod-
fundamental information has uct Knowledge Manual can be
been summarised in the GEN- looked up in the internet-address
ERAL PRODUCT KNOWL- www.Faber-Castell.com/Ser-
EDGE section. Product-specific vice.
information, in conjunction with
selling propositions and argu- The FABER-CASTELL Mar-
ments that can be incorporated keting Team always welcomes
in the sales dialogue, make up suggestions for improvement
the FABER-CASTELL PROD- and related propositions. Please
UCT KNOWLEDGE section. contact the Marketing Services
department at FABER-CASTELL
Due to repeated request, an headquarters in Stein (+49-911-
additional chapter entitled “Ge- 99 65-480), if you believe that
neral selling performance – you are able make a constructive
THE GOOD SALESPER- contribution.
SON” has been added to
Product Knowledge. keting Team wishes you much
This chapter is success with FABER-CASTELL
ideally suited to Product Knowledge Manual.
Wilhelm at the early ages of future generations would always In 1905, Count Alexander laun-
three and four years. Wilhelm, have to integrate the name ches the famous green “CAS-
who suffered greatly from the “Faber” into the new family TELL” pencil range.
death of his sons, also dies pre- name. Thus the new family line
maturely in 1893 at the age of of “Count and Countess von
just 42 years. He leaves behind a Faber-Castell” comes into The new product logo of the
wife and three daughters. As a being by allowance of the “Tournament of the jousting
result, his father Lothar von Bavarian King as well as the Pencil Knights” is introduced
Faber must once more manage new company name “FABER- as a sign of a new high quality
the company until his death CASTELL”. beating all competition. These
in 1896. His widow, Baroness knights are once more integral
Ottilie von Faber, then inherits In 1900 Count Alexander Graf to the trademark today.
the “A. W. Faber” company and von Faber-Castell joins the man-
manages the company until the agement. At the end of Word War I the
turn of the century. FABER-CASTELL corpora-
In 1903, the foundation stone of tion in the US is expropriated
The 6 Generation –
the large “New Castle” is laid in and sold at auction. Similarly,
Alexander Graf von the sales & distribution com-
Faber-Castell panies in London, Paris and
(*1866–†1928) St. Petersburg are lost.
The 7th Generation – corporation, which had been The 8th Generation –
Roland Graf von Faber- expropriated in Word War I. Anton Wolfgang Graf
Castell (*1905–†1978) von Faber-Castell (*1941)
In 1960, a sales & distribution
company is once again estab-
lished in France.
celebrates the company’s 200th
anniversary with over 2,000
staff and guests.
In the mid-80’s, a globally 1993 sees the initial implemen- tion lines to manufacture wax
unprecedented reafforestation tation stage of a strategic “re- crayons and markers for school
project for wood pencil slats alignment” for the FABER- and office.
is established in South eastern CASTELL group of companies.
Brazil (2,500 km from the rain- The main focus is on a com-
forest). pletely revised brand image
and visual appearance which
is launched on a global scale
and provides the FABER-
CASTELL brand with adequate
brand value and appeal. Like-
wise, the newly designed pro-
duct range is clearly structured In 1998, FABER-CASTELL
according to five core compe- builds a production site for wood
tence areas. pencil slats in Costa Rica –
In 1990, FABER-CASTELL sets using FSC (Forest Stewardship
up a production site for wood- In 1994 Count von Faber-Castell Council) certified gmelina wood.
cased pencils in Indonesia. reacquires the US trademark Production of wood-cased pen-
rights that had been forfeited cils commences in 2002.
Throughout the 90’s, the Stein during World War I.
and Geroldsgrün factories are In 1999, FABER-CASTELL
modernised and restructured as In 1996, a new FABER-CAS- purchases the US company
state-of-the-art line production TELL sales & distribution com- “Creativity for Kids” in Cleve-
facilities. At the same time, the pany is established in New Jer- land (Ohio), the US market
company embarks on a new sey. Also in 1996, a logistics leader in Creative Sets.
design of the manufacturing centre for sales & distribution
areas, featuring a unique colour in Eastern European countries In March 2000, FABER-CAS-
concept. is established in the Czech TELL and the IG Metall trade
Republic. union jointly sign a comprehen-
sive and internationally binding
In 1997, FABER-CASTELL “Social Charter”, which com-
acquires a majority interest in plies with the guidelines of the
the “Technacril” company in International Labour Organisa-
Columbia, which produces tech- tion (ILO).
nical drawing instruments and
operates a sales & distribution In 2001, a production and pack-
organisation for FABER-CAS- aging centre is built in China
In 1992 FABER-CASTELL sets TELL products. (Canton), making it the 15th pro-
new global benchmarks in duction facility of the FABER-
pencil lacquering methods by Another sales & distribution CASTELL group.
introducing its environmentally company is founded in India
friendly water-based paint (Mumbai) in 1997, followed a In November 2002, FABER-
technology for wood-cased year later by a plant in Goa, ini- CASTELL opens a new factory
pencil production in Germany. tially producing erasers and sub- in Malaysia and erects the
sequently expanding its produc- world’s largest pencil (19.75 m).
Our quality speaks for itself –
in one universal language
In signing the “FABER- Its scope and internationally CASTELL employees world-
CASTELL Social Charter”, the binding nature make this Social wide.
Chairman of the Managing Charter one of the first volun-
Board, Anton W. Graf von Faber- tary agreements of its kind. It
Castell, wrote a new chapter in guarantees employment and la-
the company’s longstanding tra- bour conditions as required by
dition of social responsibility the International Labour Orga-
and accountability. nisation (ILO) to all FABER-
No child labour
association and of the right to ON 3 MARCH 2000
collective bargaining
Clearly defined
employment conditions
The quality hallmarks
of our brand
Success through products
with the “Point of Difference”
The classic dark-green company The knights theme dates back to
colour with the gold brand logo an old advertising poster de-
and the red colour for the signed at the turn of the century.
“Playing & Learning” field of It symbolises the brand’s vir-
competence respectively the tues, which correspond to those
blue colour for the product line of the knights: Strength, asser-
The FABER-CASTELL brand Creative Studio. tiveness, nobility of mind, fight-
image is essentially defined by ing spirit, continuity and the
the following elements: The so-called “stage” setting, preservation of traditions.
consisting of a rectangular
The unmistakable brand logo frame which is set below the The consistent application of
consisting of these three ele- logo on main title pages and the corporate design contributes
ments: FABER-CASTELL let- packagings and that may con- to its certain recognition and
tering, the “jousting knights” tain text as well as images. contributes to the strengthening
and the subtitle “since 1761”, of the brand FABER-CASTELL
the year of the company’s foun- The uniform typography and the mainly in international markets.
dation. high quality and precision of the
(product) illustrations explain
the high demands of the brand.
Strategic alignment of the
FABER-CASTELL product range
FABER-CASTELL develops, fined and core competence are- ducts included in its merchan-
produces, markets and distri- as tailored to specific target dise range. Through all its pro-
butes high-quality writing, groups. This is based on the duct areas, FABER-CASTELL
drawing, colouring and creative objective to attain the “Best of desires to be people’s compan-
design products in clearly de- its Class” rating for all the pro- ion for life.
2.5 Crayons
2.7 Charcoal
2.9 Leads
2.15 Erasers
2.16 Sharpeners
A brief journey through the history of
writing instruments
HISTORICAL “mantle” in order to be able to the “lead pencils” to “graphite
OVERVIEW hold the pencil properly and not pencils”, but the term “lead pen-
stain one’s fingers. The “lead cil” had become so entrenched
The “silver pencil” made from pencil” was born. The first in the general vernacular that it
lead and tin, as used by Albrecht wood casings with the leads still retains its original name
Dürer in the 15th century, can glued inside their core were today.
be regarded as the pencil’s pre- being manufactured by joiners
cursor. and cabinet-makers. From these The gradual shortage of English
beginnings, the craft of the pen- graphite from Borrowdale led to
The origin of the wood-cased cil-maker evolved to become attempts to reduce the required
pencil as we know it today dates increasingly specialised through- quantity by mixing it with addi-
back to the year 1565, when a out the 18th century. tives of other materials. In 1794,
greyish black shiny substance the Frenchman Nicholas-Jaques
was discovered in Borrowdale, PENCIL” FROM THE Conté discovered almost at the
in the Cumbrian Hills in Eng- same time as the Austrian Josef
land, and described as follows: Hardmuth, that by mixing gra-
“It feels greasy and leaves stains phite with clay it was possible
on one’s fingers”, but it was to produce leads with different
“ideal for writing and drawing”. degrees of hardness, which
would accommodate a variety
It was initially thought that the In 1789 the German-Swedish of applications and also pre-
newly discovered substance was chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele serve the graphite deposits.
a type of lead ore, as it closely was able to prove that the new
resembled that familiar material writing medium had nothing at In 1839 Lothar von Faber suc-
in its appearance and properties. all to do with lead, but that it ceeded in significantly improv-
was crystallised carbon. ing the graphite-clay mixing
10 years after Scheele’s disco- process. It was at that time that
very, the mineralogist Abraham the hardness grade scale was
Gottlob Werner named this mo- established, and it remains valid
dified carbon “graphite” (from today. (>Degree of hardness)
the Greek word “graphos” = to
write). Graphite is non-toxic,
can be extracted through mining
processes, is easily crushed, re-
latively soft and leaves a black
In order to be able to use the mark when used for drawing
extracted “lead” for writing pur- and sketching.
poses, it first had to be cut into
narrow, rectangular rods that Following Scheele’s discovery,
were encased in a wooden an attempt was made to rename
Graphite pencils (lead pencils)
Graphite pencils (lead pencils)
The ideal writing pencil (e.g. in CROSS-SECTIONAL It allows for a more comfortable
the office) has a medium degree PROFILE grasping of the pencil during
of hardness (so-called “HB”), use and also prevents the pencil
while the school student’s pencil Wood-cased pencils are pro- from rolling off the desk.
has a B hardness degree. duced and supplied worldwide
in predominantly three profiles. Triangular profile
FABER-CASTELL applies the During normal writing
following designations: Round profile posture, the pencil is
B = Black This shape is used principally in held by the thumb,
H = Hard offices for shorthand, as the index and middle
HB = Hard Black = medium round pencil is easily rotated in fingers. A trian-
hard the hand, thus preventing a sin- gular profile pencil provides a
F = Firm gle-sided blunting of larger area of contact for each of
the lead and reduc- the three fingers. This conforms
Degrees of hardness alternati- ing the frequency to human ergonomics and there-
vely expressed in numbers: of resharpening. fore results in a writing action
1 2 2 1/2 3 4 that is less tiring. Furthermore,
(2B) (B) (HB) (H) (2H) Owing to the easier rotatability such a pencil does not easily roll
of the round profile, the pencil off the desk.
requires a firmer grip. Corres-
pondingly, the hand will tire ear- ES” THE CORNER
lier after extended use. ANGLE PROFILE. IT
Hexagonal profile OUT DIFFICULTY.
mixing ratio
16 degrees of hardness
(from hard to soft) 6H 5H 4H 3H 2H H F HB B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B
Graphite pencils (lead pencils)
be easily sharpened with a nor- thus the more exquisite the pen- pencil lacquering methods by
mal pencil sharpener. cil’s appearance becomes. (For introducing its water-based
example, the Castell 9000 pen- paint technology.
cil by FABER-CASTELL has
LACQUERING six lacquer coats; Polychromos In water-based paint technology,
(“POLISHING”) and Albrecht Dürer Artists’ the chromophoric pigments are
colour pencils have up to eight dispersed in water. This means
The lacquering of the pencil is lacquer coats.) that, unlike in the case of ace-
designed to protect it from get- tone-based lacquer, no harmful
ting dirty or stained (e.g. through As children in particular tend to vapours are released during the
perspiration from the writer’s put pencils in their mouths, all drying process.
hand). But hygienic reasons also lacquers used by FABER-
play a role: Ten times as many CASTELL are absolutely safe
germs will accumulate on an toxicologically. All wood-cased
unlacquered as on a lacquered pencils made by FABER-
pencil. CASTELL comply with the
purity stipulations of the Euro-
During the lacquering process pean standard EN 71-3 of 1988,
the pencils are passed through a the so-called toys standard.
lacquer bath in a continuous
loop. This process is repeated Two different types of lacquer
several times. In order to are commonly used: acetone-
achieve a lasting lacquering fin- based and water-based lacquer. However, water-based paint
ish, several colour lacquer coats The consumer is unable to visu- requires heat for the drying
and finally up to three clear lac- ally distinguish the type of lac- process and thus necessitates
quer coats are applied. The fol- quer used. Durability as well as greater energy expenditure
lowing general rule applies: brilliance and lustre are identi- when compared to acetone-
The more lacquer coats are cal for both types. based lacquer.
applied to the pencil, the more
brilliant the lacquer colour and Water-based paint Dermatological studies show
In 1992, FABER-CASTELL that users of these pencils are
was the first manufacturer to not exposed to any health risks,
venture into water-based paint e. g. skin irritations.
technology. In using this
process, FABER-CASTELL has Knobbed soft-grip technology
replaced conventional acetone- From a technical point of view,
based lacquers with environ- the knobbed soft-grip technolo-
mentally friendly water emul- gy developed by FABER-
sions. FABER-CASTELL has CASTELL represents a raised
set new global benchmarks in (“convex”) structure composed
Graphite pencils (lead pencils)
WHAT MAKES A The lead must be firmly bonded “natural” origin. Moreover,
GOOD PENCIL? to the wood in order to prevent it wood is a renewable natural
from slipping out of the wood resource.
A pencil’s quality is influ- casing and to avoid tip breakage • A pencil writes in/under water,
enced by diverse factors: (e. g. during sharpening). in a vacuum and “upside
The wood used in manu- Owing to a lacquering process • Pencil writing is absolutely
facture should be as knot- involving several coats, the lac- non-toxic, because all ingredi-
free, long-fibred and uni- quer coverage is particularly ents used in manufacture con-
formly grown as possible good and uniform. This also sist of entirely safe substances
in order to ensure easy reduces the occurrence of pres- (clay, graphite, wood, water-
and neat sharpening of the sure marks and indentations. based lacquer).
manufactured pencil. • Pencils can even be used on
In addition to the above quality extremely cold and hot days,
A consistently uniform attributes, an attractive design as the lead does not react to
graphite/clay mixing ratio (lacquering, hot-foil stamping, temperature fluctuations.
guarantees the user the end trim) also contributes to • Pencils are always “ready-to-
same degree of hardness enhancing the writing pleasure. write” and can even be sharp-
for subsequent purchases. ened with a knife.
• Pencil quality has always been
The availability of a pen- ADVANTAGES OF THE consistently good over the
cil in a variety of degrees PENCIL years. (e. g. degrees of hard-
of hardness ensures con- ness).
sistent quality for varying Despite the introduction of ink
types of applications. writing instruments, traditional
lead-pencil writing has lost
The ingredients of the lead none of its fascination. This is
are crushed, finely ground and not least due to the many advan-
blended for a long period of time, tages of pencil writing:
resulting in an even lead stroke
without scratching. Additionally, • A pencil stroke is erasable and
the lead stroke should provide thus correctable.
good coverage and, depending on • Pencil writing is environmen-
paper quality and writing pres- tally friendly, since all materi-
sure, should be easy to erase. als used in manufacture are of
Graphite pencils (lead pencils)
pencil concept is available in
various price categories.
Colour pencils
Colour pencils
Being substantially softer, a co- PENCILS)
lour pencil lead must be sharp-
ened differently from a pencil Water-soluble colour pencils
lead. The tip of a brand new (watercolour pencils) expand
colour pencil initially appears to the spectrum of creative possi-
be just like a pencil tip. Only a bilities and are thus increasingly
closer inspection reveals a small popular. Water solubility is
LEAD GLUE BARREL additional tip. This is designed achieved by impregnating the
to prevent the lead from break- leads with an “emulsifier”
For the purpose of enhancing ing while the product is being (= water-soluble, wax-like sub-
breaking resistance, firm bond- delivered to the customer. (Is stance) instead of wax or grease.
ing of the colour pencil lead to used by FABER-CASTELL for
the wood is even more impor- the Polychromos and Albrecht
tant than in pencil manufactur- Dürer artists’ pens.)
ing. Besides, this is the only way
to prevent the lead from slipping
out of the wood casing and to
avoid tip breakage.
Cross-sectional profile
Just like wood-cased pencils,
wood-cased colour pencils are Some colour pencil leads (e. g. One way of working with these
available in round, hexagonal and pastel pencils) are so soft that a water-soluble colour pencils is
triangular profiles. (>Pencils) long tapered tip would keep to apply water to the painting
Colour pencils
insists on using selected natural
ingredients in the manufacture
of its artists’ colour pencils –
especially high grade colour
pigments of the highest purity
Crayons are supplied in tin
As far back as antiquity, wax – cases, carry cases and in indi- Blackboard chalk and street
particularly coloured beeswax – vidual colours. For better han- marking crayons consist pre-
was used as a painting medium. dling and protection against dominantly of natural calcium
In his works dating back almost colour-staining, special crayon sulphate or calcium carbonate
2000 years, the Roman writer
Plinius praised the eminent wax
art of the Greeks which was
later adopted by the Romans as
portrait art.
fillers (e. g. talcum), organic and colour painting, when the wax represented on the paper, the
inorganic pigments as well as painting is thinned or brush- structure graphically visualised.
emulsifying agents in the case painted with turpentine. By (“Frottage” is derived from the
of water-paintable crayons. using this technique, it is possi- French word “frotter” = to rub.)
ble to create soft bleeds and
blurred margins.
The product range and applica- It is difficult to subdivide cray- The degrees of hardness are
tion areas of artists’ crayons are ons into separate categories. We subdivided into uniform and
virtually unlimited. The same can roughly divide artists’ consistent increments. Graphite
applies to the crayons’ composi- crayons into graphite crayons, crayons are extremely light-fast
tion and manufacture. pastel crayons, so-called mono- and ageing resistant.
chrome crayons and special
The most important ingredients crayons like oil and aquarelle
of artists’ crayons are the colour crayons. GRAPHITE PURE
pigments, as their remarkable
colour purity ensures the co- Pencil-shaped graphite crayons
lours’ light-fastness, which is of GRAPHITE CRAYONS are called Graphite Pure. Gra-
great significance to artists. In phite Pure pencils consist of a
addition, artists’ crayons consist Like pencil leads, these crayons solid, thick lead and are not
of special binding agents and consist of a graphite/clay mix wood-cased.
fillers. and are available in several
degrees of hardness. The surface of Graphite Pure
High-quality crayons are char- has a synthetic coating to pro-
acterised by very finely ground Quick sketches and studies are tect the hands against staining.
raw materials and consistent the main application areas of
particle size. graphite crayons. Due to their
large diameter, they provide a
lush, rigorous stroke. If the
graphite crayon has no wrap-
ping or casing, its entire length
can be used to lay down the
colour on large surfaces.
PASTEL PENCILS style and the size of the motif. earth/soil. In contrast to pastel
Pastel pencils are designed as a crayons, they now contain inor-
Pencil-shaped pastel crayons are supplement for particularly ganic pigments (metallic oxides).
called pastel pencils. The crayon detailed work. The wood casing
is pressed into a lead shape and protects the fingers against There are two types of crayons,
subsequently dried. Pastel pen- staining. fired and unfired. Fired crayons
cils are ideal for detail, fine are harder and more brittle. The
lines and hatching. colour pigments are not easily
MONOCHROME rubbed into the paper and must
Just like pastel crayons, they CRAYONS AND PENCILS therefore be fixed. On the other
smudge easily and must be hand, special binding agents
fixed. The term “monochrome” means provide the unfired crayons with
“non-colour” painting. It in- a soft and ductile consistency.
The decision whether to use cludes all important colours and The pigments are thus rubbed
pastel crayons in their tradition- shades for working in the con- into the paper, however, fixing
al crayon or wood-cased pencil trast areas light-dark or black- should be dispensed with. Many
form depends on the artist’s white. colour shades are available for
both the fired (colour shade
Monochrome crayons include variant with a rougher charac-
red chalk, sepia, umber and man- ter) and the unfired (original
ganese brown crayons or even colour shade) versions.
white and also black crayons.
These crayons are either grease-
free or grease-based. Grease-
free crayons can be wiped or
smudged relatively easily and
are wet-paintable. The colour is
deposited rather loosely on the
Monochrome crayons are essen- drawing surface and should
tially designed like pastel always be fixed.
crayons. They are particularly
rich in light-fast pigments and Grease-based crayons have a
have few binding agents. stronger paper adhesion due to
their oil and wax based binding
The colour range is limited to agent. They have a ductile
earthy tones and shades. Origi- stroke with a satin-finish sur-
nally the colours were made face. They are also more diffi-
from earth colours: White was cult to wipe or smudge, only
blended from limestone, black partially erasable but do not
from charcoal and brown from necessarily have to be fixed.
Artist’s crayons
FABER-CASTELL pencils are studies. There are various gra- The relatively ductile stroke can
distinguishable as grease-free or duations, from English Red to be water-painted, wiped, smud-
grease-based by virtue of their the violet-like Red Brown. The ged or brightened with plasticine.
design: Grease-free pencils have red chalk colour does not exist
an end trim and grease-based as such. OIL CRAYONS
pencils have an end cap.
The basis for red chalk is a fine Oil crayons consist of inorganic
The decision whether to use clay that contains iron oxide and and/or organic pigments, fatty
monochrome crayons in their is processed into leads after acid derivates, oils and waxes as
traditional crayon or wood- being pulverised. well as fillers.
cased pencil form depends on
the artist’s style and the size of Sepia
the motif. Monochrome pencils Sepia was originally
are designed as a supplement a liquid drawing co-
for particularly detailed work. lour. Today, this dark
The wood casing protects the brown colour is
fingers against staining. made from synthetic
dyes. Sepia colour
Red chalk shades are mostly
Red chalk can be described as used for portrait and
the classical drawing material. nude studies as well
as landscapes.
White crayons
White crayons
are irreplace-
able for work-
ing on tinted
or black paper Oil crayons adhere to almost all
as well as for surfaces, even smooth ones. No
brightening red fixing is required. They are
chalk motifs and water-resistant, paintable with
charcoal draw- turpentine or benzene but not
ings. water-paintable. They can be
partially smudged when dry.
Black crayons The colours provide good cover-
A common shade is a deep and Black crayons age, are deep and rich and have
rich adobe colour hue, particu- are available in a very soft, intensive and
larly used for nude drawings and various degrees smooth colour stroke quality
portraits as well as for body of hardness. with lustreless to matt or satin-
Artist’s crayons
DRAWING CHARCOAL charcoal is the darkest, deepest removed with an eraser brush or
black ever made by man. plasticine.
Drawing charcoal is made syn-
thetically from a fine mixture of It is used for working on large
carbon black (soot), charcoal areas. Charcoal lines are easily
and clay with an admixture wiped or smudged with a finger,
of binding agents. Depending stump (estompe), brush or cloth.
on the mix of these compo- It can only be removed with
nents, degrees of hardness from plasticine. Fixing is unavoid-
“extra soft” to “extra hard” are able!
achieved. These various degrees
of hardness allow finely nuan- Drawing charcoal is available in
ced graduations from the bright- two versions: Round rod-shaped
est grey to the darkest black. drawing charcoal is very well
suited for working on large
areas, while charcoal pencils
with an additional wood-casing
are particularly suited for fine,
detailed work.
Wood-charcoal sticks are partic-
Wood-charcoal sticks are one of ularly suited for studying pur-
humanity’s oldest drawing me- poses, sketches and are often
diums. It is made from soft and, used for preparatory drawings in
to the extent possible, resin-free oil painting because of the ease
wood (e. g. lime-tree wood, with which they are removed.
hazelnut wood or birchwood For this purpose the charcoal on
rods). The twigs and branches the canvass is tap-dusted with a
are heated under the exclusion cloth. Hardly any perceptible
of air, until they are thoroughly patterns remain.
carbonised. Wood-charcoal has
Drawing charcoal is pressed a bluish stroke that is easily Natural wood-charcoal sticks
into the relevant shape and wiped and corrected. are available as round rods in
fired. It is characterised by a diameters of approx. 3 to 14 mm
soft stroke and a lush, rich glid- The extremely brittle material for large-surface work or in
ing action on paper. An out- adheres only lightly to paper. wood-cased pencil form for
standing feature of drawing Therefore the lines can easily be fine, detailed work.
Mechanical pencils
Mechanical pencils are defined good quality result as the pencil weight now causes it to
as pencils holding a lead inside can no longer be held properly. drop down out of or into
a barrel by means of a clamping the pencil, depending on
mechanism. Releasing the clam- FABER-CASTELL had already whether the tip is point-
ping mechanism by pressing or solved this problem in the 40’s ing up or down.
twisting the pencil results in the with the introduction of the so-
lead dropping or being trans- called TK clutch pencils, which Releasing the push-
ported towards the tip. used leads of a similar thick- button reclamps the lead.
ness to conventional wood-cased
pencils. (Incidentally, the TK The barrels of propelling
trademark registered by FABER- pencils made by German
CASTELL represents the Ger- manufacturers contain
man initials for the main user predominantly recyclable
groups of technicians [Tech- plastics and metals. It is
niker] and artists [Künstler].) not customary to use
ADVERTISING POSTER FROM THE 60’S In the 60’s a new manufacturing
process made it possible to The thicker leads of most clutch
Depending on the thickness of develop the extremely fine, yet pencils have the same composi-
the lead or the release mode of break-resistant, polymer leads tion as those of wood-cased
the clamping mechanism, me- that resulted in the introduction pencils and colour pencils, but
chanical pencils are divided into of fine-point pencils. are somewhat shorter.
clutch pencils, fine-point pen-
cils and propelling pencils. Special sharpeners have been
CLUTCH PENCILS developed for sharpening the
leads of clutch pencils. Some
HISTORICAL Functional principle and pencil models are equipped with
OVERVIEW technical design a small sharpener integrated in
A lead is housed inside a syn- the push-button.
A pencil has the disadvantage thetic barrel and is retained by a
that its length continues to clamping chuck. Advantages of the clutch
decrease with increasing use. pencil
When working on high-quality By pressing the push-button, the In comparison with a wood-
drawings, it thus becomes in- clamping chuck is opened and cased pencil that is sharpened
creasingly difficult to achieve a releases the lead. The lead’s own and becomes ever shorter, a
Mechanical pencils
clutch pencil retains a consistent Extremely fine and compara- push-button is pulled off
length and is always comfort- tively break-resistant special the upper end of the pen-
able when held in one’s hand. leads, so-called polymer leads, cil and the opening of
are used in fine-lead pencils. the lead sleeve can
The lead can be worn down sub- The barrel of the pencil contains be cleaned from
stantially further than a pencil a storage tube for refill leads, the tip with the
and is thus almost completely which can usually be filled at cleaning needle.
utilised. the upper end. It is recommend-
ed not to load the pencil with Many fine-lead pencils have an
Clutch pencils are mechanically more than three refill leads, as eraser (replacements can usually
simple and therefore very robust. the leads may otherwise get be purchased) at the upper end,
jammed and fail to slide into the which is either firmly attached
lead slide mechanism. to the push-
Fine-lead pencils are available pencil top or
The design structure of fine- for lead diameters of 0.35 mm, screwed in
lead pencils is similar to that of 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm and 1.00 mm. and out like a
clutch pencils. They also feature They are colour-coded in accor- lipstick.
a clamping chuck which retains dance with the DIN 6775 stan-
the lead. dard. Yellow stands for a line Market research has shown that
width of 0.35 mm, brown for 0.5 many people do not like to write
However, in addition to the mm, blue for 0.7 mm and with a fine-lead pencil, because
clamping mechanism they also orange for 1.00 mm. the most common lead diameter
have a spring-loaded push me- of 0.5 mm tends to break very
chanism. When pressing the Lead diameters and lengths are easily. FABER-CASTELL there-
push-button, not only is the lead designated by DIN ISO 9177-2. fore introduced the 0.7 mm lead
released but it is simultaneously for breakproof writing and res-
advanced a short distance. This After some time, lead residues timulated the sales of fine-point
mechanism is called a feed may collect in the clamping pencils. In many writing pen-
mechanism. In some models the chuck and block the feed mech- cils, the lead is also cushioned
feed mechanism is activated anism. Therefore many models in order to reduce the breakage
automatically, when the pencil are equipped with a cleaning risk.
is lifted off the paper. (>Lead needle, which is usually at-
slide mechanism) tached at the push-button. The
Mechanical pencils
Fine-lead pencils are available “pocket-safe” transport of the These pencils are prima-
with different lead holder types: pencil. rily designed for writing
and sketching. They are
Fixed lead slide mechanism not suitable for technical
The lead tube is in a fixed drawing.
mounting. Prior to drawing or
writing the lead must be The lead sleeve in a
advanced through the lead slide-back lead slide me-
sleeve by pressing the push-but- chanism system can also
ton once. This provides a writ- be resiliently mounted.
ing output of about 2 metres This is called “Cushion
without the need to re-activate Point”.
the push-button.
Automatic feed mech-
These pencils are particularly anism
suitable for technical drawing Slide-back lead slide With this function the
with rulers, templates and sten- mechanism push-button needs to be
cils. In this system the lead tube is pressed only once and
mounted resiliently (“sliding the lead is automatically
pipe”). This makes writing more advanced.
comfortable and the lead more
breakproof. Because of the The light pressure exert-
slide-back action of the lead ed on the lead by the
tube during writing, this system virtue of the writing
provides a longer writing output action causes it to move within
without the need to re-activate the lead sleeve and slide a little
the push-button when compared towards the tip, so that there is
with the fixed lead slide mecha- always a small amount of lead
nism. protruding from the lead sleeve
Fixed and retractable lead and available for writing.
slide mechanism
This lead slide mechanism sys- The advantages of the auto-
tem is functionally identical to matic feed mechanism include
the fixed lead slide mechanism comfortable handling and the
but has the advantage that the fact that the lead hardly ever
sleeve can be fully inserted into breaks, thus reducing lead
the barrel by simultaneously wastage.
pressing the push button and
pushing the sleeve onto the
paper. This system ensures a
Mechanical pencils
Functional principle
and technical design
Inside the barrel of the multifunc-
tion pen are a ballpoint pen lead
and a scaled-down version of a
retractable pencil mechanism.
Pencil leads consist of the fol-
lowing basic ingredients:
• Graphite
• Clay
• Grease/wax impregnation
The advantages of The filler used is predominantly Like other colour leads they are
polymer leads kaolin (porcelain clay), a miner- not fired and therefore do not
Compared with pencil leads, al named after the Kaolin moun- reach the high breaking strength
polymer leads are more break- tain in China. values of the polymer fine-lead
proof and can therefore be made leads.
significantly thinner. Sharpe- The impregnating agents do not
ning is thus no longer necessary. only increase the strength and
gliding quality of the lead, but
Polymer leads provide very also ensure a uniform stroke
good coverage and produce dark laydown during writing and
black, lush lines of uniform drawing.
Leads with a water-resistant
Their stroke is soft and easily stroke contain grease/wax mix-
erasable. tures as impregnating agents.
Liquid-ink writing instruments BALLPOINT PENS It was only in 1938 that the
are defined as pens, where the Hungarian Biró succeeded in
writing fluid is transported via a Historical overview manufacturing a suitable oil-
feeder system to the tip and sub- Even before the turn of the 20th based paste and register a patent
sequently deposited onto the century several ideas had for the ballpoint pen we know
writing surface. cropped up on how to simplify today.
and decrease the cost of the
unwieldy fountain pen by using In 1946, the ballpoint pen set off
a ballpoint tip. In 1910, Michael on its victory tour around the
Baura from Munich obtained world from South America,
the earliest ballpoint pen patent where Biró had emigrated for
for his “writing instrument with political reasons. Today, far
a rolling tip”. However, the more than a billion ballpoint
inventors at that time were not pens are manufactured each
able to come up with a solution year.
of the main problem, namely
producing an appropriate ink. Functional principle
Ballpoint pens are available as
disposable (ballpoint stick pens)
utensils and as classical ball-
The different types of liquid point pens with refills.
writing media include highly
viscous pastes, inks of lower At the lower end of the lead, a
viscosity and gels. ball is set in rotary motion
through the writing movement.
An ink feeder is either an
absorptive reservoir or a storage
receptacle with a pressure-com-
pensating regulator.
In doing so, it takes up paste ball through overpressure. Various international standards
from the lead and deposits it These leads can be used for provide the basis for testing the
onto the paper. writing in space or under water, indelible writing qualities of
and even for overhead writing. pastes and inks. (Ballpoint pen
Technical design paste: ISO 127 57-2, Ballpoint
The barrels of ballpoint pens are The design of ballpoint pens pen liquid ink: ISO 14145-2)
made of either metal or plastic allows them to be used with
and usually contain a replace- strong writing pressure and
able lead. The lead tubes are makes them ideal for filling in
made of plastic (mostly trans- carbon copy forms.
parent or coloured polypropy-
lene) or brass (or nickel silver). Ballpoint pen ink pastes
The multi-coloured ballpoint In order to comply with these
At the tip the ball rolls inside a pen ink pastes are highly vis- standards, the paste or ink must
ball socket and is supplied with cous (thick like honey) solu- demonstrate unerasability, etha-
the ink-paste via minuscule tions. They consist of synthetic nol resistance, hydrochloric acid
grooves (so-called paste chan- dyestuffs, synthetic resins and resistance, ammonia resistance,
nels). As the ball provides clo- organic solvents (e. g. phenoxy bleaching resistance, water re-
sure of the lead at the tip, no cap ethanol and propandiol). sistance and light-fastness with-
or other device is required to in prescribed test parameters as
prevent the lead from drying well as guarantee a certain writ-
out. Ballpoint pens are ready to TECHNICAL REQUIRE- ing behaviour. Only then can a
write immediately after placing MENTS FOR PASTE paste or ink be called indelible
them on the paper. INKS AND LIQUID INKS (“document-proof ”).
Ball and ball socket are ar- Indelible writing For the purpose of achieving
ranged in a highly precise fash- The paste must be indelible this indelible writing status, cer-
ion. Variations in the diameter (safe for archiving and forgery- tain highly resistant colourants
of the ball must be less than a proof) if the ballpoint pen is to (colour pigments or dyestuffs)
hundredth of a millimetre. be used in the various areas of can be admixed to the paste.
official documentation and
The lead is sealed at the upper (cash) accounting. The indelible Refill leads bearing the ISO
end in order to prevent the paste writing requirements also in- logo thus possess a high writing
from leaking. clude light-fastness, so that legi- quality and are suitable for
bility can be ensured in the long indelible writing purposes.
Special leads exist, where the term.
ink paste is pressed against the Water resistance
Lines are water-resistant if they
remain visually close to un-
changed and are not perceptibly
Paste-ink pens
dissolved after applying a water • Ballpoint pens can be used and ink rollers. The secret of gel
droplet. with strong writing pressure, ink pens lies in their advanta-
making them suitable for fill- geous and special writing quali-
ing in carbon copy forms. ties: gel is a particular writing
• The stroke of a ballpoint pen medium that combines the
is in most cases indelible, i.e. advantages of ballpoint pen ink
it cannot be erased. pastes and roller ball inks.
• Ballpoint pens boast a very
long writing length. During writing, the ball is set in
rotary motion in the tip, just as
with ballpoint pens. The rotating
GEL INK PENS ball takes up gel from the lead
tube and deposits it onto the
The water resistance of the paste Historical overview paper.
or ink is achieved by the use of Although the “ballpoint pen
water-resistant pigments or the with gel ink” technology dates A prerequisite for the gel ink
addition of fixing resins. back to 1993, it did not for a pen’s mode of operation is the
long time play a significant role fact that the writing gels liquefy
ISO 12757-2 standard provides in the international market. (= decreased viscosity) under
the basis for testing the water the influence of mechanical
resistance of pastes and ISO However, consumers gradually force, e. g. the ball’s rotational
14145-2 for inks. Refill leads discovered the benefits of gel motion during writing, and
bearing the ISO logo are ink pens, i. e. a pleasantly fluid “resolidify” after the cessation
endorsed for indelible writing. writing action and substantial of the mechanical force.
coverage even on dark paper. (Thixotropy: derived from the
The advantages of the This, however, only applies to Greek “thixomai” = I will touch,
ballpoint pen certain colours. Gel ink pens and “tropé” = change, metamor-
• The ballpoint pen retains a made it possible to write in gold phosis)
consistent length and is thus and silver.
always comfortable when held Particularly attractive for the
in one’s hand. Functional principle user are the metallic gels that
• Ballpoint pens do not need to From a technical point of view, are especially suited for strik-
be sharpened and thus maintain gel ink pens can be classified as ingly effectual writing on dark
a consistent line width during a step between ballpoint pens paper.
Paste-ink pens
Technical design ink pens. It contains a “TC” Some gel ink pens have a spe-
The mechanical de- (tungsten carbide) ball and pro- cial feature that prevents stain-
sign of gel ink pens is vides a pleasantly smooth writ- ing one’s clothes when placing
very similar to a ball- ing action. As with ballpoint the pen inside a pocket. The
point pen. pens, the diameter of the ball retractable system responsible
affects the stroke width and for moving the lead back into
The gel is generally writing action. the barrel is actuated by lifting
located inside a cylin- the clip slightly to insert the pen
drical, mostly trans- Gel ink pens are available as into one’s pocket.
parent plastic tube (the disposable pens as well as with
lead), which is also refills. Advantages of the gel ink pen
frequently housed in a Gel ink pens are available in
transparent casing. There are “cap-less” pens with a many diverse colours. Most
retractable system like that of colours can be written on dark
The lead is sealed ballpoint pens, or pens with or even on very light-coloured
towards the upper end clip-on caps. surfaces. Some colours are also
by means of a silicon indelible.
“piston-plug”. This
piston plug sits direct- Gel ink pens provide a smooth
ly on top of the gel and and pleasant writing action.
moves down along the
refill towards the tip at The gel does not run or spread
the same pace as the even on absorptive paper.
gel in front of it gets
used up. The ink level is easily monitored
through a transparent barrel and
Thanks to the high viscosity of lead tube.
the gel, there is no need for a
compensating regulator to Most gel ink pens are refillable
ensure that the ball receives the and thus represent a reusable
correct quantity of gel at any writing utensil for environmen-
given time. tally aware purchasers!
Liquid-ink based writing instru- It becomes apparent that the all types of fibre pens, from
ments use two different types of fluid in the tube with the smaller children’s products to fibre pens
ink feed systems: The absorptive diameter rises higher than in the for artists, right through to
reservoir or storage system and tube with the larger diameter. marking pens and text high-
the direct filling system, the lat- lighters.
ter also known as the “free-ink-
system” or “direct-ink-system”. Pen tips in absorptive
reservoir systems
Various alternative designs are
ABSORPTIVE used in the tips of absorptive
RESERVOIR SYSTEM reservoir systems.
nantly on the paper surface. by consumers due to their provides an agreeable writing
Smudging and/or permeating of smooth sliding writing action. action.
the gel is thus generally not an
issue. Functional principle and As the ink roller can dry out
technical design quickly, it is necessary to always
Furthermore, pigments have the From a technical point of view, recap it during non-use periods
advantage of not colour-fading the ink roller combines the or to equip it with a cartridge-
as readily as dyes when exposed advantages of the ballpoint pen retracting mechanism that also
to UV light – for the most part, and fountain pen. The roller tip seals the tip.
they are more light-resistant. is made of metal and able to
withstand extreme loads, thus In addition, ink roller cartridges
Moreover, gels can also be lus- allowing intense writing pres- have a considerably shorter wri-
trous, fluorescent or indelible. sure e. g. for carbon copies. At ting length than, for instance,
the same time, the even ink flow ballpoint pens.
Due to their higher viscosity
gels have a stronger propensity It is recommended to advise
for drop formation (blots or customers of this aspect or even
blobs) than inks. offer a spare refill at the time of
The metallic ingredients of the
metallic colour gels tend to sed-
iment, i. e. they accumulate after
extended “tip down” storage,
resulting in a non-homogenous
colour release.
Historical overview
The ink roller was invented in
Japan in the early 80’s and was
soon enthusiastically accepted
Markers and highlighters
TEXT HIGHLIGHTERS After uncapping, the Textliner is Textliner must be replaced with
inserted into specially designed a new one.
These are markers for brightly ink-pot. The content (30 ml) is
highlighting text passages. They sufficient for at least 8 refills.
can be universally used on all OHP MARKERS
different types of paper.
Originally developed for writing
The FABER-CASTELL Text- on overhead transparencies,
liner 48 offers a particularly OHP markers (FABER-CAS-
environmentally friendly refill- TELL Multimark) are enjoying
ing system that assists in signif- increasing popularity as a pen for
icantly reducing plastics waste writing on all smooth surfaces.
in large organisations.
The millions of CDs that are
burnt and need to be labelled
For the refill process, too, the have especially boosted the
capillary effect is utilised. The demand for this type of pens.
ink automatically rises from the
ink-pot through the capillaries
of the tip into the Textliner and
can be used again soon after-
wards. Overfilling the Textliner
is not possible as it only accepts
as much ink as has been deplet-
ed from its reservoir.
Paint markers are drying process, the applied Valve system handling
suited for water-re- paint becomes a wipe-resistant Shake marker with cap closed
sistant writing, paint- and water-resistant or perma- prior to use, open cap, pump and
ing and marking on nent adhesion on many dark, begin to write on an absorbent
nearly all materials. transparent or smooth back- surface to prevent blotting.
grounds like paper, cardboard, Write until the tip is empty,
They are predomi- papermaché, wood, glass, stone, prior to renewed pumping.
nantly used in the ceramics, plaster/gypsum, can-
private domain (hob- dles, metal, plastics, synthetics, Environment and
by, greeting & con- cork and rubber. Paint markers waste disposal
gratulatory cards are also heat-resistant. They The waste disposal of empty
etc.), but also in in- provide very substantial cover- paint markers should occur as
dustry and in storage age due to their high pigment with other hazardous waste or
management (mark- content. The appearance of the by returning them to the manu-
ing on dark back- writing is characterised by sharp facturer. In most cases, it is just
grounds). outlines, and the light-fastness about impossible to remove
is very good. Paint markers are stains on textiles.
Essential low in odour.
ingredients Presentation, packaging
Paint markers contain The ink consists of large, Paint markers are available in
a water-resistant ink densely grouped pigment parti- many colours as well as metallic
with a high pigment cles designed to achieve good colours and white, in different
content that provides coverage. Paint markers can sizes and barrel diameters, with
a lacquer-like cover- therefore not be based on the different tips (fine, medium,
age. Metal powders capillary effect principle. Paint wide, calligraphy tips) for creat-
are used as pigments markers contain their ink direct- ing various stroke widths. They
to create gold and ly inside the barrel and the ink are available as disposable items
silver shades. Further flow is regulated via a valve as well as with a refill cartridge
components are water system. system. With many paint mark-
or organic solvents ers, foil seals guarantee the
as well as binding The paint is applied directly unused condition of the product.
agents. with the marker. No brushes or In many cases the writing tips
similar utensils are required. are replaceable, even in dispos-
Properties, quality attributes Valve system: Pressure on the able markers.
Paint applications of paint tip opens a valve and releases
markers dry quickly. The drying ink from the tank (these models
times depend on the quantity of do not have an ink reservoir) to
applied paint, the surface and the tip, which is thus soaked
the solvent contained in the from the inside through to the
paint marker ink. Following the outside.
Technical drawing instruments
Technical drawing is also the ruler (4), which has a mil-
referred to as the “language of limetre scale.
sight”. Language is our most
important means of commu- On a drawing board (5) the
nication, but not always the ruler ensures parallel guidance.
most suitable when precise fac-
tual situations need to be For drawing lines at certain
expressed. angles set squares (6) are used.
(2) They are commonly available
Technical drawing represents a with 45° and 60°/30° angles.
“language” that can be learnt to
illustrate objects, functions or A goniometer (7) should be
arrangements unambiguously part of the basic equipment for
and clearly. On the basis of drawing any type of angle.
those drawings, the object can
(5) be reproduced at any time or For drawing in exercise books,
tools be produced for manufac- so-called geometry set squares
turing the object. (8) of various designs and sizes
are available.
Admittedly, in the computer era,
technical drawing does not play Circles, curves and segmen-
the same role as in the past. tations are carried out with a
(7) However, the rules for putting solidly built pair of compasses
technical drawings on paper (9).
continue to apply today.
Ink drawing pens (10) serve to
(4) (8)
Paper (1) is the receiving medi- further develop and refine the
um for a sketch or a drawing. pencil draft.
ing inks, fine-lead pencils and It was only in the 17th century Functional principle and
clutch pencils, (special) erasers, that the first slate-pencil-like technical design
drawing boards, drawing tem- shanks with attached steel nibs These precision drawing uten-
plates and set squares. appeared, to be later replaced by sils have a relatively complex
the ruling pen for technical design due to their various
Historical overview drawing. However, working applications.
Drawing ink and associated with this drawing instrument
writing utensils are ancient tools had considerable disadvantages, They essentially consist of plas-
of humans for drawing or writ- especially for the inexperienced. tics like PP, PE, ABS and POM.
ing. Drawing ink was invented
in ancient China as long as The by no means straightfor- The drawing tip casing, adjusting
5,000 years ago. It consisted of ward instilling of drops of ink filament wire, wire weight and
oil, soot, glue and various tinc- between the tongues of the nib other parts critical for function
tures, but their exact composi- had to be frequently repeated and precision are made of metal.
tion was a strictly guarded during the drawing process.
secret. Ink drawing pens are available
The development of tubular with a refill reservoir or dispos-
The Chinese also invented the writing instruments began in the able refill cartridges.
brush as a writing and drawing 30’s. The first stylographic ink
utensil. In our part of the world, pen with a tubular system was Drawing inks ensure that draw-
following numerous develop- launched under the name of ink ings can be archived for long
mental stages, the so-called biro. The system was continually periods. In the case of water-
“writing tube” (reed quill) was improved. Further developments based drawing ink, the light-
used until the early middle ages, and technical improvements fastness required for archival
a thin bamboo tube fashioned in eventually made it possible to purposes is assured by appropri-
the shape of the later feather fill the pen with drawing ink for ate pigments. (black: Carbon
quills and split at the tip. technical drawing purposes. black)
TECHNICAL LINER Soon after the war the idea was Drawing boards must be tor-
PENS thus born to develop a lighter sion-proof and dimensionally
drawing board (A4) made of stable in order to guarantee pre-
Technical liner pens are avail- densified particle board, which cise drawings.
able for various line widths. The allowed the paper to be fastened
composition of technical liner by a wooden strip with clamping They essentially consist of plas-
pens is similar to that of the screws instead of adhesive tics (PS, PAN, POM, PA and
Fineliner and its inks. strips. others). Fittings and clamping
components are also made of
Advances in plastics engineer- plastic.
ing were accompanied by con-
tinuing developments of this The drawing surface is light-
principle, until the relatively coloured, scratch-proof and
primitive wooden board was resistant against compass punc-
transformed into a plastic ver- tures. Guide grooves and rails
sion which did away with most on all four sides enable the pre-
DRAWING BOARDS of the board’s drawbacks for the cise sliding of the parallel draft-
DIN A4 and DIN A3 formats. ing arm with a single-handed
The classical drawing base for lock and release mechanism for
all types of technical drawings use during drawing.
was the wooden drawing board
in various standard formats. Good sliding action between
board and drafting arm ensure
A T-square was used as an aid effortless handling and posi-
when drawing on these boards. tioning.
Adhesive strips were mainly
used to fix the drawing paper on Most drawing boards are made
the board. Some manifest flaws of impact-resistant plastic and
of this utensil, which was con- are resistant against compass
sidered old-fashioned by many, punctures.
were always considered to be a
nuisance, particularly for train- Functional principle and The board size is designed in
ing purposes: technical design such a way that even untrimmed
Drawing boards allow the fixing DIN formats can be used with-
• Unwieldiness and heavy of paper in such a way that it out any problems.
weight during transport does not slip. Parallel sliding
• Method of fixing the drawing rulers as well as drafting heads A releasable sheet tensioning
paper with adjustable angles facilitate rail and a sheet clamp facilitate
• Transport of the awkwardly the precise drawing of parallel the easy insertion and removal
shaped and bulky T-square lines and angled lines. of drawing paper while ensuring
Technical drawing instruments
a secure and damage-free fit of Important quality attributes in- Compass head
the paper. clude: The compass head allows the
user to control the movement of
The dual guide design achieves the compass legs in a precise
a smooth, even gliding of the manner. Different design mod-
parallel ruler. Non-slip rubber els are available. The most com-
feet ensure firm positioning on mon ones are:
the work surface. • Friction head system
• Spring-bow head system
COMPASSES (conventional)
Series “P” precision drawing TEMPLATES & Their special properties are:
instruments for professional STENCILS, RULERS, • high-contrast
use SET SQUARES • fast-drying
• Extension neck diameter of • water-resistant
4.0 mm (11.5 mm neck length) Templates & stencils, rulers, set • erasure-proof against lead
• Extension neck diameter ex- squares are made from plastics, pencil erasers (free of abrasive
ception: 3.5 mm (8.5 mm metals or wood. material)
neck length) • lightfast
Precision drawing instruments • can be used in reprography
are designed in accordance with
the most stringent requirements In addition to the above, colour
in relation to performance, qual- inks and foil inks as well as
ity and durability and are thus Templates etching inks for uncoated glass-
predominantly suited for profes- are used to clear foils are available.
sional applications. achieve the posi-
tionally faithful and
The use of the extension bar undistorted transfer of DRAWING SURFACE
extends the operational radius graphic characters and sym- MEDIA (PAPER, FOIL
by up to approx. 150 mm. The bols onto a surface, usually ETC.)
extension bar can be attached to with the aid of a technical draw-
all compasses with an extension ing pen. They are generally Drawing paper
neck diameter of 4 mm. made of PMMA, PP, PS and cel- The principal components of
lulose compounds. drawing paper are cellulose with
Compass needles additives such as glue, fillers
Depending on the size of the In addition to rulers and set and dyestuffs as well as water.
compass, thickness of the leg squares, there are trim rulers de-
profiles and type of bushing, the signed with steel edges. Drawing foil (polyester film)
needle diameters Drawing foils generally consist
range from 1 to 2 of a glass-clear polyester carrier
mm. Irrespective DRAWING INK film, an adhesion promoter, a
of the thickness, lacquer/pigment coating and a
there are essen- Drawing inks are available in var- lacquer topcoat.
tially four model ious compositions adapted to the
types. respective drawing surface media
(paper, foil etc.). The principal WRITING STENCILS
Compass leads components are: water, carbon
With oblique or black and shellac. For technical Writing stencils are important
round tip; 20 mm drawing purposes, black drawing implements for writing and let-
long; Grade of inks are predominantly used. tering on technical drawings in
hardness: 2H particular. The graphic charac-
Technical drawing instruments
HISTORICAL FUNCTIONAL so-called plantation rubber is
OVERVIEW PRINCIPLE extracted in large plantations in
a way that ensures the economi-
The “first” eraser was most During the erasing motion, small cal use of resources.
probably used by an Italian particles (so-called “crumbs” or
painter who advised his students shavings) are abraded and fill
in the 16th century to wipe out up (“saturate”) with graphite,
pencil strokes with bread. Then thus effecting the cleaning
in 1770 the British naturalist process. Each erasing motion AND COLOUR PENCILS
accurate name remains with us tracted from the latex milk (sap)
today. of a tropical tree (Hevea brasi- The rubber milk, which is called
liensis) of the Amazon region as latex, is extracted by cutting V-
Rubber is still being referred to so-called “wild caoutchouc”. shaped grooves into the bark of
as Indian Rubber, however, the the tree. The latex milk is exud-
term has somewhat more credi- Since the end of the 19th cen- ed in drops and collected in
bility now, as the rubber comes tury, this Brazilian tree has also receptacles attached to the tree
from East Asia. been cultivated in Asia, where trunks. The yield is collected
daily. The latex milk consists of into an elastic material that is to the rubber, enabling the eras-
one third of rubber, in which fat rubber. Through this process, er to scrape off a thin paper
droplets deposit like cream at also known as vulcanisation, the layer.
the top and separate from the rubber is changed from a plastic
latex serum. to an elastic state. How to erase correctly
When cleaning large areas of
Composition of latex Quartz powder graphite, particularly several
65–70 % water and other fillers such as chalk lines of writing or areas filled
25–30 % natural rubber and pumice powder, depending with strokes, even the best eras-
1–2 % protein on the eraser’s application pur- er may begin to “smudge”. This
1 % minerals pose. is due to the fact that an attempt
was made to clean too fast and
Colour the eraser particles had to
of the eraser is determined by absorb too much graphite.
various colourants. Lithopone is
COLOUR PENCILS AND INK used for white erasers, while red The eraser can fulfil its task
erasers contain Chinese vermil- only when the erasing motions
The viscous rubber mass is ion or iron oxide and antimony are done in a way that there is a
sheeted out with great quantities red (antimony (V) sulphide). balanced proportion between
of water, cleaned and pressed Additionally, ultramarine blue, the graphite-free and graphite-
into large bales. The drying zinc white (crude zinc oxide) containing areas. The eraser
process of the latex crêpes is and many others are used. must not be “oversaturated”!
also accelerated by heat (open
fire). This results in a darker The eraser’s hardness is deter- Erasing parallel to the stroke:
colouring of the rubber mass. mined by the mixing ratio of the The area becomes unclean and
various raw materials. A high the erasing process is needlessly
Factice factice content makes for soft delayed!
Factice is a whitish-yellow sub- erasers, while hard erasers con-
stance extracted from rape-seed tain a high proportion of sulphur Erasing obliquely to the stroke:
oil. Factice is the most impor- and filler. By employing this “piecemeal”
tant ingredient of the eraser, as erasing mode a rapid and
it is the substance that absorbs Soft erasers are used where the impeccable cleaning result is
the graphite (i. e. it is the erasing colour mark to be erased achieved!
material). adheres only to the paper sur-
face (pencil and colour pencil
Sulphur strokes). Hard erasers are used
By admixing sulphur and heat- to remove strokes that have pen-
ing the mixture under pressure etrated further into the paper. In
to 140 –160° C, the kneadable this case an abrasive medium
and sticky rubber mass turns (e. g. quartz powder) is admixed INCORRECT
Since pencil leads and colour receptacle for shavings and lead SHARPENERS FOR
pencil leads will wear in the dust. Due to their larger shape, PENCILS AND
course of being used and their they have the added advantage COLOUR PENCILS
radius will thus steadily increase, of being especially comfortable
they need to be constantly re- when held in one’s hand. Pencil tip
sharpened to ensure precise When looking at a sharpened
drawing or legible writing. Sharpening machines pencil, we see a long tapered tip.
Sharpening machines are ideal- The tip can be used for writing
Specialised sharpeners exist for ly suited for conveniently sharp- or drawing fine lines for quite
the various types of pencils and ening larger quantities of wood- some time, until it becomes
leads, from the plain manual cased pencils Most have ad- blunt and requires resharpening.
sharpener (with or without sha- justable settings for different
vings receptacle) to sophisticat- sharpening requirements. The
ed sharpening machines. pencil is held and inserted into
the sharpener by means of a
Manual sharpeners chuck mechanism; the actual
They are used for sharpening sharpening action is achieved by Being substantially softer, a
wood-cased pencils and colour manually rotating the handle. colour pencil lead must be
pencils. Manual sharpeners are Many sharpening machines are sharpened differently from a
made of plastic or light metal equipped with a handscrew (harder) pencil lead. The tip of a
(magnesium) and are dimen- clamp which makes it possible brand new colour pencil initially
sioned to adapt to the miscella- to attach them to a desk. appears to be just like a pencil
neous diameters and pencil pro- tip. Only a closer inspection
files. The problem-free use of pen- reveals a small additional tip.
cils and leads depends to a cer- This is designed to prevent the
tain extent on the quality of the lead from breaking while the
sharpener. For example, softer product is being delivered to the
pencils and leads should be customer. (Is used by FABER-
shaped into a somewhat blun- CASTELL for the Polychromos
ter tip. and Albrecht Dürer artists’
Blunted cutters and knives
(manual sharpeners) wear out
after a while and must be re-
Tub sharpeners placed without undue delay.
(= manual sharpeners with a
shavings receptacle)
Tub sharpeners have proven
very useful as appliances com- Some colour pencil leads (e. g.
bining a sharpener with a small pastel pencils) are so soft that a
a partner
work colleagues
I don’t know.
That’s useless.
I’m on my break.
Customer file