Which of the following is not one of the major categories of The report on a review of financial statements should
auditors’ services? contain all of the following basic elements except:
Question 4. Question 9.
Subject matter and subject matter information of an A responsible party does each of the following except:
assurance engagement can take all the following forms
a. Determines the subject matter.
b. Selects the audit procedures.
a. Financial performance or conditions. c. Engages the practitioner.
b. Litigation planning. d. Selects criteria.
c. Physical characteristics.
Question 10.
d. Non-financial performance or conditions.
The characteristics for assessing whether criteria are
Question 5.
suitable are all the following except:
What is the type of assurance engagement that has as its
a. Understandability.
subject matter non-historical financial information?
b. Neutrality.
a. Prospective financial information. c. International acceptance.
b. Review of financial statements. d. Reliability.
c. Special purpose engagement.
d. Agreed-upon procedures.
Question 11. Question 20.
Sufficiency of evidence The audit firm must establish, maintain, document and
communicate to their personnel a system of quality control
a. The measure of the quantity of evidence.
that includes policies and procedures that address each of
b. Evidence which is material.
the following elements except:
c. The measure of the quality of evidence.
d. Evidence which is adequate. a. Public relations.
b. Engagement performance.
Question 12.
c. Human resources.
In a limited assurance engagement, the practitioner: d. Monitoring.
Question 13.
a. conditions.
b. All of the above.
Question 18.
Question 19.
An assurance report: