Organizational Behavior - Model Questions
Organizational Behavior - Model Questions
Organizational Behavior - Model Questions
a. Rightsizing
b. Downsizing
c. Outsourcing
d. Lay-off
Answer- b
c. Subcontractors
d. Freelancers
Answer- a
3. Liaison role is to make contacts with the outside world for the benefit of the
organization. [True/False]
Answer- True
4. Interpersonal skills involve the abilities to send and receive information and to convey
and understand thoughts, feeling and attitudes. [True/False]
Answer- False
5. ________ is the process by which people filter out most stimuli so that they can deal
with the most important ones.
a. Perception
b. Perceptual selection
c. Perceptual organization
d. Perceptual interpretation
Answer- b
a. Halo effect
b. Stereotyping
c. Projection
d. Expectancy effects
Answer- b
a. Planning
b. Selection
c. Organization
d. Interpretation
Answer- a
a. Operant Conditioning
b. Classical Conditioning
c. Cognitive Learning
d. Programmed Learning
Answer- b
Answer- b
10. _____________ practice of learning consists of providing gaps in the practice sessions.
a. Part method
b. Whole method
c. Massed method
d. Distributed method
Answer- d
a. Conscientiousness
b. Extraversion
c. Expressed behaviour
d. Inclusion
Answer- b
12. _____________aims to expand the worker’s job to include the tasks which were
previously performed by other workers:
a. Job enrichment
b. Job enlargement
c. Job rotation
d. Task variety
Answer- b
13. Gain sharing is a type of
a. Individual reward
b. Team reward
c. Organizational reward
d. None
Answer- b
14. The tendency for individuals to exert less effort while working in a group, as compared
to when they are working alone is called-
a. Groupthink
b. Risky shift
c. Social loafing
d. None of above
Answer- c
15. The decisions that are routine and repetitive decisions and are normally handled by
bureaucratic procedures are
a. Organizational decisions
b. Programmed decisions
c. Routine decisions
Answer- b
16. ______________ is the point at which team members become aware of the problem.
a. Felt conflict
b. Perceived conflict
c. Manifest conflict
d. Latent conflict
Answer- b
17. __________ conflict occurs when two persons’ attitudes, behaviour, and actions are in
a. Interpersonal conflict
b. Intragroup conflict
c. Intrapersonal conflict
d. Intergroup conflict
Answer- a
18. When the output of two parties is also the input of each other, it is termed
a. Reciprocal interdependence
b. Sequential interdependence
c. Pooled interdependence
Answer- a
a. Physiological
b. Psychological
c. Behavioural
d. None
Answer- c
d. All
Answer- d