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Intro to Stochastic Geometry & Point Processes

Marco Di Renzo
Paris-Saclay University
Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S) – UMR8506
CNRS – CentraleSupelec – University Paris-Sud
Paris, France
H2020-MCSA [email protected]

Course on Random Graphs and Wireless Commun. Networks

Oriel College, Oxford University, UK, Sep. 5-6, 2016
This Lecture: Tools for System-Level Modeling & Analysis

 What is stochastic geometry ?

 What are point processes ?
 Why are they useful in communications ?
 Basic definitions
 Poisson point processes
 How to compute sums over point processes
 How to compute products over point processes
 Transformations of point processes (displacement, marking, thinning)
 Palm theory, Palm distribution, conditioning
 Packages for analyzing spatial point processes (spatstat in R)
 Some books

 Part II: Motivating, validating and applying all this to cellular networks
What is Stochastic Geometry ?
 Stochastic geometry is the area of mathematical
research that is aimed to provide suitable mathematical
models and appropriate statistical methods to study and
analyze random spatial patterns.

 Random point patterns or point processes are the most

basic and important of such objects, hence point
process theory is often considered to be the main sub-
field of stochastic geometry.

 Random spatial patterns are more general than random

point patterns. For example, one can model shapes in
multiple dimensions (random shape theory).
What is a Random Point Process ?
 A random (spatial) point process is a set of locations,
distributed within a designated region and presumed to
have been generated by some form of stochastic

 A realization of a spatial point process is termed spatial

point pattern, which is a countable collection of points
or dataset giving the observed locations of things or
events (in a given dimensional space, e.g., in 2-D).

 The easiest way to visualize a 2-D point pattern is a

map of the locations, which is simply a scatterplot but
with the provision that the axes are equally scaled.




Locations of 493 cellular base stations (5 km square area in central London)

Examples…Beyond “Points”
O2 + Vodafone O2 Vodafone
Number of BSs 319 183 136
Number of rooftop BSs 95 62 33
Number of outdoor BSs 224 121 103
Average cell radius (m) 63.1771 83.4122 96.7577

Examples…Beyond “Points” (zoom in)

What Stochastic Geometry is Useful For ?
 Stochastic geometry is a rich branch of applied probability with
several applications: material science, image analysis, stereology,
astronomy, biology, forestry, geology, communications, etc.

 Stochastic geometry provides answers to questions such as:

 How can one describe a (random) collection of points in one,
two, or higher dimensions ?
 How can one derive statistical properties of such a collection
of points ?
 How can one calculate statistical averages over all the possible
realizations of such a random collection ?
 How can one condition on having a point at a fixed location ?
 Given an empirical set of points, which statistical model is
likely to produce this point set ?
… In Communications…?
 Point processes are used to model the (spatial) locations
of nodes (users, wireless terminals, base stations,
access points, etc.) in (wireless) networks.

 Point process models permit statements about entire

classes of (wireless) networks, instead of just about one
specific configuration of the network.

 In some cases, distributions of relevant performance

metrics over the point process can be calculated, in
others, spatial averaging is performed, which yields
expected values of certain performance metrics (e.g.,
the likelihood of transmission success).
On (Complete) Spatial Randomness…

Uniform Random Clustered

What is a Point Process ? – Mathematical Definition

A point process is a countable random collection of points that reside

in some measure space, usually the Euclidean space  d .
For simplicity, we often consider d  2.

1. A point process is denoted by 
2. An instance (realization) of the point process is denoted by 
3. The number of points of a point process in the set A   2 is
denoted by   A 

What is a Point Process ? – Mathematical Definition

Let  be the set of all sequences    2 satisfying

1. (Finite) Any bounded set A   2 contains a finite number of points
2. (Simple) xi  x j if i  j

A point process in  2 is a random variable taking values in the space 

What is a Point Process ? – Mathematical Definition

A point process can be described by using two formalisms:

1. Random set formalism
2. Random measure formalism

Random set formalism

The point process is ragarded as a countable random set    x1 , x2 ,...   2
consisting of random variables xi   2 as its elements.

Random measure formalism

The point process is characterized by counting the number of points falling
in sets A   2 , i.e.,   A  . Hence   A  is a random variable that assumes
non-negative interger values.    is called (random) counting measure.
Starting Point: Point Process with a Single Point

Single - Point Point Processes

1. Contains only one random point
2. The random point x is uniformly
distributed in a bounded set A

Thus, let B  A, one has

  x  B 
where A denotes the area of A.

Binomial Point Process (BPP)

A BPP on a bounded set A  A   

is the superposition of Ν independent
and uniformly distributed points on
the set A.

Let B  A, then:     B   k 

 N B   B
k Nk

     1  
 k   A   A 

Equivalent Point Processes: Void Probability
Given two point processes, is there any simple approach to prove
whether they are equivalent ?

Void Probability
Let a point process . Its void probabilities over all bounded
sets A are defined as     A   0  for A   2 .

Equivalent point processes

1. A simple point process is determined by its void probabilities.
2. Two simple point processes are equivalent if they have the
same void probability distributions for all bounded sets.
Stationarity, Isotropy, Motion-Invariance

Let a point process  =  xn  .  is said to be stationary if the translated
point process  x =  xn  x has the same distribution as  for every x   2 .

Let a point process  =  xn  .  is said to be isotropic if the rotated point
process r = rxn  has the same distribution as  for every rotation r
about the origin.

Motion - Invariant
A point process is motion-invariant if it is stationary and isotropic.
Stationarity and Intensity Measure

Density  Intensity  Measure

Let a stationary point process . Its density is defined as follows:
   A 
 for every A   2

1. The density does not depend on the particular choice of the set A
2. Stationarity implies that the density is constant
3. The converse is, in general, not true: a constant density does not
imply stationarity
Stationary (Homogeneous) Poisson Point Process (PPP)
 The most widely used model for the spatial locations of nodes
 Most amicable for mathematical analysis
 Considered the “Gaussian of point processes”

 No dependence between node

 Random number of nodes
 Defined on the entire plane
(limiting case of a BPP)

Homogeneous PPP: Formal Definition
A stationary point process  of density  is PPP if:

1. The number of points in any bounded set

A   2 has a Poisson distribution with
mean  A , i.e.

    A   k 
  A
exp   A 


2. The number of points in disjoint sets are

independent, i.e., for every A   2 and
B   2 with A  B  ,   A  and
  B  are independent

A homogeneous PPP is completely charaterized by a single number  23

Is the Density of a Homogeneous PPP Equal to λ ?
Proof :
Let  be a homogeneous PPP and A   2 . Then:

   A
k     A  k  
 A  exp   A 
 k
1 
1 

A A k 0 A k 0 k!
exp   A    A exp   A    A
 
k k
 
 k  k
A k 0 k! A k 1 k!
exp   A   A  exp   A   A 
 A    A  
k 1 n
 
 
A  k  1! A n!
exp   A 
k 1 n 0

  A  exp   A   

Note: The result does not depend on the set A, as expected. 24

BPP vs. Homogeneous PPP
Let  be a homogeneous PPP and A   2 . Conditioned on   A  , i.e., the number
of points in A, the points themselves are independently and uniformly distributed in
A. In other words, conditioned on   A  , the points constitute a BPP in A.

Proof : Consider the void probability of K  A   2 . Let K  A \ K .

    K   0    A  k 

   K   0   A  k       A  k  A, Φ(A)=k

 K   0 K  k        K   0    K   k 
    A  k      A  k 

   A k  
 
  K 
exp   A   exp   K   
1 k

 exp  K 
 k!  k!
   

 
  
 A 
 
  K 
exp   A   exp  A  K
1 k

 exp  K 

 
 k!     k !
   

AK  K 
k k

    1    void probability of a BPP in A

 A  25
BPP vs. Homogeneous PPP: How to Simulate a PPP

How to simulate a homogeneous PPP of density  on A    L, L  ?


1. The number of points in the set A is a Poisson random variable with mean  A .
2. Conditioned on the number of points, the points are distributed as a BPP.

How to simulated it in Matlab ?

N  poissrnd   A 
Points  unifrnd   L, L, N , 2 

Inhomogeneous PPP – Just a Glimpse…

In homogeneous PPPs, the mean number of points per unit area does not
vary over space, i.e., they have a constant density measure .

In several applications of interest, it may make sense to consider point processes

with a location-dependent intensity function:   x  . Its interpretation is as follows:
  x  dx is the infinitesimal probability that there is a point of  in a region of
infinitesimal area dx located at x   2 .

The intensity measure of inhomogeneous PPPs is defined as follows:

  A      x  dx for any bounded set A

Inhomogeneous PPP – Just a Glimpse…
An inhomogeneous point process  of intensity function   x  is PPP if:

1. The number of points in any bounded set

A   2 has a Poisson distribution with
mean   A      x  dx, i.e.

   A

    A   k  exp    A 


2. The number of points in disjoint sets are

independent, i.e., for every A   2 and
B   2 with A  B  ,   A and
  B  are independent
Inhomogeneous PPP – Just a Glimpse…

How to simulate an inhomogeneous PPP of intensity function   x  on A    L, L  ?


1. Assume that the intensity function is bounded by  * , i.e.,   x    * .

2. Generate a homogeneous PPP of density  * on A.
3. Sample the obtained random point pattern by deleting each point independently
of the others with probability equal to 1    x   * .

Note: The sampling can be performed with the aid of an independent sequence
 u1 , u2 ,... of random numbers uniformly distributed over 0,1. More
precisely the point xk is deleted if uk    xk   * .

Voronoi Cell and Voronoi Tessellation: Definitions
Voronoi Cell
The Voronoi cell V  x  of a point x of a general
point process  consists of the locations whose
distance to x is not greater than their distance
from any other point of  :
V  x    y  2 : x  y  z  y z   \  x
  y  2 : x  y  y   

Voronoi Tessellation
The Voronoi tessellation or Voronoi diagram
of  is the decomposition of the space into
the Voronoi cells of . 30
Void Probability of PPP – First Contact Distribution
Distribution of the distance of the nearest point to the origin
Let  be a homogeneous PPP of density  . The Complementary
Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the distance D of
the nearest point of  to the origin is:
CCDFD  r     D  r   exp   r 2 

The Probability Density Function (PDF) of D is:

PDFD  r   2 r exp   r 2 

Proof :
Let B  o, r  be the ball of center the origin "o" and radius "r". Then:

CCDFD  r     D  r     B  o, r  is empty      B  o, r    0 
 
 exp  B  o, r   exp   r 2  31
Sums over PPPs: The Campbell Theorem
Campbell Theorem
Let  be a PPP of density  and f  x  :  2    . Then:

   f  x      f  x  dx
 
 x  2

Proof :
The proof is made of two parts:
1. First, we compute the expectation by conditioning on an area of radius R
and on the number of points that fall in this finite area.
2. Then, we remove the conditioning with respect to the number of points
and let the area go to infinity.

Rationale: Given a finite area, by conditioning on the number of points falling

into it, the points are independent and uniformly distributed in that
area, i.e., they constitute a BPP by definition of PPP. 32
Sums over PPPs: The Campbell Theorem
Detailed Proof :
Let B  o, R  be the ball of radius R centered at the origin and n    B  o, R   be the number
of points in B  o, R  . Then:
  
   f  x    lim    f  x    lim   n   \ n   f  x  n    B  o, R   
    
  
 x  R    x B o , R  
R 
   x B o , R  
 
 \ n   f  x  n    B  o, R     n  f  x
B  o, R 
 x B o , R   B o , R 
 
 n n  f  x   n n  f  x 
1 1
dx 
   
 B o , R  B o , R  Bo, R  B o , R

= B  o, R   f  x 
B  o, R 
B o , R 

= 
B o, R 
f  x  dx

    
   f  x    lim    f  x    lim   f  x  dx     f  x  dx
  
 x  R    x B o , R   R   B o , R   2 33
Products over PPPs: Probability Generating Functional
Probability Generating Functional (PGFL)
Let  be a PPP of density  and f  x  :  2   0,1 be a real value function. Then:

  f  x    exp    1  f  x   dx 
   
 x   
 2 

Proof :
The proof is made of two parts:
1. First, we compute the expectation by conditioning on an area of radius R
and on the number of points that fall in this finite area.
2. Then, we remove the conditioning with respect to the number of points
and let the area go to infinity.

Rationale: Given a finite area, by conditioning on the number of points falling

into it, the points are independent and uniformly distributed in that
area, i.e., they constitute a BPP by definition of PPP. 34
Products over PPPs: Probability Generating Functional
Detailed Proof :
Let B  o, R  be the ball of radius R centered at the origin and n    B  o, R   be the number
of points in B  o, R  . Then:
      
  f  x    lim     f  x    lim  n  \ n   f  x  n    B  o, R   
  
 x  R    x B o, R   R     x B o , R  
   
 \ n   f  x  n    B  o, R       f  x
dx 
 x B  o , R    B o , R  B  o, R  
    
 

 n   f  x      f  x dx     B  o, R    n
n n
 1 1
dx  

 B  o , R  B     n0  Bo,R 
o , R   B   
o, R

  B  o, R  
 
 
   f  x
n n

exp  B  o, R 

dx 

n 0 B o , R  B  o , R  
 n!

 
 
 exp  B  o, R  exp   B  o, R   f  x
dx 

 B o , R  B  o, R  

 
   
 exp  B  o, R  exp    f  x  dx   exp    1  f  x   dx 
 B o , R    B o , R  
   
      
f  x    lim     f  x    lim exp    1  f  x   dx    exp    1  f  x   dx 
 
 
  
 x  R    x B o, R   B o , R    
     2  35
R 
Sums and Products over Inhomogeneous PPPs

Campbell Theorem
Let  be a PPP of intensity function   x  , i.e.,   dx  =  x  dx and f  x  :  2    . Then:

   f  x     f  x    dx    f  x    x  dx
 
 x  2 2

Proof : The same as for the homogeneous case.

Probability Generating Functional (PGFL)

Let  be a PPP of intensity funtion   x  , i.e.,   dx  =  x  dx and f  x  :  2   0,1 be a real
value function. Then:

  f  x    exp    1  f  x     dx    exp    1  f  x     x  dx 
     
 x   2   2 
     
Proof : The same as for the homogeneous case.

Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP

Definition : A probability measure is a real-valued function defined on a set of

events in a probability space that satisfies measure properties, i.e., it returns
values in  0,1 and satisfies the countable additivity property.

Random Transformations of Point Processes

Let a point process  on  d . Let Ap be a bounded set in  p . Let p  x, Ap  be a

probability kernel from  d to  for every x   d of , i.e., a probability


measure on  p .  p on  is called the transformed point process of  by the

d dp

 
probability kernel p  x, Ap    x p  Ap  , where x p  
is a point of  p ,
i.e., the transformed version of x according to the probability kernel.

Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP

In other words,  p is obtained by randomly and independently displacing each

point of  on  d to some new locations on  according to the kernel p  x, Ap  ,

which denotes the probability that the displaced version of x (i.e., x p ) lies in Ap .

Displacement Theorem  Independent displacements preserve the Poissonness

If  is a PPP of intensity measure   dx  =  x  dx, then  p is a PPP of
intensity measure  p  dx  equal to:
 p  Ap    p  x, A    dx      x
p p 
 Ap    dx 

 x  l p  x   Ap    x  dx  1  l  x     x  dx
d d

 p Ap p

Note: 1 Ap  l p  x    1 if l p  x   Ap and 1 Ap  l p  x    0 otherwise

d d

Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP
x p  l p  x  , l p   :  2  

 p  0, y    1   l  x     x  dx    1   l  r ,      r ,  rdrd
 2

0, y p 0, y p
2 0 0

  l  r ,   r and   r ,      2  10, y   r   rdr  2

 y1 


rdr   y 2 
0 0

A homogeneous PPP in 2-D is transformed into an inhomogeneous PPP in 1-D

Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP
x p  l p  x  , l p   :  2  

 p  0, y    1   l  x     x  dx    1   l  r ,     r ,  rdrd
 2

0, y p 0, y p

  l  r ,   r T and   r ,    and  T  t   CDFT  t  

2 0 0


 r    yT  
 2 T   10, y   T  rdr   2 T   rdr 
 

 0 T    0 
  T  yT  2
   y 2  T T 2   40
Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP

Proof :
Consider the summation S   x  f  x p  for any measurable function f   .

Consider the (rather general) displacement x p  l p  x, Tx  , where x   and

p p

Tx are independent distributed random variables (that, however, may depend

on x) whose distribution is  Tx  t   CDFTx  t  .

If  p was a PPP, from the PGFL theorem, we would have:

 exp   S    exp    f  x p        exp  f  x p  
     
 x   
  p p    x p  p 

  
 exp    1  exp  f  x p   p  dx p  
 
 dp 
  
Displacement Theorem of (Inhomogeneous) PPP
Let us compute  exp   S  without assuming that  p is a PPP:

 exp   S    exp    f  x p        exp  f  x p  

     
 x   
  p p    x p  p 

 x
 

 
 x
 
   exp  f  l p  x, Tx        Tx exp  f  l p  x, Tx   
 

  
Let define f  x   Tx exp  f  l p  x, Tx   , we have:

 
 exp   S      f  x    exp    1  f  x    dx  
   
 d 
 
 x    

  
 exp    1  Tx exp  f  l p  x, Tx   
 
  dx  
 d 
  

  
 exp     1  exp  f  l p  x, t   CDFTx  dt    dx  
 
 d 
   

  
 exp    1  exp  f  x p   p  dx p  
 
 dp 
  
the last identity holds if  p  dx p   CDFTx  dt    dx   p  x, dx p    dx  .
Marked Point Processes

A point process is made into a marked point process by attaching a characteristic

(a mark) to each point of the process. Thus a marked point process on  2 is a
random sequence yn   xn , mm  for n  1, 2,..., where the points xn constitute the
point process , i.e., xn     2 (unmarked or ground process) and mm are the
marks corrresponsing to the respective points xn . The marks belong to a given
space and have some given distribution.

- x is the center of an atom and m is the type of atom
- x is the location of a tree and m is the type of tree
- x is the location of a transmitter and m is the transmit power
- x is the location of a transmitter and m is the channel gain
Marking Theorem for Inhomogeneous PPP
Independent Marks
A marked point process is said to be independently marked if, given the locations
of the points of the ground point process    xi    d , the marks are mutually
independent random vectors on  l and if the conditional distribution of the mark
m of a point x   depends only on the point x it is attached to, i.e.,   m    
  m  x   Fx  dm  , where Fx  dm  on l is the probability kernel (distribution)
of the marks.

Marking Theorem of PPPs

Let a ground PPP  with intensity measure   dx  on  d and marks with
distributions Fx  dm  on  l . The independently marked point process  M is
a PPP on  d  l with intensity measure equal to:
 M  d  x, m    Fx  dm    dx 

Proof : It is the same as for the displacement theorem. 44

Bottom Line…

 Independent displacements of a PPP result in a PPP

 Independent markings of a PPP result in a PPP

 These transformations occur in several applications…

 To deal with them, apply the constructive proof used to

prove the displacement theorem

 You will be able to compute “sums over PPPs”, “products

over PPPs”, etc. of a large class of “practical
transformations” of PPPs…
Example: Independent Thinning

Independent Thinned Point Processes

Let a point process . The point process  thin obtained from  by randomly
and indepenently removing some fractions of its points with probability 1- p  x 
is called thinned point process with retention probability p  x  .

Thinning Theorem of PPPs

The thinning by retention probability p  x  of an inhomogeneous PPP of
intensity measure   dx  is an inhomogenous PPP of intensity measure:
 thin  dx   p  x    dx 

Proof : It is an application of the displacement theorem. Let's do it...

Example: Independent Thinning
Consider the summation S   x  x f  x  for any measurable function f   ,
where    x  1  p  x  &    x  0   1  p  x  .

Let us compute  exp   S :

 exp   S    exp     x f  x       exp    x f  x   

    
  x   x 

 

     x exp    x f  x        p  x  exp   f  x    1  p  x   
 
 x   x 

Let define f  x   p  x  exp   f  x    1  p  x   , we have:

 
 exp   S      f  x    exp    1  f  x    dx  
   
 2 
 
 x    

 
 exp    1  p  x  exp   f  x    1  p  x     dx  
 
 2 
  

 
 exp    1  exp   f  x   p  x    dx  
 
 2 
  
 PGFL of a PPP with intensity measure  thin  dx   p  x    dx  47
Independent Thinning: An Illusory Paradox
A Bernoulli trial is an idealized coin flip. The probability of heads is p and the
probability of tails is q  1  p. Sequences of Bernoulli trials are independent.

Denote the numbers of heads and tails observed in a sequence of n  1 independent

Bernoulli trials by nh and nt , respectively. The sequence of Bernoulli trials is
performed (conceptually) many times, so the observed numbers nh and nt are
realizations of random variables, denoted by N h and N t , respectively. If exactly
n trials are always performed, the random variables N h and N t are not independent
because of the deterministic constraint nh  nt  n.

However, if the sequence length n is a realization of a Poisson distributed random

variable, denoted by N , then N h and N t are independent random variables! The
randomized constraint nh  nt  n holds, but it is not enough to induce any
dependence whatever between N h and N t .
Independent Thinning: An Illusory Paradox
N is a Poisson random variable with density  and its realization n is the length
of the number of Bernoulli trials performed. Then n  nh  nt , where nh and nt
are the observed numbers of heads and tails. The random variables N h and N t
are independent Poisson distributed with mean intensities p and 1  p   .

Let us prove the independence:

  N  n, N h  nh , N t  nt     N  n    N h  nh , N t  nt N  n 
n   n  nh nt    nh  nt   n! n 
  exp       p 1  p     exp      p nh 1  p  t 
 n!   nh    n!   nh !nt ! 
  p nh    1  p    t   exp   p  
exp     

  
 nh !

 nt !   exp   p  

  p nh    1  p    t 
exp   p    exp   1  p    

 nh !  nt ! 
   49
Palm Theory and Conditioning
 Palm theory formalizes the notion of the conditional distribution
of a general point process given that it has a point at some

 Palm probability/measure is the probability of an event given

that the point process contains a point at some location.

 Palm theory formalizes the notion of the “typical point” of a

point process. Informally, the typical point results from a
selection procedure in which every point has the same chance of
being selected.

 On the other hand, a point chosen according to some sampling

procedure, such as the point closest to the origin, is not typical,
because it has been selected in a specific manner.

 Palm distribution is the conditional point process distribution

given that a point exists at a specific location. 50
Palm Distribution: Notation

Consider the event (or property) E of a point process .

The following notations are equivalent and used interchangeably:

   has property E x      has property E x   
    E x   
 x  E 
 x  E 

Reduced Palm Distribution: Definition and Notation
1. When calculating Palm probabilities it is more natural not to consider the point
of the point process that we condition on.
2. Consider a network whose nodes form a point process. Assume that we want to
identify one of them as the intended transmitter, while the other act as the interferers.
The computation of the sum interference from all the interferers requires the
conditioning on the location of the intended transmitter and its exclusion from the
set of interferers for computing the distribution of the sum interference.

Reduced Palm Distribution

Consider the event (or property) E of a point process .
The reduced Palm distribution is the probability that  has property E conditioning
on a point of  being located at x and not counting it, i.e., the point on which we
condition is not included in the distribution.
The following notations are equivalent and used interchangeably:
   
  \  x  E x      \  x  E x  !x  E   x!  E  52
Reduced Palm Distribution: Application Example

BS i
Pcov  Pr SINR  T 

P ho r 
ri r0
 2  I agg  r0 

I agg  r0    P hi ri 

i \ BS0
 is a PPP

 P ho 2 ro 
 Pr  2  T   ...
  I agg  r0 
Reduced Palm Distribution of PPP: Slivnyak Theorem

Slivnyak - Mecke Theorem

The reduced Palm distribution of a PPP is equal to its original distribution:
!x  E     E 

Note: This implies that, for a PPP, a new point can be added or a point can be
removed from the point process without disturbing the distribution of the other
points of the process. This originates from their complete spatial randomness.

Reduced Palm Distribution: Sums over Point Processes

Campbell - Mecke Theorem

Let  be a point process of intensity measure   dx  and !x 
 be the expectation
under the reduced Palm distribution. Let f   be a real-valued function.
The following holds:

   f  x,  \  x     !x  f  x,     dx 
 
 x  2

Campbell - Mecke Theorem of PPPs

   f  x,  \  x       f  x,     dx 
 
 x  2

Counter-Example that the PPP is Special: Beta-Ginibre

Counter-Example that the PPP is Special: Beta-Ginibre

Counter-Example that the PPP is Special: Beta-Ginibre

Playing with Point Processes

Playing with Point Processes

Useful Material

“Cappuccino” Point Process: The Time Has Come…

Thank You for Your Attention
 ETN-5Gwireless (H2020-MCSA, grant 641985)
An European Training Network on 5G Wireless Networks
http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/193871_en.html (Jan. 2015, 4 years)

Marco Di Renzo, Ph.D., H.D.R.

Chargé de Recherche CNRS (Associate Professor)
Editor, IEEE Communications Letters
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Communications
Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Veh. Technol. Society
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, RAEng-UK

Paris-Saclay University
Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S) – UMR-8506
CNRS – CentraleSupelec – University Paris-Sud
3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris), France

E-Mail: [email protected]
Web-Site: http://www.l2s.centralesupelec.fr/perso/marco.direnzo

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