UT3 English Papers XI and XII

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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Phaphre Bhaike Mansa 5.

Many a historian recounting the causes of the downfall of the Mauryas,

Class : XII Sub : English Core Unit Test : III MM : 50 hold the pacific policy of Ashoka which had eschewed the aggressive
Note : Attempt all the questions. The marks for each question is given against them. militarism of his predecessors, responsible for an early decay of the military
Q.1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it: 20 strength of the state and its consequent disintegration, leading to the rise of
1. India has never subscribed to the doctrine of militarism and war in her Sungas, Kanvas and Andhras. But, in reality the fault lies with the weak
history. Here war was never treated as an ideal. It was only tolerated as successors of Ashoka, who could not wield the weapon of non-violence with
unavoidable and inevitable, and all attempts were made to check it and a skill and efficiency which required the strength of a spiritual giant like
bring it under control. Inspite of the frequency of wars in ancient India, in Ashoka. They failed due to their subjective weakness: Pacifism itself was no
spite of highly developed military organization, techniques of war and cause of their failure.
imperialism, and in spite of the open justification of war as national policy, 6. Besides the foregoing philosophical and religious school of thought, even
the heart of India loved pacifisms as an ideal capable of realization. India‟s many political authorities gave their unqualified support to the cause of
symbolic role was that of a peacemaker and it sincerely pinned its faith on pacifisms. They recognized the right of rivals to exist, not mainly as
the principle of „Live and let live‟. At least philosophically, India‟s enemies, but as collaborators in the building of a civilization operation.
intelligence supported the cause of peace not only in national affairs but in Thus, for centuries, in the pre-Mauryan India, scores of small independent
international affairs also. All the great seers of the yore visualized the unity republics existed and flourished without coming in clash with each other.
of life, permeating all beings, animate or inanimate, which ruled out killing 7. With regard to Kautilya, the much maligned militarist and the so called
and suicidal wars. Machiavelli of India, He thinks that the object of diplomatic is to avoid war.
2. This doctrine of philosophical pacifisms was practiced by ancient Aryans 8. The Mahabharata observes in the connection: “A wise man should be
is, no doubt, a question of controversial nature. Certainly, the great Indian content with what can be obtained by the expedients of conciliation, gift and
teachers and savants stuck to this doctrine tenaciously and in their personal dissention.” It denounces the warring world of men by comparing it to a dog-
life they translated it into practice and preached it to masses and even to kennel. “First there comes the wagging of tails, then turning of one round to
princes of military classes. other, then the show of teeth, then the roaring and then comes the
3. Another culture of those times, the existence of which has been proved commencement of the fights. It is the same with men; there is no difference
by the excavations of Mohanjo-Daro, also enunciated the doctrine of whatever.” Yajnavalkya adds: „War is the last expedient to be used when all
pacificism and friendship to all. Strangely enough, the Indus Valley others have failed.”Likewise, Sri Krishna who‟s Bhagwad-Gita has been
civilization has revealed no fortification and very few weapons. styled by some as „a song of the battle‟, should not be considered out and
4. Ahimsa or the doctrine of non-violence in thought, speech and action out militarist. When all the three expedients were exhausted, then alone the
assumed a gigantic importance in the Buddhist and Jain period. By a fourth was resorted to.
constant practice of this virtue, man becomes unassailable by even wild 9. All possible avenues of peace such as negotiation, conciliation through
beasts, who forgot their ferocity the moment they entered the circumference conference, meditation and so on, were explored by before the war was
of his magnetic influence. The monks and nuns of these churches were resorted to. This proves that the heart of ancient India was sound and it
apostles of peace, who reached every nook and corner of the world and longed for peace, although war also was not treated as an anathema, which
delivered the message of love to war-weary humanity. The greatest votary was to be avoided as far as possible. (Words– 737) (Extract from ‘Culture
was the royal monk Ashoka, who in reality was responsible for transforming India-Pacifism has been the Ideal’ by Sri Indra)
Ahimsa as an act of personal virtue, to Ahimsa as an act of national virtue.
1.1 Answer each of the questions given below by choosing the most 1.3 Answer any three of the following questions in 25-30 words: (2X3=6)
appropriate option: (1X5=5) (i) What kind of unity did all the seers visualize?
(i) The heart of India loved ____ (ii) By some, Ashoka was considered as the cause of the downfall of the
a) A highly developed military organization Mauryas. Do you agree?
b) Techniques of wars and imperialism Give reasons for your answer.
c) Loans (iii) Which options were explored by Sri Krishna before resorting to war?
d) Pacifism (iv) Throw some light on the thinking of Kautilya regarding war.
(ii) Principle of “Live and let live” means
a) Imperialism 1.4 Pick out the words/phrases from the passage which are similar in
b) Militarism meaning to the following: (1X3=3)
c) Frequency of wars among nations (i) express in definite and clear terms (para 3 )
d) Role of peace makers (ii) defensive wall (para 3)
(iii) Aryans preached and practiced this to the masses (iii) the beginning (para 8)
a) Non-violence
b) Freedom of speech and action Q. 2 You are Simar / Smriti of Lotus International School, Jodhpur.Your school has
c) Philosophical pacifisms decided to contribute in controlling traffic near your school and require the names of
d) Practice of Military organization volunteers from IX to XII. Write a notice to be displayed on the notice board. (50
(iv) Mahabharata compares the warring world with words) 4
a) Wise men Q. 3 Public demonstration causes a lot of disturbance in daily routine of common
b) Dog kennel man. You almost missed your important entrance examination as people blocked
c) Song of the battle the highway. As Tarun / Taruna, a student aspiring to be a doctor, write a letter to
d) Militarist the Editor of The Times of India highlighting the need to discourage such
(v) Unearthing Mohan-jo–Daro reinforced the following of Pacifism demonstrations and disturbance by public on highways which causes a great loss
a) as there was no fortification and very few weapons of time and opportunity for many. (100-125 words) 6
b) they delivered the message of love Q. 4 When Gandhi got the whole hearted support of the lawyers, he said, „The
c) as they were apostles of peace battle of Champaran is won‟. What was the essence behind his statement? 6
d) thinks that the object of diplomatic is to avoid war Q. 5 Optimism in one‟s attitude helps deal with all the challenges in life. Prove the
statement by referring to the character Mr. Lamb from the chapter „On the Face of
1.2 Answer the following questions briefly: (1X6=6) It 6
(i) How war was treated in India? Q. 6 Give a detailed account of the preparations made by the Governor for Evans
(ii) Describe India‟s preparedness for war in spite of their belief in James to write his examination. 6
(iii) How did the Aryans practice the Doctrine of Pacifism? Q. 7 What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by? Why is it significant that
(iv) What is Ahimsa? the poet uses the word ‘ringed’? What are the different meanings of ‘ringed’ in the
(v) What is the meaning of co-existence with rivals? poem? 2
(vi) Why Bhagvad-Gita should not be considered as “A song of the battle”?
cold and temperate, influencing vegetation and animal life, and ultimately
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Phaphre Bhaike, Distt. Mansa forming the environment as it exists today. The epoch following the
Class : XI Sub : English Core Unit Test : III MM. 40 Pleistocene is known variously as the Recent, the postglacial epoch, and
the Holocene.
Q. 1. Read the passage given below and then answer the questions 4 The species Homo sapiens—that is, human beings—appeared
which follow: 12M late in the Earth’s history, but was ultimately able to modify the Earth’s
1 Environment is a thin layer of life and life-supports called the environment by its activities. Although human beings apparently first
biosphere, including the Earth’s air, soil, water, and living organisms. appeared in Africa, they quickly spread throughout the world. Because of
2 The atmosphere that shelters the Earth from excessive amounts of their unique mental and physical capabilities, human beings were able to
ultraviolet radiation and enables life to exist is a gaseous mixture of escape the environmental constraints that limited other species and to
nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, other elements change the environment to meet their needs.
and compounds, and dust particles. Heated by the Sun and by radiant 5 Although early human beings undoubtedly lived in some harmony
energy from the Earth, the atmosphere circulates about the planet and with the environment, as did other animals, their retreat from the
modifies temperature differences. Of the Earth’s water, 97 per cent makes wilderness began with the first, prehistoric agricultural revolution. The
up the oceans, 2 per cent is ice, and 1 per cent is the fresh water in rivers, ability to control and use fire allowed them to modify or eliminate natural
lakes, groundwater, and atmospheric and soil moisture. The soil is the thin vegetation, and the domestication and herding of grazing animals
mantle of material that supports terrestrial life. It is the product of climate, eventually resulted in overgrazing and soil erosion. The domestication of
parent material such as glacial till and sedimentary rocks, and vegetation. plants also led to the destruction of natural vegetation to make room for
Dependent on all these are the Earth’s living organisms, including human crops and the demand for wood for fuel denuded mountains and depleted
beings. Plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to convert raw forests. Wild animals were slaughtered for food and destroyed as pests
materials into carbohydrates through photosynthesis; animal life, in turn, is and predators.
dependent on plants, in a sequence of interconnected relationships known 6 While human populations remained small and human technology
as the food web. modest, their impact on the environment was localized. As populations
3 Throughout its long history, the Earth has changed slowly. increased and technology improved and expanded, however, more
Continental drift (the result of Plate Tectonics) separated land masses, significant and widespread problems arose. Rapid technological advances
oceans invaded and retreated from the land, and mountains rose and after the Middle Ages culminated in the Industrial Revolution, which
were worn down, depositing sediments along the edges of seas. Climates involved the discovery, use, and exploitation of fossil fuels, as well as the
warmed and cooled, and life forms appeared and disappeared as the extensive exploitation of the Earth’s mineral resources. With the Industrial
environment changed. The most recent major environmental event in the Revolution, humans began in earnest to change the face of the Earth, the
Earth’s history occurred in the Quaternary period, during the Pleistocene nature of its atmosphere, and the quality of its water. Today,
epoch (between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago), also known as the Ice unprecedented demands on the environment from a rapidly expanding
Age. The subtropical climate was destroyed and the face of the Northern human population and from advancing technology are causing a
hemisphere was reshaped. Ice sheets advanced and retreated four times continuing and accelerating decline in the quality of the environment and
in North America and three times in Europe, swinging the climate between its ability to sustain life.
(a) i. How does the atmosphere modify the temperature difference? 2M Q. 5.Rearrange the followings to make the meaningful sentences: 2
ii. How does the soil support terrestrial life? 2M (a). by / relished / home cooked food / no longer / the youngsters /
iii. When did the most recent major environmental event in the Earth’s healthy, / is
history occur? 1M (b). to / the popularity / every corner / junk food / has led / of / eating joints
iv. How did the unique mental and physical capability help human / around / of / the opening
beings? 2M
v. What are the factors causing a continuing and accelerating decline in Q. 6 What is the social problem discussed in the play “Mother’s Day”? 5
the quality of the environment and its ability to sustain life? 2M
Q. 7 Explain the statement “You have passed through a fantastic experience:
(b) Pick out words from passage which mean the same as the or more correctly, a catastrophic experience”. 5
following: 3
i) Layer (Para 2) ii) Era/Period (Para 3) iii) Extraordinary (Para 6) Q. 8 How is the father’s helplessness brought out in the poem? 2

Q. 2 Suman Singh is a resident of Padamavathi Colony. He is perplexed to

notice the conversion of green lands into concrete lands with waste plastics.
He decided to write a letter to the Editor of a local news paper expressing his
views about environmental pollution and its remedies. 6

Q. 3 You are D.R.Chandran/ Chandrika secretary of the adventure club of

Fatima Convent High School. Intimating the details of a trekking expedition
proposed invite interested students to enlist their names. 4

Q. 4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 1/2*8=4

a) Asian Games have grown to be --- biggest a) The
b) sports festival--- India. And the very fact b)--- ---
c) that--- concept of these games took birth c)--- ---
d) in India is --- matter of pride for all of us d)--- ---
e) The Asian Relation Conference held ---1974 in e)--- ---
f) Delhi decided ---organize International Games for f)--- ---
g) the Asian countries on the lines ---the Olympics g)--- ---
h) once --- four years. The first Asian games h)--- ---
i) held in Delhi in 1951 deserved praise ---they had i)--- ---
had been organized without any government left

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