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Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and Metallogeny

Chapter · December 2013

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2 authors:

Richard E Ernst Simon Jowitt

Carleton University (and Tomsk State University) University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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©2013 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.
Special Publication 17, pp. 17–51

Chapter 2

Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and Metallogeny

Richard E. Ernst1,2,† and Simon M. Jowitt3
1 Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
2 Ernst Geosciences, 43 Margrave Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1T 3Y2
3 School of Geosciences, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia

Large igneous provinces (LIPs) represent significant reservoirs of energy and metals that can either drive or
contribute to a variety of metallogenic systems. The relationships between LIPs and these various systems can
be divided into four distinct although partially overlapping classifications: (1) LIPs form the primary source of
commodities within mineral deposits (e.g., orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfides, or Nb-Ta-REE and diamonds
for often LIP-related carbonatites and kimberlites, respectively); (2) LIPs either provide the energy to drive
hydrothermal systems or can act as source rocks for hydrothermal ore deposits (e.g., volcanogenic massive
sulfide (VMS) deposits)—in some cases LIP rocks can also act as barriers to fluid flow and/or reaction zones
causing mineralization (e.g., orogenic Au); (3) weathering can concentrate elements such as Al and Ni-Co
within laterites that develop from exposed LIP mafic-ultramafic rocks in tropical climates, and for Nb, Ta, and
REE in laterites from associated carbonatites; and (4) indirect links exist between LIPs and ore deposits; here
we consider two of these types of links, the first of which involves LIP events that are linked to attempted or
successful continental breakup where the LIP barcode record can be used as a correlation tool for reconstruct-
ing Precambrian supercontinents and therefore enable the tracing of metallogenic belts between presently
separated, but formerly contiguous crustal blocks. A second, more speculative, indirect link is provided by the
fact that major continental breakup (linked to LIPs) is associated with distal compression and transpression in
the plate tectonic circuit (and the formation of orogenic deposits, such as Au).
We discuss the role of LIPs (be it major or contributory) in each of these classifications for the generation
of this wide variety of differing mineral deposit types and potential implications of this link between LIPs and
metallogenesis for exploration strategies. This review shows how our understanding of LIPs, and the processes
that affect LIP magmas and rocks, have direct consequences for mineral exploration and economic geology.

Introduction each of these types are provided in subsequent sections of

Recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in our this paper.
understanding of the economic importance of large igneous
provinces (LIPs) as hosts to, or being directly involved in, 1. LIPs as a primary host for mineral deposits. This is
the genesis of mineral, hydrocarbon, and even ground-water exemplified by LIP-related orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-platinum
resources. These large volume, short duration intraplate mag- group element (PGE) sulfide, Fe-Ti-V oxide, and Cr deposit
matic events consist of volcanic rocks (mainly flood basalts) formation, where mineral deposits are formed as a direct con-
and plumbing systems that may contain mafic dike swarms, sequence of mafic-ultramafic magmatism during an LIP event
sill complexes, and mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions (e.g., (Tables 1−4). The links between LIPs and carbonatites and
Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Ernst et some kimberlites (e.g., Ernst and Bell, 2010) also mean that
al., 2005; Bryan and Ernst, 2008; Bryan and Ferrari, 2013; the commodities associated with these rocks, namely the rare
Ernst, 2014). Many LIPs have associated silicic magmatism earth elements (REEs), Nb, and Ta (carbonatites; Table 5),
(both intrusive and extrusive), carbonatites, and in some cases and diamonds (kimberlites; Tables 1, 6), can also be directly
lamprophyres, lamproites, and kimberlites (Fig. 1). LIPs are linked with LIP events.
linked with continental breakup, global extinction, major 2.  LIPs can contribute to ore formation in hydrothermal
environmental change, regional uplift, and have been linked systems (Tables 1, 7, 8). The links between LIPs and hydro-
with a variety of ore deposit types (as discussed herein). thermal deposits can be explained by three differing models
The great scale of magmatism involved in the formation of that are not necessarily mutually exclusive: (A) LIPs can pro-
LIPs and our increase in understanding of the processes that vide a source of energy for circulating hydrothermal systems,
occur during both the formation and postmagmatic evolution i.e., slightly postmagmatic (or coincident with LIP formation)
of LIPs has led to these significant geologic events becom- development of hydrothermal IOCG, VMS, and other miner-
ing high priority exploration targets for a variety of different alizing systems; (B) LIPs can also be a source of metals and
commodities. LIP-related resources can be broadly split into ligands for postmagmatic circulating hydrothermal systems via
four different categories, according to the genetic relationship hydrothermal alteration of rocks formed during LIP events—
between LIPs and the resources in question; more details on again, some IOCG, VMS, and potentially Au deposits exem-
plify these links; (C) in some cases, LIP units act as structural/
† Corresponding author: e-mail, [email protected] impermeable barriers or as reactive precipitation mechanisms



Cu in basalts: e.g., Keweenawan LIP
Iron formations: e.g., Hamersley BIFs and Woongara LIP
Continental Flood Basalt Provinces VMS deposits:, e.g., Ring of Fire LIP
Al laterites: e.g., basalts of Deccan LIP
Volcanic Rifted Margins

Plumbing system: Regional Dike Swarms, Ni-Cu-(PGE) in small mafic-ultramafic intrusions: e.g., Noril’sk, Siberia LIP
Sill Provinces, Mafic Ultramafic Intrusives Fe-Ti-V in ferro-gabbros: e.g., Panzhihua, Emeishan LIP
and Magmatic Underplates PGEs, Cr and Fe-Ti in major stratiform intrusions: e.g., Bushveld, Bushveld LIP

Silicic Large Igneous Provinces (SLIP)

IOCGs in F-rich silicic intrusions: e.g., Olympic Dam, Gawler Range LIP
(lower crustal melting by underplate)
Greisen Sn-W associated with A-type granites, e.g. Sierra Madre Occidental SLIP
and A-type
- granites

Associated Carbonatites, Kimberlites, Nb, Ta, REE in carbonatites: e.g., Phalaborwa, Bushveld LIP
Lamprophyres, and Lamproites diamonds in kimberlites: e.g., Yakutsk LIP
Archean Greenstone Belts,
Extensive Tholeiite-Komatiite Ni in komatiites: e.g., Eastern Goldfields LIP
± Rhyolite Volcanic Sequences Au in dolerites: e.g., Golden Mile dolerite, Eastern Goldfields LIP
and Sill Complexes Ni-laterites, e.g., Murrin Murrin, Eastern Goldfields LIP

Ni-Cu (-PGE) in some accreted oceanic plateaus: e.g., Wrangellia LIP


Oceanic Plateaus Ni-laterites: e.g., Caribbean LIP

Au associated with accreted oceanic plateaus:
e.g., Early Cretaceous Asian Au deposits and indirect link with Ontong Java LIP
Ocean Basin Flood Basalts

Fig. 1. Types of LIPs and associated ore deposits types. LIPs classification modified after Bryan and Ernst (2008) and
Ernst and Bell (2010). Ore deposit types discussed in the text. Locations of LIPs shown in Figure 2.

during hydrothermal fluid flow, such as in Archean LIPs asso- silicic magma were emplaced in the crust in short pulses by
ciated with the formation of orogenic Au deposits. This is processes not associated with “normal” spreading ridge or
exemplified by the ca. 2680 Ma Golden Mile dolerite at Kal- subduction environments. These LIPs are defined to have
goorlie (e.g., Hergt et al., 2000; Goldfarb et al., 2005), which volumes exceeding >100,000 km3, covering an area of
is potentially part of a plume-related LIP or package of LIPs >100,000 km2 (in many cases, >1 Mkm2 and >1 Mkm3), and
within the hosting Eastern Goldfields terrane of the Yilgarn emplaced in a single pulse of 1 to 5 Ma or, in some cases, with
craton (Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Barnes et al., 2012; Said et multiple pulses extending over a period less than 50 Ma (cf.
al., 2012). Coffin and Eldholm, 1994, 2005; Bryan and Ernst, 2008).
3. Tropical weathering of mafic-ultramafic LIP units to Various origins have been proposed for these LIP events,
form economically important Ni-Co laterites and Al bauxites although the dominant model for LIP formation involves
(Table 1) and weathering of associated carbonatites to yield magmatism that is driven by deep-seated mantle plumes ris-
Nb, Ta, and REE laterites. ing to the base of the lithosphere. LIP events occur on aver-
4. Indirect links between LIPs and ore deposits; here age every 10 to 30 m.y., back to 2500 Ma, and a number of
we consider two differing aspects: (A) the systematic use of Archean LIP analogues have also been recognized (e.g., Ernst
LIPs as a tool for generating robust pre-Pangea reconstruc- et al., 2005). LIPs consist of volcanic rocks (mainly continen-
tions that allow the tracing of known ore deposits from one tal and/or oceanic flood basalts), with a plumbing system of sill
crustal block into “greenfield” areas on a formerly adjacent complexes, mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions, and regional
crustal block; and (B) the nature of the plate tectonic cycle mafic dike swarms (e.g., Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Bryan and
means that a pulse of rifting and breakup (characteristically Ernst, 2008). Many LIPs have associated silicic magmatism
associated with LIP emplacement) should be correlated with (both intrusive and extrusive), and LIPs can be classified as
corresponding pulses of transpression and compression (and silicic LIPs (SLIPs) if the event in question is dominated by
associated mineralization, e.g., orogenic Au) on favorably ori- silicic magmatism. These silicic LIPs need to satisfy the same
ented plate boundaries elsewhere in the world. LIP volume and duration requirements as mafic LIP events,
and must be linked to magma generation in a nonsubduction
We review each of these categories, assess the strength of setting. Silicic LIP magmas can be A, I, or S type and are
the LIP-commodity association in each case, and consider how inferred to be generated from underplating by the mafic-
an LIP context has predictive value for mineral exploration. ultramafic component of LIPs. LIPs are also associated with
the emplacement of carbonatites and, in some cases, lampro-
Large Igneous Provinces phyres, lamproites, and kimberlites (Fig. 1).
Earth’s history is punctuated by numerous periods when The surface style and preservation of LIPs varies through
large volumes of intraplate mafic-ultramafic and associated Earth history (e.g., Ernst et al., 2005). Mesozoic and Cenozoic

Table 1. Selected Major Ore Deposits and Their Associated Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)

LIP (for locations see Fig. 2) Commodity Region/host tectonic terrane Age (Ma) Type/location/example

Caribbean-Colombian Ni Caribbean 93 3: Caribbean, northern South America

CAMP Al Africa and South America 200 3: Guinea, W. Africa
Siberia Ni-Cu-PGE Siberia, Ural Mountains, Central 251 1: Noril’sk
Mo-W, Sn-W, Hg, Au-Hg Asian fold belt 2: Kuznetsk basin
Emeishan Fe-Ti-V China and Vietnam 258 1: Panzhihua and related gabbroic
Ni-Cu-PGE 1: Ultramafic intrusions
Yakutsk Diamonds Siberian craton (eastern margin) ca. 360 1: Kimberlites
Guibei Ni-Cu-PGE Alashan block (part of combined South 825 1: Jinchuan
China-Qaidam/Qilian-Tarim craton
Keweenawan Cu-Ni-PGE Mid-Continent rift 1114-1085 1: Duluth
Mackenzie Cu-Ni-PGE Laurentia 1267 1: Muskox intrusion
Gawler Range (silicic LIP) Cu-Au-Ag-U-REE Gawler block, Australia 1590 1, 2: Olympic Dam
Circum-Superior Ni-Cu-PGE Circum-Superior craton, North America 1885−1865 1: Thompson, Raglan
Bushveld-Molopo Farms PGE-Ni-Cu Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa 2060 1: Bushveld
Cu 1: Phalaborwa carbonatite
Au 2: Witwatersrand
Stillwater Cr Bearthooth Mountains, Wyoming craton 2710 1: Various, e.g. Chrome Mountain
Ring of Fire Ni-Cu-PGE Caribou block, Superior craton ca. 2730 Ma 1: Eagle’s Nest
Cr 1: Blackbird
V-Ti-Fe 1:Thunderbird
VMS 2: McFaulds

Notes: The 1850 Ma Sudbury event is not listed despite its rich Ni-Cu metal endowment because its size is sub-LIP scale, and because it has a bolide
impact origin; types refer to the list outlined in the introduction, where 1 = magmatic, 2 = hydrothermal, and 3 = weathering processes (e.g., laterite forma-
tion) and LIP locations are shown in Figure 2; Note that this Table outlines direct links between LIP events and mineralization; category 4 mineralization
that covers indirect (e.g., far-field tectonic) links between LIP events and mineralization is discussed in more detail within the text

LIPs are typically the best preserved of all LIPs within the and bolide impact (e.g., Jones, 2005; Elkins-Tanton, 2007;
geologic record, and generally include three types: continen- Foulger, 2007, 2010), although these mechanisms generally
tal flood basalts, volcanic rifted margins, and oceanic plateaus/ produce lower volume melts (e.g., Ernst, 2014).
ocean basin flood basalts. In comparison, older Paleozoic and The LIP concept was only introduced in the early 1990s
Proterozoic LIPs are often more deeply eroded and are less (e.g., Coffin and Eldholm, 1994) as an umbrella for con-
well preserved, meaning that these LIPs may only contain tinental flood basalts (CFBs) and their newly recognized
remnants of originally widespread flood basalt provinces in equivalents in oceanic areas, the so-called oceanic plateaus
addition to exposed mafic-ultramafic magmatic plumbing sys- and ocean basin flood basalts. As appreciation of their huge
tems, as represented by giant dike swarms, sill provinces, and scale and short duration and record back through time has
layered intrusions. Archean LIPs have also been proposed, improved (Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Ernst et al., 2008) it has
including flood basalts such as the Fortescue group of the Pil- become clear that these nonplate tectonic events cause major
bara craton and also greenstone belts consisting of voluminous perturbations of the lithosphere at all levels. This includes
tholeiite-komatiite sequences (e.g., Ernst et al., 2005; Bryan widespread surface flows covering areas potentially >1 Mkm2
and Ernst, 2008). Examples of the latter occur in the Zimba- (e.g., Courtillot and Renne, 2003), the pervasive crisscrossing
bwe craton, the Eastern Goldfields area of the Yilgarn craton, of basement terranes by LIP plumbing systems of dike and
and in the Abitibi belt of the Superior craton (e.g., Ernst and sill swarms, and the formation of major layered mafic intru-
Buchan, 2001; Tomlinson and Condie, 2001; Sproule et al., sions within the crust (Ernst and Buchan, 1997a, b, 2001), to
2002; Prendergast, 2004; Barnes et al., 2012; Said et al., 2012). voluminous silicic magmatism related to lower crustal melt-
Many LIPs are linked to regional-scale uplift, continental ing caused by magmatic underplating (Bryan, 2007; Bryan
rifting and breakup, and/or climatic/environmental crises (e.g., and Ferrari, 2013), and the rapid emplacement through the
Courtillot et al., 1999, 2003; Campbell, 2001; Rainbird and lithosphere and into the crust of associated carbonatites and
Ernst, 2001; Şengör, 2001; Courtillot and Renne, 2003; Ernst kimberlites (Haggerty, 1999a, b; Heaman et al., 2003; Ker-
and Buchan, 2003; Ernst et al., 2005). The dominant model rich et al., 2005; Ernst and Bell, 2010). In some cases, ero-
for their formation is partial melting of an arriving mantle sion, deformation and continental breakup have removed the
plume that can be coupled with a second decompression majority of the flood basalts and left only fragmented regions
melting-related magmatic pulse associated with the onset of of the plumbing system. Recognition of such “LIP fragments”
continental breakup (e.g., White and Mackenzie, 1989; Camp- can be interpreted based on proxy indicators, such as the
bell and Griffiths, 1990; Courtillot et al., 2003; Ernst et al., presence of a dolerite swarm with average dike widths >10 m.
2005). However, alternative origins may apply in some cases, Equivalent criteria for sills and volcanic rocks are being devel-
including back-arc rifting, delamination, edge convection, oped (e.g., Ernst, 2007a, 2014). A number of compilations of

LIPs and their causative mantle plumes, are available, includ- Magmatic Ore Deposits Linked to LIPs
ing the following: a preliminary global plume listing (Isley Mafic-ultramafic LIPs are highly prospective for Ni-Cu-
and Abbott, 1999), Archean plumes (Tomlinson and Condie, PGE, Fe-Ti-V, and Cr ore deposits (Naldrett, 1997, 2010a;
2001), a comprehensive global catalogue including Archean Pirajno, 2000; Schissel and Smail, 2001; Borisenko et al., 2006;
analogues (Ernst and Buchan, 2001), details of the LIP record Eckstrand and Hulbert, 2007; Ernst, 2007b), and, with the
between 1.6 and 0.7 Ga (Ernst et al., 2008), a global summary exception of Sudbury, the majority of well-known Ni, Pd, and
to assess for LIP periodicity throughout geologic history (Pro- Pt resources are directly related to LIP events (Figs. 3−5).
koph et al., 2004, 2013), an updated Phanerozoic and Protero- There is also a spatial and temporal association between LIPs
zoic LIP summary (Ernst et al., 2013), and summaries of the and diamondiferous kimberlites (e.g., Agashev et al., 2004;
silicic LIP record (Bryan et al., 2007; Pankhurst et al., 2011; Kjarsgaard, 2007; Chalapathi Rao and Lehmann, 2011) and
Bryan and Ferrari, 2013). between LIPs and carbonatites (Bell, 2001; Ernst and Bell,
The widespread distribution and large cumulative volume 2010) that host Nb-Ta-REE phosphate, iron ore, lime, Cu,
of high-temperature magma emplaced or erupted is consis- Zr, Th, U, fluorine/fluorite, and vermiculite resources (e.g.,
tent with a role for LIP events in ore deposit formation. Here Woolley and Kjarsgaard, 2008). Here, we outline the specific
we provide an overview of the links between LIPs and a wide links between these different types of ores and LIPs and also
variety of ore deposit types, building on earlier work that discuss how the LIP context can provide insights supportive
focused on the links between Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic ores and of exploration targeting.
flood basalts (e.g., Naldrett et al., 1992), and initial thoughts
on the implications for a broader range of commodity types
(Ernst, 2007b). Some of the largest ore deposits on Earth, of Ni-dominated magmatic sulfide deposits
a variety of commodity types, are associated with LIPs (Table Magmatic sulfide deposits can be split into two groups:
1), and the locations of the LIPs (and interpreted LIP frag- (1) Ni- (e.g. komatiites) and Ni-Cu–dominated deposits that
ments) discussed in this paper are shown in Figure 2. are generally more sulfur rich and where the PGEs are a

Western Channel - Pechenga-Onega
Wernecke BLIP
Mackenzie Circum-Superior
NAIP Jutland
Ungava Karelia
Wrangellia Matachewan NAIP Yakutsk-
CIMP Kola- Vilyui
‘Ring of Fire’ Dneiper Mashak
-Bird River
Stillwater CAMP Ukrainian
CIMP Yanliao
AMCG Qiganbulake
CAMP Dashigou
Sierra Madre Emeishan Gubei
Occidental Afro-Arabian

Caribbean- CAMP
Columbian Greater

Etendeka Madagascar
West Pilbara Warakurna
Weeli Wolli
Parana Karoo Mundine Well Gawler
Hartley Eastern

Fig. 2. Global map showing the schematic distribution of LIPs and silicic LIPs discussed in this paper (A). Their age order
is summarized in a barcode diagram (B) and they are listed below in alphabetical order: Afro Arabian (30 Ma); Baltic (BLIP)
also termed East Scandinavian and Sumian (2500−2450 Ma); Belingwe (2700 Ma); Bushveld, (2060 Ma); Caribbean-Colom-
bian (90 Ma); Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) (200 Ma); Central Iapetus magmatic province (CIMP) (615−550
Ma); Circum-Superior (1880 Ma); Dashigou (920 Ma); Deccan (65 Ma); Eastern Goldfields (2700 Ma); Emeishan, (260 Ma);
Gawler Range (1590 Ma); Guibei (Qiganbulake) (825 Ma); Hartley (1930−1920 Ma); High Arctic (HALIP) (130−90 Ma);
Jutland (300 Ma); Karelian, (2100 Ma); Karoo (180 Ma); Keweenawan (1115−1085 Ma); Kola-Dneiper (also termed East
European craton event) (370 Ma); Mackenzie (1270 Ma); Madagascar (90 Ma); Mashak (1385 Ma); Matachewan (2490−2450
Ma); Mundine Well (755 Ma); North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) (60 Ma); Ontong Java (Greater Ontong Java includes
Ontong Java oceanic plateau and nearby ocean basin flood basalts), (120 Ma); Parana-Etendeka (130 Ma); Pechenga-Onega
(1970 Ma); Ring of Fire-Bird River (2730 Ma); Siberia [trap], (250 Ma); Sierra Madre Occidental (40−20 Ma); Stillwater
(2710 Ma); Tarim (ca. 290 Ma); Ukrainian AMCG (1800−1750 Ma); Ungava, (2215 Ma); Warakurna (ca. 1075 Ma); West
Pilbara (2940−2910 Ma); Western Channel (1590 Ma); Weeli Wolli-Woongarra, (2450 Ma); Wrangellia, (230 Ma); Yakutsk-
Vilyui, (370 Ma); Yanliao (1320 Ma). General references include: Ernst and Buchan (2001), Ernst et al. (2008), Ernst and Bell
(2010); references for particular events cited in the appropriate sections of the text. Map is in Robinson projection. B. AF =
Africa, AS = Asia, AU = Australia, EU = Europe, NA = North America, SA = South America.

0 Afro-Arabian (AF) Sierra Madre Occidental (NA)
Deccan (AS), NAIP (EU, NA) Caribbean-Colombian (CA, SA), Madagascar (AF)
Ontong Java (PA), HALIP (NA, AS, EU)
Parana-Etendeka (SA)
Wrangellia (NA), Siberian (AS), Emeishan (AS),
CAMP (NA, SA, EU, AF), Karoo (AF)
Tarim (AS), Jutland (EU) Yakutsk-Vilyui (AS), Kola-Dneiper (EU)

Guibei (AS), Mundine Well (AU)

Dashigou (AS)
Keweenawan (NA) 1000 Warakurna (NA)

Mackenzie-Muskox (NA)
Yanliao (AS)
Mashak (EU)
Moyie (NA)
Gawler Range (AU) Western Channel - Wernecke (NA),

Age (Ma)
Ukrainian AMCG (EU) Circum-Superior Province (NA), Hartley (AF)
Pechenga-Onega (EU)
Bushveld (AF)
Karelian (EU)
Ungava-Nipissing (NA)

Weeli Wolli-Woongarra (AU) Matachewan (NA)

2500 BLIP (EU), Mistassini (NA)

Stillwater (NA), Belingwe (AF) Ring of Fire - Bird River (NA), Abitibi (NA),
Eastern Goldfields (NA)

West Pilbara (AU) 3000


Fig. 2. (Cont.)

by-product; and 2) sulfur-poor PGE-dominated deposits, Chunnett, 2006; Keays and Lightfoot, 2010), magma mixing
where by-product Ni and Cu may be important (e.g., Nal- (e.g., Naldrett and von Grunewaldt, 1989) and fractionation
drett, 2004). Both types of deposits form through similar (Andersen et al., 1998); the exact process involved varies from
processes, whereby immiscible sulfide liquids that are pref- deposit to deposit.
erentially enriched in chalcophile elements, such as Ni-Cu The association between magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineral-
and the PGEs, are segregated from mafic or ultramafic sili- ization and mafic-ultramafic LIPs is well established for the
cate magmas that became S saturated. Various processes more recent geologic record (e.g., Naldrett, 1997, 2010a, b;
have been invoked to explain how magmas become S satu- Pirajno, 2000; Schissel and Smail, 2001; Borisenko et al., 2006;
rated, including crustal contamination and the assimilation of Eckstrand and Hulbert, 2007; Tables 2, 3). The most impor-
crustal sulfides (e.g., Lightfoot and Keays, 2005; Wilson and tant LIP-related and Ni-dominated magmatic sulfide deposits

komatiite-tholeiitic greenstone belts (e.g., Kambalda and

A Contained Ni (Mt)
Abitibi belts of Western Australia and Canada, respectively)
PGE-2, U- and NC-1,
T-types, 0.17 Komatiite, that are considered as Archean LIPs (e.g., Ernst and Buchan,
17.15 2001; Prendergast, 2004; Ernst et al., 2005; Barnes et al.,
PGE-1, U-type
2012). An additional komatiitic basalt-related example is the
ca. 1880 Ma Circum-Superior event of the Superior craton
that has also been interpreted as an LIP (e.g., Heaman et al.,
NC-6, Impact
2009; Ernst and Bell, 2010; Minifie et al., 2013). Flood basalt-
melt, 19.78 related high Mg ultramafic NC-2 type deposits are associated
NC-2, Flood with the feeders to flood basalts and are exemplified by mag-
basalt, 31.13 matic sulfide deposits at Noril’sk-Talnakh (250 Ma Siberian
NC-5, Misc. Trap LIP), Duluth, Eagle, and Tamarack (all associated with
Picrite- the 1115−1085 Ma Keweenawan LIP), and within the Mus-
Tholeiite 7.11 NC-3, kox intrusion (1270 Ma Mackenzie LIP). The NC-3 class is
NC-4, ATG, Ferropicrite, associated with feeders for overlying ferropicritic lavas, as is
2.14 4.00 the case for the Pechenga deposits in Russia that belong to
a much broader ca. 1970 Ma Pechenga-Onega LIP, includ-
B Contained Pt+Pd (t) ing volcanics and sills in the Lake Onega area, intrusions in
NC-1, the Pechenga type locality within the Kola Peninsula, and into
NC-2, Flood Ferropicrite,
Komatiite, 377
southern Karelia as a major NNW-trending dike swarm (e.g.,
basalt, 14,611
PGE-2, U and event 160 in Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Vuollo and Huhma,
T-types, 420 2005). The type (and only economic) example of the NC-4
NC-4, ATG, 23 troctolite-anorthosite-granite-related class of magmatic sul-
fide mineralization is the Voisey’s Bay deposit in Canada. This
NC-5, Misc.
deposit is associated with the Nain Plutonic Suite, which,
Tholeiite, 568 although a major magmatic event, is not classified as an LIP
as it is too small (15−25,000 km2) and this event may have
PGE-1, U-type
NC-6, Impact spanned too large a time range (1.34−1.29 Ga, e.g., Li et
melt, 1,724 al., 2000). This suite is also associated with other NC-4-type
73,249 mineralization, such as at Pants Lake, although Voisey’s Bay
remains the only economic deposit associated with the Nain
Plutonic Suite discovered to date. The NC-5 miscellaneous
picrite-tholeiite class of deposits is associated with high Mg
LEGEND: basalts, as exemplified by the 825 Ma Jinchuan deposit of the
PGE-2 = Majority, if not all, are LIP-related Alashan block, north China. Although the Jinchuan intrusion
NC-6 = No definitive LIP association (and associated Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization) has been linked
with the adjacent North China craton (Li and Ripley, 2011),
Fig. 3. Distribution of Ni (A) and Pt + Pd (B) resources within Ni- and
PGE-dominated magmatic sulfide systems; underlining indicates deposit
more recent research has linked the host Alashan block with
classes where the majority, if not all, deposits have definite links to LIP the adjacent Qaidam and Qilian blocks that connect the Tarim
events, and plain text indicates classes with no LIP link. ATG = anorthosite- block to the west and the South China block to the east into
troctolite-granite. Adapted from Naldrett (2010a). a single terrane, termed the South-West China United Con-
tinent (SWCUC; Song et al., 2012). Furthermore, the South
are the world-class magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineral- China, Tarim, and intervening portions all share 825 Ma
ization at Noril’sk-Talnakh, associated with the end-Permian intraplate magmatism (including the Jinchuan intrusion ore
Siberian Trap LIP (Naldrett et al., 1992; Hawkesworth et al., deposit) that can be considered to represent a single LIP (Li
1995; Lightfoot and Keays, 2005; Arndt et al., 2008). Other et al., 2005; Ernst, 2007b; Ernst et al., 2008; Lu et al., 2008,
examples include Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization associated with table 10; Pirajno et al., 2009; Song et al., 2013; S.G. Song,
the 260 Ma Emeishan LIP (e.g., Izokh et al., 2005; Borisenko pers. commun., 2013).
et al., 2006; Pirjano et al., 2009) and mineralization within the The two remaining classes, NC-6 (meteorite impact
Duluth Complex and other intrusions that formed as part of related) and NC-7 (Ural-Alaskan type) are unrelated to
the 1115 to 1085 Ma Keweenawan LIP event (e.g., Miller and LIPs, at least not directly. In particular, the Sudbury event,
Ripley, 1996; Gál et al., 2011). in Ontario, Canada (Naldrett, 2004; Ames and Farrow, 2007),
Ni-Cu deposit types and links with LIPs: The connection is the type example of the production of significant volumes
between LIPs and Ni-Cu (-PGE) deposits can be looked at of mafic magma (although on a sub-LIP scale) and associated
another way, using the classification system of Naldrett (2004, Ni-Cu-PGE ore deposits by melting resulting from a mete-
2010) who grouped Ni-Cu (-PGE) deposits into seven dis- orite impact. However, it is interesting that the metallogeny
tinct types (Table 3). Four of the classes (NC-1, NC-2, NC-3, of the Sudbury event may be inherited from the impact tar-
and NC-5; Naldrett, 2010) are all robustly linked to LIPs: get rocks that would likely have included Ni-Cu rich intru-
Komatiitic NC-1 type magmatic sulfide deposits are formed sions of the East Bull Lake intrusive suite that are associated
from high Mg ultramafic magmas associated with Archean with the 2470-2450 Ma Matachewan LIP, with an interpreted

Hy brid and exocontact rocks

PGE-3 Skaergaard and PGE-1 Waterburg-type

Sonju Lake mineralization mineralization

PGE-1 Merensky and J-M Reefs

PGE-1 marginal mineralization in Bushveld (Platreef)

PGE-1 UG-2 sulfide-bearing chromitite and PGE-2 intrusions in Finland and Ontario

PGE-1 dunite pipes

Appearance of cumulus plagioclase
PGE-1 sulfide zones of Great Dyke

Ultramafic cumulates PGE-1 chromitites rich
Alternating ultramafic, mafic in Ir, Os, Ru
and plagioclase cumulates
Fig. 4. Schematic model of an LIP-related layered intrusion, showing the relative position and petrological affinities (e.g.,
chromite vs. sulfide dominated; ultramafic vs. mafic; reef vs. contact styles of mineralization) of the differing types of LIP-
related PGE-dominated magmatic sulfide deposits discussed in the text; adapted from Hoatson et al. (2006) and Naldrett
(2010a). Note that a single layered intrusion is unlikely to host all of these styles of mineralization, and that PGE deposits with
differing magmatic affinities can occur in similar positions within an intrusive system, as exemplified by the similar positions
of PGE-1 contact-type mineralization of the Platreef section of the Bushveld Complex, part of the Bushveld LIP, and PGE-2
contact-type mineralization hosted by 2500 to 2450 Ma intrusions of the Baltic LIP (BLIP) of Finland and Russia and the
2490 to 2450 Ma Matachewan LIP of Ontario and Quebec in Canada.

mantle plume center nearby (Ernst and Bleeker, 2010), and PGE abundances (see PGE-4 below). In summary, this strong
the Nipissing sills of the 2215 Ma Ungava LIP. The latter link between classes NC-1, NC-2, NC-3, and NC-5 and LIP
are coeval with and considered to be fed by the Senneterre- events affirms the importance of an LIP context for Ni-Cu-
Maguire-Klotz fanning dike swarm that converges to a poten- dominated magmatic deposits. This is further supported by
tial plume center in northern Ungava, suggesting that the the fact that global magmatic sulfide-hosted Ni and Ni-Cu
Nipissing sills were fed laterally via the dikes from this cen- resources are dominated by LIP-related mineral deposits
ter (Buchan et al., 1998; Ernst, 2007b). The final NC-7 Ural- (Fig. 3; Mudd et al., 2013).
Alaskan class contains ore-bearing intrusions formed in arc Implications for exploration of LIP context for Ni-Cu-dom-
settings that are not LIP associated; the members of this class inated deposits: An outstanding question is to consider these
generally contain subeconomic nickel but can have modest various settings in the context of an overall LIP system and

Table 2. Selected Ni-Cu and PGE Deposits and Their Associated LIPs

Ore-bearing intrusion Associated LIP (age Ma) Selected references for ore deposits

Wellgreen Wrangellia (232 Ma) Hulbert (2002); Schmidt and Rogers (2007)
Noril’sk-Talnakh (Siberia) Siberian Trap (250 Ma) Lightfoot and Keays (2005); Hawkesworth et al. (1995);
Arndt et al. (2008); Naldrett et al. (1992)
Jinchuan (Alashan terrane, China) Gubei (825 Ma) e.g., Pirajno et al. (2009)
Giles Complex (central Australia) Warakurna (1075 Ma) Evins et al. (2010)
Duluth, Eagle, Current Lake (Great Keweenawan (1115−1085 Ma) Ding et al. (2010); Peterson and Peck (2010)
Lakes region, central North America)
Thompson (Manitoba, Canada); Raglan- Circum-Superior (1880 Ma) Eckstrand and Hulbert (2007); Layton-Matthews et al. (2007);
Katinniq (northern Quebec, Canada) Heaman et al. (2009)
Pechenga (Karelia and Kola peninsula, Pechanga-Onega (1970 Ma) Alapieti and Lahtinen (2002); Dedeev et al. (2002)
northern Europe)
Bushveld (southern Africa) Bushveld (2060 Ma) Barnes and Maier (2002); Cawthorn (2010)
East Bull Lake intrusive suite Matachewan (2480−2450 Ma) Peck et al. (2001); James et al. (2002a, b)
(southern Ontario, Canada)
Kambalda and Agnew (Western Australia) Goldfields (2700 Ma) Barnes et al. (2012)
Shangani, Trojan, and Hunter’s Road Belingwe (2700 Ma) Prendergast (2004)

Note: LIP locations are shown in Figure 2


A 102 E
o B
72 O
Kara Sea
? 66 o Laptev Sea
E sula
yr Penin
64 o
A. S.
Putorana M



Siberian Bay
West Siberian Craton
500 km
Basin Siberian LIP (250 Ma) Mackenzie LIP
basalts, sills, tuffs - (1.27 Ga) an

in outcrop
Sh a dian
300 km Basin
basalts, sills, tuffs in flood basalts
subcrop dolerite dikes
Tyumen dolerite dikes dolerite sills ield
layered intrusion
Central Asian Foldbelt Siberian Traps Province from gravity

Circum-Superior LIP (ca. 1.88 Ga) Raglan & CAMP LIP (200 Ma)
related deposits flood basalts
flood basalts and sills
dolerite dikes
dolerite dikes
dolerite sills
Thompson N AMERICA
Nickel Belt




layered complex

1000 km

500 km

Fig. 5. Locating a small Ni-Cu-PGE mineralized region (the “sweet spot”) marked by white circles in an areally extensive
LIP. Four examples are shown: A. 250 Ma Siberian Trap LIP with its rich Noril’sk-Talnakh deposits. B. 1270 Ma Mackenzie
event with its associated Muskox intrusion. C. 1880 Ma Circum-Superior LIP with its associated ore-rich areas of the Thomp-
son belt and the Raglan and related deposits of the Cape Smith belt. D. 200 Ma CAMP LIP with the associated Freetown
intrusion of Sierra Leone. A.S = Anabar shield, M = Maimecha-Kotui region. The red stars locate inferred mantle plumes.
For the Siberian LIP the solid red star is at the convergence of N-S rifting (of the East Siberian basin) and E-W rifting (of
the Khatanga trough; Schissel and Smail, 2001), and the red star with white interior marks the plume center inferred from a
radiating dike swarm (Ernst and Buchan, 1997a).

to consider whether higher Mg (NC-1, NC-2), more ferropi- In terms of NC-2-type magmatic sulfide mineralization it is
critic (NC-3), and even troctolitic-anorthositic (NC-4) depos- apparent that Ni-Cu mineralized bodies represent a very
its may have a preferential location or setting within a given small target in an otherwise huge magmatic event (Fig. 5). To
LIP. In particular, we note the importance of proximity to illustrate the scale of the problem, the Siberian flood basalt
mantle plume centers. province, one of the world’s largest mafic igneous events,

Table 3. Types of Ni-Cu-(PGE) Magmatic Sulfide Deposits and Their Associations with LIPs

Camps and deposit Tectonic setting

Class Related magmatism (name and age) of magmatism Associated LIP

NC-1 Komatiite Wiluna-Norseman greenstone belt Greenstone belts (rift?) Archean LIPs
(Kambalda, Mount Keith,
Perseverance and others) (Australia)
Abitibi (Canada)
Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)
Thompson (Canada) Rifted continental Circum-Superior LIP
Raglan (Canada) margin (1.88–1.87 Ga)

NC-2 Flood basalt Noril’sk (Siberia) Rift (Triple junction) Siberian LIP (0.25 Ga)
Duluth (Mid-continent North America) Keweenawan LIP (1.12–1.09 Ga)
Muskox (n. Canada) Mackenzie LIP (1.27 Ga)
Insizwa (South Africa) Rifted continental margin Karoo LIP (0.18 Ga)
Wrangellia (W Canada and Alaska) Rifted island arc Wrangellia LIP (0.23 Ga)

NC-3 Ferropicrite Pechenga (Scandinavia) Rifted continental margin Pechenga-Onega LIP (1.97 Ga)

NC-4 Troctolite-anorthosite-granite Voisey’s Bay (eastern Canada) Rift ?

NC-5 Miscellaneous Montcalm (Ontario, Canada) Greenstone belts (Rift?) —

Picrite-tholeiite Jinchuan (China) Rifted continental margin Gubei LIP (0.83 Ga)
Niquelandia (Brazil) Continental rift ?
Moxie (NE USA) Orogenic (Compressive) —
Aberdeenshire Gabbros (UK) —
Rona (Scandinavia) —
Acoje (Indonesia) Ophiolite belt (Oceanic) —

NC-6 Impact melt 1.85 Ga Sudbury (Canada) Meteorite impact Target rocks: East Bull Lake
intrusion of Matachewan LIP
(2.49–2.45 Ga) and Nipissing sills
of Ungava LIP (2.21 Ga)

NC-7 Ural-Alaskan Duke Island (Alaska) Convergent margin —

Turnagain Arm (Alaska) —
Salt Chuck (Alaska) —
Quetico (?) (Canada) Possible fore-arc setting —

Notes: Adapted from Naldrett (2010b) with information added on LIP associations; locations of LIPs are shown in Figure 2; the question mark (?) in the
last column indicates a LIP association is suspected but not yet identified; a dash (—) indicates a LIP association is considered unlikely

covers an area of approximately 7 Mkm2 with a volume of 4 of this 1880 Ma LIP are more distal from the proposed plume
km3 (Ivanov, 2007). Yet despite this vast extent, the only center, although if a 10° to 20° relative rotation between the
operating Ni-Cu-(PGE) mines are located in the ~30-km- eastern and western halves of the Superior craton (e.g., Evans
long × 20-km-wide Noril’sk and Talnakh ore junctions, rep- and Halls, 2010) occurred after 1880 Ma then the Raglan area
resenting a very small fraction (~0.01%) of the total area of may have been as much as 500 km closer to the Thompson
the Siberian LIP. plume center, although still about 600 km away (e.g., Ernst
There are two exploration implications from this realiza- and Bell, 2010).
tion: (1) given the scale of the event, if one “sweet spot” is This linkage between magmatic sulfide mineralization and
found, perhaps there are others remaining to be discovered; plume center proximity is related to the greater volumes of
and (2) strategies are required for vectoring toward the small magma flow associated with proximity to a plume head (e.g.,
prospective regions within such massive events. Figure 5 Naldrett et al., 1992). These greater volumes of flow means
illustrates that a first-order control on the location of miner- that more dynamic and higher R factor (i.e., increased inter-
alization is proximity to a mantle plume center, as has been action between magmatic sulfides and silicate magma, leading
previously noted (e.g., Lightfoot et al., 1993). The Siberian, to higher tenor sulfides; Campbell and Naldrett, 1979) mag-
Mackenzie, and CAMP LIPs host the respective mineral- matic systems are more likely to be associated with conduits
ized Noril’sk-Talnakh, Muskox, and Freetown intrusions that proximal to plume centers. Additional insights can come from
are located within a few hundred kilometers of the plume understanding the pathway of the magma from mantle sources
centers associated with their LIP events. Magmatic sulfide areas: some magma stalls at the base of the crust forming an
deposits within the Thompson Ni belt of Canada belong to underplate (e.g., Cox, 1980) that might melt the lower crust
the ~1880 Ma Circum-Superior LIP and are located near the to form silicic magmas. Other mafic-ultramafic magma pro-
plume center for this event, which is defined on the basis of gresses upward through a crustal plumbing system of dikes,
a radiating dike swarm (e.g., Ernst and Bell, 2010). However, sills, and layered intrusions that distribute magmas laterally
the Raglan and related deposits of the Cape Smith belt portion and vertically within the crust and also feed surface flood

basalts (e.g., Ernst and Buchan, 1997a, b). Magma transport rocks and intrusions. This vectoring approach is exemplified
along translithospheric fractures is also important (e.g., Nal- by the Siberian Trap LIP where the voluminous and highly
drett et al., 1992; Naldrett, 1999; Begg et al., 2010). Magma chalcophile element-depleted Nadezhdinsky Formation vol-
transported through the plumbing system of dikes and sills canic rocks have been linked to the Noril’sk and Talnakh ore
(and along translithospheric fractures) on its way from man- deposits that formed within upstream magma chambers (e.g.,
tle source areas to final emplacement levels in the crust or Lightfoot and Keays, 2005).
onto the surface can interact with subcontinental lithospheric Another more speculative type of vectoring tool is related
mantle and crustal material (e.g., with sulfur- and silica-rich to dike swarms, where lateral emplacement of radiating dike
sediments), potentially leading to sulfide concentration and swarms has been linked to magma chambers in the focal
segregation (e.g., Naldrett, 1997). region of the swarm, as exemplified by the Mackenzie dike
Geochemistry can be used as a tool to assess the overall swarm in Canada. Here it is interpreted that different sub-
prospectivity of LIPs and to vector toward regions or iden- swarms of dikes were spawned and laterally injected from
tify magmatic subpulses within a given LIP that have greater these focal region magma chambers (e.g., Baragar et al., 1996).
deposit potential (e.g., Jowitt and Ernst, 2013). More specifi- Based on this geometry it is postulated that identification of a
cally, the Ni-Cu-PGE prospectivity of an LIP, or indeed sec- chalcophile-depleted and crustally contaminated subswarm of
tions of an LIP, can be analyzed in terms of fertility (metal dikes would imply that the original metal endowment of these
endowment in the primary magma), sulfur saturation, and magmas was lost upstream, potentially in a layered intrusion
associated chalcophile element depletion and enrichment, somewhere along strike in the upstream direction, toward the
and crustal contamination, with the latter being used to plume center (e.g., Jowitt and Ernst, 2012).
infer if the chalcophile depletion is linked to incorporation The Phanerozoic and Proterozoic LIP record suggests that
of crustal material, including crustal sulfides, and the seques- primitive (higher Mg) magmas are more common in the vicin-
tering of metals by immiscible magmatic sulfides. An analysis ity (within a few hundred km) of plume centers than in distal
of the geochemistry of Canadian LIPs undertaken by Jowitt areas (e.g., Campbell et al., 1989). Although the mantle plume
and Ernst (2013) included the identification of three highly context for komatiites and their associated tholeiitic basalts
prospective events: the 2.49–2.45 Ga Matachewan, 1.87 Ga seems likely (e.g., Lesher and Arndt, 1995), the identification
Chukotat, and 1.27 Ga Mackenzie events (Fig. 2), each of of plume centers for these Archean LIP fields is progressing
which hosts known mineralization (East Bull Lake, Raglan, slowly, primarily due to the fragmented nature of Archean
and Muskox, respectively). In addition, the geochemistry of greenstone belt events, although a plume center location has
the 0.72 Ga Franklin LIP suggests part of this event should been suggested for the ca. 2700 Ma Eastern Goldfields super-
be considered highly prospective; although no known Frank- terrane LIP of the Yilgarn craton (e.g., Barnes et al., 2012;
lin-related Ni-Cu-PGE deposits have as yet been identified, Said et al., 2012).
the LIP does host a number of known Ni-Cu-PGE mag- Oceanic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits: The majority of known Ni-
matic sulfide occurrences. This geochemical approach allows Cu-(PGE) ore deposits are associated with continental LIPs;
assessment of nonmineralized portions of an LIP, to predict the only significant mineralization associated with oceanic
whether mineralized units are likely present elsewhere in the LIPs occurs within the Wrangellia/Nikolai accreted oceanic
LIP system, and allows a greater understanding of the source plateau LIP of Alaska and Canada (e.g., Greene et al., 2009,
and feeder relationships in an LIP system. 2010), as exemplified by the Wellgreen deposit in the Yukon
Furthermore, targeting of units with variable chalcophile Territory of Canada (e.g., Marcantonio et al., 1994; Schmidt
element enrichments and depletions, indicative of fertile and Rogers, 2007). The Wrangellia/Nikolai LIP was built on
magmas that have undergone S saturation and lost chalco- an earlier island arc, suggesting that only oceanic plateaus that
phile elements to immiscible sulfide melts deposited else- have interacted with continental crust/lithosphere are likely to
where within the LIP system, can be useful vectoring tools host coeval magmatic sulfide mineralization (e.g., Greene et
for mineral exploration. Chalcophile-depleted units should al., 2009, 2010).
be prospected “upstream” in the plumbing system for cor-
responding sites of metal enrichments (i.e., potential ore PGE-dominated magmatic sulfide deposits
deposits); a similar model incorporating linkages between PGE-dominated magmatic sulfide deposits are commonly
downstream chalcophile-depleted and contaminated sections hosted by layered mafic/ultramafic intrusions (e.g., Naldrett,
of a magmatic plumbing system with upstream S saturation 2004, 2010a; Eckstrand and Hulbert, 2007), with Naldrett
and deposition of magmatic sulfides has also been developed (2004) splitting these deposits into six classes (Table 4; Fig. 4).
for komatiitic systems (e.g., Lesher et al., 2001), and similar Naldrett (2004, 2010a) suggested that the majority of PGE-
LIP-scale relationships have been and are the focus of recent dominated magmatic sulfide deposits are associated with two
and ongoing research (e.g., Jowitt and Ernst, 2012, 2013; Jow- distinct magma types, an early siliceous high Mg basalt magma
itt et al., 2013). (U-type) and a later more tholeiitic-type magma (T-type).
One vectoring approach utilizes the links between volcanic U-type magmas may be similar to modern boninites (e.g.,
units and their magma source “upstream” in a staging cham- Hamlyn and Keays, 1986), although it is more likely that they
ber at depth; metal depletion in volcanic rocks can be linked represent crustally contaminated komatiitic magmas (e.g.,
to upstream areas of magmatic sulfide deposition, either in Eales and Costin, 2012). It should also be noted that Hall and
metal-enriched magma chambers or in other upstream areas Hughes (1990) argued that generally noritic U-type magmas
of the plumbing system. Furthermore, geochemistry provides formed from interaction of primary mantle melts with subduc-
a method for making the link between particular volcanic tion-modified regions of the continental lithospheric mantle.

Table 4. Types of PGE-Dominated Magmatic Sulfide Deposits and Their Associations with LIPs

Intrusive Tectonic setting

Class Related magmatism complexes Deposits of magmatism Associated LIP

PGE-1 U-type magmatism Bushveld Merensky, UG-2 reefs, Intra-cratonic Bushveld LIP
with minor tholeiites Platreef, Dunite pipes
Stillwater J-M reef Not known Stillwater LIP?
Great Dyke Main sulfide zone Intra-cratonic rift ?
Lac des Iles Robie zone Not known ?

PGE-2 U-type and tholeiitic Munni-Munni Porphyritic websterite layer Intra-cratonic? 2.94−2.91 Ga West Pilbara event
Penikat SJ reef Rifted continental margin 2.44 Ga Baltic LIP
Portimo SK and RK reefs, marginal ore

PGE-3 Tholeiitic East Bull Lake Marginal ore 2470−2450 Ma Matachewan LIP
River Valley Marginal ore
Skaergaard Platinova reef North Atlantic
Cap Edvard Holm Willow Ridge reef
Sonju Lake Sonju Lake reef Rift Keweenawan
Coldwell Marathon, Bermuda

PGE-4 Calc-alkaline mafic Longwoods Longwoods area Orogenic (island arc) —

Volkovsky Volkovsky, Baron —

PGE-5 Ural-Alaskan alkaline Urals platinum belt Soloviev Hills, Urals placers ?
mafic-ultramafic Koryakia region Seynav-Galmoznav ?
Kondyor Kondyor Cratonic

PGE-6 Alkaline mafic-ultramafic Guli Ingarinda Rift Siberian

Notes: Adapted from Naldrett (2004) with information on associated LIPs and the composition of the Lac des Iles deposit added; LIP locations are shown
in Figure 2; the question mark (?) in the last column indicates a LIP association is suspected but not yet identified; a dash (—) indicates a LIP association is
considered unlikely

The PGE-1 class of magmatic sulfide deposits consists of The Great Dyke is truncated at the north and south edges
intrusions formed from both U and T types of magma, but in of the Zimbabwe craton and continuity into other formerly
systems that are dominated by U-type magmas, and with PGE adjacent blocks would seem likely, indicating that the cur-
mineralization concentrated in areas of mixing between the rent sub-LIP scale areal extent of 60,000 km2 is likely to be
two magma types (Naldrett, 2004). Deposits of this class host an underestimate. The PGE-1 class also includes magmatic
PGE mineralization within reef-type or stratiform deposits in breccia-type deposits within stock-like or layered bodies, such
large, well-layered mafic/ultramafic intrusions associated with as the Lac des Iles deposit, which currently have no demon-
chromitite and sulfide-rich layers (Naldrett, 2004; Eckstrand strable links with LIP events (e.g., Hinchey et al., 2005; D.
and Hulbert, 2007). Examples of reef-type mineralization Peck, pers. commun., 2011), although it should be noted that
include the Merensky reef and UG-2 chromitite layers within the resources within these deposits are minute compared to
the Bushveld Complex of South Africa, the J-M reef of the the PGE-1-type deposits with demonstrable LIP links. These
Stillwater Complex, Montana, and the Main sulfide zone of examples indicate that the vast majority, if not all, of the
the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe (Naldrett, 2004). In all three cases deposits within the PGE-1 class can be linked to distinct LIP
the presence of significant associated magmatism outside of events.
these large layered intrusions indicate that these intrusions The PGE-2 class is associated with intrusions formed from
are part of more widespread LIP events. This is exemplified both U and T types of magma, but where the T type of magma
by the Bushveld Complex, a constituent part of a widespread is dominant. This class includes mineralization hosted by the
magmatic event that occurred across the Kaapvaal craton Penikat, Portimo, and Fedorova intrusions that all belong to
(e.g., Rajesh et al., 2013). Specifically, the 2060 Ma Bush- the well-known 2500 to 2450 Ma Baltic LIP of Finland and
veld intrusion is part (albeit the dominant part by volume) of Russia (e.g., event 207 of Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Bayanova
a magmatic LIP event that includes minor mafic intrusions et al., 2009; Kulikov et al., 2010), again demonstrating that a
in the Vredefort area, the subsurface Molopo Farm Com- distinct class of PGE deposit is strongly linked to LIP events.
plex of Botswana, silicic magmatism in the Okwa inlier (NW The PGE-3 class is associated with T-type tholeiite-only
Kaapvaal) and associated carbonatitic magmatism, including intrusions, including the East Bull Lake and River Val-
the mineralized Phalaborwa carbonatite. The 2710 Ma Still- ley intrusions of the 2490 to 2450 Ma Matachewan LIP of
water Complex is also plausibly linked to widespread mafic Ontario and Quebec (Fahrig, 1987; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010),
dikes of similar age (2710−2680 Ma) that are distributed mineralization within the Sonju Lake intrusion of the Duluth
across the Wyoming craton (K. Chamberlain, per. commun., Complex and the Coldwell intrusion in Ontario, both related
2013). In addition, the approximately 550-km-long 2575 Ma to the Keweenawan LIP event (e.g., event 90 of Ernst and
Great Dyke of Zimbabwe is flanked along its entire length by Buchan, 2001), as well as the Platinova reef of the Skaergaard
two nearby coeval dolerite dikes (e.g., Wilson et al., 1987). intrusion of the North Atlantic LIP (e.g., event 5 of Ernst and

Buchan, 2001; Andersen et al., 2002). These examples again links between LIP events and the formation of significant
demonstrate a close link between this class of deposits and magmatic oxide mineral deposits.
LIP events. Calc-alkaline mafic-ultramafic intrusions host Fe-Ti-V deposits: The Main and Upper Series of the Bush-
PGE-4, PGE-5, and PGE-6 class mineralization, as exempli- veld Complex contain a number of Ti-V-bearing magnetite
fied by the Volkovsky deposit and the Baron prospect of the reefs that form 30.1 and 9.7% of the world’s V and ilmenite
Urals platinum belt (Naldrett, 2004). Although the majority (Ti) resources, respectively (Laznicka, 2010; U.S. Geological
of these are not LIP related by virtue of a calc-alkaline set- Survey, 2010); the Main Magnetitite Layer, located near the
ting, one example, the Guli deposit, is associated with the final base of the Upper Series, hosts the world’s largest resource of
stages of the Siberian Trap LIP event (Kamo et al., 2003). vanadium (Kruger, 2005).
The first class of PGE deposit (PGE-1) dominates the The Emeishan LIP of China and Vietnam hosts Fe-Ti-V
world’s PGE production and resources (Fig. 3), with the ores in mafic-ultramafic intrusions (e.g., Izokh et al., 2005;
Bushveld Complex alone representing some 70.9% of global Pirajno et al., 2009). The prominent examples are Hongge,
PGE resources (Mudd, 2012). It is also worth noting that the 4.5 Bt ore containing 1,830 Mt Fe (40.6% Fe), 196 Mt Ti,
second-largest single PGE resource (hosted by the Siberian and 14.5 Mt V; Panzhihua, with 1,333 Mt of resources and
Trap LIP) is the NC-2-type Ni-dominated Noril’sk-Talnakh production to 2005 of 134 Mt ore @ 45% FeO, 12% TiO2, and
deposits; these Pd-dominated deposits host ~12% of current 0.3% V2O5; Taihe, with 810 Mt of resources at grades of~ 33%
global PGE resources (Mudd, 2012). PGE-4 deposits are gen- Fe, ~12% TiO2, and ~0.3% V2O5; and Baima, with 1,497 Mt
erally subeconomic, with the exception of placer prospects of resources at unknown grades (Bai et al., 2012; Hou et al.,
associated with the PGE-4 class of deposit, as found within 2012; Zhang, Z-Q., et al., 2012). The magmas that formed the
the Urals, Kamchatka, and Colombia (e.g., Weiser, 2002); Emeishan LIP are split into high and low Ti series, with the
however, PGE-4-type deposits are not LIP related, and there- high Ti series magmas associated with Fe-Ti-V oxide mineral-
fore are not a further focus of this review. ization and the low Ti series magmas associated with Ni-Cu-
These data indicate that the PGE-1 and -2 ore classes, as PGE sulfide mineralization. The fact that both high and low
well as some PGE-3 deposits, are dominantly LIP related. In Ti magmas formed during a single LIP event was originally
short, the global producers of PGE are dominated by LIP- thought to be related to derivation of these distinct magma
related magmas (Table 4). suites from separate parts of a heterogeneous plume (e.g., Xu
Implications for exploration of LIP context for PGE-domi- at al., 2001; He et al., 2010), but currently these two series
nated deposits: It is typically inferred that large layered intru- of magmas are thought to have formed from near-identical
sions (and their associated Ni-Cu-PGE deposits) are located age primary melts, with the eventual separation into high and
near their plume centers, as evidenced by the 1270 Ma Mack- low Ti magmas caused by differences in igneous evolution,
enzie event of Laurentia, where several gravity anomalies with the low Ti series magmas undergoing crustal contamina-
(inferred to mark layered intrusions) partially circumscribe tion that led to sulfur saturation, whereas the high Ti magmas
the well-defined Mackenzie plume center at a distance of underwent long-lived fractionation that caused eventual Fe
about 300 km (Baragar et al., 1996). The Bushveld intrusion is oxide saturation (Hou et al., 2011). The fractionation of the
thought to overlie its plume center (e.g., Hatton, 1995; Olsson latter formed the highly evolved ferrobasaltic or ferropicritic
et al., 2011), and this observation of layered intrusions being LIP magmas that generated the world-class Fe-Ti-V orebod-
close to their plume centers is consistent with an analysis ies of the Emeishan LIP (e.g., Zhou et al., 2005). Similarly,
of the controls on whether horizontal magma emplacement fractionation and Fe oxide saturation, in addition to potential
produces a stacked package of sills or a major layered mafic- pressure changes during these processes, are thought to be
ultramafic intrusion. A recent model by Cawthorn (2012) for responsible for the formation of the Bushveld Complex Fe-
the Bushveld intrusion infers that the critical parameter is Ti-V reefs (e.g., Kruger, 2005; Cawthorn and Ashwal, 2009).
whether the initial few magma pulses are emplaced quickly An important class of anorogenic magmas (AMCG [anor-
enough. Modeling indicates that the injection of three to four thosite-mangerite-charnockite-rapakivi granite] and associ-
pulses of magma, each ~100 m thick, within a period of ≤100 ated anorogenic granites) are also known to host Fe-Ti-(V)
years to form a composite intrusion would lead to a scenario deposits (e.g., Hébert et al., 2005) but have uncertain rela-
where the cooling of this body would be sufficiently slow as to tionships to LIPs and mantle plumes (Ashwal, 1993; McLel-
trap any subsequent intrusions of magma, ultimately forming land et al., 2010). Current models suggest that these suites
a thick layered intrusion (Cawthorn, 2012). A longer inter- of magmas are thought to form during orogenic thickening
val between magmatic pulses would allow sufficient time of the lithosphere and subsequent delamination (e.g., McLel-
for cooling of earlier pulses and result in the production of a land et al., 2010). However, an interesting example that illus-
stacked sill complex (e.g., the 180 Ma Karoo sill province of trates a potential LIP and plume connection is the ca. 1800
the Kalahari craton). Furthermore, rapid emplacement of a to 1750 Ma Korosten and Korsun-Novomirgorod complexes
series of magmatic pulses, and therefore the formation of lay- of the Ukrainian shield of Sarmatia (Duchesne et al., 2006;
ered intrusions, is more likely to happen proximal to mantle Bogdanova et al., 2013); here, an early (1790 Ma) pulse of
plume center regions that have higher magma fluxes. AMCG magmatism is coeval with Ni-sulfide-bearing doler-
ites/gabbros (Amelin et al., 1994; Bogdanova et al., 2013).
Oxide deposits Furthermore, 1790 Ma mafic magmatism is potentially wide-
LIPs can also host major Fe-Ti-V and Cr magmatic oxide spread in Sarmatia and may be linked to the >300,000 km2
deposits, as exemplified by the Bushveld and Emeishan LIPs Avanavero LIP within the Amazonian craton (e,g., Ernst et al.,
(Table 1). Here we discuss these and other examples of the 2013) if the SAMBA continental reconstruction of Johansson

(2009) is correct. This indicates that the AMCG magmatism magmatic sulfide deposits (Eagle’s Nest, Eagle Two, AT12)
within the Ukrainian shield is potentially part of a widespread and a large Ti-V deposit. These deposits are also associated
LIP event. The AMCG type of Fe-Ti-V ores tends to be mas- with contemporaneous volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)
sive, rich in apatite and monazite, and may be REE enriched, mineralization, as discussed below. The mineralization within
as exemplified by AMCG complexes within the Ukrainian the ca. 2730 Ring of Fire complex is hosted in the older sec-
shield portion of Sarmatia described above (Bogdanova et al., tions of a sequence of 2808 to <2702 Ma supracrustal rock
2013). In comparison, layered intrusion-hosted Fe-Ti-V ores packages (Metsaranta and Houlé, 2012).
(e.g., Bushveld) are generally meter-thick layers of magnetite- All of the magmatic mineral deposits within the Ring of Fire
ilmenite or titanomagnetite that have higher grades than typi- complex formed from stratigraphically differentiated kom-
cal AMCG-type ores (Cawthorn and Ashwal, 2009; D. Peck, atiitic magmas in distinct metallogenic associations, namely
pers. commun., 2011). lowermost zones where magmatic sulfides accumulated at the
Cr deposits: There are two major sources of chromite, base of dike-like structures, intermediate-level chromitites
namely podiform chromitites within ophiolites (e.g., Melcher within sill-like feeder zones, and residual magmas stripped of
et al., 1997) that are not LIP related, and generally LIP- Ni-Cu-PGE and Cr that fractionated to produce Ti-V miner-
related stratiform chromitites within layered complexes. alization within layered intrusions (Mungall et al., 2010). The
These stratiform chromitites consist of chromite-rich layers Ring of Fire complex provides a classic example of a single
within large layered intrusions that form early in the crys- suite of potentially LIP-associated magmas that underwent
tallization sequence by in situ magma mixing (e.g., Irvine, differing igneous evolutionary paths to produce numerous
1977), although other researchers believe that the Cr seams different types of mineral deposits; the relatively unknown
that form these Cr deposits did not form in situ but were nature of the belt means that there is significant further explo-
transported as chromite slurries that were injected into semi- ration potential in this area (Mungall et al., 2010).
consolidated cumulates, potentially during subsidence as Implications for the relationship between LIPs and Fe-
a result of the depletion of underlying magma chamber(s) Ti-V and Cr deposits: The presence within the Ring of Fire
(Maier and Barnes 2008). The world’s largest Cr resources event of differing types of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide and
are located within the Critical zone of the Bushveld Complex; Ti-V and Cr oxide mineralization offers the possibility that
these deposits contain around 75% of the world’s known Cr an improved understanding of the sourcing and evolution of
resources (e.g., Robb, 2005; Laznicka, 2010). The other main magmas within an LIP context can enable the identification
sources of Cr are hosted by the 2575 Ma Great Dyke of Zim- of barren and prospective areas for both sulfide and oxide
babwe (Selukwe deposit), the 2710 Ma Stillwater Complex, mineralization, and the delineation of prospective or entirely
and the ~2450 Ma Kemi intrusion that is a constituent part unprospective LIP events, as discussed above for Ni-Cu-PGE
of the Baltic LIP (also known as the East Scandinavian LIP ore deposits in an LIP context (e.g., Jowitt and Ernst, 2013).
or Sumian LIP; Bayonova et al., 2009; Kulkov et al., 2010,
and references therein), although it should be emphasized Carbonatite-related deposits
that not all LIP-related layered intrusions contain significant The links between LIPs and carbonatites (and associated
chromite. For instance, Vogel et al. (1998a) divided the 2.5 to alkaline complexes) have been explored in detail by Ernst and
2.45 Ga Fennoscandian mafic intrusions of the Baltic LIP on Bell (2010) and are illustrated in Table 5 and Figure 6. These
the basis of age, chrome content, and incompatible element links are exemplified by carbonatites associated with the 66 Ma
ratios and abundance, and noted that Cr-poor intrusions are Deccan, the 130 Ma Paraná-Etendeka, the 250 Ma Siberian,
dominated by gabbronorite and leucogabbronorite, whereas the ca. 370 Ma Kola-Dneiper (which includes the Kola alkaline
Cr-rich intrusions contain much higher proportions of ultra- province magmatism), and the 615 to 555 Ma Central Iapetus
mafic to mafic rocks (almost 1:1) along with chromitite layers. magmatic province LIP events of eastern Laurentia and west-
The ca. 2730 Ma Ring of Fire complex, a potential Archean ern Baltica. In addition, a number of carbonatites within
LIP within the McFauld’s greenstone belt of Northwest- southern Laurentia are associated with the 1114 to 1085 Ma
ern Ontario on the eastern edge of the older Caribou block Keweenawan LIP, and some are coeval with the circum-Supe-
(Houlé et al., 2012; Laarman et al., 2012; Metsaranta and rior 1880 Ma mafic-ultramafic magmatic event of the Supe-
Houlé, 2012), also hosts world-class Cr mineralization. The rior craton. The Phalaborwa and Shiel carbonatites are also
rationale for linking this complex to an LIP event is based associated with the 2055 Ma Bushveld event of the Kaapvaal
on the presence of an LIP-type komatiite-tholeiite association craton (Ernst and Bell, 2010). The strong link between car-
(cf. Ernst et al., 2005; Bryan and Ernst, 2008) and the fact that bonatites and rifting that has been previously documented
although this complex is somewhat limited in size compared (e.g., Burke et al., 2003) is consistent with an LIP affinity for
to the threshold volume or area of an LIP, the emplacement of carbonatites, as the majority of LIP events are also rift related
the mafic-ultramafic magmas that form the Ring of Fire com- (e.g., Courtillot et al., 1999; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010).
plex occurred on the same microcontinent (Caribou terrane) Carbonatites are genetically linked to a number of impor-
as the contemporaneous and also Ni-Cu sulfide and Cr min- tant mineral deposit types and a wide variety of commodi-
eralized Bird River Sill, suggesting that these two complexes ties, including the REE, Nb, F, P, Fe, Th, U, Cu, Zr, Ta, Au,
may form part of a wider LIP-scale event (e.g., Mungall et al., Ag, the PGE, and industrial minerals such as vermiculite and
2010; Metsaranta and Houlé, 2012). The Ring of Fire com- lime (Woolley and Kjarsgaard, 2008). Specifically, the 2.06 Ga
plex hosts a number of world-class Cr deposits, namely the Phalaborwa carbonatite complex of South Africa is rich in Cu
Blackbird, Big Daddy, Black Thor, and Black Label deposits, sulfides, has some affinities with IOCG deposits (e.g., Cor-
which are located within the same complex as Ni-Cu-PGE riveau, 2007), and is linked to the Bushveld LIP (e.g., Ernst

Table 5. Examples of LIPs and Their Associated Carbonatite Complexes

LIP name (age range) Associated carbonatite complexes

Afar and East Africa (Afro-Arabian) Uganda: Bukusu, Napak, Tororo, Toror; Kenya: Buru Hill probably coeval with Tinderet, Homa Mountain,
(45–0 Ma) Kisingiri and Rangwa, North and South Ruri, Nyamaji, Shombole, Tinderet and Londiani, Wasaki
peninsula; Tanzania: Basotu, Hanang and Balangida, Kerimasi, Kwahera, Monduli-Arusha tuff cones,
Mosonik, Oldoinyo Lengai, Sadiman
Deccan (65 Ma) Amba Dongar, Danta-Langera-Mahabar, Mundwara, Sarnu-Dandali (Barmer)
Paraná-Etendeka (133 Ma) South America: Anitápolis, Barra do Itapirapuã, Chiriguelo, Ipanema, Itanhaem, Itapirapuã, Jacupiranga,
Juquiá; Africa: Messum
Siberian (trap) (250 Ma) Maimecha-Kotui: Bor-Uryakh, Guli, Kugda, Magan, Odikhincha; Anabar province: Orto-Yrigakhskoe,
Tundrovoye and Nomottookhskoe, southwestern Siberia (Chadobetskaya region): Chadobetskaya
Kola-Dniepr (East European craton) Afrikanda, Kovdor, Vuoriyarvi, Seblyavr, Salmagorskii, Kontozerskii, Turiy Peninsula, Kandaguba,
event (ca. 380 Ma) Khibina, Ozernaya Varaka, Sokli, Sallanlatvi
CIMP (Central Iapetus magmatic Eastern Laurentia: Aillik Bay, Arvida (Chicoutimi), Baie-Des-Moutons (Mutton Bay), Brent, Callander
province) (615–550 Ma) Bay, Manitou Islands, St-Honoré, Torngat Mountains (Abloviak Fjord), Greenland: Quigussaq
(Umanak), Sarfartoq, Baltica (Norway and Sweden): Avike Bay, Alnö, Fen, Lillebukt, Seiland, Sørøy
Keweenawan (1114–1085 Ma) Big Beaver House, Firesand River, Nemegosenda, Lackner Lake, Seabrook Lake, Schryburt Lake,
Sullivan Island, Prairie Lake, Valentine
Circum-Superior Kapuskasing structural zone: Argor, Borden, Cargill, Goldray, Spanish River, Labrador trough: Lac
(ca. 1880–1870 Ma) Castignon, northwestern Superior craton: Carb Lake
Bushveld (2059–2053 Ma) Phalaborwa, Shiel

Notes: Modified after Ernst and Bell (2010) and including only those carbonatites confidently linked to the LIP; carbonatites in bold font are those with
age constraints displayed in Figure 6A; details on all these carbonatites are provided in the global database of Woolley and Kjarsgaard (2008); LIP locations
are shown in Figure 2

and Bell, 2010). In addition, the Bayan Obo carbonatite b; Schissel and Smail, 2001; Sparks et al., 2006, 2007; Wilson
REE-Nb-Fe deposit of the north China craton, currently the and Head, 2007; Russell et al., 2012). Russell et al. (2012)
world’s most important source of the REEs, has an uncertain offered a link between kimberlites and carbonatites by sug-
age but was provisionally linked by Peng et al. (2011) to the gesting that kimberlites have carbonatite-like parental melts
920 to 900 Ma Dashigou LIP, and by Zhang, S.H., et al. (2012) that were modified as they migrated through the mantle litho-
to the 1320 Ma Yanliao LIP. sphere by assimilating mantle minerals, especially orthopy-
Implications of an LIP context for carbonatites: The strong roxene, causing these magmas to become more silicic, and
link between LIPs and carbonatites is compelling (Ernst and leading to a coincident drop in carbon dioxide solubility.
Bell, 2010), but it is not known whether there are classes of Kimberlites are mainly located in Archean cratons and the
carbonatites that are not linked to LIPs. Furthermore, there Paleoproterozoic mobile belts that surround cratonic areas.
has not yet been a comparative study to determine whether They have been interpreted to be the deep-sourced equiva-
the family of carbonatites associated with a given LIP has lent of basalts trapped beneath lithospheric roots (e.g., Camp-
trace element geochemical patterns that provide a match to bell, 2001; Arndt, 2003) and can be classified into Group I
the geochemistry of that LIP, whether carbonatites associ- (basaltic) and Group II (micaceous) types (e.g., Wagner, 1914;
ated with particular LIPs are more likely to be more REE or Williams, 1932; Smith, 1983; Mitchell, 1995; Schissel and
Nb-Ta rich, and whether this can be predicted from studying Smail, 2001; Arndt, 2003; Becker and le Roex, 2006; Gurney
the associated LIP. Similarly, is there different composition et al., 2010), the latter termed “orangeites” by Mitchell (1995).
and different mineralization potential for carbonatites located Important evidence on the origin of kimberlites derives from
in different parts of an LIP system (along a rift, proximal to their diamond endowments; most researchers consider that
the plume center, distal from the plume center, along a trans- diamonds are picked up and transported during magma
lithospheric fault)? ascent as xenocrysts, and inclusions within diamonds indicate
that the host kimberlite (and lamproite) magmas originated
Kimberlites and LIPs at depths below 180 km, perhaps from plumes that ultimately
Kimberlites have been defined as volatile-rich (dominantly started from the core-mantle boundary (e.g., Torsvik et al.,
CO2), potassic ultrabasic rocks possessing a distinctive inequi- 2010). Although the majority of diamonds are thought to
granular texture that resulted from the presence of both mac- be sourced from the deep lithospheric roots of ancient cra-
rocrystic and groundmass phenocrystic olivine (e.g., Mitchell, tons, some diamonds contain inclusions of majoritic garnet
1995, 2006, 2008; Woolley et al., 1996; Le Maître, 2002; Cha- (and its exsolution products) and Na pyroxene-enstatite solid
lapathi Rao and Lehmann, 2011). These rocks occur as volca- solutions, which are evidence for an origin at transition zone
nic diatremes and as dikes and sills, and are petrographically depths (410–660 km), whereas other inclusions in diamonds
complex because of the presence of abundant xenocrysts, are indicative of a lower mantle origin, and yet other diamonds
megacrysts, and xenoliths. They are rapidly and explosively contain Fe, FeC, and SiC inclusions that may have originated
emplaced with passage through the lithosphere as dikes, in the Earth’s core (Haggerty, 1999a,b; Kerrich et al., 2005;
but final ascent to the surface is via explosive diatremes with Stachel et al., 2005; Stachel and Harris, 2008; Harte, 2011).
ascent velocities as high as 30 to 50 m/s (e.g., Brey et al., 1991; The deep origin of these constituents is most compatible with
Brey and Ryabchikov, 1994; Mitchell, 1995, Haggerty, 1999a, a mantle plume origin for kimberlites, although nonplume

Parana- Kola- Central Iapetus Circum-

Deccan Etendeka Siberian Dneiper Magmatic Prov. Superior Bushveld
(CIMP) Keweenawan



SW Africa











Carbonatite ages (with 2 sigma uncertainties).
Red ages more reliable

A main pulses of LIP


B edge of Parana
C 20°E

basin 45°W OIC

? ? ?

AMERICA Parana Rio de

(2055.6 ± 3.1 Ma)

Janerio Namibia ?




CS Itap Ju Kaapvaal Craton Swaziland

Ch Itan

30°S 30°S
25°S N Lesotho
An South Africa

500 km
Etendeka 20°E

On, Ka, Os
°E °S

250 km
15 2 5


Fig. 6. Association of carbonatites and LIPs after Ernst and Bell (2010). A. Summary of age distribution of carbonatites
with respect to main episodes of LIP events. Gray bars indicate main episodes of LIP magmatism. Age range for each car-
bonatite is based on given ±2σ uncertainties, or given ranges. In cases in which an uncertainty is not provided, a value of ±10
Ma is arbitrarily assigned, which is high but appropriately conservative. U-Pb, Ar-Ar, and Rb-Sr ages (for carbonatites) are
considered more reliable and are presented as red rectangles. K-Ar and fission track ages are left as green rectangles, except
for the less than 10 Ma ages of the Afro-Arabian LIP, which are shown as red rectangles. B. Paraná- Etendeka LIP of recon-
structed South America and Africa and associated carbonatite complexes (solid red circles). Abbreviations for carbonatite
names are as follows: South America: An = Anitapolis, BI = Barra do Itapirapua, CS = Cerro Sarambi, Ch = Chiriguelo, Ipan
= Ipanema, Itan = Itanhaem, Itap = Itapirapua, Ju = Juquia, Ja = Jacupiranga; Africa: Ka = Kalkfeld, Kw = Kwaggaspan, M
= Messum, Ok = Okorusu, On = Ondurakorume, Os = Osongombo. Red star and circle (dashed red line) locate inferred
center and 1,000-km radius of underlying mantle plume ca. 133 Ma ago. C. Distribution of Bushveld and satellite units after
Kinnaird (2005), and diagram provided by P. Eriksson (pers. commun. 2008). BC = Bushveld complex, MC = Moshaneng
complex, MFC = Molopo Farms complex, OIC = Okwa inlier complex, PCC = Phalaborwa carbonatite complex, SCC = Shiel
carbonatite complex, UC = Uitkomst complex, VD = coeval intrusions in the vicinity of the Vredefort dome. The SCC and
PCC are located in the area outlined in red. Thin black lines in (B) are dikes.

origins for kimberlites have also been proposed (e.g., Mitch- have associated kimberlites. A key question is whether LIPs
ell, 1995; Helmstaedt and Gurney, 1998; McCandless, 1999). can be used to assess the diamond potential of kimberlites.
Some of the more widespread kimberlite events have been Whether a kimberlite is diamondiferous is controlled by the
associated with superplume events linked to the breakup of nature of the lithosphere that the kimberlite magma passes
supercontinents (e.g., Haggerty, 1999, a,b; Heaman et al., through. This is because diamonds within these magmas are
2003; Kerrich et al., 2005), although others may be triggered present as xenocrysts and were extracted from the lithospheric
by returning mantle flow in areas proximal to convergent plate mantle root of ancient cratons within the diamond stability
margins that may not be definitively linked with LIPs (Tappe field (at depths of >200 km). Thus, whether a kimberlite is
et al., 2013). The links between LIPs and kimberlites are diamondiferous is dependent on the thermal structure and
exemplified by 120 to 80 Ma kimberlites in North America, composition of the subcontinental lithospheric root; in order
India, Siberia, Brazil, and Africa that are broadly linked to the for this root to contain diamonds it must be deep, cool, and
Pacific Cretaceous superplume and associated dispersal of contain carbon, therefore providing the necessary pressure,
Gondwana, and 590 to 550 Ma kimberlites and carbonatites but not at temperatures so high as to move outside of the dia-
in Greenland located along the periphery of the Central Iape- mond stability field (e.g., Gurney et al., 2005; Kerrich et al.,
tus magmatic province LIP events (Tappe et al., 2011, 2012). 2005). The deep cool roots needed for this are characteristic
Torsvik et al. (2010) used plate reconstructions and tomo- of ancient Archean cratons and, therefore, ancient roots are
graphic images to indicate that the majority of Phanerozoic the key target areas for diamondiferous kimberlite exploration
kimberlites, similar to Phanerozoic LIPs, are associated with (e.g., Clifford, 1966; Artemieva, 2011). Helmstaedt and Gur-
the edges of the largest heterogeneities in the deepest mantle; ney (1995) introduced the concept that processes can be
these areas have been stable for at least 200 and possibly for friendly or unfriendly to cratonic roots, with the diamond
540 m.y., with the authors concluding that both LIPs and kim- potential of a lithospheric root potentially destroyed by subse-
berlites are derived from plumes. quent thermal events (e.g., impingement of a mantle plume)
Additional insights are possible from more focus on kim- that can heat up the lower crust, or by delamination of the
berlite clusters and their potential linkage with specific LIPs lower mantle that effectively removes potentially diamondifer-
(Fig. 7). Studies of the links between LIPs and kimberlites ous regions of the mantle into the deeper asthenosphere. An
have recently received a boost by the discovery of kimberlites excellent example of an “unfriendly” impact is the effect of the
associated with the Deccan (Chalapathi Rao and Lehmann, 1270 Ma Mackenzie plume on the root of the northern Slave
2011) and Tarim (Zhang, D., et al., 2012) LIPs. Specific asso- craton (Helmstaedt and Gurney, 1995; Gurney et al., 2010).
ciations are summarized in Table 6 and are shown in Figure This model is consistent with the observation that the first
7. As discussed below, there are numerous kimberlite clusters generation of successively spatially overlapping generations of
that are spatially and temporally associated with known LIPs, kimberlites is normally the most diamond prospective, poten-
as well as kimberlites that exhibit a distinct age progression tially because the finite resource of diamonds within the root
over large distances and are therefore thought to be associ- of a craton is more likely to be tapped by early-formed kim-
ated with a mantle plume (hotspot) tail. However, for many berlitic magmas (Gurney et al., 2010). This is exemplified by
other kimberlite fields, the setting is not yet clear. Gurney et al. (2010), who noted that South African on-craton
LIPs and diamond potential: We have demonstrated that ca. 200 to 110 Ma Mesozoic Group II kimberlites are more
many kimberlites are associated with LIPs and that many LIPs consistently diamondiferous than later on-craton ca. 100 to

Table 6. Selected LIPs and Associated Kimberlites

Distance of
kimberlites from
LIP name (age range) Associated kimberlites linked plume center Reference for link with the LIP

Deccan 68−62 Ma Kimberlites (Group II) of Mainpur kimberlite field, 1,000 km Lehmann et al. (2010);
Bastar craton (65−62 Ma) Chalapathi Rao and Lehman (2011)
Madagascar 90 Ma 90 Ma kimberlites in southern Africa 500−1300 km This paper
(Schissel and Smail, 2001)
HALIP 130−90 Ma Cretaceous kimberlites on north slope of the >500 km Kravchinsky et al. (2002)
Olenok uplift (Kravchinsky et al., 2002)
Parana-Etendeka Kimberlites (Group II) of Kaapvaal craton; 125−120 Ma 1,600 km Schissel and Smail (2001);
(Schissel and Smail, 2001) Chalapathi and Lehmann (2011)
Karoo (180 Ma) Dullstrom-Elandskloof Kimberlites (South Africa) 300 km Schissel and Smail (2001)
Siberian (250−225 Ma) Kharamai kimberlite field (245−228 Ma) 400−600 km Chalapathi and Lehmann (2011);
Kiselev et al. (2012)
Yatutsk (Vilyui) Daldyn-Alakit, Nakyn, and Mirnyi kimberlite fields 600−800 km Kiselev et al. (2012)
East European craton Arkhangelsk field (ca. 360 Ma; Beard et al., 2000) ? (plume center Mahotkin et al. (2000)
(360 Ma event) uncertain)
CIMP (Central Iapetus Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea kimberlite ? (plume center Heaman et al. (2003, 2004);
Magmatic Province) province uncertain) Tappe et al. (2006, 2007, 2008)
(615−555 Ma)
Keweenawan Kimberlite from Lake Superior and James Bay Lowlands ~800 km Heaman et al. (2004, 2009)
(1114−1085 Ma) (ca. 1172−1035 Ma; some ages very approximate)

Note: LIP locations are shown in Figure 2


20 E OR (90 Ma) 30oE
Parana-Etendeka Zimbabwe
130 Ma GP (90 Ma)

CB (90 Ma) 180 Ma

SW Mozambique
GB (66 Ma)

(156 Ma)
NRSA (90 Ma)
DE (176 Ma)

JW (235 Ma)
25oS SWB (95 Ma) 25oS

P (1200 Ma)

(120/ KR (145 Ma) DK (203 Ma)

140 Ma)
KM (1600 Ma)
W (125 Ma)
N (67 Ma)
(120 Ma) (128 Ma)
Group I and II kimberlites LS (95 Ma)
Kimberlite clusters
P (120/90 Ma) K (90 Ma)
Kimberlite clusters
linked to LIPs
Karoo (ca. 180 Ma) South Africa MZ (152 Ma)
(140-120 Ma)
VW (140 Ma) Madagascar
Madagascar (90 Ma) n
Deccan? (ca. 66 Ma)
EK (110 Ma)
c ea 90 Ma
Plume center for LIP
500 km
25oE In 30oE A

HALIP ? Kimberlites (ca. 370 Ma)

of Yakutsk LIP
130-90 Ma Kimberlites (245-228 Ma)
of Siberian Trap LIP
Alkaline complexes
Laptev Sea & carbonatites
of Siberian Trap LIP

Kimberlites of HALIP
event (130-90 Ma)

Plume center for LIP

Siberian Fig. 7. Examples of the association of kimber-
lites and LIPs in southern Africa (A) and in Siberia
250 Ma 200 km (B). Stars locate interpreted mantle plume cen-
ters. Names and distribution of kimberlite groups
70 N
0 in South Africa after Schissel and Smail (2001).
B = Bosnof (128 Ma, Gp II); BW = Barkley West
(120/140 Ma, Gp I & II); CB = Central Botswana
(90 Ma, Gp I); DE = Dullstrom-Elandskloof (176
Yakutsk Ma, Gp II); DK = Dokolwaya (203 Ma, Gp II); EK
SIBERIAN (ca.370 Ma) = Eende Kuil (110 Ma, Gp II); F = Finsch (120
Ma, Gp II); GB= Gibeon Eastern Namibia (66 Ma,
Gp andI); K = Kimberley (90 Ma, Gp I & II); KM
= Kuruman (1600 Ma); KR = Krononstad (145 Ma,
DA Gp II); LS = Letseng (95 Ma); MZ = Mzongwea
(152 Ma, Gp I); N = Namaqualand (67 Ma, Gp I);
P = Premier (1200 Ma); PR = Prieska (120/90 Ma,
Gp I and II); OR = Orapa (90 Ma, Gp I), GP =
650 N
N Gope (90 Ma, Gp I); JW = Jwaneng (235 Ma, Gp
I); SW = Swartruggens (156 Ma, Gp I); NRSA =
North Republic of South Africa (90 Ma, Gp I and
CRATON II); SWB = SW Botswana (95 Ma, Gp I); VW = Vic-
toria West (140 Ma, Gp I); W = Winburg (125 Ma,
Gp II). Kimberlite fileds in Siberia are after Kiselev
B et al. (2012). DA = Daldyn-Alakit, M = Mirnyi, N
125 E
= Nakyn.

85 Ma megacryst-bearing Group I kimberlites. Figure 7 also generated during LIP emplacement also potentially driving
shows potential unfriendly events in the form of the 180 Ma large-scale fluid circulation and the potential formation of sev-
Karoo LIP/plume and 130 Ma Parana-Etendeka LIP/plume eral differing types of hydrothermal ore deposits in adjacent
that may have decreased the diamond potential for the ca. 90 host rocks (e.g., Pirajno, 2000). Lower temperature, gener-
Ma kimberlites located in the area broadly between the Karoo ally sediment-related systems can also be affected by thermal
and Parana-Etendeka plume centers. A similar relationship pulses from LIP events, causing or enhancing mineral deposit
is evident in the Churchill kimberlite province, near Rankin formation. Here, we provide short descriptions of a number
Inlet, Nunavut, Canada, where highly diamondiferous 234 of differing examples of both of these types of systems.
Ma kimberlite dikes are succeeded by weakly diamondiferous Native Cu: The hydrothermal ore deposits most clearly
to barren kimberlite pipes that formed between 228 and 170 linked with LIPs are the native Cu deposits that are common
Ma (Gurney et al., 2010), although in this case an “unfriendly” within flood basalt sequences; this style of mineralization is
event has not as yet been identified. Another clear example formed during low-grade burial metamorphism when Cu and
is from Siberia (Fig. 7) where a temporal control on the dia- Ag are mobilized from the basalts by metamorphic fluids that
mond potential of kimberlites is evident from diamondiferous migrate updip along permeable strata or along structures (e.g.,
ca. 370 Ma kimberlites linked with the Yakutsk-Vilyui LIP, Brown, 2007). These elements are then deposited as native
and younger (ca. 245−210 Ma) barren kimberlites linked with metals or high Cu/S ratio sulfides in oxidized traps such as
a pulse(s) of the Siberian Trap LIP (e.g., Kiselev et al., 2012; open fractures, amygdules, and interstitial to conglomerates
Ivanov et al., 2013; S. Tappe, pers. commun., 2013), suggest- and breccias (Schmidt and Rogers, 2007; Laznicka, 2010).
ing that the unfriendly event was the earlier 370 Ma Yakutsk- The same mechanism that produces these basalt-hosted
Vilyui LIP. sulfide occurrences can also produce Cu-Ag mineralization
This recognition that the relationship between LIP events within sedimentary rocks overlying the flood basalts, forming
and kimberlites can enhance or reduce kimberlite diamond sedimentary copper or sediment-hosted Cu ± Ag ± Co depos-
prospectivity can potentially be used as an exploration tool. its (Schmidt and Rogers, 2007; Laznicka, 2010).
The location of plume centers can be determined using radi- The best-known example of flood basalt-hosted Cu miner-
ating dike swarms associated with LIPs (Halls, 1982; Fahrig, alization is that associated with the 1115 to 1085 Ma Keween-
1987; Ernst and Buchan, 1997a; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010), awan LIP of the Midcontinent region of North America, with
with these plume centers circumscribed with circles marking over 5 Mt of Cu and by-product Ag produced before 1960
the predicted extent of plume influence in terms of destroying from flood basalts of the Keweenaw peninsula of northern
diamond potential in lithospheric root. The extent of each cir- Michigan (Nicholson et al., 1992). These deposits continue
cle represents a “diamond exclusion zone” that is predicted to to be productive, with some native Cu mineralization hosted
host barren post-LIP kimberlites, whereas kimberlites older by the Middle Keweenawan Portage Lake volcanic sequence,
than the LIP may be diamondiferous. However, there are but the most significant deposit is the White Pine deposit that
important qualifications in this approach: (1) the area of influ- is hosted in shales overlying the Keweenawan flood basalts
ence of a plume center on the lithosphere has not yet been (e.g., Brown, 2007). Native copper is also hosted by the Cop-
modeled in the context of its influence on diamonds within permine basalts of the 1270 Ma Mackenzie LIP (Jones et al.,
lithospheric roots, meaning that the appropriate radius for the 1992) and basalts of the eastern Tienshan area of China that
circles used within this exploration technique has not yet been may be linked with the ca. 280 Ma Tarim basin LIP (e.g.,
determined; (2) a lag time is expected for any plume-related Yuan et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008). The Nikolai greenstone
thermal pulse to propagate into the adjacent lithospheric root and associated intrusions of the 230 Ma Wrangellia accreted
and affect any diamonds, meaning that diamond potential oceanic LIP and their metamorphosed equivalents also have
would be destroyed closer to the plume center earlier, before potential to host strata-bound disseminated Cu deposits, spe-
propagating outward to greater distances with time; (3) finally, cifically in the Denali prospect (Schmidt and Rogers, 2007).
do diamonds in the lithospheric root reform and is the dia- Basalts of the Russian Far East also host Cu deposits (Nokle-
mond potential of the root restored after the thermal anomaly berg et al., 2005), although the LIP affinity of these basalts
associated with the plume has decayed back to ambient levels remains undetermined.
stage? Bedini et al. (2004) estimated a slow cooling rate of Gold and LIPs: LIP-related volcanic and magmatic rocks
40° to 105°C/Ga for the South African lithosphere based on generally contain gold concentrations two to three times
garnet Sm-Nd ages. If typical this would suggest a >1 Ga lag greater than basalts and intrusive rocks generated at mid-
for any potential return of diamond potential. ocean ridges (e.g., Zentilli et al., 1985; Goldfarb et al., 2001;
Pitcairn, 2012). A link between increased Au abundances and
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits Linked to LIPs mantle plume-related magmas was also noted by Webber et al.
LIP events can be linked to the formation of hydrothermal (2012), who documented an Au-enriched region of the Mid-
and secondary mineral deposits in a number of ways (Tables Atlantic Ridge; basalts in this area have Au concentrations up
7, 8); here we provide an overview of the links between LIP to 13 times higher than normal Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts, an
events and these mineral deposits. enrichment that has been directly linked using trace element
and Sr and He isotope geochemistry to the Iceland mantle
High-temperature hydrothermal deposits plume. This plume-related Au enrichment is indicative of a
Burial and metamorphism of LIP lithologies can enable the potential genetic link between deep mantle upwellings and
release of base and precious metals that can be incorporated significant Au enrichment. These elevated Au abundances
into ore-forming systems, with the large thermal anomalies are most probably due to two factors; first, a mantle plume

Table 7. Examples of LIP-Related Hydrothermal and Secondary Mineral Deposits

Deposit type Deposit Associated LIPs Age (Ma) Association Notes

VMS McFaulds Ring of Fire ~2735? LIPs provide thermal energy

VMS deposits and are potential source rocks
Orogenic Au Various, e.g., Golden Mile Archean LIPs Archean LIPs as chemical/structural
Dolerite, Western Australia traps for fluids
Au deposits within North Ontong Java ~120−90 LIPs as far-field tectonic
China, Yangtze (South China), effects
and Siberian craton margins
Ni-Co Laterite Wingellina Warakurna ~1075 Weathering of LIP rocks
Several deposits, e.g., Eastern 2715−2670
Murrin Murrin Goldfields LIP
Cerro Matoso deposit in Caribbean- 90 Uncertain link—may be
northwestern Colombia Colombian related to weathering of
ophiolitic rocks
Bauxite Central and western Indian Deccan 67−60
Guinea bauxite district CAMP ~200 ~9.1 Gt of bauxite
Banded iron Hamersley BIFs Weeli Wolli 2450 Changes to global ocean
formations Superior granular iron Circum-Superior ~1880 chemistry caused by major
formations LIP magmatic events, leading
to contemporaneous global
deposition of BIFs
Basalt-hosted Cu Various deposits, Keweenawan 1115−1085 Native Cu hosted by LIP- 5 Mt of Cu,
e.g., White Pine related flood basalts; deposits by-product Au
Coppermine basalts Mackenzie 1270 form during low-grade
Eastern Tianshan Tarim 290−275 metamorphism and hydro-
Nikolai greenstones Wrangellia 230−225 thermal mobilization of metals
IOCGs Olympic IOCG district, Gawler Craton 1598−1583 LIPs as energy plus potential
e.g., Olympic Dam, source rocks
Prominent Hill
Granite-related Various deposits associated Sierra Madre 38−20 Exsolution of mineralizing
and greisen Sn-W with Sierra Madre Occidental magmatic fluids from LIP-
Occidental related silicic magmas plus LIPs
as potential energy sources
Mineralization associated Bushveld 2060 Exsolution of mineralizing
with granites of Bushveld magmatic fluids from LIP-
Complex related silicic magmas plus LIPs
as potential energy sources
Epithermal Au-Ag Various deposits associated Sierra Madre 38−20 Exsolution of mineralizing
with Sierra Madre Occidental (SLIP) magmatic fluids from LIP-
Occidental related silicic magmas plus LIPs
as potential energy sources
Deposits of the Chon Aike Chon Aike 188−153 Exsolution of mineralizing
province in Patagonia magmatic fluids from LIP-
related silicic magmas plus LIPs
as potential energy sources

Notes: The ages refer to the LIP formation age; mineral deposit formation may in some cases significantly postdate this magmatism; LIP locations are
shown in Figure 2

rising from the core-mantle boundary region may transport therefore melting of MORB generates magmas with lower Au
gold and siderophile elements derived from the core (e.g., concentrations (e.g., Hamlyn and Keays, 1986). It should also
Hawkesworth and Schersten, 2007; Kerr, 2010; A. Kerr, pers. be noted that subsequent S saturation of the magma also con-
commun., 2010) as opposed to the long-term depleted upper trols the eventual concentration of Au within both LIP and
asthenospheric source for spreading center magmas (Arevalo non-LIP volcanics and intrusions.
and McDonough, 2010). In addition, the high degrees of par- There are two models that can be applied. Bierlein and
tial melting of the mantle associated with large mantle plume- Pisarevsky (2008) suggest that formation of world-class oro-
related LIP events (>25%) means that the majority, if not all, genic Au mineralization of the Sierra Nevada in California and
of sulfides within the mantle source region, (and therefore all the Jiaodong peninsula of China is related to the remobiliza-
the chalcophile elements, including Au) may be dissolved into tion of Au from oceanic plateau material and the formation
the S-undersaturated silicate magmas produced during this of substantial orogenic gold deposits during the late stages of
partial melting (e.g., Keays, 1995). In contrast, the relatively accretionary orogens (Kerrich and Fyfe, 1981; Kerrich and
low degrees of partial melting (<25%) involved in the genera- Wyman, 1990; Kerrich et al., 2005). This model is associated
tion of S-saturated MORB magmas means that sulfide liquids with metamorphic devolatilization following subduction and
within the mantle restite retain chalcophile elements, and partial accretion of an oceanic plateau to a continental margin;

Table 8. Permo-Triassic Mineralization Linked to Siberian, Emeishan, and Tarim LIPs of Asia

Siberian LIP Emeishan LIP Tarim LIP

Siberian KTFZ, Altai, eastern Orkhon- SE China, Eastern Tien Shan, Western Kalba-
Mineralization craton, Taimyr Kuznetsk basin Kazakhstan Selenga basin Vietnam southern Mongolia Tien Shan Narym area

Mo-W greisen 214−213

Sn-W (Ta-Nb) 236−233 266 231−225
Hg, Au-Hg T <238 234−231 T (219) 236−231, 271
Porphyry Cu-Mo 229−223 240−232, 225−200 230 233−225, 294−290
274−273 234−232 275−270, 296
(Cu-Au) greisen 240−232 242−237 238 234 248−244
Ni-Co-As <248 255−252 258−250 256 250 248−244, 290
Cu-Ni-Pt 250−248 (250−240) 285−282

Notes: Adapted from Borisenko et al. (2006); LIP locations are shown in Figure 2; all ages in Ma; T = Triassic

this devolatilization caused the release of gold from the oce- an Re-Os date of 2.3 to 2.2 Ga for mineralization within the
anic plateau into the overlying crust (Bierlein and Pisarevsky, Vaal reefs), meaning that it is more likely that the 2.06 to 2.03
2008). Devolatilization and liberation of gold and siderophile Ga (Bushveld-related) and ca. 2.14 to 2.12 Ga thermal/fluid
metals from gold- and siderophile-enriched plume-related pulses merely modified the world-class Au mineralization
plateau material increased gold concentrations within hydro- within the basin.
thermal ore-forming fluids, essentially fertilizing the orogenic Orogenic gold: Orogenic gold deposits are generated at
gold systems associated with this devolatilization (Bierlein and midcrustal (4–16 km) levels in tectonic settings that include
Pisarevsky, 2008). This model involving sourcing of gold from areas adjacent to terrane boundaries within transpressional
the oceanic plateau itself is supported by the ease of mobi- subduction-accretion complexes in orogenic belts, or in areas
lization of Au within mafic rocks, especially if those mafic that are inboard of these settings during mineralizing events
rocks are sulfide bearing (e.g., Keays, 1987, 1995; Jowitt et associated with either the delamination of mantle lithosphere
al., 2012). An alternative model for the role of oceanic plateau material or by impingement of a mantle plume on an area
accretion in the formation of orogenic Au deposits involves (Kerrich et al., 2000a). Within the family of orogenic gold
the stalling of subduction-accretion complexes as thicker deposits, the Carlin and Carlin-like subtype deposits develop
mantle lithosphere (associated with oceanic plateaus) gets at shallow crustal levels (<4 km) in extensional convergent
jammed within the subduction zone, as is currently occurring margin continental arcs or back arcs and may be associated
with the Ontong Java plateau (MacInnes et al., 1999, Kerrich with plume impingement on the base of the lithosphere (Ker-
et al., 2000a). This jamming of the subduction zone and cessa- rich et al., 2000b; see discussion in Schissel and Smail, 2001).
tion of accretionary complex formation causes both subcreted In addition, significant orogenic Au mineralization is hosted
and hydrated mantle wedge material that was cooled during by mafic-ultramafic rocks within an Archean LIP context; i.e.,
subduction to heat up and become dehydrated. Metamorphic characterized by voluminous tholeiite-komatiite sequences
heating and associated dehydration is caused by the migration within a greenstone belt (e.g., Barnes et al., 2012). This is
of geotherms up the jammed subduction-accretionary com- exemplified by the Yilgarn craton, where differentiated dol-
plex and leads to remobilization and liberation of gold within erite sills, such as the Golden Mile dolerite (2680 Ma; Ras-
this complex (R. Kerrich, pers. commun., 2012). mussen et al., 2009), are the single most important host for
Remobilization of gold by an LIP event: Further evidence orogenic Au, with approximately 50% of gold deposits and
for a relationship between LIP events and gold mineralization 75% of the Au within the craton hosted by these sills (Hergt
is provided by the Witwatersrand basin of southern Africa, the et al., 2000). These sills are related to low-Th basalts within
largest gold province in the world. Rasmussen et al. (2007) the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane; these basalts and asso-
provided in situ U-Pb SHRIMP on monazite and xenotime ciated sills define an Archean plume head-related LIP ana-
ages of ca. 2.06 to 2.03 and ca. 2.14 to 2.12 Ga for the timing logue (e.g., Barnes et al., 2012) and the differentiated nature
of gold deposition and/or remobilization in the northwestern- of these sills means that they contained significant concentra-
central parts and southern parts of the Witwatersrand basin, tions of Fe, meaning they were ideal traps for Au (e.g., Phillips
respectively. The former is linked with the ca. 2.06 Ga Bush- and Groves, 1983; Goldfarb et al., 2005). This in turn means
veld event and suggests that the Bushveld event may have that the Fe-rich root zones of the differentiated sections of
produced a widespread thermal and fluid pulse that remobi- LIPs may also be ideal traps for Au precipitating from fluids
lized the gold in portions of the Witwatersrand basin within within orogenic Au systems.
about 100 km of the Bushveld. The older 2.14 to 2.12 Ga ages
reflect a prior thermal pulse of unknown origin more proxi- Iron oxide-copper-gold deposits
mal to the southern side of the Witwatersrand basin. It should A number of iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) and associ-
also be noted that other studies have suggested that the ini- ated deposits have been linked with silicic or silicic parts of
tial mineralization within the Witwatersrand occurred earlier LIPs, including the world-class Olympic Dam IOCG deposit
than these dates (e.g., Schaefer et al., 2010, who provided in South Australia (Tables 1, 7); this deposit is a supergiant

Fe oxide Cu-U-Au-Ag ore deposit that represents the world’s

largest uranium deposit and fourth largest copper deposit,
containing some 9.075 Gt of ore at grades of 0.87% Cu,
0.32 g/t Au, 1.5 g/t Ag, and 0.027% U3O8, with production to
date of ~3 Mt of Cu metal (Mudd et al., 2013). The Olympic
Dam deposit is the most important example of the IOCG class
of mineral deposit, (e.g., Campbell, 1998; Hitzman, 2000;
Williams et al., 2005; Corriveau, 2007; Groves et al., 2010;
McPhie et al., 2011). The 1590 Ma Olympic Dam deposit
is well recognized as part of the Gawler Range LIP, which
contains a considerable silicic component (e.g., Pirajno and
Bagas, 2008; McPhie et al., 2011; Pirajno and Hoatson, 2012;
Wade et al., 2012).
At Olympic Dam, the immediate host to the ore is hydro-
thermal breccias within granite and volcanic rocks of the Mt. Isa
Mesoproterozoic (1590 Ma) Gawler craton bimodal LIP. Fur- Naraku Granite Inlier
thermore, this 1590 Ma event in the Gawler craton has been (~1500 Ma) EH
linked (and reconstructed) with northwestern Laurentia on the
basis of paleomagnetism and U-Pb geochronology of coeval Mt. Anglesey
dolerite magmatism and the formation of the hydrothermal Igneous Complex
Wernecke breccias of northwestern Canada (Thorkelson et (~1520 Ma) E
al., 2001; Hamilton and Buchan, 2010). Contemporaneous or Benagerie
slightly younger IOCG deposits also occur within the Eastern Petermorra Volcanics
Succession of the Mount Isa inlier of Australia (e.g., Clon- SMDC (~1580 Ma)
curry belt, Ernest Henry; Betts et al., 2009). IOCG deposits in
all of these areas have been linked to a ~1,500-km continental
(~1565 Ma)
hot-spot track that formed plume-related volcanic rocks and Mt. Neill Granite
granites in the Gawler craton and Curnamona province and
intrusions of the Williams-Naraku batholith within the Mount
(~1575 Ma)
Isa inlier, suggesting a widespread ca. 1600 Ma LIP event Curnamona
associated with a younger hot-spot trail, or events in a plume- PH OD Province
modified orogenic setting (Betts et al., 2007, 2009; Fig. 8).
The emplacement of voluminous silicic magmas during
silicic LIP events are associated with the release of significant
amounts of metal-bearing magmatic fluids; in addition, the
rocks formed during these silicic LIP events are also an ideal
source of metals and complexing ligands for circulating min-
eralization-related hydrothermal fluids (e.g., McPhie et al.,
2011). This has led to IOCG deposit formation being directly Gawler Volcanics
linked to magmatic fluids or mixed magmatic and basinal flu- (~1595 Ma)
ids in a number of areas, including the Gawler craton and
Curnamona province and the Mount Isa inlier. Groves et al. Hiltaba Suite Granites
(2010) concluded that the largest IOCG deposits (>100 Mt of (~1590-1575 Ma)
ore) are located within about 100 km of Archean or Paleopro- Plutonic rocks
terozoic craton margins or other lithospheric boundaries and,
Volcanic rocks
with the exception of Mesozoic Andean IOCG deposits such
as the Candelaria deposit, formed some 100 to 200 Ma after Significant IOCG
500 km
supercontinent assembly. mineralization
High fluorine content magmas may also have a positive
influence on the formation of IOCG and associated deposits, Fig. 8. Reconstruction (based on Giles et al., 2004) of north- and south-
as exemplified by the causal link between the high F Gawler central Australia, showing the location and timing of definitively (e.g., Gawler)
craton LIP and the high F Olympic Dam deposit (Agangi et and potentially LIP-related A-type magmatism in eastern Australia; adapted
from Betts et al. (2007). The IOCG deposits shown either formed from
al., 2010; McPhie et al., 2011). Although fractionated S- and hydrothermal systems driven by the LIP or potential LIP magmatism, or the
I-type granites and rhyolites can contain high concentrations metals and/or ligands (e.g., F) within the hydrothermal fluids that formed
of fluorine (e.g., Taylor and Fallick, 1997), the large volumes of these deposits were sourced from LIP-related igneous rocks. Note the south-
silicic magmas produced during some LIP events (e.g., Bryan to-north progression of magmatism, with initial formation of the Gawler
and Ferrari, 2013), combined with the fact that A-type mag- craton silicic LIP before subsequent events in the Curnamona province and
around Mount Isa; dashed line indicates the geophysical extend of the Mount
mas generally (but not always) contain high concentrations of Isa inlier. Stars indicate the location of significant IOCG mineralization: C =
F (e.g., Pankhurst et al., 2011), means that LIP events are Carrapateena, E = Eloise, EH = Ernest Henry, OD = Olympic Dam, PH =
often associated with the formation of significant volumes of Prominent Hill, SMDC = deposits of Selwyn-Mount Dore corridor.

F-enriched silicic rocks. This is exemplified by the often high of peperites where basaltic magmas interact with overly-
F silicic sections of the Gawler craton, Sierra Madre Occiden- ing wet sediments (e.g., Skilling et al., 2002). Hydrothermal
tal, Warakurna, and Paraná-Etendeka silicic LIPs and LIPs vent complexes originate from the explosive release of gases
(e.g., Frindt et al., 2004; Pankhurst et al., 2011). These rocks generated during the emplacement of thick sills (>50 m) into
and magmas provide an ideal source for F-rich fluids that volatile-rich but low-permeability sedimentary strata, mean-
could either be directly derived from silicic LIP magmas or ing that the hydrothermal vent complexes are phreatomag-
could be formed during postmagmatic hydrothermal altera- matic in origin. Their architecture and economic potential is
tion of F-rich silicic LIP-related magmatic rocks. In addition, dependent on the host rocks they were emplaced into (black
the elevated fluorine concentrations of these F-rich mag- shales at Karoo and evaporites, marls, carbonates, shales, and
matic-hydrothermal or hydrothermal fluids could enable the coals in Siberia) and the level of fluid (brine) saturation in
transport of high concentrations of a wide range of elements, the host rocks during emplacement. About 250 hydrothermal
as elevated F concentrations within a fluid increases the solu- vent complexes associated with the Siberian LIP are mineral-
bility of otherwise generally immobile lithophile elements, ized and have magnetite matrixes (Svensen et al., 2009) that
such as the REE and U (e.g., Agangi et al., 2010). However, it are being mined for Fe at the Korshunovskoe and Rudnogo-
should also be noted that Cu and Au do not form complexes rskoe mines in Siberia. These hydrothermal vent complexes
with F; the solubilities of these metals are controlled by the have been proposed to be analogous to IOCG deposits (Ernst
abundance of other coexisting species (e.g. CO2 and S) within et al., 2009), although the sourcing of the metals within these
these hydrothermal fluids (e.g., Agangi et al., 2010). complexes is unclear, and any enrichment in copper and gold
This connection between high fluorine LIP magmas and remains both understudied and unconfirmed.
increased mobility and mobilization of elements that are The presence of hydrothermal vent complexes associated
often found concentrated within IOCG deposits (e.g., REE, with Phanerozoic LIPs suggest that they should also be an
U) suggests that F-rich silicic LIP-derived magmas may have essential component of sill provinces associated with Protero-
an important role in the formation of some IOCG deposits. zoic LIPs (Ernst et al., 2009) and have potential for hosting
This also suggests that intrusions that formed from high F magnetite and potentially IOCG mineral deposits, particu-
LIP magmas, such as those of the Sierra Madre Occidental larly if the hosting sedimentary rocks include substantial
LIP in Mexico, silicic parts of the Warakurna LIP of central- evaporites. More speculatively, 1.59 Ga sills, as exemplified
west Australia, and the topaz-bearing Spitzkoppe granites of by the exposed Western Channel Diabase sills on the eastern
the Paraná-Etendeka LIP (e.g., Pankhurst et al., 2011), may side of Great Bear Lake, northwestern Canada (Hamilton and
be prospective targets for IOCG and associated deposits. In Buchan, 2010), could be related to formation of the IOCG
contrast, F-poor A-type silicic magmas, such as those of the mineralization of both the Wernecke Breccias of the Yukon
Snake River Plain hot-spot trail magmatism (subsequent to Territory, Canada, and the formerly adjacent giant Olympic
the Columbia River LIP) in the United States (e.g., Ellis, Dam deposit within the Gawler craton of Australia and the
2009), may be unprospective for IOCG mineralization, as IOCG deposits of the Mount Isa inlier (Thorkelson et al.,
confirmed by the paucity of mineral occurrences/prospects in 2001; Crawford et al., 2010; Hamilton and Buchan, 2010).
the Snake River Plain area. However, it should be noted that
the presence of high F igneous rocks is not a definitive sign of Other high-temperature hydrothermal deposits
IOCG prospectivity, and more research is needed into the There are a number of other examples of hydrothermal
links between high F magmatism and IOCG formation. Fur- deposit types that are spatially and temporally associated with
ther evidence of possible links between IOCG deposits and LIPs but which cannot be included in the previously discussed
LIP events is provided by LIP carbonatite links described examples; here we provide a few examples that illustrate these
above; carbonatites have been described as magmatic end other relationships.
members of the IOCG family, as exemplified by the LIP- Hydrothermal deposits associated with the Ring of Fire
related Phalaborwa carbonatite (Groves and Vielreicher, complex: In addition to the previously discussed magmatic
2001; Groves et al., 2010), further strengthening the known deposits, the potential LIP event represented by the Ring of
links between both IOCG and carbonatite deposits and LIP Fire complex of northwestern Ontario is also associated with
events. a significant number of VMS deposits (Mungall et al., 2010;
Metsaranta and Houlé, 2012); the geology of this area is dis-
Mineralized vent complexes cussed in detail above. Silicic metavolcanic rocks within the
Detailed seismic studies of the 62 to 55 Ma North Atlantic Butler Lake and Muketei River supracrustal sequences host
igneous province and complementary studies in the 183 Ma VMS mineralization in this area, and the first VMS deposits
Karoo and 250 Ma Siberian LIPs have revealed many hun- were discovered in 2002. Only one of these sequences has
dreds of hydrothermal vent complexes (Fig. 9). These vents been dated so far. Silicic volcanic rocks of the Muketei River
have widths of up to 5 to 10 km at the paleosurface and con- sequence host the McFaulds VMS deposits and yielded an
nect to underlying dolerite sills at paleodepths of up to 8 km age of 2737 ± 7 Ma, within error of a ferrogabbro within the
(Jamtveit et al., 2004; Planke et al., 2005; Svensen et al., 2006, Ring of Fire complex that has been dated to 2734.5 ± 1.0 Ma
2007, 2009). These are distinct from zones of brecciation asso- (Rayner and Stott, 2005; Mungall et al., 2010; Metsaranta and
ciated with both modern and ancient VMS systems, where Houlé, 2012). This contemporaneous magmatism and VMS
hydrothermal fluids react at depth with basaltic rocks, before deposit formation suggests that the energy and heat required
being vented at the seafloor (e.g., Franklin et al., 2005), to form the hydrothermal systems may have been supplied
and are distinct from brecciation associated with formation by the intrusion of the Ring of Fire complex (e.g., Mungall et

A) 90°E 102¡ 114°




Lower Tunguska


500 km

Krasnoyarsk Pipes with magnetite

Basalt pipes
Volcaniclastic rocks
Sill intrusions

Tunguska Basin sediments


Cambrian salts

Sills and dikes
96°E 108° Sedimentary brines area
2000 m

1 2
Protero. Cambrian Ord.-Perm.

3 4
minor terrig. seds.

Evaporites * * * *
* Petroleum

* *
Shale with minor
carbonate * * * * ? ?


Fig. 9. Hydrothermal vent complexes (HVC) associated with the Siberian LIP (after Svensen et al. (2009, figs. 1, 6). A.
Distribution of mineralized HVCs (“pipes with magnetite”) and nonmineralized HVCs (“basalt pipes”). B. Schematic evolu-
tion of the mineralized pipes of the Tunguska basin and the venting of carbon gases and halocarbons to the atmosphere.
Svensen et al. (2009) indicated that the pipe evolution model is partly based on Von der Flaass and Naumov (1995) and Von
der Flaass (1997). (1) Emplacement of sills into organic-rich sedimentary rocks and evaporites with petroleum accumulations.
(2) Contact metamorphism of shale, evaporite, and petroleum, leading to gas generation and overpressure (shown as stippled
lines); melt is accumulating within evaporite sequences in the source region of the pipe. (3) Pipe formation and eruption led
to wide craters and subsidence, and gases generated in contact aureoles are released to the atmosphere. (4) Continued degas-
sing from both magma and sedimentary rocks through the pipe and the crater-lake.

al., 2010; Metsaranta and Houlé, 2012), which, as discussed Banded iron formations
above, is potentially LIP related. Sedimentary banded iron formations (BIFs) are common
Hydrothermal deposits associated with Siberian, Emeishan, in Earth history and predominantly formed between 3.8 to
and Tarim LIPs of Asia: We draw attention to a summary from 1.9 Ga from reduced hydrothermal fluids that were enriched
Borisenko et al. (2006) who identified a variety of magmatic in Fe3+ and Si. These fluids were formed by interaction with
and hydrothermal ore deposits types associated with three submarine basaltic rocks within hydrothermal convection
Phanerozoic LIPs in central Asia: the 250 Ma Siberian trap systems before being incorporated into ocean circulation
event of Siberia, the 260 Ma Emeishan LIP of China, and the systems that transported these fluids to shallower basins and
290 to 275 Ma Tarim LIP of Central Asia (Fig. 10; Table 8; shelf regions where Fe precipitated (e.g., recent reviews in
see also Pavlova and Borisenko, 2009; Pirajno et al., 2009). In Bekker et al., 2010, 2013). A series of temporal links between
addition to magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in all three areas oceanic plateaus (oceanic LIPs) and the formation of BIFs
and magmatic Fe-Ti-V deposits in the Emeishan LIP there was noted by Isley and Abbott (1999), with these links fur-
is also a range of hydrothermal deposits associated with each ther established by Abbott and Isley (2001) and discussed
(Table 8). in Kerrich et al. (2005) and Bekker et al. (2010, 2013). The
We focus here on the hydrothermal deposits associated reducing atmosphere prevalent at the time of BIF develop-
with the Siberian LIP (Fig. 10A) and draw from Borisenko ment (3.8−1.9 Ga) meant that major LIP magmatic events
et al. (2006) and Pirajno et al. (2009). This LIP event is asso- during this period were more likely to have a global effect on
ciated with a wide range of mineral deposits, including apa- ocean chemistry and could have caused global contemporane-
tite-magnetite, REE, Cu-Ni, and Au mineralization within ous BIF deposition. In comparison, the increasingly oxidized
the Maimecha-Kotui alkaline ultramafic intrusions, Ni-Co- nature of the atmosphere after the ~1.85 Ga Great Oxygen-
Fe and Sb-Ag-Hg-Au mineralization in the Noril’sk, Taimyr ation Event (e.g., Holland, 2006) meant that the effects of
and North Urals areas that is again associated with alkaline magmatism, either LIP related or otherwise, were restricted
magmatism, and mineralization within the Taimyr area that to local areas where reducing conditions were retained (e.g.,
is associated with ~249 to 245 Ma porphyry Cu-Mo miner- small anoxic basins), thus limiting the formation of BIFs.
alization (Pirajno et al., 2009). Numerous other porphyry Cu Age matches between BIF deposition and LIP events have
± Mo ± Au ± W deposits are located in the Kuznetsk basin, been identified at 2600, 2500 to 2450, and 1880 Ma, all prior
Kolyvan-Tomsk fold zone, and Salair areas on the southern to the Great Oxygenation Event (Bekker et al., 2010, 2013).
and southwestern areas of the Siberian craton (Pirajno et al., The earliest example of the linking of BIF development and
2009). These porphyry-type deposits are unusual in that they an LIP is the formation of Superior-type iron formations in the
did not form in subduction or immediate postsubduction set- Hamersley province of the Pilbara craton of Australia at ca.
tings; instead, they formed in within-plate rift or orogenic 2600 Ma, contemporaneous with the formation of the Great
zones at the periphery of Siberian Trap LIP, with Borisenko Dyke of Zimbabwe, which has a precise age of 2575 Ma (e.g.,
et al. (2006) suggesting that the spatial relationship between Olsson et al., 2010), although the distance between the Pilbara
plume-related magmatism and within-plate rifting was a key and Zimbabwe cratons at this time is uncertain (e.g., Smirnov
ingredient in the formation of these porphyry deposits in an et al., 2013). Even more extensive development of Superior-
atypical setting. Sediment and dolerite dike-hosted Hg and type BIFs at 2500 to 2450 Ma in the Hamersley and Transvaal
Au-Sb-He mineralization is also present in the Kolyvan- basins (Krapež et al., 2003) is also linked with global 2500 to
Tomsk fold zone, and similar mineralization is hosted by Sibe- 2450 Ma plume and LIP events (e.g., Heaman, 1997; Ernst
rian trap flood basalts in the Kuznetsk basin and the Salair and Buchan, 2001), with approximately coeval iron formations
area, implying a mineralizing event at 238 Ma or later (Pira- also located in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero region of Brazil,
jno et al., 2009). Mineralization contemporaneous with the the Krivoy Rog area in the Ukraine, and the Kursk Magnetic
formation of the Siberian Trap LIP has also been reported Anomaly region nearby in Russia (Bekker et al., 2010). There
from eastern Kazakhstan (alkaline-related Hg-Au and grano- may be multiple distinct LIP events that occurred at this time,
diorite-granite-leucogranite-related Mo-W; Borisenko et al., depending on paleocontinental reconstructions; however, it is
2006), the southeastern Altay and southwestern Mongolia notable that the Hamersley BIF with a pulse at 2450 Ma is
(Hg, Cu-Hg-Ba, Ag-Sb, Ni-Co-As, and Cu-Co-As; Borisenko proximal to the Weeli Wolli LIP (Barley et al., 1997), and both
et al., 2006), and northern Mongolia (Ni-Cu-PGE mineraliza- BIF and LIP events are associated with the southern margin
tion hosted by peridotite-troctolite-anorthosite-gabbro intru- of the Pilbara craton. In addition, the widespread develop-
sions of the Selenga area, and the Erdenet porphyry Cu-Mo ment of GIFs (granular iron formations) at the margins of the
deposit; Pirajno et al., 2009). Superior craton in North America at 1880 Ma was contem-
Low-Temperature and Sedimentary poraneous with the circum-Superior craton mafic-ultramafic
LIP-Related Deposits LIP (Heaman et al., 2009; Ernst and Bell, 2010; Minifie et
al., 2013). Finally, the formation of the Rapitan BIFs at ~715
LIPs are also genetically related to lower temperature and Ma is contemporaneous with the Franklin LIP (Bekker et
sediment-dominated hydrothermal systems (Tables 7, 8); here al., 2010) that was associated with the rifting and breakup of
we discuss the links between LIPs and the formation of man- Rodinia (e.g., Ernst et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008).
ganese deposits and banded iron formations. The potential for
an association with U mineralization is also being considered Manganese deposits
but is not sufficiently developed for inclusion in the present LIPs are potentially associated with world-class manganese
review. deposits, as exemplified by the Kalahari manganese field of

SIBERIAN LIP (in gray) and associated metallogeny
Ni-Co-As deposits
>10000 t. Co <10000 t. Co

Cu-Mo-porphyry deposits 150

>1 Mt. Cu <1 Mt. Cu
Cu-Ni-Pt deposits
>1 Mt. Cu <1 Mt. Cu
West 138
Siberian Siberian Craton


48 KB
Sb-Hg, Au-Hg deposits E126
>5000 t. Hg <5000 t. Hg
>100 t. Au <100 t. Au

Ag-Sb deposits
>5000 t. Ag <5000 t. Ag

84 E90 96 102 108 114 120

TARIM LIP (in gray) and associated metallogeny
Sb-Hg, Au-Hg Cu-Mo-porphyry
Ag-Sb Cu-Ni-PGE



44 48

40 44
400 km
72 78 84 90 96 102 E108 114

Fig. 10. Range of ore deposits associated with the 250 Ma Siberian LIP (part A) and ca. 270 Ma Tarim LIP of Central Asia
(part B). Modified after Pirajno et al. (2009, Figs. 5, 6, 8). The distribution for each LIP includes both surface and subsurface
occurrences; details in Pirajno et al. (2009). Abbreviations in (A): KTZF = Kolyvan-Tomsk fold zone, KB = Kuznetsk basin,
SAL = Salair, SEL = Selenga, M-K = Maimecha-Kotui, NU = North Urals, SMVB = southern Mongolian volcanic belt, T=

the northern Cape province of South Africa; this field hosts the source rock (e.g., Freyssinet et al., 2005; Retallack, 2010).
some 8 Bt of manganese ore that grades between 20 and 48% Here, we focus on the relationship between LIP events and
Mn (Tsikos et al., 2006). These ores are hosted by the Hotazel the development of Ni-Co laterites and bauxites (exploited
Formation within the 2.65 to 2.05 Ga uppermost Paleopro- for Al), with the latter being derived from the weathering of
terozoic Transvaal Supergroup and consist of three laminated basalts and dolerites (Bárdossy and Aleva, 1990; Laznicka,
ore horizons interbedded with BIFs. The Hotazel Formation 2010) and the former being derived from the weathering of
is gently folded and underwent low-grade metamorphism ultramafic rocks (e.g., Golightly, 1981; Gaudin et al., 2005;
and supergene alteration related to exposure and weathering Lewis et al., 2006). It is also important to note that LIP-related
(along the basal Mapedi-Gamagara Formation unconformity) carbonatites, as well as being associated with primary miner-
that caused formation of the earliest Mn ores shortly after alization, can also weather to yield niobium and phosphorous
~2.22 Ga (Beukes and Gutzmer, 1996; Evans et al., 2001). laterites (Freyssinet et al., 2005). Each of these source rock
Further hydrothermal and/or contact metamorphic upgrading types can be formed during LIP events, with the broad scale
of both Mn and Fe horizons occurred at ~1900 Ma, forming of LIPs making them favorable targets for the identification of
high-grade Mn ores (Evans et al., 2001, 2002); this supergene economic laterites.
upgrading may be related to either the 1930 to 1920 Ma Hart-
ley or ~1880 Ma Mashonaland LIP events (e.g., Ernst and Ni-Co laterites
Buchan, 2001; Hanson et al., 2004). Although the majority of the historic Ni production has
come from Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores, the majority of identi-
Implications of an LIP context for hydrothermal ore deposits fied Ni resources are hosted by Ni-(Co) laterites (e.g., Mudd,
The association of LIPs and hydrothermal deposits out- 2010); the more complex processing required to obtain Ni
lined above means that the relative timing and spatial distri- from laterites has meant that until recently sulfide ores were
bution of high- and low-temperature hydrothermal deposits considered more important targets, although current Ni pro-
may relate to the original spatial distribution of an LIP event, duction is split approximately evenly between sulfide and lat-
especially its plumbing system, and gradations in intensity of erite ores (e.g., Mudd, 2010).
magmatism as a function of distance from a plume center. Ni laterites form by the deep weathering of Mg-rich ultra-
However, the current knowledge base in terms of predicting mafic rocks, such as komatiites and ophiolites, in tropical envi-
the distribution of hydrothermal mineral deposits in LIPs, ronments, meaning that the ultramafic segments of LIPs are
even within LIPs with well-known magmatic histories, is still ideal for the generation of laterites, providing the weathering
limited. In addition, although we have split LIP-related conditions are appropriate. A number of Australian Ni lat-
hydrothermal deposits into high- and low-temperature cate- erites have formed from weathering of rocks formed during
gories, several LIPs have been associated with the synchro- LIP events, including thick olivine cumulates within Archean
nous formation of both high- and low-temperature mineral LIP-associated komatiitic and ultramafic systems in the Yil-
deposits, as exemplified by the genetic link between LIP garn craton of Western Australia, as seen at Murrin Murrin,
events, the deposition of BIFs, and the formation of VMS Bulong and Cawse (Elias, 2006; Arndt et al., 2008; Laznicka,
deposits. These links were examined by Bekker et al. (2010), 2010), and the Wingellina laterite of central Australia that
who outlined an underlying mechanism that links all three, formed over ultramafics associated with the 1075 Ma Wara-
with mantle plumes and associated magmatism delivering kurna LIP (Ernst et al., 2008; Pirajno and Bagas, 2008). In
the energy to drive submarine hydrothermal cells associated addition, the Caribbean region hosts widespread Ni laterite
with the formation of VMS deposits. These VMS deposits deposits (e.g., Lewis et al., 2006), including the Cerro Matoso
contain Cu, Zn, Pb, and other base metals that were trapped S.A. Ni laterite deposit in northwest Colombia, an impor-
within sulfides at the volcanic seafloor-water interface, tant producer of ferronickel that exploits a laterite developed
whereas the Fe and Si that were released with hydrothermal over a peridotitic protolith. Although the 90 Ma Caribbean-
fluids were entrained within a buoyant hydrothermal plume Colombian LIP is a major geodynamic element in the region,
that spread to continental and oceanic plateau shelf areas it is currently unclear which ultramafic bodies are linked to
(Bekker et al., 2010). In this case, Fe was oxidized and pre- this oceanic plateau LIP, and which are linked to arc-related
cipitated out with Si, forming lower temperature Fe deposits ophiolites (e.g., Lewis et al., 2006).
as a distal counterpart to the cogenetic and contemporaneous
VMS deposition; this relationship between LIP emplace- Bauxites
ment and the formation of high-temperature VMS and low- Weathering of basalt and dolerite under tropical conditions
temperature BIF deposits illustrates the near- and far-field may lead to the development of bauxites, the main source
metallogenic effects of LIP events, and demonstrates how of Al (Bárdossy and Aleva, 1990; Laznicka, 2010; Retallack,
LIPs can be related to synchronous yet geochemically diverse 2010). About 19% of bauxite deposits worldwide are formed
and geographically isolated hydrothermal mineral deposits on basalt flows, with the majority of which are LIP related,
(Bekker et al., 2010). with another 17% associated with dominantly LIP related
dolerite sills and dikes. LIP-related bauxites are exempli-
LIP-Related Surficial Deposits fied by those of central and western India that formed from
Weathering of rocks formed during LIP events can form weathering of basalts and dolerites associated with the Dec-
a range of differing laterites (e.g., Table 1) that are exploited can LIP (Bárdossy and Aleva, 1990). In addition, the supergi-
for a range of differing commodities, including iron, alumi- ant Guinea bauxite district of West Africa that hosts 9.1 Gt
num, nickel, gold, phosphorus, and/or niobium, depending on of bauxite derived from the weathering of sills and dikes that

formed during the 200 Ma CAMP LIP and magmatism that special journal issues (Srivastava et al., 2010; Ernst et al.,
preceded the opening of the Atlantic (Laznicka, 2010). 2013) include numerous papers that illustrate the methodol-
ogy of using LIPs as a tool in paleocontinental reconstruction.
LIP controls on laterite and bauxite formation A prominent example is offered by Bleeker and Ernst
Retallack (2010) documented the fact that peak times of lat- (2006; see also Ernst and Bleeker, 2010), where 2500 to 2450
erite and bauxite ore formation coincided with elevated global Ma LIPs are used to reconstruct the Karelia-Kola, Hearne,
temperatures and amounts of precipitation, elevated atmo- and Wyoming cratons adjacent to the southern Superior
spheric carbon dioxide levels, oceanic anoxia events, excep- craton on the basis of age matches between several LIPs in
tional fossil preservation and the formation of lagerstätte, and each of the blocks as well as dike swarms that can be traced
mass extinction events. These key conditions are reflected by from these blocks toward coeval plume centers in the south-
the association of laterite and bauxite resources with particu- ern Superior craton (Fig. 11). This new reconstruction also
lar stratigraphic horizons formed during greenhouse crises, make some predictions about the correlation of younger LIPs
indicating the usefulness of a stratigraphic approach to explo- between the cratonic blocks, 2217 Ma magmatism in both
ration and exploitation of these resources. LIPs also have a the Superior and Karelia-Kola cratons, 2170 Ma magma-
particularly robust link with major climate change events, par- tism in both the Superior and Wyoming cratons, and finally
ticularly mass extinctions (e.g., Courtillot and Renne, 2003; 2100 to 2070 Ma magmatism in all four cratons. The latter
Kidder and Worsley, 2010), indicating a potentially strong event is inferred to mark the breakup of these four cratons.
association in general between the timing of LIP events and This reconstruction demonstrates the 2500 to 2450 Ma Bal-
peak laterite and bauxite formation. This indicates that not tic LIP layered mafic-ultramafic magmatism of Karelia and
only are the rocks formed during LIP events ideal protoliths Kola (e.g., Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Bayanova et al., 2009)
for weathering to form laterite and bauxite resources, but also should be parsed between two separate LIP events that are
these voluminous magmatic events may have a causative asso- recognized in the formerly adjacent Superior craton each with
ciation with climatic changes that increased the chances of the their own plume centers about 800 km apart: the 2490 to 2450
ideal chemical weathering conditions that were conducive to Ma Matachewan-East Bull Lake LIP of the southern Supe-
the formation of laterites and bauxites. rior craton, and the 2505 Ma Mistassini LIP of the eastern
Superior craton (Vogel et al., 1998b; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010;
LIPs and Supercontinent Reconstruction Fig. 11). This links intrusions such as the PGE-mineralized
(indirect links between LIPs and metallogeny) PGE-2-type Penikat, Portimo, and Fedorova intrusions of the
Here we consider two ways in which LIPs can be useful in
exploration in a plate tectonic context, and which represent an
indirect link between LIPs and metallogeny. Molson Others
1885-1870 Ma North Atlantic
Tracing of metallogenic belts 500 km

Major metallogenic belts are often truncated at the mar- FRS

gins of cratonic blocks, as shown by the truncation of the Others Ungava
2220-2210 Ma
Zo ne

Abitibi greenstone belt, with its impressive endowment of Au

(4470 t Au, or 143.7 Moz in production and reserves; Dubé Superior Biscotasing
s kasi n g

2170 Ma
and Gosselin, 2007), at the eastern margin of the Superior

crat Zone”

craton, indicating that this highly prospective belt must con-

tinue into a formerly neighboring crustal block (Bleeker 2003; re

Bleeker and Ernst, 2006; Ernst, 2007b). Zimbabwe

The pre-Pangea reconstruction framework is poorly con- Mistassini
2510 Ma
strained, but significant progress is being achieved through Fort Francis
2075-2065 Ma Kola
an industry-funded project that is providing precise U-Pb Wyoming 2125-2100 Ma craton
dating of LIP units, particularly LIP-related regional doler- craton Hearne Matachewan (- East Bull Lake)
craton 2490-2450 Ma
ite dike swarms, to produce a robust LIP “barcode” record
for different cratonic blocks: “Reconstruction of Superconti- craton
nents Back to 2.7 Ga Using the Large Igneous Province (LIP)
Fig. 11. Proposed Paleoproterozoic reconstruction of the Superior craton
Record: With Implications for Mineral Deposit Targeting, and formerly adjacent blocks. Note radiating dike swarms, converging to the
Hydrocarbon Resource Exploration, and Earth System Evo- margin of the craton, that are indicative of breakup (or attempted breakup)
lution” (www.supercontinent.org; see discussion in Ernst et events associated with the fragmentation of a late Archean supercontinent or
al., 2013a). Comparison of these LIP barcodes and identifica- supercraton (e.g., Bleeker 2003). These radiating swarms were used as pierc-
tion of matches between crustal blocks can be a powerful tool ing points that connect with coeval LIPs in formerly adjacent blocks and pro-
vide constraints on the reconstruction. Some specific correlations between
for determining which blocks were nearest neighbors, and as the Matachewan and Mistassini LIPs of the Superior craton and correspond-
such predict the location of highly prospective belts within ing events within the Karelia and Kola cratons are discussed in the text, as is
relatively unexplored greenfield areas (Bleeker and Ernst, the possible reconstruction of the Zimbabwe craton to the east of the Supe-
2006). In addition, restoring blocks to determine the primary rior craton. Stippled pattern indicates the location of the Paleoproterozoic
Huronian and Mistassini sedimentary basins, with the former containing
regional radiating or linear geometry of dike swarms can pro- intrusions of the East Bull Lake suite that form part of the Matachewan LIP.
vide a unique reconstruction that can also be tested through FRS = Fox River sill of the Molson LIP (part of the Circum-Superior LIP).
paleomagnetic study of dolerites (dikes or sills). Two recent Modified after Bleeker and Ernst (2006) and Ernst and Bleeker (2010).

Baltic LIP of Finland and Russia with the PGE-mineralized China, Yangtze (South China), and Siberian craton margins, as
PGE-3-type East Bull Lake and River Valley intrusions of the well as in young terranes in California, may relate to emplace-
Matachewan-East Bull Lake LIP. This would also link the ment of the 122 Ma Ontong Java plateau and related LIPs in
~2490 Ma Cr-rich Monchegorsk intrusion in Finland to the the southern Pacific basin, due to the relatively rapid tectonic
Mistassini LIP of the southeastern Superior craton and would consequences resulting from reconfiguration of the Pacific
suggest that this poorly explored region of the Superior cra- plate along its bounding continental margins.
ton should be considered highly prospective for both Cr and This proposed linkage between LIP events (as a proxy for
PGE mineralization. In addition, the world-class Cr mineral- the timing of breakup events) and far-field tectonic changes
ization within the 2.44 Ga Baltic LIP-related Kemi intrusion suggests that the LIP record should globally correlate with the
of Baltica should be linked with the Matachewan-East Bull timing of major pulses of orogenic Au mineralization. Future
Lake LIP/plume event, rather than the Mistassini LIP/plume research will test this model by a detailed examination of the
center, indicating that the Matachewan LIP units of south- Precambrian LIP record in combination with periods of for-
ern Superior craton should be considered prospective for Cr mation of major orogenic Au camps and plate reconstructions,
mineralization. in order to test the correlations between the timing of LIP
The same approach is used by Söderlund et al. (2010) to events and orogenic Au metallogenesis.
speculate that the Zimbabwe craton may have been formerly
adjacent to the eastern side of the Superior craton near the Conclusions
eastern end of the Abitibi belt (Fig. 11). This would correlate Large igneous provinces (LIPs) involving extrusion, intru-
the 2.75 to 2.70 Ga greenstone belts of the Abitibi belt, some sion, and underplating of enormous volumes of magmatic
with LIP affinities (e.g., Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Sproule et rocks are associated with some of the largest ore deposits in
al., 2002), with similar age and Ni-bearing greenstone belts of the world. We group these linkages into four types:
the Zimbabwe craton (e.g, Prendergast, 2004). It would also
suggest potential extensions of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe 1.  LIPs as the primary source of commodities within min-
into the Labrador trough region on the eastern margin of the eral deposits. Specifically, mafic-ultramafic LIPs are impor-
Superior craton (or into the “Core zone craton” if it was pres- tant targets for magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE, Fe-Ti-V, and Cr ore
ent at this time). The Core zone craton intervenes between the deposits (e.g., Noril’sk, Bushveld), and the “sweet spot” for
eastern Superior and North Atlantic cratons, and consists of an such deposits seems to be in the proximity (within several hun-
Archean core (the Core zone craton) and bounding orogens, dred km) of the associated plume center. LIPs are also asso-
the Torngat on the east representing 1.87 to 1.85 Ga conver- ciated with carbonatites (Nb-Ta-REE-P deposits) and some
gence with the North Atlantic craton, and the New Quebec kimberlites (diamonds). An exploration frontier is whether
orogen on the west (located along the Labrador trough) rep- different commodities can be associated with carbonatites
resenting 1.82 to 1.77 Ga convergence with the Superior cra- that are associated with different parts of the LIP system (rift-
ton (e.g., Wardle et al., 2002; St-Onge et al., 2009). However, associated, near plume center, distal from plume center). The
the reconstruction of the Superior craton (specifically the diamond potential of kimberlites may be related to the prior
Abitibi belt portion) with the Zimbabwe craton is preliminary LIP history of the region; whether the thermal pulse from the
pending additional dating of units in Zimbabwe to conclu- mantle plume associated with an earlier LIP may have ruined
sively test the barcode links with the eastern Superior craton. the diamond potential of the lithosphere for subsequent kim-
berlite events, and whether the diamond potential is restored
Emplacement of LIPs, extensional pulses, and after enough time for the thermal pulse into the lithosphere
distal compression/transpression caused by the LIP to have decayed.
There is also an even more indirect application of LIPs to 2. LIPs either provide the thermal energy (and in some
the understanding of orogenic Au mineralization. Orogenic cases, fluids) to drive hydrothermal systems or act as source
gold can be linked with pulses of transpression or collision rocks for hydrothermal ore deposits of both high and low tem-
along plate boundaries (e.g., Goldfarb et al., 2005) and it has perature (e.g., VMS, iron formations). Also, the silicic com-
been well established that LIPs are associated with the breakup ponent of LIPs can be associated with IOCG deposits (e.g.,
(or attempted but failed breakup) of continents (e.g., Fahrig, Olympic Dam), and identifying the high F silicic units of LIP/
1987; Courtillot et al., 1999; Ernst and Bleeker, 2010). Under silicic LIP events may also prove fruitful for identifying areas
either scenario (successful or failed breakup), the arrival of an of high IOCG prospectivity.
LIP can therefore be linked with a pulse of extension which in 3.  Tropical weathering of LIPs can produce economically
the closed circuit of a global plate tectonic framework should important laterites: Al from bauxites produced by weathering
be linked with a corresponding pulse of compression or of basalts and dolerite; Ni produced by weathering of high Mg
transpression along favorably oriented distal plate boundaries. ultramafic-mafic rocks, and Nb-Ta-REE laterites produced by
We therefore hypothesize that transpressive/compressive weathering of carbonatites.
pulses associated with an LIP arrival could be correlated with 4.  Two types of important indirect links exist between LIPs
distal orogenic pulses of mineralization. This is particularly and ore deposits. (A). LIPs provide a critical tool for recon-
applicable in the Precambrian where the plate tectonic frame- structing Precambrian supercontinents, an issue of impor-
work is poorly known and the LIP record provides the most tance to the mineral industry because it allows tracing of
robust evidence of the timing of continental breakup. metallogenic belts from one crustal block into formerly con-
This type of link is exemplified by Goldfarb et al. (2007), tiguous crustal blocks. (B) In addition, given that LIPs are a
who noted that ca. 125 Ma orogenic gold deposits of the north strong proxy for the timing of continental breakup, and given

that breakup (and the initiation of new oceans) are linked to Precambrian iron formations: Geological Society of America Special Paper
compression and transpression on other plate boundaries via 352, p. 323–339.
Agangi, A., Kamenetsky, V.S., and McPhie, J., 2010, The role of fluorine in the
the plate tectonic circuit, then the timing of LIPs can poten- concentration and transport of lithophile trace elements in felsic magmas:
tially be correlated with the distal fault movements linked to Insights from the Gawler Range Volcanics, South Australia: Chemical Geol-
mineralization (e.g., orogenic Au). Further testing is required ogy, v. 273, p. 314–325.
to evaluate whether use of the LIP record in this way (par- Agashev, A.M., Pokhilenko, N.P., Tolstov, A.V., Polyanichko, V.V., Mal’kovets,
V.G., and Sobolev, N.V., 2004, New age data on kimberlites from the
ticularly for the Precambrian where plate configurations are Yakutian diamondiferous province: Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 399, p.
poorly known) can contribute to a better understanding of the 1142–1145.
tectonic constraints on orogenic ore deposits. Alapieti, T.T., and Lahtinen, J.J., 2002, Platinum-group element mineral-
ization in layered intrusions of northern Finland and the Kola peninsula,
The links between metallic mineral deposits and LIPs out- Russia: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Special
lined here are in many ways just the “tip of the iceberg,” and Volume 54, p. 507–546.
significant amounts of research are still needed to identify the Amelin, Y.V., Heaman, L.M., Verchogliad, V.M., and Skobelev, V.M, 1994,
Contributions to geochronological constraints on the emplacement history
causal and genetic links between LIP events and resources if of an anorthosite-rapakivi granite suite: U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite study
they exist (including hydrocarbon and water reservoirs that of the Korosten complex of the Ukraine: Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 116,
are often hosted within LIP-related basins). The relationships p. 411–419.
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