Alternative Genra Project
Alternative Genra Project
Alternative Genra Project
English comp
Dr. Cassel
Its ok to get help
Johnny was a young boy just getting into the 6th grade at his school. Johnny had good
friends at this school and he was one of the smartest kids in the class as well. Johnny however,
even back in the 5th grade, got bullied by some of the other students in his class. Johnny didn’t
know why he got bullied, he always was nice to people even if they were rude, and he always
One day on his way home from school, Johnny’s father saw that he was down and that he
had been down for the last couple weeks, so he asked his son if anything was going on at school
“Son are you doing alright at school, any problems with teachers or anything.” Johnny’s father
This is how the times between Johnny and his dad would go for a few more weeks, until
Johnny’s father gets a call from one of the parents of Johnny’s friends who tell him that their kid
told them that Johnny was being bullied but, never said anything. So Johnny’s father sits down
with his son and asks him why he never said anything.
“I was just being a man about it, not letting it affect me, you know.”Johnny replied to his father.
“Son, being a man has nothing to do with bottling up your emotions and dealing with it yourself.
I could see you have been having a hard time.”Johnny’s dad tells him in a calm voice.
“But you never tell me about when you have a bad day, and you don’t show any problems when
“Son I do talk about it with my friends or your mother, because it helps me to know people are
there for me and i'm not just looked over. People like your friends and me want to help you, but
holding in your emotions, and not telling anyone isn't healthy” Johnny’s dad told him.
“Talk to your friends and your teachers, if they don’t help then ill help”. Johnny’s father said
with a smile
With that Johnny came to school and talked with his teachers about the bullying, he told
them how it was affecting him. Soon the bullying stopped and some of the kids who were against
him became good friends, some still teased him or talked about him, but with his friends he was
now able to deal with it. Now remember, it isn't wrong to ask for help, but it is wrong to try and
always handle everything yourself, people in your life whish to help you because they care never
forget that.