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CSE5009 Soft Computing L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3
Version : 1.00
Pre-requisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
 To expose the students to the concepts of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
 To provide comprehensive knowledge of fuzzy logic inference system and fuzzy logic control
 To provide adequate knowledge on applications of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
in solving engineering problems.
Expected Outcomes:
The student will be able
 To know how to use neural networks for solving different problems related to pattern recognition,
function approximation and data visualization.
 To apply the rules of fuzzy logic for solving engineering problems.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,9,17
Module:1 Artificial Neural Networks 5 hours SLO:
Soft computing vs. hard computing, types and applications of soft computing techniques. Artificial neural
networks and their biological motivation – Terminology – Models of neuron –Topology – characteristics
of artificial neural networks – types of activation functions-, learning methods – error correction learning
– Hebbian learning, Linear separability and XOR problem

Module:2 Supervised Learning Networks 6 hours SLO:

Discrete and continuous Perceptron, adaline, multilayer Perceptron, Back Propagation algorithm,
limitations and improvements

Module:3 Associative Memory Networks 6 hours SLO:1,2,

Autoassociation, heteroassociation, recall and cross talk- Linear auto associator – Bi-directional
associative memory – Hopfield neural network

Module:4 Unsupervised Learning Networks 6 hours SLO:

Neural Nets based on competition-Max net – Mexican Hat – Hamming net - Kohonen Self organizing
Feature Map – Counter propagation – Learning Vector Quantization Adaptive Resonance Theory

Module:5 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Relations 5 hours SLO:

Introduction –classical sets and fuzzy sets –classical relations and fuzzy relations –membership functions
–fuzzy to crisp conversion, Fuzzy numbers, vectors, and extension principle

Module:6 Fuzzy Logic System 6 hours SLO:1,2

Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy knowledge and rule based system, fuzzy decision making –fuzzy logic modeling and

Module:7 Genetic Algorithm 8 hours SLO: 1,2

Basic concepts, encoding, fitness function, reproduction, Genetic modeling: Inheritance operator, cross
over, inversion & deletion, mutation operator, Bitwise operator, Generational Cycle, Convergence of GA,
Applications & advances in GA, Differences & similarities between GA & other traditional method

Module:8 Contemporary Issues 3 hours SLO:1,2,9,17

Total Lecture: 45 hours

Reference Books:
1. S, Rajasekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms,
Synthesis & applications”, PHI Publication.
2. Lauren Fausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks-Architectures, algorithms and applications”,
Pearson Education Inc., 2004.
3. Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
4. S.N. Sivanandam & S.N. Deepa, “Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley Publications Rich E and
Knight K, Artificial Intelligence, TMH, New Delhi.
5. S. Haykin, “Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation“, Pearson Education Inc., 2004.
6 Jacek. M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems”, Jaico Publishing House, 2001.

Date of Approval by the Academic Council 18.03.16

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