Cbse Class 12 Sample Paper 2019 20 Physical Education

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1) The question paper consists of 34 questions

2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Question 1-20 carry 1 mark and are multiple choice questions.
4) Question 21-30 carry 3 marks each and should not exceed 80 -100 words each.
5) Question 31-34 carry 5 marks and should not exceed 150-200 words.

Q1. Which of the following is not involved in barrow three item tests?

a) Standing Broad Jump b) Zig-Zag Run c)Medicine Ball Put d) Shuttle Run

Q2. League-Cum-Knock out is part of which tournament

a) Knock out b) Round robin c) Combination d) Consolation

Q3. Which amongst these is not a method to improve flexibility?

a) Ballistic b) Static stretching c)PNF d) Fartlek

Q4. A disorder related to brains trouble in receiving and responding to information can be termed as_______?

a) ODD b) OCD c) ADHD d) SPD

Q5. A person having both traits of introvert and extrovert is known as?

a) Mesomorph b) Extroversion c) Ambiverts d) Endomorph

Q6. Which amongst these is a sitting asana?

a) Ardh-Matsyendrasana b) Padahastasana c) Ardh Chakrasana d) Trikonasana

Q7. Which of the following is not a cognitive disability?

a) Dyslexia b) Hyperactivity c) Memory disorder d) Sensory impairment


Avoiding eye contact and preferring to stay alone are common to which disorder?

a) SPD b) ADHD c) ASD d) ODD

Q8. Fine motor development is involved in:

a) Sitting b) Walking c) Standing d) Catching a ball

Q9. Newton’s First law of motion known as___________________________.

a) Law of Inertia b)Law of acceleration c)Law of reaction d)Gravitational pull

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Q10. Which of the following is a Micro nutrient?

a) Carbohydrates b) Fats c) Water d) Vitamins

Q11. What is the formula to determine number of matches in League fixture for even number of teams?

a) N+1/2 b) N-1/2 c) N(N-1)/2 d) N(N+1)/2

Q12. What is the height of the box used by boys in Harvard step test?

a) 16inch b) 18inch c) 20inch d )22inch


AAHPER General Fitness test consists of:

a) Pull Ups Boys b) Sit-Ups (Flexed Leg), Boys and Girls

c) Shuttle Run (Boys and Girls) d) All of these
Q13. The amount of oxygen which can be absorbed and consumed by the working muscles from

Blood is called_______________________.

a) Oxygen intake b) oxygen transport c) oxygen uptake d)energy reserve


Which one of these is a long term effect of exercise on cardiovascular system?

a) ↑ Heart rate b)↑ Body temperature c)↑Cardiac output d) ↑BP

Q14. Acceleration runs are used to improve ____________________.

a) Strength b) Endurance c)Speed d) Flexibility

Q15. Overstretching of ligament cause:

a) Strain b)Sprain c) Contusion d) Bruises

Q16. When the angle between the two bones decreases it is termed as_____________________.

a) Flexion b) Extension c) Abduction d) Adduction

Q17. Which of the following is not a spinal curvature deformity?

a) Kyphosis b) Scoliosis c) Lordosis d) Flatfoot


Gomukhasana and Padmasana are performed to rectify which postural deformity?

a) Flatfoot b)Scoliosis c) Knock-knees d) Bow legs

Q18. Which of the following asana should be performed for curing Obesity?

a) Trikonasana b)Bhujangasana c)Pawanmuktasana d) Tadasana

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Q19. Which of the following is a macro mineral?

a) Iodine b) Iron c) Copper d) Calcium

Q20. Person with emotional instability and negative emotions are termed as_________________.

a) Neuroticism b) Agreeableness c) Openness d) Conscientiousness

Q21. Explain any three types of coordinative abilities.
Explain Fartlek Training method along with its advantages.
Q22. Friction is categorized into how many types? Explain them in brief.
Q23.Explain briefly the two types of Aggression.
Q24. Explain the methods to improve flexibility with help of examples.
Q25. Explain the physical activities that can be undertaken to correct flatfoot deformity.
Q26. Describe various types of Fats. What are the different sources of fats?
What are the pitfalls of dieting? Explain any three.
Q27. ‘Women face certain hindrance in sports due to their biological cycle’. Explain these issues in brief.
Q28. Suggest various external methods of motivating a person for better performance in sports.
Q29. Write down the formula for calculating fitness Index both for short term and long term.
Explain the procedure for administering any three test items of Rikli and Jones Test.
Q30. Describe various types of movements in joints with help of examples.

Q31. Draw a knockout fixture for 23 teams.

Q31. Draw a Fixture for 9 teams by Round robin method.
Q32. Describe five types of disorders with their symptoms and causes.
Q33. Explain in detail Physiological changes which occur due to ageing.
Q34. Describe the procedure for performing Gomukhasana along with its benefits and contradictors.
Describe the procedure for performing Shalabhasana along with its benefits and contradictors.

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