Urdaneta City
Graduate School
For the past decades, it is often perceived that penal philosophy and practice
merges concerns for surveillance and custody, that shifts away from a concern with
multiple and independent origins and are not reducible to any one reigning idea.
Despite their different origins, the elements of this emerging new conception have
coalesced to form what may be thought of as a new strategic formation in the penal
adheres to accepted standard such as UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment
standard ensuring the human right, dignity and other betterment of prisoners. Among
others, the rule provides for the separation of category, accommodation, classification
of individual and more. Having those accepted international standards, every country
today such as the Philippines designed a law or procedure intended to meet the
agencies- (Bureau of Correction BuCor) under DOJ, Bureau of Child and Welfare
under DSWD and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) under DILG.
Envisi ons itself as a dynamic institution highly regarded for its sustained humane
operational jurisdiction over all district, city and municipal jails. The Bureau aims to
in all district, city and municipal jails. To effectively and more efficiently manages
inmates, BJMP use or adopt technique such as classification of inmates. Accordingly,
The BJMP operates nationally by establishing district, provincial, and city jail
One City jail in the Province of Pangsinan is Dagupan City Jail located at Bonuan
Gueset Dagupan City. BJMP-Dagupan has 1,067 inmates according to BJMP city jail
Having common procedure and problem such as overcrowding, the city jail has
Operational Manual (2015 edition). On rule II and III on the BJMP manual provides for
individual prisoner. If his incarceration is to benefit him and society as well, he must
be handled in such a way that when he serves his term, he will come out as a better
man physically, mentally and morally than when he entered. Classification implies,
first, an intensive analysis of the offender and second, his placement in a work or
school program suitable for the exercise of his talents to the end that himself and
others concerned will profit from the program^. One of the greatest advantages of
prisoners according to their individual capacities and needs for reform and
order by a competent court or authority so mandated under Philippine laws. This Rule
enumerates courts and authorities, and classifies inmates according to the conditions
a. Insular Prisoner
b. Provincial Prisoner
c. City Prisoner
d. Municipal Prisoner –
a. Undergoing investigation;
According to security risk each may pose, Section 19 classifies INMATES as:
a. High Profile Inmate - those who require increased security based on intense media
coverage or public concern as a result of their offense such as but not limited to those
b. High Risk Inmate - those who are considered highly dangerous and who require a
capability of escape, of being rescued, and their ability to launch or spearhead acts
of violence inside the jail. This includes those charged with heinous crimes such as
murder, kidnapping for ransom, economic sabotage, syndicated or organized crimes,
etc. Also included are inmates with military or police trainings or those whose life is
c. High Value Target (HVT) - a target, either a resource or a person, who may either
objective for a mission and which a commander requires for the successful completion
of the same.
d. Security Threat Group - any formal or informal ongoing inmates’ group, gang,
organization or association consisting of three or more members falling into one of the
following basic categories: street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw gangs, traditional
f. Terrorist Group - a group of persons that commits any of the following: piracy and
mutiny in the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion or insurrection, coup
d’état, murder, kidnapping and illegal detention, crimes involving destruction, arson,
hijacking, violation of laws on toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear waste
are considered far outside the mainstream attitudes of the society or who violates
common moral standards and who has adopted an increasingly extreme ideals and
h. Medium Risk Inmates -those who represent a moderate risk to the public and staff.
These inmates still require greater security, control and supervision as they might
i. Minimum Risk Inmates (Ordinary Inmates) - those inmates who have lesser
tendencies to commit offenses and generally pose the least risk to public safety. In
most cases, they may be first time offenders and are charged with light offenses
under section 23 of the manual provides for the creation of The Classification Board
b. Inmate's recent criminal history and the facts about the inmate's attitudes and
program for his/her own good. If he/she is willing, the Board will see to it that the
program planned for the inmate is followed. Then the inmate is assigned to his/her
a. Admission of Inmate - Once the inmate has undergone the registration process;
he/she will be temporarily housed at the Inmate Classification and Counseling Unit
(ICCU) in jails where it is available. The inmate shall stay at the ICCU for a minimum
period of thirty (30) days but not exceeding sixty (60) days or until the completion of
the classification process. At the ICCU, the newly committed inmate will undergo
b. Medical Examination - The jail medical Officer or the jail officer designated nurse
of the Health Unit will conduct a thorough physical examination on the newly
committed inmate and will note down significant bodily marks, scars, tattoos and
lesions based on the medical certificate presented by the committing officer. He or
she must ensure that his/her findings are congruent to the medical certificate
c. Results of the medical examination shall be recorded and shall bear the signature
of the physician or nurse who conducted the examination. Medical issues will be
attended to accordingly.
d. Dental Examination - The jail dentist shall perform a thorough dental examination
and recording of his or her findings. The record shall bear the signature of the dentist
who conducted the examination. Dental issues that need immediate attention shall be
so attended to accordingly.
assessment card/HAS and shall bear the signature of the psychologist who conducted
the examination.
f. Social Case Study - The jail social worker at the ICCU shall conduct in-depth
interview with the newly admitted inmate, an interview that considers the "who the
inmate is" from birth up to the present including his/her familial, educational, social,
vocational and other issues that has an impact on his/her personality. The findings will
be recorded and shall bear the signature of the social worker who conducted the
assessment. In jails without ICCU, the interview will be done by the social worker-in-
charge upon the order of the court or as requested by the medical officer, the
g. Risk Assessment - A risk assessment tool shall be utilized to determine the level of
violence/risk the inmate poses, either external or internal. This will help in the proper
case study, and risk assessment, the psychiatrist conducts a psychiatric evaluation to
determine the present mental state of the inmate and to diagnose any existing
psychiatric illness for further treatment. The result will be recorded and shall bear the
signature of the psychiatrist who conducted the examination. The inmate shall
i. Case Management - Each inmate will be assigned to a specific case manager who
may either be a psychologist, a social worker or a nurse. The case manager shall be
responsible for the consolidation of all the results and shall make the proper decision
as to the classification of the inmates and the identification development programs for
each inmate.
j. Inmate Orientation and Counseling - While undergoing assessment, the inmate shall
be oriented on the basic jail rules and regulations. He/she shall be introduced to the
different development programs that would best promote his/her personal growth. In
this phase, the newly committed inmate shall likewise undergo counseling for him/her
to develop better coping skills thereby preventing psychological imbalance in the
k. Inmate Evaluation and Classification - Using the different tools of assessment, the
newly committed inmate will now be classified based on the level of risk and present
l. Proper Cell Assignment and Development Plans - After the inmate has undergone
all the assessments, his/her case manager shall consolidate all the results. Based on
the results of the final evaluation, the inmate may then be assigned to the cell that is
development programs.
n. Monitoring - After the inmate has been transferred to his/her assigned cell and has
been attending the prescribed development programs, the case manager shall
The management set up or procedure of jail in Dagupan city jail is, accordingly, the
same to the jail management all over the Philippines and that such managerial set up
minimum rule for the treatment of prisoner or Nelson Mandele Rule which observed
Nelson Mandela International Day, July 18, For Freedom, Justice and