Monthly Production Report
Monthly Production Report
Monthly Production Report
Date: 26.02.2008
Place: OLF, Forus
Chairing: Thore Langeland, OLF
Minutes: Thore Langeland, OLF
Rune Hult, NPD
Hans Stokka, NPD
Espen Halvorsen. StatoilHydro
Gry Tinnesand, ConocoPhillips
Thor Inge Bollestad, BP
Guro Andersen, ENI
Arvid Mjeldheim, Shell
Jan Rasmussen, ExxonMobil
Kåre M. Voll, ExxonMobil
Phillipe Baldy, Total
Hjørdis Bowitz Myhre, Total
Åge Helgeland, Petoro
Jarl Eide, TietoEnator
Jan Ingvar Riveland, TieotoEnator
Magnus Svensson, TietoEnator
Oddvar Nesset, TietoEnator
Kari Anne Haaland Thorsen, UiS
Chunming Rong, UiS
Henrik Forssel, PCA
Pål Rylandsholm, DNV
Inge Knudsen, IBM
Henrik Slettene, SAS Institute
Thore Langeland, OLF
With apologies:
Roar Bøe, Gassco
Frode Ljones, Total
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of MoM
3. Status on reference data - DNV/Epsis/TietoEnator (TE)
4. Status on XML schema - TE
5. Status on validating functions for COPEX - TE/NPD
6. Demo of the solution (chosen production units from BP and Statoilhydro?) -
7. Readiness for testing - BP and StatoilHydro
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1. Approval of agenda
The agenda was approved by adding next meeting to 9. A.O.B.
C:\Documents and
Settings\tla\Mine dokumenter\IO\4_DI\Prodata\080226_MPR_Reference Data.ppt
DNV’s presentation attached.
The W3C recommendations (standards) are stable in the sense that they do
not disappear from W3C website.
C:\Documents and
Settings\tla\Mine dokumenter\IO\4_DI\Prodata\080226_MPR_XML.ppt
TietoEnator’s presentation attached.
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The industry would like to have the style sheets/XSLT to be open and
accessible to all?
8. Action items
1. OLF makes overview of the purpose of the project and the stakeholders
2. TietoEnator invites NPD and Landmark to a meeting for discussions of
validation rules
3. TietoEnator contacts Gassco regarding more examples on "sample
4. TietoEnator invites core group to meeting to discuss lifting and remaining
5. TietoEnator invites NPD and Landmark to meeting for discussions of
validation rules
6. IBM to get the collaboration room up running
7. OLF to check if additional reports/fields can be used for testing
Gassco ought be involved in testing
ExxonMobil gas sales should be included in the pilot
8. OLF to check if BP is ready for testing
9. OLF should check for the possibility of having the style sheets/XSLT in the
public domain
9. A.O.B.
Next meeting: 17.06.2008 at 09:30 -12:00 at OLF.
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