Experiment 2 Directives - Indicates How An Operand or Section of A Program Is To Be Processed by The

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Experiment 2

Directives – indicates how an operand or section of a program is to be processed by the

 model tiny – uses 64 KB both for the source code and the data code
 model small – uses 64KB each for the source code and data code
 code – segment that holds the program
 org 100h – origin, indicates the start of a program
 start: / end start – indicates the beginning and end of a program or a section of a


Display single character

Interrupt 21, service number 2

- dl – register to hold the character to output
- ah=2 – service number to output a single character stored in register ah

mov ah,2
mov dl,41h
int 21h

Terminate the program properly

Interrupt 20h
Interrupt 21h, service number 4ch
ah = 4ch – service number to terminate the program properly stored in register ah
int 20h / mov ah, 4ch
int 21h

Clear screen

Interrupt 10h, service number 3

ax = 03 – service number to clear the screen stored in register ax

mov ax,03
int 10h

Carriage return

Interrupt 21h, service number 13

- dl=13 – service number for carriage return stored in register dl
mov dl,13
int 21h

New Line

Interrupt 21h, service number 10

- dl =10 – service number for new line stored in register dl

mov dl,10
int 21h
Int 21h

Service 1 Service 7 Service 8

-character input with echo -character input without -character input without
- can recognized CTRL+C echo echo
- can’t recognized CTRL+C - can recognized CTRL+C

Sample program:
.model small
Org 100h
Mov ah,1
Int 21h
Int 20h
End s

Common Instruction
1. Inc
- increment the value of a register by 1
Inc dl
2. Dec
- decrement the value of a register by 1
Dec dl
3. add
- lets you add a value to your register
Add dl,20
Int 21h, service 9
<display string / string manipulation
ah = 9
[ds:dx] = address of the string
ds = address or location of the string
dx = register to hold the string

how to declare a string

var_name db “string$”
db = define byte
$ = string terminator

mess db “hello$”
mess1 db 10,13,”World$”
mess2 db “good day”,10,13,’$’

mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
mov dx, offset mess
int 21h

Common Instruction

 Loads effective address
 Use register dx to store the effective address

lea dx,var_name
Ex. Lea dx,mess

Sample program:

.model small
mess db "hello$",10,13
mess1 db “hello$
org 100h
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
lea dx,mess
int 21h
mov ah,9
mov dx, offset mess1
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end s

 JMP instructions
 JMP stands for jump
 Jump to a level
 Allows the programmer to skip sections of a program and branch to any part of
the memory for the next instruction
jmp label
label – refers to the address of an instruction procedure or segment
ex. jmp start
- this instruction will transfer the flow of control to the label start

 allows a part of a program to be repeated for several times
 the number of loops depends upon the value of the CX register
 CX takes the number of loops
 Each time the loop is encountered the value of CX is decremented
 Looping stops when CX becomes zero

LOOP label
Ex. LOOP start

Sample program:
.model small
Org 100h
Mov ax,03
Int 10h
Mov cx,3
Mov ah,2
Mov dl,’A’
Int 21h
Loop x
Int 20h
End s
 Conditional JUMPs

 same as JMP instruction but JMP is only taken if the condition is TRUE.

JA – jump if above = >

JNA – jump if not above = <=
JB – jump if below = <
JNB – jump if not below = >=
JE – jump if equal = =
JNE – jump if not equal = !=
Conditional_jump level
Ex. je start

 CMP instruction
 Cmp stands for compare
 Compare bytes or words
 Used to compare two numeric data fields, one or both of which are contained in a
Format: cmp s1,s2
 Takes the relation of s1 and s2
cmp dx,00 ;is dx=00?
je L10 ;if yes, jump to L10
L10:……… ;jump point if dx = 00

Note: cmp instruction is used with conditional jumps

cmp al, bl
jmp x

Sample program:
.model small
Org 100h
Mov ax,03
Int 10h
Mov ah,1
Cmp al,’x’
Int 21h
Int 20h
End s
 CALL / RET instruction
Is similar to jump but it allows to return back to the main program.
Syntax :
Call {arguments}

Call down
Down proc

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