Monograph - Intermedio
Monograph - Intermedio
Monograph - Intermedio
Corruption, in the current context, presents three singular aspects that make it
potentially harmful to the development of our incipient democratic societies.
First, there is a dangerous connection between the new organized crime and the
public administration. Although organized crime is not a completely new type of
crime, given that its structure doesn’t change the classical division between
criminals and law enforcers, it is their collusion with the state organs in charge of
their control and persecution. As Professor Winfried Hassemer points out, crime
would come to a paradoxical situation of having to fight itself.
Finally, globalization and the processes of supranational integration have led to the
configuration of a transnational form of crime with enormous capacity to
destabilize markets, as well as international corruption of public officials.
The figure of peculation is applied when the official or public servant appropriates
or uses in any way, for himself or for another, money or goods entrusted to him by
the condition of his position.
This crime is configured when the official or public servant is unduly interested,
for its own benefit or of a third party, of any contract or operation in which it
Active bribery
It involves the crime of active bribery who offers, gives or promises an official or
public servant a donation, promise, advantage or benefit. The counterpart of this
criminal figure is the passive bribery.
Passive bribery
Determine the causes of this phenomenon is really a task that would escape a
modest exposure such as the present one, however, various researchers have
raised some factors that condition the emergence and development of corruption:
Well, this generality and extent of corruption, as well as the new characteristics
that has been acquired in this last time, carry with it effects extremely serious in
the political, economic and social life of a country.
But the most serious effect, is the corruption undermines one of the
necessary conditions of life in society: the reciprocal trust between citizens
and the community, due to the unpredictable behavior between them. This
feeling of distrust in the institutions and between the own citizens bankrupt
the bases of the social contract taking us to a climate of anomie and social
As Díez Picazo points out, "it’s true that the rulers don’t embody the State as
a whole and it’s also true that specific cases of governmental criminality
they don’t turn the State into a criminal organization; but it’s
unquestionably true that the rulers are organs of the State, and above all
that they represent the visible image of it. The conclusion is obvious:
governmental criminality tends to blur the equation between State and
legality and, therefore, tends to delegitimize the State before the citizens ".
Of plane, all this panorama of causes and effects that we have exposed
shows us a phenomenon whose repression goes beyond its purely criminal
legal treatment and it also requires paying attention to other types of
policies of an extralegal nature or extrapenal
However, before entering into a review of all these policies, we believe that
we need to share some positive comparative experiences of fighting
Comply with locating the magnifying glass icon with the Transparency
Portal title on the upper side right of the web page of each entity.
Use notices of disclosure to inform that the entity has not produced
information in a particular month or period or to briefly explain the reasons
why it is not diffuses certain information.
Implement search engines to quickly locate the rules issued by the entity.
Form a technical team that assists the sectors in the process of preparing
their sectoral anticorruption plans.
Design a work plan coordinated with the sectors, to train them and monitor
the implementation of its anti-corruption plans.
Conduct studies of the sector, identifying the areas of greatest risk, as well
as the factors of the corruption.
Enter in the POI all the activities of the anti-corruption plan, in order to
ensure the budget and the adequate monitoring and monitoring of those.
Publish the monitoring and monitoring reports every six months, so that
the citizens know the anti-corruption work of each sector.
Corruption can be reduced if there are several offices that have the same
competence, since who need those licenses can go to other officials in the
event that the first one refuses their request.