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Factors that Affect Academic Performance of the Selected Freshmen BSHM1A at St.
Dominic College of Asia AY 2018-2019

Submitted by:

Osis, Emmanuel John V.
San Juan, Venus Kathleen Kyle D.
Villamin, Dhave
Zurita, Jan Arthur

Submitted to:
Eloisa Joson


A. Background of the Study

Students are the key assets of universities. The students’ performance plays an

important role in producing best quality graduates who will become great leaders and

manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic and social

development. When it comes to academics, it is really hard to calculate the performance

of each student. It is not easy to measure because there are some factors that directly

affect their performance such as: age, teaching approach, learning environment, medium

of instruction, tuition trend, daily study hour and others. The performance of a student

might boost or decrease by some factors.

This research was conducted because the researchers want to know the academic

performance of the freshmen students; also, the researchers want to know, what is the

main problem and minor problem, why these factors affect the performance of students.

After the researcher finish this study, the research will serve as a tool to use if they have

problem in performance, since after reading the research the researcher ensure that the

readers will know those factors, so they can now resolve and avoid those factors and after

that they can now work efficiently and also can now finish those activity that is needed in

the given amount of time.

B. Review of Related Literature

According to Ali and Haider (2013) the first thing that comes up to people when

they hear “academic performance” is the person’s GPA or grade point average that is

known as a common indicator of the performance of the students.

Marquez (2009) also pointed out that a student who is successful in his desired

career has good study habits. In line with this, she stated that students should apply these

habits to all of their classes. She also suggested that the students should not try to study

all the subjects in a single period.

Minnesota (2007) stated “the higher education performance is depends upon the

academic performance of graduate students. Durden and Ellis quoted Staffolani and

Bratti, (2002) who observed that “the measurement of students previous educational

outcomes are the most important indicators of students future achievement; this refers

that the higher the previous appearance, the better will the student’s academic

performance in future endeavors be.

Nevertheless, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has identified

problems that run simultaneously with the present tertiary school curriculum in the

country (SEAMEO-INNOTECH, 2003). Among the school- related factors found are

unqualified and poorly trained teachers, inadequate facilities, and dilapidated

instructional materials. Non-school factors include poverty, low educational attainment

and illiteracy of parents and poor health and nutrition.

Mays (2002) greatly emphasized the importance of having qualified teachers in

the field of teaching, and said that success of any program is conditioned by the ability of

the teacher to teach. If there is failure at this point, the whole structure fails. Hence, the
implementation, selection, preparation, and supervision of education will be affected.

Moreover, Dayad (2000) mentioned that good teachers are constantly on the alert for

methods and instructional materials that will make learning meaningful. With the wise

selection and use of a variety of instructional materials or audio-visual materials,

experiences may be provided to develop understanding.

Farely and Rosnow (1999) studied the responsible factors for schooling. The

responsible factors for schooling were found to be, to learn, to prepare for later life and

the future to get the job.

C. Conceptual Framework

The figure shows below are some factors that affect to academic performance of freshmen

BSHM1A students. The purpose of this study is to know the factors that affect to

performance of the students. The researchers will gather the data from selected freshmen

BSHM1A students in St. Dominic College of Asia.

Factors that affect to the

academic performance of the
Freshmen Students in SDCA Factors that Affect
*Personal Condition
*Study Habits Performance of the
*Home Related Factors
*School Related Factors Selected Freshmen
*Teacher Related Aspect
*Teaching Approach
BSHM1A at St.
*Learning Environment Dominic College of
*Medium of Instruction
*Tuition Trend Asia AY 2018-2019
*Daily Study Hour
D. Research Questions

This question will be answered by the selected freshmen BSHM1A students of St.

Dominic College of Asia who’s willing to be interviewed, and that questions are:

1. What are the factors that affect the academic performance of freshmen students?

2. How do these factors affect the academic performance of freshmen students?

E. Significance of the Study

The following people will be benefited by the study:

Students. Students who cannot work efficiently. Also, who always procrastinate and has a

behavior that affects his/her performance.

Parents. Parents may be able to understand and help their children regarding their school

matters and give them support.

Teachers. This study may help them to recognize problems encountered by the students

that may pose an effect in their performance. They may find alternative actions on how to

handle their students.

School Administrators. School Administrators may be able to promote thinking skills

assessment in their school, letting their teachers understand the influences of their

student’s preferred learning styles that will promote adequate learning opportunities and

effective instructions.

Future Researcher. With the help of our research, it will be easy to have extra ideas that

could be added to their topic for bolder and better research.

Scope and Limitation

The given study would determine the factors of the students' academic

performance towards their academic work. It is focused to the selected freshmen

BSHM1A students of St. Dominic College of Asia as a subject for our concept paper.

The particular study will not cover any other pupils who are not entered in the said


F. Definition of Terms

1. Academic Performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

2. Grades - a level of study that is completed by a student during one year.

3. Performance - The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known

standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.

4. Study Habit - are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning academic


5. Academic Functioning - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

6. Study - the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic

subject, especially by means of books.

7. Student - is a learner or someone who attends an educational institution

8. Factors - a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

9. Motivation - is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also

one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior.

10. Achievements - a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.



A. Research Design

Mixed Method is a methodology for conducting research that involves collecting,

analyzing and integrating quantitative by using survey questionnaire and qualitative research

such as interviews and focus groups. This approach to research is used when this integration

provides a better understanding of the research problem than either of each alone.

B. Respondents

The research was conducted to the selected freshmen BSHM1A students of St. Dominic

College of Asia.

C. Data Collection

This study would focus on knowing the factors that could affect the freshmen students of

Saint Dominic College of Asia. By using this we will know how to counter the factors that could

affect the performance of a freshmen student. This study will help that person who is in the

workplace also the students particularly the said participants of the chosen school since this study

will focus on knowing the factors that affect to the academic performance of the students. The

researchers will use the survey type of gathering data since this research is quantitative.

D. Research Instrument
The researchers would use a survey questionnaire type since the researchers was

conducting this investigatory. The investigator is the one who will collect the data and also the

one that will analyze and tally. The respondents are expected to answer the question honestly and

not allowed to live one question blank, to avoid inaccurate result. The survey questionnaire

includes two parts, the first part was personal/respondents’ information and the second part was

the survey itself. The survey questionnaire itself includes five parts and these are: personal

condition, study habits, home related aspect, school related aspect, and lastly teacher related

aspect each factor has five designated question that the respondent will answer. The respondent

will just put a check mark if they agree or disagree on the given factor.

E. Data Analysis

The researchers will gather the data from freshmen students of St. Dominic College of

Asia who is willing to be interviewed, and then after we gathered the data we will tabulate it and

analyze the factor that affects the academic performance of the student. The investigators will

only study the factors that affect the academic performance of students and knowing if this factor

can be passed from one person to another. Our group will be the one that will tally the data

manually. We decided to tally the data manually because for us manually tallying data is more

accurate and easy way to use.



After collecting, analysing, and tallying the data, the researchers got 50.2% believe that

those given factors that was presented on the survey questionnaire is a factor that can affect the

performance of the students and also 49.8% of the respondents didn't believe that those given

factor in a survey questionnaire is a factor that can affect the students’ performance. School

Related Factors got the highest average which is 67%, followed by Study Habits with an average

of 53%, next is Home Related Factors with an average of 48%, after that is the Personal

Condition which is 45%, and lastly is the Teacher Related Aspect with an average of 38%.

This table shows the average of the students that agreed on the given factors that the researchers




Personal Condition 45%

Study Habits 53%

Home Related Aspects 48%

School Related Aspects 67%

Teacher Related Aspect 38%


Having bad performance in school results to get a high chance of having low grades,

that's why the researcher’s tries to find and know the factors that affect to performance of the

students, we have seen that there are real factors, as time passed by. We the researchers also

encounter this problem; we realized that those factors can really affect the performance of the

students. First is the personal condition, under this are the study habits, followed by home related

aspect, school related aspects and lastly is the teacher related aspects. It all contains five

questions each. After getting all the information from the respondents, therefore, the researchers

concluded that the given factors were really accurate and exist at this moment in time.


We would recommend to the future researchers that they should avoid using literary

clichés and also always check every detail that you gather. Be sure to compile all the survey

questionnaires for you to have an accurate result because once you did not collect the data

properly, you will not be able to get an accurate answers to your questions. Be sure to have an

answerable research questions to avoid conflicts.

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