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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity guide and evaluation rubric – Post-task – Contents units
1 and 2

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Academic School of education

Academic Level Professional
Academic Field Disciplinary
Course Name Didactics of English
Course Code 551026
Course Type Theoretical Can be enabled yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of Number of
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☐ 2
activity: weeks
Evaluation Unit
Initial ☐ ☐ Final ☒
moment: Intermediate:
Total score of the activity: Environment to submit the activity:
125 Monitoring and evaluation environment.
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity: December 12th
November 29th 2019 2019
Competencies to develop:
To examine different lesson plans to critically evaluate them and propose new
methodologies that meet the new needs and interests of students in regards to
language pedagogy.

To develop practical and pedagogical skills necessary for English language

instruction and curriculum design, through the study and pragmatic use of
different methodologies and procedures of the English didactics.

Topics to develop:
Contents Unit 1: strategies for English language teaching and learning
Contents Unit 2: syllabus design
Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop

Post-task: finally, the product of the task is delivered, so you can socialize
among different groups in order to compare findings, share realities or
exchange information.
Activities to develop:

As the final task of the course, individually, you are going to evaluate some
lesson plans and improve them. To do this, check out the lesson plans
uploaded to the forum. There are 3 different plans and you will reflect and
discuss about their quality. In your report, include the evaluation in aspects
like the objectives, the contents, the materials, the methodologies, the
evaluation, etc.
Be critical when evaluating them. It is important to know that it is not just
judging the lesson, but supporting your opinions with arguments. Take in mind
the principles, theories and the main information that you read in the different
documents throughout the course. Besides this, you have to propose some
improvements, for instance, if you do not agree with the material used in a
lesson, mention what type of material you would propose.
You can create a chart or an evaluation rubric to present the evaluation in an
organized way.
Finally, create a checklist per lesson, containing different evaluative items or
criteria. Include as many items as possible and give a scale in numbers or words.
The tutor will share a sample of checklist so that you are able to create yours.

Environment For the development of this task, you won’t need to participate
for the collaboratively in a forum. Nevertheless, the tutor will set up a
developmen forum where he will share the lesson plans. In there, though,
t of the you can share your concerns about the task to be solved by
activity the tutor.

After developing the task, the student is going to upload a

Products to single PDF document to the Evaluation Environment. It has to
be contain the following information.
submitted -The evaluation of each one of the lesson plans (chart,
by students graphic, rubric…)
-Checklist per lesson plan including the evaluative criteria.
No collaborative delivery.

3. General guidelines for the collaborative work

Collaborative learning is a strategy that allows students to

work together in order to achieve a common goal.
Accordingly, the collaborative work proposed for the course is
based on a structured and planned process that includes
individual and group activities, as well as interaction and
socialization in the virtual classroom.
1. Explore the syllabus of the course.
2. Make several readings of the activity guide and the
evaluation rubric for each of the units of individual and
collaborative work.
3. All the activities that are carried out for the development of
the activity should be reflected within the course through the
different media and especially in the forum of each activity,
Planning of since the interaction; if they work by Skype or other means
activities for they should evidence it in the forum with screenshots.
the 4. Be in constant communication with the colleagues and tutor
development during the development of activities.
of 5. In case of any concern, ask the tutor or the colleagues with
collaborative time, using the various communication channels arranged in
work the course.
6. Enter the contributions with time for the Timely feedback
from peers and tutor.
7. Establish a schedule of activities within each forum and a
table of roles and functions for meet during the development
of each activity.
Different roles are proposed within the collaborative
environment, which allow an appropriate space for academic
growth and effective interaction that promotes learning and
interpersonal relationships. Every student will take up one of
these roles for the development of the course assignments
and can only be changed if decided by the group members.
Roles to be Facilitator: Makes sure that every voice is heard and focuses
performed work around the learning task. Provides leadership and
by the direction for the group and suggests solutions to team
student in problems.
the Recorder: Keeps a public record of the team's ideas and
collaborative progress. Checks to be sure that ideas are clear and accurate.
group Time keeper: Encourages the group to stay on task.
Announces when time is halfway through and when time is
nearly up.
Planner: States an action for the completion of the task at
hand according to the instructions and course agenda.
Task monitor: Looks for supplies or requests help from the
teacher when group members agree that they do not have the
resources to solve the problem.
The proposed roles are:
• Compiler
Consolidates the document that is constituted as the final
product of the debate, taking into account that the
contributions of all the participants have been included and
that only the participants who participated in the process are
included. He must inform the person in charge of the alerts to
notify those who did not participate, that they will not be
included in the product to be delivered.
• Reviser
Ensures that the writing complies with the rules for
Roles and
submission of work required by the teacher.
duties for
• Evaluator
Ensures that the document contains the criteria present in the
rubric. He must inform the person in charge of the alerts so
of products
that he informs the other members of the team in case there
by students
is an adjustment to be made on the subject.
• Deliveries
Alerts about the delivery times of the products and sends the
document in the stipulated times, using the resources
destined for the shipment, and indicates to the other
colleagues that the delivery has been made.
• Alerts
Ensures that the members of the group are notified of the
novelties at work and informs the teacher through the work
forum and the course's messaging, that the document has
been sent.
All references considered for this activity have to be cited
References using APA Style
In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, the
mistakes that infringe upon the academic order, among
others, are the following: paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to
present as your own work the whole or part of a writing,
report, task or document of invention performed by another
person. It also implies the use of cites or lack of references,
or includes cites where there is no coincidence between them
and the reference” and paragraph f)” To reproduce, or copy
for profit, educational resources or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the
Plagiarism The academic punishments that the student will face are:
policy a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work
or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without
leading to disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of
any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without
leading to disciplinary measures.
To know how the documents must be cited, check the
following document:
Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta edición.
Taken from

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric
Activity Collaborative
Individual Activity ☒ ☐
type: Activity
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☐ Final ☒
Evaluated Performance levels of the individual activity
items High score Average score Low score
The student The student
The student
evaluated evaluated some evaluated few
different aspects aspects from the aspects from the
from the lesson lesson plans such lesson plans such as
plans such as the as the coherence the coherence of the
coherence of the of the topics with topics with the
topics with the the goals, goals, students’
goals, students’ students’ levels, levels, activities and
levels, activities activities and methodologies,
and methodologies, clarity of the 25 points
methodologies, clarity of the objectives,
Items clarity of the
objectives, pertinence of
evaluated objectives,
pertinence of materials and
pertinence of
materials and evaluation, among
materials and
evaluation, among evaluation, among other important
other important other important aspects.
aspects. aspects.

(up to 25
(up to 12 points) (up to 1 point)
The evaluation The evaluation does
The evaluation partially showed a not show a critical
showed a critical critical view and view and quality
view and quality
quality skills of the skills of the student
skills of the
student to assess to assess lesson
student to assess
lesson plans. The lesson plans. The plans. The student
student was student was was not reflexive,
Quality of partially reflexive, accurate, critical,
reflexive, 25 points
evaluation accurate, critical, demanding, and
accurate, critical,
demanding, and demanding, and propositive. It’s not
propositive. It’s a propositive. It’s not a high quality
high quality a high quality evaluation.
evaluation. evaluation.

(up to 25
(up to 12 points) (up to 1 point)
Organizatio To organize the To organize the To organize the
n of the information, the information, the information, the
evaluation student created a
chart, or graphic, student partially student did not
or rubric to created a chart, or create a chart, or
present the graphic, or rubric graphic, or rubric to
different items of to present the present the different
the lesson plans. different items of items of the lesson
All the information the lesson plans. plans. None of the
is clear and
All the information information is clear
is partially clear and accurate.
and accurate.

(up to 20
(up to 10 points) (up to 1 point)
The student
The student
partially included
included several The student did not
several items
items related to include several items
related to the
the different related to the
different elements
elements that different elements
that must be
must be included that must be
Items of the included in a 20
in a lesson plan. included in a lesson
checklist lesson plan. The points
The chart is plan. The chart is
chart is partially
understandable not understandable
and well- and well-presented.
and well-
(up to 20
(up to 10 points) (up to 1 point)
It is evident that It is partially It is not evident that
the student evident that the the student learned
learned from the student learned from the contents of
contents of the from the contents the course and was
course and was of the course and not able to apply his
Knowledge able to apply his was able to apply knowledge in the 20
application knowledge in the points
his knowledge in task. Theoretical and
task. Theoretical
the task. procedural skills are
and procedural
skills are evident Theoretical and not evident in the
in the final procedural skills final product.
product. are partially
evident in the final

(up to 20
(up to 10 points) (up to 1 point)
Not all the 3 None of the 3
All the 3 lessons lessons are lessons are
are evaluated in evaluated in the evaluated in the
the analytical analytical analytical description
description of the description of the of the evaluation as
Evaluation evaluation as well evaluation as well well as in the
of the as in the checklist. as in the checklist. checklist. Proposals 15 points
lesson plans Proposals to Proposals to to improve are not
improve are
improve are presented.
partially presented.

(up to 15
(up to 7 points) (up to 1 point)
Final score 125 Points

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