“Meditation can help you follow your path and be at peace.” For me
this makes an assumption that we want to follow our path and be at
peace ie end suffering; suffering ends when people are following their
paths – another assumption. I know Four Agreements tells me not to
make assumptions but this assumption is Dhamma, it is nature, tathata
– the way it is. When you have worked through the 4 tetrads of
anapanasati-bhavana (in the satipatthana sutta the four foundations of
mindfulness) this will be clear, maybe it will be clear after finishing
reading this?<br><br>
But there were two things I did not focus on in the Treatise, the fourth
tetrad of Dhamma and the need for integration, both of these
omissions I considered in detail in the second section of the
Pathtivism manual. There is a need to integrate these four tetrads but
this is technically wrong, we need to integrate the first three within
the context of the Dhamma or even better the Dhamma integrates
through the 4 tetrads. <br><br>