schools so as to increase the feeling of respects towards the mental situation that cause a person to grow old. Ageing is
elderly from children as well as to create a family such a mystery that is still not clearly defined even by the
environment for elderly in old age homes (Upadhya, 2063). sciences. As the birth is an event and the pregnancy a process
Elderly homes, religious sites are the only destination for of it, old age is an event and ageing is its process. As soon as
senior citizens out of their family during the old age. a man is born, ageing starts. This process continues forward
Different activities from the side of government, NGOs and by every second, day, weeks, months and years. Different
individuals are being done for the senior citizens. However, countries of the world term a man as an old after crossing
many of them are still deprived of proper care and support certain age depending on prevailing socio-cultural norms and
and basic need for comfortable survival. values. Almost countries have declared sixty years of age
while it is sixty-five in Nepal. Besides, wrinkled face, grey
The main objective of the study was to collect information hair, loosed teeth, weak condition of sense are other
about the existing state of elderly homes around the characteristics feature of old age (Bhandari, 2061). Whatever
Kathmandu valley and the feelings of the resident elders in the age limitation set by countries depending on the time,
each home. I surveyed the physical, economic status of situation and place, everyone in general easily understand
different homes, their problems and challenges as well as the who the old people are.
personal feelings of senior citizens living in, the seven elderly
homes situated in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Elderly people have to cope with various expectations on the
Kavrepalanchowk district during October-November, 2007 part of younger generations concerning example of happy
on behalf of Geront World Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal. An and peaceful life and the way to prepare themselves to enter
attempt has been made to clarify the problems and challenges the next world. Old age is the age of long and wide world and
of elderly homes and the elders. Effort has been provided to life experience. Aged ones as persons who express the truth
see whether the elderly homes are helpful in providing proper to the world. Mental sufferings of the elderly are; agitation
care and support for the senior citizens. An analysis of four due to health problems, sorrows caused by departure from
data sets (interview of 61 senior citizens out of total 122 in 7 beloved ones or things, doubt concerning the nature of
homes, interview of all seven home's authorized persons, present and next life (Bhanman, 2006). Hence, the ageing,
published/unpublished profile of the homes, and interview of old age and problems of senior citizen are much more
key informants) as well as field observation shows significant associated with spiritualism or spirituality rather than merely
positive effects of homes on the life of senior citizen. The with the medical, economic and social issue.
survey results indicate that in number of respects elderly
homes are favorable for the residents and the society as a Revolutions regarding long life occurred during the twenty-
whole despite of some vital problems. first century. Average life expectancy at birth in 1950s
moved up from 20 years to 66 years in 2002 and more 10
2. Ageing and the Old Age in the Wider Context years will be added in 2050. Old population seems to be a
Ageing is a natural phenomenon and an inevitable process. major problem in the developing countries (UNO-
Every living being born, develop, grow old and dies. Ageing Madrid,2002). It is a fact that human techno-cultural progress
is a process of gradual change in physical appearance and made so far is still not capable to stop ageing and death but
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 | 215 216 | Pradeep Acharya
has succeeded in lowering the process of ageing. Population One of the major functions of a universal socio-cultural
statistics shows that the number of elderly has been institution family is to provide due care of children and the
increasing because of increment in the average life elderly and it is a fact that almost senior citizens of Nepal
expectancy at birth. In Nepal, according to CBS (2001), the seem to have been taking care by their family. However,
population above sixty years of age comprised 5.8% of total Shrestha (2004) noted that older people in Nepal live in a
population in the national census 2048B.S. while after ten state of paradox. On the one hand, the traditional culture
years in 2058B.S. it increased to 6.5%. accord respect, deference and status to elderly persons to
In Nepal, the Vedic tradition still governs family values and such a high degree those younger persons often feel
the elderly citizens are largely loved, revered and taken care suffocated and repressed by the presence of older generation.
of. However, with economic pressure resulting in migration
of youth across border in search of works, the elderly Nuclear families have come into being probably because of
population are left at home n rural hills, and the in laws material aspects and growing tendency of individualism
consider them inactive, burdensome and passive recipients of among people rather than spiritualism. Consumerism has
love and support (MOWCSW, 2002). Old age is not a given rise to needless imitation of western countries and the
problem in itself but it becomes a problem when the obvious Nepalese people seem to have lost the traditional value. The
physical and mental changes brought by old age make men concept of elderly people living peacefully with the family
unable to do their own necessary basic things. Hence, the has become a thing of the past. People are not fully aware of
issue of senior citizen and old age should be addressed its consequences. Family cohesion is coming under pressure
appropriately as other social problems in society. of generation gap between parents and children especially in
urban areas (Ghimire/Dwadi, 2056). This reality further
3. The Main Concern; Care of the Senior Citizens intensifies the issue whether the family or some other
Records and evidence suggest that the origin and institution should take care of the senior citizens of a society
development of old age homes of a kind in Nepal started i.e. family or the elderly homes.
since 1938B.S. However its actual establishment was made in
2030B.S. Nepal has not been influenced by the first No institution or agency have cared to adopt the “right based”
conference on elderly people in Vienna but once the UN approach in dealing with elderly person's issues as they have
declared 1999A.D. as the international year of elders, Nepal done with other sectors of the population e.g. children,
has shown interest in this sector from the part of NGOs and women, Maoist etc. It has been limited to nominal “old age
civil society (Upadhya, 2063). allowance” (Shrestha, 2004). Main concern of the care of
senior citizen is nothing more than easing their lives in
MOWCSW (2061) has listed 52 organizations established to whatever way it is possible. Therefore, whatever the
work for senior citizen in one or another form from the part circumstances behind the problem or whoever set responsible
of both government and non-government sector. Besides it for the care of senior citizen, the universally accepted social
has a list of three international organization working directly value is “the society for all ages” i.e. people of all ages have
or/and for the sake of senior citizens. equal right to live a full life. For this, the society has to
practically make a best possible alternative by improving the
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 | 217 218 | Pradeep Acharya
for a new partner is practically impossible, one must have to And in the other hand, some new entries still miss the family
seek refuge in elderly homes, where cohorts accompany them and prefer to be reintegrated. But all of them realize the need
with more or less similar feelings and life experiences. of the time as being in home is not good for both old and new
Despite the entry of few respondents into such shelters before generation and hence the elderly homes are appropriate place
the age of sixty because of being helpless for different for senior citizens.
reasons, almost respondents i.e. sixty-six percent have
entered at the age sixty to eighty. During the survey, it has been observed that less than the
quarter (only 16.26%) of the total respondents have active
Table 3: Respondents by age at entry offspring.
S.N. Age Frequency Percentage
class Table 5: Respondents by presence of offspring
1 above 90 1 1.69 S.N. Category Frequency Percentage
2 80 - 90 8 13.55
1 Child less 21 34.42
3 70 - 79 16 27.11
4 60 - 69 23 38.98
2 Having children 16 26.22
5 below 11 18.64 3 Unknown 15 24.59
60 4 Rejection 9 14.75
TOTAL 59 (two respondents not sure about Total 61 100
their age ) Source: Field Survey, 2007
Source: Field Survey, 2007
This is such a age or stage, when most of the jobholders retire Besides, another quarter were childless i.e. they never have a
from the job, most of the people experience the symptoms of kid. Moreover, the rest two categories comprising more than
old age more significantly and most of them lose spouse. a quarter involve those who have loosed their children,
sooner or latter, after giving birth termed as “unknown” here.
All of the respondents who were in such homes from more Moreover, those who rejected to respond regarding children,
than five to ten years are comfortable with the life in homes, do not want to recall them, most probably the misbehave
as most of them do not even want to recall the family. They from the children that forced them out of family. It is said
feel that living out of family with cohorts is much better than that “chhora chhori budheskaal ka latthi” (i.e. children are
being hatred or/and burden in the family. the walking stick at the old age) in Nepalese culture; and that
Table 4: Respondents by duration of stay has been evident here.
S.N. Duration Persons Percentage
1 below 1 year 8 13.11 All of senior mothers in elderly homes were housewives
2 1 to 5 years 25 40.98
(doing household work, farming) who did not have any
3 5 to 10 years 24 39.34
secured source of income.
4 10 to 15 years 4 6.55
Total 61 100
Source: Field Survey, 2007
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 | 221 222 | Pradeep Acharya
The government of Nepal, from a decade, has started Those who are suffering from health problems include
providing some money as a senior citizen allowance. Out of chronic diseases like blood pressure, blood sugar, asthma,
the 61 only 20 persons are receiving allowance in regular uric acid, gastric etc; all these are common to most of the old
basis. But everyone of the respondents have knowledge about people. They regular visit the doctor and take medicine.
the allowance as well as all of them know it is just nominal Besides, other common problems like hearing, vision have
but they realize “something is better than nothing”. been observed as well as some are paralyzed. Health is the
most important aspect of the care of senior citizens. Most of
Table 7: The senior citizen allowance recipients the homes are facing financial problems regarding the
S.N. Category Frequency Percentage treatment of expensive disease like brain hemorrhage and
1 Allowance receiver 20 32.78 other surgical cases.
2 Allowance less 41 67.21
Total 61 100 6. Conclusion
Source: Field Survey, 2007
Elderly homes for the welfare of senior citizen are a socio-
Lack of citizenship certificate seemed to be a major reason cultural institution with economical, psychological and
behind the lack of access to the allowance for some and spiritual dimensions. The care of senior citizen of a society
others who are away from native districts are not able get the has been a social value from ancient times. For the attainment
allowance as it is distributed in native place. In addition, an of such social values, society has set up norms like "we have
interesting fact must be mentioned is that a pensioner couple to respect the seniors, and love the juniors". Moreover, the
does not take the allowance as he feels the allowance is more society as a whole accepts it as everyone has to be old one
essential for others who have no source of income. day. However, in reality, values sometimes contradict
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.2 | 223 224 | Pradeep Acharya
between individual and society, between generations due to children. As Bhandari (2061) states that safe and secured old
various socio-economic factors. Such a value differentiation age is not that much different from the concept of 'safe
is what makes elderly citizen a problem and care of them a motherhood'.
challenge. Thus, the best option is to encourage and create
environment for the establishment of elderly homes at It is said that "budhabudhi ko sathi ketaketi" (i.e. children are
community levels. the friend of elder); in fact the stress created due to
unoccupied time and depression during old age can be to
Elderly homes and such shelters in terms of their physical great extent reduced if they are kept around children, the new
and social environment should not be like a compulsive comer of a society. In addition, it is also said "kura sunnu
refuge. Criteria for a model old age home (like permanent budha ko..."(i.e. listen to the talks of elders...) as they are full
building, necessary infrastructures and space, appropriate of past life experiences. Children, youth can benefit by the
catering system, regular health care and medicines, provision talks of senior citizens regarding practical and social life.
for mental and physical relaxation such yoga, pilgrimages) Thus, one of the easy methods to ease the life of elders could
should be set up and strictly followed. In addition to this be making elderly homes and school in close touch. It also
growth and development in old age too can be made possible makes the children and youth respect and help senior citizens.
by providing due importance to their knowledge, skills and
Developing countries like Nepal need to develop senior
their utilization. For such homes to develop the existing effort
citizen welfare program in ways compatible with maintaining
of government and non-government sectors is not sufficient;
the cultural values and enhancing the living standard of the
private sector involvement has been necessary. Last but not
elders. Day by day changing needs of industrialization,
the least it can be a potential area of investment for private
urbanization created over society should be integrated in
existing cultural values with necessary modification. In
addition to this, the existing nominal senior citizen allowance
It can be straightforwardly confirmed that the elders or the
must be at least doubled and distribution system made
senior citizens always with to live in with their family
scientific and accessible to the needy elders. Above all the
(children, grand children, spouses) and it is what everyone
senior citizen should feel like 'seniors' not 'old and obsolete'
wants to. But owing to practical circumstances such as some
by making them active in any kind of stress less activities.
may not have a family; those who have may not be socio-
Age of retirement should not be merely based on the years
economically strong enough to carry on their cost of care at
passed but scientifically set depending upon the capacity,
the expense of their children, career etc; socio-economically
health condition of the individual and requirements of the job
strong ones may have some other personal values and
i.e. it should be made voluntary not compulsive. Regarding
priorities; and some elders themselves are not interested to
all these, government of Nepal has recently declared to
live in the family with everyday worry of children and family
establish a model old age home in Kathmandu in near future.
activities. Thus homes for the care senior citizen has been a
basic socio-cultural institution like school for educating
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