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Quantitative Methods

for MBA Students

Patrick R. McMullen,

Wake Forest University

School of Business
Copyright © 2016 Patrick R. McMullen

All rights reserved.

ISBN-10: 1523352825
ISBN-13: 978-1523352821
This book is dedicated to my Dad and the memory of my Mom.

I was lucky enough to have Mom and Dad sit through a class session of
mine, and it meant a lot to me to see the pride in their eyes.
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6
Software........................................................................................................ 6
Course “Prerequisites”.................................................................................. 7
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 8
1. Why Statistics? .......................................................................................... 9
1.1 Tools for this Course ....................................................................... 12
1.2 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 13
1.3 Exercises.......................................................................................... 13
2. Describing Data ....................................................................................... 14
2.1 Categorical Data Analysis ................................................................ 14
2.2 Numerical Data Analysis ................................................................. 15
2.2.1 Expectation ............................................................................. 16
2.2.2 Variation.................................................................................. 17
2.2.3 Distribution ............................................................................. 19
2.3 Presenting Graphical Data .............................................................. 20
2.3.1 Histogram................................................................................ 21
2.3.2 Box Plot ................................................................................... 27
2.4 Putting it All Together ..................................................................... 28
2.5 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 29
2.6 Exercises.......................................................................................... 29
3 Probability ............................................................................................... 32
3.1 Basic Probability.............................................................................. 32
3.2 Probability Rules ............................................................................. 33
3.3.1 Probability Rule 1 .................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Probability Rule 2 .................................................................... 34
3.3.3 Probability Rule 3 ....................................................................34
3.3.4 Probability Rule 4 ....................................................................34
3.3.5 Probability Rule 5 ....................................................................35
3.3.6 Probability Rule 6 ....................................................................36
3.3 Contingency Tables .........................................................................36
3.4 Basic Counting .................................................................................39
3.4.1 The Product Rule .....................................................................40
3.4.2 Combinations ..........................................................................40
3.4.3 Permutations...........................................................................41
3.4.4 Excel “Counts” .........................................................................42
3.5 Conclusions .....................................................................................42
3.6 Exercises ..........................................................................................42
4. Random Variables ...................................................................................45
4.1 Discrete Random Variables .............................................................45
4.1.1 Discrete Distribution ...............................................................45
4.1.2 Binomial Distribution ..............................................................47
4.2 Continuous Random Variables ........................................................49
4.2.1 Uniform Distribution ...............................................................49
4.2.2 Normal Distribution ................................................................50
4.3 The Central Limit Theorem .............................................................54
4.4 Conclusions .....................................................................................57
4.5 Exercises ..........................................................................................57
5. Estimation ...............................................................................................59
5.1 Means..............................................................................................59
5.2 Proportions .....................................................................................61
5.3 Differences between means ...........................................................63
5.4 Conclusions .....................................................................................64
5.5 Exercises.......................................................................................... 64
6. Hypothesis Testing .................................................................................. 67
6.1 General Process .............................................................................. 67
6.1.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses ............................................ 68
6.1.2 Steps of the Hypothesis Test .................................................. 72
6.2 Testing Means ................................................................................. 78
6.3 Testing Proportions......................................................................... 80
6.4 Testing Differences between Means .............................................. 83
6.5 Confidence Intervals and Two-Tailed Test...................................... 87
6.6 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 88
6.7 Exercises.......................................................................................... 89
7. Oneway Analysis of Variance .................................................................. 93
7.1 Variation and the F-Distribution ..................................................... 93
7.2 Testing Equality of Means from Multiple Populations ................... 98
7.3 Multiple Factor Analysis of Variance ............................................ 101
7.4 Conclusions ................................................................................... 102
7.5 Exercises........................................................................................ 102
8. Chi-Square Testing ................................................................................ 104
8.1 The Chi-Square Test ...................................................................... 104
8.2 Goodness of Fit Test ..................................................................... 105
8.3 Test for Independence .................................................................. 111
8.4 Conclusions ................................................................................... 114
8.5 Exercises........................................................................................ 115
9. Simple Linear Regression ...................................................................... 118
9.1 Slope and Intercept....................................................................... 118
9.2 Ordinary Least Squares Regression...............................................119
9.3 Statistical Inference for Slope and Intercept ................................121
9.3.1 Excel for Regression ..............................................................121
9.3.2 Testing the Slope and Intercept ............................................122
9.4 Estimation / Prediction .................................................................123
9.5 Conclusions ...................................................................................124
9.6 Exercises ........................................................................................125
10. Multiple Linear Regression ...............................................................128
10.1 Improving Predictive Ability ..........................................................128
10.1.1 Adding More Variables..........................................................128
10.1.2 F-Statistic and Regression Output .........................................129
10.2 Multicollinearity ............................................................................131
10.2.1 Correlation ............................................................................132
10.2.2 Remediation ..........................................................................133
10.3 Parsimony......................................................................................134
10.4 Conclusions ...................................................................................135
10.5 Exercises ........................................................................................135
11. Business Forecasting .........................................................................139
11.1 Time Series Analysis ......................................................................139
11.2 Simple Forecasting Tools ..............................................................139
11.2.1 Simple Moving Average ........................................................140
11.2.2 Weighted Moving Average ...................................................140
11.2.3 Differencing ...........................................................................140
11.3 Regression Based Forecasting .......................................................141
11.3.1 Linear Trends.........................................................................142
11.3.2 Nonlinear Trends...................................................................143
11.3.3 Microsoft Excel and Forecasting ...........................................145
11.4 Seasonality in Forecasting ............................................................ 146
11.4.1 Order of Seasonality ............................................................. 146
11.4.2 De-Seasonalize Data ............................................................. 148
11.4.3 Capture Trend ....................................................................... 148
11.4.4 Fit and Forecast..................................................................... 149
11.5 Parsimony ..................................................................................... 151
11.6 Conclusions ................................................................................... 152
11.7 Exercises........................................................................................ 152
12. Decision Tree Analysis ...................................................................... 154
12.1 Decision Trees ............................................................................... 154
12.2 Decision Strategies........................................................................ 155
12.2.1 Optimistic Strategy (“Maximax”) .......................................... 156
12.2.2 Pessimistic Strategy (“Maximin”) ......................................... 156
12.2.3 Expected Value Strategy ....................................................... 157
12.3 Expected Value of Perfect Information ........................................ 158
12.4 An Example ................................................................................... 159
12.5 Conclusions ................................................................................... 160
12.6 Exercises........................................................................................ 161
Appendix. Development of Seasonal Forecasting Problem......................... 164
References .................................................................................................... 167
Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

The decision to write this book was made over time and eventually out
of necessity. I have seen the students and their families spend much too much
money for their textbooks in addition to skyrocketing tuition costs. This
problem didn’t reach a critical point with me until my children became of
college age, when I experienced the problem myself.

As such, I started on this book in September of 2015, so that the students

can have a good reference to help them learn introductory business statistics
while avoiding dependency on the large publishing companies and their
outrageous prices.

Another reason for this book is so that there is more consistency between
my lectures and the content in the book. One of the common bits of feedback
from my students is that they don’t like the book. I don’t think the quality of
the book is the problem, but the way I use the book is the problem. With this
book, I will be able to better coordinate my lectures with the book, which will
benefit the students. There will be a stronger relationship between the book,
the lectures, and the homework assignments.

The homework problems in the book will also refer to data sets which I
have created, which will also result in better coordination between lectures
and assignments

For this class, Microsoft Excel, version 2010 and later, is the software
package of choice. While I do not consider Microsoft Excel the best statistics
software available, it is the one software package to which essentially all
students will have access. I liken Microsoft Excel’s ability to perform statistics
similar to a Swiss Army knife – it does a lot of things well, but no one thing
exceptionally well. Microsoft Excel is flexible, and provides the tools for
successful data analysis in a classroom setting.

Another software package that will be used on occasion, is JMP, a general

statistical software package made by SAS. JMP goes beyond the features of

Patrick R. McMullen

Microsoft with more ease than Excel. JMP is not used as often as Microsoft
Excel because of the limited availability of JMP beyond the university years.
Nevertheless, JMP will be used on occasion to show some software
capabilities that Excel simply cannot perform. This is especially the case when
performing certain types of graphics.

Another software package that will be used on rare occasion is “R.” R is

what is known as an “open-source” software package distributed by a group
of users known as the “R-project.” This means that R is freely downloadable,
and the users can make enhancements to the software as they see fit. The
software is frequently updated, and some of the new enhancements are
included with new versions, assuming the new enhancements are deemed
valuable by the leadership of the R-project. R is extremely powerful software,
and can handle any type of problem we encounter in this class. The only
downside associated with R is that it takes a little time to become familiar with
its functionality. But after the basics are learned, R becomes very useful.

Course “Prerequisites”
For this course, a basic understanding of high-school or college algebra is
a must. Beyond that, some “mathematical maturity” is needed at times. In
statistics, we often sum quantities and we use subscript notation to do this. It
is not to appear pretentious, but it is needed to explain something as briefly
as possible.

As one reads this book, particularly when trying to understand the

formulae, it is important to realize that this is not “bedtime reading.” It takes
time to digest the concepts explained. That is why examples are provided as
deemed necessary.

The other prerequisite is that it is important to have a basic

understanding of Microsoft Excel. By basic understanding, it is expected that
the student is able to build a formula, copy and paste, and create basic charts.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Ironically, I have the textbook publishers and university bookstores to
thank for giving me the motivation to write this book. Because they form
partnerships and charge the students too much money, I now find an
affordable textbook more necessary than ever.
I would like to thank my friend and colleague, Jon Pinder, for selling me
on this point. Jon started doing the same thing a few years ago, with the intent
of saving the students money.
I would also like to thank Mike DiCello for his help with photography,
Karen Combs for her help with editing, and Vickie Whapham for her
administrative help. It is also important for me to thank Kevin Bender, Pat
Peacock, Carol Oliff and Chas Mansfield for their never-ending assistance in
helping the students better understand the importance of the learning
Most importantly, I would like to thank Professor Larry Richards of the
University of Oregon. When I entered the University of Oregon, I had a real
fear of statistics. While there, I had several statistics classes with Larry. Under
his mentoring, I realized that I like statistics. I realized that it is the most
important mathematics class there is. I also learned that it would be fun to
teach statistics someday. Larry’s mentoring gave me the confidence to teach
statistics. Getting in front of a classroom full of students fearing statistics is
not an easy thing to do. Larry Richards gave me the confidence to do this.

Patrick R. McMullen

1. Why Statistics?
Statistics is a feared entity in the business school – for both
undergraduate and MBA students. I personally fit this theory given that I
received a grade of “D” when I first took statistics as an undergraduate
engineering student. Assuming you’ve not thrown your book away over that
revelation, I will continue. 

Prior to taking statistics for the first time, I was excited about the class.
The reason for this, as embarrassing as it may be, was because I thought I
already had a handle on what statistics was all about. As a schoolboy, my
friends and I would trade baseball cards, in our effort to have a complete
collection. If I had two 1974 cards of Pete Rose, but I was lacking a 1974 Henry
Aaron card, I would gladly forfeit one of my Pete Rose cards for the Henry
Aaron card.

Baseball cards are rife with statistics on the player’s performance

throughout their careers. In 1974, Henry Aaron broke the all-time home run
record, held for a long time by baseball legend Babe Ruth. When Hank Aaron
accomplished this seemingly impossible feat, he forever cemented himself as
a legend of the game. Table 1.1 shows selected career hitting statistics for
Henry Aaron.


23 Years 3,298 12,364 2,174 3,771 755 2,297 .305
Table 1.1. Selected Career Statistics of Henry Aaron

From inspection of Table 1.1, and inspection of other data sets detailing career
hitting statistics, it becomes clear that Henry Aaron was unarguably one of the
very best hitters in the history of the game. In fact, he has more Runs Batted
In (2,297) than anyone in history, and 755 career home runs were the most
ever until Barry Bonds broke the record in 2007 with 762 home runs.
Unfortunately for Barry Bonds, his record will always be in doubt due to his

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

use of performance-enhancing drugs1. Because of the Bonds controversy,

Henry Aaron is still considered the “home-run king” by many.

Getting back to my point, this is essentially what I thought statistics was

all about – studying a bunch of numbers – something similar to looking over
baseball cards to learn about a player’s success. I couldn’t have been more

While studying over a bunch of numbers, such as numbers on a baseball

card, can be considered a part of statistics, it is a very small part of statistics.

Statistics in its most general form, is learning about the population. Of

course, learning about the population requires us to study the population,
which is quite difficult, given the size of the population. To alleviate this
problem, we collect data about the population, and this sample data is used
to help us learn about the population.

While that might sound easy enough, we need to be careful on how we

gather the data. It is imperative that our data be randomly sampled so as to
avoid any sort of bias.

Here’s an example of biased sampling. Suppose you’ve been given an

assignment to estimate the average home price in the US. You happen to live
in Brentwood, California. The easy thing to do would be to find the recent real
estate transactions in your neighborhood (Brentwood), compute the average
transaction price and report it as the average home price in the US.

The problem with this is pretty clear. The sample is not representative of
the US population. Brentwood, California is a very affluent area, and the
average home price there would be much higher than it would be for the
entire US. Instead, we have to randomly select homes from all over the US to
use for our analysis. When observations are randomly selected for our
analysis, any sort of bias is avoided, and we are speaking on behalf of the

Bonds has admitted to performance-enhancing drug use, but he clarifies this by
stating he never “knowingly” took performance-enhancing drugs.

Patrick R. McMullen

population. Figure 1.1 shows a generalized version of random sampling,

where the “dots” are randomly selected observations within the larger
population – the boundaries of the rectangle represent the population

Figure 1.1. Sample Data Taken from a Population

Once we have gathered our random sample from the population, we can
make a proper analysis. Our intent is to learn something about our data, so
that we can “tell the world” about our findings. When we “tell the world”
about our findings, we are expected to use a very well-defined set of tools and
semantics to articulate our findings. Quite often, we must perform a
structured “test” prior to our telling the world about our findings. This formal
test essentially demonstrates that proper protocol has been followed in our

In the scientific research community, any sort of substantial claim is not

taken seriously unless appropriate statistical testing accompanies the claim.
The business community may not be as rigid as the scientific research
community, but carrying out the appropriate analyses and testing is definitely
required in most situations.

Consider a company that is about to embark upon a new advertising

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

campaign for their product. Before spending the millions of dollars to launch
the campaign, they will need to “field test” the advertising campaign on focus
groups, to determine if the focus groups are favorably responsive to the new
advertising campaign. In order to make this determination, formal statistical
analyses must be performed that convince senior management that the
investment in the campaign is worthwhile.

Another example relates to the Federal Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) and their possible approval of a new drug. Their job is to make certain
a particular drug is effective without any dangerous side-effects. In order
approve a new drug, the FDA must have substantial statistical proof of the
drug’s effectiveness without dangerous side-effects.

The formal statistical tools used to assist in such determinations and

decisions are briefly described in the next section.

1.1 Tools for this Course

Given this book is for introductory purposes, a “survey” of topics are
presented. They are as follows:

 Descriptive Statistics, which are the fundamental building block of all

subsequent subjects. Here, we describe data sets in the most
fundamental form possible, both numerically and graphically.
 Probability, which is the study of uncertainty and the likelihood of an
 Random Variables, which study the structure of certain types of data
 Estimation, which is how we sample from a larger population in our
effort to estimate some entity and establish an interval of a specific
probabilistic certainty.
 Hypothesis Testing is the most important topic we cover. When we
make a specific claim about something, it must be accompanied by a
formal test. Hypothesis testing provides us with exact structure we
must use to support or refute the claim.
 Oneway Analysis of Variance is where we compare multiple
populations and determine whether or not they are equal in value.

Patrick R. McMullen

 Chi-Square Testing is where we compare a given distribution to see if

it is the same as some theoretical distribution.
 Simple Linear Regression is another major topic in this book. In
simple linear regression, we explore the possible relationship
between two numerical entities. If there is a meaningful relationship,
we can exploit this relationship for purposes of estimation and/or
prediction of one entity given a specific value of the other entity.
 Multiple Linear Regression is where we use multiple independent
variables to enhance the predictive ability of our regression model.
 Forecasting is where we use historical data to estimate future trends.
We will have the ability to forecast linear, nonlinear and even seasonal
 Decision Analysis is where we decide upon alternatives when future
uncertainty is inherent. We made decisions using various strategies
and we place a valuation on the degree of uncertainty.

1.2 Conclusions
It is reasonable for us to think of statistics as a “toolbox” for us to better
understand our environment via a collection of data. These tools help us
assess our environment. When we better understand our environment, we
can improve and enhance the position of our organization, whatever that
particular organization’s purpose may be.

1.3 Exercises
1. Would Boston, Massachusetts be a good place to sample in order to
estimate the average SAT score for all high school students? Why or why not?

2. Would the state of Ohio be a good place to sample the customer’s liking
to a new food product? Why or why not?

3. Why might the FDA’s use of statistics be more important than other
organizations use of statistics?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

2. Describing Data
Statistics is all about studying data and articulating to the world our
findings. Prior to our performing formal statistical tests, we need to describe
the data in its most basic form. There are three basic approaches to doing
this: Categorical Data Analysis, Numerical Data Analysis and the Presenting of
Graphical Data.

2.1 Categorical Data Analysis

Describing categorical data is mainly a “low-tech,” common sense
exercise. Data of a “categorical” nature means that the data is not in
numerical form, but in the form of categories. These categories are
sometimes referred to as “buckets” or “bins.” There is not much we can do
with this data other than organizing it into a table and/or a simple chart.

For example, let’s assume an apparel company is interested in targeting

a demographic that frequently attends rock concerts. They are most
interested in getting a handle on the color of trousers the patrons wear. As
such, they hire people at the concert to tally the number of people who wear
certain color jeans. They have decided on four categories: “black,” “blue,”
“beige” and “other.” In addition to the color category, they also categorize
patrons by gender. After the tally, they simply present their findings in a table
where each category combination is totaled, and the Gender rows are
summed. The results might appear as shown in Table 2.1a.

Black Blue Beige Other Total

Male 236 326 73 22 657
Female 158 75 42 31 306
Table 2.1a. Tally of Jeans by Gender

We can take this analysis one-step further if we present a percent breakdown

of the jeans’ color by gender. To do this for the men, we would divide 236 by
657 to get the percentage of black jeans, divide 326 by 657 to get the
percentage of blue jeans, and so on. When we do the same for the women
(dividing the frequency of each color by 306), we have the results shown in
Table 2.1b.

Patrick R. McMullen

Black Blue Beige Other Total

Male 35.92% 49.62% 11.11% 3.35% 100%
Female 51.63% 24.51% 13.73% 10.13% 100%
Table 2.1b. Percentage of Jeans Color by Gender

Table 2.1b is probably a better way to express this data, as percentages

put the tallies in a more standardized perspective as compared to raw counts.

Another way to express this data is to organize it into a column chart,

where the height of each column is the percentage of jeans color, and this is
done for both male and females. This particular chart was created via the
“Column Chart” feature in Microsoft Excel. A pie chart is another option to
show this data, where the size of each slice/wedge is the percentage of a
specific color, but in recent years, the statistics community has discouraged
used of pie charts because it is believed that pie charts distort perspective. As
such, the column chart is shown as the preferred graphical tool for tallied data.

Jeans Color by Gender

Black Blue Beige Other

Male Female

Figure 2.1. Column Chart of Jeans Color by Gender

2.2 Numerical Data Analysis

This is where our opportunity to analyze data really begins. With

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

descriptive statistics, we can take a given set of data, calculate many statistics,
and then articulate our findings in a reasonable way. There are several
categories in which to describe data, but we concentrate on the most
important two categories: expectation and variation.

2.2.1 Expectation
Expectation is a measure of central tendency – a singular value we can
use to describe the expectation of a given data set. For example, when an
instructor administers an exam, they will often state the exam average for the
entire class. The instructor has summed the test scores, and divided this sum
by the number of exams taken. The instructor is articulating, in essence, how
the average student performed on the exam. Based upon a specific student’s
score then, any given student can compare their performance against the
average performance. In the world of statistics, the average value of some
entity is often called the mean.

Mathematically, we define the sample mean (𝑥̅ ) as follows, where xi is a

specific observation, referred to as the ith observation, and n refers to the
number of observations in our sample. Our sample mean is as follows:
1 (Eq. 2-1)
𝑥̅ = ∑ 𝑥𝑖

The average isn’t the only metric we can use to articulate central
tendency. Consider a situation in which we are given an assignment to
estimate the expected home value in King County, Washington. We decide to
randomly sample 10 houses in the area for our estimation. It turns out that
one of the ten houses we use is the home of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Mr.
Gates’ home is worth several million dollars – much higher than the other
home values in our collection of data. This will severely bias our average – it
would inflate our average and misrepresent the expected home value in King
County, Washington. Instead of calculating the average, we can sort our data
from low to high (or high to low) and selected the “middle value” for an odd
number of observations, or average the “middle two” values for an even

Patrick R. McMullen

number of observations. This value is called the median, and is often used on
socioeconomic data to eliminate any biases associated with extreme values.

Another measure of central tendency, although perhaps not as important

as the mean and standard deviation is the mode – the most frequently
observed value in a collection of data. Sometimes, depending on the nature
of the data, there will not be a mode. Sometimes, there may be multiple
modes. For example, where a data set contains two unique modes, the data
can be referred to as “bi-model.”

In Microsoft Excel, the built-in functions for the measures of central

tendency are shown in Table 2.2. In this context, and throughout the book,
the term “data range” refers to the actual data set being referred to while in

Statistic Excel Formula

Mean =average(data range)
Median =median(data range)
Model =mode(data range)
Table 2.2. Excel Formulae for Central Tendency

2.2.2 Variation
Variation is an underappreciated and overlooked part of descriptive
statistics, but a very important one. In fact, it is just as important as the
measures of central tendency. The reason it is so underappreciated is because
it is not terribly well understood. In fact, when I didn’t do well the first time I
took statistics, my misunderstanding of variation was a large reason why.

Variation measures dispersion of the data set. That is the most general
form of variation, which we can capture that value by the range (Range),
which is the difference between the minimum observed value (xmin) and the
maximum observed value (xmax). Mathematically, this is as follows:

Range = xmax - xmin (Eq. 2-2)

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

While this version of dispersion is simple to calculate, it is naïve because

it does not account for dispersion of the observations with respect to the
mean. The value that best captures dispersion about the mean is the sample
standard deviation, s. At first glance, the mathematics of this equation may
seem intimidating, but with some explanation, it should become more
understandable. The sample standard deviation is as following:

(Eq. 2-3)
∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )2
𝑠= √

This calculation calculates the difference between each observation and the
sample mean. This difference is squared. It is squared for two reasons: the
first reason is to eliminate a negative number in the calculation, as any number
squared is a positive number; the second reason is to amplify big differences
between the observed value and the sample mean. These squared differences
are then summed, which accounts for the numerator of the equation. The
numerator is then divided by (n - 1). The division by n is to put the calculated
quantity into the same units as the observed data – similar to dividing by n
when a sample mean is calculated. The value of “1” is subtracted from n to
account for the fact that we have limited data – sample information instead
of population data. The subtraction of “1” from n adjusts the sample standard
deviation upward, “inflating” our estimate of the standard deviation, as
compared to the standard deviation of the population. Fortunately, this
formula is rarely used in practice, as Excel and other software packages easily
make the calculation.
Another formula, used to calculate the sample variance is the squared
value of the sample standard deviation, and is shown here:

∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )2 (Eq. 2-4)
𝑠 =

The only difference between the two is that the sample standard deviation is
the square root of the sample variance, and is more commonly used, because
its value is in the same units as the observed value.
In Excel, the formulae for range, standard deviation and sample variance
are as follows:

Patrick R. McMullen

Statistic Excel Formula

Range =max(data range) – min(data range)
Sample Standard Deviation =stdev(data range)
Sample Variance =var(data range)
Table 2.3. Excel Formulae for Variation

Now that we have the tools to describe central tendency and variation, a
brief time is spent discussing the distribution of the data set.

2.2.3 Distribution
Many observations comprise a data set. Each individual observation has
a “position” in the data set, so to speak. When the data is sorted, we can “see”
where a certain observation fits in with the rest of the data. Excel, JMP and
other software packages tell provide us with the position of an observation in
a data set without our having to sort or otherwise manipulate the data. In
particular, we can calculate percentiles and quantiles associated with a data

The percentile of an observation in a data set is its relative position to

other observations in that same data set. You should be familiar with this
concept. If/when you took the GMAT, SAT or ACT exam, you were given a
numerical score which probably didn’t mean much to you, because you have
no basis for comparison. But you were also presented with percentile data,
which told you how you did when compared to the performance of all test-
takers. For example, if your percentile score was 75, you scored better than
75% of all test-takers.

The percentile of a data set basically breaks down the data into 100
pieces, or percentiles. The quartile of a data set basically breaks down the
data into four pieces. The first quartile is tantamount to the 25th percentile,
the second quartile is tantamount to the 50th percentile (which we also refer
to as the median), and the third quartile is tantamount to the 75th percentile.
The fourth quartile, which we never use, is essentially the maximum observed

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

In Excel, these values are easily computed using the percentile and
quartile functions.

Statistic Excel Formula

Percentile =percentile(data range, value)
Quartile =quartile(data range, quartile value)
Table 2.4. Excel Formulae for Percentiles and Quartiles

For example, if we have a data set called “X” with several observations, the
function “=percentile(X, 0.63)” will return the value in the data set associated
with the 63rd percentile. If we use the function “=quartile(X, 3),” the function
will return the value in the data set associated with the 3rd quartile (or 75th
percentile). Note that for the percentile function, our value must be between
0 and 1. The 0th percentile is the minimum value in the data set, while the
100th percentile is the maximum value in the data set. For quartile values, our
quartile value must be either 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. The 0th quartile is the minimum
value in the data set, while the 4th quartile is the maximum value in the data
set. It should be noted, however, that the 0th quartile and the 4th quartile are
of no practical value, as they respectively imply the minimum and maximum

It should be noted that the functions shown in Table 2.4 assume that we
intend for the highest value possible to occur – as in a test score, for example.
If we seek the lowest score possible, we simply replace “=percentile(data
range, value)” with “1 – percentile(data range, value).” For quartiles, we
simply switch the values for the first and third quartiles.

We have restricted our coverage of “distribution” to percentiles and

quartiles. There are other measures of distribution, such as skewness and
kurtosis which are beyond the scope of this book. In the next section, we will
continue to discuss the distribution of a data set, but in a more conceptual

2.3 Presenting Graphical Data

A picture is worth a thousand words. Statistics is no exception to that

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adage. Today’s computer and software resources have greatly enhanced our
ability to visualize data. Thirty years ago, our ability to visualize data was
essentially constrained to a handheld calculator, pencil and paper. Bad
memories. 

While there are countless tools to present data in a graphical format, our
pursuit of presenting graphical data will be confined to the histogram and the

2.3.1 Histogram
Without question, the histogram is the most common way to graphically
present univariate (single variable) data. When we have a collection of data,
it is wise to organize the data based on similarity – we did this in Section 2.1,
where we categorized the jeans that the concert-goers wore by gender and by
the color of jeans. Now that we are dealing with numerical data, similarity can
be categorized much easier. Numbers that are “similar” can be numbers that
are close in value. In a histogram, we have two axes: the horizontal axis (often
referred to as the “x-axis”) is a listing of numerical outcomes in ascending
order. The vertical axis (often referred to as the ‘’y-axis”) is the frequency
(how often) each outcome was observed. A histogram is sometimes referred
to a frequency chart.

Outcome is a subjective assessment and some thought is required as to

how to manage outcomes. For example, if I were give an exam to my students,
the minimum score might be 70 while the maximum score might be 100. The
outcomes would be easy to itemize: 70, 71, 72, …, 100. This, however, is only
one way to structure outcomes. As critic of this approach might think there is
too much detail in these outcomes, particularly if the class is small. They might
suggest fewer outcomes, perhaps only even-numbered scores: 70, 72, 74, …,
100. Under this revised scenario, odd-numbered scores would be placed into
the lower category or higher category – it really doesn’t matter, provided all
odd-numbered scores are treated the same.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

The point of the above is to suggest that some thought should go into
how outcomes are organized. One rule of thumb is that a good number of
categories to use when deciding how many outcomes to have is a function of
the number of observations in the data set, which we will call “n.” This
particular rule of thumb suggests that √𝑛 is a good number of categories to
use. I agree with this rule of thumb, but I generalize it even more – for large
data sets (~ 500 observations), I like to use about 25 categories. For larger
data sets (≥ 1000 observations), I like to use about 30 or so categories.
Fortunately, most fully-dedicated statistical software packages like JMP and R
automatically choose how many categories to use, but this can be controlled
by the user. For Excel, the number of categories must be pre-determined.

Let’s build a histogram with some data. Let’s assume that it was “Las
Vegas Night” at the business school. Staff, students and faculty played a few
casino games for small amounts of money, and the “money lost” by the
players went to a charitable cause. There were 120 participants, and their
“winnings” are shown below in Table 2.5. Negative winnings are, of course,
losses and are preceded by a “minus sign.”

From close inspection of Table 2.5, the worst performance was a loss of
$10.00, and the best performance was a gain of $2.00, making for a range of -
10 to 2. It seems reasonable to have categories starting at -$10 and ending
with $2, and having them in $1 increments, for a total of 13 categories.
Incidentally, 13 total categories is reasonably close to the rule of thumb
number of categories of √𝑛.

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-3.75 -6.00 -8.50 -2.75 -0.50 -5.50 -6.00 -4.75 -6.50 -5.25
-7.50 -6.75 -4.75 -3.25 -5.75 -1.00 -1.00 -5.50 -5.75 -3.75
-1.75 0.75 -0.75 -0.50 -2.00 1.75 -2.75 1.75 -5.75 -2.50
-2.25 -1.25 -3.25 -5.75 -5.25 -3.00 -6.25 -5.25 -4.75 -7.75
-3.25 -2.25 -2.00 -4.50 -3.00 -8.25 -4.00 0.00 0.75 -1.50
-6.75 -2.25 -4.25 -6.25 -7.25 -2.50 1.25 -1.75 -3.00 -4.75
-9.50 -4.50 -4.25 -1.50 -4.25 -8.50 -3.00 -2.25 -3.00 -5.50
-5.00 -3.75 -4.25 -2.25 -3.75 -1.25 -6.50 -5.50 -6.50 -5.25
-0.75 -3.00 -4.50 -1.75 -3.00 -4.50 -2.50 -2.25 -4.50 -6.00
-3.50 -6.00 -2.25 -6.00 -3.50 -6.00 -0.75 -2.75 -1.50 -1.50
-3.25 -8.50 -2.75 -4.75 -6.25 -1.00 0.25 -5.00 -3.50 -10.00
-7.25 -2.75 -1.75 -2.00 -2.25 -3.25 2.00 -3.50 -0.50 -8.25
Table 2.5. Winnings from Las Vegas Night

The histogram can be generated in Excel via Data | Data Analysis |

Histogram. From there, you are asked for two groups of data: the first is the
“Input Data,” which is the 120 actual observations; the second is the “Bin
Range,” which is an ordered list of categories, which, in this case, is -$10, -$9,
…, $1, $2. Excel then returns the frequencies of each categorized outcome,
which is shown in Table 2.6.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Outcome Frequency Relative

Category Frequency
-$10 1 0.83%
-$9 1 0.83%
-$8 5 4.17%
-$7 4 3.33%
-$6 14 11.67%
-$5 14 11.67%
-$4 15 12.50%
-$3 20 16.67%
-$2 19 15.83%
-$1 13 10.83%
$0 7 5.83%
$1 3 2.50%
$2 4 3.33%
Table 2.6. Frequencies of “Winnings” from Las Vegas Night

A histogram using the frequency data from Table 2.6 is shown in Figure 2.2.

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Las Vegas Night






Figure 2.2. Histogram of Las Vegas Night

You will notice from Figure 2.2 that this histogram is nothing more than
a column chart, with the horizontal axis being the ordered categories, and the
vertical axis being the frequencies.

It should also be noticed that the rightmost column of Table 2.6 is entitled
“Relative Frequency.” For each outcome category, we can convert the
frequencies to relative frequencies by dividing the frequency value by the total
number of observations, which is 120 in this case. For example, the -$4
category has a frequency of 15. The relative frequency of this category is
12.50% (15/120). It would be of no particular benefit to show a histogram of
the relative frequencies, because the column heights would be exactly
proportion to the column heights of the frequency histogram in Figure 2.2.
The only difference between a frequency and a relative frequency is that the
frequencies will sum to the number of observations, while the sum of the
relative frequencies will sum to 1.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

In terms of the histogram itself, we see that losses of about $3 is the most
frequent outcome. Without getting into descriptive statistics at present, we
can reasonably conclude some form of central tendency of an approximate $3
loss. This will be discussed further in the next section.

Figure 2.3 shows a very nice example of a histogram. It illustrates income

distribution in 2011. The horizontal axis shows annual income categories in
$5,000, where the vertical axis shows the relative frequencies of these

Figure 2.3. Histogram of Income Distribution

The histogram has a few properties worth noting. First, we might notice that
most outcomes reside on the left – lower incomes, with a decreasing
frequency of higher incomes, until we get to the $200K and more category.
The median, a measure of central tendency, resides in the “hump,” while
there is a dominant tail to the right. We use the term “skewed right” to
describe this type of distribution – the tail is to the right of the “hump.” A
distribution that is “skewed left” is where the dominant tail is to the left of
the “hump.” If a distribution is not skewed either way, we call the distribution

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2.3.2 Box Plot

As stated earlier, the histogram is the most important tool we have to
present descriptive statistical data in graphical form. The box plot, however,
does provide us with additional insight regarding the distribution. The box
plot is more of an abstraction than the histogram and requires some
explanation. The box plot shows us the first quartile, the second quartile
(median) and the third quartile as vertical lines composing a box. The first
quartile is the left edge of the box, while the third quartile is the right edge of
the box. The median is somewhere between these two edges. We then
compute “thresholds” or “fences” to determine “outliers.” There is a lower
threshold and an upper threshold. Each of these are 1.5 times the
interquartile range (Q3 – Q1). Mathematically, these thresholds are
determined as follows:

Lower Threshold = Q1 – 1.5*(Q3 – Q1) (Eq. 2-5)

Upper Threshold = Q3 + 1.5*(Q3 – Q1) (Eq. 2-6)

Any values that are below the lower threshold or above the upper threshold
are considered outliers – extreme observations. “Whiskers” are then drawn
in. The lower whisker is drawn from the first quartile to correspond to the
smallest value in the data set above the lower threshold. Similarly, the upper
whisker is drawn from the third quartile to the highest value in the data set
below the upper threshold. Values in the data set outside of these two
thresholds are considered outliers and are highlighted as such. It is possible
for a box plot not to have outliers. The figure below shows a generalized box
plot in the context as described.

It is important to note that various books and software packages give

slightly different treatments to boxplots, particularly with respect to how
whiskers and outliers are determined. What is consistent, however, for all box
plots, is that the first and third quartiles, along with the median are always
given the same treatment.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

2.4 Putting it All Together

This section is concerned with making a proper statistical reporting given
a data set, and using our descriptive statistical tools and our graphical tools.
For illustrative purposes, we will use our Las Vegas Night data set, and JMP to
assist with the analysis.

Once the JMP software is started, we can import an Excel data set. From
there, asking JMP to make the statistical analyses is very easy. While in JMP,
we select “Analyze,” then “Distribution.” From there, we select our variable
for the “Y, Columns” box and click “Go.” At this point, JMP returns an immense
amount of output, most of which we do not need. Once we are in output
mode, we can eliminate which output we do not wish to see, and focus on
what we do want to see, by unchecking various output options – this (selecting
which output to see) is something that requires experimentation. The figure
below is a JMP screen capture of our Las Vegas Night analyses – all of these
outputs are standard with JMP.

Figure 2.4. JMP Output of Las Vegas Night Data

The first thing I notice is that the average winnings are -$3.73. In other words,
I can expect to lose $3.73, which is quite similar to the median value of -$3.5.
I also notice a standard deviation of $2.49, and first and third quartiles of -$5.5
and -$2.06. The next thing I do is examine the histogram, which is essentially
the same as Figure 2.2. Here, the x-axis of the histogram was manipulated to

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see increments of $1.

A very nice feature of JMP is that it places a box plot on top of the
histogram – this permits us to the see the relationship between the two
graphical tools, providing us a better perspective of the data set. JMP offers
two box plot features not shown via other software packages. In the box plot,
you will notice a diamond-shaped figure. The part of the diamond where it is
at its maximum height is the mean value of the data set. The width of the
diamond shows us a 95% confidence interval, which we will talk about in
Chapter 5. The red bracket just above the box plot is referred to as the
“shortest half,” which displays the highest-density collection of 50% of the
observations in the data set.

Earlier in my teaching career, I never covered the box plot. I restricted

my conversation to the histogram when covering graphical approaches to
descriptive statistics. In recent years, however, I have come to embrace the
box plot. While it is definitely less concrete than the histogram, it does provide
us with a tremendous amount of information in a particularly simple way. As
such, I now consider it an enhancement to the histogram.

2.5 Conclusions
None of the concepts in this chapter are particularly difficult – I state this
from both a mathematical and conceptual perspective. Despite the relative
simplicity of this subject matter, none of it should be discounted as
unimportant. Descriptive statistics is perhaps the most important subject
covered in this book. When we talk about a data set, we should ALWAYS
summarize the data in numerical/statistical form, and use graphical support,
as many people in business, particularly those without a numerical
background, place more value on the pictures than they do the numbers.

2.6 Exercises
For problems 1 – 6, use the "ExamScoresData” data set. For problems 7 – 12,
use the “WireGaugeData” data set.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

The “ExamScoresData” data set records scores for two exams taken by a group
of students. The students took Exam 1 prior to their taking Exam 2.

1. Using Excel, please address the following:

a. The mean values for Exam 1 and Exam 2.
b. The median values for Exam 1 and Exam 2.
c. The standard deviation values for Exam 1 and Exam 2.
d. The lowest score of the two exams, and the highest score of the
two exams.

2. Using Microsoft Excel, create a combined histogram for each exam using
a bin range in increments of 2 exam points.

3. Using Microsoft Excel, created a combined histogram for each exam

using a bin range in increments of 1 exam point.

4. Using your histogram from Problem 3, distinguish the performance

between Exam 1 and Exam 2.

5. Do the histograms provide any help in determining how the data is

distributed. Comment on the data distributions.

6. Using JMP, construct box plots for Exams 1 and 2. Do your findings
support your answer in Problem 4?

For the “WireGaugeData” data set, data was taken from two shifts in a
factory where the diameter of 22-gauge wire was measured. It is intended
for the wire to have a diameter of 0.64mm.

7. Using Excel, please compute the following:

a. The mean wire diameter for Shifts 1 and 2.
b. The median wire diameter for Shifts 1 and 2.
c. The standard deviation of the wire diameter for Shifts 1 and 2.
d. Between the two shifts, what is the smallest wire diameter, and
what is the largest wire diameter?

8. Using Excel, create a combined histogram using 30 bins, positioned

between the minimum and maximum wire diameters.

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9. Using JMP, create a box plot for each shift.

10. Using your findings from Problems 8 and 9, talk about the distribution
for each shift.

11. Which shift does a better job in achieving the targeted diameter of
12. Which shift is more consistent in terms of wire diameter?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

3 Probability
We encounter probability every day in our lives. We watch the news on
TV and learn that there will be a slight chance of rain tomorrow afternoon.
Sometimes, a probability of rain will even be given explicitly. If we watch news
about politics, we will even see political pundits estimating probabilities of
candidates being elected to various forms of political office.

In the specific sense, probability is the likelihood of some event occurring.

In the general sense, probability is the study of uncertainty. While this chapter
might focus on studying the likelihood of some event occurring, the remainder
of the book is certainly more focused on studying uncertainty, as this concept
is very important when we turn to hypothesis testing in the latter chapters of
this book.

3.1 Basic Probability

This section addresses the most common-sense aspects of probability.
Let us begin by referring to some event as “A.” The probability of event A
occurring is the ratio of how many times A can occur to all trials in the
experiment. A simple example is where we are interested in determining the
probability of drawing a “6” from a standard deck of 52 cards. We know that
there are four different possibilities of “6” in a standard deck of cards (clubs,
diamonds, hearts, and spades). There are, then, four cards of “6” in a deck of
cards, making our probability of drawing a “6” four chances in 52, or 4/52,
which is 7.69%.

The probability of drawing a “6 of clubs” is different than the above

probability. The deck of cards has only one card that fits this description.
Because of this, our chances of drawing a “6 of clubs” from a standard deck of
cards is 1/52, which is 1.92%.

The probability rules in the next section provide some tools that assist us
in understanding slightly more complex probabilistic issues.

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3.2 Probability Rules

Prior to presenting the actual rules, there are a few terms which need to
be defined, so that the probability rules are more clearly understood.

As stated previously, P(A) is the notation we use to describe the

probability of event A occurring. Related to that is the notation 𝑃(𝐴̅), which
we refer to as the probability of event A not occurring, or “the probability of

Another item of business which must be covered involves mutually

exclusive events and independent events. Mutually exclusive events are
events that cannot happen at the same time – events where only one specific
outcome can occur. An example of a mutually exclusive event is where we
sample from a larger population to study something. Our subjects can only be
male or female – never both. As such, the gender of an individual can be
thought of as a mutually exclusive event. Another example is a student’s
application to a university. There are three possible outcomes: acceptance,
rejection, or “wait-list.” When a student receives their decision letter from a
university, the outcome will only be ONE of three possible outcomes, never
any combination of the possible outcomes.

Independent events can happen at the same time – these events are
independent of other events. Let’s assume that the New York Yankees are
playing the Boston Red Sox tonight. Meanwhile, the Pittsburgh Pirates are
playing the Cincinnati Reds. It is possible that both the Yankees and the Pirates
win because they are not playing each other – they have other opponents.
The Yankees / Red Sox game and the Pirates / Reds games are independent of
each other.

To understand the probability rules shown below, it is of great

importance to understand the difference between mutually exclusive events
and independent events.

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3.3.1 Probability Rule 1

The probability of some event will always be between zero and one. A
probability can never be less than zero, nor can it be greater than one.
Mathematically, this is as follows:

0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1 (Eq. 3-1)

This rule applies to both mutually exclusive and independent events.

3.3.2 Probability Rule 2

For mutually exclusive events, only one of the possible events can occur.
If there are four possible events (A, B, C and D), one of them must occur.
Mathematically, we can state this as follows:

P(A) + P(B) + P(C) + P(D) = 1 (Eq. 3-2)

3.3.3 Probability Rule 3

If event A does not occur, its complement 𝐴̅ must occur. Mathematically,
this means two things:

P(A) + P(𝐴̅) = 1 (Eq. 3-3)

P(𝐴̅) = 1 – P(A) (Eq. 3-4)

This rule applies to both mutually exclusive and independent events.

3.3.4 Probability Rule 4

For mutually exclusive events, the probability of event A or event B
occurring is the sum of the probabilities. Mathematically, this can be said as

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) (Eq. 3-5)

It should also be stated that another way of stating P(A or B) is to say P(AB),
which implies the “union” of A and B. As an example, there is 10% probability
that I will have pizza for dinner tonight, and a 15% probability that I will have

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pasta for dinner. Therefore, there is a 25% probability (10% + 15%) probability
that I will have either pizza or pasta for dinner tonight.

3.3.5 Probability Rule 5

For independent events, we can calculate the probability of both events
A and B happening via the following relationship:

P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B) (Eq. 3-6)

We can also state P(A and B) as P(A  B), which we call the “intersection” of
events A and B.

There is a probabilistic tool known as a “Venn Diagram,” which can help

us visualize these types of things. For the independent events A and B, the
Venn Diagram provides visual support for the above equation. For example,
let us assume that there is a 60% chance the Yankees will beat the Red Sox,
and there is a 55% chance that the Pirates will beat the Reds. The probability
of both the Yankees and Pirates winning is, therefore, (0.60)(0.55) = 0.33, or
33%. For this calculation, we are essentially calculating the section of the
circles that overlap in Figure 3.1.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Figure 3.1. Venn Diagram of Events A and B
3.3.6 Probability Rule 6
For independent events, the probability of either events A or B occurring
is as follows:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – (P(A) * P(B)) (Eq. 3-7)

Again, the notation P(A or B) can also be shown as P(A  B). To continue with
our example, the probability of either the Yankees or Pirates winning their
game is (0.60 + 0.55 – (0.60 * 0.55)), which is 0.82, or 82%.

3.3 Contingency Tables

There are times when we have the opportunity to study mutually
exclusive events where there are two factors involved, as opposed to a single
factor as described above. If we have one factor with a possible mutually
exclusive outcomes and another factor with b possible mutually exclusive
outcomes, we have a contingency table with a rows and b columns, and a*b
table entries. For each cell in the table, we are given the number of outcomes
that are associated with each unique combination of the two factors. This
contingency table provides with probabilistic information regarding each
factor and all combinations of factor levels.

Consider an example of the US House of Representatives voting on a

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house resolution – voting on whether or not a bill should become a law. Two
factors of interest here are first, the party affiliation – this factor has two
levels: Republican and Democrat. The second factor is how the
representative voted on the resolution. This factor also has two levels: Yes
and No. Because each factor has two levels, we have four combinations. For
our example, we study House Resolution 1599, which was brought to the
House of Representatives on July 23, 2015. The name of the resolution is the
“Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.” The contingency table of this vote is
as follows:

Yes No Total
Republican 230 12 242
Democrat 45 138 183
Total 275 150 425
Table 3.1. House Vote on HR 1599

The first order of business is to determine whether or not the bill passed the
house. It did, by a 275 – 150 margin. I look at the column total for “Yes” and
I compare it to the column total for “No” to make this determination. I also
notice that 242 Republicans voted, while 183 Democrats voted. I make this
determination by looking at the row totals. Finally, I arrive at a value of 425
total votes – this value can be determined by adding the row totals or the
column totals. This value can also be determined by adding the values of the
four factor-level combinations (230 + 12 + 45 + 138). 425 is the total number
of observations, which we can refer to as n.

If we were to divide all numbers in our contingency table by n, we would

get probabilities, which standardize our frequency data. By doing this, we are
essentially building a table of relative frequencies. Table 3.2 shows the results
of this.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Yes No Total
Republican 54.12% 2.82% 56.94%
Democrat 10.59% 32.47% 43.06%
Total 64.71% 35.29% 100%
Table 3.2. Relative Frequencies of HR 1599

From Table 3.2, we see that 56.94% of the votes were cast by Republicans, and
43.06% of the votes were cast by Democrats. We also see that 64.71% of the
vote was “Yes,” while 35.29% of the vote was “No.” The political party votes
will sum to 100%, while the “Yes” vs “No” votes will also sum to 100%. These
values are referred to as “marginal probabilities” because they are on the
“margins,” or edges of the contingency table. In essence, they tell us how each
of our factors are divided. We can state these marginal probabilities in
mathematical notation as well. For example, we can say the following about
Democrats: P(Democrat) = 43.06%.

Figure 3.2 also provides with “joint probabilities,” values showing us the
probability of specific combinations of our factors occurring. For example,
2.82% of Republicans voted No on HR 1599. Note that both factors are
considered for this joint probability. We can state this mathematically via the
following: P(Repubican and No) = 0.0282. The notation P(Repubican  No) is
also reasonable notation.

The final topic we discuss relative to contingency tables is the concept of

conditional probability. The conditional probability of an event occurring is
the probability of that event occurring given that some other event has
occurred. Mathematically, this is as follows:

P(A | B) = P(A  B) / P(B) (Eq. 3-8)

In this particular notation, the “|” means “given,” so we are implying the
probability of A given B. Said as simply as possible, we’d like to find the
probability of even A occurring knowing that event B has already occurred.

For example, we can calculate the probability of a voter voting “No” with
the prior knowledge that they are a democrat. In the context of this example,

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we determine this as follows:

P(No | Democrat) = P(No  Democrat) / P(Democrat) (Eq. 3-9)

The calculation for this would be 0.3247 / 0.4306 = 0.7541. In other words,
there is a 75.41% chance that a representative will vote “No” provided they
are a Democrat.

If someone votes “Yes,” what is the probability they are a Republican?

We can address this question as follows:

P(Republican | Yes) = P(Yes  Republican) / P(Yes) (Eq. 3-10)

For this question, we employ 0.5412 / 0.6471, which results in 0.8364. In other
words, given that a representative votes “Yes,” the probability of them being
Republican is 83.64%.

Contingency Tables are a valuable exercise in better understanding

probability. We often find useful information in studying outcomes when two
variables of the mutually exclusive variety are present. We conclude this
chapter by focusing on the number of possible outcomes via a brief
introduction to “counting.”

3.4 Basic Counting

As defined at the beginning of this chapter, the probability of a specific
event occurring is the number of possible successes divided by the number of
possible outcomes. Quite often, determining the number of possible
outcomes is a bit tricky, and quite often, this number is shockingly large. With
a few basic mindsets, we can discipline ourselves to finding the number of
outcomes by understanding what tools need to be used to make the
appropriate calculation. There are three basic approaches we will take: the
product rule, understanding combinations, and understanding permutations.
This topic is a branch of probability often referred to as combinatorics, which

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

is, in my opinion covered too infrequently in our statistics books.

3.4.1 The Product Rule

Often we have a number of factors, each having a specific number of
levels. To determine the number of possible outcomes, we can employ the
product rule. In its simplest form and from a mathematical perspective, the
product rules is as follows

Outcomes =∏𝑚
𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 , (Eq. 3-11)

Where ni is the number of levels for factor level i, and the upper case “pi”
symbol () means multiply, similar to how the upper “sigma” sign () means
to sum.

As an example, let’s consider pizza options. There are four factors: crust,
cheese, topping and size. Table 3.3 details these factors. For this example, it
is assumed that for each factor, exactly one level is permitted.

Factor Number of Levels

Crust 4 Thin, Thick, Deep Dish, Pan
Cheese 4 Mozzarella, Provalone, Romano, Gouda
Topping 30 Anchovy, Bell Pepper, …, Pinapple
Size 4 Individual, Medium, Large, Family
Table 3.3. Pizza Options

The number of unique pizza combinations is simply determined by the product

of the number of levels for all factors: (4)*(4)*(30)*(4) = 1,920. This example
shows that there are 1,920 outcomes. Of course, some of these outcomes are
more likely than others in reality, but that fact is beyond the scope of our
present conversation.

3.4.2 Combinations
In the previous paragraph, the word “combination” is used somewhat
informally. In this section, we use the word “combination” more formally.
Given we have n unique items in a set, and we wish to select a subset of size r

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from the set, the number of unique combinations we have is often referred to
as “n choose r.” Another way to state this is C(n, r) or nCr. For the remainder
of this book, the C(n, r) notation will be used. With these definitions now
known, the number of combinations can be determined as follows:
𝑛! (Eq. 3-12)
Combinations = C(n, r) =

Here, n! means “n-factorial,” which is defined as follows:

n! = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)…(2) * (1) (Eq. 3-13)

The factorial concept will be better detailed in the next section.

As an example of combinations, let’s look at the following example. I
have a collection of ten books, and I’m about to go on a long trip. I only have
room for three books. How many book combinations are there? For this
question, we have a set of ten items (n = 10) and we are seeking a subset of
size three (r = 3). Using our combinations formation from Eq. 3-12, we can
determine that there are 120 possible book combinations.

3.4.3 Permutations
Combinations are insensitive to ordering. For our book example above,
we calculated how many possible combinations there are of size three from
ten total items. These 120 combinations are insensitive to any sort of order.
For example, books “A,” “B” and “C” are the same as books “C,” “A,” and “B.”
For permutations, however, we are sensitive to ordering. A permutation is a
unique ordering from a set of n items, when we take a subset of r items.
Notation for permutations is similar to that of combinations – we use nPr and
P(n, r) to mean the same thing. From a mathematical perspective, the number
of unique permutations for a subset of size r from a set of n items is as follows:
𝑛! (Eq. 3-14)
Permutations = P(n, r) = (𝑛−𝑟)!

As an example of permutations, consider a combination lock with a dial,

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

having forty digits. There is a 3-digit combination to this lock, and the three
digits must be unique. We have a set of size forty, and a subset of size three.
Using equation 3-14, we have 59,280 unique combinations. If you give the
matter serious thought, the term “combination lock” is inappropriate – a
“permutation lock” is more appropriate because ordering of the three digits is

3.4.4 Excel “Counts”

Fortunately, Microsoft Excel can help us with these combinatorial
calculations. While the formulae presented above are helpful in making the
appropriate calculations, Excel simplifies the process with the functions shown
in Table 3.4

Excel Function Purpose

=product(data range) The product of all items in the data range
=factorial(n) n!, or “n-factorial”
=combin(n, r) C(n, r) or nCr
=permut(n, r) P(n, r), or nPr
Table 3.4. Combinatorial Functions in Excel

3.5 Conclusions
As stated earlier, combinatorics and counting are topics that usually do
not find coverage in introductory statistics books. In my opinion they are
important because they tell us how many outcomes are possible, which is the
“denominator” in probability calculations. Often this number is surprisingly
large, which in turn reduces probability. Having this information is valuable,
and can be helpful in any sort of organization have a better understanding of
the environment in which they operate.

3.6 Exercises
1. I roll a pair of dice. Generate a table showing all possible outcomes and
the probability of each outcome.

2. From the table above, what is the probability of rolling either a five or a

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3. Are the outcomes from Exercise 1 mutually exclusive? Why or why not?

4. Are the outcomes from Exercise 1 independent? Why or why not?

5. From a standard deck of 52 cards, what is the probability I draw a card of

the Aces suit?

6. From a standard deck of 52 cards, what is the probability I draw a ten?

7. Using your answers from problems 5 and 6, what is the probability you
draw a 10 of Aces? Does this answer make sense?

8. From a standard deck of 52 cards, what is the probability I draw a five or


9. Tonight the Houston Astros play at the New York Yankees. Analysts give
the Yankees a 59% chance of winning. The Chicago Cubs play at the Pittsburgh
Pirates tonight as well. Analysts project Pittsburgh winning with a 55%
probability. Ties are not allowed – a team will either win or lose the game.
Using this information, what is the probability that both the Yankees and the
Cubs win tonight?

10. Using the information from Exercise 9, what is the probability that either
Houston or the Cubs win?

11. Using the information from Exercise 9, what is the probability that neither
the Yankees nor Pirates will win?

12. I recently collected some data about people’s preference between

retailers Wal-Mart and Target. 103 men preferred Target while 67 men
preferred Wal-Mart. 158 women preferred Target while 27 preferred Wal-
Mart. Using this information, what percent of those surveyed preferred

13. Using the information from Exercise 12, what percent of those surveyed
were men?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

14. Using the information from Exercise 12, what percent of those surveyed
were women that preferred Wal-Mart?

15. Using the information from Exercise 12, of all women, what percent
preferred Target?

16. Using the information from Exercise 12, what percent were men given
those that preferred Wal-Mart?

17. Can you draw any general conclusions from the information in Exercise

18. Given the pizza data in Table 3.3, how many pizza toppings are possible if
up to two toppings were permitted? Assume double-toppings on any single
item (such as double pepperoni) is not permitted.

19. Given the pizza data in Table 3.3, how many pizza toppings are possible if
up to two toppings were permitted? Assume double-toppings on any single
item (such as double pepperoni) are permitted.

20. I have 15 photos. I have been asked to submit 4 of them for a family
photo album. How many photo combinations are possible?

21. I have to visit 10 cities exactly once. The city from which I start my tour
must the city in which I end my tour. How many different tours are possible?

22. I am giving an exam to 100 students. I am giving awards to the first,

second and third place scorers. How many award scenarios are possible?

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4. Random Variables
Probability and statistics can be described in many ways. Dealing with
uncertainty is one aspect of the science. There are things in nature of which
we never know with certainty. The closing daily stock price of a company, the
monthly sales of a specific chemical and legal issues can all be considered
sources of uncertainty. We refer to these types of things as random variables.
Random variables are entities having values that we don’t know with
certainty. Perhaps we have a general idea of their behavior, but we cannot
say with certainty what the outcome will be.

Consider a company’s stock price. Today the company’s stock price is

$10/share. It seems reasonable to think that at this time tomorrow, the
company’s stock price will be similar to what it is today – perhaps slightly less
than $10/share, perhaps slightly more than $10/share. The stock price at the
end of a day’s trading can be thought of as a random variable. Our hope is to
gain an understanding of the random variable in terms of expectation and
variation, so that we can make more informed strategic decision regarding all
matters related to the random variable of interest.

This chapter evaluates the different types of random variables and

describes their properties.

4.1 Discrete Random Variables

A discrete random variable has a finite number of outcomes, and these
possible outcome values are known. Consider the roll of a pair of dice. The
smallest possible outcome is a two (a pair of ones), and the largest possible
outcome is a twelve (a pair of sixes). In total, there are eleven possible
outcomes. Each possible outcome has some probability of occurring, and we
assume that these probabilities are known.

4.1.1 Discrete Distribution

A specific outcome value of a discrete distribution is referred to as x, and
the probability of x occurring is P(x). These probabilities are known. The

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

number of possible outcomes is n. The expected value of a random variable

( = E(x)), and its standard deviation ( = std(x)) are determined as follows:

 = E(x) = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 𝑃(𝑥𝑖 ) (Eq. 4-1)

 = std(x) = √∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝜇)2 𝑃(𝑥𝑖 ), (Eq. 4-2)

where xi represents the value of outcome i. It is also worth noting that the
cumulative probability through the ith possible outcome P(xi) is simply the

P(xi) = ∑𝑖𝑗=1 𝑃(𝑥𝑗 ) (Eq. 4-3)

Consider an example where a middle-school kid sells newspapers

downtown before school. He sells the papers by the “bundle.” Any given day
he can sell as few as no bundles (x = 0) and as many as six bundles (x = 6).
Table 4.1 shows the possible outcomes along with the associated probabilities
and cumulative probabilities:

Bundles Sold P(x) P(xi)

0 .02 0.02
1 .08 0.10
2 .20 0.30
3 .35 0.65
4 .25 0.90
5 .07 0.97
6 .03 1.00
Table 4.1. Newspaper Sales Probabilities

Using the above equations, the kid can expect to sell 3.06 newspapers
with a standard deviation of 1.22 newspapers. Figure 4.1 shows both the
probability distribution and cumulative probability distributions for the seven
possible outcomes. The cumulative probability distribution can be interpreted
by stating the associated outcome or less has a probability of occurring equal
to that particular cumulative probability value. For example, the cumulative

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probability value of 0.90 is associated with four bundles sold. This means that
there is a 0.90 probability that 4 bundles or less will be sold.

Newspaper Bundles Sold

Probability Cumulative Probability





0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 4.1. Probability and Cumulative Distribution of Newspapers Sold

4.1.2 Binomial Distribution

The binomial distribution is a special type of discrete distribution. For
each trial, the binomial distribution will result in one of two possible
outcomes. The flip of a coin is binomial – either heads or tails will be the result.
Consider a stock price – at the end of the day, the stock price will either gain
value, or it will not gain value. Using the binomial distribution properties, we
can model some specific number of successes (k) over some number of trials
(n) given the probability of success (p). Once we know the value of p, we can
use its complement to determine the probability of not having success (q,
which is 1 - p).

There is a formula available to us that helps us determine the probability

of k of successes given a binomial distribution over n trials, with a probability
of success, p. The formula is as follows:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

𝑛! (Eq. 4-4)
P(k) = (𝑛−𝑘)!𝑘! 𝑝𝑘 𝑞𝑛−𝑘

Clearly, the above formula is intimidating. The combinatorial object preceding

the probability shows the number of combinations of k successes, given the
probability of success, p. Fortunately, Excel has a built-in function to perform
the probability calculation for k successes over n trials of a binomial
distribution. This function is as follows: “=binom.dist(k, n, p, FALSE),” where
“FALSE” asks for the probability values – “TRUE” asks for the cumulative
probability values.

Let us consider an example of the human resources variety. A human

resources manager is evaluated by senior management. Part of the
performance review is based upon the tenure of the hires under her
leadership. A hire is considered a “success” if they stay with the company for
three or more years. As such, at the annual review of the HR manager, the
hires from three years earlier are examined – if a hire from three years ago is
still with the company it is considered a success. Otherwise, the hire is
considered unsuccessful. Generally speaking, there is a 65% probability that
a hire from three years ago is still with the company. Let’s consider ten hires
from three years ago (n = 10). Using the binomial distribution function, the
probabilities of “successful” hires from three years ago are as follows:

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Hiring Success via the Binomial







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Successful Hires

Figure 4.2. Binomial Distribution Example

From Figure 4.2, we can see details of the probability of successful hires
from three years ago. From this table, cumulative and inverse cumulative
distribution functions can be determined to ask additional questions.

4.2 Continuous Random Variables

The probability distributions described above have a finite number of
outcomes. Continuous probability distributions have an infinite number of
possible outcomes. While there are many probability distributions to
consider, we will examine the uniform distribution and the normal

4.2.1 Uniform Distribution

The uniform distribution has some minimum possible value, and some
maximum possible value. All values between these two extreme values are

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

equally likely to occur.

The random number generator on your calculator is an example of a

uniform distribution. When you ask for a random number, you will get some
number between 0 and 1. The number will never be less than 0 nor greater
than 1. Using the “=rand()” function in Excel will produce the same result. If
we generated an infinite number of random numbers via our calculator or in
Excel, our histogram would look like this:

Outcome (0 to 1)
Figure 4.3. Uniform Distribution of a Simple Random Number Generator

Note that Figure 4.3 shows all values between 0 and 1 to occur with equal

In truth, the uniform distribution is rarely seen to occur in nature, and is

therefore, rarely studied. Its main value is we can simulate scores from a
uniform distribution as an input to simulating more complex distributions,
such as the normal distribution.

4.2.2 Normal Distribution

The normal distribution is the most important distribution of all. It is
often seen in nature. We witness the normal distribution all of the time. The
distribution of someone’s height or weight, distribution of test scores, the

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distribution of how much sleep someone got last night, etc. To speak frankly,
the normal distribution is a powerful force in nature – the distribution of many
things follow a normal distribution. In plotting the normal distribution, the
independent variable is “z,” the number of standard deviations from the
mean. The dependent variable is f(z), the probability, or density function
associated with z. In more practical terms, “z” can be thought of as an
outcome, whereas f(z) can be thought of as the probability associated with
that particular outcome. The mathematical relationship between z and its
density function is as follows:

1 −𝑧 2 (Eq. 4-5)
𝑓(𝑧) = 𝑒 2

Clearly, this is a complex calculation. Fortunately, Excel can help us generate

a normally distributed plot via the function ”=norm.dist(, , z, FALSE),” where
 is the population mean,  is the population standard deviation, z is the given
z-score, or number of standard deviations from the mean, and “FALSE” asks
for the density function, or probability function as opposed to the cumulative
density function (“TRUE”).

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Normal Distribution


Figure 4.4. The Normal Distribution

The above formula provides us with a z-score, which can then be used to
determine probabilities.

It is important to ask probabilistic questions when given a mean and

standard deviation of a normally distributed population. The z-score, or
number of standard deviations some given value x is from the population
mean, , is given as follows:
𝑥−𝜇 (Eq. 4-6)

This formula “standardizes” the normal distribution to having a mean of

0 and a standard deviation of 1. The resultant z-score simply provides the
distance between x and  in units of standard deviations.

This z-score can then be used to determine the area under the curve to
the “left” of z, or more specifically, the area under the curve between -∞ and
z, which is the integral of Eq. 4-5. Eq. 4-5 cannot be integrated by conventional
means, so a numerical method must be used. Fortunately, Excel has provided
a function for this. The “normsdist(z)” function provides the area under the
normal curve to the left of the z-score. Figure 4.5 illustrates this, where “p”

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represents the area to the left of the z-score.

Normal Distribution

z 0

Figure 4.5. z-scores Associated with the Normal Distribution

For example, if we have an exam score having a population mean of 83

with a standard deviation of 5, an exam score of 87 would result in a z-score
of 0.80, and an area under the curve of “normsdist(0.80),” which is 0.7881. In
other words, the students with scores of 87 did better than 78.81% of the
students in the population, also implying they did worse than (100% - 78.81%)
21.19% of the students on the exam.

Conversely, we might also wish to know the exam score associated with
some specific percentile. There are tools available to help us with this
calculation. First of all, the “normsinv(p)” function returns the z-score
associated with the area under the curve equal to p, where the area is to the
left of the z-score. Once we have the z-score, we can used Eq. 4-6 to get the
actual value x associated with the z-score.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

x =  + z (Eq. 4-7)

Of course, this equation is simply a re-arrangement of Eq. 4-6, where we solve

for some specific value x.

Continuing with the same example as before, suppose we are interested

in finding the exam score associated with the 75th percentile. This would mean
the area under the curve, p, is 0.75, and the normsinv(p) function returns a z-
score of 0.6745. Using this z-score along with a  of 83 and a  of 5, Eq. 4-5
gives us an x of 86.37.

4.3 The Central Limit Theorem

A large part of the remainder of this book relates to gathering sample
data from a larger population. When we do this, we are attempting to say
something interesting about the population as a whole. It just so happens that
the distribution in which we sample most often resembles a normal
distribution. This is the essence of the Central Limit Theorem. The Central
Limit Theorem basically states that when we sample from a population, our
findings resemble a normal distribution, and with larger sample sizes, the
distribution becomes more defined and more accurately represents the
population’s distribution.

Figure 4.6 below shows this graphically. Panel (a) shows a histogram as
the result of sampling from a population with a sample size of n = 10. Panel
(b) shows the histogram as the result of sampling from the same population
with a sample size of n = 100. Panels (c) and (d) show the same, but with
sample sizes of 1,000 and 10,000. As one can see, increasing the sample size
better resembles the population, providing us with less “predictive error.”


0.230 0.230
0.236 0.236
n =10


n = 100
0.248 0.248
0.254 0.254
0.260 0.260
0.266 0.266
Figure 4.6a. Sample Size n = 10

Figure 4.6b. Sample Size n = 100

0.272 0.272
0.278 0.278
0.284 0.284
0.290 0.290
0.296 0.296

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0.302 0.302
Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

n = 1,000




















Figure 4.6c. Sample Size n = 1,000

n = 10,000




Figure 4.6d. Sampling Size n = 10,000

The “predictive error” as stated above is a bit nebulous. It intends to

describe our general ability to understand the population. As one can see
from Figure 4.6, larger sample sizes are better in helping us understand the
population. We can quantify this phenomenon via the standard error

Standard Error (se) =𝑠⁄√𝑛, (Eq. 4-8)

where s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size. As one can

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see, our standard error decreases with larger sample sizes.

The standard error is used to quantify the sampling distribution. The

sampling distribution is a normal distribution, but is adjusted for the sample
size we are using. The t-statistic is used to represent the distance between
our sample mean (𝑥̅ ) and the a priori population mean () in units of standard
errors. Mathematically, this is as follows:

𝑥̅ − 𝜇 (Eq. 4-9)

This particular equation has no application at this point in the book, but it will
when we explore hypothesis testing. At this point, it is reasonable just to
understand that the t-statistic is the result of sampling, and its value simply
represents how many standard errors our sample mean is from the population

4.4 Conclusions
Despite the fact that many different types of probability distributions
were covered in this chapter, we have only scratched the surface in terms of
the multitude of probability that exist in nature. Fortunately, the normal
distribution is a powerful force in nature, and this particular distribution serves
us well for the remainder of this book.

Additionally, the discrete distributions also occur frequently and we now

have the ability to better understand them.

4.5 Exercises
1. I roll a pair of dice. What is the expected value of the outcome?

2. I roll a pair of dice. What is the standard deviation associated with the

Use the information provided in Problem 3 below to address questions 3 – 7.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

3. I buy 16 tropical fish of the species “cichlisoma negrofasciata.” I cannot

determine the gender of the fish, but I’m told there is a 53% probability of a
single fish being a female. Construct the appropriate probability distribution,
with outcomes of 0 females to 16 females.

4. What is the probability of there being six or fewer females?

5. What is the probability of there being more than nine females?

6. What is the expected number of females?

7. What is the standard deviation of the number of females?

Use the following information to address questions 8 – 12. The population of

American males have an average height of 70 inches, with a standard
deviation of 1.5 inches.

8. What is the probability of a male having a height of 72 inches or more?

9. What is the probability of a male being 68 inches or shorter?

10. What is the probability of a male being between 69 and 71 inches?

11. What height is associated with the 85th percentile?

12. What height is associated with the 25th percentile?

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5. Estimation
We have stated many times that statistics involves using sample data to
say things about the population. This will be said many more times before you
finish this book. This adage is especially true in this chapter. Here, we wish to
articulate a population characteristic based on sample data. Given that we
are saying something about the population with incomplete data, we are
taking a leap of faith, so to speak. In short, we are estimating a population
parameter. However, the confidence interval helps us articulate how
confident we are in our estimate of this particular population parameter.

5.1 Means
Estimating the population mean (), via sample data is the first order of
business. When we gather sample data, we know the sample size (n), and we
can calculate the sample mean (𝑥̅ ) and sample standard deviation (s). We can
use this data, along with the appropriate t-statistic to construct a confidence
interval, providing a lower bound (LB) and an upper bound (UB) of our
estimate of . When this boundary is established, we state a certain level of
confidence that the true population mean lies within the specified boundary.
The level of confidence we have in this interval, or boundary is 1 - , where
the value of  is either given or assumed. The value of  it typically referred
to as the level of significance and is an input into the size of the boundaries of
the interval. Mathematically, this interval is as follows:

P(LB ≤  ≤ UB) = 1 -  (Eq. 5-1)

In essence, Eq. 5-1 is telling us that we are (1 - ) confident that the true
population mean is between the lower and upper boundaries. We can re-
write Eq. 5-1 so that the statistics associated with our sample data are shown:
𝑠 𝑠
P(𝑥̅ − 𝑡𝛼/2 ≤  ≤ 𝑥̅ + 𝑡𝛼/2 ) = 1 – . (Eq. 5-2)
√𝑛 √𝑛

Here, the value of t/2 represents the distance, expressed via the number of

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

standard errors, our boundary is from the population mean. This value is often
referred to as the “half-width.” Excel provides us this value via the following

t/2 = t.inv.2t(, n - 1) (Eq. 5-3)

This particular value is also used in hypothesis testing for means, covered in
the next chapter.

For convenience, the lower and upper boundaries are often shown in the
following compressed notation:
𝑠 (Eq. 5-4)
𝑥̅ ± 𝑡𝛼/2

Here, the “±” symbol show that we are both subtracting and adding the
specified number of standard errors from and to our sample mean, 𝑥̅ .

As an example, let’s assume that we are interested in a 95% confidence

interval estimate of a company’s annual salary increases to their employees.
We do not have salary increase information for the entire payroll, so we need
to randomly select workers and ask them about their annual salary increase.
Our random sampling effort resulting in 25 participants (n = 25), resulting in a
sample mean of an $1,800 annual increase, with a standard deviation of $475.
Because we are seeking a 95% confidence interval, our value of  = 0.05. Using
the appropriate Excel function as shown in Eq. 5-3, we have a t/2 value of 2.06.
Substituting these values into Eq. 5-4, we have the following:

475 (Eq. 5-5)

1,800 ± (2.06)

This results in a lower bound of $1603.93 and an upper bound of $1996.07.

We can then formally state our findings as follows:

P($1603.93 ≤  ≤ $1996.07) = 0.95 (Eq. 5-6)

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In words, this is stated as follows: we are 95% confident that our true
population mean salary increase is between $1603.93 and $1996.07.

5.2 Proportions
We can also estimate proportions via confidence intervals. In this
context, a proportion is the percent of a sample that meets some criterion.
Proportions are often used in understanding consumer preferences, as well as
in political science, where we try to gain a better understanding of where
candidates stand in terms of voters.

To estimate proportions, we must first define a few terms, which are

provided in Table 5.1.

Term Explanation
𝒑 Estimate of the population proportion
p Population Proportion
n Sample Size
z/2 Half-Width of Interval
Table 5.1. Values for Proportion Confidence Interval

The confidence interval for proportions is very similar to that of the

confidence interval for means. We add and subtract the standard error times
the half-width to and from the estimate. The standard error is as follows:

(Eq. 5-7)
𝑝̂ (1 − 𝑝̂ )
𝑠𝑒 = √

Using notation similar to that from Eq. 5-4, our confidence interval is as

(Eq. 5-8)
𝑝̂ (1 − 𝑝̂ )
𝑝̂ ± 𝑧𝛼/2 √

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

The similarities between Eq. 5-8 and Eq. 5-4 are pretty obvious, but there is
one major difference that needs to be discussed. The confidence interval for
means exploits a t-distribution because we are sampling from a population –
this seems consistent with what was discussed in Section 4.3. The confidence
interval for a proportion, however, exploits a z-distribution, despite the fact
that we are sampling from a population – this seems counter-intuitive.

The reason that we exploit a z-distribution instead of a t-distribution for

a proportion confidence interval is because we assume a large sample size for
a proportion confidence interval, which would force t-scores to essentially
equal z-scores. It has also been discovered that confidence for proportions
are only reliable for larger sample sizes, hence the reason for using the z-

The z-score that provides us with the half-width for a proportion

confidence interval is provided by the following Excel function:

z/2 = normsinv(1-/2) (Eq. 5-9)

Let’s look at an example of how to construct a confidence interval for a

proportion. Let’s assume that we administered a taste-test to a group of 1,572
people. Of the people sampled, 832 of them preferred Brand A over Brand B.
This means that the estimated proportion of people who preferred Brand A
over B is 𝑝̂ = 832/1572, which equals 0.5292. If we desire a 99% confidence
interval, then  = 0.01. Using Eq. 5-9 to obtain the z-score, we have z/2 equal
to 2.5758. Substituting these values into Eq. 5-8, we the following confidence

P(0.4968 ≤ p ≤0.5617) = 0.99 (Eq. 5-10)

Another way of saying the above is that there is a 99% probability that the true
proportion of consumers preferring Brand A over B is between 0.4968 and

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5.3 Differences between means

The last type of confidence interval we cover is the confidence interval
for the difference between two means. Here, we are actually sampling from
two populations and constructing a confidence interval based upon the
differences in their expected values. For this exercise, we introduce some
new, but familiar terms in Table 5.2.

Quantity Sample 1 Sample 2

Sample Size n1 n2
Population Mean 𝜇1 𝜇2
Sample Mean 𝑥̅1 𝑥̅2
Sample Standard Deviation s1 s2
Table 5.2. Values Used for Difference Between Means Confidence Interval

The standard error for this confidence interval is as follows:

(Eq. 5-11)
𝑠12 𝑠22
𝑠𝑒 = √ +
𝑛1 𝑛2

The degrees of freedom are as follows:

2 (Eq. 5-12)
𝑠2 𝑠2
(𝑛1 + 𝑛2 )
1 2
𝑑𝑓 = 2 2
1 𝑠2 1 𝑠2
(𝑛 − 1) (𝑛1 ) + (𝑛 − 1) (𝑛2 )
1 1 2 2

The formula for the confidence interval of the difference between two
population means is as follows:

(Eq. 5-13)
𝑠12 𝑠22
(𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2 ) ± 𝑡𝛼/2 √ +
𝑛1 𝑛2

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Here, the t/2 value is the same as it was as stated in Eq. 5-3.

As an example, let us construct a 90% confidence interval ( = 0.10) for

the difference in average exam scores administered to two different classes.
The following data is provided:

Quantity Sample 1 Sample 2

Sample Size n1 = 47 n2 = 52
Sample Mean 𝑥̅1 = 81 𝑥̅2 = 83.5
Sample Standard Deviation s1 = 7.2 s2 = 6.2
Table 5.3. Example Data for Difference in Average Exam Scores

Using the given values and formulae, our confidence interval is as follows:

P(-4.76 ≤ 1 - 2 ≤ -0.24) = 0.90 (Eq. 5-14)

In other words, the difference in population means between the two classes
is between -4.75 and -0.25.

5.4 Conclusions
Generating confidence intervals is simply a way to estimate values
associated with a population. The more confident we need to be, the wider
the interval must be. As the same time, if we use as a large a sample size as
possible, the width of our intervals with narrow.

Problems of this type become very helpful when we pursue two-tailed

tests of hypotheses in the next chapter. Because of this, the next chapter,
which has substantial content is eased a bit because of this chapter.

5.5 Exercises
1. The “NFLLinemen” data set contains data on the weight of randomly
sampled offensive lineman in the National Football League. Using  = 0.01,
construct the appropriate confidence interval for the population mean.

2. Using  = 0.05, construct a confidence interval on the pulse rates of

randomly selected university athletes. The data set is provided in the

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“PulseRate” file.

3. I randomly sampled 2,234 North Carolinians on whether or not they

considered Wake Forest University the best school in the state. 1,465
respondents did consider Wake Forest the best school in the state. Construct
a 95% confidence interval to estimate the true proportion of those who think
Wake Forest is the best school in the state.

4. 3,689 Oregonians were randomly asked if they support legalization of

marijuana for medicinal purposes. 2,983 people responded in the affirmative.
Using this data to construct a 93% confidence interval to estimate the true
proportion of Oregonians that support legalization of marijuana for medicinal

5. Professor Fraud and Professor Quick both teach separate sections of

Principles of Finance. They gave the same exam to the students. The
“FinanceProfessors” data set provides the exam scores for both sections. Use
this data to construct a 90% confidence interval on the difference between
the two sections.

6. Is one professor better than the other? Why or why not?

7. A food company just came up with two new products for diabetics:
Product X and Product Y. They are concerned about the amount of
carbohydrates in the product, as diabetics need to be careful about
carbohydrate intake. The file “DiabeticFoods” contains carbohydrate data (in
grams) for randomly selected items of the two different products. Construct
a 96% confidence interval for the difference in carbohydrates between the
two products.

8. Regardless of the type of confidence interval constructed, what does a

wide confidence interval suggest?

9. Regardless of the type of confidence interval constructed, what does a

narrow confidence interval suggest?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

10. What is the margin of error in Problem 3?

11. What is the margin of error in Problem 4?

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6. Hypothesis Testing
In science or commerce, we are not permitted to make unsubstantiated
claims. For example, if I work for an electronics firm, I cannot tell my
colleagues and managers the following: “our Q55 electronic switches cannot
handle a 25-volt load.” What is wrong with this question? We have made a
claim without any evidence of formal scientific testing. In order to make a
reasonable claim outside of a pub, we need to support the claim with scientific
proof of the claim’s authenticity. To provide the scientific proof, we need to
conduct a formal hypothesis test.

This chapter provides us the tools to make hypothesis tests. We will test
hypotheses involving means, proportions and differences between means. In
other words, we extend the work from the previous chapter with the intent of
affirming a disproving a claim.

6.1 General Process

A hypothesis is a claim, inference or conjecture. These terms are used
interchangeably. Chapter 6 of this book is called “Hypothesis Testing,” while
other books might use “Statistical Inference.” Regardless of the terminology
used, we are testing a claim about the population to see if it is supported by
scientific proof. Determining whether or not a claim is true requires a formal
hypothesis test.

These tests take on three different types. The first type of test is
interested in whether or not a population parameter is equal to some specific
value vs. not equal to some value. The second type of test is concerned with
determining whether or not some population parameter is equal to some
value vs. less than some value. The third type of test is concerned with
whether or not some population parameter is equal to some value vs. greater
than some value. These three types of tests are formalized in the subsequent

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

6.1.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Each hypothesis test involves two different hypotheses: the null
hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (HA). These two hypotheses
are stated at the same time.

The null hypothesis test is a benign hypothesis and states the status quo
– it states what is typically regarded as true. Here is an example of a null
hypothesis: the average weight of a box of Cheerios is 14 ounces.
Mathematically, we would state this as follows:

H0:  = 14 (Eq. 6-1)

Note that the population mean is involved in H0. This is the case because the
H0 is making a claim about the population. Also note that equality is involved
– the H0 will always involve equality, because we are claiming the status quo.
Finally, we should note that when making our conclusions about a hypothesis,
we always base our conclusion on the H0: we will either reject H0, or fail to
reject H0.

The alternative hypothesis, HA, contradicts H0. HA says something of

interest involving inequality. HA is typically the direct question in which the
researcher/investigator is most interested. As stated earlier, there are three
types of HA: one that states “not equal to;” one that states “less than;” and
another stating “more than.” The HA is where the “burden of proof” lies. HA
must provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the H0 is incorrect. If
a criminal trial comes to mind via this description, you are definitely on the
right track: we assume H0 is true (innocence) unless proven otherwise (guilt
is proven beyond a reasonable doubt). This brings us to potential errors. As
is the case with a criminal trial, we can make mistakes in our decision regarding
H0. A Type I Error occurs with the probability of , while the probability of a
Type II Error occurs with the probability of . Table 6.1 explores these possible

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Reject H0 Do Not Reject H0

H0 True Type I Error Correct Decision
H0 False Correct Decision Type II Error
Table 6.1. Outcomes from H0 Decisions
The first type of HA we discuss is the “not equal to” variety. When
presented alongside H0 in our Cheerios example, we have the following:

H0:  = 14; HA:   14 (Eq. 6-2)

Not equal to implies inequality – we do not specifically consider which type of

inequality (neither “<” nor “>”). One might wonder who might be interested
in this scenario. One possible answer, in the context of this example, would
be the quality control people who make the Cheerios. They simply wish to
consistently fill the boxes with 14 ounces of cereal. Figure 6-1 shows this
scenario graphically with regard to the population mean. The shaded areas
are referred to as the “reject regions.” Because the HA states “not equal to,”
we have a “<” reject region and a “>” reject region. Because we have reject
regions on both sides of the distribution, we call this a “two-tail test.”

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

 = 14
Figure 6-1. H0:  = 14; HA:   14

The second type of HA is the “less than” hypothesis. In the context of our
Cheerios example, we would say the following:

H0:  = 14; HA:  < 14 (Eq. 6-3)

For this example, an interested party might be consumer advocates who wish
to expose Cheerios for “skimping” on the amount of Cheerios they put into
their boxes, in the event that HA is true. Figure 6-2 graphically shows this
scenario, with the reject region on the left-hand side. Because we have reject
region on just one side of the distribution, we call this a “one-tail test.”

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 = 14
Figure 6.2. H0:  = 14; HA:  < 14

The last type of HA we explore is the “greater than” scenario. Continuing

with our Cheerios example, we have the following:

H0:  = 14; HA:  > 14 (Eq. 6-4)

For this particular scenario, senior executives at General Mills (the company
who makes Cheerios) might be interested because if HA were true, cereal
would be given away, which is an unforgivable offense in the eyes of senior
management and shareholders. Figure 6-3 shows this scenario, where you
will note the reject region is on the right hand side. Because we have reject
region on just one side of the distribution, we call this a “one-tail test.”

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

 = 14
Figure 6-3. H0:  = 14; HA:  > 14

With the general concepts of H0 and HA now stated, it is time to discuss

the steps of hypothesis testing.

6.1.2 Steps of the Hypothesis Test

Students often consider hypothesis testing the most difficult aspect of
statistics – that was certainly the case for me. However, with practice (and a
good teacher), the following steps of the process become second nature. Constructing H0 and HA

Properly constructing H0 and HA are the most difficult part of the process.
It is important to note that the instructor has a very large responsibility here
in clearly writing the questions. Have a look at the following hypothetical

a) The quality control department at Cheerios is concerned about

putting 14 ounces of cereal into the boxes. If they put too few
Cheerios into the box, customers are not getting their money’s worth.
If they put too much cereal into the boxes, General Mills loses money.

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As such, putting 14 ounces of cereal into the boxes is supremely

important. Using the “Cheerios” data set, please determine if General
Mills is putting the proper amount of cereal in the boxes.
b) The DeliveryGuys parcel service claims a delivery time of less than 6
hours. Using the “DeliveryGuys” data set, please determine if their
claim is true.
c) CircuitKings makes circuit boards for TV remote controls. They use a
silver alloy for conductivity. Each circuit board should contain .25mg
of the silver alloy. If more than this amount of the alloy is used,
CircuitKings loses money because the silver alloy is very expensive.
CircuitKings is worried that they are putting too much of the alloys in
their circuit boards. Using the CircuitKings data set, please determine
if they are putting too much silver alloy in their circuit boards.

Each of these statements are fair and clearly written. Statement “a” should
result in HA being of the “” variety, because the dangers of putting too little
cereal into the box is just as bad as putting too much cereal into the box.
Statement “b” should result in HA being of the “<” variety because a direct
claim is made implying as much. In this case, the HA is explicitly stated, which
occasionally happens. Statement “c” is of the “>” variety because the dangers
of putting too much of the silver alloy is discussed. In summary, then, we have
the following hypotheses ready for testing:

a) H0:  = 14; HA:   14

b) H0:  = 6; HA:  < 6
c) H0:  = 0.25; HA:  > 0.25

There are two important rules to remember here. First, the H0 always involves
equality – writing H0 is easy. Second, the HA always involves inequality.
Another important thing to remember is that the HA is more interesting than
the benign H0. A final noteworthy item is that if you find the problem not
clearly written, where the “inequality” is vaguely worded, a “” HA is probably
the best choice.

For this section, we will use scenario “a” above as our example:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

H0:  = 14; HA:   14

Additionally for this example, we will use  = 0.05, and the Cheerios data set,
which contains 25 observed weights of randomly-selected Cheerios boxes
claiming to be 14 ounces. Defining the Reject Region

When performing hypothesis testing, you will either be given a value of
 or you will need to assume one. Typically, on homework assignments and
exams,  should be given. On written assignments of a “case-based” nature,
it is reasonable to have the student assume a value of . The value of 
determines the size of the reject region – it is as simple as that. If  is small,
then the reject region is small. If  is large, then the reject region is large. In
figures 6-1 – 6-3, the values of  are represented by the shaded areas, which
comprise the reject region. We use the “t.inv” functions in Excel to obtain the
critical value associated with . Inputting  and the degrees of freedom (df)
in the t.inv function, we get an output of the critical value, defining the reject

HA Type Excel Function

 +/- t.inv.2t(, n-1)
< t.inv(, n-1)
> t.inv(1-, n-1)
Table 6.2. Excel Functions for Reject Regions

This critical value will be compared with the test-statistic (discussed next) to
determine whether or not H0 should be rejected.

Regarding our example, we use  = 0.05 and t.inv.2t(0.05, 25 - 1), which

results in a critical value of +/- 2.06. This value is both positive and negative
because we are seeking a critical value for both tails.

There is one final comment that needs to made about the value of .
Students often ask what value of  should be used. This is a good question. A
rule of thumb is to use  = 0.05, but this varies across industries. The medical
industry often uses value of 0.01 or lower. Lower values of  result in more

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conservative tests, while higher values of  result in more liberal tests. What
this means is that conservative tests make it harder to reject H0, while more
liberal tests make it easier to reject H0. If seeking a more liberal test, however,
an  value exceeding 0.10 is considered inappropriate. Never use an  value
in excess of 0.10. Determining the Test Statistic

The critical value is compared to the test statistic. The test statistic is
the result of the following formula, which was introduced in Chapter 5:

𝑥̅ − 𝜇 (Eq. 6-5)

From the Cheerios data set, we have the following statistics: the sample mean
(𝑥̅ ) is 14.03, with a sample standard deviation (s) of 0.1087. The data set
contains n = 25 observations. We also have, of course, our hypothesized
population mean of  = 14. Substituting these values into Eq. 6-5, we have
the following test-statistic:

14.03 − 14 (Eq. 6-6)

𝑡= = 1.51

This value of 1.51 tells us that our sample mean is 1.51 standard errors above
the hypothesized population mean. It is above the hypothesized population
mean because it has a positive sign – in other words, 𝑥̅ exceeds .

This test statistic is compared to the critical value, so that we can make a
decision regarding H0. Decision Regarding H0

As stated earlier, we compare the critical value(s) with the test statistic.
Figure 6.4 shows the result of our test in a graphical sense. You will notice
that our test statistic does not fall into the reject region – the shaded area.
Because of this, we DO NOT reject H0. As such, we do not have adequate

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

evidence to say anything contrary to H0. General Mills is in fact putting 14

ounces of cereal into the boxes. If the test statistic did fall into the reject
region, we would reject H0, and claim that General Mills is not putting 14
ounces of cereal into the boxes.

-2.06 2.06

Figure 6.4. Results of Example Hypothesis Test Calculating the p-value

The p-value of the test is the last thing we need to calculate. The p-value
is the size of the reject region associated with the test statistic. Figure 6.5
shows us the p-value from a visual perspective.

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-1.51 1.51

Figure 6.5. The p-value Associated with the Example Hypothesis Test

Because this is a two-tailed test, we must make the shaded region associated
with the test-statistic two-tailed as well. In order for us to calculate the p-
value, we must use the tdist functions, which are detailed in Table 6.3.

Number of Tails Function

1-Tailed Test tdist(|t|, n-1, 1)
2-Tailed Test tdist(|t|, n-1, 2)
Table 6.3. Functions for p-value.

You will note that the p-value is greater than the value of . This should
be the case because we failed to reject H0. If our test statistic found itself in
the reject region, we would reject H0, and our resultant p-value would be less
than our value of . If we already knew that we weren’t going to reject H0 in
this example, why did we calculate the p-value? The answer to this question
is because the p-value gives us more information – it tells us the “break-even”
value that could be used for  – the point of indifference between rejecting

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

and not rejecting H0. If p is less than , we reject H0. If p is greater than , we
fail to reject H0. Or more crudely put:

If the p is low, H0 must go. If the p is high, H0 will fly.

Comparisons between the p-value and  are not intended to confuse the
student. I have noticed over the years that the adage above puts things in
proper perspective for students. The p-value is more important than ,
because the p-value can be compared to any threshold (). In fact, statistical
software packages don’t even ask for values of  – they just return p-values.
Figure 6.6 shows JMP output for our example problem – you will only see a p-
value reported, nothing about the value of .

Figure 6.6. p-value Calculation via JMP

While not completely true from a technical standpoint, I like to think of

the p-value of the test as the probability that the H0 is true.2

6.2 Testing Means

Of course, the example problem we explored throughout the previous

More specifically, the p-value is defined as the probability of obtaining a result more
extreme than what was observed, assuming H 0 is true. “More extreme” means further
into the reject region. It is my opinion it is reasonable to consider the p-value the
probability of H0 being true.

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section was a test concerning means. There are also tests concerning
proportions and differences between means. In this section, we will do
another hypothesis test involving means.

For this example problem, we will consider the DeliveryGuys example,

described in the previous section. As you recall, DeliveryGuys claim an
average delivery time of less than six hours. This results in the following:

H0:  = 6; HA:  < 6

We will use the DeliveryGuys data set, containing n = 40 observations, and we

will assume an  = 0.01. Our descriptive statistics tell us that the sample mean
(𝑥̅ ) is 5.89, and the sample standard deviation (s) is 0.2836. The hypothesized
population mean is, of course,  = 6. Using t.inv(0.01, 40-1), we have a critical
value of -2.43. Using Eq. 6-6 to calculate the t-statistic, we have the following:

5.89 − 6 (Eq. 6-7)

𝑡= = −2.45

Since the t-statistic is more extreme than the critical value, we reject H0 and
claim a delivery time of less than 6 hours. Figure 6-7 shows the relationship
between the critical value and the test statistic.

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Figure 6-7. Result of One-Tail Hypothesis Test

The test statistic falls into the reject region. Using the tdist function to
calculate the p-value, we have the following:

p-value = tdist(|-2.45|, 40 – 1, 1) = 0.0094 (Eq. 6-8)

Note that our p-value above is less than  = 0.01, supporting our decision to
reject H0.

It should be noted that Eq. 6-8 takes the absolute value of the t-statistic
as an argument, because this function will return an error message if the t-
statistic is negative. This caveat is also noted in Table 6-3.

6.3 Testing Proportions

The second type of hypothesis test we discuss relates to proportions:
whether or not sampling provides us a value equal to some hypothesized
value. As was the case with testing means, there are three different types of
HA: not equal to, less than and greater than. Unlike testing means, for testing
proportions, we use the z-distribution instead of the t-distribution. The reason

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for this is because for testing proportions, we always assume a large sample
size, rendering the t-distribution the same as the z-distribution. Because of
this, our critical values, given some value of  are shown in Table 6-4.

HA Type Excel Function

 +/- normsinv(1 - /2)
< normsinv()
> normsinv(1 - )
Table 6.4. Excel Functions for Proportion Test Reject Regions

Note that for the two-tailed test, our critical value takes on both +/- values.
As a reminder from our coverage of confidence intervals for proportions, “𝑝̂ ”
is our sample proportion, while “p” represents the true population proportion.
Given this, our test statistic is shown in Eq. 6-9

𝑝̂ − 𝑝 (Eq. 6-9)
√𝑝̂ (1 − 𝑝̂ )

With the basic formulae in place, let’s explore an example problem. Hank
and Keenan are running for mayor of Louisville, Kentucky. The winner of the
election will receive a majority of the votes – more than 50% of the vote to be
specific. 352 people have been sampled, and 182 of them have voted for
Keenan. At the  = 0.03 level, can we conclude that Keenan is the winner?

This problem essentially asks if Keenan has more than 50% of the vote,
which is our HA. As such, we have the following:

H0: p = 0.50; HA: p > 0.50 (Eq. 6-10)

Because this is a one-tailed test, our critical values is “normsinv(1 - 0.03),”

which is 1.88. Our value of 𝑝̂ is 182/352 = .5170. This provides us with a test
statistic of

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0.5170 − 0.50 (Eq. 6-11)

𝑧= = 0.64
√0.5170(1 − 0.5170)

The test statistic does not fall into the reject region, so we fail to reject the H0,
as we do not have sufficient evidence to claim Keenan as the winner. Figure
6-8 shows this graphically


Figure 6-8. Results of Mayoral Election

In terms of the p-value for this type of test, we use the “normsdist”
function. Depending on the type of HA, we use the following functions:

HA Type Excel Function

 2*(1-normsdist(-|z|))
< normsdist(z)
> 1 – normsdist(z)
Table 6.5. Excel Functions for Proportion Test p-values

For this problem, our p-value is then 1 – normsdist(0.64), which is 0.2611.

The above problem brings up an issue that is relevant to everyday life. If

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you watch the news regarding politics and elections, you will see lots of
polling. If you look at the details of the polling, you will sometimes see
something like a “margin of error of +/- 3.5%.” This “margin of error” that is
referred to is simply what we call the standard error, √𝑝̂ (1 − 𝑝̂ )⁄𝑛. Smaller
sample sizes result in larger “margins of error,” which should make sense given
what we have already learned about the central limit theorem.

Let us consider one other example. In the hot dog business, the USDA
places an upper limit on variety meats that can be put into hot dogs. “Variety
meats” are tongues, tails, snouts, etc. Hot dogs must have less than 5% variety
meats. A local hot dog maker decides to test whether or not they are in
compliance. They documented their last 200 batches, and found an average
of 1.5% variety meats in them. At the  = 0.05 level, are they in compliance?

Clearly, our hypotheses are as follows: H0: p = 0.05; HA: p < 0.05. Using
normsinv(0.05), we have a critical value of -1.65 which defines the reject
region. Using Eq. 6-9, our test statistic is as follows:

0.015 − 0.05 (Eq. 6-12)

𝑧= = −4.07
√0.015(1 − 0.015)

This test statistic is very small, and is in an extreme part of the reject region.
When normsdist(-4.07) is used to find a p-value, a very small number may
appear. In my case the number displayed was “2.33E-05.” This means
(2.33)(10)-5, which a very small number. When this happens, we simply state
that p < 0.0001.

6.4 Testing Differences between Means

There are times when we need to determine whether or not means from
two different populations are the same. Additionally, there are times when
we need to determine whether or not there is a specific difference in means
from two different populations. We can do this via hypothesis testing. Before
showing the appropriate calculations, we refresh your memory with some

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

relevant terms.

Quantity Sample 1 Sample 2

Sample Size n1 n2
Population Mean 𝜇1 𝜇2
Sample Mean 𝑥̅1 𝑥̅2
Sample Standard Deviation s1 s2
Table 6.6. Values Used for Difference Between Means

When we test from two different populations for equality of means, we can
construct the following hypotheses:

H0: (1 - 2) = 0; HA: (1 - 2)  0 (Eq. 6-13)

For a specific different in means, we can use the following, where “d”
represents the value of the specific difference:

H0: (1 - 2) = d; HA: (1 - 2)  d (Eq. 6-14)

Both sets of hypotheses above are two-tailed tests, but one-tailed tests are
also possible, where HA: is of the “<” or “>” variety, although the one-tailed
tests are not as common as the two-tailed tests. As with other tests, we are
given or we assume a value for . Table 6.6 shows the t.inv functions we use
to determine critical values for reject regions:

HA Type Excel Function

 +/- t.inv.2t(, df)
< t.inv(, df)
> t.inv(1-, df)
Table 6.7. Excel Functions for Reject Regions

Here, the value for degrees of freedom, df, is as follows:

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2 (Eq. 6-15)
𝑠2 𝑠2
( 1 + 2)
𝑛1 𝑛2
𝑑𝑓 = 2 2
1 𝑠2 1 𝑠2
(𝑛 − 1) (𝑛1 ) + (𝑛 − 1) (𝑛2 )
1 1 2 2

The general test statistic for the difference between means is as follows:

(𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2 ) − (𝜇1 − 𝜇2 ) (Eq. 6-16)

𝑠2 𝑠2
√ 1+ 2
𝑛1 𝑛2

If we are testing for equality in means, Eq. 6-16 simplifies to the following,
because equality of population means implies 1 = 2:

(𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2 ) (Eq. 6-17)

𝑠2 𝑠2
√ 1+ 2
𝑛1 𝑛2

If we are testing for a specific difference in means equal to “d,” where d = 1

- 2, then Eq. 6-16 simplifies to the following:

(𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2 ) − 𝑑 (Eq. 6-18)

𝑠2 𝑠2
√ 1+ 2
𝑛1 𝑛2

The-p-values for these types of tests are similar to that shown in Table 6-
3. They are modified here to show degrees of freedom specific to this problem

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Number of Tails Function

1-Tailed Test tdist(|t|, df, 1)
2-Tailed Test tdist(|t|, df, 2)
Table 6.8. Functions for p-value.

Let’s do an example using the data set “ExamScores.” This data set
compares the scores from two different exams administered at a public
university with very large classes. Exam 1 was taken before Exam 2. We are
interested in seeing if the performances on the two exams were the same at
the  = 0.05 level. We have the following hypotheses:

H0: (1 - 2) = 0; HA: (1 - 2)  0 (Eq. 6-19)

The following descriptive statistics are captured from the data set:

Quantity Exam 1 Exam 2

Sample Size n1 = 500 n2 = 500
Sample Mean 𝑥̅1 = 80.00 𝑥̅2 = 77.00
Sample Standard Deviation s1 = 4.00 s2 = 6.99
Table 6.9. Summary Data for Difference in Exam Scores
The data set results in df = 796.23. Our critical value is obtained via
t.inv.2t(0.05, 796.23) = +/- 1.96, and we have a test statistic of t = 8.33.
Because the test-statistic is more extreme than the critical value, we reject H0,
and claim that the performances between Exams 1 and 2 were not the same.
Our p-value is obtained via Table 6-8, which is tdist(|8.33|, 796.23), which is
less than 0.0001.

We will do another example of differences between means. Both Alberto

and Guillermo are world-class runners, specializing in the 400m dash. Alberto
claims that he averages one second faster in the event than does his
competitor Guillermo. Using this information, we can construct the following

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H0: (G - A) = 1; HA: (G - A)  13 (Eq. 6-20)

We will use  = 0.03. Our data set “Time400m” yields the following statistics:

Quantity Guillermo Alberto

Sample Size nG = 13 nA = 15
Sample Mean 𝑥̅𝐺 = 45.8s 𝑥̅𝐴 = 44.6s
Sample Standard Deviation sG = 0.23s sA = 0.18s
Table 6.10. Summary Data for 400m Times

The degrees of freedom, as determined via Eq. 6-15 is 22.65. Our critical value
is t.inv.2t(1 – 0.03, 22.65), which is +/- 2.32. Our test statistic, as determined
via Eq. 6-18 is as follows:

(45.8 − 44.6) − 1 (Eq. 6-21)

𝑡= = 2.53
2 2
√0.23 + 0.18
13 15

Given that our test statistic is more extreme than our critical value, we reject
H0 and claim that Alberto is in fact more than one second faster than
Guillermo. As stated in the structure of the actual test statistic, Guillermo is
more than one second slower than Alberto. The p-value is tdist(2.32, 22.65,
2) = 0.0189.

6.5 Confidence Intervals and Two-Tailed Test

It is possible that you may have noticed some similarities between the
two-tailed test and confidence intervals. This would not be a coincidence –
there is a definite relationship. When we construct a confidence interval, we
are using the estimated value of expectation (such as 𝑥̅ ) to form an interval

Here, Guillermo’s hypothesized slower time is subtracting Alberto’s hypothesized
faster time so as to have a positive value of the test statistic, simplifying understanding
We are than essentially saying that Guillermo is more than one second slower than
Alberto. Also note that our value of d = 1, the hypothesized difference in average

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

where we are 1 -  confident the true population lies. This action is very
similar to a two-tailed test. In fact, if we construct a confidence interval using
some value of , and that interval contains the hypothesized population
parameter (such as ), we know that we fail to reject H0 at that particular value
of . Conversely, if the interval does not contain the population parameter,
we know to reject H0 at that specific value of .

As an example, let’s re-visit our Cheerios example. Using the formulae

from Section 5.1 and the Cheerios data set, we construct a 95% confidence
that is as follows:

P(13.99 ≤  ≤ 14.08) = 0.95 (Eq. 6-22)

One will notice that the hypothesized population mean of 14 is included in this
interval, telling us that H0 is not to be rejected. Conversely, if the hypothesized
population mean was not in this interval, we would reject H0.

Because of this unique relationship between confidence intervals, and

two-tailed tests, we essentially added value to confidence intervals.

6.6 Conclusions
It is my opinion that hypothesis testing is the most difficult part of
learning statistics. It is also my belief that it is the most important part of
statistics. Making a proclamation to the world requires a formal test so as to
support the proclamation – at least this is true in the scientific community,
which is an important community in society. As such, it is imperative that we
understand hypothesis testing.

While the topic may be difficult, it is not unreasonably difficult. The most
important part is to understand and visualize the H0 and HA. Once this is
accomplished, the rest falls into place. Of course, practice is needed so that
the proper formulae and Excel functions are correctly used in the pursuit of
the problems.

Patrick R. McMullen

6.7 Exercises
For problems involving actual hypothesis testing of data, the following steps
are required:

a) State the appropriate hypotheses

b) Report the critical value.
c) Report the test statistic
d) State your decision regarding H0.
e) Report the p-value.

1. Use the criminal justice system in the US to provide an example of a Type

I error.

2. Use the criminal justice system in the US to provide an example of a Type

II error.

3. Mike Trout of the Anaheim Angels thinks his batting average exceeds
0.320. What are the appropriate hypotheses associated with this claim?

4. Motorola invented the concept of six-sigma – claiming production of less

than 3.4 defects per million units produced. What are the appropriate
hypotheses associated with this claim?

5. LeBron James claims that when Cleveland plays Chicago in basketball,

Cleveland beats them by an average of six points. What are the appropriate
hypotheses associated with this claim?

6. Use the “WireGaugeData” set to determine, via hypothesis testing at the

 = 0.05 level if there is a different in wire diameter.

7. A courier service advertises that its average delivery time is less than 6
hours for local deliveries. A random sample of times for 12 deliveries to an
address across town was recorded. These data are shown below. Is this
sufficient evidence to support the courier’s advertisement at the 5% level of

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

significance? Delivery time data: 3.03, 6.33, 6.50, 5.22, 3.56, 6.76, 7.98, 4.82,
7.96, 4.54, 5.09, 6.46

8. Mike’s Bikes in Columbus, Georgia sells a great many road bikes. One of
the things that causes Mike Reynolds (the store’s proprietor) heartburn is
customers coming back in with tire problems. If too much air is put into the
tires, blowouts can occur, which are dangerous. In addition to blowouts, the
inner tubes must be replaced, which is difficult. If too little air is put into the
tires, poor bike performance results, specifically frequent tire replacement.
Mike is wondering if his mechanics are putting the correct amount of air in the
tires. The correct amount of air needed for the tires is 115 psi (pounds of air
pressure per square inch). Mike randomly sampled 100 inflated tires, and
discovered the mean tire pressure to be 113.58 psi, with a standard deviation
of 8.1 psi. At the α = 0.08 level, what can we conclude about the tire pressure
at Mike’s?

9. ThreeGuys Chemical Corporation in Cincinnati has a new sodium nitrate

rust inhibitor out. The product (called The MoistureBasher) is marketed as a
process additive for machine parts used in high-humidity environments. Three
Guys claims that when using the MoistureBasher, machine parts can last for
90 days prior to needing replaced due to rusting. A consumer-advocacy group
based in Boston decided to test this claim of ThreeGuys – they believe the rust
protection is less than 90 days. They treated 20 machine parts with the
MoistureBasher and measured the usable duration of machines parts treated
with the product. They found a mean duration of 81 days with a standard
deviation of 2.5 days. What does this sample information say about the
performance claim of ThreeGuys?

10. Individuals filing Federal Income Tax returns prior to March 31 had an
average refund of $1,056. Consider the population of “last minute” filers who
mail their returns during the last five days of the income tax period (April 10-
15). A sample of 400 late filers was collected, and it was determined that their
average refund was $910 with a standard deviation of $1,600. Do late filers
receive a refund less than $1,056? Use α = 0.05.

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11. Ten years ago, the A.C. Nielson service claimed that on average, an
American household watched 6.70 hours of television per day. An
independent market research group believes that more television is watched
now. To test this claim, 200 households were surveyed, and they found a mean
of 7.25 hours of television are watched now, with a standard deviation of 2.5
hours. Has the amount of television viewing increased over the last ten years?
Use α = 0.02.

12. Historically, evening long-distance phone calls from a particular city

average 15.2 minutes per call. In a random sample of 35 calls, the sample
mean time was 14.3 minutes per call, with a sample standard deviation of 5
minutes. Use this sample information to test for any change in the mean
duration of long-distance phone calls. Use  = 0.02.

13. A manufacturer of a nylon rope claims that their 10 mm rope withstands

a load of more than 250 pounds of force before breaking. To validate this
claim, several ropes were subjected to loads and the force at which they broke
was documented. These forces are expressed in pounds, and are as follows:
280, 259, 255, 238, 245, 265, 250, 259, 241 and 260. Use α = 0.06. Is the
manufactures claim credible?

14. A large manufacturer of an electronic component claims that their 0.5 V

connecter is consistently produced at a rate of less than 10 defective units per
million units produced. Sampling has revealed that the last several lots had
defects per million units produced as follows: 3, 8, 7, 13, 8, 4, 11, 10, 9, 6, 10
and 8. Is the manufacturer’s claim of less than 10 defects per million
legitimate? Use α = 0.04.

15. Use the “DiabeticFoods” data set, and perform the appropriate

16. Use the “FinanceProfessors” data set, and perform the appropriate

17. Use the “NFLLinemen” data set, and perform the appropriate

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

18. Use the “PulseRate” data set, and perform the appropriate hypotheses.

19. Use the data from Problem 5-4. Do a majority of Oregonians support
medicinal marijuana?

20. Use the data from Problem 5-3. Do a majority of North Carolinians
consider Wake Forest University the best school on the state?

Patrick R. McMullen

7. Oneway Analysis of Variance

It is often important for us to determine whether or not means from
different populations are similar. In fact, we did this exact thing in Section 6.4.
Unfortunately, the tools provided in Section 6.4 restrict us to exploring
similarity in means when only two populations are involved. This chapter
provides the tools to explore similarity in means from two or more

When determining whether or not populations differ in terms of mean

values, it is helpful to define a few new terms. A factor is categorical variable,
also known as a treatment. It can be thought of as a data type. When
considering the hypothetical example of determining whether or not defects
per million units produced are the same across each shift, the shift can be
thought of as a factor. This factor, for this particular example, has three
unique levels: first, second and third shifts. Using this terminology, we can
relate the measured value to the factor. For instance, we can ask the same
question in mathematical form as follows:

Defects / Million Units Produced = f(Shift)

This question is asking whether or not defects per million units produced is
related to the shift. If defects are related to shift, we can conclude that shift
does have an effect on defects. Otherwise, we must conclude that shift does
not have an effect on shift.

7.1 Variation and the F-Distribution

To determine whether or not means are the same across multiple
populations (there are a populations), we first need to establish the
appropriate hypotheses. They are as follows:

H0: 1 = 2 = 3 …= …a (Eq. 7-1)

HA: not all means are equal

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

The reason this tool is called Analysis of Variance (“ANOVA” for short) is
because at the heart of our analysis, we are comparing two variations. The F-
statistic does this via a ratio of two measures of variation. Before presenting
this statistic, we need to define a few terms.

Term Definition
a number of groups, or populations
ni sample size of group i (i = 1, 2, …, a)
𝒙 sample mean of group i
𝒔𝒊 sample standard deviation of group i
𝒙𝒊𝒕 the ith observation of group t
𝒙 mean of all sample data
Table 7.1. Terms Used for ANOVA

The values in Table 7.1 are used to determine the F-statistic, which is the ratio
of two variation measures. In its most general form, the F-statistic looks like

𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (Eq. 7-2)

𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

What this statistic tells us is that F measures how much “distance” there is
between groups compared to how much variation each group has on its own.
If this ratio is large, we can claim that group means are in fact statistically
different (reject H0). Otherwise, we cannot claim a significant difference
between groups (fail to reject H0). In more specific terms, our F-statistic looks
like this:

∑𝑎𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 (𝑥̅𝑖 − 𝑥̿ )2 /(𝑎 − 1) (Eq. 7-3)

∑𝑎𝑖=1 ∑𝑛𝑡=1
(𝑥𝑖𝑡 − 𝑥̅𝑖 )2 / ∑𝑎𝑖=1(𝑛𝑖 − 1)

There is no doubt that the formula above is complicated, and inappropriate

for business students to pursue. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel and other
software packages calculate this value for us. More on this shortly.

It is appropriate to note that like for other hypothesis tests, a p-value

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accompanies the F-statistic, and like with other p-values we’ve pursued, a
smaller p-value implies we should reject the H0.

As an example of the F-statistic and how it determines significant

differences in means between groups, we turn to a simple ANOVA example,
where there are two groups. Specifically, an issue I deal with when teaching
statistics to my MBA students. On Monday evening, I give an exam to my
Working Professional students in Charlotte. On Tuesday evening, I give the
same exam to my Working Professional students in Winston-Salem. After
grading the exams, I am always interested in seeing whether or not there is a
difference in performance between the two classes – I want both classes to
both do well, and sometimes I fear that one group is doing better (or worse)
than the other. ANOVA is the ideal tool to help me address this question.
These examples are presented in the context of the F-statistic, and its
associated p-value.

Consider a scenario where the exam score for the Charlotte class is about 86,
and the average exam score for the Winston-Salem class is about 85. The
standard deviation for both classes is about 5.5. The F-statistic for this
scenario is 0.07 (and an associated p-value of 0.7971), with a between group
variation of 39.20, and a within group variation of 25.8. Clearly, there is no
significant difference between the groups. Figure 7-1 supports this via a
combined histogram for the two classes.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students






70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100

Charlotte Winston-Salem

Figure 7.1. No Significant Difference Between Groups.

From a graphical standpoint, Figure 7.1 shows no separation between the two
groups. As such, we are unable to claim any differences between the groups.

Now we consider a scenario where the means of the two groups are the
same as they were before, but this time, the sample standard deviations are
about 4 for each group. This results in an F-statistic of 2.80, with a between
group variation of 45.00 and a within group variation of 16.05. The F-statistic
has an associated p-value of about 0.0947. Figure 7-2 shows the combined
histogram of this scenario.

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70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100

Charlotte Winston-Salem

Figure 7-2. Some Significant Difference Between Groups

Here, we may notice that there is some evidence that the Charlotte class has
done slightly better than the Winston-Salem class, because there is more
“blue” to the right, and more “red” to the right. Nevertheless, our evidence is
less than compelling.

As a final example, let us consider once again that Charlotte’s average is

about 86, while the Winston-Salem average is about 85. This time, however,
the standard deviation for both classes is about 1. This gives us an F-statistic
of 100.66 (and an associated p-value of < 0.0001), a between group variation
of 106.72 and a within group variation of 1.06. Figure 7-3 shows us the results
via a combined histogram.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students







70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100

Charlotte Winston-Salem

Figure 7.3. Significant Difference Between Groups.

Figure 7.3 shows that there is a definite difference in groups.

The point in showing these three scenarios is to emphasize how the F-

statistic controls our decision as to whether or not to reject H0. In each of
these scenarios, the difference in means is about 1 point, implying that the
between group variation is essentially the same. But as we proceed through
the example, our within group variation decreases, thereby increasing the F-
statistic, making us more likely to reject H0. Difference in means can be small,
but if there is consistency within each group, we can still claim significant
differences between groups. This is what the F-statistic tells us.

7.2 Testing Equality of Means from Multiple

Fortunately, we do not have to construct H0 and HA for ANOVA tests. The
reason for this is because the test is the same way every time. H0 states that
all means are equal, while HA states that not all means are equal. This never
changes. As such, software packages always compute the means and standard
deviations for each group, and them compute the F-statistic and report the
associated p-value.

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As an example, consider the Excel data set “ShiftDefectData.” For this

data set, there is a column for each of three shifts of a factory. Each data value
shows the number of defects per million units for the appropriate shift. We
are interested in knowing if defects per million are the same for each shift.
This is very straightforward in Microsoft Excel. We need to have an Excel data
set with a unique column for each unique population – in this case, each
population is a shift. We use the Data Analysis tools and select “ANOVA:
Single Factor.” From there, we select the data we wish to use for analysis.
Again, each column represents a unique population. We indicate whether or
not our data set has column headings, we input our level of significance ( =
0.05) is the default. We then select our desired output range then select OK.
We are given the ANOVA output, which is summarized in Table 7-2.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Shift 1 62 3033 48.92 219.42
Shift 2 62 2733 44.08 174.08
Shift 3 62 2913 46.98 258.80

Variation Source SS df MS F P-val

Between Groups 735.48 2 367.74 1.69 0.1871
Within Groups 39790 183 217.43

Total 40526 185

Table 7-2. ANOVA Output for Defects by Shift Problem

The first part of Figure 7-2 shows the descriptive statistics for each of the three
shifts. The average number of defects per shift is of greatest interest to us.
You will notice that the defects per million for the three shifts ranges from
around 44 to about 49. The ANOVA table below shows the F-statistic (F = 1.69)
and its associated p-value. You will see that the p-value is high (0.1871), which
prevents us from saying the defects per million units made are essentially the
same for each shift. Because of this, I am reluctant to present a combined
histogram of defects/million for each shift, as we’d be unable to show any

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

distinction between the histograms. For this problem, we can conclude that
shift does not have an effect on defects. Incidentally, the remainder of the
ANOVA table simply shows the derivation of the F-statistic.

As another example, let us look at the useful life of tools coated with
three different metals: nickel, phosphorus and zinc. We wish to study the
useful tool life for each group of tools.






39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89

Phosphorus Zinc Nickel

Figure 7-4. Useful Tool Life by Metal Treatment

From the combined histogram in Figure 7.4, it appears that phosphorus gives
us the longest tool life, followed by zinc, with nickel providing us with the
shortest tool life. However, we cannot make this statement in any official
capacity until we perform the appropriate ANOVA test. Using Excel in a similar
fashion to the last example, we have the following ANOVA output, as shown
in Table 7.3.

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Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Phosphorus 890 71090 79.88 10.30
Zinc 878 57864 65.90 16.38
Nickel 872 48867 56.04 33.30

Variation Source SS df MS F P-val

Between Groups 253026 2 126513 6352.38 04
Within Groups 52518 2637 20

Total 305544 2639

Table7.3. ANOVA Output for Tool Life by Metal Treatment Problem

As one can see from Figures 7.4 and Table7.3, there is strong evidence for us
to claim that the three metal treatments do not result in similar useful tool
lives, with F = 6352.38 and a corresponding p-value < 0.0001. Despite the p-
value showing "0" above, we can never claim a p-value equal to 0, so we say
that is it < 0.0001. The reason for this is that we are using sample data from a
larger population, and the p-value will always have value in excess of 0. For
this problem, we can conclude that the metal treatment does have an effect
on tool life.

7.3 Multiple Factor Analysis of Variance

In this chapter, we have pursued ANOVA via a single factor only. There
are situations where multiple factors might also be considered. For example,
what if we were interested in studying whether or not both the gender of the
salesperson and the day of the week have an effect on car sales. We could
pose this question mathematically:

Car Sales = f(Gender of Salesperson, Day of Week)

This question has two factors (Gender and Day), where Gender has two levels
(Male and Female), and Day of Week has seven levels (each day of the week).

Excel displays the p-value here as “0,” but it should be “< 0.0001.” Excel does this
when confronted with p-values less than 10-128.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

We can pursue these types of questions via Multiple Factor ANOVA.

Unfortunately, adding factors to ANOVA problems complicates the problem
to a very large degree. As such, it is left to more specialized books for coverage
of multiple factor ANOVA.

7.4 Conclusions
ANOVA determines whether or not some factor has an effect on the value
of some other variable. This factor can be considered a categorical variable –
a variable we cannot precisely measure numerically. Certainly we can assign
a number to a shift, but this is only a relative to other shifts. We cannot
measure specific metal treatments, gender of a salesperson or a specific day
of the week. Nevertheless, we are exploring a possible relationship between
a categorical variable and a numerical variable. When we get to the chapter
on Simple Linear Regression, our categorical variable will be replaced with a
numerical variable. Because of this, there is a strong relationship between
Single-Factor ANOVA and Simple Linear Regression. Chapter 9 will pursue this

7.5 Exercises
1. I am interested in pursuing the relationship between temperature and
the time of day. What is the categorical variable, and what is the numerical
variable? How many levels does the categorical variable have?

2. Use the “GenderSalesData” file for this problem. At the  = 0.05 level,
does Gender have an effect on sales volume? Report the mean sales for each
Gender and justify your response accordingly.

3. Use the “GenderSalesData” file for this problem. At the  = 0.07 level,
does Day of the week have an effect on sales volume? Report the mean sales
for each Day and justify your response accordingly.

4. Use the “ServerComplaints” data file for this problem. At the  = 0.03
level, does server have an effect on the percent of restaurant customers who
complain about the service? Report the mean complaint percentage for each
server and justify your response accordingly.

Patrick R. McMullen

5. Use the “ExamDay” data file for this problem. Professor Fraud teaches
statistics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. When he gives his students an
exam, it will be on one of these days. The data set shows randomly selected
exam scores for students taking exams on these days. At the  = 0.05 level,
does the day of the exam have an effect on the exam score? Present the
means for the exam days, and use this to justify your result.

6. Use the “WhisperingPines” data set for this question. Arnold, Jack and
Tiger are reputable golfers, and Whispering Pines is a famous golf course, with
a rich history. There are four Par 5s on the golf course. On a par 5, a
professional golfer is expected to get their ball on the green in three shots.
However, the best golfers try to get their ball on the green in two shots, so as
to increase their probability for a good score. If a golfer gets their ball on the
green of a par 5 in two shots, they have been successful at this challenge. The
data set includes randomly-selected success rates for Arnold, Jack and Tiger
for some of their rounds of golf played at par 5 holes at the Whispering Pines
golf course. Using  = 0.03, are the success rates unique for the three golfers?

7. As a follow-up to the previous question, is Tiger’s success rate unique

from that of the other two golfers? Again, use  = 0.03.

8. For this question, use the “HousePricesFourCities” data set. There are
four cities involved here: Indianapolis, Boston, Rochester and San Diego. For
each city, randomly-selected real-estate transaction prices have been shown.
At the  = 0.01 level, can we say that the city has an effect on the transaction

9. Using the same data set as above, and  = 0.01, can we claim a difference
in transaction price between San Diego and Boston?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

8. Chi-Square Testing
In our study of statistics, there are often times when we are given a
distribution of data and we need to “tell the world” the type of data
distribution we have. One way to do this is by inspection. For example, if our
histogram shows a peak in the middle of the data, the histogram is symmetric,
and low frequencies of outcomes lie in the tails, a normal distribution is a good
guess. Unfortunately, it is not always that easy.

Because of these inherent difficulties, we sometimes need to perform a

formal test to determine if a given (observed) data distribution fits that of a
theoretical (expected) data distribution. In order to do this, we perform a chi-
square test.

In this chapter, we will cover two types of chi-square tests. The first is
called a “goodness of fit” test to see if a given data distribution matches that
of an expected distribution. The second type of test is called a “test of
independence,” where we determine if the variables associated with a
marginal probability table are independent of each other.

8.1 The Chi-Square Test

The formal test to determine if an observed distribution matches a
theoretical data distribution is a chi-square test. The appropriate hypotheses
are as follows

H0: the given distribution fits the expected distribution (Eq. 8-1)
HA: the given distribution does not fit the expected

As is the case with ANOVA, these hypotheses are always the case, and the
need to formally state these hypotheses is not as necessary as it is for the tests
we performed in Chapter 6.

The chi-square distribution is the tool we use to address the hypotheses

presented above. This distribution formally tests whether or not there is
equality in two sets of outcomes. Of course, for our purposes, one set of

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outcomes is the observed distribution and the other set of outcomes is the
expected distribution. With this stated, assuming we have n possible
outcomes, we compare the observed frequencies (fo) with the expected
frequencies, and derive our chi-square test-statistic as follows:
2 (Eq. 8-2)
(𝑓𝑜 (𝑖) − 𝑓𝑒 (𝑖) )
𝜒2 = ∑ ( )

This statistic takes the squared difference between the observed and expected
frequencies for each outcome and then divides by the expected frequency for
standardization purposes. The summation accounts for all possible outcomes.
If this value exceeds some critical value, we reject H0 and claim a difference
between observed and expected distributions. Table 8-1 shows the critical
value and p-values associated with a chi-square test for a level of significance
=  and n possible outcomes.

Function Definition
chiinv(, n-1) critical value of a chi-square test
2 p-value of a chi-square test
chidist( , n-1)
Table 8-1. Excel Functions for Chi-Square Test

8.2 Goodness of Fit Test

The simplest type of chi-square test is to see whether or not a given set
of observed data fits an expected distribution, which, as we stated earlier, is
called a “goodness of fit” test.

A good example of this is to roll a single die 100 times and study the
frequency of the six possible outcomes. Given that we expect each outcome
to occur with a 1/6 probability, each outcome over 100 trials will be 100/6,
which is 16.66. Table 8-2 shows the observed frequencies, compared to the
expected frequencies when 100 rolls were simulated. The table also shows
the by-outcome detail of the chi-square statistic shown in Eq. 8-2.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Observed 21 13 9 21 17 19
Expected 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67
(fo-fe)2/fe 1.13 0.81 3.53 1.13 0.01 0.33
Table 8-2. Chi-Square Test for Single Die Roll

When we sum the bottom row of this table, we have a 2 statistic of 6.92.
Using a  = 0.05 level of significance, we have a critical value of 11.07. Because
our 2 test statistic of 6.92 does not exceed our critical value of 110.07, we
cannot reject the H0. As such, we conclude the observed distribution is the
same as the given distribution, with a p-value of 0.2267. In layman’s terms,
we can claim the single die “is fair.” Figure 8-1 below shows the results via a
histogram – notice the small difference in the height of each bar.

Die Roll
Observed Expected


1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 8-1. Histogram of Die Roll

We can also test a data set of observed data to see if they follow a normal
distribution. We learned in Chapter 4 that a normal distribution is a
continuous distribution (one with infinite possible outcomes), which doesn’t
coordinate well with the discrete nature of chi-square testing. Nevertheless,
we can use the “norm.dist” function in Excel to transform the continuous
nature of a normal distribution to one with a discrete nature. The “norm.dist”
function takes on the following form:

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f(xi) = norm.dist(, , xi, false) (Eq. 8-3)

This function returns the normal density function associated with the given
arguments:  is the hypothesized population mean;  is the standard
deviation of the normal distribution; xi is a specific outcome, and “false”
request the density function value associated with these arguments, as
opposed to the cumulative density function. We can convert this density
function to a probability – specifically the probability of outcome i occurring
as follows:

𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚. 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝜇, 𝜎, 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒) (Eq. 8-4)

𝑃(𝑥𝑖 ) = 𝑛
∑𝑖=1 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚. 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(𝜇, 𝜎, 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒)

This is an approximation for the probability of some specific outcome i

occurring. We can convert this approximated probability into an expected
frequency value (𝑓𝑒(𝑖) ) via the following, where m is the number of
observations in the data set:

𝑓𝑒(𝑖) = 𝑚𝑃(𝑥𝑖 ) (Eq. 8-5)

At this point, we are able to conduct our chi-square test because we have
values of fo and fe for all possible outcomes.

Let us illustrate chi-square testing for a normal distribution via an

example. Let us suppose that a company makes medication in 20mg tablets.
The company claims variation on the size of the tablets, but says they have a
mean mass of 20mg, with a standard deviation of 0.25mg. The company’s
quality control department randomly selected 361 tablets and measured their
mass to the nearest 0.1mg. These possible outcomes and observed
frequencies (fo) are shown in the first two columns of Table 8-3. Given that
we have fo values, we direct our attention to finding fe values. We start with
Eq. 8-3 and 8-4 to compute first normal density values and then convert them
to probabilities. These values are shown in the third and fourth columns of

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Table 8-3. We then convert the probabilities of the various outcomes by

multiplying the probabilities by m = 361 total observations. This results in our
expected frequencies (fe) shown in the fifth column of Table 8-3. From here,
we can calculate our 2 statistic, which the sixth column of Table 8-3 shows us
to be 24.07. Using the “chidist” function, we learn that this test has a p-value
of 0.0639. As such, for any value of  that is less than 0.0639, we can claim
that the mass of the tablets are normally distributed.

Outcome fo f(xi) P(xi) fe (fo-fe)2/fe

19.4 6 0.09 0.01 3.25 2.33
19.5 6 0.22 0.02 7.83 0.43
19.6 18 0.44 0.04 16.09 0.23
19.7 37 0.78 0.08 28.17 2.77
19.8 49 1.16 0.12 42.02 1.16
19.9 48 1.47 0.15 53.42 0.55
20.0 56 1.60 0.16 57.87 0.06
20.1 38 1.47 0.15 53.42 4.45
20.2 41 1.16 0.12 42.02 0.02
20.3 29 0.78 0.08 28.17 0.02
20.4 20 0.44 0.04 16.09 0.95
20.5 8 0.22 0.02 7.83 0.00
20.6 2 0.09 0.01 3.25 0.48
20.7 1 0.03 0.00 1.15 0.02
20.8 1 0.01 0.00 0.35 1.24
20.9 1 0.00 0.00 0.09 9.36
Sum 361 9.96 1 24.07
Table 8.3. Calculations for Normality Test

Figure 8-2 shows a combined histogram for Chi-Square test for normality.

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Normal Distribution Chi-Square Test

Observed Expected







Figure 8-2. Chi-Square Test for Normality

We can also test whether or not some given distribution is binomial. This
is easier than testing for normality, because the binomial distribution is
discrete by nature, and making an approximation from continuous to discrete
is not needed here. Given a data set of observed frequencies (fo), we can
estimate the probability of success (p), and then use the binomial distribution
to determine fe values for our chi-square test.

Consider an example of a semi-retired doctor who practices medicine in

a rural area. He has five appointments per day. At the end of the day, the
office manager maintains a tally of patients seen on time. For example, if
there is a certain day where the doctor sees two patients on time, the tally for
two patients seen on time is incremented by one. Table 8.4 shows the last
100 days of on-time performance:

On-Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency (fo) 22 26 34 11 5 2
Table 8.4. Summary of Patients Seen On-Time

We would like to know if this data follows a binomial distribution. Since we

are not given the probability of success for a patient being seen on-time, we

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

need to estimate this value. We can do this by first determining the number
of patients seen on time: 0(22) + 1(26) + 2(34) + 3(11) + 4(5) + 5(2), which is
157. Since there was 500 total patients seen (5 patients/day over 100 days),
the probability of a patient being seen on time is 157 / 500, which is 0.314.
This value is used in the “binom.dist” function, which will provide us with
probabilities associated with the number of “successes” from 0 to 5 patients
being seen on time. For a reminder of the binom.dist function, please refer to
Section 4.1.2. Using this function, along with multiplying each of these
binomial probabilities by 100 days, we have the following:

Successes 0 1 2 3 4 5
fo 22 26 34 11 5 2
Binomial Prob. 0.15 0.35 0.32 0.15 0.03 0.00
fe 15.19 34.77 31.83 14.57 3.33 0.31
(fe-fo)2/fe 3.05 2.21 0.15 0.87 0.83 9.41
Table 8.5. Chi-Square Test Results for On-Time Visits

The values in the bottom row of Table 8.5 result in a 2 statistic of 16.53, with
an associated p-value of 0.0055. At any credible value of , we would reject
H0, and claim that the binomial distribution does not describe the given data
set. Figure 8.3 shows the non-matching histograms, supporting our decision
to reject H0.

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On-Time Doctor Visits

Observed Expected


0 1 2 3 4 5
On-Time Visits

Figure 8.3. Chi-Square Test for On-Time Doctor Visits

8.3 Test for Independence

When performing goodness of fit tests, we are essentially comparing an
observed set of outcomes with an expected set of outcomes. We can take this
mindset further and explore whether or not multiple entities are related.
What is meant by this is that we can determine whether or not multiple
seemingly unrelated entities are in fact related. We can use our chi-square
test approach to explore this – we call this a test for independence. In the
context of H0 and HA, we state the following:

H0: Multiple entities are independent of each other (Eq. 8-6)

HA: Multiple entities are dependent on each other

To explore what we can do for a test of independence, let us re-visit Table

3.1, where we have a breakdown of voting on a congressional bill by political
party. Voting details have been omitted, and only row and column totals are
shown, along with percentages

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Yes No Total
Republican 242 (56.94%)
Democrat 183 (43.06%)
Total 275 (64.71%) 150 (35.29%) 425
Table 8.6. House Vote Template on HR 1599

Because I know that 64.71% voted “Yes,” and 56.94% are Republicans, I expect
that (64.71%*56.94%*425) 156.59 of the 425 voters are Republicans that
voted “Yes.”

Formally, this expected frequency value is as follows:

∑ 𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑖 ∑ 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑗 (Eq. 8-7)

𝑓𝑒(𝑖𝑗) = 𝑚 ( )( )
𝑚 𝑚

Using Eq. 8-7, we can compute the remaining values of Table 8.6 as follows:

Yes No
Republican 156.59 85.41
Democrat 118.41 64.59
Table 8.7. “Expected” House Vote on HR 1599

The values in the four “filled” cells of Table 8.7 are based on expectation only
– they are independent of political party and/or the actual vote – expected
values. The observed values (fo) are the original values from Table 3.1

Yes No
Republican 230 12
Democrat 45 138
Table 8.8. “Observed” House Vote on HR 1599

Revising our formula from Eq 8-2 to determine the test statistic for a chi-
square test for independence, we have the following;
2 (Eq. 8-8)
𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑠
(𝑓𝑜(𝑖𝑗) − 𝑓𝑒(𝑖𝑗) )
𝜒2 = ∑ ∑
𝑖=1 𝑗=1

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Using Eq. 8-8, we have the following values that need to be summed:

Yes No
Republican 34.42 63.10
Democrat 45.51 83.44
Table 8.9.  Calculation for House Vote on HR 1599

These values sum to 226.47. A chi-square test for independence has degrees
of freedom determined as follows:

df = (rows - 1)(columns - 1) (Eq. 8-9)

Our test, then, as (2 - 1)(2 - 1) = 1 degree of freedom. This yields a p-value <
0.0001, strongly suggesting that our two entities are not independent of each
other. In other words, political party and the actual vote are related to each
other, which given our political climate of strong partisanship, this should not
be a surprise.

As another example, let’s consider a survey completed by university

students. These students were asked a question about how optimistic they
are about the future. There are three possible responses: Optimistic;
Indifferent; and Pessimistic. The survey respondents are also grouped
according to class: freshman; sophomore; junior and senior. The observed
data (fo(ij)) are as follows:

Fresh. Soph. Jr Sr Sum

Optimistic 7 3 2 8 20
Indifferent 6 8 9 7 30
Pessimistic 15 15 14 6 50
Sum 28 26 25 21 100
Table 8.10. Observed Frequencies for Example

The expected values are as follows:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. Sum

Optimistic 5.60 5.20 5.00 4.20 20
Indifferent 8.40 7.80 7.50 6.30 30
Pessimistic 14.00 13.00 12.50 10.50 50
Sum 28 26 25 21 100
Table 8.11. Expected Frequencies for Example

Table 8-12 shows the components of the chi-square test statistic for

Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr

Optimistic 0.35 0.93 1.80 3.44
Indifferent 0.69 0.01 0.30 0.08
Pessimistic 0.07 0.31 0.18 1.93
Table 8.12. 2 Statistic Details for Example Problem

The 2 test statistic sums to 10.08. This test has (3 - 1)(4 - 1) = 6 degrees of
freedom, resulting in a p-value of 0.1215. As such we fail to reject the H0 and
we claim that the entities of the student’s opinion and class are independent
– they are not related.

8.4 Conclusions
The chi-square test is a powerful, yet simple statistical test. Because of
its simplicity, it can be used to make a variety of general determinations. The
general intent of this test is to compare the observed data we are provided to
the outcomes we expect. When we do this, we can address many important
issues of a statistical nature.

In the next chapter, we cover simple linear regression – one of the more
important concepts in statistics. With careful data preparation, we can
replace regression hypothesis testing with a chi-square test. The motivation
to do this is to simplify the process. This is only mentioned as an example of
the value of the chi-square test. The power of the chi-square test is its

Because of its simplicity and versatility, the chi-square test has the

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drawback of being somewhat unstructured. Because of this, we sometimes

need to conceptualize how we will relate the observed frequencies to the
expected frequencies.

8.5 Exercises
1. I flip a coin 103 times, and tails is the result 57 times. At the  = 0.05
level, is the coin fair?

2. I roll a pair of dice 1000 times, and the following outcomes result. At the
 = 0.05 level, are the dice fair?

Outcome 2 3 4 5 6
Freq. 25 56 83 112 145

Outcome 7 8 9 10 11 12
Freq. 172 136 108 86 51 26

Use the following data for Problems 3 – 7. I flip a coin 10 times, and I tally the
number times I end up with tails. I repeat this experiment 1,000 times, and
end up with the following frequency for tails.

Tails 0 1 2 3 4 5
Freq. 1 5 47 115 207 248

Tails 5 6 7 8 9 10
Freq. 248 202 120 41 12 2

3. At the  = 0.05 level, does the data reflect a binomial distribution?

4. At the  = 0.05 level, does the data reflect a normal distribution?

5. At the  = 0.05 level, can we claim a binomial distribution with a

probability of tails being 0.5?

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

6. At the  = 0.05 level, can we claim a normal distribution with an expected

value of 5 and a standard deviation of 1.5811?

7. At the  = 0.05, is the coin fair?

8. Consider a company that manufactures lawn mowers. They make the

same amount of mowers each day. At the completion of the manufacturing
the mowers, the Quality Control department make a final inspection. Below
is the average number of daily rejects over the past year.

Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Rejects 21 25 19 22 31
At the  = 0.04 level, are the number of daily reject as expected?

9. Consider a large university with seven colleges. Each year, the number of
cheating cases for each college are published by the university. The relevant
data is as follows:

School Cheating Cases Enrollment

Architecture 6 1,500
Business 51 6,000
Engineering 11 6,000
Liberal Arts 6 1,500
Social Sciences 10 4,000
Sciences 15 4,000
Veterinary Medicine 1 1,000

At the  = 0.05 level, are cheating cases representative of enrollment by


10. People were randomly selected across the US to ask if they would like to
see gun laws made more restrictive. Specifically, the question was “would you
like to see gun laws in the US made more restrictive?” Both men and women
were asked the question and the results are below:

Yes No

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Men 74 51
Women 80 32

Using  = 0.03, are gender and the response to the question independent?

11. Several Americans were randomly selected and asked if they approved of
the US Supreme Court’s decision to permit same-sex marriage. The
respondents were broken into political party affiliation. The data is shown

Democrat Unafflilated Republican

Approve 96 31 41
Indifferent 41 42 56
Disapprove 12 38 107

Using  = 0.06, are party affiliation and the approval to same-sex marriage

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

9. Simple Linear Regression

We have covered the basic foundations of statistical inference –
testing a claim via a formal test, so that we can properly articulate our findings
to the skeptical scientific community. This is an important accomplishment.
This chapter will build on our ability to do this via exploring potential
relationships between variables. We read about exploration between
variables in everyday life. For example, we have learned about a relationship
between exposure to asbestos and mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer. We
have learned about a relationship between the amount of time a child watches
television and the likelihood of that child being obsese.

These “relationships” are typically implied using very subtle language.

Nevertheless, these relationships are almost always determined via some
form of linear regression – formally exploring the relationships between
variables, or entities. In this chapter, we will cover simple linear regression,
which is the exploration between two variables. Many informative and
important investigations can be made with just a basic understanding of this
powerful tool.

9.1 Slope and Intercept

Prior to delving into regression from a statistical standpoint, it is
important for us to recall from high school algebra the formula for a line. The
lines has two major components: an intercept and a slope. The reference
system for a line is the Cartesian Coordinate System, where “x” represents the
horizontal axis and “y” represents the vertical axis. A point in this coordinate
system is represented via “(x, y)” notation. The line has the general formula:

y = a + bx (Eq. 9-1)

Under this scenario, we assume the x-value is pre-determined – we call “x” an

independent variable. We assume that y-values are determined by the x
values – we call “y” a dependent variable.

The intercept, represented by “a” is the value of the y-value when “x”

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equals zero. Graphically, this is where the line crosses the vertical axis (y-axis).
The slope, represented by “b” is the ratio of the change in y to each unit
change in x. Mathematically, this is often stated as follows:

b = y / x (Eq. 9-2)

Figure 9.1 shows a line of the form “y = 3 + 2x.

y = 3 + 2x
8 y
-4 -2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 9.1. Example Linear Model

This example line has an intercept of “3” – notice how the line crosses the
vertical axis at y = 3 (y = 3 + 2(0) = 3). This example line has a slope of “2.” The
y / x ratio is equal to “2” – this is detailed in the “wedged” section of Figure

9.2 Ordinary Least Squares Regression

In statistics, we are given a set of data and it is our job to “fit” a line
through the points represented by the data set. As an example of a data set,
consider a situation where we are interested in exploring the relationship
between price and demand of a product. In this example, we have randomly
visited convenience stores in Winston-Salem, NC. In each store, we looked at

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

the price of a 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper in cans. Management provided us

with the sales data for this product in units sold for the previous week. This
data set is as follows:

Pr. 3.38 3.42 3.48 3.52 3.55 3.55 3.61 3.61 3.67 3.72
Dem 83 86 83 81 81 83 81 81 80 80
Table 9.1. Price vs. Demand Data for Diet Dr. Pepper

A scatter plot is shown in Figure 9.2.

3.35 3.4 3.45 3.5 3.55 3.6 3.65 3.7 3.75

Figure 9.2. Scatter Plot for Diet Dr. Pepper Demand Data

Here we see points, showing the demand for each price, as the result of our
random sampling effort. As one might expect, there seems to be an inverse
relationship between price and demand – as price increases, demand seems
to increase.

In order to find the “best” line relating price to demand, we select a slope
and intercept that minimizes the sum of squared errors. Figure 9.2 also shows
a fitted line. This fitted line is the result of selecting a slope and intercept that
minimizes the total squared difference between the actual data points and the
fitted line. These error terms are shown via the thin vertical lines spanning
the fitted line and the actual data values. We square these error terms for

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two reasons: first, to prevent negative numbers; second, to amplify large

errors. Statistical software will provide us with a slope and intercept value
that minimizes the sum of squared errors. The practice of finding the slope
and intercept terms is called “ordinary least squares regression.”

The next section will detail how to perform ordinary least squares
regression in Microsoft Excel, but for our data set, we have a slope of -$14.13
and an intercept of 132.05 units of Diet Dr. Pepper. What this means is that
when the price is zero, we can expect a demand of 132.05 units. This result,
of course, should not be taken literally, but the intercept is where the line
crosses the vertical (“y”) axis. The slope tells is that for each $1 increase in the
price, we can expect demand to decrease 14.13 units. The negative sign tells
us it is a decrease.

9.3 Statistical Inference for Slope and Intercept

Here, we continue with our Diet Dr. Pepper example and learn how to
use Excel to give us the slope and intercept. Then we test the statistical
significance of the slope and intercept.

9.3.1 Excel for Regression

In order to learn the values of the slope and intercept, we use the Data
Analysis Tools | Regression option. We enter the data associated with the “x”
and “y” values. Again, for our example, Price is the “x” variable, and Demand
is the “y” variable. We specify an output range and then “run the regression.”
We get a very comprehensive output report. Selected output is shown in
Table 9.2.

Coefficients Standard t Stat P-value

Intercept 142.05 12.87 10.26 < 0.0001
Price 14.13 3.62 -3.90 0.0045
Table 9.2. Slope and Intercept for Diet Dr. Pepper Data Set

The table shows the slope and intercept values that we learned earlier. The

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

other presented data is discussed next.

9.3.2 Testing the Slope and Intercept

Now that we know the values of the slope and intercept, we need to
address the question as to whether or not they are statistically significant. To
do this, we first present the linear model relating “x” and “y” for an entire

Y =  + X (Eq. 9-3)

Here, the “x” and “y” terms are capitalized to imply data from the entire
population. This equation shows “,” which represents the intercept for the
population5, while “ ” represents the slope for the population. We need to
test the slope and intercept for statistical significance. These hypotheses are
as follows:

H0:  = 0; HA:   0 (Eq. 9-4)

H0:  = 0; HA:   0 (Eq. 9-5)

Eq. 9-4 is a test for the significance of the intercept, while Eq. 9-5 is a test for
the significance of the slope. The test for the intercept is not of importance
here – the intercept is important in terms of minimizing the sum of squared
error value, but for this book, the statistical significance of the intercept is not
a matter of concern. What is important, however, is the test for the statistical
significance of the slope. In Eq. 9-5, the H0 states that the slope is equal to
zero. This means that as X changes, Y does not change – Y is not sensitive to
X. The HA says that the slope is not equal to zero, meaning that as X changes,
Y changes as well – Y is sensitive to X.

These tests for the significance of the slope and intercept are always as
presented in these two equations. They are always two-tailed tests. Because
of this consistency, we never have to formally state them – they are always

Not to be confused with the level of significance as covered previously. These two
entities are independent from each other.

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the same. This provides Excel, or whatever software is being used to present
us the appropriate statistics to interpret. We have to, of course, compare
these hypothesized values to the estimated values, which we know to be “a”
for the intercept and “b” for the slope. The test statistic for the intercept is as

𝑎−𝛼 𝑎−0 𝑎 (Eq. 9-6)

𝑡= = =
𝑠𝑒𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑎

The test statistic for the slope is as follows:

𝑏−𝛽 𝑏−0 𝑏 (Eq. 9-7)

𝑡= = =
𝑠𝑒𝑏 𝑠𝑒𝑏 𝑠𝑒𝑏

Because both  and  are hypothesized to be zero, we substitute zero into

both equations above, and we end up with the “estimates” of the intercept
(a) and slope (b) divided by their standard errors. The end result is the two t-
statistics above very closely resemble the t-statistics we used in Chapter 6.

The results of these two-tailed tests are also shown in Table 9.2. When
the estimates of the slope and intercept are divided by their standard errors,
we have the appropriate t-statistics and p-values. You will notice that the p-
value associated with the intercept is < 0.0001. Here, we reject the H0, and
claim the intercept is statistically significant. The t-statistic associated with
the slope term is -3.90, with an associated p-value of 0.0045. This tells us that
the relationship between Demand and Price is statistically significant – there
is a meaningful relationship between price and demand.

9.4 Estimation / Prediction

Let’s continue with our Diet Dr. Pepper example and assume that we are
satisfied with the belief that Price and Demand have a statistically significant
relationship. We can then use the following equation to estimate Demand
given some pre-specified or pre-determined Price:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Demand = 132.05 – 14.13 (Price) (Eq. 9-8)

Given this relationship, however, we need to be careful of the values of Price

we use to estimate demand. This model was constructed using a minimum
Price of $3.38 and a maximum value of $3.72. Because of this, we can only
use this model to estimate Demand for values of price in this interval. If we
fail to do this, we are, in essence, “extrapolating,” which is a pretentious term
for “guessing.” As such, we should only estimate for values of “x” that are
between xmin and xmax.

There is one other statistic worth discussing, which is the R2 value. The
value of R2 tells us the percent of variation in our “y” variable that is explained
by our “x” variable. This measure of R2 is essentially a measure of the model’s
predictive ability. The R2 value can be as low as zero, and as high as one. We
want our R2 value to be as high as possible, as that would maximize the
percent variation in “y” that is explained by “x.” For our example problem, the
R2 value is 0.6553. This value is also included with our Excel output. This
means that 65.53% of the variation in Demand is explained by Price. This
implies, then, that 34.47% of the variation in Demand has not been explained.
As such, when using this model for prediction purposes, we should temper our
expectations on the quality of our predictive ability, because much of the
variation in demand is explained by entities other than price.

9.5 Conclusions
As stated at the beginning of this chapter, linear regression is the study
of relationships among variables. This means that our paramount interest is
to see if two variables are related. If they are related – meaning we reject the
H0 regarding a slope of zero – then, and one then, can we pursue the topic of
prediction. In short, significance is more important than prediction.

With multiple linear regression – using multiple independent variables

(“x” variables), we have the ability to increase our predictive ability via
increasing the R2 value associated with a model.

For now, however, it is most important to understand that simple linear

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regression is mainly concerned about whether or not variables are related,

while multiple linear regression is most concerned about optimizing the
predictive ability of our model.

9.6 Exercises
1. Earlier in this chapter, while talking about the Diet Dr. Pepper example, I
mentioned that if we increased the sample size, we would decrease the p-
value associated with the slope term. Why is this the case?

2. Let us revisit the “ExamScores” data set that we used in Chapter 2. This
data set has two columns: the “Exam 1” column is the Exam 1 score for a
specific student. The “Exam 2” column is the Exam 2 score for the same
student. Explain how simple linear regression could be used as a tool to study
the student’s propensity for success.

3. Using the “ExamScores” data set, are Exam 1 scores and Exam 2 scores

4. Using the “ExamScores” data set, report the R2 term with the Exam 1
score as the independent variable and the Exam 2 score as the dependent

5. Using the “ExamScores” data set, report the R2 term with the Exam 2
score as the independent variable and the Exam 1 score as the dependent

6. How do you reconcile your results from the above two questions?

7. Using the “ExamScores” data set, what score would you expect a student
to get on Exam 2 if they got an 83 on Exam 1?

8. Using the “NewspaperAdvertisements” data set, report on the

relationship between Ads/Month and Customers/Month. Is the relationship

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

9. Using the “NewspaperAdvertisements” data set, estimate customers

visiting the store per month when 15 advertisements were made for a specific
month. Are you comfortable with this estimate? Why or why not?

10. Using the “NewspaperAdvertisements” data set, estimate customers

visiting the store per month when 23 advertisements were made for a specific
month. Are you comfortable with this estimate? Why or why not?

11. Using the “NewspaperAdvertisements” data set, what is the predictive

ability of this model?

12. Using the “BaseballSalaries2014” data set, report on the relationship

between the team payroll and winning percentage. Is the relationship
meaningful? Do these results surprise you? Why or why not?

13. Using the “BaseballSalaries2014” data set, estimate a team’s winning

percentage with an annual payroll of $150M. Are you comfortable with this
estimate? Why or why not?

14. Using the “BaseballSalaries2014” data set, estimate a team’s winning

percentage with an annual payroll of $300M. Are you comfortable with this
estimate? Why or why not?

15. Using the “BaseballSalaries2014” data set, describe the predictive ability
of your model.

16. Look at the two regression plots below. For each plot, the ordinary least
squares regression line is fitted through the data. Of the two plots, which one
has the higher R2 value. Justify your response.

Patrick R. McMullen

Simple Linear Regression 1


$11.83 $12.83 $13.83 $14.83 $15.83 $16.83

Simple Linear Regression 2






$11.83 $12.83 $13.83 $14.83 $15.83 $16.83

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

10. Multiple Linear Regression

In our simple linear regression chapter, we explored the relationship
between two variables. This chapter had an emphasis on relationships –
whether or not the two variables had a statistically significant relationship.
We continue our discussion in this chapter, but here, we emphasize predictive
ability – finding a model that gives us the highest possible predictive ability.
We do this by adding independent variables, which we also refer to as
predictor variables. The practice of studying such relationships when multiple
predictor variables are involved is called multiple linear regression or “MLR”
for short.

10.1 Improving Predictive Ability

Let us recall our Diet Dr. Pepper example from the simple linear
regression chapter. We established a relationship between price and demand
for Diet Dr. Pepper. We discovered that the slope term was significant (t = -
3.90, p = 0.0045). We also learned that our R2 term was 0.6553 – 65.53% of
the variation in Demand is explained by Price. This means that 34.47% (1 -
0.6553) of the variation in Demand is explained by something other than Price.
If we are interested in estimating or predicting Demand, it seems that we’d
like more predictive ability.

10.1.1 Adding More Variables

More predictive ability can be obtained if we add more predictor
(independent) variables to our model. This can be done quite easily in Excel –
when we are asked for the “X” variables, we simply “paint” all of the
independent variables.6

Let us continue our Diet Dr. Pepper example from the Simple Linear
Regression chapter. This time, however, we will add a predictor variable
“Advertising,” which represents the number of signs advertising the Diet Dr.

To “paint” the necessary predictor variables, they must be in adjacent columns.
Otherwise, Excel cannot process them. Columns of predictor variables in non-
adjacent columns will not work in Excel.

Patrick R. McMullen

Pepper. The advertising is done in the proximity of the store. The new data
set, then, is as follows:

Price 3.38 3.42 3.48 3.52 3.55 3.55 3.61 3.61 3.67 3.72
Adv. 28 30 28 26 26 28 26 26 26 27
Dem. 83 86 83 81 81 83 81 81 80 80
Table 10.1. Price and Advertising vs. Demand Data for Diet Dr. Pepper

We then ask Excel to perform the linear regression. This time, however, we
make certain that both Price and Advertising are treated as “x” variables.

10.1.2 F-Statistic and Regression Output

Prior to discussing the regression output of the example problem, it is
appropriate for us to address the hypothesis testing associated with multiple
linear regression. When examining the output, the first thing one should
consider is the general set of hypotheses that accompany such analyses. The
null and alternative hypotheses are as follows:

H0: The independent variables are related to the

dependent variable (Eq. 10-1)
HA: The independent variables are not related
to the dependent variable
The hypotheses stated above are always the case. As such, there is no need
to explicitly define them.

To determine whether or not to reject the H0, we examine the following

statistic, which we refer to as the “F-statistic.”

𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (Eq. 10-2)

𝑈𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

This statistic should not look entirely unfamiliar. We saw something very
similar when we discussed the Analysis of Variance. If this ratio is high (the
associated p-value being less than some threshold value, such as 0.05), we
reject the H0 and claim that there is a meaningful relationship between the

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

independent and dependent variables.7

For our example problem, our F-statistic is 46.19, with an associated p-

value of < 0.0001. Therefore, both Price and Advertising have a meaningful
relationship with Demand.

The next order of business is to determine whether or not our predictor

variables are statistically significant. Selected regression output is shown in
Table 10.2.

Coefficients Standard t Stat P-value

Intercept 79.27 11.87 6.68 0.0003
Price -6.36 2.30 -2.77 0.0278
Advertisement 0.93 0.18 5.22 0.0012
Table 10.2. Intercept and Slopes for MLR Diet Dr. Pepper Problem

Here we see that the intercept and both slope terms are statistically significant
– all p-values are very small. You will also notice that the values of the
intercept and the Price slope have changed from the simple linear regression
(“SLR”) problem. This should not be a surprise, because with the addition of
the new term (Advertisement) all other terms will have new values in the
pursuit of minimizing the sum of squared errors term.

Now that we can take comfort in that we have a meaningful relationship

between Demand and the predictor variables of Price and Advertisements, we
can turn our attention to prediction. Excel tells us that our R2 value is 0.9296.
This means that 92.96% of the variation in Demand is explained by both Price
and Advertisements. This is a great improvement over the R2 value from our
earlier model, where Price was the only predictor variable for Demand. In
general, adding predictor variables to a linear regression will result in an
increase in R2. As such, adding variables to a model improves our predictive

In truth, the significance of the F-statistic in multiple linear regression almost
always shows significance, because we are trying to optimize the predictive ability,
which strongly implies a significant relationship between the “x” and “y” variables
already exists.

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We can now predict Demand by using the predictors of Price and

Advertisements via the following equation:

Demand = 79.27 – (6.36)(Price) + (Eq. 10-3)


We must, however, bear in mind that when predicting; make sure we use
values of the predictor variables that are in range of the values from our data
set. Otherwise, we are extrapolating, which can provide unreliable results.

10.2 Multicollinearity
Let us consider another example, where I am interested in estimating
GMAT Score using the predictor variables of undergraduate GPA and Hours
Studying for the GMAT exam. This sounds like a reasonable experiment. It
seems reasonable to expect that as both undergraduate GPA and Hours
Studying increase, so would the associated GMAT score.

To further investigate this, the data set “GMATExample” has been

provided. When performing a multiple linear regression where GMAT score is
the dependent (response variable), and GPA and Hours Studying are the
predictor variables, we have an F-statistic of 824.93, with an associated p-
value < 0.0001. We also have an R2 value of 0.6238. So far, so good.

When we look at the statistical significance of the individual predictor

variables, however, we have the following

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -255.47 41.80 -6.11 < 0.0001
GPA 205.93 44.25 4.65 < 0.0001
Hours Studying 2.96 2.35 1.26 0.2091
Table 10.3. Predictor Variables for GMAT Example

When looking at the table above, a problem becomes evident. The slope term
for Hours Studying doesn’t show statistical significance. We are being told
that there is no relationship between Hours Studying and GMAT score. This
doesn’t make sense. Upon further investigation, a simple linear regression is
performed between GMAT score and Hours studying – GPA is excluded from
this analysis. This regression reveals that Hours Studying is in fact related to
GMAT score (t = 39.94, p < 0.0001).

In summary, multiple linear regression tells us that Hours Studying is not

related to GMAT score, while simple linear regression tells us that Hours
Studying is related to GMAT score. These conflicting results are a
consequence of multicollinearity – a strong correlation between predictor
variables. While multicollinearity does not have any impact of our ability for
prediction, it greatly impedes our ability to interpret individual predictor

10.2.1 Correlation
When we define multicollinearity above, we state that it is the presence
of a strong correlation of predictor variables. Now correlation must be
defined. Correlation is a degree of relationship between variables. That
definition sounds eerily familiar – simple linear regression explores
relationships between variables. The difference between correlation and
simple linear regression is that simple linear regression explains the
relationship between slope and intercept, along with the results of associated
hypothesis tests, while correlation provides a single standardized statistic
describing the relationship between the two variables of interest.

This single standardized statistic used to measure correlation is called the

correlation coefficient, . This value of  is always in the interval (-1 ≤  ≤ 1).

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This value of , intended to measure the correlation between “x” and “y,” is
determined as follows:

∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )(𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦̅) (Eq. 10-4)

√∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )2 /(𝑛 − 1) √∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦̅)2 /(𝑛 − 1)

Fortunately, this value is calculated for us using the “=correl(range1, range2)”

function in Excel. Of greater value, however, is the use of the correlation
matrix tool available in the Data Analysis Tools. The correlation matrix tool
will provide an entire matrix of pairwise correlations between all variables
selected. Using this tool for the data in our problem, we have the following:

GMAT Score GPA Hours Studying

GMAT Score 1
GPA 0.7894 1
Hours Studying 0.7846 0.9894 1
Table 10.4. Correlation Matrix for GMAT Score Example Problem

10.2.2 Remediation
If we take a close look at our correlation matrix above, we see that we
have also included the response variable of GMAT Score. This will be discussed
further momentarily. For now, you should take notice of the correlation of
0.9894 – the standardized relationship between the two predictor variables,
GPA and hours studying. This means that Hours Studying and GPA are
essentially telling us the same thing. Because of this, we have
multicollinearity, and when two predictors are highly correlated, our
regression output can be counterintuitive. Such is the case here – our multiple
regression output tells us that Hours Studying is not meaningful, when simple
regression tells us Hours Studying is meaningful.

What do we do when we get conflicting results like this? There are many
opinions on this matter, but I strongly prefer the most parsimonious
approach. I prefer to remove one of the correlated variables, and let it be

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

explained by the remaining variable. In this situation, it makes the most sense
to remove Hours Studying and let it be explained by GPA, because its
correlation with GMAT score (the response variable) is less than GPA’s
correlation with GMAT score (0.7846 < 0.7894).

Because we have removed Hours Studying and let it be explained by GPA,

our model reduces to GMAT score as the dependent variable, and with only
GPA as our independent variable.

10.3 Parsimony
With having only one predictor variable now, we once again perform a
linear regression without Hours Studying as a predictor variable. The results
are as follows:

Coefficients Std. Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -302.03 19.36 -15.60 < 0.0001
GPA 260.96 6.43 40.59 < 0.0001
Table 10.5. GMAT Score as a Function of GPA Only

Of course, the lone slope of GPA is highly significant (t = 40.59, p < 0.0001).
Most importantly, however, is the R2 value, which is 0.6232 – 62.32% of the
variation in GMAT score is explained by GPA. Comparing that to the multiple
regression model, where GMAT score is explained by GPA and Hours studying,
we have an R2 of 0.6238. In other words, by removing Hours Studying from
our model, we only lose 0.0006 from our R2 term. A meaningless loss.

This simple example best illustrates the most important aspect of

multiple regression, which is parsimony. The word “parsimony” is not used
much anymore, but it generally implies thrift.8 In the context of model-fitting,
parsimony is intended to suggest the use of as few variables as possible to get
the most predictive model. In our present situation, the model with one
predictor variable is far superior to the one with two predictor variables

Charles Dickens often used the word “parsimony” in his work. In the Dickensian
context, it implies “thrift” – not spending more money than needed. In our work
here, it is important not to use more words and/or variables than needed.

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because we get the same predictive power with one less term to “worry”
about and/or discuss.

10.4 Conclusions
Simple Linear Regression is a tool to explore whether or not relationships
exist between variables. With only a single predictor variable, we would be
naïve to assume Simple Linear Regression as a good predictive tool. This is
where Multiple Linear Regression comes in. Multiple Linear Regression builds
on relationships (uncovered by Simple Linear Regression) and attempts to
optimize the predictive fit by adding variables. Those variables, however,
should be chosen wisely. When the appropriate variables are added, our R2
term approaches a value of 1.00, resulting in a good predictive model.

If we choose too many predictor variables, we can still have a good

predictive model, but we lose our ability to explain our model in a concise
manner. We should always attempt to maximize the R2 term with as few
predictor variables as possible.

10.5 Exercises
1. A company that delivers equipment is attempting to understand what
determines annual maintenance cost for their fleet of their nine trucks. A data
set named “TruckMaintainence” is to be used, where data is given for each
truck including the annual maintenance cost for each truck, the number of
miles on the truck, and the age of the truck in years. Using  = 0.05, please
address the following:

a. Yes or No: is there an overall relationship between the annual

maintenance cost of the truck with the predictor variables of mileage
of the truck and the age of the truck.
b. Justify your response above.
c. Is the current parsimonious? Why or why not?
d. What is the most parsimonious model? Justify your response.

2. The data set named “CollegeProbability” contains three variables of

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

data. These variables are “College Prob,” “Class Size,” and “SAT
Score.” Definitions of these variables are as follows:

College Prob: this is the probability that the student in question will attend
Class Size: this is the number of students from the class in which the student
in question comes.
SAT Score: this is the SAT score that the student in question earned.

For example, the very first data point tells us that the student in question has
a 63.52% chance of attending college. This particular student came from a
class size of 21, and earned a score of 1232 on the SAT test.

Your job for this problem is to find the most parsimonious model that explains
the probability of attending college. When finding this model, explain the
steps you have taken without use of Excel terminology.

3. We are interested in determining the driving forces behind mutual fund

performance. The attached data set, called “MutualFundPerformance”
contains annual return data (in %) for several mutual funds. For each fund,
experience (in years) of the mutual fund’s manager is provided, along with the
fund manager’s salary (in $1,000s). The fund type is also provided, which is
either a stock fund or bond fund. Using this data, please address the
following questions:

a. Do the experience of the fund manager, the salary of the fund

manager, and the fund type have an aggregate relationship with the
mutual fund’s performance?
b. Explain the model you used in part “a” above.
c. Using the model constructed in part “a” above, estimate the fund’s
return for a bond fund with a fund manager earning a salary of
$200,000/year and 12 years experience.
d. Is multicollinearity a problem? Why or why not?
e. What is the most parsimonious model that should be used to explain
the mutual fund’s annual return? Justify your response.

Patrick R. McMullen

4. I have a data set (“MyStockData”) which details daily stock prices of

MyStock – a stock that I own. I am trying to use three other stocks to
analyze and predict the price of MyStock. Using the attached information,
along with a value of  = 0.01, please address the following questions:

a. Yes or No: do Stocks A, B and C have an aggregate relationship with

b. Support your above response.
c. Yes or No: Is multicollinearity a problem?
d. Support your above response.
e. What is the most parsimonious model? Explain your reasoning.
f. If Stocks A, B and C are priced at $35, $17, $86 respectively, what
would expect the price of MyStock to be, when using the most
parsimonious model?

5. A beer distributor needs to understand the relationship between the

response variable of delivery time and the two predictor variables of distance
to travel and the number of cases to deliver. This data is provided
(“BeerDistributionTime”). Using this data, please answer the following

a. Is there an aggregate relationship between delivery time and the two

predictor variables of distance to travel and cases to deliver?
b. Justify your above answer.
c. Is multicollinearity a problem? Why or why not?
d. What is the most parsimonious model? Explain your reasoning.

6. A junior golf tournament was held in Walnut Creek, California. There

were 500 participants – all of them boys. These participants ranged in age
from as young as 13 to as old as 18. For each participant, their 18-hole score
was recorded, along with their handicap (a basic measure of the golfer’s skill),
age, and the number of hours per week that the golfer of interest practices.
This data is included (“JuniorGolfTournament”). Using this information,
please address the following:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

a. Do age, handicap and hours/week of practice time have an aggregate

relationship with the tournament score? Why or why not?
b. Which predictor variable has the strongest relationship with score?
Explain your rationale.
c. Is multicollinearity present? Why or why not.
d. Using the most parsimonious model, estimate the score of a 14-year-
old with a handicap of 15 who practices 19 hours/week.

Patrick R. McMullen

11. Business Forecasting

We now address a topic that technically does not fit into the world of
traditional “statistics,” but is part of Quantitative Methods – the very large
topic of business forecasting. Business forecasting is where we take historical
data and “extrapolate” it into the future. With the prediction we did in Simple
and Multiple Linear Regression, we “interpolated.” That is, we took data, built
a model, and estimated within the boundaries of the data we have. With
forecasting, we take data, build a model, and estimate beyond the boundaries
of the data we have. That is, we estimate what will happen in the future based
upon historical data we have gathered an analyzed.

There are many forecasting tools, but we will concentrate on the

regression-based tools, given that we now have a basic understanding of how
regression works.

11.1 Time Series Analysis

We can think of forecasting as “time series analysis.” A time series is a
collection of historical data. This historical data collection has an observation
for some regular time interval, such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc. These time
intervals must be evenly spaced for our presented methodology to work

11.2 Simple Forecasting Tools

Prior to our delving into the regression-based forecasting tools, we will
briefly cover the simple forecasting tools – the moving average tools, where
we simply extrapolate into the future by averaging historical data. We will
start by considering the simple times series shown here:

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Demand 12 12 13 15 16 16 19 20
Table 11.1. Time Series Data for Forecasting Problem

For these problems, we will introduce the terms Dt and Ft, which mean

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

demand for period t and the Forecast for period t.

11.2.1 Simple Moving Average

The simple moving average forecasting approach is the simplest
approach imaginable. We simply select the most recent past values of
demand and average them. The number of periods we select to average is
determined by the forecaster. For example, we could choose three averaging
periods, and the resultant forecast for the next period, F9, will be as follows:

F9 = (D8 + D7 + D6)/3 = (20 + 19 + 16) / 3 = 18.33 (Eq. 11-1)

11.2.2 Weighted Moving Average
One of the unpleasant realities of the Simple Moving Average Approach
is that each historical period is considered just as important as the others. This
may not be appropriate, as the most recent values should probably have the
most to say about the forecast. This is where the weighted moving average
approach may be an improvement. Why not “weight” historical periods
according to relative importance. For our example problem, still using three
averaging periods, I will “weight” the most recent period 0.5, the period prior
to that 0.3 and the period prior to that 0.2. Notice how these weight sums to
one. Our forecast then becomes:

F9 =.5D8 +.3D7 +.3D6 = .5(20)+.3(19)+.3(16) = 17.7 (Eq. 11-2)

This forecast may be better thought out than the simple moving average, due
to its ability to treat historical periods as-needed.

11.2.3 Differencing
Unfortunately, neither of the forecasting approaches above is reliable.
The reason is that whatever value we forecast into the future, that value will
always be somewhere between the minimum and maximum values that we
use for our average. In short, we are interpolating, when there are times we
need to be extrapolating.

The concept of differencing enables us to extrapolate. If we take the

difference in demand (or whatever entity we are trying to forecast) from one
period and the prior period, and average all of those periodic differences, we

Patrick R. McMullen

have the average change per time unit. If we let t represent the difference
for period t, we have the following:

∆𝑡 = 𝐷𝑡 − 𝐷𝑡−1 (Eq. 11-3)

∆̅= ∑ ∆𝑡 (Eq. 11-4)

For this notation, n represents the number of periods. For our example,
period differences are shown in the table below:

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Demand 12 12 13 15 16 16 19 20
Difference 0 1 2 1 0 3 1
Table 11.2. Time Series Data for Forecasting Problem

When we average these differences, we have an average difference of 1.42.

This means that we can expect demand to increase 1.42 units each period.
Using this logic, our forecast for period 9 can be F9 = D8 + ∆̅=20 + 1.42 = 21.42.

Another advantage differencing has over the moving average approaches

is that differencing permits us to forecast multiple periods into the future,
while the moving average approaches only permit us to forecast a single
period into the future.

11.3 Regression Based Forecasting

Differencing is far better than the moving average approaches, but it
nevertheless is naive in that fails to minimize the sum of squared errors,
provided by regression. Regression based forecasting can take care of this for
us when we exploit the model where demand is a function of the time period.
In other words, we treat our time period as the independent variable and we
treat our Demand value as the dependent variable. Once we have estimates
of slope and intercept, we can “fit” values of demand:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

̂𝑡 = Intercept + Slope (t)

𝐷 (Eq. 11-5)

Comparing our values of actual demand, Dt, with those “fitted,” we can
calculate the error for each time period, which in forecasting, we call this the
absolute deviation (ADt):

̂𝑡 |
𝐴𝐷𝑡 = |𝐷𝑡 − 𝐷 (Eq. 11-6)

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is simply the average of the AD values for
all time periods:
𝑀𝐴𝐷 = ∑ 𝐴𝐷𝑡 (Eq. 11-7)

Knowing the forecast error (MAD), we can use our “fit” model above to
forecast into the future:

Ft = Intercept + Slope (t) (Eq. 11-8)

11.3.1 Linear Trends

Continuing with the example we used for the other forecasting
approaches, simple linear regression forecasting for the data set provides an
intercept of 9.96 and a slope of 1.20, or more formally, we can use the
following for forecasting into the next period:

Ft = 9.96 + 1.20t (Eq. 11-9)

The actual “fits” and absolute deviation values are below.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
𝑫𝒕 12 12 13 15 16 16 19 20
𝑫̂𝒕 11.17 12.37 13.57 14.77 15.98 17.18 18.38 19.58
ADt 0.83 0.37 0.57 0.23 0.02 1.18 0.62 0.42
Table 11.3. Regression Forecasting Results for Example Problem

Figure 11.1 shows a time series plot of the given data along with the

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regression forecasting line, where we have forecast two periods into the
future (F9 = 20.79, F10 = 21.99).






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 11.1. Simple Linear Regression Forecasting

One might note how the forecast line is simply a continuation of the trend,
which we quantified via simple linear regression.

11.3.2 Nonlinear Trends

Sometimes our trend is not linear. Consider the data shown in the
scatter plot, and the fitted regression line in Figure 11.2.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Linear Forecast

R² = 0.9589
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 11.2. Nonlinear Data with Linear Fit

Upon careful inspection, you might notice that the trend line overestimates
the first few periods, underestimates the middle periods, and once again
underestimates the latter periods. This suggests that the trend is nonlinear.
Perhaps we are “splitting hairs” here, but one can make a very reasonable
argument for a nonlinear trend. When this occurs, we can use multiple linear
regression as a means to achieve “nonlinear regression.” We can do this by
creating a new independent variable called t2, which is simply the period
multiplied by itself and used as a predictor variable, resulting in the following
general equation:

̂𝑡 = 𝑎 + 𝑏1 𝑡 2 + 𝑏2 𝑡
𝐷 (Eq. 11-10)

Using multiple regression to estimate the intercept and slope terms, we have
the following model we can use for forecasting:

Ft = 8.57 – 0.06t2 + 2.92t (Eq. 11-11)

A time series plot of the fitted model is shown in Figure 11.3.

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Nonlinear Forecast

R² = 0.9893
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Figure 11.3. Nonlinear Data with Nonlinear Fit

Two things should be noted from inspection of Figure 11.3. First, notice how
the nonlinear fit better captures the data points than does the line via the
simple regression model. Second, notice how the associated R2 term has
increased about 0.03 from the simple regression model.

11.3.3 Microsoft Excel and Forecasting

One of Microsoft Excel’s greatest attributes is that it does an excellent
job at finding the best fit for a data set. Given a plot of data, right-clicking the
mouse button and selecting “Add Trendline” opens up an almost infinite
collection of tools to select the best “fit” for the given data set. One can select
from a straight line, a polynomial curve, a power curve, a logarithmic curve,
an exponential curve, etc. From these choices, there are a variety of
parameters to choose from as well. It is worth experimenting with these tools
and options to find the best fit. Be warned, however, the principle of
parsimony should always apply – always select a model that can be explained.

Excel’s trendline options are many. This is a very powerful tool.

Nevertheless, as powerful as this tool is, performing regression via the Analysis

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Tools as we have done throughout this book is still needed to determine

whether or not the model parameters (slope, etc.) are statistically significant.

11.4 Seasonality in Forecasting

The final forecasting topic we cover is seasonal forecasting. Seasonality
exists in almost all forms of commerce. For example, champagne sales are
higher than average in December. Retail stores are busy in November and
December. More barbeque sauce is sold in the summer months compared to
other parts of the year. Tax accountants are very busy in March and April.
Maine has lots of tourists in the summer months, while Florida has lots of
tourists in the winter months. This list could go on and on, but seasonality is
a powerful force of nature. It is important we have the ability to forecast in
the presence of seasonality.

This can be accomplished via a variety of tools, but we will use

seasonalized time series regression forecasting here. Conceptually, this is a
straightforward process. We will illustrate this with an example via a seasonal
time series shown in Table 11.4.

Quarter Period Year 1 Period Year 2 Period Year 3

Demand Demand Demand
1 1 85 5 93 9 96
2 2 118 6 130 10 133
3 3 83 7 89 11 95
4 4 69 8 74 12 75
Table 11.4. Seasonal Time Series Data
This time series is organized slightly differently from what we’ve seen thus far.
Each row indicates the “quarter.” Each pair of columns indicates the period
number and year. The table shows that there are three years of quarterly
data, for twelve total observations. Quarters are organized by row, and year
is organized by column.

11.4.1 Order of Seasonality

We first need to determine the “order” of seasonality. The order of
seasonality is how many individual periods there are for each cycle. If we have

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monthly data, the order of seasonality is twelve. If we have hourly data, the
order of seasonality is twenty-four. For our example, we have quarterly data,
so the order of seasonality is four. The order of seasonality can be determined
by either examining a time series plot or by understanding how many time
periods there are for each temporal cycle.

Given that we know the order of seasonality for our problem is four, we
compute the seasonal index for each season – quarters for our example. The
seasonal index for a specific season is the average for that specific season
divided by the average of all the given data. For example, the seasonal index
for January would be for the average for all January observations divided by
the average for all data. For quarters, the seasonal index for the first quarter
would be the average value of the first quarter data divided by the average of
all data. Mathematically, we can pursue this as follows: there are n rows (a
row for each quarter, and i is the row index), and there are m columns (a
column for each year, and j is the column index). The value of quantity
demand for the jth quarter for year i will be represented by Dij. Seasonal
indices (SIj) are as follows:

𝑗=1 𝐷𝑖𝑗 )/𝑚 (11-12)
𝑆𝐼𝑖 =
(∑𝑚 𝑛
𝑗=1 ∑𝑖=1 𝐷𝑖𝑗 )/𝑚𝑛

Using this formula, we can calculate the seasonal indices for our example
problem, which are shown in Table 11.5.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Quarter Period Year 1 Period Year 2 Period Year 3 SI

Dem. Dem. Dem.
1 1 85 5 93 9 96 0.96
2 2 118 6 130 10 133 1.34
3 3 83 7 89 11 95 0.94
4 4 69 8 74 12 75 0.76
Table 11.5. Seasonal Indices for Time Series Data
11.4.2 De-Seasonalize Data
The seasonal indices display the relative contribution each season makes
to the aggregate demand. You will see from our calculations that the second
quarter is the “busy” quarter, compared to quarters 1, 3 and 4.

The next step is to “de-seasonalize” the data by taking each observation

and dividing it by its appropriate seasonal index. The de-seasonalized data for
the ith quarter for the jth year will be represented by DSij, and is calculated as

𝐷𝑖𝑗 (11-13)
𝐷𝑆𝑖𝑗 =

The formula above filters out the seasonality, and isolates any trend which
may exist, and linear regression is the sensible tool of choice to capture a

11.4.3 Capture Trend

To capture the trend, we simply fit a model where the de-seasonalized
data is the dependent variable and the independent variable is the time
period. Before showing this model, however, we need to convert our de-
seasonalized data from DSij form to DSt form. We do this via the following:

𝑡 = 𝑛𝑗 + 𝑖, ∀𝑖 = 1, … 𝑛; ∀𝑗 = 0, … , 𝑚 − 1 (11-14)

Do not place too much concern with the above formula – the appropriate
period numbers (t) are listed next to the actual demand values. We can fit the
linear model to capture the trend exposed by our de-seasonalized data:

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̂ 𝑡 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑡
𝐷𝑆 (11-15)

Fitting this model with our de-seasonalized data, we have captured the trend,
with an intercept of 87.12 and a slope of 1.21, resulting in the following
fit/forecast model:

𝐹𝑡 = 87.12 + 1.21𝑡 (11-16)

Figure 11.4 shows what we’ve accomplished so far. It is important to

note how de-seasonalizing the data results in removal of the cycles and
isolates only the trend.

Actual Deseasonalized Trend


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 11.4. De-Seasonalizing Quarterly Data

11.4.4 Fit and Forecast

The final step to this forecasting approach is to re-incorporate seasonality
and then extrapolate our estimates into the future. First, let us perform back-
forecasting to compare our estimates with the actual data. To do this, we
simply multiply our trend by the appropriate seasonal index:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

𝐹𝑡 = (87.12 + 1.21𝑡)𝑆𝐼𝑖 (11-17)

Here, SIi is the appropriate seasonal index corresponding with period t. Simply
put, multiplying the fitted trend by the appropriate seasonal index puts the
seasonality “back in.” We can then determine the MAD by comparing the
back-forecasts to the given data:
𝑃 (11-18)
𝑀𝐴𝐷 = ∑|𝐷𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡 |

For our example, the MAD is 1.55. On average, our back-forecast is 1.55 units
different from the actual.

At this point, to forecast, we only need to “extend” our line into the
future by adding new values of t, and using the appropriate SIi values to re-
seasonalize our data, along with our trend model. A comparison of our actual
data and our fit/forecast data one year into the future is shown below. Notice
how closely the fit/forecast line matches up with the actual values.

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Actual v. Forecast
Actual Fit/Forecast


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Figure 11.5. Actual Data Compared to Fit/Forecast

The notation in this section has been complicated due to the fact that we
must change from double-subscripted notation (“ij”) to time-series notation
(“t”). Because of this complicating force, the Appendix is provided for a more
deliberated pursuit of this example problem.

11.5 Parsimony
There is a very large arsenal of forecasting tools. In this chapter, we have
covered some simple, yet very useful tools. There is always a temptation to
increase the R2 or decrease the MAD term a little bit so as to boast a better
forecast. When forecasting, let us remember that we may have to explain the
details of our forecasting approach to someone else – perhaps someone who
is not quantitatively versed. Because of this, it is very important to keep our
forecasts as straightforward as possible. Your objective should not be to
“impress” the customer, but to “inform” the customer.

Parsimony should always rule the day. Always.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

11.6 Conclusions
Forecasting is a very powerful topic. Even though this book is
introductory in nature, we have covered linear forecasting, nonlinear
forecasting and seasonal forecasting. With just a little bit of practice and
experience, these tools can provide immense value to organizations.

My experience in industry taught me that forecasting is one thing that is

done quite poorly. With just a bit of practice from the tools presented here,
poor forecasting can be greatly improved.

The “real-world” aspect of forecasting needs to be addressed via a

personal experience. Several years ago, I was hired by a public utility company
in northern Maine to provide revenue forecasts. I used a sophisticated
forecasting technique, and excitedly reported my results to the client. The
client was happy with the work, but then proceeded to tell me that we needed
to “tweak” the forecasts based on things he thought would happen in the
future – litigation related to pricing, availability of electricity, etc. Because of
these real world issues with which I was unfamiliar, we increased our forecast
5% for one month, and decreased our forecast 3% for another month, etc. In
other words, we adjusted the scientific forecasts to accommodate realistic
issues. As the years have passed, this particular experience has become very
salient to me. The forecasting we have covered in chapter has been a scientific
pursuit, but the best forecasts should always consider real world issues that
can occur.

11.7 Exercises
1. The time series “SeriesG” documents domestic air travelers (in 1,000s)
from January, 1959 to December, 1970. Find the most appropriate forecasting
model and forecast domestic air travel for all months of 1971.

2. The time series “SnowShovels” shows demand for snow shovels from
January, 2006 through December, 2010. Find the most appropriate
forecasting model, and forecast snow shovel demand for all months of 2011.

3. The time series “TimeSeries1” shows Advertising dollars for a specific day,

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and the sales the following day. Using the most appropriate forecasting
model, explain the relationship between Advertising dollars and the next day’s

4. The time series “TimeSeries2” shows” monthly demand for a certain

entity. Find the most appropriate forecasting model and forecast demand one
year into the future.

5. JimBob’s Video Shoppe is interested in forecasting quarterly rentals

from the following data set:

Year Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

2010 2402 1821 1412 2937
2011 1967 1582 1510 2928
2012 2074 1838 1390 3142
2013 2104 1779 1390 2811

Use the provided data set to forecast one year into the future.

6. A dentist’s office bills on a bi-monthly basis. This means every two

months. January/February is one billing period, March/April is the next billing
period, etc. The “DentistBilling” data set details billing for the most recent
three years: 2010, 2011 and 2012. Choose the most appropriate model and
forecast one period into the future.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

12. Decision Tree Analysis

Life is filled with decision-making. Some decisions are easy, some are
difficult. In this chapter, we deal with the difficult decisions – at least from a
quantitative standpoint. An example of an easy decision is one where we are
offered two jobs – we will call them A and B. If jobs A and B are identical in
every aspect, with the exception of compensation, we take the job offering
the highest compensation. This decision is trivial.

Let’s take this example one step further. Job A offers more compensation
than does Job B, but Job B looks more promising in terms of professional
growth. What is the likelihood for growth regarding Job B? How much growth
is associated with Job B? All of a sudden this decision becomes less trivial
because of the uncertainty associated with future professional growth
opportunities. In short, we are confronted with a difficult decision.

In this chapter, we explore the tools used to analyze decisions that

involved uncertainty.

12.1 Decision Trees

To address these decisions involving uncertainty, we first itemize the list
of options and call them alternatives. We will assume there are n unique
alternatives, and refer to alternative i as ai. Each alternative has an uncertain
outcome that does not present itself until after the decision is made. We will
assume that there are m possible outcomes for each alternative. Each
outcome has a certain probability of occurring. We will refer to the probability
of outcome j occurring as pj. Each outcome has an associated payoff. We will
refer to the payoff associated with alternative i and outcome j as Pij.

We combine all of this information via a decision tree – a graphical

representation of all alternatives and associated outcomes and payoffs. A
rectangular node represents where a decision needs to be made. A round
node represents an outcome of which we are uncertain. Each outcome has
some probability of occurring. After the uncertainty is represented, we are
shown the payoff in monetary or similar units.

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As an example, consider the decision of whether or not to bring an

umbrella to work in the morning. There are two alternatives: bring an
umbrella or do not bring an umbrella. For each alternative, there is
uncertainty: rain or no rain. Our decision is influenced by the possible
outcomes. This problem is represented by the decision tree shown in Figure

Rain (-8)

Umbrella Rain?
No Rain

Rain (-25)

No Umbrella Rain?

No Rain (0)

Figure 12.1. Decision Tree for Umbrella Problem

There are four outcomes for this problem: (1) we bring an umbrella and it
rains; (2) we bring an umbrella and it does not rain; (3) we do not bring an
umbrella and it rains; and (4) we do not bring an umbrella and it rains. The
payoffs associated with these outcomes are: -8, -3 -25 and 0. These payoffs
are in units of utility – a non-monetary unit associated with success. “Utility”
is often used economics.

12.2 Decision Strategies

We are not unable to make a decision (choose an alternative) until we
know what it is we wish to accomplish. As such, prior to making a decision,
we need to pursue a particular strategy. In decision analysis, there are several
strategies, but we will cover the three most basic here.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

12.2.1 Optimistic Strategy (“Maximax”)

If we are optimistic, we assume the best will happen. In this case, we
choose our alternative assuming the best possible outcome will occur. This
means that for each alternative, we select the most favorable outcome and
then select the alternative with the best overall outcome. For our umbrella
problem, then, we choose accordingly:

Max[max(-8, -3), max(-25, 0)] (Eq. 12-1)

This simplifies to the following:

Max[-3, 0] = 0 (Eq. 12-2)

This “maximax” value of 0 is the payoff associated with not bringing an

umbrella, because we assume there will be no rain. The upshot of this is that
under the optimistic strategy, we choose not to bring an umbrella because we
don’t think it is going to rain.

12.2.2 Pessimistic Strategy (“Maximin”)

If we are pessimistic, we assume the worst will happen, and the make the
best decision accordingly. This means that for each alternative, we assume
the worst will happen, and then choose the alternative that provides us with
the best result. For our umbrella problem, we proceed as follows:

Max[min(-8, -3), min(-25, 0)] (Eq. 12-3)

This simplifies to the following:

Max[-8, -25] = -8 (Eq. 12-4)

The “maximin” value here is -8, the payoff associated with bringing an
umbrella when it rains. This means that the best pessimistic decision is to
bring an umbrella because we think it will rain.

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12.2.3 Expected Value Strategy

The first two strategies covered are important strategies, but for this
example, the results are self-obviating – the optimist will not bring an umbrella
because they do not think it will rain, while the pessimist will bring an umbrella
because they think it will rain.

We will now examine another strategy that is more rooted in

mathematics and specifically probability. We will explore the expected value
strategy, which is based on what we expect each alternative’s value to be. The
expected value for alternative ai is represented as E(ai) and is determined as
(Eq. 12-5)
𝐸(𝑎𝑖 ) = ∑ 𝑝𝑗 𝑃𝑖𝑗

For our umbrella problem, we will assume a probability of rain to be 0.25,

which implies a probability of no rain as 0.75.

For the umbrella alternative, our expected value is:

(.25)(-8) + (.75)(-3) = -4.25 (Eq. 12-6)

For the no umbrella alternative, our expected value is:

(.25)(-25) + (.75)(0) = -6.25 (Eq. 12-7)

Comparing the expected values of the two alternatives, we wish to maximize:

Max[-4.25, -6.25] = -4.25 (Eq. 12-8)

Our best alternative has an expected value of -4.25, and is associated with the
“no umbrella alternative.” As such, using expected value, we should not bring
the umbrella. We will call this value of -4.25 as the expected value.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

12.3 Expected Value of Perfect Information

We can take our discussion of expected value one step further. When we
calculated our expected value (EV) above, we essentially calculated the
expected value under uncertainty because we were not certain what would
happen in the future. Let’s assume for a moment that we have the ability to
make our decision with advanced knowledge of what will happen. For
example, if we knew in advance it was going to rain, we would bring our
umbrella, and if we knew in advance it was not going to rain, we would not
bring our umbrella. In terms of the mathematical approach to this problem,
the expected value under certainty would be as follows:
(Eq. 12-9)
𝐸𝑉𝑈𝐶 = ∑ 𝑝𝑗 ∙ max(𝑃𝑖𝑗 )

For our umbrella problem, assume we have advance knowledge that it will
rain. With that knowledge, we select an umbrella as that payoff is better than
the payoff associated with not bringing un umbrella when it rains (max[-8, -
25] = -8). With advance knowledge that it will not rain, we would choose not
to bring an umbrella because of the higher payoff (max[-3, 0] = 0). Because
our advance knowledge of rain will occur 25% of the time, and advance
knowledge of no rain will occur 75% of the time, our expected value under
certainty value is as follows:

EVUC = (-8)(.25) + (0)(.75) = -2 (Eq. 12-10)

In other words, under certainty – with advance knowledge of what will

happen, we expect a payoff of -2.

To summarize, under uncertainty, we have an expected value of -4.25.

We refer to this value as the expected value, or the expected value under
uncertainty (EVUU). Under certainty, we have an expected value of -2. We
call this the expected value under certainty (EVUC). The difference between
these two values is referred to as the expected value with perfect information

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(EVPI). Mathematically, this value is as follows:

EVPI = EVUC - EVUU (Eq. 12-11)

For our example, the EVPI is -2 - (-4.25) = 2.25. This value is always positive,
and numerically represents the difference between being certain and being
uncertain. Another way to interpret this is maximum amount you should
“pay” to eliminate uncertainty.

12.4 An Example
Let is consider a monetary example with three investment alternatives:
Bonds, Stocks and CDs. Each alternative has three possible outcomes: growth,
stagnation and inflation. We assume that the probability of growth is 50%,
the probability of stagnation is 30%, and the probability of inflation is 20%.
Figure 10.2 shows the details of this problem, including payoffs in decision tree

Bonds ?
Decision Stocks ?
CDs ?

Figure 12.2. Decision Tree for Investment Problem

Table 12.1 displays this data in table format for easy calculations.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Outcomes Results
Alternative Growth Stag. Inflation
Max Min EVUU
(p = 0.5) (p = 0.3) (p = 0.2)
Bonds $12 $6 $3 $12 $3 $8.4
Stocks $15 $3 -$2 $15 -$2 $8
CDs $6.5 $6.5 $6.5 $15 $6.5 $6.5
Max Val. $15 $6.5 $6.5 $15 $6.5 $8.4
Decision N/A Stocks CDs Bonds
Table 12.1. Details of Monetary Example Decision Tree Problem

For each alternative, the maximum, minimum and expected value payoffs
have been determined. The optimist would choose Stocks because $15, the
best possible outcome would occur via the Stocks decision. The pessimist
would choose CDs, because $6.5 is the best outcome assuming the worst will
happen. When pursuing expected value, Bonds is the best decision, because
they provide the highest expected value ($8.4).

The expected value under certainty is as follows:

EVUC = 15(0.5) + 6.5(0.3) + 6.5(0.3) = 10.75 (Eq. 12-12)

Now that we understand the expected value under uncertainty is $8.4 and the
expected value under certainty is $10.75, we can calculate the expected value
of perfect information as ($10.75 – $8.4 = $2.35). To put this result into a
monetary context, we can say that the value of eliminating uncertainty is
$2.35 – if we hired someone with the ability to somehow remove uncertainty
from our problem, we should pay them no more than $2.35 for their services.

12.5 Conclusions
Decision analysis is an important topic in that it bridges the theoretical
and applied worlds. I have personally never constructed a decision tree for a
decision that I have needed to make. Nevertheless, a decision tree does
structure a decision in terms of options, associated uncertainties and their
interrelationships, which is important.

Another thing worth considering is that our payoffs are subjected to

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interpretation. In our umbrella example, we talk about how being in the rain
without an umbrella is somehow a “bad” thing. That is basically stated from
the perspective of someone traveling to work or classes at the university.
Imagine, however, a nervous farmer in South Dakota worried about a dried-
out corn crop in August. If that farmer is caught in a downpour without an
umbrella will they be upset? Of course not – they will be relieved and happy.
This point needs to be made because payoffs need to be valued from the
proper perspective.

Another issue to consider is the concept of outcomes. In our example

problems, our outcomes are “discrete” – either a specific outcome occurs or
does not occur. In reality that is not the case. For our example problem, we
have outcomes that state it is either raining or it is not raining. Unfortunately,
there are times, especially in places like Seattle, San Francisco or London
where we are in a fog, and we’re not sure if it is raining or not – such situations
are not discrete. The thinking behind quantification of payoffs and outcomes
is part of a larger social science known as decision/utility theory.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the concept of expected value with perfect

information. As we define this concept, we describe it as the value of
eliminating uncertainty. In reality, of course, we cannot eliminate uncertainty.
If we had that ability, there is essentially no reason in having this book.
Nevertheless, we do perform better as organizations and individuals if we can
minimize uncertainty. Consider financial service companies like ETrade and
TDAmeritrade. These corporations, along with others, boast of research they
provide which “reduces” uncertainty, and subsequently improving portfolio
performance. They are essentially claiming that they have the ability to
reduce uncertainty. Regardless of whether or not these vague claims are true,
they do entice the investor to consider the value of the advertised research –
the claim of reduced uncertainty, which lies at the heart of decision analysis.

12.6 Exercises
For these questions, address the following: state what the optimist would do;

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

state what the pessimist would do; state what one would do using expected
value as a strategy; and state the expected value of perfect information.

1. I have some money to invest, and I have three investment options:

ChemicalBrothers, MötleyCrüe, and ConcreteBlonde. ChemicalBrothers has a
payoff of $10 when a good market occurs, and a loss of $5 when a bad market
occurs. MötleyCrüe has a payoff of $7 when a good market occurs, and a loss
of $4 when a bad market occurs. ConcreteBlonde has a payoff of $5 when a
good market occurs, and a loss of $2 when a bad market occurs. A good
market has a 40% chance of occurring.

2. You have been given some money to invest, and you are considering
three different options for your investment choice: AlphaStuds, BetaStuds
and GammaStuds. Under a favorable market, AlphaStuds will return $100, but
lose $30 under an unfavorable market. Under a favorable market, BetaStuds
will return $75, but lose $25 under an unfavorable market. GammaStuds will
return $60 under a favorable market, but lose $15 under an unfavorable
market. A favorable market has a 60% of occurring, while an unfavorable
market has a 40% chance of occurring. All money must be invested in one of
the three options – distributing the investment among multiple investments
is not permitted.

3. I have some money to invest. I will invest all of it in either RustStuds or

JetElectro. RustStuds will return a gain of $10 in a favorable market and a loss
of $3 in an unfavorable market. JetElectro will return a gain $14 in a favorable
market, and a loss of $5 in an unfavorable market. The probability of the
market being favorable is 60%, while there is a 40% probability of an
unfavorable market.

4. I have some money to invest, and I’m considering three possible

investments: AcmeCorp, BestCorp, and CoolioCorp. When the return is
favorable, I can expect a $1,000 payoff from AcmeCorp, a $500 return from
BestCorp, and a $400 return from CoolioCorp. When the return is
unfavorable, I can expect a loss of $300 from AcmeCorp, a loss of $200 from
BestCorp, and a loss of $100 from CoolioCorp. There is a 55% probability of a
favorable return and a 45% probability of an unfavorable return.

5. I have $1M to invest. I have narrowed my investment choices down to

two possible alternatives: AlphaTron and OmegaTron. I must invest all of the

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$1M in one of the securities – mixing the investment between the two
securities is not permitted. Under good market conditions, AlphaTron will
provide a return of $100K, while OmegaTron will provide a return of $60K.
Under average market conditions, AlphaTron will provide a return of $20K,
while OmegaTron will provide a return of $10K. Under bad market conditions,
AlphaTron will lose $60K, while OmegaTron will lose $30K. Good market
conditions are estimated to occur with a 40% probability, average and bad
market conditions are each estimated to occur with a 30% probability.

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Appendix. Development of Seasonal

Forecasting Problem
Consider the data set shown in the forecasting chapter:

Quarter t Dt t Dt t Dt Avg. SI
1 1 85 5 93 9 96 91.33 0.96
2 2 118 6 130 10 133 127.00 1.34
3 3 83 7 89 11 95 89.00 0.94
4 4 69 8 74 12 75 72.67 0.76
Table 1. Given Data with Seasonal Indices Calculated

This table is different in that instead of Demand in double-subscripted

notation, it is subscripted by time period, while the table’s rows are organized
by quarter. This easily lets us calculate seasonal averages and seasonal
indices, which are shown. The table is not re-organized so that all time periods
are in a single column.

Period SI Dt DSt
1 0.96 85 88.54
2 1.34 118 88.06
3 0.94 83 88.30
4 0.76 69 90.79
5 0.96 93 96.88
6 1.34 130 97.01
7 0.94 89 94.68
8 0.76 74 97.37
9 0.96 96 100.00
10 1.34 133 99.25
11 0.94 95 101.06
12 0.76 75 98.68
Table 2. De-Seasonalized Data

From the de-seasonlized data, we capture the trend, having an intercept of

87.12 and a slope of 1.21. Applying these terms to the de-seasonalized data,
we have the following fitted trend:

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Period SI Dt DSt Trend

1 0.96 85 88.54 88.33
2 1.34 118 88.06 89.54
3 0.94 83 88.30 90.75
4 0.76 69 90.79 91.96
5 0.96 93 96.88 93.17
6 1.34 130 97.01 94.38
7 0.94 89 94.68 95.59
8 0.76 74 97.37 96.8
9 0.96 96 100.00 98.01
10 1.34 133 99.25 99.22
11 0.94 95 101.06 100.43
12 0.76 75 98.68 101.64
Table 3. Fitted Trend

The final step in this process is to re-incorporate our seasonality, and extend
our fitted trend into the future. This is shown below:

Quantitative Methods for MBA Students

Period SI Dt DSt Trend Fit/Forecast

1 0.96 85 88.54 88.33 84.80
2 1.34 118 88.06 89.54 119.98
3 0.94 83 88.30 90.75 85.31
4 0.76 69 90.79 91.96 69.89
5 0.96 93 96.88 93.17 89.44
6 1.34 130 97.01 94.38 126.47
7 0.94 89 94.68 95.59 89.85
8 0.76 74 97.37 96.8 73.57
9 0.96 96 100.00 98.01 94.09
10 1.34 133 99.25 99.22 132.95
11 0.94 95 101.06 100.43 94.40
12 0.76 75 98.68 101.64 77.25
13 0.96 102.85 98.74
14 1.34 104.06 139.44
15 0.94 105.27 98.95
16 0.76 106.48 80.92
Table 4. Fits/Forecasts

Patrick R. McMullen

Having never written a book before, I’m not exactly sure how to cite
references. My knowledge of statistics has accumulated over the years to the
point where most all of what has been written here came from experience. As
such, the references I cite below are from books that I like, books I have used
in the past, or books in my collection that history has deemed as important.

Albright, C., Winston, W. and Zappe, C. “Data Analysis and Decision Making,
4th Edition.” Cengage Learning. Cincinnati, OH. 2011.
Bowerman, B., O’Connell, R. and Murphee, E. “Business Statistics in Practice.”
Irwin/McGraw-Hill. New York, New York. 2011.
Box, G. and Jenkins, G. “Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control.”
Holden-Day. San Francisco, CA. 1970.
Brightman, H. “Statistics in Plain English.” Southwestern Publishing.
Cincinnati, OH. 1986.
Gaither, N. and Frazier, G. “Operations Management.” Southwestern
Publishing. Cincinnati, OH. 2002.
Sharpe, N., DeVeaux, R. and Velleman, P. “Business Statistics: A First Course.”
Pearson Higher Education. New York, New York. 2014.
Sternstein, M. “Statistics.” Barron’s College Review Series. Hauppauge, New
York. 1996.
Wonnacott, T.H. and Wonnatott, R.J. “Introductory Statistics.” John Wiley &
Sons. New York, New York. 1990.


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