Agv Ex 1
Agv Ex 1
Agv Ex 1
1) An automated guided vehicle system has an average travel distance per delivery =
220 m and an average empty travel distance =160 m. Load and unload times are each
24sec and the and speed of the AGV = 1 m/sec. Traffic factor = 0.9 and availability =
0.94. How many vehicles are needed to satisfy a delivery requirement of 35
2) A planned manufacturing system will have the layout pictured in Figure and will use
an automated guided vehicle system to move parts between stations ln the layout. All
work parts are loaded into the system at station 1, moved to one of three processing
stations (2,3, or 4), and then brought back to station 1 for unloading. once loaded onto
its AGV, each work part stays onboard the vehicle throughout its time ii the
manufacturing system. Load and unload times at station 1 are each 0.5 min. Processing
times at the processing stations are 6.5 min at station 2, 8.0 min at station 3, and 9.5 min
at station 4. Vehicle speed = 50 m/min. Assume that the traffic factor = 1.0 and vehicle
availability = 100%.
(a) Construct the from-to chart for distances.
(b) Determine the maximum hourly production rate for each of the three processing
stations, assuming that 15 sec will be lost between successive vehicles at each station;
this is the time for the vehicle presently at the station to move out and the next vehicle
to move into the station for processing.
(c) Find the total number of AGVs that will be needed to achieve these production rates.
3) In the previous problem, it is unrealistic to assume that the traffic factor will be 1.0
and that vehicle availability will be 100%. It is also unrealistic to believe that the
processing stations will operate at 100% reliability. Solve the problem except the traffic
factor = 90% and availability of the vehicles and processing workstations = 95 %.
4) An AGVS has an average loaded travel distance per delivery = 500 ft. The average
empty travel distance is not known. Required number of deliveries/hr = 30. Load and
unload times are each 1.0 min and the AGV speed = 350 ft/min. Anticipated traffic factor
= 0.90 and availability = 0.85. Develop an equation that relates the number of vehicles
required to operate the system as a function of the average empty travel distance Le.