The ABC of EMG
The ABC of EMG
The ABC of EMG
A Practical Introduction
to Kinesiological Electromyography
Peter Konrad
Version 1.4 March 2006
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ISBN 0-9771622-1-4
ISBN 0-9771622-1-4
Copyright © 2005 by Noraxon U.S.A., Inc.
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The main intention is to simplify the first steps in the use of EMG as
research and evaluation tool and “get started”. It tries to overview and
Fig.1: A fundamental EMG text
summarize the basic knowledge needed to apply and perform mean- book. Basmajian&DeLuca: Mus-
cles Alive (2)
ingful EMG setups and concentrates on practical questions and solu-
It is strongly recommended to study the scientific publications and textbooks related to a certain topic. This
booklet cannot reflect the variety of different views, opinions and strategies that have to be considered for a
responsible scientific use of EMG.
Definition of EMG
"Electromyography (EMG) is an experimental technique concerned with the development, recording and
analysis of myoelectric signals. Myoelectric signals are formed by physiological variations in the state of
muscle fiber membranes." (2).
Unlike the classical Neurological EMG, where an artificial muscle response due to external electrical stimu-
lation is analyzed in static conditions, the focus of Kinesiological EMG can be described as the study of the
voluntary neuromuscular activation of muscles within postural tasks, functional movements, work conditions
and treatment/training regimes.
Excitation Excitation
Na+ K +
Na +
K +
- Na+ K+
+ +
Cell - Ion- Electrical
Membrane Pump gradient
- + -
Na+ K+ Na+ K+ Na+ K+
A- A- A-
Steady State at- 80mV
80mV Increased Na- Influx Increased Na- Efflux
due to ionic pump
+ 30 mV
Fig.6: Schematic
illustration of depo-
larization / repolariza-
tion cycle within
excitable membranes
- 80
through a tubular system. Fig.7: The Action Potential. Adopted & redrawn from 5, p. 164
This excitation leads to the release of calcium ions in the intra-cellular space. Linked chemical processes
(Electro-mechanical coupling) finally produce a shortening of the contractile elements of the muscle cell.
This model linking excitation and contraction represents a highly correlated relationship (although weak exci-
tations can exist that do not result in contraction). From a practical point of view, one can assume that in a
healthy muscle any form of muscle contraction is accompanied by the described mechanisms.
The EMG signal is based upon action potentials at the muscle fiber membrane resulting from depolarization
and repolarization processes as described above. The extent of this Depolarization zone (Fig. 8) is de-
scribed in the literature as approximately 1-3mm² (11). After initial excitation, this zone travels along the mus-
cle fiber at a velocity of 2-6m/s and passes through the electrode site:
Differential Display
Amplifier Unit
Skin Electrodes
membrane area
Sarcolemna --- +++
+++ ---
Fig.8: The
Front of excitation tion zone on
muscle fiber
Direction of propagation Adopted &
modified from
7, p. 73)
α motoneuron +
Fiber +
Site +
Superposition of MUAPs
25 mathematically generated MUAPs
In kinesiological studies the motor unit action
potentials of all active motor units detectable
under the electrode site are electrically su-
perposed (Fig. 11) and observed as a bipolar
signal with symmetric distribution of positive
and negative amplitudes (mean value equals
to zero). It is called an Interference pattern.
MU 1
Motor Unit Recruitment
(3 Hz)
MU 2
(4 Hz)
Voltage (mV)
MU 3
( 6 Hz)
(8 Hz)
Fig.12: Recruitment and
firing frequency of motor
Superposed units modulates force
Surface Signal output and is reflected in
the superposed EMG
signal. Adopted & modified
from 7, p. 75
An unfiltered (exception: amplifier bandpass) and unprocessed signal detecting the superposed MUAPs is
called a raw EMG Signal. In the example given below (Fig. 13), a raw surface EMG recording (sEMG) was
done for three static contractions of the biceps brachii muscle:
Active Rest
Contraction Burst Period
Non reproducible
amplitude spikes
Base Line
time (ms)
Fig.13: The raw EMG recording of 3 contractions bursts of the M. biceps br.
When the muscle is relaxed, a more or less noise-free EMG Baseline can be seen. The raw EMG baseline
noise depends on many factors, especially the quality of the EMG amplifier, the environment noise and the
quality of the given detection condition. Assuming a state-of-the-art amplifier performance and proper skin
preparation (see the following chapters), the averaged baseline noise should not be higher than 3 – 5 micro-
volts, 1 to 2 should be the target. The investigation of the EMG baseline quality is a very important checkpoint
of every EMG measurement. Be careful not to interpret interfering noise or problems within the detection ap-
paratus as “increased” base activity or muscle (hyper-) tonus!
The healthy relaxed muscle shows no significant EMG activity due to lack of depolarization and action poten-
tials. By its nature, raw EMG spikes are of random shape, which means one raw recording burst cannot be
precisely reproduced in exact shape. This is due to the fact that the actual set of recruited motor units con-
stantly changes within the matrix/diameter of available motor units: If occasionally two or more motor units
fire at the same time and they are located near the electrodes, they produce a strong superposition spike. By
applying a smoothing algorithm (e.g. moving average) or selecting a proper amplitude parameter (e.g. area
under the rectified curve), the non- reproducible contents of the signal is eliminated or at least minimized.
Raw sEMG can range between +/- 5000 microvolts (athletes!) and typically the frequency contents ranges
between 6 and 500 Hz, showing most frequency power between ~ 20 and 150 Hz (see chapter Signal Check
On its way from the muscle membrane up to the electrodes, the EMG signal can be influenced by several ex-
ternal factors altering its shape and characteristics. They can basically be grouped in:
Neighboring muscles may produce a significant amount of EMG that is detected by the local electrode site.
Typically this “Cross Talk” does not exceed 10%-15% of the overall signal contents or is not available at all.
However, care must been taken for narrow arrangements within muscle groups.
ECG spikes can interfere with the EMG recording, especially when
performed on the upper trunk & shoulder muscles. They are easy to
see and new algorithms are developed to eliminate them (see ECG
4) External noise
Special care must be taken in very noisy electrical environments. The most demanding is the direct interfer-
ence of power hum, typically produced by incorrect grounding of other external devices.
Method A:
Special abrasive and conductive cleaning pastes are available which remove dead skin cells (they produce
high impedance) and clean the skin from dirt and sweat.
Method B:
Alternatively, a very find sand paper can be used: A soft and controlled pressure in 3 or 4 sweeps usually is
enough to get a good result. Attention: Avoid any harm to the skin from rubbing too hard! The use of sand-
paper should be combined with an alcohol pad cleaning.
Method C:
The pure use of alcohol may be another alternative if used with a textile towel (that allows soft rubbing). This
latter method may be sufficient for static muscle function tests in uncompromised conditions.
Whichever skin preparation method and electrode application technique is used, when done properly, the
skin typically receives a light red color. This indicates good skin impedance condition.
ABC of EMG – A Practical Introduction to Kinesiological Electromyography Page 15