Cloud Architecture
Cloud Architecture
Cloud Architecture
3 From the Editor PUBLISHER
Arcitura Education Inc.
SOA Maturity Alongside Contract Standardization PRODUCTION MANAGER
by Jürgen Kress, Berthold Maier, Hajo Normann, Pamela Janice Yau
Jasper Paladino
Manuel Rosa
Promoting Organizational Visibility for SOA and André Sampaio
SOA Governance Initiatives Danilo Schmiedel
Guido Schmutz
by Manuel Rosa & André Sampaio Bernd Trops
Clemens Utschig-Utschig
Torsten Winterberg
Raghu Yeluri
66 Contributors
“A cloud computing book that will stand out and survive the
test of time…. I highly recommend this book…”
Christoph Schittko, Principal Technology Strategist,
Microsoft Corp.
The following is an excerpt from the new book “Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture”. For
more information about this book, visit
This chapter introduces and describes several of the more common foundational cloud architectural models,
each exemplifying a common usage and characteristic of contemporary cloud-based environments. The
involvement and importance of different combinations of cloud computing mechanisms in relation to these
architectures are explored.
Figure 11.1 - A redundant copy of Cloud Service A is implemented on Virtual Server B. The load balancer
intercepts cloud service consumer requests and directs them to both Virtual Servers A and B to ensure even
workload distribution.
This fundamental architectural model can be applied to any IT resource, with workload distribution commonly
carried out in support of distributed virtual servers, cloud storage devices, and cloud services. Load balancing
systems applied to specific IT resources usually produce specialized variations of this ar-chitecture that
incorporate aspects of load balancing, such as:
■■ the service load balancing architecture explained later in this chapter
■■ the load balanced virtual server architecture covered in Chapter 12
■■ the load balanced virtual switches architecture described in Chapter 13
In addition to the base load balancer mechanism, and the virtual server and cloud storage device mechanisms
to which load bal-ancing can be applied, the following mechanisms can also be part of this cloud architecture:
■■ Audit Monitor - When distributing runtime workloads, the type and geographical location of the IT resources
that process the data can determine whether monitoring is necessary to fulfill legal and regulatory
■■ Cloud Usage Monitor - Various monitors can be involved to carry out runtime workload tracking and data
■■ Hypervisor - Workloads between hypervisors and the virtual servers that they host may require distribution.
■■ Logical Network Perimeter - The logical network perimeter isolates cloud consumer network boundaries in
relation to how and where workloads are distributed.
■■ Resource Cluster - Clustered IT resources in active/active mode are commonly used to support workload
balancing between different cluster nodes.
■■ Resource Replication - This mechanism can generate new in-stances of virtualized IT resources in response
to runtime workload distribution demands.
Virtual server pools are usually configured using one of several available templates
chosen by the cloud consumer during pro-visioning. For example, a cloud consumer
can set up a pool of mid-tier Windows servers with 4 GB of RAM or a pool of low-tier
Ubuntu servers with 2 GB of RAM.
CPU pools are ready to be allocated to virtual servers, and are typically broken down
into individual processing cores.
Figure 11.2 - A sample resource pool that is comprised of four sub-pools of CPUs, memory, cloud storage
devices, and virtual network devices.
Resource pools can become highly complex, with multiple pools created for specific cloud consumers or
applications. A hierar-chical structure can be established to form parent, sibling, and nested pools in order to
facilitate the organization of diverse resource pooling requirements (Figure 11.3).
Sibling resource pools are usually drawn from physically grouped IT resources, as opposed to IT resources
that are spread out over different data centers. Sibling pools are isolated from one another so that each cloud
consumer is only provided access to its respective pool.
In the nested pool model, larger pools are divided into smaller pools that individually group the same type of IT
resources to-gether (Figure 11.4). Nested pools can be used to assign re-source pools to different departments
or groups in the same cloud consumer organization.
After resources pools have been defined, multiple instances of IT resources from each pool can be created to
provide an in-memory pool of “live” IT resources.
In addition to cloud storage devices and virtual servers, which are commonly pooled mechanisms, the following
mechanisms can al-so be part of this cloud architecture:
■■ Audit Monitor - This mechanism monitors resource pool usage to ensure compliance with privacy and
regulation require-ments, especially when pools contain cloud storage devices or data loaded into memory.
Figure 11.3 - Pools B and C are sibling pools that are taken from the larger Pool A, which has been allocated
to a cloud consumer. This is an alternative to taking the IT resources for Pool B and Pool C from a general
reserve of IT resources that is shared throughout the cloud.
■■ Cloud Usage Monitor - Various cloud usage monitors are in-volved in the runtime tracking and
synchronization that are required by the pooled IT resources and any underlying man-agement systems.
■■ Hypervisor - The hypervisor mechanism is responsible for providing virtual servers with access to resource
pools, in addition to hosting the virtual servers and sometimes the resource pools themselves.
Figure 11.4 - Nested Pools A.1 and Pool A.2 are comprised of the same IT resources as Pool A, but in different
quantities. Nested pools are typically used to provision cloud services that need to be rapidly instantiated using
the same type of IT resources with the same configuration settings.
■■ Logical Network Perimeter - The logical network perimeter is used to logically organize and isolate resource
■■ Pay-Per-Use Monitor - The pay-per-use monitor collects usage and billing information on how individual
cloud consumers are allocated and use IT resources from various pools.
■■ Remote Administration System - This mechanism is commonly used to interface with backend systems and
programs in order to provide resource pool administration features via a front-end portal.
■■ Resource Management System - The resource management system mechanism supplies cloud consumers
with the tools and per-mission management options for administering resource pools.
■■ Resource Replication - This mechanism is used to generate new instances of IT resources for resource
Figure 11.5 - Cloud service consumers are sending requests to a cloud service (1). The automated scaling
listener monitors the cloud service to determine if predefined capacity thresholds are being exceeded (2).
Figure 11.6 - The number of requests coming from cloud service consumers increases (3). The workload
exceeds the performance thresholds. The automated scaling listener determines the next course of action
based on a predefined scaling policy (4). If the cloud service implementation is deemed eligible for additional
scaling, the automated scaling listener initiates the scaling process (5).
Figure 11.7 - The automated scaling listener sends a signal to the resource replication mechanism (6), which
creates more instances of the cloud service (7). Now that the increased workload has been accommodated,
the automated scaling listener resumes monitoring and detracting and adding IT resources, as required (8).
The dynamic scalability architecture can be applied to a range of IT resources, including virtual servers and
cloud storage de-vices. Besides the core automated scaling listener and resource replication mechanisms,
the following mechanisms can also be used in this form of cloud architecture:
■■ Cloud Usage Monitor - Specialized cloud usage monitors can track runtime usage in response to
dynamic fluctuations caused by this architecture.
■■ Hypervisor - The hypervisor is invoked by a dynamic scala-bility system to create or remove virtual server
instances, or to be scaled itself.
■■ Pay-Per-Use Monitor - The pay-per-use monitor is engaged to collect usage cost information in response
to the scaling of IT resources.
Figure 11.8 - Cloud service consumers are actively sending requests to a cloud service (1), which are
monitored by an automated scaling listener (2). An intelligent automation engine script is deployed with
workflow logic (3) that is capable of notifying the resource pool using allocation requests (4).
Figure 11.9 - Cloud service consumer requests increase (5), causing the automated scaling listener to signal
the intelligent automation engine to execute the script (6). The script runs the workflow logic that signals the
hypervisor to allocate more IT resources from the resource pools (7). The hypervisor allocates additional CPU
and RAM to the virtual server, enabling the increased workload to be handled (8).
The load balancer can be positioned either independent of the cloud services and their host servers (Figure
11.10), or built-in as part of the application or server’s environment. In the latter case, a primary server with the
load balancing logic can communicate with neighboring servers to balance the workload (Figure 11.11).
The service load balancing architecture can involve the follow-ing mechanisms in addition to the load balancer:
■■ Cloud Usage Monitor - Cloud usage monitors may be involved with monitoring cloud service instances
and their respective IT resource consumption levels, as well as various runtime monitoring and usage data
collection tasks.
■■ Resource Cluster - Active-active cluster groups are incorpo-rated in this architecture to help balance
workloads across different members of the cluster.
■■ Resource Replication - The resource replication mechanism is utilized to generate cloud service
implementations in support of load balancing requirements.
Figure 11.10 - The load balancer intercepts messages sent by cloud service consumers (1) and forwards them
to the virtual servers so that the workload processing is horizontally scaled (2).
Figure 11.11 - Cloud service consumer requests are sent to Cloud Service A on Virtual Server A (1). The cloud
service implementation includes built-in load balancing logic that is capable of distributing requests to the
neighboring Cloud Service A implementations on Virtual Servers B and C (2).
The automated scaling listener determines when to redirect re-quests to cloud-based IT resources, and
resource replication is used to maintain synchronicity between on-premise and cloud-based IT resources in
relation to state information (Figure 11.12).
Figure 11.12 - An automated scaling listener monitors the usage of on-premise Service A, and redirects
Service Consumer C’s request to Service A’s redundant implementation in the cloud (Cloud Service A) once
Service A’s usage threshold has been exceeded (1). A resource replication system is used to keep state
management databases synchronized (2).
In addition to the automated scaling listener and resource rep-lication, numerous other mechanisms can be
used to automate the burst in and out dynamics for this architecture, depending pri-marily on the type of IT
resource being scaled.
Figure 11.13 - The cloud consumer requests a virtual server with three hard disks, each with a capacity of 150
GB (1). The virtual server is provisioned according to the elastic disk provisioning architecture, with a total of
450 GB of disk space (2). The 450 GB is allocated to the virtual server by the cloud provider (3). The cloud
consumer has not installed any software yet, meaning the actual used space is currently 0 GB (4). Because
the 450 GB are already allocated and reserved for the cloud consumer, it will be charged for 450 GB of disk
usage as of the point of allocation (5).
The elastic disk provisioning architecture establishes a dynamic storage provisioning system that ensures that
the cloud consumer is granularly billed for the exact amount of storage that it actually uses. This system uses
thin-provisioning technology for the dynamic allocation of storage space, and is further sup-ported by runtime
usage monitoring to collect accurate usage data for billing purposes (Figure 11.14).
Figure 11.14 - The cloud consumer requests a virtual server with three hard disks, each with a capacity of 150
GB (1). The virtual server is provisioned by this architecture with a total of 450 GB of disk space (2). The 450
GB are set as the maximum disk usage that is allowed for this virtual server, although no physical disk space
has been reserved or allocated yet (3). The cloud consumer has not installed any software, meaning the actual
used space is currently at 0 GB (4). Because the allocated disk space is equal to the actual used space (which
is currently at zero), the cloud consumer is not charged for any disk space usage (5).
Thin-provisioning software is installed on virtual servers that process dynamic storage allocation via the
hypervisor, while the pay-per-use monitor tracks and reports granular billing-related disk usage data (Figure
Figure 11.15 - A request is received from a cloud consumer, and the provisioning of a new virtual server
instance begins (1). As part of the provisioning process, the hard disks are chosen as dynamic or thin-
provisioned disks (2). The hypervisor calls a dynamic disk allocation component to create thin disks for the
virtual server (3). Virtual server disks are created via the thin-provisioning program and saved in a folder of
near-zero size. The size of this folder and its files grow as operating applications are installed and additional
files are copied onto the virtual server (4). The pay-per-use monitor tracks the actual dynamically allocated
storage for billing purposes (5).
The following mechanisms can be included in this architecture in addition to the cloud storage device, virtual
server, hypervisor, and pay-per-use monitor:
■■ Cloud Usage Monitor - Specialized cloud usage monitors can be used to track and log storage usage
■■ Resource Replication - Resource replication is part of an elastic disk provisioning system when conversion
of dynamic thin-disk storage into static thick-disk storage is required.
The storage service gateway is a component that acts as the external interface to cloud storage services, and
is capable of automatically redirecting cloud consumer requests whenever the location of the requested data
has changed.
The redundant storage architecture introduces a secondary du-plicate cloud storage device as part of a failover
system that synchronizes its data with the data in the primary cloud storage device. A storage service gateway
diverts cloud consumer requests to the secondary device whenever the primary device fails (Figures 11.16 and
Figure 11.16 - The primary cloud storage device is routinely replicated to the secondary
cloud storage device (1).
Figure 11.17 - The primary storage becomes unavailable and the storage service gateway forwards the cloud
consumer requests to the secondary storage device (2). The secondary storage device forwards the requests
to the LUNs, allowing cloud consumers to continue to access their data (3).
This cloud architecture primarily relies on a storage replica-tion system that keeps the primary cloud storage
device syn-chronized with its duplicate secondary cloud storage devices (-Figure 11.18).
Cloud providers may locate secondary cloud storage devices in a different geographical region than the
primary cloud storage device, usually for economic reasons. However, this can introduce legal concerns for
some types of data. The location of the sec-ondary cloud storage devices can dictate the protocol and method
used for synchronization, as some replication transport pro-tocols have distance restrictions.
Figure 11.18 - Storage replication is used to keep the redundant storage device synchronized with the primary
storage device.
Some cloud providers use storage devices with dual array and storage controllers to improve device
redundancy, and place sec-ondary storage devices in a different physical location for cloud balancing and
disaster recovery purposes. In this case, cloud providers may need to lease a network connection via a third-
party cloud provider in order to establish the replication between the two devices.
Figure 11.19 - A cloud-based version of the on-premise Remote Upload Module service is deployed on ATN’s
leased ready-made environment (1). The automated scaling listener monitors service consumer requests (2).
Figure 11.20 - The automated scaling listener detects that service consumer usage has exceeded the local
Remote Upload Module service’s usage threshold, and begins diverting excess requests to the cloud-based
Remote Upload Module implementation (3). The cloud provider’s pay-per-use monitor tracks the requests
received from the on-premise automated scaling listener to collect billing data, and Remote Upload Module
cloud service instances are created on-demand via resource replication (4).
A “burst in” system is invoked after the service usage has de-creased enough so that service consumer
requests can be pro-cessed by the on-premise Remote Upload Module implementation again. Instances of the
cloud services are released, and no additional cloud-related usage fees are incurred.
the IT education company
Issue LXXIII • June 2013
If a business activity service (BAS) comprises business entity services (BESs) of different designs from
multiple “application SOAs,” the data that is exchanged will vary greatly in structure. A single “contract”
business object can be structured very differently for each application service (Fig. 2).
Figure 3 illustrates how a high level of integration effort is required for each compiled service even though all of
the services are based on underlying standards like SOAP and WSDL. Great integration effort is caused by the
different structural characteristics of the data types.
A high level of integration effort is required for service usage due to an absence of industry standards, which
forces service reuse efforts to remain difficult and highly cost-intensive. These drawbacks cause developers
to prefer building functionality themselves rather than using services. Integration effort is therefore a major
obstacle on the path to successful SOA adoption.
The solution lies in domain-wide standards that are placed at the level of functional data exchanges and
technical cross-sectional data exchanges. LEGO is chosen as a metaphor to demonstrate the necessity of
standardization in service contracts, since the uniformity of LEGO brick structure produces the perfect fit. A
LEGO brick that has just a minor imperfection or a small protrusion cannot be properly attached to other bricks.
Similarly, simplified service reuse can be achieved by merely standardizing the exchanged data.
Figure 4 illustrates how combining services that are based on the same standards can be as basic as building
structures out of LEGO bricks. This is the holy grail of SOA. The artificial connector, the integration layer,
becomes very small or ceases to exist.
Figure 4 - The “holy grail” of SOA: easy use through standardized interfaces.
Achieving Standardization
One of the most important characteristics of the industrialization approach is a domain-wide standardization of
interfaces or “service-level agreements.” This agreement is a contract into which a service enters with its users,
and is the prerequisite for BASs that are incorporated as function components for processes and portals.
Considerable integration effort isn’t required, and SLA compliance can in evaluated through enterprise asset
management (EAM) or business process management (BPM) dashboards.
It is conceivable for specifications to be centrally determined on an SOA dashboard as an option for
establishing the standards throughout an enterprise or organization. SOA governance tasks check and verify
their use and compliance with the applicable specifications. These governance tasks require substantial effort
to remain compliant with the specifications of standardized interfaces, which must be fulfilled for each service.
The model-driven generation of service contracts can be implemented to reduce this effort and allow service
developers to focus their attention on service implementation instead.
SOA architects define business object data types for reference data types and cross-sectional data types
to prepare for a range of errors. The underlying business objects and their attributes are saved as an object
model, such as the unified modeling language (UML), in a central repository. Service designers use this
centralized object repository when defining contracts and “feed” the repository into the generator, which
creates the service interface in accordance with previously specified rules. This process demonstrates how a
tool expert has defined the compilation of a standardized WSDL from selected data, cross-sectional data, and
reference data.
SOAP messages are exchanged during runtime. The standardized filling in of SOAP headers, which also
contain essential information for dashboard evaluations, is one of the tasks of the enterprise service bus
(ESB). The ESB is configured for this task only once and doesn’t typically require any further involvement from
the developer who programs services.
The interface specification, WSDL, and SOAP messages are now created according to the standards of the
central architecture. Generating service contracts beyond or outside of this standard structure is not possible.
The shift away from developer specifications and governance tasks that monitor specifications compliance,
towards a generator-driven contract manufacturing process, is a key aspect of the implementation of the
factory approach to industrialized SOA.
the IT education company
Issue LXXIII • June 2013
Everyone seems to need to use an enterprise service bus (ESB) nowadays, but there is much confusion about
its actual benefit and the various concepts this term entails. This uncertainty is revealed in statements like,
“Help! My boss says we need an ESB,” or “Why do I need an ESB at all? Can’t I achieve the same thing with
BPEL or BPMN?” or even “We can do everything ourselves in language X.” This article is an attempt to answer
some of the most important questions surrounding this term using concrete examples, so that the areas of
application that can be deemed “correct” for ESBs can be clarified:
■■ What exactly is the definition of an ESB? Is it a product or an architecture pattern?
■■ What are some practical uses for an ESB?
■■ Do I need an ESB to build an SOA platform?
■■ Which requirements do I need to satisfy?
■■ Which criteria can I use to select the ESB that is most suitable for my needs?
Figure 1 - The ESB architecture pattern is divided into these main system architectures.
The ESBs that are available in today’s market essentially differ in terms of the architecture of their systems. As
shown in the preceding figure, they are mostly based on the following architectures:
Mediation Agents
Although these products don’t technically qualify as ESBs because a service platform is provided, more than
one vendor has been known to label this type of product as such. Mediation agents can be centralized or
distributed and support service mediation. There are also related product categories that implement parts of
ESBs but are not officially marketed as ESBs by manufacturers [REF-1]:
XML Gateway
XML gateways are hardware appliances that primarily support service mediation, which is one of the key
features of ESBs. In fact, XML gateways often support service mediation capabilities that ESBs do not or
cannot support, such as transformation acceleration and the decryption and encryption of XML documents.
However, XML gateways do not provide a service platform, a feature that is typically associated with ESBs.
Application Servers
Many ESB platforms offer a service platform for building and hosting services. In this case, the ESB is also
an application server. Many application servers provide containers for operating services and also offer a
restricted capability for message processing and policy enforcement. Application server adapters support the
integration of legacy systems through technologies such as Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA). In most
cases, an application server only supports a few protocols, and a precise separation of ESB and application
servers is difficult. Many developers require an application server as the basis for their ESB.
API Gateways
Companies and organizations aim to expose access to a subset of their key services and data to business
partners and customers in an easy-to-use, standardized manner in the form of an API. This implies distinct
security, performance, integration concerns that can then be addressed by API gateways. They encompass
features for threat protection to ensure Quality of Service. They are not an ESB but do provide a certain
overlap in terms of features. Examples for such shared features are transformations
and routings.
A general rule of thumb to note is that when services are exposed to the outside world, an API gateway is a
tool to be considered. It is positioned outside of the Intranet, typically in the DMZ. It manages only the subset of
services that is communicating with external parties.
An ESB is used for service virtualization, typically manage a much larger set of services, and is positioned
inside the Intranet.
ESB Blueprint
Due to the lack of standardization, the ESB market is rather confusing. There are many products that claim to
be ESBs but offer quite different solutions and are based on different architectures. To allow for more effective
evaluation of ESB products, the various functions that are assigned to an ESB have been arranged into a
blueprint (Figure 2).
The ESB blueprint diagram doesn’t include an “orchestration” or “process choreography” component, as it is
considered to be part of the BPMS category. These offer dedicated runtime environments for long-running,
stateful business processes that are optimized for this and support languages such as BPMN or BPEL. ESBs
should be stateless and configured to process messages as efficiently as possible.
sending alert messages that can be sent via various channels so that existing monitoring environments can
also be incorporated. SLA Rules are rules that can be defined on the basis of information from the Statistics
& Status functional component. This allows SLAs to be measured and monitored. Any SLA infringements are
notified using the Alerting component.
Message Tracking provides the option of easily tracking messages within the ESB, and should be activated
whenever required so as to minimize any associated overhead. Message Redelivery ensures that messages
that aren’t processed immediately are automatically resent after a pre-defined period of time. The number of
attempts and the interval between them can be configured. This component is primarily suitable for technical
errors that only last a certain length of time, such as temporary network outages. Endpoint Failover enables
the option of specifying an alternate service provider that is automatically called whenever the primary service
provider is not available.
Load Balancing allows several service endpoints to be listed for one logical service provider endpoint. It uses
redundant service implementations that are called alternately for each request according to a defined strategy,
which can be round-robin or according to message priority or load dependency.
Message Throttling makes it possible to define a maximum number of messages per unit of time for a service
endpoint that should be sent to the service provider. It prevents the service provider from being overloaded
at peak times by buffering messages that lie over the threshold in a queue in the ESB. Message Throttling
can also support message priorities so that messages of higher priority are always processed first. Logging &
Reporting allows messages to be logged and then easily displayed at a later time. It can also provide functional
Configuration Management enables secure configuration adjustments to the ESB on an operational system,
while constantly upholding the integrity of the configuration. Artifacts and attributes can be adapted and
replaced during operation. A history of the changes can also be kept so that an ESB service can be rolled back
to an earlier status at any time. Service Registry offers the option of registering and managing services on the
ESB. High Availability ensures that the services provided by the ESB are failsafe, regardless of the status of
the server on which it is operated.
The Error Hospital is the destination for the messages that can’t be processed after multiple redelivery
attempts, where they can be viewed, corrected if necessary, and reprocessed. Deployment offers the option
of installing services automatically on the ESB. Environment-specific parameters such as endpoint URIs are
typically overridable by this component. Service Usage allows the use of services to be logged and charged to
the user.
Mediation Module
The mediation module contains the functional components that are used to implement the message flow of an
ESB service. Message Routing allows messages to be forwarded to a particular service endpoint depending
on their content. The criteria for forwarding may originate from the message body or the message header, if the
protocol used or the message format supports a header area that is independent of the message body.
Routing based on headers can be an attractive option to improve service performance and scalability, as direct
access to the header is more efficient than parsing the routing information from the body. This is of particular
consequence for larger messages.
Message Transformation enables conversion from one message format to another that is applicable to text
and binary messages as well as XML formats. In addition, there is also the option of converting from text,
such as the CSV format, to XML and vice versa. XML transformations use the well-known standard XSLT,
which enables declarative descriptions of transformations and has graphical resources with drag-and-drop
functionality for creation purposes.
A major drawback of XSLT transformations is a high memory usage if large documents are being processed,
which may restrict the scalability of a solution. It is preferable if the ESB offers transformation options that
support XML streaming, such as via XQuery.
Service Callout offers the option of accessing other services within a message flow in the ESB, such as to
enhance a message. A service may be a Web service but the ESB can conceivably enable program code
that’s installed locally on the ESB to be called directly, such as a Java class method. Reliable Messaging is the
support of reliable message transfer using queuing or WS* standards, such as WS-ReliableMessaging.
Protocol Translation means the possibility of switching from a certain communication protocol to a different
one without any programming effort, such as from TCP/IP to HTTP. Message Validation ensure that messages
are valid. In the case of XML, this means that the message contains well-defined XML and corresponds to a
certain XML schema or WSDL. However, the ESB can also offer other validation means, such as Schematron
or a rules engine.
Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) is the support of message exchange patterns, such as synchronous and
asynchronous request/reply, one-way call, and publish/subscribe. Result Cache provides the option of saving
results from a service call in a cache, so that each subsequent call returning the same result can be answered
from the cache without calling the service again. This particularly applicable if the data is static or requires
sporadic or infrequent changes. Potentially expensive operations, such as accessing a legacy system, can be
reduced significantly.
Transaction allows ESBs offer transactional integrity through message processing. The persistent queues that
the ESB uses to support Reliable Messaging generally work as transactional data sources, and can therefore
participate in heterogeneous transactions. In addition, the ESB can offer a distributed transaction manager that
can coordinate distributed transactions via heterogeneous data sources using the two-phase commit protocol.
Message Resequencing allows a flow of messages that belong together but aren’t in the correct order to be
resequenced. In a message-oriented solution with parallel processing of messages, the sequence in which the
messages enter the ESB can be lost. Message Resequencing can be incorporated into the message flow If
the sequence is of import for the service provider. A resequencer contains an internal buffer that processes the
messages until the complete sequence is available and can be sent.
Pass-Through Messaging provides efficient forwarding of messages by the ESB. This is useful if the ESB is to
be used for service virtualization and the messages are forwarded from the service consumer to the service
provider unchanged. In this case, it is applicable if the ESB doesn’t touch the message and simply passes it on
as is.
Security Module
This module supports both the transport-level and message-level security using a number of components.
Authentication authenticates service consumers when they access the service in the ESB and verifies ESB
authentication for the service provider. Authorization provides an authorization system for services that can
often be configured via XACML to be assigned to users or roles.
Security Mediation provides support for interactions that communicate outside of security domains by
converting credentials from one domain to the corresponding credentials of the other domain. Encryption/
Decryption supports the encryption and decryption of the content of a message.
Adapters/Transport Module
This module includes adapters for connecting services that are provided by the ESB via the Service Hosting
module. The ESB can be assumed to provide a set of adapters from the ground up, and also has the option for
customers or third-party developers to develop additional adapters for
customer-specific requirements.
Any changes that need to be made to endpoint addresses can be easily implemented in the configuration
of the ESB so that service consumers can continue to run as before. However, the ESB needs to be able to
be incorporated into an existing message flow. The service virtualization also allows the use of the ESB’s
monitoring functions that extend to service statistics, so that SLA compliance can be checked and the
appropriate actions configured if noncompliant. Service virtualization can be performed if the service provider
makes a change to the service contract but doesn’t want to impact the service consumer. In this case, a simple
transformation of the exchanged messages can resolve the issue.
Similar to Scenario 1, the ESB can ensure that no subsequent changes need to be made on either the service
consumer or service provider side if the communication protocol were to change in the future.
Processing in the ESB is transactional, meaning message flows are configured to become involved in a
distributed XA transaction as additional participants. The transaction starts when the message is consumed
from the queue, and also comprises the database operations that are discharged by the DB adapter. If the
message flow is completed successfully, then committing of the distributed transaction follows.
The situation can be simplified if the ESB delivers version 2.0 directly via a pass-through that is similar to
Scenario 1. At the same time, it has to keep providing version 1.0 of the interface while adapting the existing
message flow so that version 1.0 is no longer called from the service provider. The message is instead
transformed from versions 1.0 to 2.0 and sent to the new service. This transformation can be relatively
complex, depending on how great the differences are between the two versions. Additional enrichment of the
version 1.0 message may be necessary in order to deliver all of the information that is required to call version
The transformation and Interface 1.0 in the ESB needs to be maintained until none of the service consumers
are using the old interface. The reasons behind the decision to perform this transformation in the ESB instead
of mapping from versions 1.0 to 2.0 within the service provider are as follows:
■■ Mapping is technical and unrelated with business-related issues.
■■ External service providers cannot be influenced.
■■ ESB makes the use of the old interface transparent.
■■ No changes are required for the service provider when all of the service consumers have switched to using
Interface 2.0.
Conclusion: Summary
An ESB is a middleware solution that uses the service-oriented model to promote and enable interoperability
between heterogeneous environments. There is no specification that defines exactly what an ESB is, or which
functions it should provide. Even though an ESB is mostly associated with concepts like “mediation” and
“integration,” it is also suitable as a platform for providing services in a way that is similar to an application
server. The ESB represents the consolidation of the product categories that are called “integration” and
“application server.”
One of the key features of an ESB is service virtualization. The ESB blueprint proposed in this article offers an
orderly arrangement of its various functionalities and forms the basis for evaluating
ESB products.
■■ An enterprise service bus should be considered as an architecture style or pattern and not as a product.
■■ There is no definition or specification for the ESB and therefore no standard.
■■ An ESB can help achieve looser coupling between systems.
■■ A service on an ESB is stateless. Long-term processes do not belong to an ESB, but are supported in BPM
systems in languages like BPEL and BPMN.
■■ Care should be taken when an ESB is “misused” for batch processing, as performance can be negatively
[REF- 1] Anne Thomas Manes: “Enterprise Service Bus: A Definition,” Burton Group”
The costs of technology assets can become significant and the need to centralize, monitor and control the
contribution of each technology asset becomes a paramount responsibility for many organizations. Through
the implementation of various mechanisms, it is possible to obtain a holistic vision and develop synergies
between different assets, empowering their re-utilization and analyzing the impact on the organization caused
by IT changes. When the SOA domain is considered, the issue of governance should therefore always come
into play.
Although SOA governance is mandatory to achieve any measure of SOA success, its value still passes
incognito in most organizations, mostly due to the lack of visibility and the detached view of the SOA initiatives.
There are a number of problems that jeopardize the visibility of these initiatives: Understanding and measuring
the value of SOA governance and its contribution – SOA governance tools are too technical and isolated from
other systems. They are inadequate for anyone outside of the domain (Business Analyst, Project Managers, or
even some Enterprise Architects), and are especially harsh at the CxO level.
Lack of information exchange with the business, other operational areas and project management – It is not
only a matter of lack of dialog but also the question of using a common vocabulary (textual or graphic) that
is adequate for all the stakeholders. We need to generate information that can be useful for a wider scope of
stakeholders like Business and enterprise architectures. In this article we describe how an organization can
leverage from the existing best practices, and with the help of adequate exploration and communication tools,
achieve and maintain the level of quality and visibility that is required for SOA and SOA governance initiatives.
Understanding and implementing effective SOA governance has become a corporate imperative in order to
ensure coherence and the attainment of the basic objectives of SOA initiatives:
■■ develop the correct services
■■ control costs and risks bound to the development process
■■ reduce time-to-market
The criticality and difficulty of achieving these objectives steeply increases with both the increase of the
number of services and services’ complexity. It is therefore crucial that a strategy is implemented to support a
long-term vision of SOA endeavors, based on rules, policies, procedures, standards and best-practices, to best
support the decision process and to control the effort involved in the design, implementation and maintenance
of the services. A correct SOA governance model answers key questions:
■■ How can an existing service be leveraged to add value to other SOA solutions?
■■ Which decisions need to be made in your organization to have effective SOA, and who should make them?
■■ How can SOA decisions be monitored?
■■ Which structures, processes, and tools should be defined and deployed?
■■ Which metrics are required to ensure that an organization’s SOA implementation meets their strategic goals?
■■ How can your Project and Application Portfolios be leveraged through SOA?
These questions can be partially answered by the information collected from different sources into SOA
governance repositories, like Oracle Enterprise Repository (that we will use as an example throughout this
article). Nevertheless, this may not be enough to answer all of them, at least not directly.
Although a solid governance strategy is fundamental for SOA, it is not complete without a global enterprise
architecture Vision that provides mechanisms and tools to enrich the information needed for an application and
project portfolio management.
By creating a formal common representational model, a language (graphic and textual), and standard
viewpoints, and extending the basic capabilities of a SOA governance tool, one can leverage the information
for a greater scope and number of analysis possibilities (time-based, dependency).
Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl [REF-3] where each concept matches a specific symbol and
the aggregation and organization of the later aid the organization in the endeavor of transmitting the correct
vision of each principle or pattern.
Technical diagrams are more than just a set of symbols; they have rules, they have viewpoints, which help
establish how a given view should be constructed. With a defined metamodel, the next step is to identify and
specify the viewpoints. With all three defined we get our model and communication vehicles, as explored
further in Part II of this article.
Abstract: One of the biggest barriers impeding broader adoption of cloud computing is security—the real and
perceived risks of providing, accessing and control services in multitenant cloud environments. IT managers
need higher levels of assurance that their cloud-based services and data are adequately protected as these
architectures bypass or reduce the efficacy and efficiency of traditional security tools and frameworks. The
ease with which services are migrated and deployed in a cloud environment brings significant benefits, but
they are a bane from a compliance and security perspective. IT managers are looking for greater assurances
of end-to-end service level integrity for these cloud-based services. This article explores challenges in
deploying and managing services in a cloud infrastructure from a security perspective, and as an example,
discusses work that Intel is doing with partners and the software vendor ecosystem to enable a security
enhanced platform and solutions with security anchored and rooted in hardware and firmware to increase
visibility and control in the cloud.
The cloud computing approach applies the pooling of an on-demand, self- managed virtual infrastructure,
consumed as a service. This approach abstracts applications from the complexity of the underlying
infrastructure, which allows IT to focus on the enabling of business value and innovation. In terms of cost
savings and business flexibility, this presents a boon to organizations. But IT practitioners unanimously cite
security, control, and IT compliance as primary issues that slow the adoption of cloud computing. These
results often denote general concerns about privacy, trust, change management, configuration management,
access controls, auditing, and logging. Many customers also have specific security requirements that mandate
control over data location, isolation, and integrity that typically use legacy solutions that rely on fixed hardware
Under the current state of cloud computing, the means to verify a service’s compliance with most of the
aforementioned security challenges and requirements are labor-intensive, inconsistent, nonscalable, or just
not possible. For this reason, many corporations only deploy less critical applications in the public cloud and
restrict sensitive applications to dedicated hardware and traditional IT architectures.[28] For business- critical
applications and processes and sensitive data, however, third-party attestations of security controls usually
aren’t enough. In such cases, it is absolutely critical for organizations to be able to verify for themselves that
the underlying cloud infrastructure is secure enough for the intended use.[29]
This requirement drives the next frontier of cloud security and compliance: building a level of transparency
at the bottom-most layers of the cloud by developing the standards, instrumentation, tools, and linkages to
monitor and prove that the IaaS clouds’ physical and virtual servers are actually performing as they should and
meet defined security criteria. Today, security mechanisms in the lower stack layers (for example, hardware,
firmware, and hypervisors) are almost absent.
Cloud providers and the IT community are working earnestly to address these requirements, enabling cloud
services to be deployed and managed with confidence, with controls and policies in place to monitor trust
and compliance of these services in cloud infrastructures. Specifically, Intel Corporation and other technology
companies have come together to enable a cloud infrastructure that is highly secure and based on a hardware
root of trust, which provides tamper proof measurements of key physical and virtual components in the
computing stack, including the hypervisors. These organizations are collaborating to develop a framework to
integrate the secure hardware measurements provided by the hardware root of trust into adjoining virtualization
and cloud management software. The intent is to improve visibility, control, and compliance for cloud services.
For example, having visibility into the trust and integrity of cloud servers allows cloud orchestrators to provide
improved controls on onboarding services for their more sensitive workloads—offering more secure hardware
and subsequently better controlling the migration of workloads and meeting security policies.
We will discuss how cloud providers and organizations can use the hardware root of trust as the basis for
deploying secure and trusted services. In particular, we’ll cover Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel
TXT) and the Trusted Compute Pool usage models, and envision the necessary ecosystem for implementing
Cloud Concepts
Cloud computing moves us away from the traditional model where organizations dedicate computing power
(and devices) to a particular business application, to a flexible model for computing where users access
applications and data in shared environments.[3] Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-
demand network access to a shared pool of convenient and configurable computing resources (such as
networks servers, storage, applications, and services). Considered a disruptive technology, cloud computing
has the potential to enhance collaboration, agility, efficiency, scaling, and availability; it provides the opportunity
for cost reduction through optimized and efficient computing.
Many definitions attempt to address cloud computing from the perspective of different roles—academicians,
architects, engineers, developers, managers, and consumers. For this article we’ll focus on the perspective
of IT network and security professionals; more specifically, for the security architects at service providers and
enterprises in their quest to provide a more transparent and secure platform for cloud services.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing through five essential
characteristics, three cloud service models, and four cloud deployment models.[14][30] They are summarized
in visual form in Figure 1.
Cloud service delivery is divided among three archetypal models and various derivative combinations. The
three fundamental classifications are often referred to as the SPI Model, where SPI refers to Software,
Platform, or Infrastructure (as a Service), respectively defined thus[5]:
Figure 1 - nIST cloud computing dimensions[14] (Source: nIST Special publication 800-53, “recommended
Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and organizations,” revision3, 2010)
■■ Software as a Service (SaaS) - The capability where applications are hosted and delivered online via a web
browser offering traditional desktop functionality, such as Google Docs, Gmail, and MySAP.
■■ Platform as a Service (PaaS) - The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications developed using programming languages and tools
supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications
and possibly application hosting environment configurations.
■■ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - The capability where a set of virtualized computing resource, such
as compute and storage and network are hosted in the cloud; customers deploy and run their own
software stacks to obtain services. The consumer does not manage or control the base, underlying cloud
infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, deployed applications, and possibly limited
control of select networking components (such as host firewalls).
In support of these service models and the NISTs deployment models (public, private, and hybrid), many efforts
are centered around the development of both open and proprietary APIs that seek to enable things such as
management, security, and interoperability for cloud computing. Some of these efforts include the Open Cloud
Computing Interface Working Group, Amazon EC2 API, VMware’s DMTF-submitted vCloud API, Sun’s Open
Cloud API, Rackspace API, and GoGrid’s API, to name just a few. Open, standard APIs will play a key role
in cloud portability, federation, and interoperability as well as common container formats such as the DMTF’s
Open Virtualization Format (OVF).[5]
The architectural mindset used when designing solutions has clear implications on the future flexibility, security,
and mobility of the resultant solution, as well as its collaborative capabilities. As a rule of thumb, perimeterized
solutions are less effective than de-perimeterized solutions in each of the four areas. Careful consideration
should also be given to the choice between proprietary and open solutions for similar reasons.
The NIST definition emphasizes the flexibility and convenience of the cloud, which allows customers to
take advantage of computing resources and applications that they do not own for advancing their strategic
objectives. It also emphasizes the supporting technological infrastructure, considered an element of the IT
supply chain that can be managed to respond to new capacity and technological service demands without the
need to acquire or expand in-house complex infrastructures.
Understanding the dependencies and relationships between the cloud computing deployment and service
models is critical to understanding cloud security risks and controls. With PaaS and SaaS built on top of IaaS,
as described in the NIST model (above)[14] inherited capabilities introduce security issues and risks. In all
cloud models the risk profile for data and security changes, and is an essential factor in deciding which models
are appropriate for an organization. The speed of adoption depends on how security and trust in the new cloud
models can be established.
■■ Trust. Revolves around the assurance and confidence that people, data, entities, information or processes
will function or behave in expected ways. Trust may be human to human, machine to machine (for example,
handshake protocols negotiated with in certain protocols), human to machine (for example, when a
consumer reviews a digital signature advisory notice on a Web site), or machine to human. At a deeper level,
trust might be regarded as a consequence of progress towards security or privacy objectives.
■■ Assurance. Provides the evidence or grounds for confidence that the security controls implemented within
an information system are effective in their application. Assurance can be obtained by: 1) actions taken
by developers, implementers, and operators in the specification, design, development, implementation,
operation, and maintenance of security controls; 2) actions taken by security control assessors to determine
the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired
outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the system.
While the cloud provides organizations with a more efficient, flexible, convenient, and cost-effective alternative
to owning and operating their own servers, storage, networks, and software, it also erases many of the
traditional, physical boundaries and controls that help define and protect an organization’s data assets.
Physical servers are replaced by virtual ones. Perimeters are established not by firewalls alone but also by
highly mobile virtual machines. As virtualization proliferates throughout the data center, the IT manager can
no longer point to a specific physical node as being the home to any one critical process or data, because
virtual machines (VMs) move around to satisfy policies for high availability or resource allocation. Public
cloud resources usually host multiple tenants concurrently, increasing the need for isolated and trusted
compute infrastructure as a compensating control. However, mitigating risk becomes more complex as the
cloud introduces ever expanding, transient chains of custody for sensitive data and applications. Regulatory
compliance for certain types of data would similarly become increasingly difficult to enforce in such models.
For this reason, the vast majority of data and applications handled by clouds today isn’t business critical
and has lower security requirements and expectations, tacitly imposing a limit on value delivered. Most
organizations are already leasing computing capacity from an outside data center to host noncritical workloads
such as Web sites or corporate e-mail. Some gone a small step further and have outsourced business
functions such as sales force management to providers in the cloud. If their workloads were compromised
or the business processes became unavailable for a short period of time, the organization might be highly
inconvenienced, but the consequences would probably not be disastrous.
Higher-value business data and processes, however, have been slower to move into the cloud. These
business-critical functions—for example, the cash management system for a bank or patient records
management within a hospital—are usually run instead on in-house IT systems to ensure maximum control
over the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of those processes and data. Although some organizations
are using Cloud for higher value information and business processes, they’re still reluctant to outsource the
underlying IT systems, because of concerns about their ability to enforce security strategies and to use familiar
security controls in proving compliance.
■■ what conditions in their private or hybrid clouds, they must largely take cloud providers at their word or
their SLA that security policies and conditions are indeed being met and may be forced to compromise to
a capability that the provider can deliver. The organization’s ability to monitor actual activities and verify
security conditions within the cloud is usually very limited and there are no standards or commercial tools to
validate conformance to policies and SLAs.[4][12]
■■ Co-Tenancy and Noisy or Adversarial Neighbors. Cloud computing introduces new risk resulting from co-
residency, which is when different users within a cloud share the same physical requirement to run their
virtual machines. Creating secure partitions between co-resident VMs has proven challenging for many
cloud providers, ranging from the unintentional, “noisy-neighbor” (a workload that consumes more than its
fair share of compute, storage or I/O resources, therefore “starving” other virtual tenants on that host), to the
deliberately malicious; such as when malware is injected into the virtualization layer, enabling hostile parties
to monitor and control any of the VMs residing on a system. Researchers at UCSD and MIT were able to
pinpoint the physical server used by programs running on the EC2 cloud and then extract small amounts of
data from these programs, by placing their own software there and launching a side-channel attack.[4][20]
■■ Architecture and Applications. Cloud services are typically virtualized, which adds a hypervisor layer to
the traditional IT services stack. This new layer in the service stack introduces opportunities for improving
security and compliance, but also creates new attack surfaces and potential exposure to risks. Organizations
must evaluate the new monitoring opportunities and the risks presented by the hypervisor layer and account
for them in policy definition and compliance reporting.[4][20]
■■ Data. Cloud services raise access and protection issues for user data and applications, including source
code. Who has access, and what is left behind when you scale down a service? How do you protect data
from the virtual infrastructure administrators and cloud co-tenants? Encryption of data—at rest, in transit,
and eventually in use—would become a basic requirement. But encryption comes with a performance cost.
If we truly want to encrypt everywhere, how do we do it cost effectively and efficiently? Finally, one area
that is least discussed is “data destruction.” There are clear regulations on how long data has to be saved
(after which it has to be destroyed) and how to handle data disposal. Examples of these regulations include
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Section 802 (7 years)[22], HIPAA, 45 C.F.R. § 164.530(j) (6 years)[17], and
FACTA Disposal Rule.[8]
Given that most organizations are using cloud services today for applications that are not mission critical or
are of low value, security and compliances challenges seem manageable—but this is a policy of avoidance.
These services don’t deal with data and applications that are governed by strict information security policies
such as health regulations, FISMA regulations, and the Data Protection Act in Europe. The security and
compliance challenges mentioned above would become central to cloud providers and subscribers once
these higher-value business functions and data begin migrating to private cloud and hybrid clouds, creating
very strong requirements for cloud security to provide and prove compliance. Industry pundits believe that
cloud value proposition will increasingly drive the migration of these higher-value applications and information
and business processes to cloud infrastructures. And as more and more sensitive data and business-critical
processes move to cloud environments, the implications for security officers in organizations would be very
wide- ranging to provide a transparent and deep compliance and monitoring framework for information security.
better secure the hardware layer and provider greater transparency into the system activities within and below
the hypervisor.[4][6] This means that cloud providers should be able to:
■■ Give organizations greater visibility into the security states of the hardware platforms running the IaaS for
their private clouds.
■■ Produce automated, standardized reports on the configuration of the physical and virtual infrastructure
hosting customer virtual machines and data.
■■ Provide policy-based control based on the physical location of the server where the virtual machines are
and control the migration of these virtual machines onto acceptable locations based on policy specifications
(such as some FISMA and DPA requirements dictate).
■■ Provide measured evidence that their services infrastructure complies with security policies and with
regulated data standards.
Figure 2 - Summary of the top five trust issues from a cloud subscriber’s perspective [17] (Source: orrin,
S. Information Security and risk management Conference, 2011 ISaCa, Session 241: Building Trust and
Compliance in the Cloud)
What is needed are a set of building blocks for the development of “Trustworthy Clouds.” These building blocks
can be summarized as [17]:
■■ Creating a chain of trust rooted in hardware that extends to include the hypervisor.
■■ Hardening the virtualization environment using known best methods.
■■ Providing visibility for compliance and audit.
The use models we’ve discussed in this article are early-stage implementations to address requirements that
customers and industry bodies are defining now. However, these models do provide a foundation for enhanced
security that can evolve with new technologies from Intel and others in the hardware and software ecosystem.
There are no “silver bullets” for security, where a single technology solves all problems—security is too
multifaceted for such a simplistic approach. But it is very clear that a new set of security capabilities are
needed, and it is best to start at the most foundational elements. Trusted platforms provide such a foundation.
Such platforms provide:
■■ Increased visibility into the operational state of the critical controlling software of the cloud environment
through attestation capabilities; and
■■ A new control point, capable of identifying and enforcing local “known good” configuration of the host
operating environment and reporting the resultant launch trust status to cloud and security management
software for subsequent use.
Each of these capabilities complements the other as they address the joint needs for visibility and control in
the cloud. Of equal importance, these attributes can be available to both consumers of cloud services and the
cloud service providers, thanks to common standards for key functions such as attestation, but also due to the
work for the ecosystem to enable solutions are many layers. It is only through the integration of trust-based
technologies into the virtualization and security management tools in traditional IT environments (tools such
as security event information management (SEIM) or governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) console) that
will deliver the required scale and seamless management that will help customers realize the benefits of cloud
[1] Amazon Web Services, “Overview of Security Processes,” August 2010.
[2] Barros, A. and Kylau, U., “Service Delivery Framework—An Architectural Strategy for Next-Generation
Service Delivery in Business Network, Proceedings of the 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference, pp. 47–37,
[3] Demirkan, H., Harmon, R.R., Goul, M., “A Service Oriented Web Application Framework,” IT Professional,
Vol. 13, no. 5, 15–21, 2011.
[4] Curry S., Darbyshire J, Fisher Douglas, et al., “RSA Security Brief”, March 2010.
[5] Cloud Security Alliance, “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v2.1,” 2009.
[6] Cloud Security Alliance Group, “CSA-GRC Stack,” , Accessed January 2012
[7] E. Castro-Leon, E., Golden, B., Yeluri, R., Gomez, M., Sheridan, C., Creating the Infrastructure for Cloud
Computing: An Essential Handbook for IT Professionals, Chapter 4, Intel Press, 2011.
[8] “FACTA Disposal Rule goes into Effect Jun1 2005,” Report on Federal Trade Commission Website.
Retrieved February 2012 from http://www.
[9] Intel Corporation. “Intel TXT,” white paper, 2012, retrieved from y/security/
WenboMao/2010/04/25/attestation-as-a-service-local-attestation- for-cloud-security-vs-remote-attestation-for-
[29] Mell, P, Grance, Timothy, The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, NIST Special Publication 800-145,
September 2011.
Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Intel, the Intel logo, and Intel Atom are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Sudhir S. Bangalore
Sudhir S Bangalore is a Senior Systems Engineer in Intel Architecture and Systems
Integration (IASI) group, which is part of Intel Architecture Group, and is focused on
developing solutions to enable virtualization and cloud security, with focus on Intel Architecture
and associated ingredients. He is responsible for understanding enterprise and data center
needs, developing reference implementations and innovative solutions to meet these needs
with Intel technologies. Prior to this role, he has worked as a architect and a key engineer on
Intel’s Enterprise Access Management framework and implementation. Sudhir has a Master’s
degree in Computer Science, and has been with Intel for more than 10 years.
This article and more on similar subjects may be found in the Intel Technology Journal,
Volume 16 issue 4 “End to End Cloud Computing”. More information can be found at http://
■■ Service Security and Compliance in the Cloud - Part I
Thomas Erl
Thomas Erl is a best-selling IT author and founder of™ and SOASchool.
com®. Thomas has been the world’s top-selling service technology author for over five years
and is the series editor of the Prentice Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl (www. ), as well as the editor of the Service Technology Magazine (www. With over 175,000 copies in print world-wide, his eight published books
have become international bestsellers and have been formally endorsed by senior members
of major IT organizations, such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Accenture, IEEE, HL7,
MITRE, SAP, CISCO, HP, and others.
Four of his books, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, SOA Design
Patterns, SOA Principles of Service Design, and SOA Governance, were authored in
collaboration with the IT community and have contributed to the definition of cloud computing
technology mechanisms, the service-oriented architectural model and service-orientation as
a distinct paradigm. Thomas is currently working with over 20 authors on several new books
dedicated to specialized topic areas such as cloud computing, Big Data, modern service
technologies, and service-orientation.
As CEO of Arcitura Education Inc. and in cooperation with™ and®, Thomas has led the development of curricula for the internationally
recognized SOA Certified Professional (SOACP) and Cloud Certified Professional (CCP)
accreditation programs, which have established a series of formal, vendor-neutral industry
Thomas is the founding member of the SOA Manifesto Working Group and author of
the Annotated SOA Manifesto ( He is a member of the Cloud
Education & Credential Committee, SOA Education Committee, and he further oversees
the and initiatives, which are dedicated to the on-going
development of master pattern catalogs for service-oriented computing and cloud computing.
Thomas has toured over 20 countries as a speaker and instructor for public and private
events, and regularly participates in international conferences, including SOA, Cloud + Service
Technology Symposium and Gartner events. Over 100 articles and interviews by Thomas
have been published in numerous publications, including the Wall Street Journal and CIO
Jürgen Kress
An eleven year Oracle veteran, Jürgen works at EMEA Alliances and Channels. As the
founder of the Oracle WebLogic and SOA Partner Community and the global Partner Advisory
Councils. With more than 4,000 members from all over the world the SOA and WebLogic
Partner Communities are the most successful and active communities at Oracle. Jürgen hosts
the communities with monthly newsletters, webcasts and conferences. He hosts his Fusion
Middleware Partner Community Forums, where more than 200 partners get the latest product
updates, roadmap insights and hands-on trainings. Supplemented by many web 2.0 tools
like twitter, discussion forums, online communities, blogs and wikis. For the SOA & Cloud
Symposium by Thomas Erl Jürgen was a member of the steering board. He is also a frequent
speaker at conferences like the SOA & BPM Integration Days, Oracle Open World or the JAX.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Berthold Maier
Berthold Maier works in the T-Systems International department of Telekom Germany as
Enterprise Architect. He has more than 19 years experience as developer, coach and architect
in the area of building complex mission critical applications and integrations scenarios. Within
eleven years as Oracle employee he has held several leading positions including chief
architect in the consulting organization. Hi is the founder of many frameworks and take over
the responsible for reference architectures around BPM/SOA and Enterprise Architecture
Management. Berthold is also well-known as a conference speaker, book author and
magazine writer.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Hajo Normann
Hajo Normann works for Accenture in the role of SOA & BPM Community of Practice Lead in
ASG. Hajo is responsible for the architecture and solution design of SOA/BPM projects, mostly
acting as the interface between business and the IT sides. He enjoys tackling organizational
and technical challenges and motivates solutions in customer workshops, conferences, and
publications. Hajo leads together with Torsten Winterberg the DOAG SIG Middleware and is
an Oracle ACE Director and an active member of a global network within Accenture, as well
as in regular contact with SOA/BPM architects from around the world.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Manuel Rosa
Manuel Rosa began his career participating in Enterprise Architecture projects in Portugal,
Brazil and Luxembourg, mainly focusing on Application and Business Architectures. In the
past few years, Manuel has coordinated the development of SOA Governance programs
and has also been responsible for various SOA Governance projects in major Portuguese
enterprises in the telecom and utilities industries, as well as SOA projects in Spain. He is
currently SOA Governance Practice Leader at Link Consulting.
Manuel was a speaker at the 5th International SOA, Cloud + Service Technology Symposium
in London. He is currently a teaching assistant on the subjects of Enterprise Architecture I and
II for the POSI postgraduate degree provided by Intituto Superior Técnico, INESC and INOV,
in a one-year program.
■■ Promoting Organizational Visibility for SOA and SOA Governance Initiatives
André Sampaio
André de Oliveira Sampaio (MSc), is a Senior Consultant of Enterprise Architecture for Link
Consulting in Portugal, and has participated in and coordinated various Enterprise Architecture
projects in Portugal, Brazil and Luxembourg. As a professional, André has been involved
in several major transformation projects, most of which in the financial services and public
administration sectors.
André is responsible for the development of the Enterprise Architecture Management System
(, and has published work centered around the themes of Enterprise
Architecture, Enterprise Transformation, System Theory, Service-Oriented Architecture and
Formal Viewpoints.
■■ Promoting Organizational Visibility for SOA and SOA Governance Initiatives
Danilo Schmiedel
Danilo Schmiedel is one of the leading BPM and SOA System Architects at OPITZ
CONSULTING. He has been involved in large integration-, business processes automation
and BPM / SOA development projects where he implemented solutions for various customers.
His main field of interest is focused on the practical use of BPM and SOA on a large scale.
Additionally he works as BPM and SOA project coach. Danilo is a frequent speaker in the
German Java and Oracle communities and has written numerous articles about the above
topics. Before joining OPITZ CONSULTING Danilo worked as Software Engineer in several
international projects. The Leipzig University of Applied Science has awarded his outstanding
reputation in 2009.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Guido Schmutz
Guido Schmutz works as Technology Manager for the IT services company Trivadis. He has
over 25 years as a software developer, consultant, architect, trainer, and coach. In Trivadis
he is responsible for SOA, BPM and application integration, and is head of the Trivadis
Architecture Board. His interests lie in the architecture, design, and implementation of
advanced software solutions. He specializes in Java EE, Spring, Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Service Bus. He is a regular speaker at international conferences and is the author of articles
and several books. Guido is an Oracle ACE Director for Fusion Middleware & SOA.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Bernd Trops
Bernd Trops is a Senior Principal Consultant at Talend Inc. In this role he is responsible for
client project management and training.
Bernd is responsible for all Talend projects within the Deutsche Post and the introductions of
new versions and components.
Before Talend, Bernd was a Systems Engineer working on various projects for GemStone,
Brocade and WebGain and therefore has extensive experience in J2EE and SOA. From 2003
to 2007 Bernd Trops worked as a SOA Architect at Oracle.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Clemens Utschig-Utschig
Clemens worked as Chief Architect for the Shared Service Centre, Global Business Services,
Boehringer Ingelheim in architecture, master data, service management and innovation.
At the moment he works with holistic enterprise architecture that provides the methodological
platform for the new master data management.
He previously worked as a Platform Architect at Oracle Inc. in the United States, where he
helped to develop next product strategy as well as the SOA BPM Suite.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Torsten Winterberg
Torsten Winterberg works for Oracle Platinum Partner OPITZ CONSULTING. As a director of
the competence center for integration and business process solutions he follows his passion
to build the best delivery unit for customer solutions in the area of SOA and BPM. He has
long-time experience as developer, coach and architect in the area of building complex
mission critical Java EE applications. He is a known speaker in the German Java and Oracle
communities and has written numerous articles on SOA/BPM related topics. Torsten is part of
the Oracle ACE director team (ACE=Acknowledged Community Expert) and leads the DOAG
middleware community.
■■ Enterprise Service Bus
■■ Canonizing a Language for Architecture: An SOA Service Category Matrix
■■ Industrial SOA
■■ SOA Blueprint: A Toolbox for Architects
Raghu Yeluri
Raghu Yeluri is a Principal Engineer in the Intel Architecture Group at Intel with focus on
virtualization, security and cloud architectures. He is responsible for understanding enterprise
and data center needs, developing reference architectures and implementations aligned with
Intel virtualization, security and cloud related platforms and technologies. Prior to this role,
he has worked in various architecture and engineering management positions in systems
development, focusing on service-oriented architectures in engineering analytics and
information technology. He has multiple patents and publications, and has co-authored an
Intel Press book on Cloud Computing – “Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Computing, an
essential handbook for IT Professionals”.
■■ Service Security and Compliance in the Cloud - Part I