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05-GIS Tutorial 1 - Chapter 6 PDF

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Learning objectives
Digitize polygon featu res Digitize line fea t ures
Use advanced edit tools Spatially adjust feat ures
Digitize point feat ures


Digitize polygon features

You will create a new polygon feature class and then add features to it using head:
up digitizing with your mouse.

Create a new polygon feature class

1 Start ArcCatalog.
2 In t he Catalog t ree, browse to \ ESRIPress\GIST1\MyExerdses\Chapter6\MidHill.gdb.

3 Right-dick MidHill.gdb, dick New, and dick Feature Class .

4 In the Name field of the New Feature Class window, type CommerciaiZone.

5 For Type, seled Polygon

Features and click Next.

6 Expand Projected Coordinate

Syst ems, State Plane, NAD
1983 (US Feet); click NAD 1983
StatePlane Pennsylvania South
=-_-__. .__. .....-
)-.. --==11
_ _--l--_ - -

FIPS 3702 (US Feet), and dick : --=1

Next three times.

7 Type ZoneNumber as a new field , Oct. _ Wd lo _ <11--..

select Short In teger as the Data FooidProperlio<

Type, and clkk Finish. The result

is a new polygon feature class
added to MidHil1.gdb.

---~-- -- -
as TU TOR IA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

8 Expand MidHill.gdb in the Catalog tree to see your new feature class, and then
dose ArcCatalog.

)pen a map document

1 Start ArcMap, click browse for more, browse to \ ESRIPress\GIST1\ Maps\ , and double-
click Tutoria16 -1.mxd. The Tutoria16-1 map document opens in ArcMap, showing a map
of the Middle Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan ia. You will use the Commercial
Properties and Street Centerlines layers as references for digitizing commercia l zones .

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2 Click the Add Data button.

3 Browse to \ ESRIPress\GISTl\MyExercises\Chapter6\ MidHiIl.gdb, click

CommercialZone, and click Add. This adds the Commercial Zone layer to the m ap,
although there are no features in it yet.

4 Add CommercialZone from Midhill.gdb to your map document. CommerdalZone appears

in the TOC. but of <:ourse noth ing displays on t he map because at t h is point there a re no
:eatures in this new map layer. Next, you can digitize new features, starting with some
;:ractice polygons t hat will give you some experience but t hat you will not save.
Digi tizing GIS TUTOR

Start editing with the Editor toolbar

1 On the main menu, dick Customize, Toolbars, Editor. The Editor toolbar appears. Y<
can move it or dock it anywhere in ArcMap. Dock it on top of the ArcMap window
below the Standard toolbar.

2 On the Editor toolbar, dick Edit or, Start Editing.

3 Click CommercialZone as the layer to edit and click OK. St art edit ing. Create Featu
and Construction tools panels appear on the right of the map. You can adjust these pa
by dragging the boundary between them.

4 Click CommercialZone in the Create Features panel, t hen dick Polygon in the
Construction tools panel .

Practice digitizing a polygon

1 Click the List By Selection button .@. in the TOC and make CommercialZone the on
selectable layer.

2 Hide the Create Features panel. Zoom to the Middle Hill Neighborhood layer as
shown below.

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3 On the Editor t oolbar, dick t he Straight Segment tool / .

4 Position t he crosshair cursor anywhere on the map and click to place a vertex.
GI5 T UTORIA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

5 Move your mouse and dick a

series of vertices one at a time
to form a polygon (but do not
double-dick!). You will find
that your new vertices snap to
existing vertices of other features.
You will learn how to turn this
behavior on and off later.

6 Double-click to place the

last vertex.

Love a polygon
1 On the Editor toolbar, click the Edit tool G.
2 Click and hold down the mouse button anywhere inside your n ew polygon.

3 Drag the polygon a smaIl distance and release.

!lete a polygon
1 With the Edit tool still selected, click anywhere inside your new polygon.

2 Press the Delete key on the keyboard.

-_. -- ... -
Lio..-t:ice creating new polygons using the Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, and Ellipse tools from t he
':"'-....struction tools panel. Delete your practice polygons when finished.

- ..
t polygon vertex points
Next, you will learn how to work with vertices. You will move, add, and delete vertices from
a new polygon.

1 Click Bookmarks, Erin Street.

2 In the Construction tools panel, dick Polygon.


3 Click the Straight Segment tool ,/

and draw another new polygon feature
as shown in the image, snapping to

4 Click the Edit tool G_

5 Double-click the new polygon. Grab

hand les, small squares, appear on the
polygon at its vertex locations_Next, you
will see t hat you can edit t he shape of a
feature by moving a vertex.

6 Position the cursor over one of the vertices.

7 Click and drag t he vertex somewhere

nearby and release_ The polygon's shape
changes correspondingly.
Ili:5 TU T ORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

8 Click anywhere on the map or polygon to

confirm the new shape.

Next, you will practice editing digitized

polygons and learn how to add, delete, and
move vertices.

ioLid vertex points

1 Double-click inside the polygon. Grab
handles appear on the polygon and the
small Edit Vertices toolbar appears.

2 Click the Add Vertex tool p..O .

3 Move the mouse along the line between

two vertices and click. This adds a new
vertex at the location of the cursor. Now
you can move the new vertex to change the
polygon's shape.

4 Position the cursor over the new vertex,

then click and drag the vertex to a new
position and release.

5 Click anywhere on the map to confirm the

new shape.

... ..

~:ctice adding a few more vertices and changing the shape of the polygon .

Elete vertex points

1 Double-click in side the new polygon.

2 Click the Delete Vertex tool ~ .

3 Place your mouse cursor over a new vertex point and click.

4 Click anywhere on the map to confirm the new shape.

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Practice changing the shape of the new polygon by moving, adding, and deleting vertic.es. "Yhen
~__fi. nished, delete the polY~:~. 'u """""..w
.... , ........~

Specify a segment angle and length

1 In the Construction tools panel, dick Polygon.

2 On the Editor toolbar, dick the Straight Segment tool ./ and digitize a starting point j
a polygon segment.

3 Move your cursor to start drawing a line, right-dick, and dick Length.

Type 250 and press Enter. \

5 Right-dick, dick Direction, type 0, and press Enter. The line • •

is 250 feet long and its direction is to the right (you measure
angles counterclockwise with zero being east or to the right).

. .......,..:.. _ -.
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Digitize a few more points with specified segment lengths and angles, then double-click to fin ish ,.
the polygon. Delete t h e polygon when fin ished.
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Digitize polygons
1 Zoom to the cluster of commercial block
centroids at the top left of the map. The
map to the right has the polygon drawn
t h at you are about to digitize roughly. You
will fine -tune the polygon in a second pass
of digitizing, so you do not need much
precision at first.
: U T ORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

2 In the Construction t ools panel, dick Polygon. On the Editor toolbar, dick the Straight
Segment tool / and digitize the polygon seen on the previous page by clicking one
vertex at a time and double-clicking to finish. Wherever possible, use street centerlines
as a guide for digitizing your lines.

Zoom in to a part of your new polygon and use the Add, Delete, and Move Vertex
tools to refine the polygon's shape. Use the Pan tool on the Tools toolbar to move
around your polygon's boundary and eventually refine all of it.
You need to alternate between the Edit tool, confirming a
change, and the Pan tool. Click the Full Extent button and
then zoom in to a cluster of commercial points to digitize
anot her polygon. Repeat until you have digitized all
?Olygons seen below. When you
complete the final polygon,
click Editor and Save
:Jou r ed its.

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fea ture attribute data

~;:.u.o\- th at you have digitized the commercial polygons, you will assign zone numbers to them.

1 Open t he CommercialZone attribute table.

2 Gic...\ in t he first cell of the ZoneNumber field, type 1, and

;:ress Enter.

3 l:::. sequential order, continue numbering the remaining

.:d!s in t h e ZoneNumber field.

4 Click Editor, Stop Editing, and Yes to save your edits.

5 Close the attribute table.

Label the commercial zones

1 Turn off the Commercial Properties layer.

2 In the TOe, right-click the CommercialZone layer and click Properties.

3 Select the Labels tab and type or make selections as follows:

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4 Click OK. Your label numbers may not match those below,
depending on your order of digitizing.
T UT ORIAL 1 Digitbing CHAPTER 6

5 Save the map document as \ESRIPress\GIST1\MyExercises\Chapter6\TutoriaI6-1.mxd

and leave it open.

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=-'1 Arc Map, click Windows> Catalog and use Catalog with steps similar to those at the start of U

:2.is chapter to create a new polygon feature class in \ESRIPress\GISTl\MyExertises\Chapi:er6\

5dHill.gdb called Practice. Use the same coordinate system used at the start: of the chapt'er: and'
::0 not create any new attributes. You will need the new feature class in the next section';:When
5nished, close the Catalog window.

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Tutorial 6-2

Use advanced edit tools

There are several advanced editing tools. He re you will try t he Snapping, Tra ce,
Generalize, Smooth, and Cut Polygo ns tools, all of which affect the shape of
digitiz ed polygons.

Set Snapping tools

ArcMap automatically snaps to all layers in a map document. There may be too many
fe at ures, and tu rning off snapping will allow for easier edits.

1 Remove CommercialZone fro m t h e TOC. Click Bookmarks. Erin Street.

2 Turn on the Commercial Properties layer.

3 Click Edit or. Start Editing. the Practice icon . and OK.

4 Click Practice in the Create Features panel.

5 Click Editor. Snapping. Snapping Toolbar.

6 Click the Point, Vertex, and Edge Snapping tools to turn them off, and leave End
Snapping on· I·;m~;'ffl.!!l$F ' 1lj.~J:1
. ~ Y O ~~
.-:s 7UTO RIA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
7 Click the s treet endpoint as shown in the .-'
image to snap to it . -<'

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8 Continue clicking s treet endpoints to

create a polygon that encloses t wo blocks
as s hown in the image .

. .. / .
. :/ .'

a:. :::age and Point snapping. Practice creating polygons snapping to these fea tures.
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Dig itizing GIS TUTORIAL

Trace tool
Tracing is a quick way to create new segments that follow the shapes of other features.
Tracing is particularly useful when the features you want to follow have curves or
complicated shapes, because snapping is more difficult in t hose cases.
I 1 Delete any existing polygons.

2 Click Bookmarks, LaPlace Street.

3 Click Polygon as the Construction tool if it is not already selected.

4 On the Editor toolbar, click t he Trace tool 41 ... . You may have to dick the list arrow on
the fifth button to the right on the
Editor toolbar to access the Trace

5 Click the intersection of Soho

and Centre streets and drag your
mouse to the right , click t he first
vertex encountered, trace without
1 clicking to complete the polygon,
double-clicking to finish .

You can click the Undo button to

start over as needed. The resultant
polygon nicely follows straight and
curved segments.

Generalize tool
Generalizing creates features for use at small scales with less detail while preserving basic
shapes. For example, the U.S. Census generalizes many of its cartographic boundary files.

1 On the Editor toolbar, click Editor, More Editing Tools, and Advanced Editing. The
Advanced Editing toolbar appears.

2 Click t he Edit tool 1£1 and double-click inside the new traced polygon.
~s TU TOR IAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

3 On the Advanced Editing toolbar,

click the Generalize tool rr- '
type a \
Maximum allowable offset of 100, and
dick OK. The result is a polygon with
fewer vertices, no two of which have a
line segment between them less than
100 feet. You can dick the Undo button
to try a different offset.

Smooth tool
The Smooth tool is the opposite of
generalize. This tool smooths sharp
angles in polygon outlines to improve
aesthetic or cartographic quality.

1 Zoom out and pan the map to an area outside of the Middle Hill neighborhood.

2 Digitize a new polygon with 20 to 40 vertices.

3 Click the Edit tool and dick inside the polygon.

4 Click the Smooth tool 17. .

on the Advanced
Editing toolbar, type a maximum allowable
offset of 10, and dick OK. This adds many
shape vertices to create smooth curves between
t he polygon's vertices.

5 Close the Advanced Editing toolbar.

6 Click the Edit tool, click inside the new polygon,

and press the Delete key.

Cut Polygons tool

The Cut Polygons tool creates two polygons \,
from one original polygon. Note that you
must click on the outside segment of the
polygon you wish to cut.

1 Click Bookmarks, Erin Street \

2 If not already drawn, digitize a new

polygon from the intersections of
Webster and Davenport, Webster and
Trent, Wylie and Trent , and Wylie and
Davenport as shown in the image.

3 On the Editor Toolbar, dick the Cut

Polygons tool CJ::! .
4 Click Erin Street just above Webster, then \
double-dick Erin Street just below Wylie
as shown in t he image. The result is two
new polygons.

5 Stop Editing without saving any changes. \,

.' \
TU TO RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

Tutorial 6-3

~igitize point features

Ma ny governmental agencies use GIS for homeland security. Two GIS layers
common to emergency preparedness applications are evacuation routes and shelter
faci lities. In this exercise, you will digitize shelter locations as points.

o:-eat e a point feature class for evacuation shelters

1 Click Windows, Catalog.

2 in the Catalog t ree, browse to \ ESRIPress\GISTl\ MyExercises\ Chap t er 6\ MidHill.gdb.

3 Right-click MidHill.gdb, click New, and click Feat ure Class.

4 In t he Name field , type BvacShelter.

5 In t he Alias field , type Evacuation Shelters.

6 Select Point Features for Type and click Next.

Cick Import, browse to the \ ESRIPress\ GISTl\ Data\Pittsburgh\Midh ill.gdb folder,

dick CommercialProperties, and Add.

Gidc Next three times, and click Finish.

Case Catalog.

- i!Tacuation shelter points

1 Ar(..\!.ap, click File and Open , browse to \ESRIPress\GtSTl \ Maps\, and open
- .aaria!6-3.mxd_

~ the Add Data button, navigate to \ ESRIPress\GISTl\ MyExercises\ Chapter6\

;:':.ill_gdb, and add Eva cShelter to the map_

3 In the TOC, dick the legend symbol for the Evacuation Shelters layer; change the
symbol to Square 2, the color to Mars Red, and the size to 10; and dick OK.

4 From the Editor toolbar, click Editor, Start Editing.

5 Click Evacuation Shelters as the layer to edit and dick OK.

6 Click Evacuation Shelters in the Create Features paneL

The red squares in the map below are the shelter locations.
Using t he Point tool, click t he corresponding locations
in your map to add t he shelter points to the EvacShelter
layer. Wh en finish ed, click Editor, Stop Editing. Click Yes
to save edits to EvacShelter.


Add a field to the EvacShelter table

You did not add an attribute table field when you created the fe ature class, but you can a.

1 In the TOC, right-dick the Evacuation Shelters layer.

2 Click Open At tribute Table.

3 In the EvacShelt ers table, click the Table Options button and Add Field.
-:'5 TUTORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

4 In the Name field, type ID and dick OK.

S Repeat steps 3 and 4 except name the field ShelterName and make its type text.

Edit EvacShelter records

1 From the Editor toolbar, click Editor, Start Editing.

2 Click Evacuation Shelters as the layer to edit, and click OK.

3 In the Evacuation Shelters table, dick the small gray box to the left of the first record
in the table. This h ighlights t he record in the table and the related feature in th e map.

4 Using the table and map provided below as your input, add the ID and Name attributes to
the selected record, then repeat the process for the remaining records .

I' • • >I

5 On t he Edit menu, click Stop Editing. Click Yes to save your edits. Close the table, but
leave ArcMap open.
CHAPTER 6 Digitizing

Label map with shelter name

1 In the TOC, right-click the Evacuation Shelter layer and click Properties.

2 Click the Labels tab.

3 Type or make selections as follows:

4 Click OK. The resulting map shows emergency planners where shelters
are located.

5 Save your map document as

\ESRIPress\GISTl \MyExercises\Chapter6
\TutoriaI6-3.mxd and leave it open .

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;JS TU TORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

Tutorial 6-4

Digitize line features

Now you are ready to digitize an evacuation route to and from the evacuation
shelters. In this exercise you will create a line shapefile for this scenario.

Create a line shapefile for an evacuation route

1 Click Windows, Catalog.

2 In the Catalog tree, browse to \ ESRIPress\ GISTl\MyExercises\ Chapter6.

3 Right-click the Chapter6 folder, click New, and click Shapefile .

4 In the Name field, type EvacRoute and select Polyline for Feature Type.

5 Click Edit and Import; browse to \ ESRIPress\ GISTl\ Data\ Pittsburgh\ MidHill.gdb; and
click Streets, Add, and OK twice.

6 Close the Catalog window.

and symbolize the evacuation route shape file

1 In ArcMap, add EvacRoute.sbp to the map.

2 In the TOe , dick EvacRoute's line symbol to open the Symbol Selector.

3 In the search text box at the top of the Symbol Selector window, type Arrow Right
Midd le and dick the search button @ ; dick the resulting symbol; change the Color to
Cret ean Blue and Width to 2; and click OK.

Prepare area for digitizing and start editing

1 Zoom to the western half of the Middle Hill neighborhood as shown below.

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.. ,.

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2 On the Editor toolbar, click Editor, Start Editing.

3 Click the EvacRoute layer and OK.

4 Click EvacRoute in the Create Features panel.

Digitize by snapping to features

You will snap digitized lines to features to make sure that line segments connect where the
should. Make sure that Endpoint snap is on so you snap to the endpoint of the street segm!

:i; . .
1 Click the Straight Segment tool ./ .

Digitizing CHAPTER 6

2 Click Wylie Medical Center to

choose the route's starting point.

3 Move the cursor to the nearest

street below the shelter, right-click,
and click Perpendicular from the
context menu.

\ '.
'. \

\ \ '.

4 Click Wylie Avenue to place a vertex

there. ArcMap will force t he line
to be perpendicular with the Wylie
Avenue street centerline.

5 Move the cursor to the first

intersection on the street
centerline (Wylie and Davenport)
and click.

6 Continue snapping to street

intersections along the evacuation
route shown in the image and
double~click to finish the route at

Webster Food Pantry.

/ \

Save your edits and the map
1 From the Editor toolbar, click Editor, Stop Editing.
2 Click Yes to save your edits.
3 Save the map document as \ESRIPress\GIST1\MyExercise,\Chapter6\Tlltoria16· 4.tIlXt
DigitizIng CHAPTER 6

Cse the Sketch tool to digitize t he remain ing line segments
connecting the evacuation shelters. Use t he Delete or
::::ldo buttons if you make a mistake. Save t he edits and
:::ap document as Tutorial6-4 when you a re fi n ished .

Tutorial 6-5

Spatially adjust features

The ArcMap spatial adjustment tools transform, rubber sheet, and edge match
features in a shapefile or geodatabase feature class. In this exercise, you will trar
form an outline of a building so that it correctly overlays an aerial photograph.

Add aerial photos to a map

1 In a new blank map, click the Add Data button.

2 Browse to the \ ESRIPress\ GIST1\ Data\ CMUCampus\ folder and add 25_ 45 .tif and
26_4 5.tif t o the map. Both aerial photos have State Plane South NAD 1983 coordinates.

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j'::~ 1
.. fill
.'::m I
1000 , •

Adjust the transparency values of the aerial photos

1 In the TOe , right-click 2535.tif and click Properties.

2 Click the Display tab.

:-OTO RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

3 In the Transparency fi eld, type 20. Click OK.

4 Repeat steps 1- 3 for 263S.tif.

d a building outline
1 Click the Add Data but t on .

2 Browse to the \ ESRIPress\GISTl\Data\ CMUCampus\ folder and add HBH.shp to the map.

3 In the TOC, rename the HBH layer Hamburg Hall.

4 Ch ange Hamburg Hall's symbol color to Mars Red and its symbol width to 1.5.

5 Zoom t o the map extent. The Hamburg Ha111ayer, originated as a CAD drawing, is not
in proper alignment or scale with the buildings shown on t he aerial photos. Next. you will
adjust the building layer so that it properly aligns with the aerial photo.

iPr-e the building

1 O n the Editor t oolbar, click Editor, Start Editing. Make sure Cr.~ I'ut.. .. ~ )(
t.~ e Create Features layer is Hamburg Hall (HBH). 'ii: ' G!J A
~ $ . ~1

"<y '''''


2 Click the Edit tool 8.

- --=------Lmi
CHAPTER 6 Digitizing GIS TUTORI;'!

3 Click the outline of the Hamburg Hall feature.

4 Place your mouse cursor directly over the outline of the Hamburg Hall feature so thaI
cursor icon changes to a four-headed arrow.

5 Click and drag the Hamburg Hall

feature to the following location on
the photo.
~ 7UT O RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

6 Zoom in to the
bu ilding feature, as (1··1
shown in the image.
~\ .. :il!1

Now you can

better see Hamburg
Hall in the photo.
The building layer
is too large and is
upside down .

tate the building

1 Click t he Edit tool and click the outline of the Hamburg Hall shapefile.

2 On t he Editor toolbar, click the Rotate tool

3 Click the lower-

right grab handle
of Hamburg Hall
and, while holding
down the mouse
button , rotate it
180 degrees, as
shown in the image.

Add displacement links

To align the feature with the aerial photo, you will use a transformation tooL

1 Click Editor, More Editing Tools,

and Spatial Adjustment. This opens
the Spatial Adjustment toolbar.

2 Click Spatial
- Similarity.

3 Click the New

Displacement Link
tool .¥'+ .

4 Click the upper left

corner of t he
Hamburg Hall
building feature.

5 Click the
location on the
aerial photo.
.. TUTOR IAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

6 Continue adding
displacement links
to t he building
feature and the
aerial photo, as
shown in the image.

displacement links
If you select t he wrong position on the building or map, you can use t he ed it dis placement
tools to adjust your picks.

1 from the Spatial

toolbar, click the
Select Elements
tool Jt .

2 Click one of the

displacement links.

3 dic k the Modify

.... rn k too I .l'

4 Click and drag

the link to a
cew position.

;) Drag the link
back to its
original location.

Zoom to Hamburg Hall in the aerial photo and use the Modify Links tool to more
precisely move the displacement links to the corners of the building.

I .. TO RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6

st the building
1 From the Spatial Adjustment toolbar, dick Spatial Adjustment, Adjus t .

2 Stop editing and save your edits. ArcMap scales down t he Hamburg Hall featu re to match
the geometry of t he feature in the aerial photo. If t he resulting match is not very good,
select the Hamburg Hall feature, redefine new d isplacement links, and run t he Adjust
command again.

3 Save your map as \BSRIPress\GIST1\MyExercises\Chapter6\TutoriaI6-S.mxd.

Digitizing GIS TUT<

Assignment 6-1

Digitize police beats

Community-oriented police officers are respon sible for preventing crime and solving underlying
communit y problems related to crime. Among other activities, these officers walk "beats," which
II are small networks of st reets in specified areas. Often the beats are designed in cooperation with
community leaders who help set po1ic ing priorit ies. Beats ch ange as problems are solved and
priorities change. Hence, it is good to h ave the capability to d igitize and modify police beats.
In this assignment, you will digitize two new polyline police beats for the city of Pittsburgh Zone ~
Police District based on street cent erlines that make up t hese heats.

Start with the following:

• \ ESRIPress\ GIST1\ Oata\ Pit tsburgh\Zone2.gdb\streets-TIGER st reets for Zone 2 Police
• \ ESRIPress\GIST1\ Data\ Pit tsburgh\Zone2.gdb\zone2-polygon layer for boundary of
Zone 2 Police District
Create a police beat map
In ArcCataiog, creat e a new file geodatabase called \ ESRIPress\GIST1\ MyAssignments\ Chapter6\
Assign m ent6-1YourName.gdb that includes t wo newly digitized line feature classes for police
beats 1 and 2 imported int o it. See the gUidelines on the next page for what streets should make up
the beats. Call these line feature classes Beatl and Beat 2.
In ArcMap, create a new map document called \ ESRIPress\GIST1\ MyAssignments\Chapter6\
Assignment6-1YourNam e.m xd with a layout showing a map with an overview of the Police Zone 2
outline with existing s t reets an d t he n ewly digitized beats and maps zoomed in to beats 1 an d 2.
Show the beats with thick line widt hs an d bright, dist inct ive colors; and show streets as lighter
"ground - featu res. In t he overview map, label the beats "Beat #1" and UBeat #2," and label the streets
in t he detailed maps . Include a scale bar in feet . See h ints for digitizing.
Export your map to a PDF file called \ ESRIPress\GISTl\ MyAssignments\ Chapter6\ Assignmen t
6 -1YourName.pdf.
Street centerline guides for Beat #1
• 1 through 199-17th 5t (four segm ents)
• 1 through 99-18th St (two segments)
• 1 through 199-19th 5t (one segm ent)
• 1 through 199-20th 5t (four segments)
• 1 through 99-Colvi11e 5t (one segment )
.1700 through 1999- Liberty Ave (one segment)
• 1700 through 1999- Penn Ave (t h ree segments)
STUTOR IAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6 227

• 1700 through 1999-5mallman St (fou r segments)

• 1700 t hrough l S9S - 5pring Way (one segment)
Street centerline guides for Beat #2
. 100 through 299-7th 5t (two segments)
• 1 through 299- 8th St (three segments)
• 100 t hrough 299-St h 5t (four segments)
• 800 through 89S - Exchange Way (one segment)
• 700 through 899- Ft Duquesne Blvd (three segments)
• 700 through S99- Libert y Ave (three segments)
• 100 through 199- Maddock PI (one segment)
· 700 through 89S-PennAve (three segments)

i:~ the feature at tribute table for the streets. Move the table so you can see both the table and
lI:II!s:reets on t he map. Sort t he table by field 'NAME' and make multiple selections for a given beat
mC:e table by simultaneously holding down the Ctd key and clicking rows corresponding to t he
:m:as street segmen ts. The st reets layer is a TIGER file map wit h TIGER-style address n umber data,
. k d for street nu mber ranges in the following fields: L_F_ADD. L_T_ADD. R_F_ADD. and
I _T_ADD. With all streets for a beat selected, digitize Hnes for every street making up beats in t h e
.2I!W~ layers (Beatl and Beat2). Use various tools and techniques found in chapter 6.

If your work is to be graded. turn in the following files:
File geodatabase: \ESRIPress\GIST1\MyAssign ment s\Chapter6\
~ ment 6 -1YourName.gdb

.bdlap document: \ E5RIPress\ GISTl\ MyAssignments\Chapter6\

~m ent6-1You rName. mxd

iE:L;»ot ted map: \ ESRIPress\GISTl \ MyAssignments\Chapter6\

.ltss'gnment6-1 Your Name.pdf
II:f ir:structed to do so, in stead of the above individual files, turn in a compressed file,
Assignment6-1YourName,zip, with all files included. Do not include path information in
~ compressed file.
Digitizing GIS TUTO ~

Assignment 6-2

Use GIS to track campus information

GIS is a good tool to create "way fi nd i ng~ in form ation maps. These maps can be used in many
organizat ions t hat have large campuses or complicated build ings (airp orts, hospitals, office parks,
colleges, a.nd un iversities). For example, Carnegie Mellon University's campus can be confusing,
especially to new students and visitors.
In t his exercise, you will create a GIS campus map of parking, bus stop s, and academic buildings
by spatially adjusting bu ildings to an aerial photo map of the campus. You will digitize features
showing bus stop and parking lot locations. Additional layers could be for routes around t he
campus t hat lead you to various buildings.

Start with the following:

• \ESRIPress\GIST1\Data\CMUCampus\25_4S.tif and 26_ 4S.t if-digital orthographies of
CM U campus provided by Sout hwestern Penn sylvania Commission, Pennsylvania State
Plane South NAD 1983 projection.
Not e: These aeria l photos are 80 MB in size. Do not include them in your geodatabase, just poi nt to
them in the map .
• \ESRIPress\GISTl\Data\ CMUCampus\CampusMap.dwg- CAD d rawing of CMU campus
prov ided by t h e CMU facilities management department

Create a campus map

I In ArcCatalog, create a new file geodatabase called \ ESRIPress\GISTl\ MyAssignments\ Chapter6\
Assignment6-2YourName.gdb with new feature classes Parking (polygons) and BusStops (points).
Import campus map polygons for academic buildings only into the geodatabase (see Hints). Assign
the NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet projection to all feat ure classes.
Do not import the aerial images but simply add t hem to your map from their original location.
In ArcMap, create a new map document called \ ESRlPress\GISTl \ MyAssignments\ Chapter6\
Assignment6-2YourName.mxd with a layout that shows the aerial photos of t he eMU campus and
academic buildings from t he CampusMap drawing spatially adjusted to match t he buildings in the
aerial photo.
Digitize new polygons and points showing parking lots and bus stops. Digitize fo ur separate
parking lot polygon features in or around campus. You can see the parking lot locations because
there are cars in the parking lots in the aerial photo. Digitize four bus stops at various st reet
locations (you decide). Show the parking lots as semitransparent polygons so you can see the
parking lots an d cars in t he aerial photo. Set the transparency of the aerial photos to 25 percent to
better see t he n ew featu res.
Export the fi nished map to a JPEG file called \ ESRIPress\GISTl\ MyAss ignments\Chapter6\
~O R I AL I Digitizing CHAPTER 6

• Aid the eMU campus CAD drawing as polyline features. In the TOe, right-click
CampusMap. dwg Polyline and dick Properties . Click the Drawing Layers tab and leave
only AcademicBldgs t urned on. Export the buildings as a new polyline feature called
AcademicBldgs to t he Assign ment6-2YourName geodatabase.
• ;;se ArcMap's editing tools to move the build ings closer to t he aerial image. Then use
S?atial adjust ment tools and zooming fu nction s to adjust thp buildings to t he aeri al photo.
:::.onunue using editing tools, such as Move and Rotate, to adjust the buildings according to
~ aerial photo below. Note that some buildings might be missing from the aerial photo, as
:::ese were built after the photo was taken.
• :.: ~ tricky to transform t he academic build ings to t he raster map. If you get an approximate
::r.msformation that has some mismatches, that is acceptable. Do the following steps: Zoom
:J)m.e full extent to see the raster images and acade mic bu ildings. Using the Ed it tool, select
i!l of the academic buildings in the AcademicBldgs layer. Drag the buildings adjacent to t he
!"'"-=s::€r images. Select buildings on the four corners of campus and use points on this layer
- ....r match locations on the raster map image. On the Spatial Adjustment tool bar, use the
!>e-.... Displacement Link to rough ly draw fou r lines from t he build ings layer to the raster
-age. Zoom in to a point on the buildings map, click the correspondin g link wit h t he
v ' ect Elements tool on the Spatial Adjustment toolbar, click t he Modify Link button, and
::;o..-e the link endpoint to be more precise. Do the same on the raster image side of the link.
?.£?E'at for the ot her t hree links.
• :"severtex edit fu nctions to fine tune build ing corners for at least one building.
CHAPTP,R 6 Digitizing GIS TUn

If you r work is to be graded, t urn in the follo wing fil es:
File geodatabase: \ ESRIPress\GISTl \ MyA.ssignments\Chapter6\
Assign ment6-2You rName.gdb
ArcMap document: \ESRIPress\GISTl \MyAssignments\Chapter6\
Image file: \ESRIPress\GIST1\ MyAssignments\Chapter6\
If instructed to do so, instead of the above individual fi les, turn in a compressed file.
AssignmentS-2YourName.zip, with all files included. Do not include path
information in the compressed file .


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