05-GIS Tutorial 1 - Chapter 6 PDF
05-GIS Tutorial 1 - Chapter 6 PDF
05-GIS Tutorial 1 - Chapter 6 PDF
Learning objectives
Digitize polygon featu res Digitize line fea t ures
Use advanced edit tools Spatially adjust feat ures
Digitize point feat ures
4 In the Name field of the New Feature Class window, type CommerciaiZone.
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as TU TOR IA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
8 Expand MidHill.gdb in the Catalog tree to see your new feature class, and then
dose ArcCatalog.
3 Click CommercialZone as the layer to edit and click OK. St art edit ing. Create Featu
and Construction tools panels appear on the right of the map. You can adjust these pa
by dragging the boundary between them.
4 Click CommercialZone in the Create Features panel, t hen dick Polygon in the
Construction tools panel .
2 Hide the Create Features panel. Zoom to the Middle Hill Neighborhood layer as
shown below.
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4 Position t he crosshair cursor anywhere on the map and click to place a vertex.
GI5 T UTORIA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
Love a polygon
1 On the Editor toolbar, click the Edit tool G.
2 Click and hold down the mouse button anywhere inside your n ew polygon.
!lete a polygon
1 With the Edit tool still selected, click anywhere inside your new polygon.
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Lio..-t:ice creating new polygons using the Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, and Ellipse tools from t he
':"'-....struction tools panel. Delete your practice polygons when finished.
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t polygon vertex points
Next, you will learn how to work with vertices. You will move, add, and delete vertices from
a new polygon.
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~:ctice adding a few more vertices and changing the shape of the polygon .
3 Place your mouse cursor over a new vertex point and click.
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Practice changing the shape of the new polygon by moving, adding, and deleting vertic.es. "Yhen
~__fi. nished, delete the polY~:~. 'u """""..w
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2 On the Editor toolbar, dick the Straight Segment tool ./ and digitize a starting point j
a polygon segment.
3 Move your cursor to start drawing a line, right-dick, and dick Length.
Type 250 and press Enter. \
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Digitize a few more points with specified segment lengths and angles, then double-click to fin ish ,.
the polygon. Delete t h e polygon when fin ished.
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Digitize polygons
1 Zoom to the cluster of commercial block
centroids at the top left of the map. The
map to the right has the polygon drawn
t h at you are about to digitize roughly. You
will fine -tune the polygon in a second pass
of digitizing, so you do not need much
precision at first.
: U T ORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
2 In the Construction t ools panel, dick Polygon. On the Editor toolbar, dick the Straight
Segment tool / and digitize the polygon seen on the previous page by clicking one
vertex at a time and double-clicking to finish. Wherever possible, use street centerlines
as a guide for digitizing your lines.
Zoom in to a part of your new polygon and use the Add, Delete, and Move Vertex
tools to refine the polygon's shape. Use the Pan tool on the Tools toolbar to move
around your polygon's boundary and eventually refine all of it.
You need to alternate between the Edit tool, confirming a
change, and the Pan tool. Click the Full Extent button and
then zoom in to a cluster of commercial points to digitize
anot her polygon. Repeat until you have digitized all
?Olygons seen below. When you
complete the final polygon,
click Editor and Save
:Jou r ed its.
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4 Click OK. Your label numbers may not match those below,
depending on your order of digitizing.
T UT ORIAL 1 Digitbing CHAPTER 6
=-'1 Arc Map, click Windows> Catalog and use Catalog with steps similar to those at the start of U
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Tutorial 6-2
3 Click Edit or. Start Editing. the Practice icon . and OK.
6 Click the Point, Vertex, and Edge Snapping tools to turn them off, and leave End
Snapping on· I·;m~;'ffl.!!l$F ' 1lj.~J:1
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.-:s 7UTO RIA L 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
7 Click the s treet endpoint as shown in the .-'
image to snap to it . -<'
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a:. :::age and Point snapping. Practice creating polygons snapping to these fea tures.
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Dig itizing GIS TUTORIAL
Trace tool
Tracing is a quick way to create new segments that follow the shapes of other features.
Tracing is particularly useful when the features you want to follow have curves or
complicated shapes, because snapping is more difficult in t hose cases.
I 1 Delete any existing polygons.
4 On the Editor toolbar, click t he Trace tool 41 ... . You may have to dick the list arrow on
the fifth button to the right on the
Editor toolbar to access the Trace
Generalize tool
Generalizing creates features for use at small scales with less detail while preserving basic
shapes. For example, the U.S. Census generalizes many of its cartographic boundary files.
1 On the Editor toolbar, click Editor, More Editing Tools, and Advanced Editing. The
Advanced Editing toolbar appears.
2 Click t he Edit tool 1£1 and double-click inside the new traced polygon.
~s TU TOR IAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
Smooth tool
The Smooth tool is the opposite of
generalize. This tool smooths sharp
angles in polygon outlines to improve
aesthetic or cartographic quality.
1 Zoom out and pan the map to an area outside of the Middle Hill neighborhood.
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TU TO RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
Tutorial 6-3
Case Catalog.
3 In the TOC, dick the legend symbol for the Evacuation Shelters layer; change the
symbol to Square 2, the color to Mars Red, and the size to 10; and dick OK.
The red squares in the map below are the shelter locations.
Using t he Point tool, click t he corresponding locations
in your map to add t he shelter points to the EvacShelter
layer. Wh en finish ed, click Editor, Stop Editing. Click Yes
to save edits to EvacShelter.
3 In the EvacShelt ers table, click the Table Options button and Add Field.
-:'5 TUTORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
S Repeat steps 3 and 4 except name the field ShelterName and make its type text.
3 In the Evacuation Shelters table, dick the small gray box to the left of the first record
in the table. This h ighlights t he record in the table and the related feature in th e map.
4 Using the table and map provided below as your input, add the ID and Name attributes to
the selected record, then repeat the process for the remaining records .
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5 On t he Edit menu, click Stop Editing. Click Yes to save your edits. Close the table, but
leave ArcMap open.
CHAPTER 6 Digitizing
4 Click OK. The resulting map shows emergency planners where shelters
are located.
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;JS TU TORIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
Tutorial 6-4
4 In the Name field, type EvacRoute and select Polyline for Feature Type.
5 Click Edit and Import; browse to \ ESRIPress\ GISTl\ Data\ Pittsburgh\ MidHill.gdb; and
click Streets, Add, and OK twice.
2 In the TOe , dick EvacRoute's line symbol to open the Symbol Selector.
3 In the search text box at the top of the Symbol Selector window, type Arrow Right
Midd le and dick the search button @ ; dick the resulting symbol; change the Color to
Cret ean Blue and Width to 2; and click OK.
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1 Click the Straight Segment tool ./ .
Digitizing CHAPTER 6
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intersections along the evacuation
route shown in the image and
double~click to finish the route at
Webster Food Pantry.
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Save your edits and the map
1 From the Editor toolbar, click Editor, Stop Editing.
2 Click Yes to save your edits.
3 Save the map document as \ESRIPress\GIST1\MyExercise,\Chapter6\Tlltoria16· 4.tIlXt
DigitizIng CHAPTER 6
Cse the Sketch tool to digitize t he remain ing line segments
connecting the evacuation shelters. Use t he Delete or
::::ldo buttons if you make a mistake. Save t he edits and
:::ap document as Tutorial6-4 when you a re fi n ished .
Tutorial 6-5
2 Browse to the \ ESRIPress\ GIST1\ Data\ CMUCampus\ folder and add 25_ 45 .tif and
26_4 5.tif t o the map. Both aerial photos have State Plane South NAD 1983 coordinates.
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d a building outline
1 Click the Add Data but t on .
2 Browse to the \ ESRIPress\GISTl\Data\ CMUCampus\ folder and add HBH.shp to the map.
4 Ch ange Hamburg Hall's symbol color to Mars Red and its symbol width to 1.5.
5 Zoom t o the map extent. The Hamburg Ha111ayer, originated as a CAD drawing, is not
in proper alignment or scale with the buildings shown on t he aerial photos. Next. you will
adjust the building layer so that it properly aligns with the aerial photo.
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4 Place your mouse cursor directly over the outline of the Hamburg Hall feature so thaI
cursor icon changes to a four-headed arrow.
6 Zoom in to the
bu ilding feature, as (1··1
shown in the image.
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2 Click Spatial
- Similarity.
5 Click the
location on the
aerial photo.
.. TUTOR IAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
6 Continue adding
displacement links
to t he building
feature and the
aerial photo, as
shown in the image.
displacement links
If you select t he wrong position on the building or map, you can use t he ed it dis placement
tools to adjust your picks.
;) Drag the link
back to its
original location.
Zoom to Hamburg Hall in the aerial photo and use the Modify Links tool to more
precisely move the displacement links to the corners of the building.
I .. TO RIAL 1 Digitizing CHAPTER 6
st the building
1 From the Spatial Adjustment toolbar, dick Spatial Adjustment, Adjus t .
2 Stop editing and save your edits. ArcMap scales down t he Hamburg Hall featu re to match
the geometry of t he feature in the aerial photo. If t he resulting match is not very good,
select the Hamburg Hall feature, redefine new d isplacement links, and run t he Adjust
command again.
Assignment 6-1
i:~ the feature at tribute table for the streets. Move the table so you can see both the table and
lI:II!s:reets on t he map. Sort t he table by field 'NAME' and make multiple selections for a given beat
mC:e table by simultaneously holding down the Ctd key and clicking rows corresponding to t he
:m:as street segmen ts. The st reets layer is a TIGER file map wit h TIGER-style address n umber data,
. k d for street nu mber ranges in the following fields: L_F_ADD. L_T_ADD. R_F_ADD. and
I _T_ADD. With all streets for a beat selected, digitize Hnes for every street making up beats in t h e
.2I!W~ layers (Beatl and Beat2). Use various tools and techniques found in chapter 6.
If your work is to be graded. turn in the following files:
File geodatabase: \ESRIPress\GIST1\MyAssign ment s\Chapter6\
~ ment 6 -1YourName.gdb
Assignment 6-2
• Aid the eMU campus CAD drawing as polyline features. In the TOe, right-click
CampusMap. dwg Polyline and dick Properties . Click the Drawing Layers tab and leave
only AcademicBldgs t urned on. Export the buildings as a new polyline feature called
AcademicBldgs to t he Assign ment6-2YourName geodatabase.
• ;;se ArcMap's editing tools to move the build ings closer to t he aerial image. Then use
S?atial adjust ment tools and zooming fu nction s to adjust thp buildings to t he aeri al photo.
:::.onunue using editing tools, such as Move and Rotate, to adjust the buildings according to
~ aerial photo below. Note that some buildings might be missing from the aerial photo, as
:::ese were built after the photo was taken.
• :.: ~ tricky to transform t he academic build ings to t he raster map. If you get an approximate
::r.msformation that has some mismatches, that is acceptable. Do the following steps: Zoom
:J)m.e full extent to see the raster images and acade mic bu ildings. Using the Ed it tool, select
i!l of the academic buildings in the AcademicBldgs layer. Drag the buildings adjacent to t he
!"'"-=s::€r images. Select buildings on the four corners of campus and use points on this layer
- ....r match locations on the raster map image. On the Spatial Adjustment tool bar, use the
!>e-.... Displacement Link to rough ly draw fou r lines from t he build ings layer to the raster
-age. Zoom in to a point on the buildings map, click the correspondin g link wit h t he
v ' ect Elements tool on the Spatial Adjustment toolbar, click t he Modify Link button, and
::;o..-e the link endpoint to be more precise. Do the same on the raster image side of the link.
?.£?E'at for the ot her t hree links.
• :"severtex edit fu nctions to fine tune build ing corners for at least one building.
CHAPTP,R 6 Digitizing GIS TUn
If you r work is to be graded, t urn in the follo wing fil es:
File geodatabase: \ ESRIPress\GISTl \ MyA.ssignments\Chapter6\
Assign ment6-2You rName.gdb
ArcMap document: \ESRIPress\GISTl \MyAssignments\Chapter6\
Image file: \ESRIPress\GIST1\ MyAssignments\Chapter6\
If instructed to do so, instead of the above individual fi les, turn in a compressed file.
AssignmentS-2YourName.zip, with all files included. Do not include path
information in the compressed file .