Ola Bula Formation

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2. Geology and fossil sites of the Soa Basin, Flores, Indonesia

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6 authors, including:

Gert Van den Bergh

University of Wollongong


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2. Geology and fossil sites of the Soa Basin, Flores, Indonesia.

Suminto1, M.J. Morwood2,3, I. Kurniawan1, F. Aziz1, G.D. van den Bergh2 & D.R. Hobbs3.

Geological Survey Institute, Bandung 40122, Indonesia
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia 2522
School of Humanities, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia 2350

Corresponding author: Mike Morwood ([email protected])

Keywords: Indonesia, Flores, tectonics, geochronology, geomorphological reconstruction,

faunal sequence, hominins

This paper describes the geology of the Soa Basin, central Flores, in the context of regional plate
tectonics, volcanism and uplift, as well as the history of geological research and the main
stratigraphic units in the basin itself. The basal breccias of the Ola Kile Formation, formed during
the Early Pleistocene, provided a concave structure, in which volcanic, fluvial and lacustrine
deposits of the Ola Bula Formation accumulated between 1 million and 650,000 years ago. These
have largely remained horizontal and undistorted; and the relative heights of strata largely reflect
their relative ages. Localised deposits of vertebrate fossils, including those of Stegodon florensis,
Komodo dragon, rat and crocodile, also occur in the Ola Bula Formation, mostly in palaeo-
channels at times of low lake level, but also associated with palaeo-shorelines. So far 16 such fossil
sites have been recorded, most of which also contain stone artefacts that are proxy evidence for
hominins. However, stone artefacts are conspicuously absent from Tangi Talo, dated to 900,000 BP
and the only fossil site currently known from Flores with pygmy Stegodon (S. sondaari) and giant
tortoise. The Soa Basin sequence may, therefore, document the initial arrival of hominins on

2.1. Introduction
Flores is located in the middle of the Banda Volcanic Arc system, a string of volcanoes and volcanic
islands that delineates an actively subducting zone between the Indian-Australian and Eurasian
Plates (Hall 2002; Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996) (Figure 2.1). Subduction of the Indian-
Australian Plate has caused the formation, up-lift and volcanism along the southern margin of the
overlying Eurasian Plate, resulting in the emergence of a line of volcanic islands and the formation
of deep ocean trenches to the south (McCaffrey 1996; Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996; Kopp et al.,
2006; Hall 2001).
The initial volcanism that formed Flores was submarine (Burrett et al., 1991). During the Middle
Miocene, sandstones and limestones were sub-aqueously deposited within basins that surrounded

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 19
the volcanic spine of Flores, while subsequent volcanic activity produced widespread volcanic
breccias. By the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene, limestones intercalated with volcanic material had
been deposited, while extensive, shallow-depth magmatism continued in the Pliocene-Pleistocene
and formed numerous calderas (van Bemmelen, 1949; Koesoemadinata et al., 1994; Monk et al.,
1997). A volcanic centre, located immediately to the northwest of the Soa Basin, was active around
2.5 my ago and seems responsible for the outpourings of the extensive andesitic breccias that
comprise the base rock of the Soa Basin. These outpourings continued until at least 1.66 my
(Muraoka et al., 2002: 119, 12, and culminated in the formation of the Welas Caldera. During this
volcanic cataclysm a series of dacitic pumice tuffs were deposited as ignimbrites in the Soa Basin.
These were overlain by lacustrine and fluviatile sediments in the Early and Middle Pleistocene.
Throughout the entire history of Flores, volcanism and rates of tectonic up-lift have been the
dominant factors in shaping the island's landscapes. Sea level fluctuations, associated with glacial
and interglacial cycles, are too distant to cause base-level adjustments of the Ae Sissa River system
this far inland. Instead, both accumulation and down cutting of the Soa Basin sediments have been
determined by rates of tectonic uplift and the nature of river drainage - at times river passage out of
the basin was blocked by volcanic processes.
Evidence of uplift on Flores can be seen in the coral-reef exposures along the south coast, such as on
Nusa Mules Island; in the raised coral-reef terraces along the north coast; and in the formation of a
series of terraces along the Wae Racang River near Liang Bua in West Flores (Westaway, 2006).
Similar evidence occurs on the neighboring islands of Sumba, Alor, Atauro and Timor. Uranium-

Fig. 2.1: Tectonic setting of the Indonesian region (after Hall, 2002).

20 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
series dating of such raised coral terraces provides the most reliable means for estimating tectonic
uplift rates. For instance, over the last 1 Ma the raised coral reef terraces at Cape Laundi on Sumba
have been uplifted 0.2 to 0.5 mm/yr (Bard et al., 1996, Pirazzoli et al., 1991, 1993), which
approximates the 0.47 mm/yr estimates for Atauro (Abbott and Chamalaun, 1981) and 0.3–0.5
mm/yr for Timor (Chappell and Veth, 1978). Given such regional consistency, similar rates of uplift
probably characterised Flores. Significantly, Muraoka et al. (2002: 09) estimate that two regions of
the island were uplifted about 800 metres over the past 2.5 million years (= 0.32 mm/yr).

2.2. Geology of the Soa Basin

The Soa Basin is located between 300 and 370 metres above sea-level immediately to the northwest
of Bajawa, the provincial capital for Ngadha Regency in central Flores. It is surrounded by both
active and non-active volcanoes and is drained by the Ae Sissa River and its tributaries, which form
sub-parallel drainage in the south and a dendritic pattern in the north. The river system runs
northeast and exits the basin through a deeply incised gorge, and forms a delta plain on the north
coast (Fig. 2.2).
Topographically the Soa Basin is a plateau in which the rivers have dissected valleys that are wide
where the less resistant fluvio-lacustrine deposits are being eroded, but form steep gorges where the
highly resistant andesitic breccias of the Soa Basin basement are being dissected. The tops of these
volcanic breccias often form erosional terraces. The tops of the highest hills in the basin are level
and show rounded or flat tops depending on lithology - rounded tops indicate unconsolidated
sediments such as tuff or sandy tuff, while flat tops indicate more resistant rocks, usually lacustrine
limestones that constitute the top of the basin fill sequence. Aligned hills also form ridges,
especially in the southern section of the basin.
Other geological surveys of the area have been undertaken by Ehrat (1925), the Geological
Research and Development Centre (Hartono 1961), an Indonesian-Dutch team (van den Bergh
1999) and Muraoka et al. (2002): the latter in connection with their assessment of geothermal
sources in the region. However, it is difficult to reconcile our dates, stratigraphic evidence and
inferred depositional history of the Soa Basin, with those espoused by Muraoka et al. (2002), who
seem unaware of previous research in the basin, or prior designated names for geological
formations. For instance, their 'Welas Tuff' and 'Aesesa Formation' correspond to the basal pumice
tuff member and the upper fluvio-lacustrine members of the Ola Bula Formation of Hartono (1961),
respectively. They also seem unaware of the andesitic breccias of the Ola Kile Formation that
underlie the Ola Bula Formation. By convention, the original names given to these Formations by
Hartono (1961) and adopted by van den Bergh (1999) take precedence and will be used exclusively
in this paper, though his Gero limestone Formation is here considered as the upper member of the
fluvio-lacustrine Ola Bula Formation.
We mapped the entire basin at a scale of 1:50,000, allowing a better understanding of its geological
history and highlighting appropriate deposits for radiometric dating (Figure 2.3 plus Appendix A
foldout). The mapping was achieved by using aerial photographs and topographic maps to identify
boundaries between geological units; extensive ground truthing of all units at precise locations as
determined by GPS readings; the study of stratigraphic column samples throughout the basin; and

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 21
the recording of associated fossil deposits.
Hartono (1961) distinguished four main stratigraphic units within the basin, the Ola Kile
Formation, Ola Bula Formation, Gero Limestone Formation and younger volcanic rocks. The basal
unit, the Ola Kile, is composed of massive and resistant andesitic breccia with several interbedded
tuffaceous siltstones and sandstones, and some lava flows. It was deposited as one or several
coalescing volcanic aprons, at least one related to the Welas Caldera volcanic centre (Fig. 2.2). A
fission track date of 1.86 million years for a tuff near the top to the Ola Kile Formation is in
accordance with the K-Ar ages provided by Muraoka et al. (2002), indicating that initial infill of the
Soa Basin depression started during the Late Pliocene/Early Pleistocene. Where exposed along the
northern edge of the basin, the Ola Kile Formation is at least 75 m thick but its base is not exposed

Fig. 2.2: Satellite image of the Soa Basin in West Central Flores, with the most important
fossil/archaeological localities. Forested areas are green, Savannah grasslands are red. 1 = Kobatuwa; 2 =
Mata Menge; 3 = Lembah Menge; 4 = Boa Leza; 5 = Ola Bula; 6 = Tangi Talo; 7 = Wolo Milo; 8 = Wolo
Keo; 9 = Sagala; 10 = Dozu Dhalu; 11 = Kopowatu; 12 = Ngamapa; 13 = Pauphadhi.

22 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Fig. 2.3. Geological map of the Soa Basin.Thick dashed line indicates schematic profile shown in Fig. 2.5

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
anywhere. The Formation has an east-to-west strike and a regional dip of 5 degrees to the south
resulting from tectonic activity, but possibly partly preserving the dip of the south and
southeastward sloping volcanic aprons. Following deposition, and prior to later burial, the upper
surface of the Ola Kile was broadly folded and eroded.
The Ola Bula Formation., which unconformably overlies the Ola Kile Formation and fills in much
of the two subbasins, consists of as much as 100 m of largely undeformed and flat-lying volcanic
and sedimentary deposits, which thin toward the margins of the basin. A fault running east-to-west
cuts the Ae Sissa up-stream of the Lowo Mese and Lowo Lele.
Three depositional intervals have been identified within the Ola Bula Formation (Fig. 2.4). A basal
tuffaceous interval, which seems to correspond with the Welas Tuff of Muraoka et al. (2002),
consists largely of volcanic deposits dominated by prominent layers of white pumiceous volcanic
tuffs interbedded with tuffaceous silt, and minor sand layers and conglomerate lenses. Some of the
pumice layers show clear characteristics of ignimbritic flows, and they are frequently overprinted
by red mottling, in particular along the western basin margin near Mata Menge, suggesting
extensive periods of non-deposition and soil formation.
Time (Ma)

Age Stratigra- Vertebrate fauna

phic Unit Lithology Environment & stone tools
Holocene volcanics & Tuffaceous sand and silt; lavaflows
Terrestrial, distal volcanic apron
gravel, sand and silt

Thin-bedded micritic freshwater


limestone and tuffaceous silt; Lacustrine conditions dominating,
minor tuffaceous sand minor clastic influxes

Lacustrine conditions dominating

Sandstone Member
Ola Bula Fm
Early to Middle Pleistocene

Tuffaceous sand and silt; debris flows;

sheetflow deposit; conglomerate; Stegodon florensis
minor white tuffs;
Varanus komodoensis
increasingly fine-grained in upper part
Hooijeromys nusatenggara
Distal volcanic apron to lake margin
Transition from fluvial to lacustrine Small crocodyle
Fluctuating lake level. Large crocodyle
Stone artefacts
Tuff Member

Stegodon sondaari
White and pink pumice tuffs and Varanus komodoensis
Distal volcanic apron (dacitic)
tuffaceous silt and sand;
Lacustrine/paludrine Giant tortoise
minor fluvial channels Localized braided bed-load channels Small crocodyle
0.94 and soil formation
Hiatus Non-deposition and erosion
Ola Kile Fm.


Andesitic breccia + minor tuffaceous Volcanic apron; dominated by

silt and sand

lahar deposits

Fig. 2.4. Generalized stratigraphic sequence for the Soa Basin.

24 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
The white volcanic tuff interval is very thick in the southeast of the basin in the direction of the
Kelindora volcano, which is still active. In the east, the tuffs constitute massive fine-grained white
layers with minor, large pumice fragments, possibly deposited in a lacustrine environment. In
contrast, around Kobatuwa on the northwestern basin margin near the Welas Caldera, deposition of
the Ola Bula Formation started later than in the central part of the basin, and there is no basal tuff
member, which was presumably eroded before deposition of the sandstone member began.
Sediments of the Ola Bula Formation infilled a pre-existing depression. At present, Tangi Talo is the
only known site in the basal tuff interval with fossil vertebrate fossils, which include the remains of
Stegodon sondaari, giant tortoise and Varanus komodoensis.
The tuffaceous interval grades upward into a fluvio-lacustrine interval in which layers of
predominantly low-energy siltstones alternate with high-energy sandstones. The sandstone layers
are characterized by internal scour and fill structures, and occasionally show parallel laminations
and minor crossbedding features. Other facies types occurring in the fluvio-lacustrine interval are
reworked tuffs and mudflow deposits. Occasionally the sandstone beds contain concentrations of
terrestrial vertebrate fossils, predominantly of Stegodon florensis (see below). Freshwater
conditions are indicated by evidence for freshwater molluscs, indicative of well-oxidized agitated
to occasionally stagnant conditions; crocodiles; mineralized microbial mat laminae; and plant
fossils, including horsetails, tree leaves and wood fragments. Along the western margin of the
basin, the sequence is condensed and the sandy layers are generally between 0.5 and 2 m thick,
indicating that they were deposited in minor streams and as sheetflood deposits. In the central part
of the basin, the sandstone member reaches a maximum thickness of about 60 m, and individual
sandstone layers are up to 5.5 m deep, indicating much larger river channels. Stone artefacts occur
in situ in both sandy and fine-grained clastic deposits of the sandstone member.
The sandy interval grades conformably upsection into a limestone interval, up to 40 m thick, of
micritic freshwater limestone intercalated with fine-grained sandstones, tuffs and silts. The
limestones may exhibit parallel laminations and contain fossils of freshwater algae (oogonia),
plants, fish, ostracods and mollusks. The limestone interval was deposited within a lacustrine
environment, as indicated by its extensive and horizontal distribution, but the top of some limestone
layers show polygonal shrinkage cracks, indicating fluctuating water levels. Hartono (1961)
mapped this upper interval as a separate unit, the Gero Formation. On the basis of the gradational
nature of the contact between the limestone and the underlying sandy interval, as well as its patchy
distribution, it could be considered as the third, upper member of the Ola Bula Formation. However,
in the northern part of the basin the Gero limestone interval directly overlies the Ola Kile Formation
unconformably – i.e. it is much more extensive than the Ola Bula Formation. The thickest
development of the limestone member occurs in the eastern part of the basin, where individual
limestone layers may be up to 30 cm deep. Along the western basin margin the limestone interval is
thinner (10 m) and consists of thin-bedded layers (1-5 cm thick) alternating with greater amounts of
fine-grained clastics and minor sand and tuff layers.
Hartono (1961) claimed that foraminifera occurred in the limestone member, which would suggest
small-scale marine transgressions into the basin. However, we could not verify his claim and it is
possible that he mistakenly identified the globular calcareous oogonia of Characea as foraminifera
(van den Bergh, 1999).

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 25
14: 0.65 ± 0.06 Ma
13: 0.68 ± 0.07 Ma
4: 0.75 ± 0.07 Ma
1: 0.75 ± 0.06 Ma
6: 0.84 ± 0.07 Ma

Tangi Talo

Ola Bula

Mata Menge

Dozu Dhalu

Boa Lesa
14 11: 0.73 ± 0.07 Ma
Limestone Member
13 2: 0.70 ± 0.07 Ma
Sandstone A: 0.80 ± 0.07 Ma
1 4 Member 7: 0.85 ± 0.09 Ma
2 A 6 9: 0.85 ± 0.09 Ma
3 B 7 9 11 3: 0.80 ± 0.09 Ma
B: 0.88 ± 0.07 Ma
5 12 C: 0.90 ± 0.07 Ma
8 8: 0.92 ± 0.08 Ma
Tuff Member 12: 0.95 ± 0.09 Ma
Ola Kile Fm.
10 5: 0.94 ± 0.06 Ma
10: 1.86 ± 0.12 Ma
Stone artefacts Fossil bone Zirkon sample Traceable beds

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Fig. 2.5. Fission-track ages of the Soa Basin sequence (after O'Sullivan et al., 2001).
Along the southern margin of the Soa Basin, the Ola Bula Formation is unconformably overlaid by
recent volcanics. This thin unit (ca 10 m) is composed primarily of andesite and basaltic lavas
interbedded with minor sandstone and conglomerate layers consisting of volcanic detritus from the
surrounding volcanic uplands.

2.3. Chronology
In order to determine the absolute age of the basin deposits and their fossil localities, we used the
fission-track dating method (Fig. 2.5). Of the 14 samples selected from the Ola Bula Formation,
eight were from tuffaceous layers below deposits containing stone artefacts, and six were from
layers either associated with or located above deposits containing stone artefacts. Three additional
samples, two from thin tuffaceous layers near the base and top of the limestone interval, and one
from the top of the Ola Kile Formation., were dated in order to determine the minimum and
maximum ages, respectively, of the Ola Bula Formation. Although it is possible that the tuffaceous
layers sampled have been slightly reworked following deposition, their horizontal extent and lack
of internal sedimentary structures, as well as their homogeneity in color and texture, suggest that
any reworking was minimal. Therefore, the zircon ages are interpreted as dating the time of
deposition for each layer.
The zircon fission track results are consistent throughout the section and become progressively
younger upsection (O'Sullivan et al., 2001). Sample ZFT-10 from the top of the Ola Kile Formation
yielded an age of 1.86 ± 0.12 Ma (all errors reported at ±1 σ), thus indicating a Late Pliocene
minimum age for deposition (Fig. 2.5). Zircon ages from two samples from the tuffaceous interval
at or near the base of the Ola Bula of ca. 0.96 - 0.94 Ma indicate that deposition of this unit began
during the Early Pleistocene. Farther up section within the basal tuff member of the Ola Bula
Formation, zircon ages ranged between 0.92 ± 0.08 Ma and 0.90 ± 0.07 Ma from tuffaceous layers
beneath deposits containing stone artefacts. Zircon fission track ages from the fluvio-lacustrine
middle sandstone member of the Ola Bula Formation range between 0.88 ± 0.07 and 0.70 ± 0.07
Ma, and stone artefacts occur in deposits spanning this time range. Samples ZFT-13 and ZFT-14,
from the overlying Gero limestone member, gave ages of 0.68 ± 0.07 Ma and 0.65 ± 0.06 Ma (Fig.
2.5), indicating that deposition of the Ola Bula Formation ceased in the Middle Pleistocene.
An important point is that, except for the northern part of the Soa Basin, where there is a slight dip to
the south, the Ola Bula Formation and the Gero Limestone have remained horizontal. The relative
heights of fossil sites and layers within the Ola Bula Formation are, therefore, generally indicative of
their relative ages, as confirmed by the fission track results and by age estimates based on the
presence of tektites in some strata, palaeomagnetic determinations and the fossil evidence (e.g.
Sondaar et al., 1994). However, thick sandstone deposits formed in large, deeply incised channels in
the central part of the Soa Basin (e.g. in the Ngamapa and Dozu Dhalu sections) are lower in the
sequence and may be contemporaneous with the upper part of the tuff member in the western margin
sections (e.g. Mata Menge). In addition, mudflow deposits and fluvial conglomerates are more
common along the western basin margin, and the latter may be deeply incised into previously
deposited lacustrine sediments - as observed near Mata Menge (see Chapter 4).

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 27
2.4. Fossil/archaeological sites in the Soa Basin
We located 16 fossil/archaeological sites in the Ola Bula Formation, including those previously
investigated by Maringer and Verhoeven (1970), Sondaar et al. (1994) and Morwood et al. (1999).
In the site survey, we recorded data on stratigraphic and environmental contexts, dimensions,
contents, locations and relative heights, and also collected tuffaceous siltstone samples for fission
track dating. Equipment used included measuring tapes, compasses, clinometers, an abney level, a
Geographical Positioning System (GPS) and an electronic altimeter. For measuring relative heights
the altimeter was set each morning at 500 m, which was higher than the actual elevation, at a
specific location en route to the field. Barometric changes during the course of each day meant that
much cross-checking was required. Sites were also recorded photographically and with digital
video. Contributions by researchers from several disciplines (e.g., geology, archaeology, and
paleontology) mean that the site-specific, as well as the regional processes responsible for
deposition of the sediments within the Soa Basin and excavated finds are now well understood.
From northwest to southeast the fossil sites comprised Wolo Milo, Kobatuwa, Mata Menge, Lemba
Menge, Wolo Sege, Boa Lesa, Ola Bula, Tangi Talo, Wolokeo, Dozu Dhalu, Sagala, Deko Weko,
Kopowatu, Ngamapa and Pauphadhi. In addition, we also recorded Keli Esu Cave and the
abandoned village of Ola Bula. Details on individual sites are given below.

2.4.1. Wolo Milo

Location: 008˚ 40' 57.8' S, 121˚.08' 27.2” E. Surface fossils are exposed on a sandstone platform 45
metres wide. In situ artefacts also occur in the above scarp for 10 metres. They are of volcanics,
chert and silcrete. The fossil deposits are overlain and underlain by tuffs.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon. There is also an extensive scatter of stone artefacts on the
terrace associated with bone. One in situ stone artefact was found.
Relative Height: 456 m. Gero Limestone lies 20 metres above, and the Ola Kile Formation ca. 10
metres below.
Comments: Wolo Milo occurs at the same stratigraphic level relative to the Gero Limestone and
Ola Kile Formation as Mata Menge, Boa Lesa and Kobatuwa. The number of fossils, presence of in
situ artefacts and close proximity of tuffs suitable for dating make Wolo Milo a site with significant
research potential.

2.4.2. Kobatuwa
Location: 008.68851˚ S, 121.08790˚ E. Fossils are exposed on a sandstone platform flanking both
sides of a deeply incised gully, which runs north to meet the main river channel. The platform is 120
metres long (N - S) and up to 10 metres wide. The well-preserved fossils occur in the uppermost
layer of hard coarse sandstone, basically at the interface with the overlying grey siltstone. In one
section a white tuffaceous siltstone occurs between the grey siltstone and the coarse sandstone. The
natural section along the west bank of the gully shows localised changes in the height of the Ola Kile
Formation and the nature of sediments immediately overlying it. At the southern end, the coarse

28 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
sandstone covers a conglomerate filled palaeo-channel and the Ola Kile Formation lies 2 metres
below. Midway along the site the coarse sandstone is 60 cm thick and underlain by a grey siltstone
(25 cm), coarse sandstone (25 cm) then the Ola Kile Formation. Following the section along, there
are channels in the Ola Kile Formation up to 170 cm deep, infilled with homogeneous grey
sandstone, while one section rises to within 25 cm of the present platform surface. At the northern
end of the site, the Ola Kile Formation drops down at least 100 cm and a layer of pink tuffaceous
siltstone occurs in the resulting depression. This siltstone is relatively soft and has weathered out to
undercut the overlying sandstone. Stone artefacts are exposed in the coarse sandstone scarp and in
the roof of the undercut. Artefacts also occur beneath the scarp on the slope down to the creek. They
are of volcanics, chert and silcrete.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon, with in situ stone artefacts in association
Height: Relative Height: 505 m; True elevation ~332 m. 23 metres below Gero Limestone and
between 25 and 200 cm above the Ola Kile Formation.
Comments: The Ola Kile Formation at this site has localised topographic variation (e.g. water
channels), and is sealed in by a coarse sandstone layer, which contains stone artefacts. Most of the
fossils have been deposited on top of this sandstone layer. Three fission track ages are available for
Kobatuwa: a date of 800,000 + 90,000 BP from a layer of tuff 35 cm below the fossil deposit
provides a maximum age for the fossils and associated stone artefacts, while a date of 700,000 +
70,000 BP for a layer of white tuff 2 metres above the fossil layer provides a minimum age
(O'Sullivan, et al 2001), and another white tuffaceous silt higher up the slope yielded an age of.
750,000 + 60,000 BP. Three trenches were excavated at Kobatuwa between 2004-2006, in a
research cooperation between the Archaeological Research Centre in Jakarta (ARKENAS), the
Geological Survey Institute in Bandung (GSI), and the University of New England, Australia. A
more detailed description of the results is provided in Chapter 6 of this volume.

2.4.3. Mata Menge/Lemba Menge

Location: 008.69266˚ S, 121.09563˚ E. Mata Menge lies 1.5 km and 118˚ (southeast) of Kobatuwa
on an erosional terrace shaped by a resistant sandstone layer cropping out on a hill slope between the
Gero Limestone and the Ola Kile Formation. The fossil deposits are 1.6-2.2 metres thick and are
exposed in the face of the terrace scarp. They comprise a fining-upwards sequence of inter-bedded
layers and lenses of tuffaceous siltstone and sandstone (see Chaper 4, this volume). Verhoeven
conducted excavations here in 1965 and Sondaar et al. (1994) in 1992-4. Fossils are also exposed on
the terrace flat immediately to the northwest. The site of Lemba Menge, located 120 metres to the
east on the other side of a gully, is really part of the same fossil deposit. Verhoeven excavated at
Lemba Menge in 1968 (Maringer and Verhoeven 1970: 236).
Contents: Vertebrate fossils include large Stegodon florensis, crocodile, giant rat (Hooijeromys
nusatenggara), and the pelvis of an unidentified bird. Stone artefacts occur in situ at both Mata
Menge and Lemba Menge (Maringer and Verhoeven 1970: 236; Morwood et al 1997; Brumm et al.,
2006). They also lie scattered across the sites and in the general vicinity - especially in the gully
between Mata Menge and Lemba Menge.

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 29
Elevation: Relative Height: 505 m; True elevation: ~332 m. Mata Menge lies 23 metres below
Gero Limestone and 8 metres above the Ola Kile Formation. Lemba Menge and the more distant
Kobatuwa occur at the same elevation as Mata Menge.
Comments: Some fossils excavated by Verhoeven are in the Catholic Seminary Museum at
Ledalero. The location of the stone artefacts that he recovered is not known. Fossils and stone
artefacts excavated by Sondaar et al (1994) are in the collections of the Geological Survey Institute
at Bandung.
Four fission track ages are available for the locale (Morwood et al., 1998; O'Sullivan et al., 2001).
The prominent white tuff 18 metres above the site dates to 0.75 + 0.07 Ma, while the pink tuff
exposed 8 metres below the fossil deposit and immediately above the Ola Kile Formation is 0.94 +
0.06 Ma old. Within the site, a layer of tuff sealing off the top of the fossil layer provides a minimum
age of 0.80 + 0.07 Ma for the fossils and associated stone artefacts, while the pink tuffaceous silt
immediately beneath the main fossil deposit yielded a date of 0.88 + 0.07 Ma. This silt contains
stone artefacts and now provides a minimum age for the first appearance of hominins in the basin
(see Chapter 4, this volume; Brummel et al., 2006).

2.4.4 Wolo Sege

Location: 008.40˚ 59.9” S, 121.08˚ 30.3” E. The site lies near the base of the Ola Bula Formation in
the western part of the Soa Basin, 540 m and 63° (northeast) of Mata Menge, and stratigraphically
ca. 5-10 metres below Mata Menge. It is located in a scarp in a cattle yard at the head of a small gully,
surrounded by a series of low hills. A 4 metres high escarpment of resistant tuffaceous silt and
ignimbrite/pumice gravel from the lower member of the Old Bula Formation extends along the base
of the hills, encircling the gully to the north, west and south. In descending order, the investigated
section comprised topsoil, pumice-rich ignimbrite, tuffaceous silts, a 0-80 cm thick fluvial
conglomerate, and a 60 cm thick tuffaceous silt. The latter silt interval directly overlies breccias of
the Ola Kile Formation.
Contents: Stone artefacts, but no fossils, occur within the conglomerate deposit and underlying
tuffaceous silt. In addition, a scatter of stone artefacts occurs across the cattle yard. These were
probably eroded from the conglomerate.
Elevation: True elevation: 326 m.
Comments: We undertook a small excavation at this site in 2005 and found stone artefacts at the
base of the lowermost tuff directly on top of the Ole Kile Formation.

2.4.5. Boa Lesa

Location: 008.69605˚ S, 121.1005 008˚ E. The site lies 660 metres and 125˚ (southeast) from Mata

30 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Menge. Fossils and stone artefacts occur in a tuffaceous sandstone layer deposited in a channel.
These are capped with tuffaceous silt.
Contents: The fossils are of large Stegodon florensis. Stone artefacts occur in situ in direct
association with the fossils. A scatter of artefacts also lies on the site and in the general vicinity.
Relative Height: 496 m. True elevation ~333 m. Stratigraphic 32 metres below Gero Limestone
and 9 metres above the Ola Kile/Ola Bula boundary.
Comments: Verhoeven undertook major excavations here in 1963 and recovered in situ stone
artefacts (Maringer and Verhoeven 1970: 230). The fossils recovered by Verhoeven are housed in
the Catholic Seminary Museum at Ledalero. The museum also has an album of Verhoeven
photographs most of which are of the Boa Lesa excavations. On the basis of relative altitude and
stratigraphic position, it is the same age as nearby Mata Menge, as confirmed by a fission track date
of 0.84 + 0.07 Ma for a tuffaceous siltstone overlying the fossil deposit (O'Sullivan et al., 2001). In
1998 and 1999, we re-excavated Boa Lesa to check Verhoeven's findings (see Chapter 5, this
volume; Morwood et al., 1999).

2.4.6. Ola Bula

Location: 008.69389˚ S, 121.13305˚ E. The site lies 3.6 km and 086˚ (east) of Boa Lesa on top of
the main plateau in the area. Fossils are exposed in a series of sandstone and siltstone layers. The site
lies close to and 50 metres above, Tangi Talo.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon florensis. Stone artefacts of volcanics, silcrete and chert
also occur across the site. In a number of locations fossils, stone artefacts and pottery from the upper
levels/surface of the plateau have slumped down the sides to the slopes and terraces below.
Relative Height: 465 m. The Ola Bula fossil-bearing deposit is located ca. 60 metres below the
Gero Limestone exposed near Mata Menge and 58 metres above the Ola Kile Formation as exposed
below Tangi Talo.
Comments: Verhoeven did a major excavation at the site in 1957. His main excavation area
measures 21 by 8 metres. He found artefacts on the surface, but none in the excavation (Maringer
and Verhoeven 1970: 229). Some of the fossils he excavated are now housed in the Catholic
Seminary Museum at Ledalero.

2.4.7. Ola Bula Village

Location: 008.69506˚ S, 121.14007˚ E. (First Hut Cluster) 008.69434˚ S, 121.14274˚ E (Second
hut cluster). The remains of a megalithic village occur 780 metres and 100˚ (east southeast) of Ola
Bula fossil site. The village is located on a narrow peninsula 123 metres above and overlooking the
Ae Sissa River gorge to the NNW and the Ae Bha River to the southeast. The peninsula terminates
overlooking the junction of the two rivers to the northeast (075˚) and is precipitous on three sides
with a narrow neck joining it to the main Ola Bula plateau to the west. It is on average 60 metres in
width and 400 metres in length and has a commanding view of the surrounding country except to the
west, where it joins the main plateau. A scatter of stone artefacts and pottery fragments extends

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 31
across the site and down adjacent scarps. Stegodon fossil fragments were also found across the area
immediately inside the wall fencing of the village near the first cluster of hut footings. They are
associated with an eroded tuff layer just below the eroded remains of hard tuffaceous sandstone. An
eroding Stegodon jaw and tusk occur in the tuff layer below the sandstone. An occasional thighbone
fragment was seen embedded in the hard tuffaceous sandstone outcrops in the area. The fossil
fragments appear to have eroded from the sandstone that partially caps the site, which is at the same
relative height as the sites of Ngamapa and Kopowatu.

2.4.8. Tangi Talo

Location: 008.69806˚ S, 121.13611˚ E. The site lies 510 metres southeast of Ola Bula. It occurs on
the hill slope running down from the main plateau to the more precipitous slopes of the Ola Kile
Formation, which here forms a gorge along the Ae Bha River 85 metres below. Fossils are eroding
out of a pumice-rich tuff layer 35 cm thick, which extends for 100 metres along the slope. Just below
the site differential erosion has formed a terrace flat on which fossils, stone artefacts and pottery
fragments occur. These are of very mixed ages. In 1994, a 15 metre length of the fossil layer was
excavated by Sondaar et al. (1994). The resulting scarp is evident at the northern end of the site. Two
smaller exposures at the same stratigraphic level on the south and west slopes of the Tangi Talo
hillock indicate that this fossil deposit is extensive.

Fig. 2.6: Remains of the pygmy Stegodon sondaari excavated at Tangi Talo in 1994
(Photo: Gert van den Bergh).

32 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Tangi Talo Loc. 2 at 008.7031˚ S, 121.13696˚ E. A flat area measuring 3 by 2 metres
Tangi Talo 2 at 008.69865˚ S, 121.13388˚ E. A slope measuring 6 by 5 metres.
Contents: Fossils include pygmy Stegodon sondaari, giant tortoise and Komodo dragon (Figure
2.6). Van den Bergh (1999) also records the occurrence of a small crocodile. It is the oldest fossil site
yet located in the Ola Bula Formation and the only one in the basal tuff member. The pygmy S.
sondaari and giant tortoise have not been reported from other, younger sites.
Relative height: 416 m. 108 metres below Gero Limestone and 8 metres above the top of the Ola
Kile Formation.
Comments: A fission track date of 900,000 + 70,000 BP has been obtained for Tangi Talo
(Morwood et al., 1998). The Indonesian-Dutch team excavated the site in 1994, and the Indonesian-
Australian team again in 1999 (see Chapter 3, this volume). Stone tools of various types and ages, as
well as pottery fragments, lie scattered along the hill slope and adjacent terraces. Recovered
examples include proto-handaxes, picks and massive basalt flakes. However, none were observed
in situ. All appear to have been transported from the slopes above. Nor were any artefacts found in
the excavations.
2.4.9. Wolokeo
Location: 008.70926˚ S, 121.14972˚ E. The site occurs over a 2 metre square area on the summit of
a knife-edge ridge. Here a scatter of large Stegodon florensis fossil fragments and stone tools is
exposed on the surface and down the slope. The stone artefacts include an edge-ground implement
(= Neolithic). Long grass made recording difficult.
Relative height: 505 m.

2.4.10. Sagala
Location: 008.71167˚ S, 121.15633˚ E. It comprises a scatter of large Stegodon florensis fossils
exposed for 120 metres on the surface of a sandstone platform. One in situ Stegodon tusk was
observed but no stone tools. Long grass made recording difficult.
Relative height: 462 m.

2.4.11. Dozu Dhalu

Location: 008.70008˚ S, 121.15400˚ E. The site is located 1920 metres west of Tangi Talo on a spur
running down from the main plateau at 335˚ N. The ridge has a number of terraces resulting from
differential erosion of the Ola Bula Formation strata. Fossils are exposed on the flat and scarp of the
second terrace for 100 metres across the ridge, which is flanked by steep, treed gullies on both sides
(Fig. 2.7).
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon florensis, Komodo dragon, snake (?) and giant rat. A
sparse scatter of stone artefacts occurs across the site. They are made on volcanics, silcrete,
quartzite and chert. One stone artefact was found in situ during the 1994 excavation (see Fig. 1.10,

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 33
Fig. 2.7. The 1994 and 1997 excavations at Dozu Dhalu revealed a concentration of
Stegodon remains (Photo: Gert van den Bergh).

Chapter 1) by the Indonesia-Dutch team, but none were found in situ during the 1997 excavation
(Morwood et al., 1999).
Relative Height: 478 m. Stratigraphic 50 metres below the base of the Gero Limestone and 45
metres above the top of the Ola Kile Formation.
Comments: The 1997 excavation provided more detailed information on the site and its contents. A
tektite found on the surface of the site indicates a minimum age for the deposits of ca. 0.73 Ma. Two
fission track dates are available for the locale: the bone bearing deposits are 0.85 + 0.09 Ma old,
while the prominent white tuff located 20 metres below the fossil strata is 0.92 + 0.08 Ma old
(O'Sullivan et al., 2001).

2.4.12. Kopowatu
Location: 008.69465˚ S, 121.15933˚ E. The site lies 930 metres northeast from Dozu Dhalu. It
occurs on a ridge slope in an area about 40 metres wide and at least 100 metres long. Fossils were
found eroding from a 3.7 metres thick series of sandstones and siltstones. Bone in the sandstones is
highly fragmented, but well-preserved bone occurs in the siltstones. An extensive white tuff layer
occurs 20 metres below the fossil deposits. The same tuff layer runs 23 metres below the Dozu
Dhalu fossil bone bed.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon florensis, crocodile and rodent. More detailed
investigation is needed to identify additional species. A scatter of stone artefacts, made from
volcanics, silcrete and chert, occurs across the site.
Relative Height: 479 m. Stratigraphic 49 metres below the base of the Gero Limestone and 25

34 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Fig. 2.8. A juvenile Stegodon florensis skull excavated at Kopowatu in 1999 (Photos: M.J. Morwood).

metres above the top of the Ola Kile Formation.

Comments: In 1999, we undertook excavations at the site, which yielded a juvenile Stegodon
florensis skull, - the first documented for this species (van den Bergh et al., 2001; Fig. 2.8) - and an
in situ stone artefact. A fission track date of 0.85 ± 0.09 Ma was obtained for a tuffaceous siltstone at
the top of the fossil deposit (O'Sullivan et al., 2001).

2.4.13. Ngamapa
Location: 008.69169˚ S, 121.15625˚ E. The site lies 930 metres northeast from Dozu Dhalu. It
occurs along the flat crest of a ridge about 40 metres across and extends for at least 100 metres.
Fossils were found eroding from a coarse sandstone layer 10 cm thick and from the underlying
siltstone. Bone in the sandstone is highly fragmented but well-preserved bone occurs in the
siltstone. An extensive white tuff layer occurs 2 metres below the fossil deposits.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon, but more detailed investigation is needed to identify
other species. A scatter of stone artefacts occurs across the site. These are made from volcanics,
silcrete and chert. One artefact was reported in situ by a local informant, Minggus Siga.
Relative Height: 478 m. 50 metres below Gero Limestone, 10 metres above the Ola Kile
Comments: Two fission track dates are available for the site: the fossil strata date to 730,000 ±
70,000 years BP, while 2 metres below the white tuff layer is 950,000 ± 70,000 years old
(O'Sullivan et al., 2001).

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 35
2.4.14. Deko Weko
Location: 008.69578˚ S, 121.16371˚ E. It comprises a scatter of large Stegodon fossils and stone
artefacts, as well as in situ fossil exposed for 30 metres along a low scarp of 30 cm thick tuffaceous
sandstone overlain by hard conglomerate sandstone ca 50 cm thick. Fragments of bone are also
embedded in the conglomerate sandstone. One in situ Stegodon tusk was observed, but no in situ
stone tools.
Relative height: 480 m.

2.4.15. Pauphadhi
Location: 008.68750˚ S, 121.16841˚ E. Discovered by a local informant, Minggus Siga.
The 72 metre fossil exposure occurs in tuffaceous sandstone on two adjacent terraces and the
intervening scarp. The scarp is 1 metre high.
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon, but more detailed investigation is needed to identify
other species. A scatter of stone artefacts occurs across the site. These are made from volcanics,
silcrete and chert. One was recovered in situ.
Relative Height: 482 m.
Comments: Pauphadhi is the same relative altitude as Kopowatu, Deko Weko and Dozu Dhalu and
is therefore about the same age - 0.85 Ma.

2.4.16. Malahuma
Location: 008.40˚ 59.9” S, 121.08˚ 30.3” E in the Nagarawe area. The 40 metre long fossil
exposure occurs in a 60-80 cm thick gravelly sandstone on the slope of a small hill
Contents: Fossils include large Stegodon. A scatter of stone artefacts occurs across the site, but
none were observed in situ.
Relative Height: 482 m.

2.5. Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation

The Soa Basin was shaped during the Pliocene, when the volcanic breccias of the Ola Kile Fm.
accumulated. The precise source or sources of these breccias are not known yet, but the volcanic
centre represented by the Welas Caldera to the northwest of the basin is likely the main volcano
responsible for the thick, massive Ola Kile sequence. Still active volcanoes to the southwest and
south may also have been active during this time. Towards the end of the Pliocene, supply of
volcanic products decreased while tectonic activity caused southward tilting of the Ola Kile Fm,
further shaping the basin in its present form. The upper part of the Ola Kile Fm was partly eroded
leading to an unconformable contact between the Ola Kile and the Ola Bula Formations.

36 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia
Fluviatile, lacustrine and volcanic sediments accumulated in the Soa Basin between ca 1 million
and 650,000 years ago. Increased volcanism led to the initial deposition of the lower tuff member
between 0.96 and 0.88 Ma, filling in the lower part of the pre-existing basin depression. The tuff
member is characterized by a homogeneous, pumice-containing volcaniclastic composition of
most of its deposits. The larger components of many layers consist exclusively of pumice
fragments. This is one of the criteria used to distinguish syneruptive sediments that are produced
geologically instantaneously, following the release of large amounts of pyroclastic fragments
during volcanic eruptions (Smith, 1991). During inter-eruption periods, pre-eruption conditions
were restored, aggradation ceased and stream beds were incised to form narrower, typically more
sinuous, gravel-bedload channels such as represented by the few isolated conglomerate channel-
fills observed in the lower member (e.g. at Wolo Sege and below Mata Menge). The member
contains ignimbrites formed by hot avalanching pyroclastic flows, e.g. the ignimbrite sealing in the
artefact-bearing conglomerate lens at Wolo Sege. Possibly, the lower tuff member is associated
with the caldera forming phase of the Welas Caldera, but further research needs to clarify this,
because the occurrence of pumice layers overprinted by red palaeosols suggest extended periods of
non-deposition, in particular along the western basin margin (e.g. in the interval below Mata
The taphonomy of the only fossil locality so far encountered within the lower tuff member, Tangi
Talo, indicated mass death of the terrestrial vertebrates, such as Stegodon sondaari and giant
tortoise, shortly after a volcanic eruption (van den Bergh, 1999). As these taxa are not encountered
in younger localities, this volcanic eruption may have caused their extinction, though the first
hominins to arrive on Flores may have played a role in the demise of these animals as well.
From 0.88 Ma until 0.65 Ma the Soa Basin comprised a large shallow lake or series of lakes for
much of the time, presumably when the single drainage outlet was blocked due to volcanic or
tectonic activity, or when increased precipitation during wetter periods caused lake levels to rise.
Small streams, carrying mostly sandy material, entered in to this lake along its northwestern
margin, whereas non-canalized sheet-flows and debris flows also entered the basin from adjacent
slopes. The locality Mata Menge is located at a site where such a small stream entered the lake (see
Chapter 4, this volume). Localized tuffaceous sediments still accumulated in the lake, rivers,
creeks, and waterholes.
Analysis of the stratigraphic and environmental relationships within the basin found that freshwater
fossils, as well as the majority of the volcanic tuffs in the upper two members, accumulated during
periods of fine-grained silty lacustrine deposition. In contrast, the bones of land animals are not
found within these suspension deposits; such creatures would have been confined to the lake
margins and higher grounds on the volcanic aprons entering the basin. Their remains occur almost
exclusively in sandy facies, or silty lenses associated with sandy facies. Fossils of land animals and
stone artefacts have been found only in these localized deposits (Morwood et al., 1999). However, a
new outlet appears to have periodically been cut by the river, resulting in drainage of the lake and
leading to incision of the lacustrine deposits by gravely bed-load channels (see Chapter 4, this
volume). In addition, lake levels seem to have fluctuated presumably due to climatic conditions. At
such times, terrestrial animals reoccupied the basin, and erosional processes predominated.

Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia 37
Around 0.68 Ma the lake increased in size one final time and the thin-bedded freshwater limestones
of the upper limestone member were formed. The deepest part of this lake was located in the eastern
part of the basin, whereas along the western basin margin clastic influxes continued, resulting in
overall thinner limestone layers and a dominance of fine-grained clastic deposits. Along the
northern basin margin the lacustrine limestones were deposited directly on the eroded top surface of
the Ola Kile Fm.
In summary, the earliest site, Tangi Talo, located within the tuffaceous interval, contains fossils
representing a mass death of an impoverished, highly endemic fauna around 900 ka ago. The
taphonomy and age-profile of the death assemblage strongly suggests that they were killed by a
major volcanic eruption (van den Bergh, 1999; van den Bergh et al., 2001). There are no associated
stone artefacts. All of the other recorded fossil sites in the Ola Bula Fm. are located upsection within
the middle sandstone member of the Ola Bula Formation, where they accumulated in localized
drainage channels or lake-shore settings, usually sealed in by layers of tuffaceous silt. These sites
have similar fossil assemblages, dominated by Stegodon florensis, and most also have in situ
artefacts (Morwood et al., 1999). The vertical sequence of strata and associated stone artefacts in
the Soa Basin has, therefore, yielded unambiguous and relatively precise dates for the arrival of
hominins on Flores by 880,000 years BP, which coincided with (and possibly caused) the extinction
of pygmy Stegodon sondaari and giant tortoise, and their replacement by the large-bodied
Stegodon florensis. Although stone artefacts left by these hominins were at least partly reworked by
water currents, their frequent association with a lake margin facies suggests that this environment
provided a range of resources that attracted hominins.


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40 Geology, palaeontology and archaeology of the Pleistocene Soa Basin, Central Flores, Indonesia

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