Film Review
Film Review
Film Review
The film review is a popular way for critics to assess film reviews have not yet seen the film. While you
a film’s overall quality and determine whether or not want to provide some plot summary, keep this brief
they think the film is worth recommending. Film and avoid specific details that would spoil the
reviews differ from scholarly film articles in that they viewing for others.
encompass personal and idiosyncratic reactions to 3) Description - While the plot summary will give
and evaluations of a film, as well as objective the reader a general sense of what the film is about,
analyses of the film’s formal techniques and also include a more detailed description of your
thematic content. particular cinematic experience watching the film.
This may include your personal impression of what
Preparing to Write the Review the film looks, feels, and sounds like. In other words,
While film reviews tend to be fairly short what stands out in your mind when you think about
(approximately 600 to 1200 words), they require a this particular film?
lot of preparation before you begin writing. Prior to 4) Analysis - In order to explain your impression of
viewing the film, you may want to get a sense of the the film, consider how well the film utilizes formal
bodies of work by the director, writer, or individual techniques and thematic content. How do the film’s
actor. For instance, you may watch other films by formal techniques (such as cinematography, editing,
the same director or writer in order to get a sense of mise-en-scène, lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic
each individual style. This will enable you to sound, genre, or narrative) affect the way the film
contextualize the film and determine whether it looks, feels, and sounds to you? How does the
works as a continuation and/or disruption within the thematic content (such as history, race, gender,
broad trends of the director’s or writer’s work. sexuality, class, or the environment) affect your
experience and interpretation? Also, do the formal
Writing a film review often requires multiple techniques work to forward the thematic content?
viewings of the film. Plan to watch the film two or 5) Conclusion/Evaluation - The closing of your film
even three times. During the first viewing, surrender review should remind the reader of your general
yourself to the cinematic experience; in other words, thoughts and impressions of the film. You may also
get lost in the narrative and enjoy the film without implicitly or explicitly state whether or not you
worrying about the argument you will eventually recommend the film. Make sure to remind the
cultivate. During your second viewing, try distancing reader of why the film is or is not worth seeing.
yourself from the plot and instead focus on
interesting elements of the film that you can *the setting or surroundings of an event or
highlight in the review. You may separate these action
elements into two broad categories: 1) formal *emotional effect or mood, plot, characters,
techniques such as cinematography, editing, mise- ideas presented
en-scene*, lighting, diegetic and non-diegetic sound,
genre, or narratology, and 2) thematic content that
resonates with issues such as history, race, gender,
sexuality, class, or the environment.