Unit 4 Study Guide
Unit 4 Study Guide
Unit 4 Study Guide
Unit 4 Study Guide
Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17
1. Oregon Territory
➔ Oregon stretched from the north tip of California to the 54 40 line
➔ England and the U.S. claimed it
➔ England had reasons for it was claims north of the Columbia River
➔ Americans also had reasoning because they populated it much more
2. Manifest Destiny
➔ concept that the U.S. was destined to expand across the continent and gain as much
land as possible
3. Mexican-American War & President Polk
➔ Polk favored American expansion, especially advocating the annexation of Texas,
California, and Oregon
➔ He believed in Manifest Destiny.
➔ U.S. Operations were led by Stephen W. Kearny and John C. Fremont
➔ conflict after U.S. annexation of Texas
➔ US won- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo giving U.S. CA and TX territory
4. Compromise of 1850
➔ Series of 5 congressional statutes
➔ temporarily calmed the sectional crisis
➔ Made California a free state
➔ ended slave trade in D.C.
➔ strengthened fugitive slave law
5. Kansas-Nebraska Act
➔ Act passed in 1854
➔ repealed Missouri Compromise
➔ split Louisiana Purchase into two territories,
➔ allowed popular sovereignty
➔ enflamed slavery issue
➔ led opponents to form the Republican party.
6. Dred Scott v. Sandford
➔ 1857 Supreme Court case
➔ a slave, Dred Scott, tried to sue for his freedom on the grounds that his master moved
him to a free territory.
➔ The judge ruled against Scott
➔ considered one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in American History
7. Emancipation Proclamation
➔ freed slaves in the rebellious and border states
➔ The Union created African American units in the Army and Navy
➔ it was believed that slaves were helping the Confederates
➔ Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves
8. Border States
➔ There were four slave states that stayed in the Union
➔ assurances that the war was being fought to preserve the Union rather than end
➔ Missouri, Delaware, Kentucky, and Maryland.
➔ Maryland was the key state for the North to keep in the Union.
➔ If it had joined the confederacy, the capital, DC, would have been surrounded by the
9. Advantages/ Disadvantages of Union/Confederacy
➔ Union advantages
◆ Industry/Technology
◆ Transportation- More railroads etc.
◆ Larger Population
◆ Controlled Banking- Strong Money System
◆ Natural Resources- Coal, Iron and Shipbuilding
➔ Union disadvantages
◆ Series of Poor Generals and Military Leadership
➔ Confederacy advantages
◆ Agriculture/food resources
◆ Strong Generals and Military Leadership. Brilliant strategists.
◆ Home field advantage
◆ Soldiers with commitment to their cause
◆ Spy System
➔ Confederacy disadvantages
◆ Small population. Not enough men to fight.
◆ Poorly trained soldiers (farmers)
◆ Few factories to make weapons
◆ Poor transportation system
◆ Weak Money System- made worthless Confederate Dollars
10. Black Codes
➔ laws passed by southern states after the Civil War
➔ denying ex-slaves the complete civil rights enjoyed by whites
➔ intended to force blacks back to plantations and impoverished lifestyles.
11. Civil Rights Act of 1886
➔ An act declaring that everyone born in the U.S. is a citizen
➔ regardless of race, color, or previous condition of slavery
12. 14th amendment
➔ This amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are
guaranteed equal protection under the law
13. 1876 Presidential Election/Presence of federal troops in South
➔ Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden
➔ Hayes wins election because he agreed to end reconstruction
14. Brooks-Sumner Incident (caning)
➔ -Charles Sumner gave a two day speech on the Senate floor.
➔ He denounced the South for crimes against Kansas
➔ singled out Senator Andrew Brooks of South Carolina for extra abuse
➔ Brooks beat Sumner over the head with his cane, severely crippling him.
15. Free Blacks economic opportunities/interests
➔ the Union Army became the army of freedom
➔ some left the south, others stayed to work as wage earning employees for the first time
➔ some slaves refused to work unless they were paid
➔ searched for family
➔ started their own schools/ universities & became teachers
➔ after the war & the Thirteenth Amendment men could vote and hold office
16. California Gold Rush/Economic opportunities out West
➔ thousands of miners travel to Northern California
➔ news reports of the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in January of 1848.
◆ spread around the world not just in the US
➔ This caused Californians to apply for statehood in 1849
17. South Carolina Secession
➔ the first state to secede from the Union after the election of Abraham Lincoln
➔ 1860 with a unanimous vote for it.
18. Southern resistance/response to reconstruction
19. Gettysburg Address
➔ (1863)
➔ Abraham Lincoln's speech delivered at the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg
➔ Lincoln framed the war as a means to uphold the values of liberty.
20. Sherman’s March to the Sea
➔ (1864-1865)
➔ Union General William Tecmseh Sherman's
➔ destructive March through Georgia
➔ early instance of "Total War",
➔ purposely targeting infrastructure and civilian property
◆ diminish morale and undercut the confederate war effort.
21. Wilmot Proviso
➔ Bill proposed after the Mexican War
➔ stated that neither slavery no involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any territory
gained from Mexico
➔ It was never passed through both houses but it transformed the debate of slavery.
22. Know-Nothing Party in the 1850's
➔ American political group around the 1840s and 1850s that came after the Whig party
➔ They rose massively during 1854,
◆ fueled by fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish
◆ Their goal was to slow down/block immigration and naturalization (gaining
citizenship) in the US
➔ had little success and died out pretty fast during the election of 1856, due to opinions
over slavery.
➔ Hated Irish, Catholics, Irish Catholics, Germans, and pretty much everyone else.
23. William Lloyd Garrison
➔ William Lloyd Garrison was a radical abolitionist who favored immediate
uncompensated emancipation of slaves
➔ published a newspaper known as The Liberator w hich became the mouthpiece for
radical abolitionists in the north.
➔ initially represented the sentiments of extremely few northern abolitionists
➔ his outspoken condemnation of slavery as an immoral institution gradually gained
converts in the north
➔ terrified southerners who believed his position represented mainstream abolitionist
24. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
➔ best selling novel
➔ adapted as a play
➔ fuels abolitionist guilt and rhetoric in free states
25. Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment
This unit test we will practice the type of Short Answer questions that will be on the AP test. You
will have 3 options and you will have to write on 1 of them.
-Significant factors leading to the Civil War
-Anaconda Plan
➔ The second "round" of Reconstruction that began after the congressional elections of 1866
➔ Republicans in Congress unified and took a more radical stance
➔ (fearing that the Democrats would gain power).
➔ the southern states were occupied by the Union army
◆ many steps to guarantee the rights of blacks were taken.
➔ The Radical Republicans also had Johnson impeached in 1867.
➔ divided the South into 5 military districts
➔ disenfranchised former confederates,
➔ required that Southern states ratify the 14th Amendment
➔ write state constitutions guaranteeing freedmen the franchise before gaining readmission to
the Union.