DSB World Handbook PDF
DSB World Handbook PDF
DSB World Handbook PDF
Diamond System Builder
2 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
User Handbook 3
Diamond System Builder
4 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
User Handbook 5
Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
User Handbook 9
Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
14 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
Once the "OK" button is clicked, you will be directed to the main view to work on building your system.
User Handbook 15
Diamond System Builder
Entry Screen
16 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
Entry Screen
A. Control Systems
• This pane serves as a grouping mechanism to group sets of 50 indoor units together on one centralized
controller and to also create multiple centralized control systems.
• This pane shows a list of each system underneath a centralized system.
• To add a new system/outdoor unit to your design, right click on the centralized system and select New
System or select Add System from the drop-down on the ribbon.
• To make a duplicate of the current system, right click the current system and select Copy System, or use
CTRL + C and CTRL + V to copy / paste.
• To delete the current system, highlight the system and press the Delete key.
• To change the system type, right click on the system and click Change Type.
• Select the system you want to work on and the design will be shown in the project pane.
• If design temperatures are out of range for the system selected, a caution symbol will be displayed.
Please Note that systems will only be corrected down to the rated outdoor temperature.
B. Project (System Layout)
• The refrigerant piping design of the system is displayed.
• This drawing is created by dragging and dropping components from the Unit Box into the Place Target
C. Place Targets
• Drag and Drop components from Unit Box into the dashed square frame to place it. Components can
also be placed using the units ribbon.
D. Unit Box
• This box is where you can pick an indoor component to put on your system.
• Select a unit type by clicking the desired component, holding, and dropping into the Place Target Box.
• The Unit Box includes indoor units, branch controllers, headers, etc.
E. Quick Results Box
• Displays information about this system, for example, the current quantity of indoor units, piping length,
and amount of refrigerant.
• The value following any slashes [ / ] are values that are limited by the systems or system type, so the
design must produce numbers that fall within that limit.
• See more on the Quick Results Box on pg. 118.
F. Unit Ribbon
• This allows you to select components to put into the place target. Select the place target where you wish
to add the component and then click the desired component on the Units Ribbon.
G. Display Ribbon
• This ribbons allows the user to customize the display view; selecting which information the user would
like displayed.
• The user can also modify which boxes are shown and save the layout for future use.
• If a layout is corrupted, it may be necessary to delete temp files. If the program is crashing during
normal use, delete the temp files and restart the program.
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
20 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
A. Type
• Choose the type of branch unit you'd like to input. The user can choose between a joint or a header.
Headers are only available on non-simulatenous system types.
B. Lengths and Bends
• Input the piping length between the joint and the previous component in the system.
• Input the number of piping bends between the joint and the previous component.
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
Controls Design
Switching to the Control Design Screen
After completing input on Piping Design Window, a user can designate controls by switching to the Controls
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Diamond System Builder
User Handbook 31
Diamond System Builder
Grouping of indoor units, so they can be
controlled from the same local Remote
Controller, is done using the Controls Screen.
Each indoor unit is assigned to an individual
group. To group two indoor units together, click
anywhere in the Indoor Unit box and drag the
unit over the top of another as shown.
The resulting group will take the name of the group that
the indoor unit was dragged to. Indoor units can also
be grouped by right clicking on an indoor unit, selecting
"Move to Group" and selecting the group you wish to
move the indoor unit to, as shown.
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
38 User Handbook
Diamond System Builder
System Checks
System Structure Check
To check whether there are any problems
on the system structure, select the "Global
Check" icon from the Tools Ribbon, as
shown on the right.
The program automatically performs an
auto save every minute. In the event that
there is a Windows or program error, the
next time that the program is opened, the
program will offer the option to open from
the auto save file and restore you work in
a temp file.
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Diamond System Builder
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Diamond System Builder
Output a PDF
This is an example of the PDF output. Any warnings about temperature being out of range will be shown in the output.
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