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Diamond System Builder

Diamond System Builder

2 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Diamond System Builder

What is Diamond System Builder?

What it's used for:

•  Calculates the maximum BTU/h output of CITY
MULTI VRF models based on user input.

What it doesn't do:

•  Load Calculations
•  Account for auxiliary heat requirements

User Handbook 3
Diamond System Builder

Introduction to Diamond System Builder

Diamond System Builder is an interactive system

layout tool. The intent of the software is to help users
determine the cooling and heating output of selected
equipment for project-specific conditions. Each
building project will have its own Diamond System
Builder file.

4 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Optional functions to customize the system layout to

your project are available, such as labeling groups
with a room name, adding equipment tags to pieces of
equipment, and giving each system a project-specific
name. Other features, like a custom equipment
schedule, submittal packages, and AutoCAD
drawings are available once the system layout has
been finalized.

This handbook will demonstrate all of the capabilities

of Diamond System Builder.

User Handbook 5
Diamond System Builder

Starting Diamond System Builder

The program can be accessed through an icon

installed on the desktop or via the "Start" menu.

6 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Using the Program

Starting a New Project

Upon opening Mitsubishi Electric Diamond System

Builder; an existing project can be opened or a new
project can be started by clicking new. The Project
Properties window will appear.

User Handbook 7
Diamond System Builder

Project Properties Box

The Project Properties window allows a user to select

settings that will be applied to the entire project.

8 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Project Properties Box

A. Project Info Tab
•  To change the project date, click the calendar icon and select it from the calendar or type it in manually.
This date can be shown on the AutoCAD output drawing.
•  Cont No can be used for project numbers, contract numbers, or any other designating number. No input
is required.
•  Customer Name can be used to input a specific person or organization name. This data can be shown
on the AutoCAD output drawing.
•  Comment can be used for additional information about the project. This data is shown under the
REMARKS area on the AutoCAD output drawing.
•  Originator is typically used to identify the person or organization responsible for creating the Diamond
System Builder file. This data is displayed on the AutoCAD drawing.

User Handbook 9
Diamond System Builder

Unit Config Tab

The selection made on this tab will affect which

products are available to apply to your project and how
those units will perform.

10 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Unit Config Tab

A. Max Connection Box
This option allows you to choose the percentage of the outdoor unit’s capacity that can be used to connect
indoor units. If 100% is selected, the total indoor unit capacity may not exceed 100% of the outdoor unit
capacity. The default setting is (130% / 150%). 200% cannot be used in the U.S.
B. Frequency Box
Select the frequency you’d like to use for all equipment. In the U.S., 60 Hz should always be selected.
C. Refrigeration Box
Select the refrigerant type you’d like to use based on product availability.
D. Capacity Correction for Indoor Units
•  "Full Demand Operation" is the default, and recommended, capacity correction setting. This setting
assumes that all the indoor units are calling for full capacity at the same time. Diamond System Builder
will divide the capacity equally across the indoor units, depending on the size of the indoor unit; this
becomes especially important for designs with over 100% connected capacity.
•  "Partial Demand Operation" setting will display the full performance of an indoor unit, without
consideration of the connected capacity of the system. This setting assumes that all of the indoor units
are not calling for full capacity at the same time.
•  "Partial Cooling / Full Heating Operation" setting will display partial demand for cooling performance and
full demand for heating performance.
E. Region
Select the region and type of equipment you would like available to view in Diamond System Builder. Most
U.S. Diamond System Builder files should have the region “US (UL)” selected to view products available in
the U.S. that are UL listed.
F. Model Generation
Select the equipment model generation that you would like to use in the design. The “Current” selection only
shows models that are the most current. The “Old” selection only displays discontinued products. The "Both"
selection will display both current and discontinued products. This must be selected before the project is
started. Once this is selected it cannot be changed for a project.
G. Derates
Diamond System Builder will calculate derates based on design conditions, but there may be a need for
additional derates to be applied, such as altitude. These additional derates can be entered into these boxes
and will be applied to the system. Derate factors for altitude can be found by clicking the "Altitude Derate
Factors" button to the left.

User Handbook 11
Diamond System Builder

Design Conditions and Extended Warranty Tab

A. Design Condition by Location
The design condition location can be selected by selecting the city and state from the drop-down list. Once
selected the conditions can be modified, if necessary.
B. Customer Design Condition
If a custom design condition is being used, it can be saved for later use by entering the custom conditions and then
pressing "Save". The program will require that you name the custom condition. The new custom design condition
can be loaded in other projects as well, by selecting the "Load" button.
C. Extended Warranty
This tab will allow the installing contractor to enter additional information about the installed system. The file can
then be submitted to Mitsubishi Electric to qualify for an extended warranty. The Extended Warranty Tab is only
used by certain countries and may not be available everywhere.

Design Conditions Input Ranges:

Data Range of Value (°F)

Cooling Indoor DB 59.0 ~ 95.0
Cooling Indoor WB 59.0 ~ 75.0
Heating Indoor DB 59.0 ~ 80.0

12 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Series Select Window

Choose the Outdoor Unit type you will be utilizing for

this project.

User Handbook 13
Diamond System Builder

Outdoor Unit Detail

After selecting the outdoor unit type, you will be presented with a new
window. This will allow you to identify more details about your system.

14 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Outdoor Unit Detail

A. Model
Select the outdoor unit model for your project from the drop-down. Use the radio button above the
drop-down to select the type of electrical voltage you will have on the project. The drop-down menu will
automatically update the model numbers to include only the models for that voltage. To select a salt spray
model, check the "Salt Spray Coating (-BS)" box at the bottom of the window.
B. Mode
Choose between standard mode or high-performance heating mode. More information on the differences
between modes can be found in the Correction Charts Section of the Engineering Manuals.
C. Length and Bends
Input the piping length between the outdoor unit and the next component. Then, input the number of 90°
piping bends between outdoor unit and the next component in the system.
D. Unit Height
The heights should always be entered as distance from the ground level. Diamond System Builder will
check to ensure that height limitations have not been exceeded, and will allow piping length increases
under certain conditions.
E. Addressing, Serial Number, Tag Reference
You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign an M-NET address. If
you want to input the address manually, input the M-NET address of the unit. Serial number allows you to
enter the serial number of the product and will be used for the extended warranty submission. Tag
reference allows you to enter a drawing tag reference to the product, for example, ODU-1
F. Unit Data PDF
Clicking the “Unit Data PDF” Button will load a PDF file such as a specification sheet. The Documentation
Installation must be installed in order for this function to work.
G. Water Type
Select the mixture of water and glycol. If the water has no glycol, select “Standard”.
Note: For water temperatures below 50°F, a glycol mixture is required.
H. Advanced Tab
Allows the user to enter in custom outdoor conditions for an outdoor unit. Check off "Override Project
Design Conditions" and the custom design conditions can be entered for any outdoor unit or indoor unit.
This is also the location where the water flow rate can be defined for water-source and HEX units.

Once the "OK" button is clicked, you will be directed to the main view to work on building your system.

User Handbook 15
Diamond System Builder

Entry Screen

16 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Entry Screen
A. Control Systems
•  This pane serves as a grouping mechanism to group sets of 50 indoor units together on one centralized
controller and to also create multiple centralized control systems.
•  This pane shows a list of each system underneath a centralized system.
•  To add a new system/outdoor unit to your design, right click on the centralized system and select New
System or select Add System from the drop-down on the ribbon.
•  To make a duplicate of the current system, right click the current system and select Copy System, or use
CTRL + C and CTRL + V to copy / paste.
•  To delete the current system, highlight the system and press the Delete key.
•  To change the system type, right click on the system and click Change Type.
•  Select the system you want to work on and the design will be shown in the project pane.
•  If design temperatures are out of range for the system selected, a caution symbol will be displayed.
Please Note that systems will only be corrected down to the rated outdoor temperature.
B. Project (System Layout)
•  The refrigerant piping design of the system is displayed.
•  This drawing is created by dragging and dropping components from the Unit Box into the Place Target
C. Place Targets
•  Drag and Drop components from Unit Box into the dashed square frame to place it. Components can
also be placed using the units ribbon.
D. Unit Box
•  This box is where you can pick an indoor component to put on your system.
•  Select a unit type by clicking the desired component, holding, and dropping into the Place Target Box.
•  The Unit Box includes indoor units, branch controllers, headers, etc.
E. Quick Results Box
•  Displays information about this system, for example, the current quantity of indoor units, piping length,
and amount of refrigerant.
•  The value following any slashes [ / ] are values that are limited by the systems or system type, so the
design must produce numbers that fall within that limit.
•  See more on the Quick Results Box on pg. 118.
F. Unit Ribbon
•  This allows you to select components to put into the place target. Select the place target where you wish
to add the component and then click the desired component on the Units Ribbon.
G. Display Ribbon
•  This ribbons allows the user to customize the display view; selecting which information the user would
like displayed.
•  The user can also modify which boxes are shown and save the layout for future use.
•  If a layout is corrupted, it may be necessary to delete temp files. If the program is crashing during
normal use, delete the temp files and restart the program.

User Handbook 17
Diamond System Builder

Indoor Component Entry Screen

New BC Controller Unit
Branch Circuit (BC) Controllers will only be available to drop in on R2-Series Units.

A. Type and Model

•  Select either a Main or a Single BC Controller
•  Select the model of the BC Controller
B. Lengths and Bends
•  Input the piping length between the BC Controller and the previous component in the system.
•  Input the number of piping bends between the BC Controller and the previous component in the system.
•  The height of the BC Controllers is in reference to the ground.
C. M-NET Address
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign a M-NET Address
•  If you want to input the address manually, input the M-NET Address of the unit.
D. Unit Data PDF
•  Click the "Unit Data PDF" button will load a PDF file, such as a specification sheet. The Documentation
Install Package must be installed in order for this function to work.

18 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

New Sub BC Controller Unit

Sub BC Controllers can only be input after a
Main BC Controller. The Sub BC Controller
must be placed on the last port of the Main BC
Controller; the Place Target Box is highlighted
in red to show this.

To add more than one Sub BC Controller, place a

joint in the red box and two additional red boxes
will be created, both of which can have a Sub BC

User Handbook 19
Diamond System Builder

New Sub BC Controller Unit

A. Model
•  Select the model of the Sub BC Controller
B. Lengths and Bends
•  Input the piping length between the Sub BC Controller and the previous component in the system.
•  Input the number of piping bends between the Sub BC Controller and the previous component in the
•  The height of the Sub BC Controller is in reference to ground.
C. M-NET Address
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign a M-NET address.
•  Input the address manually, input the M-NET address of the unit.
D. Unit Data PDF
•  Click the "Unit Data PDF" button will load a PDF file, such as a specification sheet. The Documentation
Install Package must be installed in order for this function to work.

20 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

New Branch Unit

Use this function to insert a joint or header. Note that there can be no joints after a header in the system design.

A. Type
•  Choose the type of branch unit you'd like to input. The user can choose between a joint or a header.
Headers are only available on non-simulatenous system types.
B. Lengths and Bends
•  Input the piping length between the joint and the previous component in the system.
•  Input the number of piping bends between the joint and the previous component.

User Handbook 21
Diamond System Builder

Laying Out a Y-Series System

Shown above is the correct method for building a

Y-Series System with joints.

The Y-Series System can also be piped using

headers. There are joints allowed before headers but
not allowed after headers. The program will not allow
this layout.

22 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Incorrect Method: Laying Out a Y-Series System

Shown above is the incorrect method for building a

Y-Series System with joints.

There is nothing operationally incorrect about the

laying out method shown above. However with this
method, the program will not be able to produce an
AutoCAD output.

User Handbook 23
Diamond System Builder

New Indoor Unit

Shown are three examples of screens you may see when dragging and dropping in indoor unit into your system

24 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

New Indoor Unit

A. Type and Model
•  Select the type of indoor unit to input. The "Type" drop-down box allows you to select a different type of
indoor unit than the one you selected in the Unit Box.
•  If there are radio buttons below the Type drop-down, click the radio button that applies to this indoor
unit. The models listed in the next drop-down will only be those that apply to your radio selection.
•  Select the model of the unit.
•  A remote sensor for a wireless remote controller can be selected and it will be noted on the schedule
B. Specification
•  This box shows the cooling and heating capacity of the selected model. The information is for reference
C. Lengths, Bends, and Heights
•  Input the piping length between the indoor unit and the previous component in the system.
•  Input the number of piping bends between the indoor unit and the previous component in the system.
•  Input the height of the indoor unit from ground level. Indoor units will have a default of 49'. This limits the
piping distance to 131' between the main BC and the indoor unit. To ensure Diamond System Builder is
calculating properly, be sure to adjust this value from the default.
D. Group Description, Room Name, and M-NET
•  The group description and group number are automatically assigned on this page and can be modified
in the control view.
•  The Room Box can be used to enter the room name where the indoor unit is located. This information
will be shown as a room name on the AutoCAD output.
•  The Tag Ref Box (Reference) can be used for unit tags (ex. FCU-1) and can be displayed in AutoCAD.
•  M-NET
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign a M-NET
•  If you want to input the address manually, input the M-NET Address of the unit.
E. Unit Data PDF
•  Clicking the "Unit Data PDF" button will load a PDF file such as a specification sheet. The
Documentation Install Package must be installed in order for this function to work.
F. Advanced Tab
•  Allows the user to enter in custom entering coil conditions for any indoor unit and override the default
conditions entered in the project properties box.

User Handbook 25
Diamond System Builder

New Indoor Unit - HEX and Booster Unit

If using a HEX or Booster Unit, the information in the previous section also
applies. There is some additional information regarding water flow rates and
inlet water temperature that should be filled out as well.

26 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Laying Out Caps

Diamond System Builder will not
produce outputs with any empty target
boxes. For R2 systems, all empty targets
should be filled with an end cap.

Tools Ribbon - Add End Caps

The Add End Caps Function will add end caps to
any open port off of a BC Controller. Please note
that end caps can only be used for R2 systems
and cannot be used on a Y-series system.

User Handbook 27
Diamond System Builder

System and Component Design

Monitoring the Quick Results Box

The current quantity of indoor units, piping length,

capacity factor, and the outside air conditions are
shown in the Quick Results Box.

28 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Monitoring the Check Box

A. Limitation Checks
•  The conditions of the piping limitations are shown. The value before slash [ / ] is the current condition
and the value after the slash [ / ] is the limitation. If the value is shown in the red, it exceeds the
limitation range.
•  All indoor units are corrected based on the indoor unit with the furthest equivalent piping length, which is
highlighted in green.
B. Capacity Correction Factor
•  Any capacity correction factors being applied are shown. The values in blue are for cooling and the
values in red are for heating.
•  Outdoor Unit Capacity
The correction factor based on the indoor unit connected capacity ratio is shown.
•  Temperature
The correction factor calculated by the outside air condition.
•  Piping Length
The correction factor calculated by the piping length is shown.
•  Defrosting
The defrost correction factor is shown.
•  Water Temperature
The correction factor for inlet water temperature is shown. This factor is shown only when the
water-source unit is selected.
•  Water Volume
The correction factor of water flow rate is shown. This factor is shown only when the
water-source unit is selected.
C. Refrigerant
•  Total and additional refrigerant charge amount is shown.
D. Conditions
•  The indoor and outdoor design conditions that were input on Project Properties Window are shown
here. These are the temperatures that the system capacity is being corrected to.
E. Water Pressure Drop
•  The value of water pressure drop is shown. This value is shown only when the water-source unit is

User Handbook 29
Diamond System Builder

Controls Design
Switching to the Control Design Screen
After completing input on Piping Design Window, a user can designate controls by switching to the Controls

To switch to the Controls View, there are two options:

•  Select Switch View icon on the toolbar (see
•  On the "Home" ribbon, select "Controls View".

30 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Control Design Screen

The screen above is an example of the Controls View. There will be a new control view screen for each
centralized system that is in the project.
A. Group Field
Groups of indoor units are shown here
B. Indoor Unit Field
Indoor units within the groups are shown here.
C. Local Remote Controller Field
This field is for displaying the Remote Controller for each group. To select a Remote Controller for a group, click on
the controller in the Unit Box and apply it to the proper group.
D. System Controller Field
This field is for setting System Controller. To select a Remote Controller for a group, click on the controller in the Unit
Box and apply it to the proper group.
E. Lossnay Field
The Lossnay box is where all the Lossnays associated with a Centralized System will be shown. Select a Lossnay
from the Unit Box, configure it as described below and it will be shown here.
F. Unit Box
Select equipment from this box to define local Remote Controllers, System Remote Controllers, Lossnays,
Interfaces, or PI/AI/DIDO controllers.
G. Interface Field
This field is for setting the interface equipment.
H. Auxiliary Control Field
This field is for setting the equipment required for auxiliary control other equipment.

User Handbook 31
Diamond System Builder

Grouping of indoor units, so they can be
controlled from the same local Remote
Controller, is done using the Controls Screen.
Each indoor unit is assigned to an individual
group. To group two indoor units together, click
anywhere in the Indoor Unit box and drag the
unit over the top of another as shown.

The resulting group will take the name of the group that
the indoor unit was dragged to. Indoor units can also
be grouped by right clicking on an indoor unit, selecting
"Move to Group" and selecting the group you wish to
move the indoor unit to, as shown.

Selecting "Make a New Group" will allow you to ungroup

indoor units that have been grouped.

Indoor unit group numbers can be reordered by

selecting change group number and then selecting new
group number you would like to have for that indoor unit.

32 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Designing Remote Controllers

Select the desired Locate Remote Controller from the Units Box or the Units Ribbon. The program will then pop up with
a dialog box asking which indoor units you would like to assign the Remote Controller to.
A. Type
Select the type of the local Remote Controller. The type you selected from the Unit Box is selected as default.
B. Model
Select the model of the local Remote Controller. The model list of the type you selected is shown.

To remove remote controllers, right click on the remote

controller next to the indoor unit and select remove
remote controllers or remove multiple remote

User Handbook 33
Diamond System Builder

Designing Central Controller

Select the desired central controller from the Units Box or the Units Ribbon. The program will then pop up with
a dialog box asking which indoor units you would like to assign to the Central Controller.
A. Type
Select the type of the Central Controller. The selected type on Unit Box is selected as a default.
B. Model
Select the model of the Central Controller. The model list of the selected type if shown.
C. M-NET Connection Point (Connect)
•  Specify the connection point of the central controller.
•  Indoor/Outdoor transmission line
•  System controller is connected to the outdoor unit which has the smallest address indoor unit in
selected group.
•  If the system controller is unable to connect to Indoor/Outdoor transmission line, you cannot select
the option.
•  Centralized control transmission line
•  In case you select this, System Controller is connected to Centralized Control transmission line.
D. M-NET Address
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign a M-NET address.
•  If you want to input the address manually, input the M-NET Address of the unit.

34 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Control Design Screen

After the central controller has been configured, a

check box is shown for each group in the System
Controller Column.

In order to specify that a group is to be controlled

by the Central Controller, you must select the
check box as shown above.

User Handbook 35
Diamond System Builder

Designing Interfaces and Auxiliary

To design a BMS interface into the system, select the
interface type that you would like from the Units Box or
the Units Ribbon.
A. Type
Select the type of the BMS Interface
B. Model
Select the model of the BMS Interface. The model
list of the selected type is shown.
C. M-NET Address
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond
System Builder will automatically assign a
M-NET address.
•  If you want to input the address manually, input
the M-NET address of the unit.

To design an auxiliary controller into the system

select the auxiliary controller from the Units Box.
A. Type
Select the type of the BMS Interface
B. Model
Select the model of the BMS Interface. The
model list of the selected type is shown.
C. Connect To and Contact
•  Select where the controller will be
connected into the system.
•  Define the contact that will be used on the
•  List the device that will be monitored.

36 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Selecting a Lossnay ERV

To design a Lossnay into the system, select the Lossnay unit from the Units Box or the Units Ribbon.
A. Model
Select the model of the BMS Interface. The model list of the selected type is shown.
B. Selecting to Interlock the Lossnay
Select the indoor unit to interlock with the Lossnay.
C. Selecting a Stand-Alone Lossnay
Select where to connect the Lossnay into the system. If it is connecting through an indoor unit, the program will
need to know where to draw it for the AutoCAD output.
D. M-NET Address
•  You may leave this field blank and Diamond System Builder will automatically assign a
M-NET address.
•  If you want to input the address manually, input the M-NET address of the unit.

User Handbook 37
Diamond System Builder

Selecting a Lossany ERV

The defined Lossnay units will be displayed in the

Lossnay Box. Interlocked Lossnays will be color
coordinated with the interlock indoor units.

38 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

System Checks
System Structure Check
To check whether there are any problems
on the system structure, select the "Global
Check" icon from the Tools Ribbon, as
shown on the right.

If there is an error with your structure, an

error message will pop up, like the one on
the right. Refer to the message and modify
your design accordingly.

The program automatically performs an
auto save every minute. In the event that
there is a Windows or program error, the
next time that the program is opened, the
program will offer the option to open from
the auto save file and restore you work in
a temp file.

User Handbook 39
Diamond System Builder

Outputs and Reports

All outputs from Diamond System Builder can be accessed through the tools ribbon.
Here is a list of all outputs available from the software with a brief description of each.
A. Export Project Information and Schedules
This will export the quantities, pipe sizes, pipe lengths, mechanical and electrical information for each piece
of equipment that is included in the project into an Excel document.
B. Export Image
This will save an image of the system that is currently active.
C. Export Image (All Systems)
This will save an image for each system being used in the project.
D. Export PDF
This will export a single PDF that contains an image for all the systems being used in the project.
E. Export Device Info and Device QTY Info
This is a basic CSV list of everything on the project (not generally used).
F. Export to AutoCAD
This is an output to an AutoCAD schematic of the Centralized System.
G. Compile Project Documents
This function will pull together Submittal files, Revit files, and the guide specifications for all equipment on
the project.

40 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Output the AutoCAD File

Select the Export to AutoCAD button from
the Tools ribbon. To produce the AutoCAD
output, AutoCAD must be installed on the
machine. The program sends commands
to AutoCAD in order to draw the schematic

The first step is to define the location of

the AutoCAD executable file. This only
has been done once. Once the location is
linked, it is saved by the program. Typically
it can be found here:
C:\ProgramFiles\Autodesk\ - Look for

Once that has been defined, select the

desired output from the Selection Windows
The default selection is to not show power
wiring, only to show control wiring and
display comments.

Select "Output" and the program will start

AutoCAD. Here is a sample output:

User Handbook 41
Diamond System Builder

Output a PDF
This is an example of the PDF output. Any warnings about temperature being out of range will be shown in the output.

Select the Export PDF button from the Tools Ribbon.

The program will then ask where you would like to
save the PDF file. Choose where you would like to
save the file and the program will produce a PDF.

42 User Handbook 
Diamond System Builder

Output a Project Information and

Select the Export Project Information and
Schedules button from the Tools Ribbon.
The output has several options for
information that will be included in the
schedule. Check off the options that apply
to the project. Note that your selections will
be saved for use on future projects.

The program will then ask where you

would like to save the Excel file. Choose
where you would like to save the file and
the program will produce an Excel output,
as shown here.

The output will highlight the design

temperatures when there is a value that
has been exceeded.

User Handbook 43
DSB Handbook - 02_13

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