UrbanClap Training and Development
UrbanClap Training and Development
UrbanClap Training and Development
Jayant Khurana | Kartik Gupta | Pentela Naga Santha Kumar | Pranjul Rai
Satyaki Chakraborty
Table of Contents
Organization Overview
Organization Chart
Needs Assessment
Organization Support
Organization Goals
Department Goals
Clues for Training Needs
Transfer Climate
Resource Analysis
Requirement Analysis
Defining The Target Job
Choosing The Methods
Determining the Participants and Time-Frame
Anticipated Problems and Resolution
Development of Protocol
Task Analysis
Task Statements:
Task Clusters:
Task Importance:
KSA Analysis
Division Of Tasks Into Knowledge, Skills And
KSA Proficiency Level Required
Person Analysis
Critical Gaps In KSAs Identified From Person Analysis
Training Needs
Additional Training Issues
Non Training Needs
Objective Setting
Performance Objectives
Training Program Design
Deciding basics of Training Program
Focus Area of Design
Method of Interaction
Breaking into constituent parts
Detailed Training Plan
Training Plan for Fresh Hires
Training Plan for Existing Service Professionals
Infrastructure Requirement
Alternate Training Plans
Training Evaluation
Level 1: Reaction
Level 2: Learning
Level 3: Behaviour
Level 4: Business Results
Level 5: Calculating ROI
Calculating monetary value of training
related cost
Calculating Monetary value of benefits of
Training Program
Appendix -1
Every accomplishment starts with the right guidance – Keeping this in mind, first and foremost, we
would like to express our earnest gratitude to Prof. Srimannarayana, for presenting us with the
opportunity to pursue a live Training and Development project as a part of his curriculum and
imparting us with the direction to be able to bring it to conclusive results. We would also want to
send sincere regards to Urbanclap team for their continued help and support during the process. We
would like to especially mention the effort invested by Mr. Sarthak Jain, Senior Manager, Strategy,
who helped us to liaison with other functional teams and complete the project via virtual
Lastly we would like to thank all the cleaning professionals who took out time for us to effectively
deliver the results. We would also like to thank vendor partners of Urbanclap, who arranged calls with
us, enabling us to get a holistic view of the Training and Development requirements of the
It was an enriching experience to collaborate with a start-up and understand the difficulties and
challenges faced by them. We will try to capitalize on the inputs given by every stakeholder and
deliver a Training and Development Program for the cleaning professionals of Urbanclap with due
Organization: UrbanClap | Job: Cleaning Professionals
Training and Development Program design for the cleaning professionals of Urbanclap will be
conducted within the framework suggested by Prof. Srimannarayana as a part of Training and
Development Elective Course Curriculum at XLRI, Jamshedpur.
The first phase of implementation will focus on Need Assessment and Objective Setting, which are
covered in the bounds of this report. In the second phase, Program Design and Evaluation of the
program will be presented.
Organizational Overview
UrbanClap Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. is a company that develops and offers web and app-based
marketplace for receiving trusted home and local services on rent. The organization's forethought is
to use technology and smart processes to organize the highly disorderly services market in India and
emerging markets. It aims to be a one-stop destination for all urban lifestyle services.
Founded in 2014 by IIT-IIM and UC Berkley alums, Urbanclap has now expanded to ten cities and
render over 100 services across the broad categories of Repairs, Home Maintenance, Homecare and
Design, Beauty and Wellness and Weddings. It has its presence in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore,
Ahmedabad, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata & Chandigarh, with its headquarters in Gurugram,
Respective AVPs
Respective AVPs
Senior Managers
Senior Managers
Category Each City
Our project centres around Training and Development needs of the cleaning professional which serve
under the category of ‘Home Maintenance’ under Associates. These Professionals are on-boarded by
the Business Operations Team in every city. The city team is responsible for conducting marketing
activities to increase the number of Professionals associated with the platform. Currently, there are
1300 Professionals across 10 cities.
Once these Professionals are on-boarded, they under-go a mandatory technical training of 5 days.
After this Training, the Professionals are allowed to go live on the app. They receive service requests
from the customer in their region, which they can accept or reject basis their availability. If any
Professional rejects a request, it is passed on to other Professional in the same area.
The number of leads a Professional receives in a day is depended on quantity and quality of the service
he renders, which is determined via mystery customers, audits and customer feedback. With more
number of leads, a Professional can make more income every month as their payment is done basis
credit system at Urbanclap. Sourcing is relied on:
Word of mouth – Industry should be updated with the value that Urbanclap adds in terms of
Income of the Professionals and their customer reach
Facility Management companies- Urbanclap partners with facility management companies in
order to serve its enterprise customers. The freelance cleaning professionals that are a part
of these companies are contacted by Urbanclap team and the model is explained to them. If
interested, they’re on boarded after due background check-up.
Newspaper Advertising- Advertisements for requirement od cleaners are published in Hindi
Daily Newspapers to reach their community and unions, stating the average income of a
Cleaning Professional with Urbanclap, i.e. around 30k/month if the professional invests 6
hours a day for 25 days a month.
Kiosks – Kiosks are set up in the area where an existing cleaning work is going on and the
professionals there are explained about the benefits of getting associated with Urbanclap.
Field Auditors act as supervisors to these Cleaning Professionals, who are responsible for monitoring
their on-the-job performance. These auditors have the customer requests schedule and decide
randomly on the Professionals they’ll be monitoring during the day. The Professionals aren’t aware
of the Auditor’s schedule. Every professional is audited twice a month.
Urbanclap aims to transform their current Training Practices in order to make it more holistic.
Needs Assessment
In order to facilitate effective information gathering and ensuring successful implementation of the
T&D Program Design, we collaborated to form a Liaison Team. The team included representatives
from all the departments that interact with or are concerned with on the job performance of the
Cleaning Professionals working under Home Maintenance Service Category, directly or indirectly. The
names of the representatives who were a part of the team are:
UrbanClap competes with other home service providers such as Localoye, Housejoy, Helpr, Zimmber,
Sulekha, Justdial, Yellow Pages, etc. and aims to outperform them and become preferred choice both
for Customers and Service Professionals.
Vision – To become number one mobile marketplace for local services and empower 1 million+
service professionals to become micro service entrepreneurs.
Goals –
To expand into tier 2 cities by the end of 2020
To acquire new customers, vendors and service professionals
To increase the reward for Service Professionals, improving the value propositioned to them
To retain existing customer base and increase their repeatability
Peak season of the department will begin in the next quarter due to festivals like Diwali, wherein the
demand for cleaning professionals surges. By then, the company aim to achieve the following targets:
To add 1000 more cleaning professionals by the end of this quarter, i.e September end
To decrease the churn rate of Professionals from 10% to 5% per month
To decrease the customer escalation from 6% of the requests handled to 3%
Increase in target deliveries, focusing on increasing the repeat customers from 3% month on
month to 10% month on month
The preliminary analysis of the churn rate of the Professionals suggests that most of the professionals
drop-out within a month of joining, because of their inability to understand the platform, the
payment system or the credit system of the company. So, in order to align the Training Program with
the departmental goals of Urbanclap, the training should focus on:
The Transfer Climate Assessment for the cleaning professionals was crucial as the customers of the
company are one of the primary stakeholders involved in enabling a positive transfer climate.
Although customers do play a significant role, dealing with customers will be more effective if the
internal stakeholders maintain an affirmative and encouraging outlook towards Training.
The Transfer Climate at Urbanclap was assessed via a questionnaire administered to 8 service
professionals and 3 auditors. The questionnaire was divided into three parts according to the area it
assesses. For the purpose of readability, we will mention the acronym of the categories which are
mentioned in the bracket next to them:
As the project is executed from a remote location, the questionnaire in Hindi language was shared
with the professionals over the mail, after establishing trust relationship with them. They were
assured that their responses will not be shared with the company. We also gave the professionals an
option to respond to the questionnaire over the call, if it was more preferable for them. This was
opted by 6 of the professionals and all 3 auditors.
The questionnaires are designed in such a manner that they were rated on a Likert’s scale, so that it
is easier to objectively evaluate basis the responses. The scale for rating was:
Any negative question’s responses have been written inside a bracket and the average is taken after
reversing their values. The questions were asked as under:
Opportunity to use
Q1. Toolkits and chemicals used during the training had the same composition as that provided during
Q2. The training provided is relevant to your everyday job
Q3. The knowledge gathered during training is frequently applied during the job
Q4. Customers frequently demand execution of services differently than what is taught during
Supervisor’s Support
Q5. Supervisors give better ratings when the knowledge of training is applied thoroughly
Q6. Supervisors support the professionals in front of the customer when in conflict about the
execution of any process
Q7. An experienced team member is assigned to help the professionals with any problems they face
with their newly acquired skills
Q8. Any action apart from what is taught during training is unacceptable
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 A1 A2 A3
OU 1 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4.81
OU 2 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4.54
OU 3 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4.72
OU 4 (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) 4.54*
SS 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 4.09
SS 6 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 3.90
SS 7 3 2 2 4 2 4 5 3 4 5 4 3.45
SS 8 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4.54
PPO 9 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 5 3.72
PPO 10 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4.72
Based on the above mentioned responses, the average score in each category would be calculated:
Category Score
Inference: The overall average across all categories for 4.303, which indicates that the Transfer
Climate is extremely positive, which implies that the Cleaning Professionals will find it easy to apply
all the learnings gathered during Training and Development Program.
Resource Analysis
Physical – There are a total of 12 training rooms available in the UC Headquarters while 2 rooms in
each regional office. The other infrastructure required is also complete that can help in smooth
facilitation of training
Financial – Although any amount has not been earmarked, we have recommended to allot training
a fixed budget in order to be able to measure ROI after training is completed thoroughly. As there
are around 1300 employees present, an amount of INR 500 is recommended to be kept for training,
which will include the trainer, set-up, material and opportunity cost of serving customers.
Human- There is a training Team at UC with a strength of 15 Trainers and 2 Assistant Managers
overseeing the function. In case all the employees have to be trained at the same time, external
trainers can be hired. If done in batches, internal team can suffice the requirement
Requirement Analysis
The target job selected: Cleaning Professionals in the Home Maintenance Department at
Job Purpose: Core services offered by these professionals are Sofa, Bathroom, Carpet and Kitchen
Cleaning. The Cleaning Professionals are of two categories:
1. SKBC (~ 500 Professionals): Proficient in complete cleaning, i.e., Sofa, Bathroom, Carpet and
2. BK (~800 Professionals): Proficient in Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaning
As the project is carried out from a remote location, certain methods like live observation could not
be used to collect the requisite information for need collection. However, with the cooperation of the
Liaison Team, the following methods were executed:
The following approach was taken to select the participants for different parts of the project:
1. Random Stratified Sampling for assessing transfer climate (Professionals)– A list of all the
professionals was shared to us categorized into cities they serve. We picked one professional
from each city at random.
2. Random Sampling for assessing transfer climate (Supervisors) – Three auditors were chosen
at random
3. Liaison team was interviewed to understand the perspective of the senior management with
regards to Training and Development Strategy
4. The questionnaire for task analysis was sent to all the professionals and auditors and the
response sheets were chosen at random to be used for the analysis
1. Mr. Tarang
2. Mr. Prakash Chauhan
3. Mr. Subrata Mukherjee
Cleaning Professionals
1. Mr. Bhaskar Shil
2. Mr. Ravi Dhobi
3. Mr. Govind Kumar
4. Mr. Gyanendra
5. Mr. Shishu Pal
6. Mr. Anup Rana
7. Mr. Shown Ansari
8. Mr. Rakesh Wala
The participants were reached out telephonically, after having being informed via the Liaison Team.
They were asked for their time of convenience in order to conduct the interview. Liaison Team
Members were available during their office timings, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
1. One of the major anticipated challenge was scheduling time. As the project is carried from a
different location, there was not one single time frame that ensured the availability of all the
professionals. To mitigate this challenge, we assigned 1-2 professionals per person in the
group. This ensured personal attention was given to each professional in the same amount of
time investment. The recording of the interaction was kept in order to be shared with other
group members. The inferences were drawn collectively.
2. It was particularly difficult to establish trust with the professionals without the physical
presence. Initially, they were reluctant and only gave single word responses. It was only after
multiple discussions revolving around the benefits of the project and assurance that their
responses will remain confidential, they started opening up.
3. Some professionals were also stalling and were not giving the project its due importance. We
had to tell them that their supervisors are also participating and this is one of the platform to
share their everyday challenges.
4. The questionnaire initially prepared was in English, which was later translated to Hindi for
professionals’ better understanding
With the approval of the Chief of Staff and constant support from Liaison Team, we were able to
overcome the anticipated challenges and a protocol was designed:
1. Regular emails were sent to the participants to build a rapport. The Liaison team shared the
schedule of the professionals for each day and Follow-up calls were arranged the same day,
in cognizance of their schedule
2. The participants were explained the benefits of participating in the project. A general notion
amongst the participants was they have been chosen by the company to participate in their
exercise, which elicited a mixed response. Our first job was to convince the participants that
Urbanclap is in no way associated with the exercise and the responses will not be shared with
their team.
3. A standard communication was drafted by our team to maintain the uniformity in the
interaction with all the participants:
“We are 2nd years students from XLRI and are pursuing MBA in HR. As a part of our course,
we aim to design and improve upon the Training and Development Activities for Cleaning
Professionals at Urbanclap. For this purpose, we seek your cooperation to understand the job
that is carried out by a Professional, the competencies required for the same and the
challenges that are faced by them in carrying out the job efficiently. Based on your responses,
the need for training will be identified. We would present a set of questions in front of you,
which will measure the effectiveness of current training program. This project will be carried
out in highest level of secrecy and your name or responses will not be shared with Urbanclap
under any circumstances. It is a complete academic study which will have no impact on your
wages, performance appraisal or promotion. The responses will help in designing a Training
Program for the Professionals and thus we expect very candid answers. We’re hoping that the
project helps us broaden our understanding of the subject and deliver a comprehensive
program that can be utilized by the company for a Professional’s benefit.”
4. A list of probable follow-up questions was prepared and shared within our team that
answered standard queries of the participants
5. The results were recorded in an excel sheet and recordings were shared on the drive. Each
participant was assigned a number to avoid any confusion.
6. The group sat together to choose the method of collecting information interpretation of their
Task Analysis
After interviewing the Professionals, a comprehensive list of the tasks performed by them was listed.
The below list is drafted under the assumption that the customer requested complete (SKBC)
1. Accept the service requests from customers on the UC app to block one’s calendar
2. Confirm the address with the customer over a call to avoid confusion
3. Understand the requirements of the customer in detail from the app
4. Prepare a kit containing all the necessary chemicals and tools for serving a particular request
5. Ensure that you wear a clean uniform in order to maintain hygiene
6. Reach the location entered by the customer by using a GPS device with the kit
7. Reach the location 10 minutes before the requested time
8. Greet the customer and introduce yourself to the customer
9. Brief the customer about the activities you’re going to perform
10. Inspect the cleaning area to identify the stains that will not get removed after cleaning
11. Inform the customer of these stains backed with a reason
12. Ask the customer for the OTP to begin your job
13. Enter the OTP on the UC app to mark your attendance
14. Clear the area by keeping all the things carefully in one corner to avoid damage
15. Wear the protective gear to ensure your safety
16. Empty the WC and apply R6 on its inner walls
17. Start cleaning from top of the bathroom to the bottom: Geyser>Exhaust>Wall Tiles>Mirrors>
Wash basin> WC using Suma Multi chemical
18. Scrub the hard stains using a microfiber cloth
19. Use micro-duster to clean the glass so that the chemicals don’t leave their mark
20. Clean the floor tiles using a grout brush
21. Clean the wash basin, WC, Tiles with water to clear the chemicals
22. Descale the bucket and mug using a brush
23. Wipe the washbasin with a damp cloth
24. Collect all the garbage in a garbage bag
25. Arrange all the items in their respective place
26. Ask the customer to examine the area before you move to clean the next request item
27. Inspect the area of cleaning to identify the marks which will stay even after cleaning
28. Inform the customer of the same backed with a reason
29. Clear all the almirahs and shelves by keeping the items outside the kitchen
30. Wear a new set of gloves and masks
31. Remove the filter of the chimney and clean it using Suma Grill
32. Clean the cupboard shelves, wall tiles, fittings, sink and slab using Suma Multi
33. Pull the clips at the corners of the modular drawers to clean them
34. Fit the filter back inside the chimney
35. Dispose all the garbage in the garbage bag
36. Wash and sanitize your hands
37. Arrange the items back in their original place
38. Ask the customer to examine the area before you move to clean the next request item
39. Inspect the area of cleaning to identify the marks which will stay even after cleaning
40. Inform the customer of the same backed with a reason
41. Dry vacuum the sofa/ carpet
42. Lay down a newspaper around the Sofa/Carpet to be cleaned to avoid spilling
43. Prepare a Taski TR101 and TR103 solution in a bucket
44. Use a sponge to apply the foam on the sofa/carpet
45. Use a buffering machine to shampoo the sofa/carpet
46. Wet vacuum the sofa/carpet to remove the shampoo
47. Ask the customer to let the sofa/carpet dry for next 4-5 hours
48. Inform the customer that the service has been completed
49. Ask for customer’s feedback
50. Mark the service as completed on the app
51. Check the payment status. If the payment is post-paid, collect the money from the customer
52. Encourage the customer to submit a feedback on the UC app
53. Thank the customer before leaving
After cross-checking the list of tasks with the SMEs (Cleaning Professionals), the tasks are divided
into a cluster depending upon the skill required to perform them:
Operating UC App
1. Accept the service requests from customers on the UC app to block one’s calendar
2. Understand the requirements of the customer in detail from the app
3. Ask the customer for the OTP to begin your job
4. Enter the OTP on the UC app to mark your attendance
5. Mark the service as completed on the app
6. Check the payment status. If the payment is post-paid, collect the money from the customer
Customer Interaction
1. Confirm the address with the customer over a call to avoid confusion
2. Reach the location 10 minutes before the requested time
3. Greet the customer and introduce yourself to the customer
4. Brief the customer about the activities you’re going to perform
5. Inform the customer of these stains backed with a reason
6. Ask the customer to examine the area before you move to clean the next request item
7. Inform the customer that the service has been completed
8. Ask for customer’s feedback
9. Encourage the customer to submit a feedback on the UC app
10. Thank the customer before leaving
Maintenance of Compliance
1. Prepare a kit containing all the necessary chemicals and tools for serving a particular request
2. Ensure that you wear a clean uniform in order to maintain hygiene
3. Wear the protective gear to ensure your safety
Setting- Up of Area
1. Inspect the cleaning area to identify the stains that will not get removed after cleaning
2. Clear the area by keeping all the things carefully in one corner to avoid damage
3. Lay down a newspaper around the Sofa/Carpet to be cleaned to avoid spilling
4. Dry vacuum the sofa/ carpet
5. Clear all the almirahs and shelves by keeping the items outside the kitchen
Delivering the Service Request
After eliminating the redundant tasks from the task statements provided by the SMEs, the 43 tasks
were arranged into clusters. To identify the importance of each task, a Likert scale questionnaire was
rolled out to the participants. The scale for rating was as follows:
The questionnaire was read out to the professionals and their supervisors. They were asked to rate
them as per their opinion on the importance of tasks. The response table is added as an Appendix
The summary of the response table is given as under wherein the tasks highlighted are the critical
tasks which have an importance >=3.5 (which is the cut-off level):
Cluster Importance
S.No. Task Cluster Task
Importance (1-4)
KSA Analysis
It is observed that for most components under knowledge 100% proficiency is required, while there
are certain skills which require only 80% proficiency. First target of the training should be components
that require 100% training
Secondly, it is noticed that during task analysis, components under ‘Customer Interaction’ got the
least score. However, all the skills under the same bucket are classified as extremely crucial. This
suggests that although Customer Interaction does not play a major component of the work any
cleaning professional performs, but it is extremely important for the company and serve as its one of
the critical success factors’. The training program to be designed should also give due importance to
the aspect.
Person Analysis
For person analysis, we have selected 8 people from different location at random and they are
evaluated against these KSAs. The auditors have done this analysis in our confidence and these ratings
have not been shared with the Urbanclap team.
The expected level is derived from the required proficiency percentage*5. The professionals were
also assessed in percentage terms and the data was converted to a 5-point scale.
24 Organizing skills 4.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.75 4 4.5 4.75 4.75 4.53 0.22
25 Ability to use 5 5 5 5 5 4.5 5 5 5 4.94 0.06
the equipment
26 Operational 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.5 4.5 4.75 4.75 4.69 0.06
27 Ability to clean 5 5 5 4.5 4 5 5 5 5 4.81 0.18
the area
28 Ability to 5 4.5 4.75 4.75 4.5 5 5 4.5 5 4.75 0.25
implement the
learning from
29 Ability to plan 5 4 4 4 3 3.5 4.5 3 4.5 3.81 1.18
and manage
Objective Setting
1. Operating UC App
To be able to navigate through the application easily
To be able to accept and cancel service requests on the application
To be able to decipher the reason why any money is deducted from their UC Wallet
Condition- On any smartphone
Criterion- So that the professionals’ complaint about platform reduces by 50%
2. Behavioural Skill Training
Performance- To be able to deal with customers politely
Condition- during on-call interaction and on the job
Criterion- so that the complaints from customer regarding professional’s behaviour decrease
by 10%
3. Subject Knowledge Training
Performance- To be able to map the chemicals and tools required with the request received
Condition- while performing the job
Criterion- so that customer feedback improves by 1%
1. Training to improve proficiency in English language to help them with customer interaction
and app handling
2. Training on Personal Grooming Etiquettes
The organizational objective of expanding to tier 2 cities and acquiring new customers while retaining
the old ones percolates down to the performance of cleaning professionals in terms of objectives
defined. These objectives are broadly divided into two categories, Performance and Flexible.
Performance objectives will cater to a professional’s ability to understand the UC app, the payment
procedures and continued enhancement and update of subject knowledge. Whereas, the flexible
objectives are about imparting sessions on fluently speaking English language and grooming
Program Design
The intended objective can only be achieved through a thorough training session where professionals
are provided with relevant skills:
FOCUS AREA OF DESIGN – Improved customer service in order to reduce customer escalations and
Improved command over operating UC app and hence employee satisfaction leading to retention
TIME FRAME – Immediate. A 30-hr long training program to be attended by professionals who are
fresh hires before they start serving their customers. For existing professionals, a 10 hr long training
program should suffice as this will be a development initiative for the skills they already possess.
LOCATION – UC Headquarters, Regional Offices: UC currently has a developed training facility that
can be utilized for the new training program
LEVEL – This program will help the cleaning professionals to improve their skills and abilities and to
fill the identified gaps identified during the Needs Assessment.
METHOD OF INTERACTION - The training would completely be face to face, which will be further
segregated into Role Plays, Classroom Learnings and App Interaction as necessary.
TRAINER – Although UC Team has internal trainers, it will also have to hire around 40 external
trainers each for providing behavioural and subject knowledge training
For Every 18
Area Minimum Infrastructure
Western Commode, Jet Spray, Wash Basin, Exhaust, Taps/Mixer,
Training Showers, Drainage, Tiles, Toiletries Shelf/Rack, Glass Partition,
Bathroom 3
Bathroom Mirror, Soap/Shampoo Holder, Towel Holder, Urinal (Male Toilets),
Geyser, Trash Can, Buckets, Dining Chair, Curtain
Chimney, Hob, Utensil Cabinet with Channel
Kitchen 1
Training Drawers/Compartments, Exhaust, Sink
Room Sofa Leather Sofa, Fabric Sofa, Cushions, Buffing M/C, Vacuum M/C 2
Carpet Loop Pile Carpet, Cut Pile Carpet 2
Projector, Speaker, Laptop/Desktop 1
Two –day full time training for service professionals
Urbanclap can screen the existing candidates and it can modify the Training Program for existing
professionals to be conducted as two-day program. These professionals can be called in batches and
as Urbanclap is responsible for matching customer’s service request to Professionals, the
professionals undergoing the Training Program can be excluded.
Three–day full time training for fresh hires
The Training Program for fresh hires can be condensed to a 3-day program by increasing the
number of hours to 8 and then all the practical sessions can be merged with on the job training, if
there are resource constraints. Although it is advisable for better imbibing of trainees, that there is
a proportionate mix of classroom and practical learning for the initial few days in order for them to
get a hold of the subject.
Training Evaluation
Apart from designing a thorough training plan, it is equally important to measure its effectiveness
so that it can be evolved as per the changing needs. The capability of a training plan helps in
quantifying the gains from the training, which in turns ensures buy-in of the senior management of
the company who focus on performance driven initiatives.
LEVEL 1 – Reaction
KirkPatrick Framework is suggested for measuring the reaction of the training. It will assess the
impact of the training on the following parameters of: Engagement, Relevance and Customer
Immediate documentation of reaction is required in order to study the ‘Hawthorne Effect’. This data
will be used to customize the training program in alignment with the learning agility and interest of
the trainees.
The responses are suggested to be collected in a ballot box in order to ensure that the trainees feel
secure that the feedback will not affect their position and relationships in the company. It will be
communicated that a candid response will ensure improvements in the program.
LEVEL 2 – Learning
As the training program was designed in order to achieve three broad objectives, it is pertinent to
measure how close we are to achieving our objectives. Evaluating the learning level achieved by the
candidates will help in assessing the virility of the program designed and thus will facilitate to make
requisite changes in course content, delivery method, etc. as applicable.
As the final assessment is suggested one week past the training program, participants of the training program
(fresh hires and existing service professionals) will be the best people to critic the learning impact. Thus it is
also required to take their feedback at this stage. For Senior Pros and UC Team, this stage is critical because
they will be observing the candidates on the job, wherein they can play observers and provide subjective data.
The tab based and online tests would be criterion referenced as opposed to norm referenced tests. As it is a
requisite that each participant gains a certain level of knowledge, the criterion referenced tests should be
opted and each participant would be evaluated on the basis of their getting the pre-decided cut off score in
each of these assessments. This data would also facilitate us in evaluating the trainers while also gauging the
acumen of the participants. In case they fail the tests, they could be made to repeat the training programs with
the next batches. This data would be utilized by the training department to understand whether the training
program meets the required objective. If it does not, the training programs would be revamped accordingly.
LEVEL 3 – Behaviour
The ultimate objective of the training will be attained only when the learning gained during the
training program can be translated to their on-job performance by the trainee. While it can be
attributed to the attitude of the selected candidate (This was highlighted as one of the non-training
issues in the Phase 1 of assessment), it also to an extent can be considered a failure of proper
implementation of the Training program.
In order to assess the effectiveness of the program, we have considered three major instruments of
evaluation. The rationale behind selecting each instrument is discussed in detail:
Auditors and Service Professionals are interviewed instead of rolling out a standard questionnaire as
the questionnaire might not be able to explore the aspects of the implementations that are
problematic and creating difficulties in implementation. However, a standard questionnaire is created
in order to provide a structure to the interview as it could not have been carried face to face.
One of the primary focus of the training was to impart behavioural skills so that the cleaning
professionals become adept at handling customers. Therefore, reduced customer complaints will
prove to be a measurable parameter of successful implementation. It can also be analysed that the
further complaints that are being received are pertaining to what subjects in order to evolve and
develop a new training plan. Although this data is available on a daily basis, we would suggest weekly
analysis of the data for the first month after the training has been imparted. Thereafter, when the
desired results start to show, it can be started on a monthly basis.
Finally, mystery customers are used in order to holistically measure if the candidate has received
complete download of payment related issues, operation of app comfortably, handling a difficult
customer and using their subject knowledge expertise to serve a customer. The usage of this tool
needs to be randomized and sprinkled over from the first week after training to first 3 months until a
definite download of the content is assured.
LEVEL 4 – Results
Quantification of the success of the Training program can be by directly relating it to the business
objectives. In the first phase of the project, the organizational goals and departmental goals related
to decrease in customer escalations, increase in customer retention and decrease in employee
turnover were identified for the quarter. The results of the training in the business terms, should
start to display the effects with the third month after the training as an important aspect of the
training is also reassurance of one’s performance by gaining good feedback from the customers on
the job and reapplying the credited methods. However, these results should be absolute and
objective. For eg., Reduction in customer escalations from 6% to 4%. Although this result is still far
from the departmental goal for the quarter, but it at least shows the progress in the direction. In
such cases, training methods used can be revised for the professionals.
The measurement of the results will be done on a monthly basis for one quarter. The metrics
specified above are already measured in the company on a weekly basis. But, after the first quarter,
quarterly data will give a clearer picture as to the effectiveness of the training and need for change.
Isolating the effects of the training
Based on the interaction with the senior management and the Training team of Urbanclap, we
identified that there exist various external and internal issues that may affect the performance of
the cleaning professionals. Hence, business results cannot be completely attributed to the
effectiveness of training and we need to isolate these effects to calculate the real benefit of
1. Economic conditions of the country and the overall scenario of the industry
2. Introduction of novel services, special schemes or discounts by competitors
3. Seasonal alterations in the demand of the service
1. Difference in incentives amongst different regions
2. Difference in service requests amongst different cities
3. Individual incentives
In order to isolate the effects of these conditions and achieve the exact and real benefits of the
training, a control group should be selected. This Control Group would be a sample of 5 Service
Professionals who have been trained by the previous training module. All the service professionals
will be monitored against same performance indicators.
LEVEL 5 – Calculating ROI
The Return on Investment encompass the effects of both tangible and intangible results that can be
arrived at after measuring the results in the previous level. Some of the examples of these results
would be:
Tangible Benefits
1. Reduction in customer escalation
2. Reduced employee turn-over
3. Improve customer return rate
Intangible Benefits
1. Enhanced brand reputation by word of mouth marketing by happy customers
2. Increased trust of professionals in the organization
3. Increased job commitment of the service professionals
Calculating Monetary Value of the Training related costs
Cost of Participants –
Hourly wage of participants = 25000/(26*6) = INR 160.25 (approx.)
Number of hours each participant attends the program = 30 hours (Fresh hires) and 10 hours
(Existing Candidates)
Number of Participants = 1300 + 18
Cost of CSAs attending the training program = INR 2,11,218
Needs Assessment Cost (Supposing that XLRI students act as consultants)–
Average summer stipend of XLRI students = INR 1,00,000 (for 22 days of 10 hours each), Hourly pay
of person carrying out assessment = 1,00,000/220 = INR 455
Number of people = 5
Program Design Costs –
Training Material Design Cost = 5 days (4 hours each) x 5 persons (from XLRI) at Rs 450 per hour =
INR 45,000/-
Material Printing Cost = Nil (Online Content to be shared)
Total Program Design Cost = INR 45000/-
Total Cost of Trainers = (No. of cleaning professionals/No. of internal trainers* No. of cleaning
professionals per batch) * No. of training hours* No. of trainers*Hourly cost of internal trainers =>
(1300/(18*15)*10 *15*800= 5,76,000
Program Delivery Costs –
External Trainer Cost (Subject Knowledge and Behavioural Skills) – No. of trainers (Subject
Knowledge + Behavioural Skills)* No. of hours of training* Average hourly cost= 80*20*1000 = INR
Miscellaneous Cost – 5000
Total Program Delivery Cost = INR 1,65,000/-
Total Costs Incurred = INR 9,97,218/-
Date: Venue:
Please answer the questions given below candidly. These responses will be kept in high
confidentiality. This feedback is being taken in order to improve the quality of training only.
Indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with the statements below using the following
Course Materials I felt that the course material will be essential for my success.
Facilitator Delivery
I was given ample opportunity to get answers to my
Overall how would you rate this program (tick only one):
(1) Fair (2) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent